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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Moral Foundations of Teaching: Measuring Teachers' Implicit Moral Beliefs

Burgoon, Jacob N. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.


van Tussenbroek, Fay January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Gender inequality is considered an issue in many countries and gender roles could play an important role in this. Specifically, gender stereotypes suggest that STEM (i.e., science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is more seen as “male” and HEED (i.e., health care, elementary education, domestic functions) is more seen as “female”. However, research that examines these attitudes between students who study in the STEM or HEED field is lacking. Moreover, explicit and implicit attitudes have not been compared much between these two groups. Therefore, this study examines if there is a difference between students from STEM and HEED fields in their attitudes when it comes to males’ and females’ ability and suitability to study and work within in the STEM and HEED field. Fifty-tree students completed a self-report questionnaire on their attitudes, and completed an Implicit Association Task (IAT). Results showed no differences in implicit or HEED-is-female attitudes, but STEM field students had weaker STEM-is-male attitudes than HEED field students. Also, men held stronger STEM-is-male attitudes, but several analyses were inconclusive, likely because of the small number of HEED students. Overall, participants did not seem to hold gender prejudices relating to field of study.             Keywords: implicit attitudes, explicit attitudes, gender stereotypes, STEM, HEED / Sammanfattning Ojämlikhet mellan könen anses vara ett problem i många länder, och könsroller kan spela en viktig roll. Det finns stereotypa föreställningar om att STEM (dvs. vetenskap, teknik, ingenjörsvetenskap och matematik) är mer "manligt", medan HEED (dvs. hälsovård, grundläggande utbildning och hushållsvetenskap) betraktas som "kvinnligt". Det saknas dock forskning om sådana attityder mellan studenter som studerar inom STEM- eller HEED-området. Dessutom har explicita och implicita attityder inte jämförts särskilt mycket mellan dessa två grupper. Denna studie undersöker därför om det finns en skillnad mellan studenter från STEM- och HEED-områden när det gäller mäns och kvinnors förmåga och lämplighet att studera inom STEM- och HEED-området. Femtiotre studenter fyllde i ett självskattningsformulär om sina attityder och genomförde en Implicit Association Task (IAT). Resultaten visade inga skillnader i implicita eller HEED-är-kvinnligt attityder, men STEM-fältstudenter hade svagare STEM-är-manligt attityder än HEED-fältstudenter. Männen hade också starkare STEM-är-manligt-attityder, men flera analyser var inte entydiga, sannolikt på grund av det lilla antalet HEED-studenter. På det hela taget verkade deltagarna inte ha några könsfördomar i förhållande till studieområdet Nyckelord: implicita attityder, explicita attityder, könsstereotyper, STEM, HEED

In-service and Pre-service Teachers' Implicit Attitudes and Self-efficacy Beliefs Toward Teaching Racial Minority Students

Tan, Tiffany S 01 January 2020 (has links)
The racial dynamic between teachers and students in the United States is increasing. The population of racial minority students continues to grow while the teacher population stays predominantly White. Equity and inclusion, often the foreground in an educational setting, are now being undervalued when needed the most. This study examined and compared pre-service and in-service teachers' implicit attitudes toward racial minority students while also looking at their self-efficacy beliefs in teaching diverse classrooms. Participants included nine pre-service teachers from a four-year university and nine PreK-3 in-service teachers. All participants were from the Southeastern part of the United States. To test the hypothesis that pre-service teachers will have more negative implicit attitudes toward racial minority students, this study used an Implicit Association Test. Although the t-test result comparing both groups, pre-service teachers versus in-service teachers, showed insignificant differences, raw data from participants' Implicit Association Tests showed that more pre-service teachers showed a slight bias towards students from racial majority groups. Results support recommendations and implications for practitioners to better understand how biases may occur in classrooms and how pre-service teachers can be better prepared to teach in diverse classrooms. Keywords: implicit attitudes, implicit bias, racial dynamics, racial minority students, early childhood education

An Examination of the Use of Implicit Blood Donation Attitude and Social IdentityMeasures Among Current Nondonors

Warfel, Regina M. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Racial Discrimination, Racial Identity Attitudes, and Obesity Among African American Collegiate Women

Manns-James, Laura Eileen 13 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Assessment of Implicit Attitudes Toward Women Faculty in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Jackson, Sarah Marie January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Affect and Online Privacy Concerns

Castano, David Charles 01 April 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of affect on privacy concerns and privacy behaviors. A considerable amount of research in the information systems field argues that privacy concerns, usually conceptualized as an evaluation of privacy risks, influence privacy behaviors. However, recent theoretical work shows that affect, a pre-cognitive evaluation, has a significant effect on preferences and choices in risky situations. Affect is contrasted with cognitive issues in privacy decision making and the role of affective versus cognitive-consequentialist factors is reviewed in privacy context. A causal model was developed to address how affect influences privacy concerns and privacy behaviors. The model of privacy risk proposed in this model argues that affect (or “feelings”) influences privacy behaviors directly as well as thru privacy concerns. To test the model, subjects were recruited using Mechanical Turk and paid for their participation. Affect, the key construct in this research, was measured using a word association technique as well as methods developed in the implicit attitudes research. Well-known scales were used to measure privacy concerns and behavioral intentions. Data was collected from subjects using a pretested privacy scenario. Data analysis suggests that, in line with published IS research, privacy concerns affect privacy behaviors. Affect has no impact on privacy concerns nor on privacy behaviors at the traditional 5% level of significance, though it is significant at the 10% level of significance. Improving the instruments used to measure affect, use of a large sample size to detect small effect sizes and more control over the instrument administration instead of an online survey are suggested for future research.

Orgulho e preconceito : o desenvolvimento de atitudes raciais implícitas e explícitas em crianças de Porto Alegre e Salvador

Sacco, Airi Macias January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta tese, composta por um artigo teórico e três empíricos, foi investigar o desenvolvimento de atitudes raciais em crianças. O primeiro estudo foi uma revisão sistemática de estudos da Psicologia brasileira sobre preconceito racial. O segundo envolveu a criação e validação de um banco de estímulos para utilização em pesquisas científicas, o BICMulticor. O terceiro utilizou medidas implícitas (Priming Avaliativo e Teste de Associação Implícita) e explícitas de atitude para avaliar o desenvolvimento de atitudes raciais em crianças brancas, pardas e pretas de Porto Alegre e Salvador. Participaram 542 crianças, de seis a 14 anos de idade. Foram encontradas diferenças nas atitudes implícitas entre os grupos raciais e também entre as duas cidades avaliadas. O quarto foi um estudo sobre as diferenças de categorização racial entre baianos, gaúchos e norte-americanos. A categorização racial sofreu forte influência contextual e foi semelhante na Bahia e nos Estados Unidos. / This dissertation, composed by one theoretical and three empirical papers, aimed to investigate the development of race attitudes in children. The first study was a systematic review of Brazilian psychological studies on racial prejudice. The second one involved the development and validation of a set of children’s portraits to be used as stimuli on scientific research, the BIC-Multicor. The third one used implicit (Evaluative Priming and the Implicit Association Test) and explicit measures of attitude to investigate the development of race attitudes in White, Pardo and Black children (N = 542), aged six to 14, from Porto Alegre and Salvador. Implicit attitudes were different between cities and also between racial groups. The forth study assessed differences in racial categorization in Bahia, Rio Grande do Sul and the United States. Racial categorization was influenced by context and similar results were found between participants from Bahia and the US.

Prejudiced Personalities Revisited : On the Nature of (Generalized) Prejudice

Bergh, Robin January 2013 (has links)
In the media, one type of prejudice is often discussed as isolated from other types of prejudice. For example, after Breivik’s massacre, intolerance toward Muslims was intensely debated (for good reasons). However, his manifesto also disclosed extreme attitudes towards women and gays, a fact which passed without much notice. Still, in understanding why some individuals are so extremely intolerant compared to others, the psychological unity underlying different kinds of prejudice (e.g., racism, sexism) needs to be considered. This psychological unity, referred to as generalized prejudice, provided the starting point for personality theories on prejudice because it suggests that some people are simply more biased than other people in principle. Today it is well known that two basic personality characteristics, agreeableness and openness to new experiences, are powerful predictors of prejudice. However, more precisely what these variables can, versus cannot, explain has received little attention. Consequently, the aim of this thesis was to provide a more fine-grained analysis of generalized prejudice and its personality roots. Paper I demonstrated that personality mainly accounts for variance shared by several prejudice targets (generalized prejudice) whereas group membership mainly predicts unique variance in prejudice towards a particular target group. Thus, personality and group membership factors explain prejudice for different reason, and do not contradict each other. Paper II demonstrated, across three studies, that agreeableness and openness to experience are related to self-reported (explicit) prejudice, but not automatically expressed (implicit) biases. Personality seems informative about who chooses to express devaluing sentiments, but not who harbors spontaneous biases. Finally, Paper III examined the assumption that personality explains (explicit) generalized prejudice because some people simply favor their own group over all other groups (ethnocentrism). Providing the first direct test of this assumption, the results from three studies suggest that while agreeableness and openness to experience explain generalized prejudice, they do not account for purely ethnocentric attitudes. This indicates a fundamental difference between ethnocentrism and generalized prejudice. All in all, self-reported personality seems to have little to do with spontaneous group negativity or simple ingroup favoritism. However, personality strongly predicts deliberate and verbalized devaluation of disadvantaged groups. / I media diskuteras ofta fördomar mot en viss grupp som helt skilda från fördomar mot andra grupper. Efter Breivik’s massaker debatterades till exempel intolerans mot muslimer i stor utsträckning, men det diskuterades inte mycket kring att han även uttryckt extrema åsikter om kvinnor och homosexuella. Likväl är den gemensamma nämnaren i sådana attityder av yttersta vikt för att förstå varför vissa individer är mer intoleranta än andra. Tidigare forskning visar att personer som är mer rasistiska än andra också tenderar att vara mer sexistiska, samt nedvärdera till exempel, handikappade människor. Den gemensamma nämnare i sådana attityder kallas generaliserad fördomsfullhet och utgör grundbulten i personlighetsteorier om fördomar då det pekar på att somliga alltid tycks ogilla/nedvärdera utsatta grupper. Idag är det även välkänt att två personlighetsvariabler, vänlighet och öppenhet för nya erfarenheter, beskriver vem som uttrycker mer fördomar än andra. Däremot har det inte ägnats mycket kraft åt frågan vad exakt det är som dessa variabler förklarar, respektive inte förklarar. Syftet med avhandlingen var därmed att erbjuda en mer detaljerad analys av kopplingen mellan personlighet och generaliserad fördomsfullhet. Artikel I visade att personlighet förklarar den gemensamma nämnaren i olika typer av fördomar, medan grupptillhörighet (exempelvis kön) förklarar skillnader som är unika för fördomar mot en viss grupp (kvinnor). Personlighet och grupptillhörighet kompletterar alltså varandra som förklaringar snarare än att vara motsägelsefulla, såsom vissa forskare menat. Tre studier från Artikel II visade att vänlighet och öppenhet till nya erfarenheter hänger samman med viljekontrollerade fördomar, men inte spontana negativa associationer. Målet med Artikel III var att undersöka om personlighet förklarar fördomar av anledningen att vissa alltid favoriserar sin egen grupp över andra grupper (så kallad etnocentrism). Denna tanke har tagits för givet inom forskning om fördomsfullhet, men antagandet har inte testats empiriskt. Resultaten från tre studier pekar på att, till skillnad från generaliserad fördomsfullhet, så visar etnocentrism i sig inte på några starka samband med personlighet. Sammanfattningsvis så hänger varken vänlighet eller öppenhet ihop med spontan gruppnegativitet eller att ogilla ”de andra”. Däremot så pekar personlighetsfaktorer i stor utsträckning på vem som väljer att uttryckligen nedvärdera utsatta grupper.

Orgulho e preconceito : o desenvolvimento de atitudes raciais implícitas e explícitas em crianças de Porto Alegre e Salvador

Sacco, Airi Macias January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta tese, composta por um artigo teórico e três empíricos, foi investigar o desenvolvimento de atitudes raciais em crianças. O primeiro estudo foi uma revisão sistemática de estudos da Psicologia brasileira sobre preconceito racial. O segundo envolveu a criação e validação de um banco de estímulos para utilização em pesquisas científicas, o BICMulticor. O terceiro utilizou medidas implícitas (Priming Avaliativo e Teste de Associação Implícita) e explícitas de atitude para avaliar o desenvolvimento de atitudes raciais em crianças brancas, pardas e pretas de Porto Alegre e Salvador. Participaram 542 crianças, de seis a 14 anos de idade. Foram encontradas diferenças nas atitudes implícitas entre os grupos raciais e também entre as duas cidades avaliadas. O quarto foi um estudo sobre as diferenças de categorização racial entre baianos, gaúchos e norte-americanos. A categorização racial sofreu forte influência contextual e foi semelhante na Bahia e nos Estados Unidos. / This dissertation, composed by one theoretical and three empirical papers, aimed to investigate the development of race attitudes in children. The first study was a systematic review of Brazilian psychological studies on racial prejudice. The second one involved the development and validation of a set of children’s portraits to be used as stimuli on scientific research, the BIC-Multicor. The third one used implicit (Evaluative Priming and the Implicit Association Test) and explicit measures of attitude to investigate the development of race attitudes in White, Pardo and Black children (N = 542), aged six to 14, from Porto Alegre and Salvador. Implicit attitudes were different between cities and also between racial groups. The forth study assessed differences in racial categorization in Bahia, Rio Grande do Sul and the United States. Racial categorization was influenced by context and similar results were found between participants from Bahia and the US.

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