Spelling suggestions: "subject:"imagination"" "subject:"magination""
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Lietuvos architektūros ikonografija XIX a. II pusėje - XX a. I pusėje: dailės dokumentiškumo aspektas / Iconography of Lithuanian architecture in the second part of the XIX century – in the first part of the XX century: art documentary aspectStatulevičiūtė-Kaučikienė, Rūta 16 March 2009 (has links)
Architektūros ikonografija – vienas svarbiausių architektūros istorijos šaltinių, atskleidžiantis miestų ir atskirų pastatų kaitą, atveriantis urbanizacijos dar nepakeistas miestų panoramas ir pristatantis nebeegzistuojančius statinius. Kiek grafikos ir tapybos technikomis sukurtuose architektūriniuose peizažuose ir pastatų „portretuose“ tiesos ir kiek pačių kūrėjų išmonės? Ar išties piešti ir tapyti atvaizdai gali būti patikimi istorijos šaltiniai? Į šiuos klausimus ir stengiamasi atsakyti analizuojant XIX a. II p.-XX a. I p. Lietuvos architektūros vaizdus.
Pirmuosiuose disertacijos skyriuose chronologiškai pateikiama vedutos raida Vakarų Europoje ir Lietuvoje, išskiriami svarbiausi kūrėjai ir esminiai architektūrinio peizažo saitai su mūsų šalies daile; apžvelgiamas vedutos atsiradimas ir išpopuliarėjimas Lietuvoje, ieškoma ideologinių ir istorinių tokios kūrybos atramų.
Darbe pateikiamos išsamios dokumentiškų ir imaginacinių ikonografinių vaizdų formaliosios, lyginamosios ir semantinės analizės. Pasitelkus šiuos įrankius stengiamasi nustatyti grafikos ir tapybos darbuose užfiksuotų vaizdų dokumentiškumą – detalumą ir atitikimą realiam architektūros vaizdui. Analizei naudojamas tyrimai natūroje, senosios fotografijos ir rašytiniai šaltiniai. Į imaginacines rekonstrukcijas žvelgiama kaip į retrospektyvines idealiojo miesto paieškas (siejama su idiliniu peizažu) ir meninius rekonstrukcinius pasiūlymus. Abiem atvejais vertinama atkurto/sukurto vaizdo galimumas, ieškoma... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Architecture iconography is one of the most important sources of the architecture history. It shows changing of the towns and buildings, opens cities panoramas still unchanged by urbanization and presents no longer existing constructions. What percent of truth and what percent of artist imagination is in these townscapes and portraits of the buildings? In the text it is attempted to answer these questions by analyzing Lithuania architecture views of the second part of the XIXth century- the first part of the XXth century.
Evolution of veduta in West Europe and Lithuania is presented in the first part of the dissertation. The most important creators of veduta and the essential bonds of the European townscapes and Lithuanian art are excluded. The birth of veduta and its popularity in Lithuania are reviewed. It is attempted to search for ideological and historical basement of this creation also.
Comprehensive formal, comparative and semantic analysis of the documental and imaginative iconography ere given. It is trying to establish the documentary value, correspondence to real architectural view, of the views by requesting these instruments. Field investigation, old photography, and written sources were used for analysis. Imaginative architecture views are treating like retrospective searches of ideal city (and are linked with ideal landscape) or like artistic reconstruction suggestions. The possibilities and probabilities of these retrospective views are valuating, analogues... [to full text]
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Paauglių ir suaugusiųjų vaizdinio mąstymo ugdymas / Development of Visual Thinking in Adoleschense and AdulthoodBaltušytė, Salvija 10 June 2006 (has links)
In this work is analysed problem – younger and older teenager and young adult visual thinking peculiarities and education. Objective of this research is to find younger and older teenager and young adult visual thinking peculiarities and provide recomendation for education of visual thinking. Research task:
1. To analyse visual thinking development singularities in nonfiction education and psichological literature.
2. Compare younger and older teenager and young adult visual abstractiveness level.
3. Compare younger and older teenager and young adult colow expression of images expressing notions: „happyness“, „anger“, „fear“, „sorrow“, „fault“, „shame“.
4. Compare younger and older teenager and young adult expression using shapes of theese notions („happyness“, „anger“, „fear“, „sorrow“, „fault“, „shame“).
In this work used theese methods of objective: analyse of science literature, grapic objective, that is drawing task, data – processing using PC (SPSS package), statistics.
I have used graphic research methodology provided by D. Jurkšaitė (1982): using colors and shapes express six notions („happyness“, „anger“, „fear“, „sorrow“, „fault“, „shame“). In this research used these colors: yellow, orange, pink, red, hirsch, light blue, blue, purple, salad-bowl, green, brown, black. Task perform time infinitive.
In objective attendanced 150 respondents, in three age groups: 50 younger teenagers, 15-16 years, 50 older teenagers,18-21 years and 50 young adults, 22-27 years... [to full text]
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The Architecture of Memory: Creating Personal Memory Within the CollectiveLau, Liz 10 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the theoretical, psychological, and phenomenological notions of the singular personal memory and the collective memory through civic architecture. The main design guidelines are inspired by the ancient teachings on the mnemonics of rhetoric and the phenomenology of the imagination.
This thesis uses architecture and space as a medium to be an interpretative tool of narrating the sequential event of the Halifax Explosion of 1917. Architecture as an art form can deliberately be created to mimic, represent, and express key moments of an event, which when experienced individually through the duality between body, memory, and light, the personal memory becomes the primary mode of story-telling. The civic collective memory is always changing dependent on time and intentional involvement. These processes are recorded through theoretical texts, drawings, and physical models that serve as interpretive tools for the haptic dialectics of memory, imagination, phenomenology, and the play on atmospheric emotions.
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Поэтика нации в текстах Николая Карамзина (1787-1803 г.) Tautos poetika Nikolajaus Karamzino tekstuose (1787-1803 m.) / Tautos poetika Nikolajaus Karamzino tekstuose (1787-1803 m.) / The Poetics of the Nation in Nikolay Karamzin's Texts (1787-1803 m.)Snežko, Julija 30 November 2012 (has links)
В диссертации исследуются способы «воображения» нации в произведениях Николая Карамзина малых жанров. В отличие от существующей традиции исследования проблематики нации в творчестве Карамзина, в диссертации анализируется не совокупность идей писателя, но поэтика нации в самих текстах. Конститутивными элементами ее поэтики полагаются пространство, время и эмоции, значения которых систематически исследуются в его панегирических, политических и художественных текстах. Такой исследовательский ракурс позволяет раскрыть связь между эстетическим измерением текста и политическим воображением писателя. В работе показывается, что специфика значений элементов поэтики нации раскрывается посредством эстетических категорий возвышенного и прекрасного (понимаемых, основываясь на эстетике Эдмунда Берка), которые, в свою очередь, связаны с реалистической и утопической тенденциями его политического мышления. Кроме того, в диссертации рассматриваются особенности взаимодействия между поэтикой нации и империи. Работа имеет междисциплинарный характер, так как в ней учитываются различные подходы, применяемые в других областях (историй эмоций и идей, эстетике, политической теории), прямо или косвенно связанных с исследованиями проблематики нации. В диссертации применяется конструктивистский подход, а также структурный метод анализа. / Disertacijoje yra tiriama, kokiu būdu yra „įsivaizduojama“ tauta Nikolajaus Karamzino mažųjų žanrų kūriniuose. Skirtingai nuo esančios tautos problematikos tyrinėjimo tradicijos Karamzino kūryboje, disertacijoje dėmesys yra sutelkiamas ne į rašytojo idėjų visumą, ar tautos sampratos analizę, bet į jos poetikos tyrimą pačiuose tekstuose. Pagrindiniais tautos poetikos elementais yra laikomi erdvė, laikas bei emocijos, kurių reikšmės yra sistemingai analizuojamos panegiriniuose, politiniuose bei grožiniuose Karamzino tekstuose. Šitoks tyrinėjimo rakursas leidžia atskleisti ryšį tarp estetinio teksto lygmens ir rašytojo politinės „vaizduotės“. Darbe yra parodoma, kad tautos poetikos elementų reikšmių specifika atsiskleidžia per estetines grožio bei pakylėtumo kategorijas (suprantamas, remiantis Edmundo Berko estetika), kurios, savo ruožtu, yra susijusios su rašytojo realistine bei utopine politinio mąstymo tendencija. Be to, darbe yra išryškinami sąveikos ypatumai bei skirtumai tarp tautos ir imperijos poetikos. Darbas yra tarpdisciplininio pobūdžio, kadangi jame yra atsižvelgiama į įvairias prieigas, taikomas kitose mokslo srityse (emocijų ir idėjų istorijoje, estetikoje, politinėje teorijoje), tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai susijusias su tautos problematikos nagrinėjimu. Disertacijoje yra laikomasi konstruktyvistinės prieigos, atsisakančios esencializuoti reiškinius, bei taikomas struktūrinis analizės metodas. / The dissertation is devoted to the question how the nation is “imagined” in Nikolaj Karamzin’s works of the small genre. Unlike the existing tradition of researches of the problematics of the nation in Karamzin’s works, in this doctoral thesis attention is focused not on the set of his ideas, or on analysis of the concept of the nation, but on the poetics of the nation his texts on their own. The main elements of the poetics of the nation are considered to be space, time and emotions, whose meanings are systematically analyzed in Karamzin’s panegyric, political and prose fiction texts. Such study perspective allows revealing a connection between aesthetic dimension of the text and his political “imagination”. It is shown that the meaning of the elements of the poetics of the nation is defined through the categories of the sublime and the beautiful (understood basing on Edmund Burke’s aesthetics) that, in turn, are related to realistic and utopian tendency in Karamzin’s political “imagination”. Besides, the work highlights the peculiarities of the interrelation between the poetics of the nation and the empire in his texts. It has an interdisciplinary character, because it draws on different approaches applied in various areas of science (history of ideas and emotions, aesthetics, political theory) directly or indirectly related to analysis of the problematics of the nation. The dissertation uses the constructivist approach and structural method of analysis.
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Tautos poetika Nikolajaus Karamzino tekstuose (1787-1803 m.) / The Poetics of the Nation in Nikolay Karamzin's Texts (1787-1803 m.) / Поэтика нации в текстах Николая Карамзина (1787-1803 г.)Snežko, Julija 30 November 2012 (has links)
Disertacijoje yra tiriama, kokiu būdu yra „įsivaizduojama“ tauta Nikolajaus Karamzino mažųjų žanrų kūriniuose. Skirtingai nuo esančios tautos problematikos tyrinėjimo tradicijos Karamzino kūryboje, disertacijoje dėmesys yra sutelkiamas ne į rašytojo idėjų visumą, ar tautos sampratos analizę, bet į jos poetikos tyrimą pačiuose tekstuose. Pagrindiniais tautos poetikos elementais yra laikomi erdvė, laikas bei emocijos, kurių reikšmės yra sistemingai analizuojamos panegiriniuose, politiniuose bei grožiniuose Karamzino tekstuose. Šitoks tyrinėjimo rakursas leidžia atskleisti ryšį tarp estetinio teksto lygmens ir rašytojo politinės „vaizduotės“. Darbe yra parodoma, kad tautos poetikos elementų reikšmių specifika atsiskleidžia per estetines grožio bei pakylėtumo kategorijas (suprantamas, remiantis Edmundo Berko estetika), kurios, savo ruožtu, yra susijusios su rašytojo realistine bei utopine politinio mąstymo tendencija. Be to, darbe yra išryškinami sąveikos ypatumai bei skirtumai tarp tautos ir imperijos poetikos. Darbas yra tarpdisciplininio pobūdžio, kadangi jame yra atsižvelgiama į įvairias prieigas, taikomas kitose mokslo srityse (emocijų ir idėjų istorijoje, estetikoje, politinėje teorijoje), tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai susijusias su tautos problematikos nagrinėjimu. Disertacijoje yra laikomasi konstruktyvistinės prieigos, atsisakančios esencializuoti reiškinius, bei taikomas struktūrinis analizės metodas. / The dissertation is devoted to the question how the nation is “imagined” in Nikolaj Karamzin’s works of the small genre. Unlike the existing tradition of researches of the problematics of the nation in Karamzin’s works, in this doctoral thesis attention is focused not on the set of his ideas, or on analysis of the concept of the nation, but on the poetics of the nation his texts on their own. The main elements of the poetics of the nation are considered to be space, time and emotions, whose meanings are systematically analyzed in Karamzin’s panegyric, political and prose fiction texts. Such study perspective allows revealing a connection between aesthetic dimension of the text and his political “imagination”. It is shown that the meaning of the elements of the poetics of the nation is defined through the categories of the sublime and the beautiful (understood basing on Edmund Burke’s aesthetics) that, in turn, are related to realistic and utopian tendency in Karamzin’s political “imagination”. Besides, the work highlights the peculiarities of the interrelation between the poetics of the nation and the empire in his texts. It has an interdisciplinary character, because it draws on different approaches applied in various areas of science (history of ideas and emotions, aesthetics, political theory) directly or indirectly related to analysis of the problematics of the nation. The dissertation uses the constructivist approach and structural method of analysis. / В диссертации исследуются способы «воображения» нации в произведениях Николая Карамзина малых жанров. В отличие от существующей традиции исследования проблематики нации в творчестве Карамзина, в диссертации анализируется не совокупность идей писателя, но поэтика нации в самих текстах. Конститутивными элементами ее поэтики полагаются пространство, время и эмоции, значения которых систематически исследуются в его панегирических, политических и художественных текстах. Такой исследовательский ракурс позволяет раскрыть связь между эстетическим измерением текста и политическим воображением писателя. В работе показывается, что специфика значений элементов поэтики нации раскрывается посредством эстетических категорий возвышенного и прекрасного (понимаемых, основываясь на эстетике Эдмунда Берка), которые, в свою очередь, связаны с реалистической и утопической тенденциями его политического мышления. Кроме того, в диссертации рассматриваются особенности взаимодействия между поэтикой нации и империи. Работа имеет междисциплинарный характер, так как в ней учитываются различные подходы, применяемые в других областях (историй эмоций и идей, эстетике, политической теории), прямо или косвенно связанных с исследованиями проблематики нации. В диссертации применяется конструктивистский подход, а также структурный метод анализа.
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Cognitive Homology: Psychological Kinds as Biological Kinds in an Evolutionary Developmental Cognitive ScienceMurphy, Taylor S. Unknown Date
No description available.
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I Imagine You Here Now : Relationship Maintenance Strategies in Long-Distance Intimate RelationshipsJurkane-Hobein, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
Today, individuals can relatively easily meet and communicate with each other over great distances due to increased mobility and advances in communication technology. This also allows intimate relationships to be maintained over large geographical distances. Despite these developments, long-distance relationships (LDRs), i.e. intimate relationships maintained over geographical distance, remain understudied. The present thesis aims to fill this knowledge gap and investigates how intimate partners who live so far away from each other that they cannot meet every day make their relationship ongoing beyond face-to-face interaction. Theoretically, this study departs from a symbolic interactionist viewpoint that invites us to study phenomena from the actor’s perspective. Conceptually, the thesis builds on the recent development in sociology of intimate lives that sees intimacy as a relational quality that has to be worked on to be sustained, and that focuses on the practices that make a relationship a relationship. Empirically, the thesis is based upon 19 in-depth interviews with individuals from Latvia with long-distance relationship experience. The thesis consists of four articles. Article I studies the context in which LDRs in Latvia are maintained, focusing on the normative constraints that complicate LDR maintenance. Article II analyses how intimacy is practiced over geographical distance. Article III examines how long-distance partners manage the experience of the time they are together and the time they are geographically apart. Article IV explores the aspect of idealization in LDRs. Overall, the thesis argues for the critical role of imagination in relationship maintenance. The relationship maintenance strategies identified within the articles are imagination-based mediated communication (creating sensual/embodied intimacy, emotional intimacy, daily intimacy and imagined individual intimacy); time-work strategies that enable long-distance partners to deal with the spatiotemporal borders of the time together and the time apart; and creating bi-directional idealization. The thesis is also one of the few works in the field of intimate lives in Eastern Europe and analyses the normative complications that long-distance partners face in their relationship maintenance in Latvia.
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Not Playing By The RulesCasta, Maline January 2014 (has links)
My degree project consists of several parts: a theorethical essay, sketches, modells, photos, experiments and an installation showed at Konstfack Spring Exhibition 2014. Departing from the infamous Fredric Jameson quote ”It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism” I have investigated the relationship between play, daydreaming and economical system. Political scientist Wendy Brown has argued that we exist at a time in history where we have an urgent need for alternative spaces, both in the physical room and in the mind, where an alternative longing can grow. In my degree project I have taken a closer look at this space – what could it be, how does it work, what would it look like if it was made real? By exploring play theory I try to understand how and if play can be triggered and how this can be translated into a space. By deepening my knowledge about imagination and the relation between imagination and social development, I try to seek answers to how play can be used as a starting point for change. By treating play as a space in a double sense – both as a physical room and a special place inside us, I explore the possibilities this space has for creating new dreams. This is also a project where I try to restore my own belief in storytelling as something beyond escapism. Aiming to create an in-between, a fusion between scenography, illustration and installation, I seek to create a platform where my work can be the basis for new discussions and meetings. By exploring the performative elements of a room I want to invite the visitor to enter the image and merge with the content. I want to create a work that embraces the visitor and that can be experienced on many different levels depending on the visitor’s interest, age and prerequisites. The essay consists of three parts. My project started with an analysis of the current economical situation. In the first part of this essay I make a summary of this research, and give a brief background to my experiences working in the gap of storytelling and economics. In the second part I will investigate the basic functions of imagination and play, and see how our longing is linked to the development of society. In the third part I will talk about the physical outcome of my project - my process, choices, difficulties and conclusions. For practical reasons I have choose to put all images in a separate appendix at the end. These images shows extracts from my artistic process as well as a documentation of the installation showed at the Spring Exhibition.
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An artist's childhood : short storiesMillis, Jessica M. January 2008 (has links)
Short stories follows five different characters as they attempt to develop their earliest artistic impulses. Through the use of young protagonists, these stories demonstrate the ways in which our earliest experiences with loss and trauma often create a space for imaginative discovery; the collection reveals that it is the uniqueness of this space, this blend of premature emotional depth and naïve whimsy, that opens up new psychological possibilities for the child-artist. Meant to be read as a collection of intimate character sketches, these stories reveal the artist's intensely visual approach toward growth and maturity. Several stories concentrate specifically on what it means to sustain one's imagination into adulthood, while others use flashbacks to demonstrate the profound influence of childhood memories on adult behavior. / Taylor's stories -- You'll call her tomorrow -- Where to look -- Filling in the gaps -- Certainly not me. / Department of English
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Vaizduotės ir tikrovės santykis stop kadro animacijoje / Imagination and reality relation in stop-motion animationKazlauskaitė, Giedrė 17 July 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe teoriškai nagrinėjamas vaizuotės ir tikrovės santykis stop kadro animacijoje, toliau santykio tarp vaizduotės ir tikrovės interpretaciją pateikiant muzikiniame stop kadro animaciniame klipe. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojama vaizduotės samprata apibrėžiant ir atskiriant vaizduotės ir fantazijos sąvokas. Aptariama tikrovės sąvoka ir keliamas jos realumo klausimas. Taip pat aptariama daiktiškumo ir fenomenologijos svarba tikrovei. Analizuojami vaizduotės šaltiniai: prisiminimo reprezentacija ir dabarties motyvacija vaizduotei. / In this work imagination and reality relation in stop-motion animation is analyzed theoretically, in which later those insights will be reflected and interpreted in a stop-motion animation music clip. The theoretical part of this work, the conception of imagination, is analyzed by defining and distinguishing the concept of imagination and phantasy. It discusses the concept of reality. Also the importance of materiality and the phenomenology to reality is discussed. The source of imagination is analyzed: representation of memories and motivation of present to imagination.
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