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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'officier de l'état civil en droit des personnes et de la famille / The officer of civil status in the law of persons and the family law

Poure, Valérie 30 June 2015 (has links)
L’officier de l’état civil est l’autorité désignée par la loi pour constater, enregistrer, conserver et exploiter, en la forme authentique, les actes constitutifs de l’individu et de la famille. Le maire, avec ses adjoints, est l’officier de l’état civil par excellence. En sa qualité de représentant de l’État à l’échelon communal, il assure l’administration d’un service accessible et proche des administrés. Le dédoublement fonctionnel qu’induit cette charge tend à satisfaire des besoins tant nationaux qu’individuels. À la fois organe exécutif de la commune et autorité publique déconcentrée, le maire est un acteur original en droit des personnes et de la famille qui lui vaut souvent d’être comparé à un notaire ou à un greffier. Si sa position hybride, à la frontière entre le droit privé et le droit public, présente un intérêt certain au regard des impératifs d’organisation sociale, elle n’en est pas moins perfectible. / The Officer of Civil Status is the authority designated by law to observe, register, keepand exploit, in their authentic form, the constituting acts of individuals and families. The mayor, with his assistants, is the Officer of Civil Status par excellence. As a State's representative at municipal level, he ensures the administration of a service which is accessible and close to the citizens. The two-fold responsibility arising from this function tends to meet both State and individual needs. As an executive municipal body and a decentralized public authority, the mayor plays a unique role in the law of persons and the family law. Therefore, he is often compared to a notary or a registrar. On the borderline between private law and public law, his hybrid position which has a definite interest with regard to the requirements of social organisation, could nevertheless be improved.

L’individualisation de la relation de travail : une analyse conventionnaliste dans la banque de détail commerciale en France et au Royaume-Uni au tournant des années 2000

Lejeune, Jean-François 25 October 2013 (has links)
La dynamique actuelle d’individualisation de la relation de travail s’entend comme une remise au premier plan du salarié en tant qu’individu au sein de l’organisation du travail et en matière de reconnaissance. Ce tropisme vers l’individu constitue un processus institutionnel pluriel dans lequel coopération et rapports de force concourent à structurer et à légitimer l’individualisation aux niveaux interprofessionnels, sectoriels et organisationnels. L’économie des conventions permet d’appréhender, davantage que la théorie de l’agence, les interactions entre dynamiques institutionnelles et pratiques d’acteurs ainsi que les investissements de formes sur lesquels elles s’appuient. La nature des structurations macrosociales ne détermine pas totalement celle des pratiques dans les entreprises, où l’individualisation devient tangible. Si les évolutions du rapport salarial sont pour partie différenciées en France et au Royaume-Uni, elles laissent ouverte l’alternative entre deux types de valorisation de l’individu dans la relation de travail : « néolibéral » et « émancipateur ». Si le secteur de la banque de détail commerciale affiche dans les deux pays une l’individualisation structurée vers la productivité et le contrôle, plutôt que vers la reconnaissance des qualifications, la comparaison – issue pour l’essentiel d’entretiens et d’exploitation d’archives – de quatre établissements bancaires démontre qu’existent des pratiques d’individualisation partiellement différenciées, en particulier en ce qu’elles sont davantage formalisées dans les banques britanniques, tout autant qu’elles y sont mieux assumées et légitimées, tant par les directions que par les syndicats. Cela s’explique par le fait que l’individualisation s’y voit explicitement assigner un objectif plus clair – rétribuer la performance de chaque salarié – qu’en France où elle apparaît moins assumée par les directions et surtout destinée à lutter contre l’importance du collectif. / Current dynamics of individualisation of the employment relation can be defined as a movement towards better importance given to the employee as an individual in the employment relation, in terms of working organization as such as recognition. This tropism towards the individual is a multi-dimensional institutional dynamics, in which cooperation and power struggle contribute to structure and to legitimate individualisation at the multi-professional, sectoral and organizational levels. In this way, economics of conventions is more adapted than agency theory to analyse interactions between these institutional dynamics and practices, as well as “investments in forms” structuring them.However, these structures do not totally determine situated practices in enterprises, where individualisation becomes tangible. Even though dynamics of “wage relations” are partly different in France and in the United Kingdom, they leave an alternative between two patterns of valorization of individual in the employment relation: “neoliberal” and “emancipating”. Indeed, even though the retail banking sector shows us, both in France and in the UK, that individualisation is mainly structured towards a productivity and a control target, more than towards skills or qualification recognitions, comparison – based on interviews and archives exploitation – of individualisation practices in four retail banks shows differences, in particular more formalization in the British banks where practices are also more asserted and legitimated, both by management and trade unions. We explain that by the fact that individualisation has there a clearer goal – to remunerate individual performance – than in the two French banks, where individualisation is less asserted whereas its goal appears more as a mean to strike against collectivism.

Project work, independence and critical thinking

Eklöf, Anders January 2014 (has links)
This thesis studies how students do projects in a Swedish upper secondaryschool. The students have to produce products and at the same time provethem self as independent in relation to the teachers, and negotiate therequirements of the project setting and the written instructions within thegroup. The study focuses on what comes out as problematic for the students,how they solve these dilemma situations and what resources are used in orderto do so.A choice was made only to analyse student group interaction in parts ofthe project process where the teachers were not physically present thus fillinga research gap.The empirical material was collected during three years in sex secondaryschool classes through filmed sessions of groups or pairs working with theirproject.Each of the four articles primarily focuses a special dilemma; structure,independence, instructions and critical thinking. By combining Goffman’sframe analysis with the concepts of risk and uncertainty from a Risk – societyperspective, issues related to what it means to do project work asindependent, critical 21st-century learner are illustrated and discussed.The choice to look only at situations in which students have to managewithout the aid of a physically present teacher illuminates several practicalconsequences like an unwillingness to go to the teacher and ask questions andan increased concentration on and interpretation of the written instructions. Adevelopment of Miller and Parlett’s (1974) discussion of student approach tocues are suggested. The concept of the cue choosing student are constructedin order to better respond to demands from an individualised interactionsociety. The study also emphasises how the students have to balance differentframeworks in order to be both authors and assessed students. Byimplementing a risk society perspective new ways of analysing andunderstanding independence and classroom interaction is suggested and arecontextualization of critical thinking proposed.

Lärarollens komplexitet : En kvalitativ studie om hur läraren formar sin roll i interaktionen med elever

Häggling, Josefine, Sköld Ulfsdotter, Ellen January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en bredare förståelse för hur lärare upplever att de formar sin roll i interaktionen med eleverna för att kunna möta dem efter individuella förutsättningar. Svenska elevers resultat i skolan blir allt sämre och allt fler går ut grundskolan utan godkända betyg. Studien berör hur läraren formar sin roll i interaktionen med eleverna, på vilket sätt relationen mellan lärare och elev påverkar lärarens roll och även ytterligare omständigheter som påverkar läraren i interaktionen med eleverna. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie med en hermeneutisk metodologi där vi intervjuat åtta lärare. För att förstå vår empiri har vi analyserat utifrån tre teorier; Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv, Foucaults medel för god dressyr samt Aspelins perspektiv på mellanmänskliga relationer. Studien ger en bild av hur lärare formar sin roll genom respektskapande, relationsbyggande samt hur läraren i interaktionen påverkas av utomstående faktorer. Faktorerna är föräldrars syn på läraren och skolan, politik som påverkar lärarens och stöd från rektor och skolledning. Respekt bygger på samspel, en ömsesidig förståelse och samarbete. Genom att läraren i sin roll bygger på relationen med eleverna bidrar det till en mer effektiv kunskapsutveckling hos eleverna.

Generational differences and cultural change

Visanich, Valerie January 2012 (has links)
Young people are arguably facing complex life situations in their transition into adulthood and navigating their life trajectories in a highly individualised way. For youth in post-compulsory education, their training years have been extended, their years of dependency have increased and they have greater individual choice compared to previous youth generations. This study develops an understanding of the process of individualisation applied to youth in late modernity and explores it in relation to the neo-liberal climate. It compares the life situation of this youth generation with youth in the early 1960s, brought up with more predefined traditional conditions, cemented in traditional social structures. The processes that led to generational changes in the experiences of youth in the last forty-five years are examined, linked to structural transformations that influence subjective experiences. Specifically, the shifts of the conditions of youth in post-compulsory education are studied in relations to socio-economic, technological and cultural changes. This study discusses the Western Anglo-American model of changes in youths life experiences and examines how it (mis)fits in a more conservative Catholic Mediterranean setting. The research investigates conditions in Malta, an ex-colonial small island Mediterranean state, whose peculiarities include its delayed economic development compared to the Western setting. The core of the research comprises of primary data collection using in-depth, ethnographical interviews, with two generations of youth in different socio-historical context; those who experienced their youth in the early 1960s and youth in the late 2000s. This study concludes that the concept of individualisation does indeed illuminate the experiences of youth in late modernity especially when compared to the experiences of youth forty-five years ago. However the concept of individualisation is applied in a glocalised manner in line with the peculiarities of Malta that has lagged behind mainstream developments in Western Europe and still retained traditional features. Building on the individualisation concept, I use an empirically grounded concept of compromised choices to describe the increase in the bargaining of choice happening at different fronts in the life experiences of youth, especially in the life biography of women, choices in education and the job market and choices in consumption.

Subscription Services in the Fashion Industry : a Quantitative Approach on Consumers' Perspective

Svensson, Kajsa, Hölder, Sabrina January 2016 (has links)
Individualisation and digitalisation are increasing in importance which leads to a change in the society, affecting consumers’ behaviour and needs. This change results in consumers desiring an individualised consumption experience with additional services that fashion companies should consider in order to stay relevant. This development opens up for new opportunities regarding business models such as the business model of subscription services. The identified gap in the academic literature of subscription services lies in the application of this business model to the fashion industry. Non-academic articles about fashion subscription services were found but often from the industries’ point of view rather than from the consumers’ point of view. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the consumers’ perspective on fashion subscription services and what underlying reasons there might be for these perspectives. The study is of quantitative nature with theories regarding subscription services, consumer behaviour and fashion forming the research questions and thus the research. Data was collected by an online questionnaire to gain insight on respondents’ perspectives on fashion subscription services which was used as descriptive empiricism, tested for correlations and discussed in line with the theories. The study shows that there are correlations between the theories and the respondents’ interest in fashion subscription services, but the interest cannot be explained by each of the theories separately. However, by looking into different affecting factors, suggestions of underlying reasons are offered by this study.

Apports de la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque dans l'évaluation de la charge d'entraînement et le suivi d'athlètes : aspects méthodologiques et applications pratiques / Contributions of heart rate variability in the quantification of training load and athletes monitoring : methodological aspects and practical applications

Saboul, Damien 17 June 2013 (has links)
Au cours des années 1980, il y a été prouvé que l’étude de la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque (VFC) permet d’estimer de façon non invasive l’activité du système nerveux autonome. Plus spécifiquement, de nombreux travaux démontrent que des enregistrements réguliers de la VFC peuvent rendre compte de la capacité d’adaptation d’un athlète à l’entraînement mais également de son état de fatigue. Bien que plusieurs auteurs suggèrent d’utiliser cet outil directement sur le terrain, il semblerait que l’absence de méthodologie commune et unifiée rende parfois difficile l’interprétation des résultats. Par conséquent, les travaux de recherche présentés au sein de ce manuscrit suivent avant tout une orientation méthodologique avec, néanmoins, une finalité pratique. Une première étude s’intéresse au ratio Basses fréquences/hautes fréquences (LF/HF) qui est communément utilisé comme marqueur de la fatigue. Nos résultats démontrent que chez les athlètes, ce ratio est avant tout modulé par la fréquence de respiration du sujet et que, contrairement à ce qui est couramment admis, une valeur supérieure à quatre ne traduit pas forcément un état de surentraînement. La seconde étude compare l’évolution quotidienne des différents marqueurs de VFC pendant 21 jours de suivi d’athlètes dans deux situations différentes : un enregistrement réalisé en respiration libre et un autre en respiration contrôlée. Nous avons constaté que les marqueurs RMSSD et SD1 suivent exactement les mêmes tendances quel que soit la méthode de respiration. A l’inverse, nos résultats démontrent une nouvelle fois que les indices fréquentiels sont avant tout modulés par la fréquence de respiration de l’individu. La troisième étude s’intéresse à une nouvelle méthode d’évaluation de la charge d’entraînement à l’aide de la VFC. Basée sur trois enregistrements qui intègrent à la fois les perturbations homéostatiques générées par la séance et la vitesse de réactivation parasympathique, la formule proposée permet de quantifier objectivement la charge d’entraînement dans des conditions de terrain. Les fortes interactions qui existent entre la VFC et l’entraînement nous encouragent à poursuivre notre démarche d’investigation pour utiliser cet outil dans le but d’individualiser et d’optimiser la planification d’entraînement des athlètes / During the 1980s, it was demonstrated that studying heart rate variability (HRV) makes it possible to estimate the activity of the autonomic nervous system noninvasively. More specifically, many works showed that regular recording of HRV can be used to monitor an athlete’s capacity to adapt to training and their fatigue. Although several authors have suggested using this tool directly in the field, it appears that the lack of a common and uniform methodology sometimes makes it difficult to interpret results. Therefore the research presented in this manuscript follows a methodological tendency with, nonetheless, a practical objective. The first study focuses on the Low Frequency/High Frequency (LF/HF) ratio commonly used as a fatigue indicator. Our results show that in athletes, this ratio is above all modulated by the subject’s respiratory rate and that, contrary to what is currently accepted, a value higher than four does not necessarily express a state of overtraining. The second study compares the daily evolution of different HRV markers over 21 days monitoring of athletes in two different situations: recording of spontaneous breathing and of controlled respiration. We observed that RMSSD and SD1 markers follow precisely the same trends whatever the breathing method. Conversely, our results show once again that rate indexes are above all modulated by an individual’s breathing frequency. The third study focuses on a new HRV-based method for evaluating training load. Based on three recordings that include both the homeostatic disturbances generated by the session and the speed of parasympathetic reactivation, the method proposed permits objectively quantifying training load under field conditions. The strong interactions existing between HRV and training encourage us to continue our investigative approach and use this tool to individualize and optimize athletes’ training programs

Individualisation de l'écoute binaurale : création et transformation des indices spectraux et des morphologies des individus / Binaural hearing individualization : acquisition and transformation of spectral cues and individuals’ morphologies

Rugeles Ospina, Felipe 22 July 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse se concentre sur l'individualisation des HRTF pour la synthèse binaurale. Les systèmes permettant de mesurer des HRTF sont difficiles d'accès au grand public, ce qui pose un problème pour la démocratisation de l'audio binaurale de haute qualité. C'est pour cette raison que nous recherchons une méthode permettant de calculer les HRTF d'une personne qu'à partir de la connaissance de sa morphologie. Ces travaux de thèse avancent sur les investigations visant à avoir une technique de personnalisation de l'audio binaurale. La technique de personnalisation proposée part du principe qu'il existe un lien direct et systématique liant des paramètres de la morphologie d'un individu avec les indices spectraux de ses HRTF. Elle est basée sur la détermination d'une fonction qui prend en entrée des paramètres morphologiques et qui donne en sortie des paramètres de transformation à appliquer à un jeu de HRTF existant pour obtenir un jeu de HRTF personnalisé. Cette fonction est estimée à partir d'analyses statistiques faits sur une base de données contenant des modèles numériques des individus ainsi que leurs HRTF. Pour atteindre cet objectif, il faut construire dans un premier temps les données à partir desquelles nous allons estimer notre fonction de personnalisation. Ces travaux expliquent les systèmes que nous avons conçus pour mesurer les HRTF des individus ainsi que pour obtenir leur modèle numérique tridimensionnel. De plus, les protocoles de mesure associés à chaque système sont expliqués. Enfin, nous expliquons comment les données obtenues peuvent être exploitées pour développer un procédé de personnalisation des HRTF. / This thesis focuses on the HRTF individualization problem in the context of binaural synthesis for general applications. HRTF strongly depend on morphological features of a person and, in order to provide compelling auditory spaces, binaural synthesis requires the use of individualized HRTF. Measuring or calculating the HRTF of a listener are common but lengthy and costly methods that are not feasible for general public applications. That is the reason why we aim to develop an alternative technique to obtain customized HRTF. The technique proposed relies on estimating the spectral cues of the HRTF, corresponding to the colorations induced by pinna filtering, from a person's morphology. The spectral cues represent the most complex and individual part of HRTF. The work presented in this thesis is based on the existence of a direct and systematic link between the morphology of a person and the spectral cues of their HRTF. The goal is to start from individualization techniques of HRTF and make studies for better understanding the relationship between the morphology of a person and their HRTF. The ultimate goal is then to find a proper morphological matching personalization technique. The first step to achieve this goal is to build the measuring systems who will help us create the databases that we will use for our analyses. This thesis explains the two measuring systems that were created and the measuring protocols that were used to create two related databases containing the 3D models and the measured HRTFs of a collection of people. We then explain how these databases can be used to fit the HRTF individualization technique we have proposed.

Gender role attitudes : a European cross-national study, 1990-2008

Shepherd, Claire January 2015 (has links)
There has been a renewed research focus on developments within the family as a result of the broad social, economic and cultural developments that have occurred across Europe since the middle of the twentieth century. Arguably the rise in female, and particularly maternal employment, has produced the greatest impact on family life and gender roles. Given that this division of labour is changing there is debate about whether men and women's expectations and acceptance of some aspects of gender roles - their gender role attitudes - have also changed. Gender role attitudes feed into an array of sociological debates such as those concerning gender inequalities, women's position in the labour market, declining fertility rates and family breakdown, and naturally feeds into the discourse surrounding welfare state and policy decision making. Whilst discussions that concern the family and personal life have also been littered with debates about the existence and influence of individualisation over every aspect of modern life. Three waves of the European Values Study (EVS) are used to explore gender role attitude change, focusing on the division of labour, over time from 1990 to 2008 and across 19 countries in Europe. Two data classification techniques are used to derive a three pronged and interconnected measure of gender role attitudes (Maternal employment, Job fulfilment and Economic independence). Two types of cluster analyses are then used to explore similarities in attitude change across countries and over time. Five welfare state typologies are then tested based on their efficacy to predict attitudes to gender roles. Finally cohort and sex-based variations in attitudes are also examined. The main findings are:• Gender role attitudes have shifted at the cross-European level towards more progressive perspectives over time from 1990-2008, with men found to be lagging behind women's more liberal attitudes.• There is evidence that welfares state typologies capture only a small amount of variance within gender role attitudes and therefore little evidence is found to support the idea that similarities in family-policy and socio-economic contexts are mirrored by similar attitudes.• The findings uncover evidence to indicate that both cohort and period effects are associated with gender role attitude change over time.• The results also identify some congruence with specific elements from theories of individualisation. The study supports findings of previous research that suggests people in these countries seem to be becoming more accepting of women's evolving biographies but that gender inequalities remain and men's attitudes continue to lag behind those of women. There is evidence to both support and reject the idea that we are living in more individualised societies.

Breastfeeding <em>on demand</em> : Negotiating between contradictory ideals / Fri Amning : Ett förhandlande mellan motsägelsefulla ideal

Andersson, Réka January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to examine four women’s experiences of and attitudes towards breastfeeding. In order to achieve this end, the four women were interviewed individually. Breastfeeding is a controversial subject, which is also mirrored by the women and the different advice and recommendation that they meet. Consequently, each woman has to take a stand for what she thinks is suitable regarding her individual situation. Moreover, breastfeeding is embedded in complex historical, political and cultural systems. This becomes obvious in the contemporary principle of breastfeeding on demand, according to which breastfeeding is adapted to the child’s needs. Thus, a majority of the interviewees have difficulties with combining breastfeeding on demand with ideas of gender equality. Due to breastfeeding on demand, the women must also breastfeed in public. In those situations, the women are keen on breastfeeding as discretely as possible.</p><p> </p> / <p>Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka fyra kvinnors erfarenheter av och attityder till amning. Av den anledningen blev de fyra kvinnorna individuellt intervjuade. Amning är ett kontroversiellt ämne, som också speglades av kvinnorna och de råd och rekommendationer de möter. Konsekvensen av detta är att varje kvinna måste ta ställning till vad som passar deras individuella situation. Dessutom, amning är inbäddat i ett komplext historiskt, politiskt och kulturellt system. Detta blir tydligt genom den rådande fria amningsprincipen, som innebär att amningen är anpassad efter barnets behov. Majoriteten av kvinnorna har därför svårigheter med att kombinera fri amning med idéer om jämlikhet. På grund av fri amning, måste kvinnorna ibland amma offentligt. I de situationerna är kvinnorna måna om att amma så diskret som möjligt.</p>

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