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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of the compiler optimizations in embedded processors reliability

Lins, Filipe Maciel January 2017 (has links)
O recente avanço tecnológico dos processadores embarcados aumentou a complexidade dos compiladores e o uso de recursos heterogêneos, como Arranjo de Portas Programáveis em Campo (Field Programmable Gate Array - FPGA) e Unidade de Processamento Gráfico (Graphics Processing Unit - GPU), integrado aos processadores. Além disso, aumentou-se o uso de componentes de prateleira (Commercial off-the-shelf - COTS) em aplicações críticas, ao invés de chips tolerantes a radiação, pois os COTS podem ser mais baratos, flexíveis, terem uma rápida colocação no mercado e um menor consumo de energia. No entanto, mesmo com essas vantagens, os COTS são suscetíveis a falha sendo necessário garantir uma alta confiabilidade nos sistemas utilizados. Assim como, no caso de aplicações em tempo real, também se precisa respeitar os requisitos determinísticos. Como caso de estudo, este trabalho utiliza a Zynq que é um dispositivo COTS do tipo Sistema em Chip Totalmente Programável (All Programmable System on Chip - APSoC) no qual possui um processador ARM Cortex-A9 embarcado. Nesta pesquisa, investigou-se o impacto das falhas que afetam o arquivo de registradores na confiabilidade dos processadores embarcados. Para tanto, experimentos de injeção de falhas e de radiação de íons pesados foram realizados. Além do mais, avaliou-se como os diferentes níveis de otimização do compilador modificam o uso e a probabilidade de falha do arquivo de registradores do processador. Selecionou-se seis benchmarks representativos, cada um compilado com três níveis diferentes de otimização. Realizamos campanhas exaustivas de injeção de falhas para medir o Fator de Vulnerabilidade Arquitetural (Architectural Vulnerability Factor - AVF) de cada código e configuração, identificando os registradores que são mais propensos a gerar uma corrupção de dados silenciosos (Silent Data Corruption - SDC) ou uma interrupção funcional de evento único (Single Event Functional Interruption - SEFI). Também foram correlacionadas as variações de confiabilidade observadas com a utilização do arquivo de registradores. Finalmente, irradiamos com íons pesados dois dos benchmarks selecionados compilados com dois níveis de otimização. Os resultados mostram que mesmo com o melhor desempenho, o menor uso do arquivo de registradores ou o menor AVF não é garantido que as aplicações irão alcançar a maior Carga de Trabalho Média Entre Falhas (Mean Workload Between Failure - MWBF). Por exemplo, os resultados mostram que o melhor desempenho da aplicação Multiplicação de Matrizes (Matrix Multiplication - MxM) é alcançado no nível de otimização mais alta. No entanto, nos resultados dos experimentos de injeção de falhas, a maior confiabilidade é alcançada no menor nível de otimização que possuem os menores AVFs e o menor uso do arquivo de registradores. Os resultados também mostram que o impacto das otimizações está fortemente relacionado com o algoritmo executado e como o compilador faz esta otimização. / The recent advances in the embedded processors increase the compilers complexity, and the usage of heterogeneous resources such as Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) integrated with the processors. Additionally, the increase in the usage of Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) instead of radiation hardened chips in safety critical applications occurs because the COTS can be more flexible, inexpensive, have a fast time-to market and a lower power consumption. However, even with these advantages, it is still necessary to guarantee a high reliability in a system that uses a COTS for safety critical applications because they are susceptible to failures. Additionally, in the case of real time applications, the time requirements also need to be respected. As a case of study, this work uses the Zynq which is a COTS device classified as an All Programmable System-on-Chip (APSOC) and has an ARM Cortex-A9 as the embedded processor. In this research, the impact of faults that affect the register file in the embedded processors reliability was investigated. For that, fault-injection and heavy-ion radiation experiments were performed. Moreover, an evaluation of how the different levels of compiler optimization modify the usage and the failure probability of a processor register file. A set of six representative benchmarks, each one compiled with three different levels of compiler optimization. Exhaustive fault injection campaigns were performed to measure the registers Architectural Vulnerability Factor (AVF) of each code and configuration, identifying the registers that are more likely to generate Silent Data Corruption (SDC) or Single Event Functional Interruption (SEFI). Moreover, the observed reliability variations with register file utilization were correlated. Finally, two of the selected benchmarks, each one compiled with two different levels of optimization were irradiated in the heavy ions experiments. The results show that the best performance, the minor register file usage, or the lowest AVF does not always bring the highest Mean Workload Between Failures (MWBF). As an example, in the Matrix Multiplication (MxM) application, the best performance is achieved in the highest compiler optimization. However, in the fault injection, the higher reliability is obtained in the lower compiler optimization which has, the lower AVFs and the lower register file usage. Results also show that the impact of optimizations is strongly related to the executed algorithm and how the compiler optimizes them.

Desenvolvimento de uma nova versão do injetor comutador automático: determinação fotométrica de etanol em bebidas destiladas / Development of a new version of the automatic injector commutator: photometric determination of ethanol in spirits

Felisberto Gonçalves Santos Junior 12 September 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma nova versão do injetor comutador, baseada na geometria retangular, mantendo a configuração de três peças, sendo a central móvel e as laterais fixas. Nesta condição, os parafusos de ajuste não funcionam como guia, tal como ocorre nos injetores da primeira geração. Este design facilita o deslocamento da parte móvel, contribuindo para a redução do atrito, o que permite o emprego de um pequeno motor de corrente contínua (12 V; 0,4 A), o qual foi usado para fazer o deslocamento da barra central da posição de amostragem para a de injeção e vice-versa. O funcionamento do injetor foi controlado pelo computador, usando apenas 2 bits de controle. A interface de controle projetada para esse fim, inclui a condição de reversão da direção de rotação do motor e lógica anti-duplicidade, então se os dois bits forem ativados ao mesmo tempo, a rotação do motor é mantida no sentido horário. Para testar a viabilidade deste injetor, o mesmo foi empregado para desenvolver um procedimento para determinação de etanol em bebidas destiladas. O procedimento fotométrico foi baseado na reação de etanol com dicromato de potássio. A detecção fotométrica foi realizada empregando um fotômetro de LED com máximo de emissão em 590 nm. O módulo de análise constituído pelo injetor e um conjunto de válvulas solenoide foi projetado para implementar o processo de reamostragem, adição intermitente de reagentes e transporte da zona de amostra com fluxo de ar. Após a definição das variáveis de controle, o sistema apresentou bom desempenho analítico, aliando vantagens tais como, boa velocidade, simplicidade de operação, versatilidade, proporcionando também um menor consumo de amostra e reagentes. Com relação às características analíticas, o sistema proposto apresentou faixa de resposta linear (r = 0,9972) para concentração etanol entre 10 - 50 % (v/v), limite de detecção de 2,0 % (v/v) etanol, desvio padrão relativo de 2,0 % (n =10) para uma amostra de etanol com concentração 40 % (v/v), um consumo de dicromato de 0,012 g por determinação e uma frequência analítica de 34 determinações por hora. / We present a new version of the commutator injector, based on the rectangular geometry, maintaining the three parts configuration with the central mobile and fixed side. In this condition, the adjusting screws do not functi as a guide, as occurs in the injector of first generation. This design facilitates the displacement of the movable part and contributes in reducing the friction, thus allowing the use of a small direct current motor (12 V, 0.4 A), which was used to perform the displacement of the central bar from the sampling position to the injection and vice-versa. The injector operation was controlled by a computer, which was done using only two control bits. The control interface designed for this purpose includes the condition for reversing the direction of the motor rotation and anti-duplication logic, so that both bits were activated at the same time, the motor rotation was maintained at clockwise direction. To test the feasibility of the injector, it was used to develop a procedure for determination of ethanol in spirit beverage. The procedure was based on the photometric reaction of ethanol with potassium dichromate. The photometric detection was performed using a LED based photometer with maximum of emission at 590 nm. The analytical module comprising the injector and a set of solenoid valves, was designed to implement the zone sampling process and Intermittent addition of reagents and sample zone displacement using an air stream. After definition of control variables, the system shown good analytical performance, combining advantages such as speed, simplicity of operation, versatility and also providing lower consumption of sample and reagents. With respect to analytical characteristics, the proposed system presented linear response range (r = 0.9972) between ethanol concentration to 10 - 50% (v/v), a detection limit of 2.0% (v/v) ethanol, relative standard deviation of 2.0% (n = 10) for a sample with an ethanol concentration of 40% (w/v), a dichromate consumption of 0.012 g by determination and a sampling rate of 34 determination per hour.

Desenvolvimento e utilização de um injetor de pastilhas de impurezas no estudo da mitigação de disrupções e atenuação de raios-X de altas energias / Development and use of a impurity Pellet ingector for disruption mitigation and attenuation of high energy x-rays study

Carlos Mariz de Oliveira Teixeira 05 June 2008 (has links)
Um injetor de pastilhas (pellets) de impurezas foi projetado, construído e instalado junto ao tokamak TCABR do Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo - USP. O injetor é basicamente constituído por uma câmara com gás a alta pressão cuja vazão é controlada por uma bobina de acionamento rápido. Uma fonte de alta tensão (7kV) e alta corrente (6kA) foi construída para alimentar a bobina. Ao ser disparada, o gás propulsor (N2 ou He) acelera a pastilha para o interior do vaso do tokamak, sem que gás penetre no mesmo. Pastilhas de grafite cilíndricas com diâmetro de 0,4mm a 0,9mm, e comprimento de 0,5mm a 1mm, foram utilizadas para investigar a possibilidade de se mitigar os e*feitos de uma disrupção maior O processo de ablação da pastilha no TCABR foi investigado através de simulações que consideraram, de uma maneira simplificada, o resfriamento sofrido pelo plasma devido à propagação da pastilha no seu interior. O modelo, ao ser aplicado aos dados experimentais do tokamak T-10, por exemplo, apresentou resultados bastante encorajadores. Na maioria dos casos em que houve a injeção das pastilhas no TCABR, o plasma terminou devido ao surgimento de uma disrupção maior. Analisando a taxa de queda da corrente de plasma em dois instantes próximos ao fim da descarga, tanto para pulsos que sofreram uma disrupção natural quanto aos que sofreram um disrupção induzida (devido à injeção de pastilhas de grafite), constatou-se que a corrente de plasma decresce mais lentamente nos casos em que houve o disparo do injetor. Isto significa uma menor sobrecarga nos sistemas eletro-mecânicos do tokamak, em resultado à ocorrência da disrupção. A análise da atividade MHD foi realizada no entorno da disrupção causada pela injeção de pastilha. Observou-se, em conseqüência, uma redução da velocidade de rotação das ilhas magnéticas após o início da interação da pastilha com o plasma. Também constatou-se, em todos os disparos analisados, um aumento significativo da atividade MHD. Um outro resultado interessante foi a constatação de que a emissão de raios-X de altas energias decresce significativamente no final das descargas nas quais ocorre a injeção de pastilhas. / An impurity pellet injector has been projected, built and installed in the TCABR tokamak, at the Physics Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo - USP. Basically, the injector is composed of a high pressure gas chamber, in which the gas flow (N2 or He) is controlled by a fast switch valve. An high voltage (7kA) and high electric current (6kA) power supply has been built to provide energy for the valve. When fired, the propellant gas move the pellet into the interior of the tokamak vessel. During this process, the gas is properly collected before reaching the tokamak vacuum chamber. For this work, cylindrical carbon pellets with 0,4mm to 0,9mm in diameter and 0,5mm to 1mm in length were chosen as to investigate how the hazardous effects of a major disruption could be mitigated. The pellet ablation process in TCABR was studied trough running simulations that take into account, in a simplified way, the cooling of the plasma by the propagating pellet. The model, when applied to the T-10 tokamak experimental data, for example, exhibited very encouraging results. For the TCABR tokamak, in most of the cases in which pellets were injected, the plasma was terminated because of the advent of a major disruption. By analyzing the plasma current decay rate in two time intervals - within the end of plasma discharges, with and without the injection of pellets, it was observed that the plasma current decays significantly slower when pellets are injected. Consequently the load on the tokamak\'s electromechanical systems is reduced. Fourier analysis has been carried out to investigate the MHD activity near the disruption time, caused by the pellet injection. It could be noticed a reduction on the magnetic island\'s velocity rotation, after the pellet-plasma interaction initiates. Also, for all discharges analyzed, the MHD activities increased in amplitude after the pellet-plasma interaction. Another interesting result refers to the fact that the hard X-ray emission was observed to decrease significantly within the end of discharges in which pellets were injected

Emittance Compensation for SRF Photoinjectors

Vennekate, Hannes 20 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The advantages of contemporary particle injectors are high bunch charges and good beam quality in the case of normal conducting RF guns and increased repetition rates in the one of DC injectors. The technological edge of the concept of superconducting radio frequency injectors is to combine the strengths of both these sides. As many future accelerator concepts, such as energy recovery linacs, high power free electron lasers and certain collider designs, demand particle sources with high bunch charges and high repetition rates combined, applying the superconductivity of the accelerator modules to the injector itself is the next logical step. However, emittance compensation — the cornerstone for high beam quality — in case of a superconducting injector is much more challenging than in the normal conducting one. The use of simple electromagnets generating a solenoid field around the gun’s resonator interferes with its superconducting state. Hence, it requires novel and sophisticated techniques to maintain the high energy gain inside the gun cavity, while at the same time alleviating the detrimental fast transverse emittance growth of the bunch. In the case of the ELBE accelerator at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, a superconducting electron accelerator provides beam for several independent beamlines in continuous wave mode. The applications include IR to THz free electron lasers, neutron and positron generation, to Thompson backscattering with an inhouse TW laser, and hence, call for a flexible CW injector. Therefore, the development of a 3.5 cell superconducting electron gun was initiated in 1997. The focus of this thesis lies on three approaches of transverse emittance compensation for this photoinjector: RF focusing, the installation of a superconducting solenoid close to the cavity’s exit, and the introduction of a transverse electrical mode of the RF field in the resonator. All three methods are described in theory, examined by numerical simulation, and experimentally reviewed in the particular case of the ELBE SRF Gun II at HZDR and a copy of its niobium resonator at Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory, Newport News, VA, USA.

Emittance Compensation for SRF Photoinjectors

Vennekate, Hannes 21 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The advantages of contemporary particle injectors are high bunch charges and good beam quality in the case of normal conducting RF guns and increased repetition rates in the one of DC injectors. The technological edge of the concept of superconducting radio frequency injectors is to combine the strengths of both these sides. As many future accelerator concepts, such as energy recovery linacs, high power free electron lasers and certain collider designs, demand particle sources with high bunch charges and high repetition rates combined, applying the superconductivity of the accelerator modules to the injector itself is the next logical step. However, emittance compensation — the cornerstone for high beam quality — in case of a superconducting injector is much more challenging than in the normal conducting one. The use of simple electromagnets generating a solenoid field around the gun’s resonator interferes with its superconducting state. Hence, it requires novel and sophisticated techniques to maintain the high energy gain inside the gun cavity, while at the same time alleviating the detrimental fast transverse emittance growth of the bunch. In the case of the ELBE accelerator at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, a superconducting electron accelerator provides beam for several independent beamlines in continuous wave mode. The applications include IR to THz free electron lasers, neutron and positron generation, to Thompson backscattering with an inhouse TW laser, and hence, call for a flexible CW injector. Therefore, the development of a 3.5 cell superconducting electron gun was initiated in 1997. The focus of this thesis lies on three approaches of transverse emittance compensation for this photoinjector: RF focusing, the installation of a superconducting solenoid close to the cavity’s exit, and the introduction of a transverse electrical mode of the RF field in the resonator. All three methods are described in theory, examined by numerical simulation, and experimentally reviewed in the particular case of the ELBE SRF Gun II at HZDR and a copy of its niobium resonator at Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory, Newport News, VA, USA.


Patouna, Stavroula 17 February 2012 (has links)
In Diesel engines, the internal flow characteristics in the fuel injection nozzles, such as the turbulence level and distribution, the cavitation pattern and the velocity profile affect significantly the air-fuel mixture in the spray and subsequently the combustion process. Since the possibility to observe experimentally and measure the flow inside real size Diesel injectors is very limited, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculations are generally used to obtain the relevant information. The work presented within this thesis is focused on the study of cavitation in real size automotive injectors by using a commercial CFD code. It is divided in three major phases, each corresponding to a different complementary objective. The first objective of the current work is to assess the ability of the cavitation model included in the CFD code to predict cavitating flow conditions. For this, the model is validated for an injector-like study case defined in the literature, and for which experimental data is available in different operating conditions, before and after the start of cavitation. Preliminary studies are performed to analyze the effects on the solution obtained of various numerical parameters of the cavitation model itself and of the solver, and to determine the adequate setup of the model. It may be concluded that overall the cavitation model is able to predict the onset and development of cavitation accurately. Indeed, there is satisfactory agreement between the experimental data of injection rate and choked flow conditions and the corresponding numerical solution.This study serves as the basis for the physical and numerical understanding of the problem. Next, using the model configuration obtained from the previous study, unsteady flow calculations are performed for real-size single and multi-hole sac type Diesel injectors, each one with two types of nozzles, tapered and cylindrical. The objective is to validate the model with real automotive cases and to ununderstand in what way some physical factors, such as geometry, operating conditions and needle position affect the inception of cavitation and its development in the nozzle holes. These calculations are made at full needle lift and for various values of injection pressure and back-pressure. The results obtained for injection rate, momentum flux and effective injection velocity at the exit of the nozzles are compared with available CMT-Motores Térmicos in-house experimental data. Also, the cavitation pattern inside the nozzle and its effect on the internal nozzle flow is analyzed. The model predicts with reasonable accuracy the effects of geometry and operating conditions. / Patouna, S. (2012). A CFD STUDY OF CAVITATION IN REAL SIZE DIESEL INJECTORS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14723 / Palancia

Zkušební stanoviště pro palivové vstřikovací jednotky / Testing Stand for Fuel Injection Units

Rytina, Matěj January 2019 (has links)
Master’s thesis is focused on construction of testing stand for unit injector system mounted in Iveco Trakker engines. Testing stand can be with appropriate changes used for testing wide variates of unit injector systems. Simulation of computational model was computed in GT Suite software. Stress strength analysis was computed in Ansys Workbench 18.1 software.

Matematický model řídicí jednotky CR / Computational model of an CR diesel combustion engine

Kučera, Vlastimil January 2019 (has links)
Combustion-engine control is one of the most important parts of engine application and has a direct impact on its characteristics. Diploma thesis shows the preparation of a test engine and its installation to test cell. It describes measurement and data post processing necessary for common-rail diesel engine control and their application in the creation of a mathematic model in GT-SUITE.

Experimental Studies of Liquid Injector Response and Wall Heat Flux in a Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine

Dasheng Lim (8037983) 25 November 2019 (has links)
<div>The results of two experimental studies are presented in this document. The first is an investigation on the transient response of plain orifice liquid injectors to transverse detonation waves at elevated pressures of 414, 690, and 1,030 kPa (60, 100, and 150 psia). Detonations were produced using a predetonator which utilized hydrogen and</div><div>oxygen or ethylene and oxygen as reactants. For injectors of identical diameter, an increase in length correlated with a decrease in the maximum back-flow distance. A preliminary study using an injector of larger diameter suggested that for injectors of the same length under the same pressure drop, the larger injector was more resistant to back-flow. Refill time of the injectors was found to be inversely-proportional to detonation pressure ratio and injector stiffness, and a curve fit was produced to relate the three parameters.</div><div><br></div><div>The second experimental campaign was the hotfire testing of an RP-2-GOX rotating detonation engine. Total engine mass flow rates ranged from 0.8 to 3.5 kg/s (1.7 to 7.7 lbm/s) and static chamber pressures between 316 and 1,780 kPa (46 and 258 psia) were produced. In a majority of tests, between four and six co-rotating detonation waves were observed. Using an array of 36 embedded thermocouple probes, chamber outer wall heat fluxes between 2.8 and 8.3 MW/m<sup>2</sup> were estimated using an inverse heat transfer method of calculation. Performance of the RP-2 injector was assessed by relating to the information obtained in the prior injector response study.</div>

Transient Response of Gas-Liquid Injectors Subjected to Transverse Detonation Waves

Kevin James Dille (9505169) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<p>A series of experimental tests were performed to study the transient response of gas/liquid injectors exposed to transverse detonation waves. A total of four acrylic injectors were tested to compare the response between gas/liquid and liquid only injectors, as well as compare the role of various geometric features of the notional injector design. Detonation waves are produced through the combustion of ethylene and oxygen, at conditions to produce average wave pressures between 128 and 199 psi. The injectors utilize water and nitrogen to simulate the injection of liquid and gaseous propellants respectively. Quantification of injector refill times was possible through the use of a high-speed camera recording at a frame rate of 460,000 frames per second. High frequency pressure measurements in both the gaseous and liquid manifolds allow for quantification of the temporal pressure response of the injectors. Variations in simulant mass flow rates, measured through the use of sonic nozzles and cavitating venturis, produce pressure drops up to 262 psi across the injector. Injector refill times are found to be a strong function of the impulse delivered across the injector. Manifold acoustics were found to play a large role in injector response as manifolds that promote manifold over-pressurizations during the injector recovery period recover quicker than designs that limit this response.</p>

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