Spelling suggestions: "subject:"indirect"" "subject:"undirect""
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Prezentace řeči, psaní a uvažování v britských novinách. / The presentation of speech, writing and thought in British newspapers.Čermáková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The thesis compares forms of speech presentation (and marginally writing presentation) in British newspapers through a theory of Speech, Writing and Thought presentation as introduced by E. Semino and M. Short (2004). On a specialised corpus of 6 newspaper articles, the work compares qualitive and quantitative tendencies of individual speech presentation categories, focusing on the diagnosis of differences and common points in two journalistic sub-genres, the tabloid and the broadsheet. The speech presentation categorization is applied as a clinal model with permeable borders between individual categories. The focus is on detecting and analysing the fucntions of individual categories of speech presentation in terms of information, style, pragmatics and form. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Le "De bello ciuili" de Lucain, une parole en mutation : de la rhétorique républicaine à une poétique de la guerre civileMeunier, Isabelle Anne Catherine 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les deux premiers chants de Lucain témoignent d’une utilisation novatrice des discours directs dans l’épopée. Présentés sous forme de triades de paroles juxtaposées –le dialogue n’est plus possible dans le monde du De bello ciuili- dont l’objectif et le genre sont similaires, ils incitent le lecteur-auditeur de l’Antiquité, rompu aux joutes oratoires des concours de déclamation, à les comparer. L’examen de deux de ces groupes de discours sert de préliminaire à une enquête plus large sur la parole rhétorique, puis sur la parole poétique.Dans la confrontation des discours de la première triade (Curion / César /Laelius, au chant I) se lit la condamnation de l’éloquence traditionnelle fondée sur des valeurs éthiques universellement partagées. Elle est supplantée par une rhétorique sophistique qui redéfinit, exclusivement en fonction des intérêts personnels de l’orateur, tout ce qui a trait au droit, au juste ou à la citoyenneté, notions problématiques dans le contexte de perversion morale du bellum ciuile. L’efficacité de cette nouvelle éloquence est signalée par le succès des trois suasoires qui sont à l’origine des grands tournants narratifs de l’œuvre : Curion décide César à entrer définitivement dans l’affrontement civil (Chant I), Cicéron pousse Pompée à donner le signal du début du combat à Pharsale (Chant VII) et Pothin persuade Ptolémée d’assassiner Magnus (Chant VIII).Dans la comparaison des trois paroles prophétiques de la fin du livre I auxquelles répondent les trois discours du début du chant suivant, effusions angoissées de Romains anonymes (les femmes, les hommes et le vieillard), se dessine un art poétique destiné à justifier les choix génériques du poète pour traiter son sujet. Conformant son œuvre à la médiocrité humaine des masses, il doit renoncer au genre tragique (discours des femmes) ainsi qu’à la célébration épique des héros (discours des hommes) et s’efforcer de proposer, à l’instar du vieillard qui se remémore le passé pour anticiper le futur (le plus long discours de l’épopée, rappelant, par sa place et son sujet, l’ilioupersis d’Enée), une épopée historique qui cherche à percer l’opacité du monde de la guerre civile, dans lequel les dieux ne sont plus anthropomorphes. Empruntant leur esthétique du déchiffrement du réel aux Piérides ovidiennes, ces poétesses humaines, rivales des divines Muses (Métamorphoses V), Lucain refonde alors la persona de son uates. Chantre d’un genre nouveau, pour une épopée renouvelée, le ‘piéridique’ uates du De bello ciuili qui ne peut plus être omniscient –puisque les pensées et les actions des superi lui sont inconnaissables- refuse le patronage des divinités traditionnelles de la poésie, promet à son ‘héros’ César, non la gloire mais l’exécration éternelle et proclame avec défi, qu’il ne devra lui-même l’éternité qu’à la seule puissance de son talent personnel, divines Muses et grands guerriers héroïques des œuvres du passé ayant été congédiés par la guerre civile. / The first two books of Lucan reveal an innovative use of direct speech in epic. Presented as contiguous speech triads – dialogs being impossible in the realm of De bello ciuili – whose purpose and genre are similar, they lead the ancient reader-listener, used to oral debates typical of declamation contests, to compare them. The investigation of two of these speech groups is our first step to a larger inquiry on rhetoric speech, then on poetic speech.Confronting the speech of the first triad (Curion/Caesar/Laelius in book I) reveals the end of traditional eloquence based on universal ethic values. It is superseded by a sophistic rhetoric that redefines (exclusively according to the speaker's private interests) whatever relates to law, justice or citizenship – problematic concepts in the perverse moral context of bellum ciuile. The efficiency of this new eloquence is highlighted by the success of the three suasory performances which cause the work's main narrative turns: Curion convinces Caesar to definitely take part to the civil war (book I), Cicero leads Pompeus to launch the battle at Pharsalia (book VII) and Pothinus persuades Ptolemy to murder Magnus (book VIII).Comparing the three prophetic speeches at the end of book I (which mirror the three speeches at the beginning of the following book), anxious complains of anonimous Romans (the women, the men and the elderly), we identify an ‘art of poetry’ aimed at motivating the generic choices made by the poet to handle his subject. Working along the lines of the human depravity of masses, he may not employ neither the tragic style (the speech of women) nor the epic celebration of heroes (the speech of men), but must suggest – as the old man remembers the past to anticipate the future (the longest speech of the epic reminds Eneas’ Ilioupersis by means of its place and subject) – an historical epic aiming at enlightening the opaque world of civil war, in which the gods are no longer anthropomorphic. Borrowing their deciphering aesthetic to Ovids’ Pierides, human female poets rivaling the godly Muses (Metamorphosis V), Lucan reinvents the persona of his uates. Promoting a new genre, for a renewed epic, the 'pieridic' uates of De Bello Ciuili, which can no longer be omniscient – since the superi's thoughts and deeds are out of his reach – refuses to worship the traditional poetry deities, swears to his 'hero' Caesar not the glory but the eternal hatred and defiantly proclaims that he himself will deserve eternity only through his own talent, the godly Muses and great heroic warriors of ancient works having been dismissed by civil war.
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Processes involved in the functioning of large mammal communities : the role of the African elephant in the ecology of predator-prey relationships / Processus impliqués dans le fonctionnement des communautés de grands mamifères : le rôle de l'éléphant Africain dans l'écologie des relations prédateurs-proieFerry, Nicolas 06 April 2018 (has links)
Les communautés écologiques sont connues pour être des systèmes complexes composés de multiple espèces entrant en interaction les unes avec les autres. De nombreux modèles théoriques ont été développés pour étudier les communautés. Certains ont souligné l'importance des effets indirects que les espèces pouvaient avoir les unes sur les autres, tels que les chaînes d'interactions et les modifications d'interactions (par modification du trait d'une des espèces en interaction ou de l'environnement où se déroule l'interaction). Bien que la science expérimentale vienne confirmer le rôle fondamental que pourrait avoir ces effets indirects, peu d'études à l'échelle des communautés en milieu naturel ont été conduites, et encore moins chez les grands mammifères. Le Parc National de Hwange, au Zimbabwe, est un écosystème de savane arborée semiaride caractérisé par une quasi-absence d'eau de surface naturelle (point d'eau, rivière) pendant la saison sèche, et ce n'est qu'avec la création de points d'eau artificiels pompés que la richesse spécifique des communautés de grands mammifères et les fortes abondances animales sont maintenues. De plus, cet écosystème a la remarquable particularité à la fois d'abriter l'une des plus fortes densités d'éléphants, et d'être considéré comme l'un des bastions africains pour sa population de lions. Le lion est connu comme étant un chasseur à l'affût, utilisant les éléments de son habitat (fourrés, souches, hautes herbes, etc.) pour se rapprocher au maximum de sa proie et lui bondir dessus par surprise. De plus, cette espèce semble profiter de l'agrégation des herbivores aux points d'eau pendant la saison sèche pour chasser autour de ces points d'eau. L'éléphant d'Afrique quant à lui est capable d'aménager son milieu et est ainsi susceptible de favoriser l'accès à certaines ressources pour les autres espèces, telles que des abris ou au contraire une meilleure visibilité. En revanche, de par sa masse corporelle exceptionnelle et son régime alimentaire généraliste, il est possible qu'il soit un compétiteur clé pour les autres herbivores. Enfin, étant très nombreux dans l'écosystème étudié, nécessitant de grandes quantités d'eau, et devenant de plus en plus agressifs au fil de la saison sèche, les éléphants influencent l'utilisation des points d'eau par les autres herbivores. Cette thèse porte donc sur le rôle que peuvent avoir les éléphants sur les interactions trophiques entre les lions et leurs proies, via des mécanismes d'effets indirects. Différents axes de recherche sont abordés. Le premier porte sur l'effet des éléphants sur la communauté de grands herbivores aux points d'eau, et plus particulièrement comment ils peuvent influencer leur distribution spatiale, et à terme leur vulnérabilité vis-à-vis des prédateurs. Un évitement spatial des éléphants par les autres herbviores en début de saison sèche suggère fortement que les éléphants sont de potentiels compétiteurs. Cependant, à la fin de la saison sèche, le phénomène s'inverse et certaines espèces d'herbivores se rapprochent fortement des éléphants. Deux scénarios portant sur les mécanismes pouvant expliquer ce patron ont été explorés, sans succès : une nécessité croissante d'accéder à de l'eau de meilleure qualité au niveau des pompes des points d'eau, et une augmentation du risque de prédation qui pourrait rendre les éléphants « attractifs » aux yeux des herbivores, les éléphants adultes étant invulnérables à la prédation et capables de les faire fuir par des comportements de harcèlement. Le deuxième axe de recherche porte sur l'effet des éléphants sur la distribution spatiale des herbivores à l'échelles du paysage et de l'habitat, et sur les conséquences possibles que cela peut avoir sur l'écologie spatiale des prédateurs. L'absence de ségrégation entre éléphants et herbivores ne supporte pas l'hypothèse d'un effet de compétition par exploitation, et l'investigation quant à l'effet sur les prédateurs n'a pas été poussée plus avant... [etc] / Species can indirectly affect other species and their interactions. The trophic interaction between a predator and its prey can be modified by the presence of a third species either through chain interactions (e.g. successive predation link) either through interaction modification. However, these indirect received few attentions in theorical modelling of food web, and fewer studies tried to explore this phenomenon at the scale of natural complex communities of large mammals. The role of the elephants as modifier of lion’s trophic interaction is explored in the semi-arid woodland savannah ecosystem of Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. African elephants, as key competitor (male body mass ~ 4000 kg with aggressive behaviour) shape the behaviour of herbivores at waterholes results do not allow to state on the elephant mediation of lion trophic interaction at waterholes. In addition, elephants seem to facilitate the availability of food resources for impalas, possibly by increasing regrowth of shoots by breaking twigs and stem, as these last select habitats used by elephants. However, not effect of facilitation or competition were observed for the other herbivores, which lead to think that elephants do not influence lion trophic interaction in that way. Finally, by altering the physical environment (i.e. engineer species) the elephants affect the visibility and ambush sites for lions in the woody vegetation and ultimately seem to influence the lion kill site selection. This study suggests that indirect effects may act at the community level even if their observation and quantification are difficult in natural communities. Moreover, it supports the observation that it is important to take into account these indirect effects in order to have a thorough understanding and have a better ability to predict the consequences that disruptions may have on the structure and functioning of communities
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Modélisation des oscillations de pression auto-entretenues induites par des tourbillons dans les moteurs à propergol solide / Low order modeling of vortex driven self-sustained pressure pulsations in solid rocket motorsHirschberg, Lionel 16 January 2019 (has links)
Les moteurs de fusées à ergols solides (SRMs) sont sensibles aux instabilités hydrodynamiques qui peuvent déclencher des oscillations auto-entretenues de pression de grandes amplitudes lorsqu’elles se couplent à l’un des modes acoustiques du système. Le moteur de ces instabilités est la formation de structures tourbillonnaires cohérentes synchronisées par des ondes acoustiques longitudinales. Pour certaines conditions de fonctionnement, les ondes acoustiques générées par l’interaction de ces tourbillons avec la tuyère amorcée du moteur renforcent l’oscillation acoustique. L’objectif des travaux menés dans cette thèse est de déterminer l’amplitude et la fréquence des oscillations de pression au cycle limite des instabilités. Celui-ci est atteint par saturation non linéaire des sources, qui est la conséquence de la formation de grosses structures cohérentes. Dans ce cas l’interaction tourbillon tuyère devient insensible à l’amplitude de l’onde du mode acoustique établi dans le foyer. Dans ces conditions, on peut se concentrer sur l’interaction d’un tourbillon avec la tuyère dans le mécanisme de production sonore. En considérant un écoulement incompressible et l’absence de frottement, un premier modèle analytique est développé permettant de déterminer la production sonore d’un tourbillon ingéré par une tuyère bidimensionnelle plane, lorsque le tourbillon est traité comme une ligne vorticité. Des expériences précédentes indiquent que le volume de la cavité autour de l’entrée d’une tuyère intégrée a une grande influence sur l’amplitude des oscillations de pression dans les grands SRMs. On montre que ceci est dû au champ de vitesse acoustique induit par la compressibilité du gaz dans la cavité qui produit une fluctuation de vitesse transverse à la trajectoire du tourbillon. Une seconde alternative au modèle analytique incompressible est développée en considérant toujours l’absence de frottement, mais un modèle compressible de l’interaction tourbillon-tuyère. Celui-ci repose sur un code aéroacoustique pour les écoulements internes basé sur les équations d’Euler (EIA) qui est utilisé ici pour la simulation de l’interaction tourbillon-tuyère. Une étude systématique de cette interaction a été menée pour une tuyère amorcée. Les résultats ont permis de proposer un modèle de sources localisées pour des ondes planes basé sur une analyse théorique des lois d’échelles de ces phénomènes. Les simulations de ces interactions tourbillons-tuyères ont été réalisées pour différents types de tuyères. En employant un bilan énergétique, un modèle avec un seul paramètre de contrôle est formulé, qui permet de reproduire qualitativement le comportement du cycle limite d’oscillations de pression observées dans des expériences réalisées avec des gaz froids décrites dans la littérature. Finalement le modèle Euler est utilisé pour comparer la production de son par interaction tourbillon-tuyère avec celle due à l’ingestion d’une onde d’entropie, appelée aussi tache d’entropie. Contrairement au cas des tourbillons, le bruit produit par ingestion de taches d’entropie n’est pas sensible au volume de la cavité d’une tuyère intégrée. Ces résultats indiquent que le bruit produit par les tourbillons est dominant dans le cas des SRMs étudiés. L’ensemble de ces travaux permet d’améliorer la compréhension des phénomènes d’interaction entre des non-homogénéités de l’écoulement et la tuyère. Elle permet surtout de déterminer quels sont les facteurs de l’écoulement et les éléments géométriques importants qui pilotent le niveau sonore produit par ces interactions. Les modèles développés dans ces travaux, avec divers degrés d’approximation et de complexité permettent d’enrichir la gamme des outils de conception des SRMs. / Solid Rocket Motors (SRMs) can display self-sustained acoustic oscillations driven by coupling between hydrodynamic instabilities of the internal flow and longitudinal acoustic standing waves. The hydrodynamic instabilities are triggered by the acoustic standing wave and results in the formation of coherent vortical structures. For nominal ranges of flow conditions the sound waves generated by the interaction between these vortices and the choked nozzle at the end of the combustion chamber reinforces the acoustic oscillation. Most available literature on this subject focuses on the threshold of instability using a linear model. The focus of this work is on the prediction of the limit-cycle amplitude. The limit-cycle is reached due to nonlinear saturation of the source, as a consequence of the formation of large coherent vortical structures. In this case the vortex-nozzle interaction becomes insensitive to the amplitude of the acoustic standing wave. Hence, one can focus on the sound generation of a vortex with the nozzle. Sound production can be predicted from an analytical two-dimensional planar incompressible frictionless model using the so-called Vortex Sound Theory. In this model the vorticity is assumed to be concentrated in a line vortex. Experiments indicate that the volume of cavities around so-called “integrated nozzles” have a large influence on the pulsation amplitude for large SRMs. This is due to the acoustical field normal to the vortex trajectory, induced by the compressibility of the gas in this cavity. As an alternative to the incompressible analytical model a compressible frictionless model with an internal Euler Aeroacoustic (EIA) flow solver is used for simulations of vortex-nozzle interaction. A dedicated numerical simulation study focusing on elementary processes such as vortex-nozzle and entropy spot-nozzle interaction allows a systematic variation of relevant parameters and yields insight which would be difficult by means of limit cycle studies of the full engine. A systematic study of the vortex-nozzle interaction in the case of a choked nozzle has been undertaken. The results are summarized by using a lumped element model for plane wave propagation, which is based on theoretical scaling laws. From EIA simulations it appears that sound due to vortex-nozzle interaction is mainly generated during the approach phase and that for the relevant parameter range there is no impingement of the vortex on the nozzle wall as has been suggested in the literature. Using an energy balance approach, a single fit-parameter model is formulated which qualitatively predicts limit-cycle observations in cold gas-scale experiments reported in the literature. Finally the Euler model is used to compare the sound production by vortex-nozzle interaction with that due to the ingestion of an entropy non-uniformity also called entropy spot. In addition to insight, this study provides a systematic procedure to develop a lumped element model for the sound source due to non-homogeneous flow-nozzle interactions in SRMs. Such lumped models based on experimental data or a limited number of flow simulations can be used to ease the design of SRMs.
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"No se nace mujer, la mujer se hace:" la autoconstrucción del personaje principal en la novela Leonora de Elena Poniatowska.Gutierrez Menez, Evangelina January 2013 (has links)
The novel Leonora by Elena Poniatowska is about Leonora Carrington who was born into a wealthy family and challenged family traditions, and those expectations imposed by her social background and her gender. It will be shown that the main character acts according to a self-construction process free of social impositions. Simone de Beauvoir’s well-known phrase “one is not born a woman, one becomes one”, is one of the feminist positions that contributes to this analysis, as well as the literary techniques explained by Gérard Genette, Oscar Tacca, Mieke Bal and the narratology theories of focalization, direct speech, indirect speech and free indirect speech. The aim of this essay is to analyze the literary techniques that present the self-construction of the main character, and their effects on the reader. The hypotheses of this essay are that in order to present the self-construction of the character, the literary techniques create an effect of alternately zooming the reader in to the main character’s experience, and zooming out to a more objective view. In addition, the literary techniques used to present Carrington’s self-construction seek to show her feminist stance and her transgressions in both private and public spheres. Poniatowska’s literary techniques deliver the message that when a woman is released from social and cultural constraints she has the power to modify spheres.
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Étude et conception d'un système thermodynamique producteur du travail mécanique à partir d'une source chaude à 120°C / Study and design of a thermodynamic system generating mechanical work from a hot source at 120°CMaalouf, Samer 27 September 2013 (has links)
Les fumées à basse température (<120-150 °C) sortant des procédés industriels pourraient être récupérées pour la production d'électricité et constituent un moyen efficace de réduction de la consommation d'énergie primaire et des émissions de dioxyde de carbone. Cependant, des barrières techniques tels que la faible efficacité de conversion, la nécessité d'une grande zone de transfert de chaleur, et la présence de substances chimiques corrosives liées à une forte teneur en humidité lors du fonctionnement en environnement sévère entravent leur application plus large. Cette thèse porte particulièrement sur les secteurs industriels les plus énergivores rencontrant actuellement des difficultés à récupérer l'énergie des sources de chaleur à basse température dans des environnements hostiles. Des cycles thermodynamiques existants basés sur le Cycle de Rankine Organique (ORC) sont adaptés et optimisés pour ce niveau de température. Deux méthodes de récupération de chaleur classiques sont étudiées plus particulièrement : les déshumidifications à contact direct et indirect. Des méthodes de conception optimisées pour les échangeurs de chaleur sont élaborées et validées expérimentalement. Pour la déshumidification à contact indirect, des matériaux à revêtement anticorrosifs sont proposés et testés. Pour la déshumidification à contact direct, les effets du type et de la géométrie des garnissages sur les performances hydrauliques sont étudiés. Des cycles thermodynamiques innovants basés sur la technologie de déshydratation liquide sont proposés. Un cycle de régénération amélioré (IRC) est développé. Comparé aux technologies de récupération de chaleur classiques, l'IRC proposé améliore à la fois la puissance nette et le taux de détente de la turbine en prévenant par ailleurs les problèmes de corrosion. / Low-temperature waste-gas heat sources (< 120-150°C) exiting several industrial processes could be recovered for electricity production and constitute an effective mean to reduce primary energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. However, technical barriers such as low conversion efficiency, large needed heat transfer area, and the presence of chemically corrosive substances associated with high moisture content when operating in harsh environment impede their wider application. This thesis focuses on particularly energy-hungry industrial sectors characterized by presently unsolved challenges in terms of environmentally hostile low-temperature heat sources. Existing thermodynamic cycles based on Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) are adapted and optimized for this temperature level. Two conventional heat recovery methods are studied more particularly: indirect and direct contact dehumidification. Optimized design methods for heat exchangers are elaborated and experimentally validated. For the indirect contact dehumidification, advanced anti-corrosion coated materials are proposed and laboratory tested. For the direct contact dehumidification, the effects of packing material and geometry on the corresponding hydraulic performances are underlined. Innovative thermodynamic cycles based on the liquid desiccant technology are investigated. An improved regeneration cycle (IRC) is developed. Compared to the conventional heat recovery technologies, the proposed “IRC” improves both net power and turbine expansion ratio besides preventing faced corrosions problems.
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La religion du contractant / Contractors' religionVaraine, Laura 30 October 2017 (has links)
Instrument d'échange économique par excellence, le contrat n'est pas, de prime abord, le terrain le plus propice à la satisfaction d'un idéal religieux. Il n'est pas rare, cependant, qu'un contractant se prévale de ses convictions et pratiques religieuses aux fins d'y adapter le contenu ou les conditions d'exécution d'une prestation. La tentation est grande de s'y montrer indifférent. D'un côté est invoquée, pour y parer, l'autonomie de la volonté. De l'autre, il est même suggéré de transposer le principe de laïcité aux relations privées pour obliger les contractants à faire preuve de neutralité. Or, ces dernières sont gouvernées par la liberté de religion. Ainsi, la contractualisation des convictions et pratiques religieuses doit être fortement encouragée. En outre, dans le silence du contrat, le juge peut imposer certaines obligations positives aux contractants, au nom de la liberté de religion et du droit à la non discrimination, au terme d'un processus de conciliation. / Prima facie, as the most representative economic instrument, contract is not favourable to the satisfaction of religious interests. Nevertheless, contractors frequently invoke their religious beliefs and practices in order to adapt either the content or the conditions of implementation of their duties. Indifference is sometimes considered as a tempting reaction to those claims. One the one hand, it is referred to contractual autonomy. On the other hand, it is suggested to extend secularism to private relations, for the purpose of compelling contracting parties to remain neutral. However, these ones are ruled by freedom of religion. As a consequence, individuals should be incited to include their religious convictions and practices to their contracts. Morerover, judges should be allowed to impose positive obligations, on behalf of both religious freedom and the right to non-discrimination, after a conciliation process.
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ExigÃncias nutricionais de cordeiros da raÃa Somalis brasileira / Nutritional requirements of brazilian Somali lambsRildson Melo Fontenele 07 November 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Objetivou-se com o seguinte trabalho determinar as exigÃncias nutricionais de energia e proteÃna em ovinos Somalis Brasileira. Utilizou-se 48 ovinos Somalis Brasileira em crescimento, nÃo-castrados, com idade e peso corporal (PC) mÃdio de 60 dias e 13,47  1,76 kg, respectivamente. ApÃs um perÃodo de adaptaÃÃo de 20 dias, oito animais foram abatidos e utilizados como referÃncia para estimativas do peso de corpo vazio (PCVZ) e da composiÃÃo corporal inicial dos demais animais. Os animais remanescentes foram distribuÃdos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, sendo os tratamentos, raÃÃes contendo diferentes nÃveis de energia metabolizÃvel (1,18; 2,07; 2,25; 2,42 e 2,69 Mcal/kg MS), com oito repetiÃÃes. O peso de abate foi determinado quando a mÃdia de peso dos animais de um dos cinco tratamentos atingiu 28 kg. A exigÃncia lÃquida de energia para mantenÃa foi estimado extrapolando-se a equaÃÃo de regressÃo do logaritmo da produÃÃo de calor, em funÃÃo do consumo de energia metabolizÃvel (CEM) para o nÃvel zero de CEM. A excreÃÃo diÃria de nitrogÃnio (N) foi estimada extrapolando-se a equaÃÃo de regressÃo de consumo de N (g/kg PC0,75/dia) em funÃÃo da retenÃÃo de N (g/kg PC0,75/dia) para o consumo zero. Foram ajustadas equaÃÃes de regressÃo do logaritmo do conteÃdo de gordura, energia e proteÃna em funÃÃo do logaritmo do PCVZ dos animais. A concentraÃÃo de energia lÃquida da dieta para mantenÃa, foi obtida dividindo-se a produÃÃo de calor em jejum, pelo CMS para manter o equilÃbrio de energia, expresso em g de MS/kg PCVZ0,75. A validaÃÃo do modelo SRNS foi realizada atravÃs do ajuste de modelo de regressÃo linear simples entre os valores preditos (variÃvel independente) e observados (variÃvel dependente), as variÃveis analisadas foram CMS e GPC. A composiÃÃo quÃmica corporal foi determinada utilizando a composiÃÃo da meia carcaÃa direita, assim como uma amostra da seÃÃo HH, obtida da meia carcaÃa esquerda. Na meia-carcaÃa esquerda resfriada, retirou-se o corte da seÃÃo HH, pela secÃÃo transversal da 9a-10a-11a costelas no ponto correspondente a 61,5% da distÃncia entre a vÃrtebra seccionada e o inÃcio da cartilagem da 12a costela, em seguida, a seÃÃo HH foi moÃda em moedor de carne industrial e homogeneizada. O ganho mÃdio diÃrio e o ganho de peso de corpo vazio aumentaram linearmente com o aumento dos nÃveis de energia metabolizÃveis. Jà o peso corporal final, peso corporal ao abate, peso de corpo vazio, consumo de matÃria seca e consumo de energia metabolizÃvel apresentaram efeito quadrÃtico (P <0,001) com o aumento do nÃvel de energia. O teor de energia e de gordura de PCVZ dos animais aumentou de 2,77 Mcal/kg e 209,17 g/kg para 3,47 Mcal/kg e 294,08 g/kg de PCVZ, respectivamente, e o PC aumentou de 13,00 para 28,70 kg. O consumo de nitrogÃnio apresentou efeito quadrÃtico, com ponto de mÃxima de 2,59 Mcal/kg MS de energia metabolizÃvel, correspondendo ao consumo mÃximo de N de 2,90 g/kg PC0,75/dia. Jà para o nitrogÃnio retido diariamente, observou-se resposta linear crescente com o aumento nos nÃveis de energia metabolizÃvel nas dietas. Observou-se uma diminuiÃÃo da quantidade de proteÃna no corpo vazio dos animais com o aumento do PCVZ, passando de 143,71 para 122,52 g/kg PCVZ, quando os animais aumentaram o peso corporal de 13,00 para 28,70 kg. A excreÃÃo diÃria de N foi estimada em 0,128 g/kg PC0,75/dia. A composiÃÃo corporal de ovinos Somalis Brasileira varia de 538,28 a 593,93 g/kg de PCVZ para Ãgua, 228,17 a 353,13 g/kg de PCVZ para gordura, 114,53 a 157,93 g/kg de PCVZ para poteÃna e 17,94 a 31,68 g/kg de PCVZ de matÃria mineral, para dietas contendo 1,18 a 2,69 Mcal/kg de MS, respectivamente. A exigÃncia lÃquida de energia para mantenÃa à 45,63 g/kg PCVZ0,75/dia. O aumento no peso dos animais de 13,00 para 28,70 kg PC eleva as deposiÃÃes de gordura de 283,75 para 398,93 g/kg GPCVZ e energia de 3,42 para 4,30 Mcal/kg GPCVZ. A exigÃncia lÃquida de proteÃna para mantenÃa à 0,80 g/kg PC0,75/dia, havendo uma diminuiÃÃo da exigÃncia lÃquida de proteÃna para GPCVZ de 119,72 para 102,07 g/kg GPCVZ, conforme o peso corporal aumenta de 13,00 para 28,70 kg. A eficiÃncia de uso da energia metabolizÃvel para mantenÃa à de 0,67. Jà a eficiÃncia de uso da energia metabolizÃvel para ganho varia de 1,85 a 0,43 para dietas contendo 1,18 a 2,69 Mcal/hg MS respectivamente. As exigÃncias lÃquidas de energia e proteÃna elevam-se com o aumento do peso corporal e aumento do ganho de peso corporal dos ovinos Somalis Brasileira. O modelo Small Ruminant Nutrition Systems à sensÃvel para predizer o consumo de matÃria seca, entretanto, subestimou em 5,18% o ganho mÃdio diÃrio de peso corporal. A seÃÃo HH estimou satisfatoriamente a composiÃÃo quÃmica de Ãgua, proteÃna e gordura na carcaÃa e no corpo vazio, enquanto o teor de minerais foi subestimado em torno de 27,07% na carcaÃa e 14,91% no corpo vazio. Os teores de Ãgua, proteÃna bruta e gordura da carcaÃa podem ser preditos pela seÃÃo HH. Por fim, a composiÃÃo quÃmica da seÃÃo HH pode ser utilizada em substituiÃÃo à composiÃÃo quÃmica da carcaÃa para predizer composiÃÃo quÃmica do corpo vazio em ovinos Somalis Brasileira. / Objetivou-se com o seguinte trabalho determinar as exigÃncias nutricionais de energia e proteÃna em ovinos Somalis Brasileira. Utilizou-se 48 ovinos Somalis Brasileira em crescimento, nÃo-castrados, com idade e peso corporal (PC) mÃdio de 60 dias e 13,47  1,76 kg, respectivamente. ApÃs um perÃodo de adaptaÃÃo de 20 dias, oito animais foram abatidos e utilizados como referÃncia para estimativas do peso de corpo vazio (PCVZ) e da composiÃÃo corporal inicial dos demais animais. Os animais remanescentes foram distribuÃdos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, sendo os tratamentos, raÃÃes contendo diferentes nÃveis de energia metabolizÃvel (1,18; 2,07; 2,25; 2,42 e 2,69 Mcal/kg MS), com oito repetiÃÃes. O peso de abate foi determinado quando a mÃdia de peso dos animais de um dos cinco tratamentos atingiu 28 kg. A exigÃncia lÃquida de energia para mantenÃa foi estimado extrapolando-se a equaÃÃo de regressÃo do logaritmo da produÃÃo de calor, em funÃÃo do consumo de energia metabolizÃvel (CEM) para o nÃvel zero de CEM. A excreÃÃo diÃria de nitrogÃnio (N) foi estimada extrapolando-se a equaÃÃo de regressÃo de consumo de N (g/kg PC0,75/dia) em funÃÃo da retenÃÃo de N (g/kg PC0,75/dia) para o consumo zero. Foram ajustadas equaÃÃes de regressÃo do logaritmo do conteÃdo de gordura, energia e proteÃna em funÃÃo do logaritmo do PCVZ dos animais. A concentraÃÃo de energia lÃquida da dieta para mantenÃa, foi obtida dividindo-se a produÃÃo de calor em jejum, pelo CMS para manter o equilÃbrio de energia, expresso em g de MS/kg PCVZ0,75. A validaÃÃo do modelo SRNS foi realizada atravÃs do ajuste de modelo de regressÃo linear simples entre os valores preditos (variÃvel independente) e observados (variÃvel dependente), as variÃveis analisadas foram CMS e GPC. A composiÃÃo quÃmica corporal foi determinada utilizando a composiÃÃo da meia carcaÃa direita, assim como uma amostra da seÃÃo HH, obtida da meia carcaÃa esquerda. Na meia-carcaÃa esquerda resfriada, retirou-se o corte da seÃÃo HH, pela secÃÃo transversal da 9a-10a-11a costelas no ponto correspondente a 61,5% da distÃncia entre a vÃrtebra seccionada e o inÃcio da cartilagem da 12a costela, em seguida, a seÃÃo HH foi moÃda em moedor de carne industrial e homogeneizada. O ganho mÃdio diÃrio e o ganho de peso de corpo vazio aumentaram linearmente com o aumento dos nÃveis de energia metabolizÃveis. Jà o peso corporal final, peso corporal ao abate, peso de corpo vazio, consumo de matÃria seca e consumo de energia metabolizÃvel apresentaram efeito quadrÃtico (P <0,001) com o aumento do nÃvel de energia. O teor de energia e de gordura de PCVZ dos animais aumentou de 2,77 Mcal/kg e 209,17 g/kg para 3,47 Mcal/kg e 294,08 g/kg de PCVZ, respectivamente, e o PC aumentou de 13,00 para 28,70 kg. O consumo de nitrogÃnio apresentou efeito quadrÃtico, com ponto de mÃxima de 2,59 Mcal/kg MS de energia metabolizÃvel, correspondendo ao consumo mÃximo de N de 2,90 g/kg PC0,75/dia. Jà para o nitrogÃnio retido diariamente, observou-se resposta linear crescente com o aumento nos nÃveis de energia metabolizÃvel nas dietas. Observou-se uma diminuiÃÃo da quantidade de proteÃna no corpo vazio dos animais com o aumento do PCVZ, passando de 143,71 para 122,52 g/kg PCVZ, quando os animais aumentaram o peso corporal de 13,00 para 28,70 kg. A excreÃÃo diÃria de N foi estimada em 0,128 g/kg PC0,75/dia. A composiÃÃo corporal de ovinos Somalis Brasileira varia de 538,28 a 593,93 g/kg de PCVZ para Ãgua, 228,17 a 353,13 g/kg de PCVZ para gordura, 114,53 a 157,93 g/kg de PCVZ para poteÃna e 17,94 a 31,68 g/kg de PCVZ de matÃria mineral, para dietas contendo 1,18 a 2,69 Mcal/kg de MS, respectivamente. A exigÃncia lÃquida de energia para mantenÃa à 45,63 g/kg PCVZ0,75/dia. O aumento no peso dos animais de 13,00 para 28,70 kg PC eleva as deposiÃÃes de gordura de 283,75 para 398,93 g/kg GPCVZ e energia de 3,42 para 4,30 Mcal/kg GPCVZ. A exigÃncia lÃquida de proteÃna para mantenÃa à 0,80 g/kg PC0,75/dia, havendo uma diminuiÃÃo da exigÃncia lÃquida de proteÃna para GPCVZ de 119,72 para 102,07 g/kg GPCVZ, conforme o peso corporal aumenta de 13,00 para 28,70 kg. A eficiÃncia de uso da energia metabolizÃvel para mantenÃa à de 0,67. Jà a eficiÃncia de uso da energia metabolizÃvel para ganho varia de 1,85 a 0,43 para dietas contendo 1,18 a 2,69 Mcal/hg MS respectivamente. As exigÃncias lÃquidas de energia e proteÃna elevam-se com o aumento do peso corporal e aumento do ganho de peso corporal dos ovinos Somalis Brasileira. O modelo Small Ruminant Nutrition Systems à sensÃvel para predizer o consumo de matÃria seca, entretanto, subestimou em 5,18% o ganho mÃdio diÃrio de peso corporal. A seÃÃo HH estimou satisfatoriamente a composiÃÃo quÃmica de Ãgua, proteÃna e gordura na carcaÃa e no corpo vazio, enquanto o teor de minerais foi subestimado em torno de 27,07% na carcaÃa e 14,91% no corpo vazio. Os teores de Ãgua, proteÃna bruta e gordura da carcaÃa podem ser preditos pela seÃÃo HH. Por fim, a composiÃÃo quÃmica da seÃÃo HH pode ser utilizada em substituiÃÃo à composiÃÃo quÃmica da carcaÃa para predizer composiÃÃo quÃmica do corpo vazio em ovinos Somalis Brasileira. / The objective of the following work to determine the nutritional requirements of energy and protein in Brazilian Somali sheep. We used 48 sheep Brazilian Somali growing, non-castrated, age and body weight (BW) average of 60 days and 13.47  1.76 kg respectively. After a 20 day adaptation period, eight animals were slaughtered and used as a reference for estimates of empty body weight (EBW) and initial body composition of other animals. The remaining animals were distributed in a randomized block design, with the treatments, diets with different levels of metabolizable energy (1.18; 2.07; 2.25; 2.42 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM), with eight repetitions. The weight of slaughter animals was determined when the weight average of the five treatments was 28 kg. The net energy requirement for maintenance was estimated extrapolating the logarithmic regression equation of heat production, depending on the metabolizable energy intake (MEI) to the zero level of MEI. The daily excretion of nitrogen (N) was estimated by extrapolating to N consumption regression equation (g/BW0.75 kg/day) as a function of the N retention (g/BW 0.75 kg/day) for consumption zero. They were adjusted regression of log equations fat content, protein and energy in the logarithm of EBW animals. The concentration of net energy for maintenance diet was obtained by dividing the heat production in fasting, the DMI to maintain energy balance in g DM/kg EBW0.75. The validation of the SRNS model was performed using the simple linear regression model fit between the predicted values (independent variable) and observed (dependent variable), variables were analyzed DMI and BWG. The body composition was determined using the composition of the right half carcass, as well as a sample of the section HH, obtained from the left crankcase half. In middle housing cooled left, retreated cutting the section HH, the cross section of the 9th-10th-11th rib at the point corresponding to 61.5% of the distance between the sectioned vertebrae and the beginning of the 12th rib cartilage in then, the HH section was ground in grinder industrial and homogenised meat. The average daily gain and empty body weight gain increased linearly with increasing metabolizable energy levels. But the final body weight, body weight at slaughter, empty body weight, dry matter intake and metabolizable energy intake showed a quadratic effect (P<0.001) with increasing energy level. Energy and fat EBW of the animals increased from 2.77 Mcal/kg to 209.17 g/kg to 3.47 Mcal/kg to 294.08 g/kg EBW, respectively, and increased the BW 13.00 to 28.70 kg. Consumption of nitrogen showed quadratic effect with point of maximum of 2.59 Mcal/kg DM of metabolizable energy, corresponding to the maximum consumption of N of 2.90 g/kg BW0.75/day. As for the nitrogen retained daily, there was a positive linear correlation with the increase in metabolizable energy levels in the diets. There was a decreased amount of protein in the empty body of animals with increased EBW, from 143.71 to 122.52 g/kg EBW, when the animals increased the body weight of 13.00 to 28.70 kg. The daily excretion of N was estimated at 0.128 g/BW0.75 kg/day. The body composition of Brazilian Somali sheep ranges from 538.28 to 593.93 g/kg EBW for water, from 228.17 to 353.13 g/kg EBW for fat, 114.53 to 157.93 g/kg EBW for protein and from 17.94 to 31.68 g/kg of EBW of mineral matter, for diets containing 1.18 to 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively. The net energy requirement for maintenance is 45.63 g/kg EBW0.75/day. The increase in animal weight of 13.00 to 28.70 kg BW increases the deposition of fat from 283.75 to 398.93 g/kg EBW and energy of 3.42 to 4.30 Mcal/kg EBW. The protein requirement for maintenance is 0.80 g/BW0.75 kg/day, with a decreased protein requirement for EBW of 119.72 to 102.07 g/kg EBW, as the weight increases by 13.00 to 28.70 kg. The use efficiency of metabolizable energy for maintenance is 0.67. Already use efficiency of metabolizable energy for gain varies from 1.85 to 0.43 for diets containing 1.18 to 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively. The net requirements of energy and protein increase with increasing body weight and increase in body weight gain of Brazilian Somali sheep. The model Small Ruminant Nutrition Systems is sensitive to predict dry matter intake, however, underestimated in 5.18% the average daily weight gain. The section HH satisfactorily estimated the chemical composition of water, protein and fat in the carcass and empty body, while the mineral content was underestimated around 27.07% 14.91% housing and empty body. The water content, crude protein and carcass fat can be predicted by section HH. Finally, the chemical composition of section HH can be used to replace the chemical composition of the carcass to predict chemical composition of empty body in Brazilian Somalis sheep. / The objective of the following work to determine the nutritional requirements of energy and protein in Brazilian Somali sheep. We used 48 sheep Brazilian Somali growing, non-castrated, age and body weight (BW) average of 60 days and 13.47  1.76 kg respectively. After a 20 day adaptation period, eight animals were slaughtered and used as a reference for estimates of empty body weight (EBW) and initial body composition of other animals. The remaining animals were distributed in a randomized block design, with the treatments, diets with different levels of metabolizable energy (1.18; 2.07; 2.25; 2.42 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM), with eight repetitions. The weight of slaughter animals was determined when the weight average of the five treatments was 28 kg. The net energy requirement for maintenance was estimated extrapolating the logarithmic regression equation of heat production, depending on the metabolizable energy intake (MEI) to the zero level of MEI. The daily excretion of nitrogen (N) was estimated by extrapolating to N consumption regression equation (g/BW0.75 kg/day) as a function of the N retention (g/BW 0.75 kg/day) for consumption zero. They were adjusted regression of log equations fat content, protein and energy in the logarithm of EBW animals. The concentration of net energy for maintenance diet was obtained by dividing the heat production in fasting, the DMI to maintain energy balance in g DM/kg EBW0.75. The validation of the SRNS model was performed using the simple linear regression model fit between the predicted values (independent variable) and observed (dependent variable), variables were analyzed DMI and BWG. The body composition was determined using the composition of the right half carcass, as well as a sample of the section HH, obtained from the left crankcase half. In middle housing cooled left, retreated cutting the section HH, the cross section of the 9th-10th-11th rib at the point corresponding to 61.5% of the distance between the sectioned vertebrae and the beginning of the 12th rib cartilage in then, the HH section was ground in grinder industrial and homogenised meat. The average daily gain and empty body weight gain increased linearly with increasing metabolizable energy levels. But the final body weight, body weight at slaughter, empty body weight, dry matter intake and metabolizable energy intake showed a quadratic effect (P<0.001) with increasing energy level. Energy and fat EBW of the animals increased from 2.77 Mcal/kg to 209.17 g/kg to 3.47 Mcal/kg to 294.08 g/kg EBW, respectively, and increased the BW 13.00 to 28.70 kg. Consumption of nitrogen showed quadratic effect with point of maximum of 2.59 Mcal/kg DM of metabolizable energy, corresponding to the maximum consumption of N of 2.90 g/kg BW0.75/day. As for the nitrogen retained daily, there was a positive linear correlation with the increase in metabolizable energy levels in the diets. There was a decreased amount of protein in the empty body of animals with increased EBW, from 143.71 to 122.52 g/kg EBW, when the animals increased the body weight of 13.00 to 28.70 kg. The daily excretion of N was estimated at 0.128 g/BW0.75 kg/day. The body composition of Brazilian Somali sheep ranges from 538.28 to 593.93 g/kg EBW for water, from 228.17 to 353.13 g/kg EBW for fat, 114.53 to 157.93 g/kg EBW for protein and from 17.94 to 31.68 g/kg of EBW of mineral matter, for diets containing 1.18 to 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively. The net energy requirement for maintenance is 45.63 g/kg EBW0.75/day. The increase in animal weight of 13.00 to 28.70 kg BW increases the deposition of fat from 283.75 to 398.93 g/kg EBW and energy of 3.42 to 4.30 Mcal/kg EBW. The protein requirement for maintenance is 0.80 g/BW0.75 kg/day, with a decreased protein requirement for EBW of 119.72 to 102.07 g/kg EBW, as the weight increases by 13.00 to 28.70 kg. The use efficiency of metabolizable energy for maintenance is 0.67. Already use efficiency of metabolizable energy for gain varies from 1.85 to 0.43 for diets containing 1.18 to 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively. The net requirements of energy and protein increase with increasing body weight and increase in body weight gain of Brazilian Somali sheep. The model Small Ruminant Nutrition Systems is sensitive to predict dry matter intake, however, underestimated in 5.18% the average daily weight gain. The section HH satisfactorily estimated the chemical composition of water, protein and fat in the carcass and empty body, while the mineral content was underestimated around 27.07% 14.91% housing and empty body. The water content, crude protein and carcass fat can be predicted by section HH. Finally, the chemical composition of section HH can be used to replace the chemical composition of the carcass to predict chemical composition of empty body in Brazilian Somalis sheep.
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Spatio-Temporal Control Of Drosophila Indirect Flight Muscle Development And Maintenance By The Transcription Factor Erect WingRai, Mamta 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Muscle development involves concerted action of a repertoire of mechanisms governing myoblast proliferation, migration, fusion and differentiation. Subsequently, there are cellular events administrating proper muscle function and maintenance of muscle integrity. Chapter 1 covers what is known about muscle development, building up of mass and maintenance in vertebrates and Drosophila, highlighting the myogenic programs and factors that play a role in them. The formation of vertebrate skeletal muscles can be recapitulated in Drosophila indirect flight muscles (IFMs), making IFMs an interesting model to dissect and understand the mechanisms of muscle development and maintenance. The cellular and developmental events that occur during IFM development have been discussed in detail along with their genetic control which encompasses both cell autonomous and cell non-autonomous mechanisms. The fly resources and tools used for experimentations have been described in Chapter 2.
One of the hallmark events during muscle development is myoblast fusion. Myoblasts are kept in undifferentiated state until they fuse through a balanced action of anti-differentiation and pro-differentiation factors. The swarming myoblasts are in semi-differentiated state and just prior to fusion should exit cell cycle to achieve terminal differentiation. The mechanisms of cyclin/CDK complexes and their regulation via CKI (CDK inhibitor) are known in a cell. However, tissue specific factors exerting additional control on molecules that participate in cell cycle have been proposed but have not been shown in vivo. Chapter 3 uncovers a novel role played by the transcription factor, Erect wing (Ewg) in IFM development and patterning. Despite the fact that Ewg is known to express in fusing myoblasts and nuclei of developing IFMs and has long been used as a nuclear marker for IFMs, the mechanism(s) behind Ewg‟s function has remained enigmatic. Historical perspective of Ewg has been presented in Chapter 1. One set of IFMs; dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLMs) require larval templates for their formation and the other set; dorsal ventral muscles (DVMs) form de novo. Chapter 3 shows that Ewg is required in a spatio-temporal fashion to initiate myoblast fusion process. In the absence of Ewg, the number of fusion events in a given time is reduced. In addition de novo fusion is observed in the region of DLM development just like DVM and overall IFM development is delayed resulting in an aberrant adult IFM pattern. Genetic studies undertaken reveal a requirement for Ewg in exerting a temporal control on myoblast fusion. This is achieved by down-regulating Cyclin E levels, as a result of which the myoblasts exit cell cycle at G1/S stage. Through this study the proposal for DLM development and pattern has been put forth as follows: i) appropriate progression of DLM development commences on synchronous exit of myoblasts from cell cycle. This function is facilitated by Ewg expression in fusing myoblasts assisting symmetrical DLM formation in hemithoraces. ii) DLM pattern of six muscles in each hemithorax is dependent on template survival which requires fusion of enough myoblasts and further subsequent fusion events to support the splitting of three larval templates or presumptive DLM.
The muscles that develop should preserve their structural integrity for efficient functional output. Muscles perform extensive activities warranting high energy requirements. IFMs are widely utilised for thorax movements that aid flight. IFMs are exclusively oxidative in nature with upto 40% mass contributed by large mitochondria themselves. Chapter 4 describes yet another novel finding for Ewg function in IFM maintenance. Vertebrate homolog of Ewg is nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF1) known for its role in mitochondrial biogenesis. This prompted an investigation on the role of Ewg, if any, in mitochondrial function and IFM maintenance. In this chapter, Ewg null adult IFMs are shown to undergo degeneration. Mitochondria in these muscles show rounder and smaller phenotype. Mitochondria morphology is traced throughout Drosophila pupal DLM development and extensive fusion is observed in last one-fourth of pupal phase. In Ewg null condition transcripts of Opa1-like required for inner mitochondrial membrane fusion is found to be absent, suggesting lack of mitochondrial fusion behind the smaller mitochondrial morphology. This emerged as an intriguing problem since Ewg expression follows until sarcomerogenesis (formation of sarcomeres) initiates at mid pupal stage. Developmentally extending Ewg‟s expression beyond mid pupal stage is not observed to increase Opa1-like levels pointing an indirect regulation by Ewg. However, Opa1-like knock-down beyond mid pupal stage is not observed to result in any muscle or flight defect. It is thus proposed that Ewg expression early during muscle development helps to up-regulate Opa1-like levels needed to support mitochondrial growth and fusion. In addition, this chapter provides additional data on requirement of Opa1-like for maintenance of mitochondrial as well as muscle integrity. This is the first ever report of tissue specific temporal regulation of Opa1-like by Ewg.
Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 conclude spatially segregated functional requirements of Ewg which are also mechanistically distinct. Expression in fusing myoblasts channelizes fusing myoblasts to exit cell cycle and undergo timely fusion saving the larval template, subsequent fusion assists template splitting thus forming the appropriate adult DLM pattern. On the other hand expression until mid pupal stage up-regulates Opa1-like expression, facilitating mitochondrial fusion during the late pupal stage. This as a result helps maintain structural integrity of muscles in the adult.
Vertebrate skeletal muscle contains multiple muscle fibres that provide appropriate mass and size to muscles. As DLM share similarity in development to that of the vertebrate skeletal muscle, DLM organisation is studied to get insights into the mechanisms which regulate the process. Chapter 5 discusses role of nuclear number and nuclear activity in determining the DLM organisation. In order to alter nuclear number, myoblast population is reduced to amounts lesser than that of the wild type and to alter nuclear activity, two nuclear encoded genes Opa1-like and Marf , involved in inner and outer mitochondrial membrane fusion respectively have been knocked down in IFMs. First, the DLM organisation is established by comparing it to the vertebrate skeletal muscle organisation. This organisation is affected on lowering the number of myoblasts destined to fuse and form IFMs, without affecting the differentiation. On the other hand, when nuclear encoded mitochondrial fusion genes are knocked down, not only DLM organisation but their differentiation is also affected. A proposal for achieving DLM organisation has been presented which should also apply to vertebrate skeletal muscle given their developmental similarity.
In conclusion, the studies decipher a novel mechanism by which a transcription factor, Ewg exerts a temporal control on myoblast fusions directly influencing progression of DLM formation, and thereby, symmetry and pattern.
Moreover, Ewg is also shown here to regulate mitochondrial fusion during later pupal stages helping muscles to attain greater function and maintain structural integrity. Discovery of such regulatory mechanisms controlling mitochondrial dynamics in vertebrates can open up new avenues to understand and design new therapeutic approaches to tackle mitochondrial diseases. Additionally, myoblast fusion and hence myonuclear number and their efficient functioning are shown to be important determinants of muscle organisation. This has further implications in understanding and using stem cell science in dystrophic or atrophic or ageing related muscle loss and therapy.
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Protocolo de cementación indirecta de aparatología ortodóncica fija utilizando materiales de uso común / Indirect cementation protocol for fixed orthodontic appliances using commonly used materialsMunive Méndez, Arnaldo Alfredo 23 October 2020 (has links)
Introducción: La técnica de arco recto es una de las técnicas más utilizadas para la corrección de maloclusiones en ortodoncia; sin embargo, el éxito de la técnica radicará en la exactitud en que se posicionan los brackets. Este artículo presenta un protocolo de cementación indirecta, el cual, adicionalmente, permite una mayor accesibilidad a los materiales requeridos para este procedimiento. Objetivo: Presentar un protocolo efectivo y accesible de cementación indirecta. Material y métodos: Para este protocolo se ha utilizado materiales como resina de cementación de brackets (Transbond XT, 3M Unitek, EEUU), aislante de acrílico para separar los brackets del modelo de yeso y silicona líquida, utilizada habitualmente para autos (Kit Silicona, Johnson, Chile), para separar los brackets del soporte termoplástico, el cual fue realizado con silicona termofusible. Conclusión: El protocolo de cementación indirecta permite un buen posicionamiento de los brackets, reduciendo la posibilidad de reposicionar durante las fases de alineamiento y nivelado. / Introduction: The straight arch technique is one of the most used techniques for the correction of malocclusions in orthodontics; however, the success of the technique will lie in the accuracy in which the brackets are positioned in the correct position. This article presents an indirect cementation protocol which additionally allows greater accessibility to the materials required for this procedure. Objective: Present an effective and accessible indirect cementation protocol. Material and methods: For this protocol, materials such as brace cementation resin (Transbond XT, 3M Unitek, USA), acrylic insulator have been used to separate the brackets from the gypsum and liquid silicone model, usually used for cars (Silicone Kit, Johnson, Chile), to separate the brackets from the thermoplastic support, which was made with hot melt silicone. Conclusion: The indirect cementation protocol allows a good positioning of the brackets, reducing the possibility of repositioning during the alignment and leveling phases. / Trabajo académico
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