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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Творческое поведение Эдуарда Лимонова : магистерская диссертация / Creative behavior of Eduard Limonov

Илларионов, К. А., Illarionov, K. A. January 2023 (has links)
Тема этой диссертации — это рассмотрение соотношении Биографии и Литературы в творчестве Эдуарда Лимонова через категорию «Творческого поведения». Говоря о творческом поведение данного писателя, автор говорит о «единой концепции» личности Лимонова и выделяет у него наличие двух ролевых моделей : интеллектуала vs маскулинного бунтаря. В основе этих состояний лежат различные манеры поведения и мироощущения, явленые как в жизни, так и в литературе. В основе поведения интеллектуала лежат робость, физическое и половое бессилие, мажорный тон, созерцательный настрой. С точки зрения эстетики – гипомания и гипербола как основной художественный прием. Для состояния бунтаря с точки зрения поведения характерно восприятие физической близости как способа утверждения собственной силы, противопоставление себя обществу девиантным поведением. С точки зрения эстетики – порноэстетика как способ противопоставления себя обществу, культ оружия, «театрализация» в политике (политика как способ творчества), культ молодости и презрение к старости. / The theme of this dissertation is the consideration of the relationship between Biography and Literature in the work of Eduard Limonov through the category of "Creative Behavior". Speaking about the creative behavior of this writer, the author speaks of a "single concept" of Limonov's personality and highlights the presence of two role models in him: an intellectual vs a masculine rebel. These states are based on various manners of behavior and attitudes, which are revealed both in life and in literature. The behavior of an intellectual is based on timidity, physical and sexual impotence, a major tone, and a contemplative mood. From the point of view of aesthetics - hypomania and hyperbole as the main artistic device. From the point of view of behavior, the state of a rebel is characterized by the perception of physical proximity as a way of asserting one's own strength, opposing oneself to society with deviant behavior. From the point of view of aesthetics - porno-aesthetics as a way of opposing oneself to society, the cult of weapons, "theatricalization" in politics (politics as a way of creativity), the cult of youth and contempt for old age.


LUIZ FERNANDO DE PARIS CALDAS 07 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] A inovação impulsiona o crescimento econômico e se conecta com o ciclo evolutivo das firmas, que lançam novos produtos em uma busca contínua pela melhoria do desempenho. Com o advento da inovação aberta, mais firmas passaram a complementar sua base de conhecimentos e a abastecer o processo inovador com fontes externas. Entretanto, quando a inovação é desenvolvida, parte dos novos conhecimentos também se torna pública por meio dos knowledge spillovers, potencialmente beneficiando outras firmas. A relação entre o desempenho inovador e as fontes externas de conhecimento, como a colaboração da firma com seus parceiros, foi amplamente estudada em mercados desenvolvidos. Contudo, o mesmo não se observa para os knowledge spillovers, especialmente no caso de países menos avançados em relação a inovação. Este estudo analisou em que medida os conhecimentos externos fornecidos pela colaboração com parceiros, e, em especial, pelos knowledge spillovers da indústria, afetam o desempenho inovador de produto e o crescimento das firmas. Foi proposto um modelo conceitual para mensurar a contribuição relativa dessas fontes, bem como o impacto exercido pelo porte das firmas sobre as relações estudadas. A análise foi conduzida para uma amostra de 913 firmas de manufatura colombianas, com dados extraídos da pesquisa sobre inovação EDIT, para o período de 2011 a 2016. As hipóteses foram testadas utilizando a técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais. Para entender o impacto do porte das firmas foi empregada a análise multigrupo. Os resultados apoiaram a maioria das hipóteses e forneceram alguns insights. Os efeitos positivos da colaboração da firma sobre o desempenho inovador de produto foram corroborados, revelando que ambientes escassos em recursos, como o da Colômbia, incentivam a colaboração independentemente do porte da firma. Quanto aos efeitos positivos dos knowledge spillovers da indústria sobre o desempenho inovador de produto, o suporte foi dependente do porte da firma. Para as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs), esses efeitos não apenas foram confirmados, como se provaram superiores aos da colaboração com parceiros. Esse achado evidenciou que os knowledge spillovers da indústria são a fonte mais relevante na explicação do desempenho inovador de produto das PMEs colombianas, mesmo quando a colaboração da firma também é significativa. No caso das grandes empresas (GEs), a contribuição direta dos knowledge spillovers da indústria sobre o desempenho inovador de produto não foi significativa, possivelmente relacionada a sua maior abundância interna de recursos. Já para o efeito moderado pela capacidade absortiva, a contribuição foi negativa, possivelmente indicando que as perdas de conhecimentos geradas pelos outgoing spillovers estão prejudicando o desempenho inovador de produto das GEs. O estudo também corroborou que o crescimento das firmas de ambos os portes é positivamente influenciado pelo seu desempenho inovador. Entretanto, os resultados para os knowledge spillovers da indústria sugerem que as PMEs colombianas podem estar se comportando oportunisticamente, pegando carona excessiva nos investimentos em P&D das GEs, o que pode reduzir os incentivos dessas últimas em seguir investindo em inovação. Espera-se que os achados desse estudo contribuam com os esforços da Colômbia em criar melhores condições para que a inovação prospere. / [en] Innovation drives economic growth and connects with the firms evolutionary cycle that launches new products in a continuous quest for performance improvement. With the advent of open innovation, more firms have begun to complement their knowledge base and to fuel the innovative process with external sources. However, when innovation is developed, part of the new knowledge also becomes public through knowledge spillovers, thus potentially benefiting other firms. The relation between innovation performance and external knowledge sources, such as the firm s collaboration with partners, has been extensively studied in developed markets. However, the same is not observed for knowledge spillovers, especially in the case of countries that are less advanced with respect to innovation. This study analyzed the extent to which external knowledge provided by the collaboration with partners and especially the industry knowledge spillovers affect product innovation performance and firm growth. A conceptual model was proposed to measure the relative contribution of these sources as well as the impact of the firm size on the studied relations. The analysis was conducted on a sample of 913 Colombian manufacturing firms with data extracted from EDIT innovation research for the period 2011 to 2016. The hypotheses were tested using the structural equation modeling technique. To understand the impact of firm size on the model relationships, a multigroup analysis was carried out. The results supported most hypotheses and provided some interesting insights. The positive effects of the firm collaboration on product innovation performance were corroborated, revealing that resource-scarce environments, such as Colombia, encourage collaboration regardless of the size of the firm. As for the positive effects of industry knowledge spillovers on product innovation performance, support was contingent on the firm size. For small and medium enterprises (SMEs), not only were these effects confirmed but also proved to be superior to those of collaboration with partners. This finding makes it evident that knowledge spillovers are the most relevant source in explaining the product innovation performance of Colombian SMEs, even when the firm collaboration is also significant. In the case of the large enterprises (LEs), the direct contribution of the industry knowledge spillovers on product innovation performance was not significant, possibly due to their greater internal abundance of resources. For the effect moderated by the absorptive capacity, the contribution was negative, possibly indicating that the knowledge losses generated by outgoing spillovers are detrimental to the innovation performance of these firms. The study also corroborated that the growth of firms of both sizes is positively influenced by their innovation performance. However, the findings for industry knowledge spillovers suggest that Colombian SMEs may be behaving opportunistically, excessively free-riding on R&D investments of LEs which may reduce the incentives for the latter to keep investing in innovation. It is hoped that these findings will contribute to Colombia s efforts to create better conditions for innovation to thrive.

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av affärssystem - En kvalitativ komparativ fallstudie utifrån IT-personal och affärsanalytikers perspektiv

Korecka, Natalia January 2017 (has links)
Affärssystem erbjuder effektivt informationsflöde samt större kontroll överprocesser mellan olika moduler på ett företag. Det bidrar till att företaget kanreagera snabbare på marknadens möjligheter och på konkurrenstrycket. För attlyckas med implementering av affärssystem behöver företaget ta hänsyn tillkritiska framgångsfaktorer som kan vara utgångspunkten iimplementeringsprocessen.Denna fallstudie studerar kritiska framgångsfaktorer för implementering avaffärssystem utifrån ett affärsanalytiker- respektive IT-personalperspektiv genomatt genomföra fyra intervjuer på ett specifikt företag. Utgångspunkten äridentifierad genom en litteraturstudie om kritiska framgångsfaktorer förimplementering av affärssystem. Även företagets åtgärder för att underlättasamarbete och kommunikation mellan de två grupperna presenteras.Detta resulterade i att utvärderingen av fyra av de åtta undersökta faktorernaskiljer sig mellan de två undersökta grupperna. Dessa faktorer är ”tydliga mål ochsyfte, planering”, ”utbildning av användarna”, ” business process reengineering”och ”project management”. Vidare vid en utvärdering anger IT-personal ”tydligamål och syfte” som den viktigaste kritiska faktorn. Enligt affärsanalytiker finnsingen faktor som hamnar på högsta plats i granskningsskala. Däremot ”topmanagement support” och ”effektiv kommunikation” hamnar på andra plats igranskningsskala i båda grupperna i frågan om de mest kritiska faktorerna.Oavsett skillnader i utvärderingen av de undersökta faktorerna betraktasfortfarande alla faktorer som kritiska och viktiga. Det undersökta företagetfokuserar mycket på att underlätta kommunikationen och samarbetet mellan detvå grupperna genom att jobba agilt samt öka närvaro i varandras vardag. / Enterprise resource planning (ERP) provides an efficient flow of information and agreater control over the processes between the different modules of an enterprise.It helps the company to respond more quickly to market opportunities andcompetitive pressures. To succeed in business systems implementation, thecompany needs to consider the critical success factors that can be the starting pointin the implementation process. In this case study, we analyze critical successfactors for ERP implementation based on business analysts and IT staffperspective, through four interviews on a specific company. The starting point is toidentify critical success factors for ERP implementation through a literature study.The company's measures to facilitate cooperation and communication between thetwo groups are also presented.As a result, the review of the eight tested factors differs between the two studygroups. These factors are “clear goals and objectives”, “user training”, “businessprocess reengineering” and “project management”. In particular, clear goals andobjectives are identified as the most critical factor by the IT staff. However,according to business analysts, no factor ends up in the highest level of the reviewscale. In contrast, “top management support” and “effective communication” end upin second position of the review scale in both groups on the question of the mostcritical factors. Regardless of the differences in the examination of the factors allare still considered critical and important. Investigated company focuses onfacilitating communication and cooperation between the two groups by workingagile and increase the presence in each other's everyday lives.

En undersökning om sambandet dödligt våld och psykisk ohälsa : Skillnader mellan Sveriges regioner

Blomqvist, Malin, Svensson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify whether there are differences between regions in Sweden regarding the relationship between lethal violence and mental illness and for the connection when other factors are included in the explanatory model in the form of forensic psychiatric care and financial situation. In order to investigate the purpose and the formulated research questions public data and two different analysis methods, descriptive analysis and regression analysis were used. Using these analysis methods, two different types of differences between regions were identified. At first, two regions were found to have a significant effect in the relationship between lethal violence and mental illness, which changed to none of the regions when forensic psychiatric care and financial aid were taken into account. The second type of regional differences were identified by the fact that some of the regions included significant factors, and some did not. With this result it was concluded that there are differences between regions and these differences change in more complex explanatory models of lethal violence. / Syftet med denna undersökning var att identifiera om det finns skillnader mellan Sveriges regioner när det gäller sambandet mellan dödligt våld och psykisk ohälsa, samt för sambandet då andra påverkande faktorer inkluderas i form av rättspsykiatrisk vård och ekonomisk situation. För att kunna undersöka syftet och de tillhörande frågeställningarna användes offentliga data och två olika analysmetoder, deskriptiv analys och regressionsanalys. Med hjälp av dessa analysmetoder identifierades två olika typer av skillnader mellan regioner. Först visade det sig att två regioner har en signifikant skillnad på sambandet mellan dödligt våld och psykisk ohälsa men som förändrades till inga regioner när man tog hänsyn till rättspsykiatrisk vård och ekonomisk situation. Andra typen av skillnader mellan regionerna identifierades genom att en del av regionerna innehöll signifikanta skillnader och vissa inte. Med detta resultat drogs slutsatserna att det finns skillnader mellan regioner som blir påverkade i mer komplexa förklaringsmodeller av dödligt våld.

Relación entre caries de infancia temprana y anemia en niños del centro de salud Atusparias

Pinella Vega, Melissa January 2024 (has links)
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre caries de infancia temprana y anemia en historias clínicas de niños que acudieron al Servicio de Enfermería del Centro de Salud Atusparias, octubre-diciembre 2022. Estudio de tipo casos y controles, analítico, no experimental, relacional, observacional y retrospectivo. Metodología, se distribuyeron 2 grupos: casos y controles. El grupo casos estuvo conformado por los niños que presentaron Caries de Infancia Temprana y el grupo control fueron aquellos que no tuvieron caries. De esos dos grupos se determinó cuántos tuvieron anemia y cuantos no tenían anemia. Primero se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo, se empleó la prueba de Chi cuadrado para comprobar la relación entre las variables. Luego, se realizó Odds Ratio (OR) para medir que tan fuerte es la relación y el riesgo. Se trabajó con el valor de p menor de 0.5, lo cual corresponde a un nivel de significancia. Se concluyó que no existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables de caries de infancia temprana y anemia. / The general objective of this research was to determine the relationship between early childhood caries and anemia in the medical records of children who attend the nursing service of the Atusparias health center October-December 2022. The was a case-control, analytical study, not experimental, relational, observational and retrospective. Within the methodology, 2 groups were distributed: cases and controls. The case group was made up of children who had early childhood cavities and the control group were those who had not had cavities. And of these two groups, how many have anemia and how many do not have anemia were calculated- A descriptive statistical analysis was carried out, where the corresponding measures of central tendency and dispersión were implemented. The chi square test was used to test the relationship between the variables. Then, Odds Ratio (OR) was performed to mesuare how strong the relationship and risks is. We worked with a p value of less than 0.05, which corresponds to a level of signifcance. The conclusión was that isn´t exist a relation statistical significative between both variables.

Countering the declining use of lithium therapy: a call to arms

Malhi, Gin S., Bell, Erica, Jadidi, Maedeh, Gitlin, Michael, Bauer, Michael 19 September 2024 (has links)
For over half a century, it has been widely known that lithium is the most efficacious treatment for bipolar disorder. Yet, despite this, its prescription has consistently declined over this same period of time. A number of reasons for this apparent disparity between evidence and clinical practice have been proposed, including a lack of confidence amongst clinicians possibly because of an absence of training and lack of familiarity with the molecule. Simultaneously, competition has grown within the pharmacological armamentarium for bipolar disorder with newer treatments promoting an image of being safer and easier to prescribe primarily because of not necessitating plasma monitoring, which understandably is appealing to patients who then exercise their preferences accordingly. However, these somewhat incipient agents are yet to reach the standard lithium has attained in terms of its efficacy in providing prophylaxis against the seemingly inevitable recrudescence of acute episodes that punctuates the course of bipolar disorder. In addition, none of these mimics have the additional benefits of preventing suicide and perhaps providing neuroprotection. Thus, a change in strategy is urgently required, wherein myths regarding the supposed difficulties in prescribing lithium and the gravity of its side-effects are resolutely dispelled. It is this cause to which we have pledged our allegiance and it is to this end that we have penned this article.

Relations entre le programme de promotion des habiletés d’adaptation pour les enfants de 6-7 ans "Les amis de Zippy" et le climat de classe

Gosselin, Sabrina 06 1900 (has links)
Le programme d’enseignement des habiletés d’adaptation Les amis de Zippy vise la promotion de la santé mentale des élèves du premier cycle du primaire. La présente étude est une analyse secondaire réalisée à partir des données d’évaluation des effets du programme. L’objectif général vérifie si l’appartenance au groupe d’intervention est associée à une meilleure qualité du climat relationnel de classe à la fin de l’année scolaire, tel que perçu par les enseignants, tout en contrôlant pour la qualité du climat avant la réalisation du programme. La qualité du climat correspond aux relations entre les élèves et aux relations entre les élèves et l’enseignant. L’effet modérateur de la gestion de comportements et les pratiques pédagogiques est aussi analysé. L’échantillon est constitué de 35 enseignants auto-sélectionnés, répartis entre deux groupes non aléatoires. Les échelles suivantes du QES pour le primaire, version enseignant, sont utilisées : relations entre les élèves, relations entre les élèves et les enseignants, gestion des comportements et pratiques pédagogiques. Les résultats, obtenus grâce à des régressions linéaires multiples, montrent que généralement, l’appartenance au groupe n’explique pas significativement la qualité du climat de classe. Cependant, un effet d’interaction entre le climat de classe et la gestion de comportements est identifié. Lorsque les enseignants gèrent plus difficilement leur classe, le programme Les amis de Zippy est associé à un climat relationnel entre les élèves et l’enseignant moins favorable que dans le groupe témoin. Puisque ces résultats préliminaires peuvent être attribuables à des variables externes non contrôlées, ils devront être approfondis par des études subséquentes. / Les amis de Zippy teaching program for coping skills aims to promote mental health in junior elementary students. This study is a secondary analysis done with data derived from the program evaluation. The general goal is to verify if belongingness to the intervention group is linked to a better class relational climate at the end of the school year, as perceived by the teachers, while controlling for the class relational climate before the implantation of the program. The class relational climate refers to the relationships between the students and the relationship between the students and the teacher. The moderating effects of behaviors management and educational practices are analyzed as well. The sample is composed of 35 self-selected teachers no randomly separated into two groups. The following scales from the elementary school QES, teacher’s version, were used: relationships between the students, relationship between the students and the teacher, behaviors management and educational practices. Multiple linear regressions revealed that, generally, group belongingness does not significantly explain the quality of the class relational climate. However, an interaction effect with behaviors management is identified. When teachers have a hard time managing their class, the Les amis de Zippy program is associated with a less favorable relational climate between the students and the teacher then in the comparison group. However, these preliminary results need to be studied more thoroughly because they may be due to uncontrolled external variables.

Spolupráce školy a rodiny jako základ fungujícího partnerství / Cooperation between school and family as the foundation of efektive partnership

Slivoňová, Alena January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theoretical part to highlight the importance of cooperation between schools and families in terms of children, from the perspective of families and teachers and schools. Furthermore, the work deals with a survey to improve relations between the school and parents in our elementary school. Determines whether the five years that we establish a closer cooperation with parents to improve the perception of the school community and neighborhood residents. The work focuses on empirical research of events for parents, cooperation, but also obstacles that may arise. KEYWORDS: Cooperation and partnership schools and the child's family, trust between the two sides, the benefits of cooperation, forms of cooperation, the relationship between parents and school teachers, in collaboration barriers, parents welcome the involvement of parents in the joint actions.

La bioéthique et les contradictions normatives du droit international

Marechal, Romain 22 July 2013 (has links)
Le droit international de la bioéthique, construction récente affiliée au système des droits de l'homme, s'élabore au carrefour de plusieurs ordres normatifs et sollicite, du point de vue de sa mise en œuvre, l'intervention d'une multitude de systèmes de régulation et de systèmes juridiques. Dans le contexte d'une crise de la régulation et compte tenu de la complexification et de la fragmentation du droit international, cette thèse propose de reconstruire une ontologie unitaire de l'ordre juridique international à partir d'une critique de l'épistémologie positiviste et de la conception de la mécanique normative qu'elle suppose. La bioéthique qui se conçoit comme une discipline de questionnement critique des principes qui fondent l'action humaine, opère tel un révélateur des contradictions normatives qui agissent au cœur de la structure des systèmes et des ordres juridiques. Ainsi, à partir de l'étude des conflits de valeurs, des conflits de normes, des conflits de droits, des conflits de systèmes juridiques et compte tenu de l'analyse des méthodes de neutralisation et de résolution mise en œuvre, au sein des différents systèmes juridiques, pour les traiter, cette thèse démontre la nécessité de concevoir le droit international comme un système dynamique, composé de normes et d'institutions entretenant entre eux des rapports de légitimité et d'effectivité, dont l'évolution générale est caractérisée par la non-linéarité. Dans cette perspective, cette thèse invite à concevoir la constitutionnalisation du droit international comme un processus dialectique impliquant une multitude de systèmes juridiques et institutionnels. / Bioethics in the field of human rights is a recent corpus of the international law. Biolaw instruments' had been elaborated at the crossroads of several normative orders.Their implementation requires the mobilization of a multitude of regulation systems. In the context of a crisis of legal regulation and considering the complexity and fragmentation of international law, this thesis suggests reconstructing a unified ontology of international law based on a critical appreciation of positivist epistemology. Bioethics, conceived as a critical discipline used to question principles which orient and justify human actions, reveals normative contradictions embedded in the structure of legal systems. Based on the study of conflicts between ethical values or between fundamental rights, norms conflict, conflict between legal systems and after having analyzed the methods used by international institutions to neutralize or resolve such contradictions, this thesis demonstrate the necessity to conceive international legal order as a dynamic system composed with heterogeneous norms and institutions linked by legitimacy and effectivity relationships. The evolution of international law can be characterized by non linearity and constitutionalization of international legal order appears as a dialectical process which requires the intervention of multiple international institutions and legal sub-systems.

Surface-based Synthesis of 3D Maps for Outdoor Unstructured Environments

Melkumyan, Narek January 2009 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) / This thesis is concerned with the theoretical and practical development of a surface-based mapping algorithm for reliable and robust localization and mapping in prior unknown and unstructured environments. A surface-based map consists of a set of compressed surfaces, processed and represented without geometrical modelling. Each surface in the surface-based map represents an object in the environment. The ability to represent the exact shapes of objects via individual surfaces during the mapping process makes the surface-based mapping algorithm valuable in a number of navigation applications, such as mapping of prior unknown indoor and outdoor unstructured environments, target tracking, path planning and collision avoidance. The ability to unify representations of the same object taken from different viewpoints into a single surface makes the algorithm capable of working in multi-robot mapping applications. A surface-based map of the environment is build incrementally by acquiring the 3D range image of the scene, extracting the objects' surfaces from the 3D range image, aligning the set of extracted surfaces relative to the map and unifying the aligned set of surfaces with surfaces in the map. In the surface unification process the surfaces representing the same object are unified to make a single surface. The thesis introduces the following new methods which are used in the surface-based mapping algorithm: the extraction of surfaces from 3D range images based on a scanned surface continuity check; homogenization of the representation of the non-homogenously sampled surfaces; the alignment of the surface set relative to a large set of surfaces based on surface-based alignment algorithm; evaluating the correspondence between two surfaces based on the overlap area between surfaces; unification of the two surfaces belonging to the same object; and surface unification for a large set of surfaces. The theoretical contributions of this thesis are demonstrated with a series of practical implementations in different outdoor environments.

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