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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

住宅價格與總體經濟變數關係之研究-以向量自我迴歸模式(VAR)進行實證 / A Study on the Relationship between Housing Price and Macro - economic Variable

黃佩玲, Hwang, Pay Ling Unknown Date (has links)
由於住宅價格變動毫無預警制度,人民往往憑著個人主觀的判斷而決定何時購屋或售屋,而此種主觀判斷住宅市場利多及利空的觀念,對住宅市場的供需會產生失衡現象,因此是否可從經濟面的訊息找到住宅價格變動的答案,使住宅價格在尚未變動前,政府即已掌握資訊,提前做好穩定住宅價格的因應對策,使民眾依其需要而購屋,則是本研究之主要目的。   本研究從文獻中整理出影響住宅價格變動的七個總體經濟變數,這些總體經濟變數包含工資、物價、所得、貨幣供給額、股價、匯率及利率等,並利用向量自我迴歸模式(VAR)進行實證,以便較客觀的獲得變數間的落後期數及暸解變數間雙向、單向及領先、同步、落後情形,且進一步探討住宅價格與每一個總體經濟變數間影響程度大小及影響情形,以釐清各變數之間的關係。   本研究利用VAR模型進行住宅價格與總體經濟變數關係的研究,經由實證,得到下列的結論:   一、實證結果方面   本研究之實證主要有因果關係檢定與分析、變異數分解之分析及衝擊反應之分析三方面,其實證結果如下所述。   (一)因果關係檢定與分析   由因果關係檢定與分析中,得到股價、物價、匯率、貨幣供給額及利率均能做為住宅價格變動的領先指標。   (二)變異數分解之分析   由住宅價格之變異數分解中,得知住宅價格自身的解釋程度僅占三分之一,另三分之二被其他的總體經濟變數所解釋,顯示住宅價格受總體經濟變數的影響相當大;而從其他總體經濟變數之變異數分解中,得知住宅價格變動會干擾到總體經濟變數,而使總體經濟變數受干擾而變動變動。   (三)衝擊反應之分析   從總體經濟變數對住宅價格的衝擊反應分析圖中可以明顯看出除工資外,其餘總體經濟變數變動對住宅價格造成的衝擊均相當明顯,但匯率及利率對住宅價格的衝擊是負向的。   住宅價格對所得、股價、匯率及利率的衝擊相當明顯,而其對匯率的衝擊是負向。   二、政策應用方面 政府的決策過程中常會有時間落後的現象,而本研究實證的目的則是要使政府能事先掌握住宅價格的變動,並提前做好穩定住宅價格的因應對策,減少政府決策過程的時間落後現象,而實證結果應用至政策方面的內容則由以下說明之。   (一)藉由因果關係檢定與分析的實證內容,可以縮短政府對住宅價格不合理變動問題認定落後的時間。   (二)從變異數分解之分析的實證內容中,可以使決策者在解決住宅價格問題時,將行動落後的時間減少。   (三)由衝擊反應之分析中,可以使政府在執行穩定住宅價格政策時,將衝擊落後的時間縮小。 / Since there is no alarm system in the change of housing prices, people often decide when to buy or when to sell based on personal and subjective judgement. Such concept to judge subjectively whether the housing market is bull or bear will cause unequilibrium in the supply and demend of the housing market. There it is possible to find out the answers to the change of housing prices from economic side so that the government can have enough information and can be prepared in the reaction to stabilizing the housing prices, and so that the public can buy house according to their needs is the main purpose of this project.   Seven variables in macroeconomics influencing the change of housing prices have been taken from reative literature, including wage, commodity price, income, money supply, stock price, exchange rate, and interest rate. VAR has been employed to verify so that the more objective lagging period among variable can be known, and the bi-directional, uni-directional, leading, contemporaneous, and lagging situation among variables can be understood. Furthermore, the degree and the status of influence of each macroeconomic variable to the housing price will be investigated to clarify the relations among the variables.   The present project investigate the relations between housing price and macroeconomic variables. We have the following findings:   I、In Empirical Study:   The empirical study in this project includes causal relation test and analysis, the analysis of variable decompositon, and the analysis of impact response. The results are shown in the following:   (I) Causality Test and Analysis   In the causality test and analysis, we find out that stock price, commodity price, exchange rate, money supply and interest rate all can be the leading indicators in the change of housing prices.   (II) The Analysis of Variable Decomposition   It is learned from the variable decomposition of housing prices that housing price can only explain one third of the cause in its change, the other two thirds are explained by other macroeconomic variables. It shows that housing prices are subject to the influence of macroeconomic variables greatly.   From the variable decomposition of other macroeconomic variables, we know that the change in housing prices will affect macroeconomic variables so that the macroeconomic variables will change.   (III) The Analysis of Impact Response   It can be obviously seen from the analysis figure of the impact response of the macroeconomics to housing prices, all macroeconomic variables will cause obvious impact to housing prices expect for wage. However, both exchange rate and interest rate have negative impact to housing prices.   Housing prices' impact to income, stock prices, exchange rate and interest rate is quite obvious, among which, the impact to exchange rate is negative.   II、Policy Application   It is a common phenomenon that there often will be lagging in time in government's decision making. The purise of the empirical study in this project is to let the government to know in advance the change of housing prices and to let the government to know in advance the change of housing prices and to let the government be prepared in the reaction of stabilizing the housing prices to minimize the lagging in the decision making process. The contents of application of the empirical study to policy are explained in the following:   (I) With the empirical results of the change of the causality test and analysis, the time for the government to recognize the unreasonable changes in housing prices can be shortened.   (II) With the empirical results of the analysis of variable decomposition, the decision makers' lagging in the action responding to housing pricescan be minimized.   (III) With the analysis in impact response, the lagging in impact will be minimized when the government executing her housing price stabilizing policy.

原物料指數與總經物價指數關聯性分析 / The analysis of the relationship between commodity price index and macroeconomic price indexes

謝濱宇 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇主要為原物料指數與總體經濟物價間動態關聯性的研究。由於近年來糧食價格高漲,本研究選取CRB現貨指數(Commodity Research Bureau)、CCI期貨指數(Continuous Commodity Index),與CRB農產品指數為原物料指數以觀察原物料價格對總體面物價影響的程度;研究期間為2001年10月至2011年3月;總經物價指標選擇生產者物價指數(PPI)、消費者物價指數(CPI)、再加上國內生產毛額(GDP);選取的國家為美國、臺灣與中國。本研究以Johansen共整合、向量自我迴歸模型、向量誤差修正模型、Granger因果關係檢定及衝擊反應分析等方法,探討三項原物料指數與總體經濟指標的互動關係。 研究結果顯示,原物料指數與總體指標之間的長期均衡關係不明顯。因果檢定顯示,CCI指數在因果檢定上領先CRB指數與CRB農產品指數;除了美國的GDP之外,CCI指數也領先各項總體經濟指標,但不論是CRB現貨指數或CRB農產品指數,對總經物價指標的領先-落後關係都不明顯,表示在CCI指數為較佳的預測指標。由衝擊反應分析的結果顯示,除了有共整合關係的變數間相互影響為長期性之外,受影響的物價指標僅在短期內會受到原物料價格變動的影響:總體物價指標面對原物料價格波動的反應約3期之後反應便逐漸消失,顯示原物料價格與總體物價指數之間的短期失衡期間並不長。 / This paper investigates the relationship between the commodity indexes and macroeconomic price indexes. Due to the sharp increase of food price in recent years, we add CRB index (Commodity Research Bureau), CCI index (Continuous Commodity Index), and CRB foodstuffs index in the research to see the magnitude of commodity price indexes to macroeconomic price indexes. This paper selects United State, Taiwan and China as samples and manages to find out the relationship of commodity indexes and macroeconomic price indexes by applying monthly data from October 2001 to March 2011. Macroeconomic price indexes are PPI (Producer Price Index), CPI( Consumer Price Index) and plus GDP Index. This paper tries to get the answer by applying Johansen Cointegration Test, Vector Autoregression Model(VAR), Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), Granger causality test and Impulse Response Analysis. The result does not show obvious long-term relationship between commodity price indexes and macroeconomic price indexes; and Granger causality test exhibits that CCI index takes the lead in the change of time. But we do not get consistent result between CRB index, CRB foodstuffs index and macroeconomic price indexes in Granger causality test which means commodity spot indexes do not necessarily lead in the change of time. This result implies that CCI index a better indicator in forecasting. According to Impulse Response Analysis, macroeconomic price indexes are influenced by commodity index only in a short period of time and this result tells us that the disequilibrium between commodity indexes and macroeconomic price indexes will not last long.

Studies on Retinal Circulation in Experimental Animals, Healthy Human Eyes and Eyes with Diabetic Retinopathy

Tomić, Lidija January 2008 (has links)
The retina is a highly metabolically active tissue with large demands on the supply of nutrients. Disorders affecting the retina often include some vasculopathy with an impact on retinal circulation. Studies of retinal haemodynamics could thus help to detect, differentiate and diagnose diseases, to monitor changes in disease as well as progression and efficiency of the therapy. The present studies were an attempt to validate and determine the clinical usefulness of a newly developed technique for studying the retinal circulation in human eyes. We used different techniques to evaluate different parameters of retinal circulation. We examined how leukocyte velocity determined with Blue Field Simulation and transit times, mean transite time (MTT) and arterio-venous passage (AVP), and vessel diameter, determined from fluorescein angiograms, together reflects the retinal circulation. MTT was determined with a method based on an Impulse-Response technique, MTTIR. In a study on monkeys we compared our method, together with two conventional methods, with an absolute measurement of retinal blood flow (RBF) determined with labelled microspheres. There was a weak, but not statistically significant, correlation between retinal blood flow and MTTIR (r2 = -0.60, p = 0.06), but no useful correlation between retinal blood flow and either of the other two measures of transit times. In a study on healthy eyes we determined the effect of a physiological provocation, changes in arterial blood gases, on retinal circulation. Breathing pure oxygen or increased level of carbon dioxide in inspired air had no effect on MTT, but oxygen reduced leukocyte velocity and vessel diameter and carbon dioxide increased leukocyte velocity significantly. We concluded that unchanged transit time trough the retinal tissue was not due to a lack of effect of the gas provocation but a result due to concomitant changes in volume and flow. In a study on eyes of patients with diabetic retinopathy we investigated the relation between the extent of retinal circulation changes and the severity of the diabetes retinopathy (DRP). Transit times were relatively unaffected until proliferative DRP (PDRP) developed. In eyes with PDRP both MTTIR and AVP were increased. After panretinal photocoagulation treatment MTTIR returned to normal levels and vessel diameters tended to decrease while leukocyte velocity and AVP remained unchanged. We concluded that the increase in MTTIR in eyes with PDRP is at least partly explained by vessel dilation, causing an increased volume of the retinal vascular bed.

Numerical Methods for Optimal Stochastic Control in Finance

Chen, Zhuliang January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, we develop partial differential equation (PDE) based numerical methods to solve certain optimal stochastic control problems in finance. The value of a stochastic control problem is normally identical to the viscosity solution of a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation or an HJB variational inequality. The HJB equation corresponds to the case when the controls are bounded while the HJB variational inequality corresponds to the unbounded control case. As a result, the solution to the stochastic control problem can be computed by solving the corresponding HJB equation/variational inequality as long as the convergence to the viscosity solution is guaranteed. We develop a unified numerical scheme based on a semi-Lagrangian timestepping for solving both the bounded and unbounded stochastic control problems as well as the discrete cases where the controls are allowed only at discrete times. Our scheme has the following useful properties: it is unconditionally stable; it can be shown rigorously to converge to the viscosity solution; it can easily handle various stochastic models such as jump diffusion and regime-switching models; it avoids Policy type iterations at each mesh node at each timestep which is required by the standard implicit finite difference methods. In this thesis, we demonstrate the properties of our scheme by valuing natural gas storage facilities---a bounded stochastic control problem, and pricing variable annuities with guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits (GMWBs)---an unbounded stochastic control problem. In particular, we use an impulse control formulation for the unbounded stochastic control problem and show that the impulse control formulation is more general than the singular control formulation previously used to price GMWB contracts.

Numerical Methods for Optimal Stochastic Control in Finance

Chen, Zhuliang January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, we develop partial differential equation (PDE) based numerical methods to solve certain optimal stochastic control problems in finance. The value of a stochastic control problem is normally identical to the viscosity solution of a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation or an HJB variational inequality. The HJB equation corresponds to the case when the controls are bounded while the HJB variational inequality corresponds to the unbounded control case. As a result, the solution to the stochastic control problem can be computed by solving the corresponding HJB equation/variational inequality as long as the convergence to the viscosity solution is guaranteed. We develop a unified numerical scheme based on a semi-Lagrangian timestepping for solving both the bounded and unbounded stochastic control problems as well as the discrete cases where the controls are allowed only at discrete times. Our scheme has the following useful properties: it is unconditionally stable; it can be shown rigorously to converge to the viscosity solution; it can easily handle various stochastic models such as jump diffusion and regime-switching models; it avoids Policy type iterations at each mesh node at each timestep which is required by the standard implicit finite difference methods. In this thesis, we demonstrate the properties of our scheme by valuing natural gas storage facilities---a bounded stochastic control problem, and pricing variable annuities with guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits (GMWBs)---an unbounded stochastic control problem. In particular, we use an impulse control formulation for the unbounded stochastic control problem and show that the impulse control formulation is more general than the singular control formulation previously used to price GMWB contracts.

FIR System Identification Using Higher Order Cumulants -A Generalized Approach

Srinivas, L 07 1900 (has links)
The thesis presents algorithms based on a linear algebraic solution for the identification of the parameters of the FIR system using only higher order statistics when only the output of the system corrupted by additive Gaussian noise is observed. All the traditional parametric methods of estimating the parameters of the system have been based on the 2nd order statistics of the output of the system. These methods suffer from the deficiency that they do not preserve the phase response of the system and hence cannot identify non-minimum phase systems. To circumvent this problem, higher order statistics which preserve the phase characteristics of a process and hence are able to identify a non-minimum phase system and also are insensitive to additive Gaussian noise have been used in recent years. Existing algorithms for the identification of the FIR parameters based on the higher order cumulants use the autocorrelation sequence as well and give erroneous results in the presence of additive colored Gaussian noise. This problem can be overcome by obtaining algorithms which do not utilize the 2nd order statistics. An existing relationship between the 2nd order and any Ith order cumulants is generalized to a relationship between any two arbitrary k, Ith order cumulants. This new relationship is used to obtain new algorithms for FIR system identification which use only cumulants of order > 2 and with no other restriction than the Gaussian nature of the additive noise sequence. Simulation studies are presented to demonstrate the failure of the existing algorithms when the imposed constraints on the 2nd order statistics of the additive noise are violated while the proposed algorithms perform very well and give consistent results. Recently, a new algebraic approach for parameter estimation method denoted the Linear Combination of Slices (LCS) method was proposed and was based on expressing the FIR parameters as a linear combination of the cumulant slices. The rank deficient cumulant matrix S formed in the LCS method can be expressed as a product of matrices which have a certain structure. The orthogonality property of the subspace orthogonal to S and the range space of S has been exploited to obtain a new class of algorithms for the estimation of the parameters of a FIR system. Numerical simulation studies have been carried out to demonstrate the good behaviour of the proposed algorithms. Analytical expressions for the covariance of the estimates of the FIR parameters of the different algorithms presented in the thesis have been obtained and numerical comparison has been done for specific cases. Numerical examples to demonstrate the application of the proposed algorithms for channel equalization in data communication and as an initial solution to the cumulant matching nonlinear optimization methods have been presented.

Factor models, VARMA processes and parameter instability with applications in macroeconomics

Stevanovic, Dalibor 05 1900 (has links)
Avec les avancements de la technologie de l'information, les données temporelles économiques et financières sont de plus en plus disponibles. Par contre, si les techniques standard de l'analyse des séries temporelles sont utilisées, une grande quantité d'information est accompagnée du problème de dimensionnalité. Puisque la majorité des séries d'intérêt sont hautement corrélées, leur dimension peut être réduite en utilisant l'analyse factorielle. Cette technique est de plus en plus populaire en sciences économiques depuis les années 90. Étant donnée la disponibilité des données et des avancements computationnels, plusieurs nouvelles questions se posent. Quels sont les effets et la transmission des chocs structurels dans un environnement riche en données? Est-ce que l'information contenue dans un grand ensemble d'indicateurs économiques peut aider à mieux identifier les chocs de politique monétaire, à l'égard des problèmes rencontrés dans les applications utilisant des modèles standards? Peut-on identifier les chocs financiers et mesurer leurs effets sur l'économie réelle? Peut-on améliorer la méthode factorielle existante et y incorporer une autre technique de réduction de dimension comme l'analyse VARMA? Est-ce que cela produit de meilleures prévisions des grands agrégats macroéconomiques et aide au niveau de l'analyse par fonctions de réponse impulsionnelles? Finalement, est-ce qu'on peut appliquer l'analyse factorielle au niveau des paramètres aléatoires? Par exemple, est-ce qu'il existe seulement un petit nombre de sources de l'instabilité temporelle des coefficients dans les modèles macroéconomiques empiriques? Ma thèse, en utilisant l'analyse factorielle structurelle et la modélisation VARMA, répond à ces questions à travers cinq articles. Les deux premiers chapitres étudient les effets des chocs monétaire et financier dans un environnement riche en données. Le troisième article propose une nouvelle méthode en combinant les modèles à facteurs et VARMA. Cette approche est appliquée dans le quatrième article pour mesurer les effets des chocs de crédit au Canada. La contribution du dernier chapitre est d'imposer la structure à facteurs sur les paramètres variant dans le temps et de montrer qu'il existe un petit nombre de sources de cette instabilité. Le premier article analyse la transmission de la politique monétaire au Canada en utilisant le modèle vectoriel autorégressif augmenté par facteurs (FAVAR). Les études antérieures basées sur les modèles VAR ont trouvé plusieurs anomalies empiriques suite à un choc de la politique monétaire. Nous estimons le modèle FAVAR en utilisant un grand nombre de séries macroéconomiques mensuelles et trimestrielles. Nous trouvons que l'information contenue dans les facteurs est importante pour bien identifier la transmission de la politique monétaire et elle aide à corriger les anomalies empiriques standards. Finalement, le cadre d'analyse FAVAR permet d'obtenir les fonctions de réponse impulsionnelles pour tous les indicateurs dans l'ensemble de données, produisant ainsi l'analyse la plus complète à ce jour des effets de la politique monétaire au Canada. Motivée par la dernière crise économique, la recherche sur le rôle du secteur financier a repris de l'importance. Dans le deuxième article nous examinons les effets et la propagation des chocs de crédit sur l'économie réelle en utilisant un grand ensemble d'indicateurs économiques et financiers dans le cadre d'un modèle à facteurs structurel. Nous trouvons qu'un choc de crédit augmente immédiatement les diffusions de crédit (credit spreads), diminue la valeur des bons de Trésor et cause une récession. Ces chocs ont un effet important sur des mesures d'activité réelle, indices de prix, indicateurs avancés et financiers. Contrairement aux autres études, notre procédure d'identification du choc structurel ne requiert pas de restrictions temporelles entre facteurs financiers et macroéconomiques. De plus, elle donne une interprétation des facteurs sans restreindre l'estimation de ceux-ci. Dans le troisième article nous étudions la relation entre les représentations VARMA et factorielle des processus vectoriels stochastiques, et proposons une nouvelle classe de modèles VARMA augmentés par facteurs (FAVARMA). Notre point de départ est de constater qu'en général les séries multivariées et facteurs associés ne peuvent simultanément suivre un processus VAR d'ordre fini. Nous montrons que le processus dynamique des facteurs, extraits comme combinaison linéaire des variables observées, est en général un VARMA et non pas un VAR comme c'est supposé ailleurs dans la littérature. Deuxièmement, nous montrons que même si les facteurs suivent un VAR d'ordre fini, cela implique une représentation VARMA pour les séries observées. Alors, nous proposons le cadre d'analyse FAVARMA combinant ces deux méthodes de réduction du nombre de paramètres. Le modèle est appliqué dans deux exercices de prévision en utilisant des données américaines et canadiennes de Boivin, Giannoni et Stevanovic (2010, 2009) respectivement. Les résultats montrent que la partie VARMA aide à mieux prévoir les importants agrégats macroéconomiques relativement aux modèles standards. Finalement, nous estimons les effets de choc monétaire en utilisant les données et le schéma d'identification de Bernanke, Boivin et Eliasz (2005). Notre modèle FAVARMA(2,1) avec six facteurs donne les résultats cohérents et précis des effets et de la transmission monétaire aux États-Unis. Contrairement au modèle FAVAR employé dans l'étude ultérieure où 510 coefficients VAR devaient être estimés, nous produisons les résultats semblables avec seulement 84 paramètres du processus dynamique des facteurs. L'objectif du quatrième article est d'identifier et mesurer les effets des chocs de crédit au Canada dans un environnement riche en données et en utilisant le modèle FAVARMA structurel. Dans le cadre théorique de l'accélérateur financier développé par Bernanke, Gertler et Gilchrist (1999), nous approximons la prime de financement extérieur par les credit spreads. D'un côté, nous trouvons qu'une augmentation non-anticipée de la prime de financement extérieur aux États-Unis génère une récession significative et persistante au Canada, accompagnée d'une hausse immédiate des credit spreads et taux d'intérêt canadiens. La composante commune semble capturer les dimensions importantes des fluctuations cycliques de l'économie canadienne. L'analyse par décomposition de la variance révèle que ce choc de crédit a un effet important sur différents secteurs d'activité réelle, indices de prix, indicateurs avancés et credit spreads. De l'autre côté, une hausse inattendue de la prime canadienne de financement extérieur ne cause pas d'effet significatif au Canada. Nous montrons que les effets des chocs de crédit au Canada sont essentiellement causés par les conditions globales, approximées ici par le marché américain. Finalement, étant donnée la procédure d'identification des chocs structurels, nous trouvons des facteurs interprétables économiquement. Le comportement des agents et de l'environnement économiques peut varier à travers le temps (ex. changements de stratégies de la politique monétaire, volatilité de chocs) induisant de l'instabilité des paramètres dans les modèles en forme réduite. Les modèles à paramètres variant dans le temps (TVP) standards supposent traditionnellement les processus stochastiques indépendants pour tous les TVPs. Dans cet article nous montrons que le nombre de sources de variabilité temporelle des coefficients est probablement très petit, et nous produisons la première évidence empirique connue dans les modèles macroéconomiques empiriques. L'approche Factor-TVP, proposée dans Stevanovic (2010), est appliquée dans le cadre d'un modèle VAR standard avec coefficients aléatoires (TVP-VAR). Nous trouvons qu'un seul facteur explique la majorité de la variabilité des coefficients VAR, tandis que les paramètres de la volatilité des chocs varient d'une façon indépendante. Le facteur commun est positivement corrélé avec le taux de chômage. La même analyse est faite avec les données incluant la récente crise financière. La procédure suggère maintenant deux facteurs et le comportement des coefficients présente un changement important depuis 2007. Finalement, la méthode est appliquée à un modèle TVP-FAVAR. Nous trouvons que seulement 5 facteurs dynamiques gouvernent l'instabilité temporelle dans presque 700 coefficients. / As information technology improves, the availability of economic and finance time series grows in terms of both time and cross-section sizes. However, a large amount of information can lead to the curse of dimensionality problem when standard time series tools are used. Since most of these series are highly correlated, at least within some categories, their co-variability pattern and informational content can be approximated by a smaller number of (constructed) variables. A popular way to address this issue is the factor analysis. This framework has received a lot of attention since late 90's and is known today as the large dimensional approximate factor analysis. Given the availability of data and computational improvements, a number of empirical and theoretical questions arises. What are the effects and transmission of structural shocks in a data-rich environment? Does the information from a large number of economic indicators help in properly identifying the monetary policy shocks with respect to a number of empirical puzzles found using traditional small-scale models? Motivated by the recent financial turmoil, can we identify the financial market shocks and measure their effect on real economy? Can we improve the existing method and incorporate another reduction dimension approach such as the VARMA modeling? Does it help in forecasting macroeconomic aggregates and impulse response analysis? Finally, can we apply the same factor analysis reasoning to the time varying parameters? Is there only a small number of common sources of time instability in the coefficients of empirical macroeconomic models? This thesis concentrates on the structural factor analysis and VARMA modeling and answers these questions through five articles. The first two articles study the effects of monetary policy and credit shocks in a data-rich environment. The third article proposes a new framework that combines the factor analysis and VARMA modeling, while the fourth article applies this method to measure the effects of credit shocks in Canada. The contribution of the final chapter is to impose the factor structure on the time varying parameters in popular macroeconomic models, and show that there are few sources of this time instability. The first article analyzes the monetary transmission mechanism in Canada using a factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR) model. For small open economies like Canada, uncovering the transmission mechanism of monetary policy using VARs has proven to be an especially challenging task. Such studies on Canadian data have often documented the presence of anomalies such as a price, exchange rate, delayed overshooting and uncovered interest rate parity puzzles. We estimate a FAVAR model using large sets of monthly and quarterly macroeconomic time series. We find that the information summarized by the factors is important to properly identify the monetary transmission mechanism and contributes to mitigate the puzzles mentioned above, suggesting that more information does help. Finally, the FAVAR framework allows us to check impulse responses for all series in the informational data set, and thus provides the most comprehensive picture to date of the effect of Canadian monetary policy. As the recent financial crisis and the ensuing global economic have illustrated, the financial sector plays an important role in generating and propagating shocks to the real economy. Financial variables thus contain information that can predict future economic conditions. In this paper we examine the dynamic effects and the propagation of credit shocks using a large data set of U.S. economic and financial indicators in a structural factor model. Identified credit shocks, interpreted as unexpected deteriorations of the credit market conditions, immediately increase credit spreads, decrease rates on Treasury securities and cause large and persistent downturns in the activity of many economic sectors. Such shocks are found to have important effects on real activity measures, aggregate prices, leading indicators and credit spreads. In contrast to other recent papers, our structural shock identification procedure does not require any timing restrictions between the financial and macroeconomic factors, and yields an interpretation of the estimated factors without relying on a constructed measure of credit market conditions from a large set of individual bond prices and financial series. In third article, we study the relationship between VARMA and factor representations of a vector stochastic process, and propose a new class of factor-augmented VARMA (FAVARMA) models. We start by observing that in general multivariate series and associated factors do not both follow a finite order VAR process. Indeed, we show that when the factors are obtained as linear combinations of observable series, their dynamic process is generally a VARMA and not a finite-order VAR as usually assumed in the literature. Second, we show that even if the factors follow a finite-order VAR process, this implies a VARMA representation for the observable series. As result, we propose the FAVARMA framework that combines two parsimonious methods to represent the dynamic interactions between a large number of time series: factor analysis and VARMA modeling. We apply our approach in two pseudo-out-of-sample forecasting exercises using large U.S. and Canadian monthly panels taken from Boivin, Giannoni and Stevanovic (2010, 2009) respectively. The results show that VARMA factors help in predicting several key macroeconomic aggregates relative to standard factor forecasting models. Finally, we estimate the effect of monetary policy using the data and the identification scheme as in Bernanke, Boivin and Eliasz (2005). We find that impulse responses from a parsimonious 6-factor FAVARMA(2,1) model give an accurate and comprehensive picture of the effect and the transmission of monetary policy in U.S.. To get similar responses from a standard FAVAR model, Akaike information criterion estimates the lag order of 14. Hence, only 84 coefficients governing the factors dynamics need to be estimated in the FAVARMA framework, compared to FAVAR model with 510 VAR parameters. In fourth article we are interested in identifying and measuring the effects of credit shocks in Canada in a data-rich environment. In order to incorporate information from a large number of economic and financial indicators, we use the structural factor-augmented VARMA model. In the theoretical framework of the financial accelerator, we approximate the external finance premium by credit spreads. On one hand, we find that an unanticipated increase in US external finance premium generates a significant and persistent economic slowdown in Canada; the Canadian external finance premium rises immediately while interest rates and credit measures decline. From the variance decomposition analysis, we observe that the credit shock has an important effect on several real activity measures, price indicators, leading indicators, and credit spreads. On the other hand, an unexpected increase in Canadian external finance premium shows no significant effect in Canada. Indeed, our results suggest that the effects of credit shocks in Canada are essentially caused by the unexpected changes in foreign credit market conditions. Finally, given the identification procedure, we find that our structural factors do have an economic interpretation. The behavior of economic agents and environment may vary over time (monetary policy strategy shifts, stochastic volatility) implying parameters' instability in reduced-form models. Standard time varying parameter (TVP) models usually assume independent stochastic processes for all TVPs. In the final article, I show that the number of underlying sources of parameters' time variation is likely to be small, and provide empirical evidence on factor structure among TVPs of popular macroeconomic models. To test for the presence of, and estimate low dimension sources of time variation in parameters, I apply the factor time varying parameter (Factor-TVP) model, proposed by Stevanovic (2010), to a standard monetary TVP-VAR model. I find that one factor explains most of the variability in VAR coefficients, while the stochastic volatility parameters vary in the idiosyncratic way. The common factor is highly and positively correlated to the unemployment rate. To incorporate the recent financial crisis, the same exercise is conducted with data updated to 2010Q3. The VAR parameters present an important change after 2007, and the procedure suggests two factors. When applied to a large-dimensional structural factor model, I find that four dynamic factors govern the time instability in almost 700 coefficients.

Robust Single-Channel Speech Enhancement and Speaker Localization in Adverse Environments

Mosayyebpour, Saeed 30 April 2014 (has links)
In speech communication systems such as voice-controlled systems, hands-free mobile telephones and hearing aids, the received signals are degraded by room reverberation and background noise. This degradation can reduce the perceived quality and intelligibility of the speech, and decrease the performance of speech enhancement and source localization. These problems are difficult to solve due to the colored and nonstationary nature of the speech signals, and features of the Room Impulse Response (RIR) such as its long duration and non-minimum phase. In this dissertation, we focus on two topics of speech enhancement and speaker localization in noisy reverberant environments. A two-stage speech enhancement method is presented to suppress both early and late reverberation in noisy speech using only one microphone. It is shown that this method works well even in highly reverberant rooms. Experiments under different acoustic conditions confirm that the proposed blind method is superior in terms of reducing early and late reverberation effects and noise compared to other well known single-microphone techniques in the literature. Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA)-based methods usually provide the most accurate source localization in adverse conditions. The key issue for these methods is to accurately estimate the TDOA using the smallest number of microphones. Two robust Time Delay Estimation (TDE) methods are proposed which use the information from only two microphones. One method is based on adaptive inverse filtering which provides superior performance even in highly reverberant and moderately noisy conditions. It also has negligible failure estimation which makes it a reliable method in realistic environments. This method has high computational complexity due to the estimation in the first stage for the first microphone. As a result, it can not be applied in time-varying environments and real-time applications. Our second method improves this problem by introducing two effective preprocessing stages for the conventional Cross Correlation (CC)-based methods. The results obtained in different noisy reverberant conditions including a real and time-varying environment demonstrate that the proposed methods are superior compared to the conventional TDE methods. / Graduate / 0544 / 0984 / saeed.mosayyebpour@gmail.com

Credit growth, asset prices and financial stability in South Africa :|ba policy perspective / Chris Booysen

Booysen, Chris January 2013 (has links)
The worldwide economic downturn and recession in the second half of 2008 were mainly the result of the crises that influenced the world‟s financial markets. After the financial crisis, the extended period of rapid credit growth that was driven by asset price increases, especially property prices, came to an end. This identified two problems central to the theme of this study. The first problem was illustrated through the recent crisis, which showed that problems in the financial sector have a potentially destabilising effect on the economy, to such an extent that they also affect the real economy. The second problem highlighted by the recent financial crisis pertains to the current macroeconomic framework, which indicates policy failure to detect and deal with financial sector instabilities. The objective of this study was to develop a framework in which the influence that rapidly growing credit and asset prices have on financial stability could be determined. Two distinct empirical models were estimated in order to reach the main objective of this study. The first model established the influence that asset prices and credit growth have on the real economy. It concluded that a long-run relationship exists between inflation, real GDP, credit extended to the private sector, house prices and share prices. A bi-directional relationship was found between house and share price, which indicates the interdependence of asset prices in SA. The transmission channels assume that credit is influenced by interest rates, but the results also found that interest rates are largely influenced by credit. The second model determined the influence of asset prices and credit on financial stability. A significant long-run relationship was found between financial stability, share and house prices, and between share prices, credit and financial stability. It was found that credit and share prices can be used to signal financial instability, and share prices can help to determine future credit extended to the private sector. In addition, the empirical analysis indicated that a credit market squeeze will be experienced after a decrease in financial stability. Lastly, credit extended will increase as a result of shock to house and share prices and financial stability will decrease when there is a shock to share and house prices. / MCom (Economics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Credit growth, asset prices and financial stability in South Africa :|ba policy perspective / Chris Booysen

Booysen, Chris January 2013 (has links)
The worldwide economic downturn and recession in the second half of 2008 were mainly the result of the crises that influenced the world‟s financial markets. After the financial crisis, the extended period of rapid credit growth that was driven by asset price increases, especially property prices, came to an end. This identified two problems central to the theme of this study. The first problem was illustrated through the recent crisis, which showed that problems in the financial sector have a potentially destabilising effect on the economy, to such an extent that they also affect the real economy. The second problem highlighted by the recent financial crisis pertains to the current macroeconomic framework, which indicates policy failure to detect and deal with financial sector instabilities. The objective of this study was to develop a framework in which the influence that rapidly growing credit and asset prices have on financial stability could be determined. Two distinct empirical models were estimated in order to reach the main objective of this study. The first model established the influence that asset prices and credit growth have on the real economy. It concluded that a long-run relationship exists between inflation, real GDP, credit extended to the private sector, house prices and share prices. A bi-directional relationship was found between house and share price, which indicates the interdependence of asset prices in SA. The transmission channels assume that credit is influenced by interest rates, but the results also found that interest rates are largely influenced by credit. The second model determined the influence of asset prices and credit on financial stability. A significant long-run relationship was found between financial stability, share and house prices, and between share prices, credit and financial stability. It was found that credit and share prices can be used to signal financial instability, and share prices can help to determine future credit extended to the private sector. In addition, the empirical analysis indicated that a credit market squeeze will be experienced after a decrease in financial stability. Lastly, credit extended will increase as a result of shock to house and share prices and financial stability will decrease when there is a shock to share and house prices. / MCom (Economics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

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