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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ελευθερία και αναγκαιότητα κατά τον Μάξιμο τον Ομολογητή : προς μία οντολογία του προσώπου / Freedom and necessity in Maximus the Confessor : towards an ontology of the person

Καψιμαλάκου, Χριστίνα 17 September 2012 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της διδακτορικής αυτής διατριβής είναι το πρόβλημα περί της ελεύθερης βούλησης του ανθρώπου, σε σχέση με την παρουσία της θείας προνοίας στη ζωή του όπως διατυπώνεται από τον Μάξιμο τον Ομολογητή (580-662), οπότε αναγκαίως εισήχθη στη συζήτηση και το μεταφυσικό στοιχείο με τις γενικές οντολογικές προκείμενες που το διέπουν και τις ειδικές κοσμολογικές που το ακολουθούν. Τα κύρια σημεία που επιχειρούμε να αναδείξουμε, ως ερευνητικά προς εξειδίκευση ζητήματα, με συνοπτικό τρόπο είναι τα εξής: α΄. Ο άνθρωπος έχει τις προϋποθέσεις να φέρει στο προσκήνιο με ποιοτικούς όρους την ύπαρξή του υπό την οπτική του προσώπου, κατ’ αναλογίαν με τα Πρόσωπα της τριαδικής θεότητας, να πραγματοποιήσει δηλαδή τη ζωή ως αγάπη, δηλαδή ως ελευθερία και όχι ως φυσική αναγκαιότητα. β΄. Ο Θεός ελεύθερα δημιουργεί τον κόσμο και ανάγει το είναι στην ελευθερία, θέτοντας νέα δεδομένα στην οιονεί λογοκεντρική αναγκαιότητα που κατά περιπτώσεις παρουσιάζεται στην αρχαία ελληνική διανόηση της κλασικής περιόδου, παρά το ότι δεν πρέπει να μάς διαφεύγει ότι ο Δημιουργός στον πλατωνικό Τίμαιον διέπεται από προκεχωρημένο βαθμό ελεύθερων προσωπικών επιλογών. Γίνεται λόγος από τον Αθηναίο φιλόσοφο για ένα θείο πρόσωπο που βούλεται, βουλεύεται και κινείται με αισθητικά κριτήρια, τα οποία δεν υποτάσσονται σε αναγκαιότητες. Σημειωτέον μάλιστα ότι και ο νεοπλατωνικός Πρόκλος (412 - 485) επιμένει έτι περαιτέρω στις εν λόγω καταστάσεις. Η χριστιανική θεώρηση όμως της δημιουργίας διευρύνει σε μέγιστο βαθμό το βουλητικό και το βουλευτικό περιεχόμενο της θείας ενέργειας. Το κεφαλαιώδες μάλιστα μυστήριο της ενσάρκου οικονομίας και ενανθρωπήσεως του θείου Λόγου, δηλώνει ακριβώς τη μεταμόρφωση του αιτιατού υπό τους όρους του αιτίου του. γ΄. Ο άνθρωπος διαθέτει φύσει – οντολογικά – ελευθερία βουλήσεως, και έτσι ενισχύεται εξ ορισμού το δικαίωμα της προσωπικής ελευθερίας του και διασφαλίζεται το αυτεξούσιό του, ανεξάρτητα από το πώς θα το κατανοήσει και θα το προβάλει. δ΄. Η ανθρώπινη φύση φθάνει στην πληρότητά της ή στο καθ’ ομοίωσιν, διά της ελευθερίας του προσώπου, εφ’ όσον το ίδιο χρησιμοποίησε το αυτεξούσιον του προς την πραγμάτωση του αγαθού. Πρόκειται για μία ρήτρα που κινείται στον άξονα μιας απόλυτης συμμετρίας, καθότι η μία έννοια (αγαθόν) θέτει δι’ αμέσου συνεπαγωγής και την παρουσία της δεύτερης (ελευθερία) ή και αντιστρόφως. Τέλος, προκειμένου να αναδείξουμε ευρύτερα την σχέση ελευθερίας –αναγκαιότητας, επιχειρήσαμε σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις να την εντοπίσουμε, στις γενικές διατυπώσεις της, και στον χώρο του Νεοπλατωνισμού, και ιδιαίτερα στον Πρόκλο, ο οποίος έχει επεξεργασθεί συστηματικά το ζήτημα στα σχόλιά του στους Πλατωνικούς διαλόγους Αλκιβιάδης Α’, κυρίως, Πολιτεία και Τίμαιος, στα οποία μάλιστα αναπτύσσει μία γενικευμένη ανθρωπολογία. Μέσα από τις εν λόγω αναφορές, άλλοτε ρητά και άλλοτε υπόρρητα, επιχειρήσαμε να διατυπώσουμε εκτιμήσεις για το φιλοσοφικό βάθος του στοχασμού του Μαξίμου, ο οποίος κινείται κυρίως στον θεολογικό άξονα έρευνας. Σε ορισμένα, επίσης, σημεία εξετάσαμε και τις σχέσεις του με την ηθική του Αριστοτέλη, κυρίως ως προς την έννοια της προαίρεσης. Τέλος οι αναφορές μας στους Στωικούς κυρίως είχαν ως βάση τις ανθρωπολογικές –ηθικές κατηγορίες του «ἐφ’ ἡμῖν» και του «οὐκ ἐφ ἡμῖν». / The subject of this doctoral dissertation is the problem of human free will in relation to the presence of divine providence in human life as is formulated by Maximus the Confessor. In this discussion the metaphysical element was necessarily introduced, together with the general ontological premises pertaining to it and the particular cosmological premises following it. The main points we attempt to illuminate, as particular research topics, are concisely the following: (a) A human being has the presuppositions to bring to the fore his existence in qualitative terms under the perspective of the person, in a way analogous to the Persons of the triadic God, so as to realize life as love, i.e. freedom, and not as a natural necessity. (b) God freely creates the world and reduces being to freedom, thus imposing a new frame to the virtually rationalistic necessity which in certain cases appears in the ancient Greek thought of the classical period, even though it should not escape our notice that the Demiurge in the Platonic Timaeus enjoys freedom of personal choice to a greater degree. The Athenian philosopher discusses a deity who wills, deliberates and moves by means of application of aesthetic criteria, which are not subject to necessities. It should be noted that the Neoplatonist Proclus (412-485) insists further on these conditions. However, the Christian consideration of creation enhances to a maximum degree the presence of will and deliberation in the divine energy. The mystery of the incarnated economy and of the human form of the divine Word, which is of utmost importance, exactly declares the transformation of the effect in terms of its own cause. (c) The human being by nature - ontologically -possesses freedom of will, and thus by definition the right of personal freedom is reinforced and secured, independently of the way it will be comprehended and projected, (d) Human nature reaches its completion or the likeness to God by means of the freedom of person, since the latter itself used its free will for the realization of the Good. This is a clause which moves within the frame of an absolute symmetry, even though the first concept (Good) directly entails as well the presence of the second (Freedom) and vice versa. Finally, in order to show the wider relation between freedom and necessity, we attempted to identify its general formulations in certain cases in the field of Neoplatonism, as well, and particularly in Proclus, who systematically dealt with this topic in his commentaries on the Platonic dialogues Alcibiades I, mainly, Republic and Timaeus, where he develops a generalized anthropology. Throughout these references, either clearly or indirectly, we attempted to formulate evaluations as to the philosophical depth of the thought of Maximus, who mainly moves within the frame of theological research. In certain cases we also examined his relation with Aristotelian ethics, mainly concerning the concept of choice. Finally, our references to the Stoics were mainly based on the anthropological - moral categories of that which is in our power (ἐφ’ ἡμῖν) and that which is not (οὐκ ἐφ’ ἡμῖν).

Apophasis, contemplation, and the kenotic moment in Anglo-Saxon literature

Flight, Tim January 2016 (has links)
This thesis reveals the considerable influence of contemplation (sometimes referred to as mysticism) on Anglo-Saxon literature, manifested through the arrangement of narratives according to the theological concepts of apophasis and kenosis. This is demonstrated through a lengthy contextual discussion of the place of contemplation in Anglo-Saxon spirituality, and close analysis of four poems and a prose text. Although English mysticism is commonly thought to start in the High Middle Ages, this thesis will suggest that this terminus post quem should instead be resituated to the Anglo-Saxon period. The first chapter seeks to reveal the centrality of contemplation to Anglo-Saxon spirituality through analysing a range of diverse material, to evidence the monastic reader borne from this culture capable of reading and composing the texts that make up the rest of the thesis in the manner suggested. The thesis places chronologically diverse Anglo-Saxon texts in a contemplative context, with close reference to theology, phenomenology, and narrative structure, to suggest that our interpretation of them should be revised to apprehend the contemplative scheme that they advocate: to cleanse the reader of sin through inspiring penitence and kenosis (humility and emptying of one's will) and direct the mind intellectually beyond the words, images and knowledge of the terrestrial sphere (apophasis), so as to prepare them for the potential coming of God's grace in the form of a vision. This reading is supported by the close taxonomical resemblance of each text's narrative structure. The thesis thus suggests that contemplation was central to Anglo-Saxon spirituality, producing an elite contemplative audience for whom certain texts were designed as preparative apparatus.

Embodied navigation of complex piano notation : rethinking musical interaction from a performer’s perspective / « Navigation incarnée » de la notation complexe pour piano : repenser l’interaction musicale selon la perspective de l’interprète

Antoniadis, Pavlos 22 June 2018 (has links)
La thèse propose un paradigme d’interaction avec la notation musicale complexe pour piano selon une perspective « incarnée » et «située » de l’interprète. Ce paradigme, que je nomme navigation incarnée, s’oppose au paradigme traditionnel d’interprétation textuelle. Le paradigme traditionnel considère un processus de lecture linéaire et hiérarchique, selon lequel la compréhension et l’internalisation du texte musical sont les conditions préalables pour l’application de la technique instrumentale, permettant par la suite une interprétation personnelle. À la place de ce paradigme, je propose de traiter la notation musicale comme un élément dynamique, non linéaire, et à la fois incarné et externalisé. Dans une deuxième phase, le paradigme proposé devient la base du développement d’outils adaptés au projet de la navigation incarnée et de diverses applications, incluant l’analyse de la performance, l’apprentissage incarné et interactif, la composition musicale et l’improvisation. / This thesis proposes a performer-specific paradigm of embodied interaction with complex piano notation. This paradigm, which I term embodied navigation, extends and even confronts the traditional paradigm of textual interpretation. The latter assumes a linear and hierarchical process, whereby internalized understanding of the musical text is considered a prerequisite of instrumental technique towards personal interpretation. In lieu of that, I advocate for a dynamic, non-linear, embodied and external processing of music notation. At a second stage, the proposed paradigm serves as the basis for the development of methodologies and customized tools for a range of applications, including: performance analysis, embodied interactive learning, contemporary composition, free improvisation and piano pedagogy.

Eschatology in African folk religion

Bako, Ngarndeye 12 1900 (has links)
This study examines the eschatology of issues related to African folk religion. It argues about the eschatological understanding of time with regard to the afterlife, ancestors and the afterlife, Christ the eschaton and the incarnation of Christ as redeeming of the ancestors. Such a model of local theology can result from a comprehensive reflection based on the Scriptures. As such, this study suggests some principles and praxis that appropriately address mission in the African context. This study also intends to challenge the church in Africa in particular, and cross-cultural workers in general, to redefine their missions and themselves in the face of theological issues, as well as social problems, which occur at all levels of African society. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Thesis (D. Th. (Missiology))

Da abstração à concretude da experiência: a filosofia concreta em Gabriel Marcel / From abstraction to the concreteness of experience: concrete philosophy of Gabriel Marcel

Azevedo, José André de 24 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:26:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Andre de Azevedo.pdf: 931606 bytes, checksum: 2a60f71a007c2445b64f3b0b84c69ef0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Starting from a context of criticism to the modern scientism and rationalism, Marcel s work is projected above all, as a radical interrogation about the ontological weight of experience. It is in this direction that the philosopher explores the theme of the Incarnation as the central fact of metaphysics. Presenting with an unsystematic thought, wandering and questioning, Gabriel Marcel says that philosophy has an arket: the existence as a starting point and reference to the labor philosophicus. From the question Who am I?, Marcel projects a decisive point of arrival: the existence horizon embodied in its radicalism. More than just a problem, this question assigns, first of all, a radical ontological requirement, in other words, the revival of the incarnation as the "mystery of being." Now this fundamental fact of metaphysics is a reality that presents itself not in front of me, but where I am immersed. Therefore, the philosopher will set out this state of matter in terms of a "concrete philosophy" as opposed to some speculative hegemonic essentialism in the philosophical tradition. / Partindo de um contexto de crítica ao cientificismo e racionalismo modernos, a obra de Marcel se projeta, antes de tudo, como uma interrogação radical acerca do peso ontológico da experiência. É sob essa direção que o filósofo explora o tema da encarnação como o dado central da metafísica. Apresentando-se com um pensamento assistemático, itinerante e questionador, Gabriel Marcel afirma que a filosofia possui uma arché: a existência enquanto ponto de partida e de referência do labor philosophicus. A partir da questão Quem eu sou?, Marcel projeta um ponto de chegada decisivo: o horizonte da existência em sua radicalidade encarnada. Mais que um mero problema, esse questionamento fixa, antes de tudo, uma exigência ontológica radical, ou seja, o avivamento da encarnação como mistério do ser . Ora, esse fato fundamental da metafísica é uma realidade que se apresenta não diante de mim, mas na qual estou mergulhado. Por isso, o filósofo enunciará esse estado de questão nos termos de uma filosofia concreta em oposição a certo essencialismo hegemonicamente especulativo na tradição filosófica.

A hipótese pluralista de John Hick: pressupostos filosóficos e teológicos da visão fundamental Hickiana

Machado, Kleber de Oliveira 09 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:48:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kleber de Oliveira Machado.pdf: 621007 bytes, checksum: 76a73a4baa22b12bbe95f429ceaed24e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-09 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This essay analyses the most important thesis of the pluralist theologian John Hick. It gives special attention to the ground books: The metaphor of God incarnate, An interpretation of religion, Death and eternal life. In the first book, he reformulates the incarnation doctrine to turn the pluralist hypothesis possible. In the second, he introduces his pluralist hypothesis that all religions are valid responses to the Real or Ultimate Reality. And in the third, which is his global theological work, he searches to build up what would be a pareschatology embracing the pluralist hypothesis. Finally, the essay seeks to demonstrate the inconsistency of Hick‟s Kantian epistemological grounds. It also presents the strong consequences that the revisionist project and the global theology have to Christian theology. It shows that the revisionist task, which has been proposed by Hick, empties the meaning of Christian theology. Therefore, it does not consider it as an authentic response to the Real, what invalids Hick's pluralist hypothesis. / Esta dissertação analisa as principais teses do teólogo pluralista John Hick. Dá-se especial atenção aos livros que as fundamentam: A Metáfora do Deus Encarnado, An Interpretation of Religion e Death and Eternal Life. No primeiro livro, ele reformula a doutrina da encarnação para tornar a hipótese pluralista possível. No segundo, ele apresenta sua hipótese pluralista de que todas as religiões são respostas válidas ao Real ou Realidade Última. E no terceiro, o qual é seu trabalho de teologia global, ele busca construir o que seria uma parescatologia que mantenha a hipótese pluralista. Finalmente, a dissertação procura demonstrar a inconsistência da base epistemológica kantiana de Hick. Demonstra também as profundas conseqüências que o projeto revisionista e a teologia global têm sobre a teologia cristã. Apresenta que a tarefa revisionista que tem sido proposta por Hick, esvazia o significado da teologia cristã. Por conseguinte, não a considera como uma resposta autêntica ao Real, o que invalida a hipótese pluralista de Hick.

O retrato de Dorian Gray, de Oscar Wilde: um romance indicial, agostiniano e prefigural

TENÓRIO, Patricia Gonçalves 17 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Haroudo Xavier Filho (haroudo.xavierfo@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-08T18:59:56Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação_PatriciaTenório_BC.pdf: 884166 bytes, checksum: 0a78095c224981af6d91420fd610f878 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-08T18:59:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação_PatriciaTenório_BC.pdf: 884166 bytes, checksum: 0a78095c224981af6d91420fd610f878 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-17 / Dissertação resultado da pesquisa de Mestrado em Letras, área de concentração Teoria da Literatura, linha de pesquisa Intersemiose, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, tendo como objetivo relacionar o romance O retrato de Dorian Gray, de Oscar Wilde, com três pilares teóricos: o índice fotográfico de Charles Sanders Peirce, o tempo de Agostinho de Hipona e a prefiguração no conceito de figura de Erich Auerbach. A cada capítulo, outros teóricos são convidados a dialogar, tais como John R. Searle, Susan Sontag, Philippe Dubois, Roland Barthes, Albert Einstein, Henri Bergson, Georges Didi-Huberman e Gaston Bachelard. / Dissertation result of Master’s research in Literature, area of concentration Literary Theory, line of research Intersemiosis, in the Postgraduate Program in Literature from the Federal University of Pernambuco, having as objective order to relate the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, with three theoretical pillars: the photographic index of Charles Sanders Peirce, the time of Augustine from Hippona and the foreshadowing in the concept of figure from Erich Auerbach. Each chapter, other theorists are invited to dialogue, such as John R. Searle, Susan Sontag, Philippe Dubois, Roland Barthes, Albert Einstein, Henri Bergson, Georges Didi-Huberman and Gaston Bachelard.

Tajemství Vtělení v díle Jana od Kříže jako ozvěna janovské christologie / The Incarnation Mystery in the writings of John of the Cross as a reverberation of Johannine Christology

Hlaváčová, Marie January 2019 (has links)
The Incarnation Mystery in the writings of John of the Cross as a reverberation of Johannine Christology. This thesis analyzes the mystery of Incarnation in the mystical experience and doctrine of John of the Cross, a Spanish Carmelite from 16th century, and searches for traces of the testimony of the Fourth Gospel in his conception of this mystery. Based on analysis of excerpts of his writings it concludes that the mystery of Incarnation has crucial role both in his experience and his writings. It consists in the fact that Jesus - the Word incarnate - is a principal agent in the process of uniting with God: He is both a model for a Christian to shape him or herself after and a beloved Spouse with whom he or she should be united and so enter a loving communion with Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. The main work which reveals how much John of the Cross esteems the mystery of Incarnation is a poetic paraphrase of the Gospel of John: Romance based on the Gospel »In principio erat verbum«. It depicts author's view of the incarnational mystery as a dialogue between Father and Son in eternity. The Incarnation is seen as nuptials of the Word incarnate and humankind which elevates humankind to the God's level. By extension, humankind gains participation on the relationship between Father and Son. The...

Fragments de corps et d’idées : vers une écriture qui s’incarne

Bordeleau, Méléda 07 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est de réfléchir aux différentes implications du récit de soi lorsqu’il nous parvient de façon fragmentée. J’ai souhaité penser la création de liens et de relations à travers la mise en distance, la discontinuité et le détour et j’ai proposé pour cette raison que ces aspects sont centraux à l’économie du récit et à l’établissement d’un rapport à soi. J’ai donc privilégié l’étude de deux livres, Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes (1975) et The Argonauts (2015) par Maggie Nelson, qui offrent un portrait éclaté du sujet. Ces ouvrages sont liés l’un l’autre par une image que Maggie Nelson emprunte à Barthes, soit le vaisseau Argo. Métaphore de la métaphore pour George Kliebenstein, l’image de l’Argo permet de naviguer à travers ces récits dont les fragments se superposent plutôt qu’ils ne s’enchaînent. Cette métaphore offre une compréhension des textes dans un hors temps, au contact d’une destination à définir. Des liens s’établissent néanmoins au fil de la lecture entre l’auteur.ice et soi-mêmes. Ce dispositif littéraire constitue le projet d’étude du mémoire que j’associe à l’incarnation. Ainsi, l’écriture de soi peut être entrevue comme un acte qui permet la construction d’un rapport à soi. Le mémoire est divisé en trois sections. Dans un premier temps, les récits sont interrogés afin d’en comprendre la composante biographique tout en explorant la discontinuité de leurs présentations. Par la suite, le corps et ses représentations sont examinés dans les deux récits, ce qui permet une première apparition de l’incarnation dans ce mémoire. Enfin, la troisième section établit le rôle de la langue et de ses marges. / This study aims to examine the many implications of self-writing when it comes in a fragmented form. My intention was to consider the creation of links and relationships through distancing, discontinuity and digressions and I suggested those aspects are crucial to the narrative and giving an account of oneself. I therefore chose to focus on the study of two books, Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes (1975) and Maggie Nelson’s The Argonauts (2015), which offer a fragmented portrayal of the subject. These works are linked to each other by an image that Nelson borrows from Barthes, the Argo ship. A metaphor’s metaphor for George Kliebenstein, the image of the Argo allows a navigation between those narratives in which fragments overlap rather than following each other. This metaphor offers an out of time understanding of the texts heading to an undefined destination. Links are nonetheless established throughout the reading between the authors and themselves. This literary device constitutes the core of this study which I link to embodiment. Thus, self-writing can be seen as an act allowing the building of a relationship with oneself. The study is divided in three sections. Firstly, narratives are looked into in order to understand their biographical foundation while also exploring their discontinuous form. Secondly, the body and its representations are examined, enabling a first understanding of embodiment. Finally, the third section establishes the function of language and its margins.

Kenosis and identities: pneumatological pointers

Nigrini, Jacques 11 1900 (has links)
In the thesis a methodology of understanding and explicating Christian faith consistent with the mystery of the simultaneous close connection and radical difference of God, human beings and the physical-organic cosmos environment is been mapped out. The theanthropocosmic principle as an expression of the mystery functions as the heuristic key in opening up the notion of kenosis (and incarnation) of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within the scope of the enduring interaction of . The Spirit in the kenotic sense of the word connects and differentiates the overall processes of being and becoming, here and there, now and then of the mystery of the `presences' of God, human beings and the natural cosmic world in being there (Dasein), being thus and thus (Sosein) and being dynamically actual (Aktsein). God acts in terms of the Spirit's operational kenotic presence within the margins of the creatureliness of people and the natural cosmic world as the kenotic clothing of God. A dynamic interpretation of the integral and differential character of being and becoming suggests that making sense of the dynamics of the formation of identities and identification is an ever ongoing endeavour. It implies a continuous process of negotiation whilst experiencing various continuums, remaining open-ended in an ever-increasing sense of wonder and mystery of "exitus a Deo-reditus in Deum". / Systematic Theology and theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

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