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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Can Nutrition Information Help with the Selection of the Most Nutritious Option?

Chimeli, Janna Valente 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Moore, Jason S. 31 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

L'émotion dans les forums de discussion : structuration et évaluation de l'information de santé / Emotion in fora : structuration and evaluation of health information

Battaïa, Céline 10 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s'inscrit en sciences de l'information et de la communication et s'intéresse à l'émotion dans la recherche d'information à travers l'exemple des forums de santé. Le succès de ces dispositifs résulte d'une motivation informationnelle et émotionnelle des participants qui peuvent accéder à des témoignages, des informations ponctuelles ou encore des informations médicales filtrées par le vécu du malade (ou du proche de malade) qui s'exprime. Les messages sont donc souvent empreints d'émotion. La problématique s'attache aux évolutions de l'activité d'information et notamment au rôle que peuvent jouer les marqueurs d'émotion dans la structuration des informations mais également lors de leur évaluation. Une première analyse vise à mettre en évidence l'organisation des messages et des indices d'émotion grâce à une analyse de corpus (de fils de discussion provenant de différents forums de santé). Une seconde enquête s'attache à l'analyse de données recueillies pendant une phase d'entretiens et d'expérimentations sur l'utilisation des forums de santé et sur la manière dont les participants évaluent les informations. Les résultats montrent que les informations médicales sont très présentes et majoritairement entremêlées d'indices d'émotion de peur. Toutefois, la joie est l'émotion la plus présente dans l'ensemble du corpus. Enfin, si les marqueurs d'émotion sont des critères d'évaluation, il apparaît que les informations médicales sont également des indices d'évaluation et non les informations évaluées. / This thesis has been carried out in the field of information and communication sciences and focuses on emotion in information retrieval in health fora. The success of these systems results from an informational and emotional motivation from the participants who can access testimonials, punctual information or medical information filtered through the experience of the patients who are writing. The messages often have emotional content. This thesis focuses on developments in information activities and especially on the role that emotional has in the structuring and evaluation of information. The aim of the first analysis is to highlight the organization of messages and their emotional content through a corpus analysis (from different threads of different French-language health fora). A second study focuses on the analysis of data collected during some interviews regarding the use of health fora and the way in which participants evaluate information. The results show that medical information is very present and mostly interspersed with emotion of fear. However, the joy is the emotion mostly present in all the collected corpus. Finally, if the evaluation criteria markers are emotion, it appears that medical information are also evaluation criteria and not the information evaluated.

Eine neue Klasse hybrider Innovationsdiffusionsmodelle / ein theoretischer Vergleich mit existierenden Ansätzen und eine Analyse mit Simulationen und Realdaten

Grishchenko, Yulia 18 September 2007 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Innovationsdiffusionsmodellen und deren Anwendung in der Marketingpraxis. Sie hat zwei Ziele: Einen Überblick über existierende Innovationsmodelle zu schaffen und ein neues besseres Modell zu entwickeln. Es wird ein neuer Klassifizierungsansatz vorgeschlagen, mit dessen Hilfe ein strukturierter Überblick über die vorhandenen zahlreichen Innovationsdiffusionsmodelle möglich wird. Die Klassifizierung beruht auf den Annahmen in den Innovationsdiffusionsmodellen. Dies erlaubt im Gegensatz zu den bekannten Klassifizierungen (z.B. von Roberts/Lattin (2000)) die Bildung von disjunkten Modellklassen. Anhand der neuen Klassifizierung werden die prominenten Modelle, wie z.B. Bass-Modell (1969) bzw. Kalish-Modell (1985) eingeordnet und ihre Vor- und Nachteile aufgezeigt. Dieser Ansatz erleichtert eine Entscheidung für das beste zu verwendende Modell, wenn bekannt ist, welche Daten (Absatzdaten, Daten über Konsumenten etc.) zur Verfügung stehen und/oder welches Ziel (Absatzprognose, Preisbestimmung) verfolgt wird. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird ein neues hybrides Innovationsdiffusionsmodell – das Information-Disicion-Evaluation-Modell (IED-Modell) – vorgestellt. Das IED-Modell besitzt zahlreiche Vorteile gegenüber existierenden Innovationsdiffusionsmodellen. Die Struktur des IED-Modells ist sehr allgemein so, dass das IED-Modell als eine Modellklasse bezeichnet werden könnte. Werden die Annahmen des IED-Modells genau definiert (z.B. über die Anzahl der Wettbewerbsprodukte usw.), erhält es eine explizite Form, die prominenten Innovationsdiffusionsmodellen ähnlich oder vollkommen identisch sein kann (für die Erstellung einer expliziten Form des IED-Modells siehe www.ied-modell.de). Ein solcher allgemeiner Modellierungsansatz des IED-Modells ist neu für die Innovationsdiffusionsforschung. Das IED-Modell und dessen Annahmen werden mittels Monte-Carlo-Simulationen analysiert. Beim empirischen Test an realen Daten wird das IED-Modell mit vier renommierten Innovationsdiffusionsmodellen verglichen. Laut diesem Vergleich ist das Anpassungsvermögen des IED-Modells im Durchschnitt besser als das der vier Vergleichsmodelle. Bei drei- und zehnmonatlichen Prognosen zeigte das IED-Modell eine sehr gute Vorhersagefähigkeit. / This work assesses innovation diffusion models and their application in marketing management. Its two principal aims are: (1) to give an overview of existing innovation diffusion models and (2) to develop a new and improved model. A new classification approach is proposed. The classification methodology bases on typical assumptions made in innovation diffusion models. Unlike prior classifications, e.g. Roberts/Lattin (2000), this approach allows for disjunctive classes. By means of this classification renowned models like Bass Model (1969) or Kalish Model (1985) are categorized, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. This helps decide which model should be used depending on data availability (sales data, consumer data etc.) and the overall goal of a model investigation (sales forecast, pricing etc.). In the second part of this work the new hybrid innovation diffusion model – Innovation-Decision-Evaluation model (IED model) – is described. The model has several advantages compared with existing models. The structure of the IED Model is non-specific so that the IED model can be described as a distinct model class. When assumptions of the IED model are specified (e.g. number of competitive products) the model gets an explicit form which can be similar or even identical to other innovation diffusion models (for the design of an explicit model form see also www.ied-modell.de). Such a generalized modeling approach in IED modelling is new in innovation diffusion research. The IED model and its assumptions are analysed with Monte Carlo simulations. Its results are also empirically tested and compared with four renowned innovation diffusion models. The comparison reveals that the IED model has the best average fit and good forecast goodness.

Consumer search behaviour and adoption of online booking of travel services in Saudi Arabia

Alatawy, Khald January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to investigate current search behaviour among Saudi consumers of travel services, to establish their attitudes towards, and adoption of online search and booking processes. It also aimed to explore current experiences within travel agencies of the adoption of online booking systems in the Saudi Arabian market. The study relied on a multi-method research design, with a focus on using both qualitative and quantitative data across three sequentially organised phases of data collection. Phase one centred on in-depth interviews with Saudi travel agents; phase two adopted a combined approach, using observation and semi-structured interviews, with a focus on getting a comprehensive insight into Saudi consumer search behaviour. In phase three, the researcher undertook a survey of internet adoption and search behaviour with a cross-section of Saudi consumers, located in the UK (N=481). Findings from the first phase demonstrated that Saudi Arabian travel firms continue to rely on offline booking methods and have been relatively slow to adopt online systems. Key factors influencing the adoption of online travel booking technology included attitudinal and cultural factors and an absence of customer trust, security and privacy. The second phase results indicated that information search and evaluation emerged as a single highly integrated process, however behavioural elements within the process varied across individuals, according to their search strategy and level of prior experience. In phase three, the key relationships in the conceptual model were examined, notably the relationship between search constructs and purchase intention. Only a few past studies have examined information search and evaluation in relation to purchase in emerging markets. This study offers a more in-depth perspective on search intention and information search and evaluation in the pre-purchase stage for online travel products. Key insights have emerged on the nature of the relationship between search intention, information search and evaluation and purchase intention through the development of a more comprehensive conceptual framework than in prior studies. The qualitative research demonstrated a) how search ability and search strategies were reflective of confident and well-established search behaviour on the part of Saudi consumers and b) gender and regional variations c) that the nature of information search and evaluation is shaped by behavioural differences at an individual consumer level. The study also offers a deeper understanding of the challenging perceptions that exist with regards to the slow adoption of online travel processes among Saudi Arabian travel firms.

Vad är källkritik enligt moderna läromedel? : En innehållsanalys av läromedel till kursen samhällskunskap 1b

Nilsson, Adil January 2022 (has links)
This project degree essay aims to analyze the ways textbooks made for the Swedish upper secondary school course samhällskunskap 1b [Social studies, 1b] describe the Swedish concept of källkritik [source criticism and information evaluation]. The essay uses theories formulated by prominent Swedish authors on the subject – as well as the National Agency for Education’s (Skolverket) guidelines – to perform a content analysis on textbooks produced by the biggest teaching material producers in Sweden. Furthermore, the study performs a general thematic content analysis of what kinds of source criticism the different textbooks use and how well they align with the theoretical framework. Finally, a report by the Schools Inspectorate (Skolinspektionen) is used to define four areas of development that the textbooks should be working with. The results of this study show that the textbooks vary in their descriptions of source criticism in terms of both their complexity and what core ideas are attributed to the concept. Three of the five textbooks show tendencies towards the most basic kinds of source criticism, while only one of the five show signs of the most complex kinds of source criticism. Overall, the textbooks often use a loosely defined version of source criticism and lack adaptation to the digitalization that the Swedish society is currently experiencing. Four of the five analyzed textbooks need to modernize their perspective on source criticism. All the textbooks are lacking in terms of preparing students for critically analyzing the information they meet in their daily digital lives.

Middle School Teachers' Professional Development Needs for ICT Literacy Integration

Park, Melanie Lynn 01 January 2016 (has links)
This qualitative case study explored U.S. middle school teachers' professional development needs in Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) literacy integration. Past literature has suggested that teachers should improve classroom practices that promote ICT literacy, but few studies have addressed educators' specific training needs. This study was designed to identify the unique professional development needs of academic teachers in a Midwestern middle school using focus groups and interviews to explore teacher perceptions of current technology usage as well as the barriers and/or facilitators of ICT literacy integration. The conceptual framework was based on Knowles's theory of adult learning, which suggested that adult learners are motivated when they understand the real applications of new information. Methodological triangulation was obtained using 3 teacher focus groups and 2 interviews with 17 academic teachers, 1 administrator, and 1 resource teacher. Transcription documents from the focus groups and interviews were color-coded to identify emerging themes. The findings revealed that the participants believed that their students currently use technology to access information, but rarely evaluate the validity of digital information. To address this deficit, a professional development plan was created with the goal of increasing teachers' ICT literacy integration skills in the area of information evaluation. This plan was designed to improve methodological practices and lead to better classroom instruction, creating positive social change by making educators better-equipped to meet the needs of their students. The local community will also benefit as students leave school better prepared to meet the demands of a technological workforce.

Impact of a California Community College's General Education Information Literacy Requirement

Usina, Phyllis 01 January 2015 (has links)
Budget cuts at a California community college prompted stakeholders to consider dropping the college's general education information literacy (IL) requirement. Broad institutional outcomes data showed learning gains, but no targeted assessment existed regarding the IL requirement's impact on those gains. This quantitative study used Astin and Antonio's Inputs-Environment-Outcomes (I-E-O) assessment model to address relationships among student characteristics of demographic and prior preparation (Inputs), the IL requirement (Environment), and student reports of information critical analysis behavior and confidence (Outcomes). Study participants were 525 students aged 18 years and older who had completed the IL course with a grade of 2.0 or better and volunteered to complete an anonymous survey. The majority of participants reported the IL requirement had a positive impact upon subsequent coursework, with 87% stating that taking it in the first or second term would be most helpful. Less preparedness for information critical analysis prior to the IL course was significantly correlated (r = -.35, r = -.38, p < .001) with higher reported frequency of 2 measures of information evaluation changes following completion of the course. The 3 hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that the predictors of student demographic characteristics, prior student preparation, and IL course format contributed significantly to reported information critical analysis and confidence. The study's outcome was a white paper with recommendations to support completion of the IL course requirement early, continue the IL requirement, and repeat the study's survey in the future. Effective IL education promotes information evaluation behaviors essential to informed members of society.

Eskalierendes Commitment und präferenzkonsistente Informationsbewertung / Der Umgang mit Expertenmeinungen bei zweifelhaftem Entscheidungserfolg / Escalating commitment and preference-consistent evaluation of information / Exposure to expert opinions when the decision outcome is equivocal

Pfeiffer, Felix 20 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

La crédibilité des recommandations électroniques : étude sur l’achat de livre en ligne / Credibility of electronic recommendations : experiment on online book purchasing process

Tran, Quang vinh 30 November 2015 (has links)
Notre recherche porte sur le rôle de la crédibilité des offres dans les sites d’e-commerce et les facteurs qui la déterminent. 294 personnes ont été interrogées à exprimer leur perception sur la crédibilité des offres de livres qui ont été composées en variant la source et les signes de leur réputation. La recherche s’inscrit dans une approche quasi-expérimentale qui vise à mesurer l’impact de ces facteurs sur la crédibilité perçue mais aussi à mesurer l’influence de cette dernière sur l’intérêt accordé à l’offre et en conséquence sur l’intention d’achat. Les analyses sont faites en se basant sur un modèle d’équation structurelle (SEM). Les résultats témoignent le rôle pivot de la crédibilité qui médiatise l’effet des signaux de la qualité de l’offre mis sur l’intérêt qu’elle soulève. Cet intérêt, à son tour, convoie l’impact de la crédibilité sur l’intention d’achat. Dans ses relations de cause, la crédibilité reconnaît ces signaux comme ses déterminants importants dont les poids sont de même ampleur et dont les effets sont additifs. Nous trouvons également l’effet significatif de la confiance dans la source ainsi que l’intérêt à la catégorie sur la crédibilité. L’effet de la confiance est positif et remarquable tandis que celui de l’intérêt à la catégorie reste négatif. Enfin, ces résultats nous permettent de conclure l’importance de la crédibilité : soigner la crédibilité de l’offre est le chemin au renforcement de l’intérêt du consommateur ainsi qu’aux performances des ventes. / Our research examines the role of online offers credibility in the customer judgment process and its determinants. 294 persons were requested to express their perception of online book offers credibility which were composed varying on their source and also on a number of reputation signals. This quasi-experiment aims for measuring impact of these factors on offer credibility but also for investigating influence of this one on consumer interest in offer and consequently on his purchase intention. Statistical analysis bases on a SEM model. The most important research finding shows that credibility mediates effects of reputation signals on consumer interest in offer. This element of interest, in turn, executes mediating effect on the causal relationship between credibility and purchase intention. Other results indicate that all the 4 reputation signals are positively associated, at the same amplitude, with perceived offer credibility. These effects are additive, which suggests that multiply these signals must be essential way for improving credibility. We found otherwise that credibility is also affected by consumer trust on the source and his interest manifested on the product category. Effect of trust is positive and remarkable while interest in the category effect is negative, which reveals that people with better knowledge level may be more skeptic than others in judgment process. According to these results, our proposal on the importance of credibility element in e-commerce activities is clear: look after the offer credibility is the nexus of merchants selling performance.

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