Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inmates"" "subject:"penmates""
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Avaliação dos fatores associados ao uso de álcool e drogas na criminalidade : um estudo no sistema penitenciárioWellausen, Rafael Stella January 2009 (has links)
A presente Dissertação de Mestrado consiste de um capítulo introdutório na qual são apresentados os quatro eixos que formam a estrutura teórica de dois estudos empíricos apresentados em forma de artigos. Os estudos foram realizados no Presídio Central de Porto Alegre e contaram com uma amostra de 50 prisioneiros sem condenação prévia com idades entre 18 e 35 anos. No primeiro estudo foram utilizados dois instrumentos: O Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) e a Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Buscou-se verificar a qualidade dos vínculos afetivos entre os presidiários e seus pais, assim como avaliar os principais quadros psiquiátricos que acometem esta população. Para análise dos dados foram realizadas análises estatísticas com o Teste t e o Teste Qui-quadrado. Os resultados desse estudo revelaram a presença de diversos transtornos psiquiátricos e problemas no vínculos afetivos entre pais e filhos. Houve alta incidência de uso/dependência de drogas sendo a maconha e o crack as mais consumidas. Aqueles prisioneiros que apresentavam um Transtorno Antissocial de Personalidade (TASP) também apresentavam fracasso biparental. Independentemente do diagnóstico psiquiátrico os crimes mais freqüentes foram os contra o patrimônio. O segundo estudo procurou investigar a relação entre uso de álcool e drogas e comportamento sexual de risco para HIV/AIDS. Neste estudo o Addiction Severity Index (ASI6) foi o instrumento utilizado para avaliar gravidade de dependência e comportamento sexual. Os resultados indicaram que com o advento do crack houve uma redução no número de usuários de drogas injetáveis (UDI). Apesar disso, foi verificado que o risco para a contaminação com o vírus do HIV ainda é alto entre os prisioneiros. Duas são as possíveis razoes: um descuido geral em relação à saúde, e o sexo ter-se tornado uma moeda de troca por drogas. Ambos os estudos têm relevância uma vez que revelaram aspectos pouco conhecidos sobre a realidade daqueles que se encontram aprisionados. / The present Master's Dissertation consists of an introductory chapter in which four axes are presented. They constitute the theoretical structure involving two empirical studies presented in article format. The studies were carried out at the Presídio Central in Porto Alegre. The sample comprised 50 inmates, ranging from 18 to 35 years old. In the first study, two instruments were used: The Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). It attempted to verify the quality of affective bonds between the inmates and their parents as well as to assess the main psychiatric histories which affected this population. For the data statistical analysis, the t Test and the Chi-square Test were used. The results revealed the presence of several psychiatric disorders and problems involving the affective bonds between parents and their sons. There was a high incidence of the use/dependency of drugs, with marijuana and crack being the most used. Those inmates who presented Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) also presented biparental failure. Independently from the psychiatric diagnosis, the most frequent crimes are the ones against the patrimony. The second study investigated the relation between the use of drugs and the risky sexual behavior for HIV/AIDS. In this study, the Addiction Severity index (ASI6) was the instrument used to assess the severity of dependency and sexual behavior. The results showed that, with the advent of crack, there was a decrease in the number of injecting drug users (IDU). Nevertheless, it was found that the risk for contamination with the HIV virus is still high among the inmates. There are two possible reasons for this to happen: a general disregard with health and the fact that sex became a certain kind of currency to be exchanged for drugs. Both studies are relevant since they demonstrate some unknown aspects about the reality of those inmates.
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Representações sociais do trabalho carcerário feminino.Moki, Michelle Peixoto 31 March 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-03-31 / This dissertation: The social representations about the feminine prison labor aims at collecting and analysing the social representations the women who are prisoners (women inmates) and the ones who work at prison,
such as guards, teachers and principals of the Penitenciária Feminina da Capital (São Paulo SP) have about work. The work is considered by the prisoners as an opportunity to earn
money and at the same time as a brief scape from their reality. Besides, the prison labor has a variety of values which are associated to values expressed by the ones who are not at prison. Therefore the prison labor is conceived as something highly positive which gives the prisoners the citizenship passport. Even when the feminine prisoners do not agree with the work at prison, they are forced to work as the work is conceptualized as something which
might rescue the criminals, offering them the possibility of being reintegrated in society. / A Dissertação Representações Sociais do Trabalho Carcerário Feminino tem, como objeto principal, colher e analisar as representações sociais
atribuídas ao trabalho por mulheres encarceradas, guardas, mestras e diretoras da Penitenciária Feminina da Capital (São Paulo/SP). O trabalho representa para as presas uma oportunidade de ajuda financeira e fuga momentânea da realidade que estão inseridas. Além disso, o trabalho carcerário possui uma variedade de valores que são associados aos valores concebidos pela sociedade extramuro. Dessa forma, o trabalho dentro das
instituições carcerárias recebe um status positivo que confere a presa trabalhadora a possibilidade de um passaporte para a cidadania. Mesmo que não compactue com o trabalho carcerário, a mulher
encarcerada é obrigada a trabalhar. Porém, o ato de trabalhar dentro de uma prisão se sobrepõe a esse fato, pois perpassa na instituição a lógica de que é o trabalho o grande responsável pelo resgate do indivíduo delituoso ao convívio social.
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Os caminhos da "transmissão da mensagem" narcóticos anônimos na penitenciária feminina Madre Pelletier em Porto Alegre, RSCuozzo, Juliana Deprá January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi o de acompanhar os caminhos de um serviço em Hospitais e Instituições (HI) da Irmandade de Narcóticos Anônimos (NA) na cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a partir, principalmente, de uma interlocutora principal de pesquisa, membro da NA, e de uma longa experiência de campo da pesquisadora. Trata-se do serviço de “transmissão da mensagem” que ocorre na Penitenciária Feminina Madre Pelletier, em que mulheres membros da NA se deslocam até a Penitenciária para “levar a mensagem de recuperação da Narcóticos Anônimos”, às reclusas. Esse serviço ocorre na Instituição Penitenciária sob o formato de painéis, nos quais estão presentes participantes da NA e mulheres reclusas. Nessas ocasiões, ocorre a “partilha” sobre a “recuperação”, e, para a sua realização, são necessários preparações, treinamentos e movimentações que envolvem tanto a Penitenciária quanto a Irmandade. Para acompanhar os caminhos da “transmissão da mensagem” realizei pesquisa de campo de orientação etnográfica na Irmandade de NA e na Penitenciária. Na Irmandade frequentei reuniões abertas de um grupo da Narcóticos Anônimos existente em Porto Alegre, reuniões de serviço do Subcomitê de Relações Públicas, celebrações e eventos de grupos, realizei entrevistas com homens e mulheres participantes da NA, e, em especial, com a interlocutora principal de pesquisa. Na Penitenciária acompanhei, no ano de 2015, encontros de painéis, realizei entrevistas com agentes penitenciárias, assistente social, e mantive conversas com funcionários da direção. Os resultados desse trabalho indicam que os “caminhos da transmissão da mensagem”, ao perpassarem o ambiente da Penitenciária e durante os painéis - ocasiões conjuntas com as reclusas e outras participantes da Irmandade -, adquirem um significado específico para a interlocutora de pesquisa em sua “recuperação”, pois mobilizam seu passado, presente, “ativa” e “recuperação”. / The objective of this study was to follow the paths of a service in Hospitals and Institutions (HI) of the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), based mainly on a main speaker of research, member of the NA, and a long researcher's field experience. This is the service "message transmission" that occurs in the Women's Penitentiary Madre Pelletier, in which women members of NA moving to the Penitentiary to "carry the message of recovery in Narcotics Anonymous" the inmates. This service is the Penitentiary Institution under the panels format in which they are participants from NA and women prisoners. On these occasions, is "sharing" on the "recovery", and for its implementation, preparations are needed, training and transactions involving both Penitentiary as the Fellowship. To follow the path of "carrying the message" I conducted ethnographic orientation of field research in the NA Fellowship and Prison. Fellowship attended open meetings of an existing Narcotics Anonymous group in Porto Alegre, service meetings of the Subcommittee on Public Relations, celebrations and events groups, conducted interviews with participants men and women of NA, and in particular with the main interlocutor of research. In Penitentiary I followed, in 2015, panel meetings, conducted interviews with prison officers, social workers, and held talks with officials of direction. The results of this study indicate that the "message transmission paths", the permeates the environment of Penitentiary and during the panel - joint occasions with inmates and other participants of the Fellowship - acquire a specific meaning to the speaker of research in their "recovery" for mobilizing their past, present, "active" and "recovery".
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Avaliação dos fatores associados ao uso de álcool e drogas na criminalidade : um estudo no sistema penitenciárioWellausen, Rafael Stella January 2009 (has links)
A presente Dissertação de Mestrado consiste de um capítulo introdutório na qual são apresentados os quatro eixos que formam a estrutura teórica de dois estudos empíricos apresentados em forma de artigos. Os estudos foram realizados no Presídio Central de Porto Alegre e contaram com uma amostra de 50 prisioneiros sem condenação prévia com idades entre 18 e 35 anos. No primeiro estudo foram utilizados dois instrumentos: O Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) e a Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Buscou-se verificar a qualidade dos vínculos afetivos entre os presidiários e seus pais, assim como avaliar os principais quadros psiquiátricos que acometem esta população. Para análise dos dados foram realizadas análises estatísticas com o Teste t e o Teste Qui-quadrado. Os resultados desse estudo revelaram a presença de diversos transtornos psiquiátricos e problemas no vínculos afetivos entre pais e filhos. Houve alta incidência de uso/dependência de drogas sendo a maconha e o crack as mais consumidas. Aqueles prisioneiros que apresentavam um Transtorno Antissocial de Personalidade (TASP) também apresentavam fracasso biparental. Independentemente do diagnóstico psiquiátrico os crimes mais freqüentes foram os contra o patrimônio. O segundo estudo procurou investigar a relação entre uso de álcool e drogas e comportamento sexual de risco para HIV/AIDS. Neste estudo o Addiction Severity Index (ASI6) foi o instrumento utilizado para avaliar gravidade de dependência e comportamento sexual. Os resultados indicaram que com o advento do crack houve uma redução no número de usuários de drogas injetáveis (UDI). Apesar disso, foi verificado que o risco para a contaminação com o vírus do HIV ainda é alto entre os prisioneiros. Duas são as possíveis razoes: um descuido geral em relação à saúde, e o sexo ter-se tornado uma moeda de troca por drogas. Ambos os estudos têm relevância uma vez que revelaram aspectos pouco conhecidos sobre a realidade daqueles que se encontram aprisionados. / The present Master's Dissertation consists of an introductory chapter in which four axes are presented. They constitute the theoretical structure involving two empirical studies presented in article format. The studies were carried out at the Presídio Central in Porto Alegre. The sample comprised 50 inmates, ranging from 18 to 35 years old. In the first study, two instruments were used: The Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). It attempted to verify the quality of affective bonds between the inmates and their parents as well as to assess the main psychiatric histories which affected this population. For the data statistical analysis, the t Test and the Chi-square Test were used. The results revealed the presence of several psychiatric disorders and problems involving the affective bonds between parents and their sons. There was a high incidence of the use/dependency of drugs, with marijuana and crack being the most used. Those inmates who presented Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) also presented biparental failure. Independently from the psychiatric diagnosis, the most frequent crimes are the ones against the patrimony. The second study investigated the relation between the use of drugs and the risky sexual behavior for HIV/AIDS. In this study, the Addiction Severity index (ASI6) was the instrument used to assess the severity of dependency and sexual behavior. The results showed that, with the advent of crack, there was a decrease in the number of injecting drug users (IDU). Nevertheless, it was found that the risk for contamination with the HIV virus is still high among the inmates. There are two possible reasons for this to happen: a general disregard with health and the fact that sex became a certain kind of currency to be exchanged for drugs. Both studies are relevant since they demonstrate some unknown aspects about the reality of those inmates.
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Rastreamento sorológico e epidemiologia da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B em reeducandas do complexo prisional da regional metropolitana de Goiás / Serological screening and epidemiology of hepatitis B virus infection among female inmates of the prision complex from the metropolitan regional of GoiásPESSONI, Grécia Carolina 05 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:04:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-04-05 / In order to investigate the seroepidemiological profile of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection among female inmates from the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia, 148 women were interviewed on sociodemographic and risk factors for HBV. After, blood samples were collected for the detection of HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The majority of women had less than 36 years of age (77.1%), less than nine years of education (69.8%) and family income less than two Brazilian minimum wage (65.2%). Almost half (46.6%) of female inmates reported stable relationships. An overall HBV prevalence of 18.9% was found. One (0.7%) woman was HBsAg-positive. The anti-HBc was detected in 27 (18.2%) women, being 25/27 associated to anti-HBs, and 2/27 alone. In only 36 (24.3%) female inmates the anti-HBs isolated was detected, suggesting previous hepatitis B vaccination. The analysis of risk factors showed that age over 35 years, less than ten years of education, sexual partner in the prison , and previous STD were independently associated to HBV markers. The results of this study highlight the need for action to prevent the hepatitis B in the prison environment, including health education and immunization against hepatitis B. / Com o objetivo de investigar o perfil soroepidemiológico da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B (HBV) em reeducandas da Regional Metropolitana de Goiás, 148 mulheres foram entrevistadas sobre dados sócio-demográficos e fatores de risco para a infecção pelo HBV. A seguir, foram coletadas amostras sanguíneas para a detecção dos marcadores HBsAg, anti-HBs e anti-HBc pelo ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). A maioria possuía menos de 36 anos de idade (77,1%), tempo de estudo inferior a nove anos (69,8%) e renda familiar de até um salário mínimo (65,2%). Praticamente a metade (46,6%) referiu relacionamento estável. Do total de reeducandas, verificou-se uma prevalência global de 18,9% para os marcadores da infecção pelo HBV. Uma (0,7%) reeducanda apresentou positividade para o HBsAg. O marcador anti-HBc foi detectado em 27(18,2%) mulheres, sendo que em 2/27 isoladamente e, em 25/27 associado ao anti-HBs. Em somente 36 (24,3%) reeducandas detectou-se positividade isolada para o anticorpo anti-HBs, sugerindo vacinação prévia contra o vírus da hepatite B. A análise dos fatores de risco mostrou
que idade acima de 35 anos; escolaridade inferior a 10 anos, parceiro na agência prisional e antecedentes de DST foram independentemente associados aos marcadores de exposição ao HBV. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciam a necessidade de ações de prevenção da hepatite B no ambiente carcerário, incluindo educação em saúde e vacinação contra hepatite B.
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"En kåranda, visst finns det!" : En språksociologisk studie om tystnadskulturen i fängelseByström, Tony January 2017 (has links)
Very little or any of the research within social language about different cultures of silence has been devoted to the norms of silence which exists within the speaking community of prison and which is shared by both inmates and staff. The purpose with the essay has therefore been to, from earlier research, investigate what the norms of silence in prison are, how these affect inmates and staff in their attitude toward each other and the communication between them, and if there are similarities in the norms of silence between the two groups and how these are expressed, regulated and applied within the speaking community compared with other cultures of silence. The essay takes it point of departure within theory of social language and how one uses the sound of language, words and turns in a correct way according to the norms and attitudes that exist within a speaking community and focus foremost around the culture of silence and its norms for silence and secrecy that exist within the speaking community which is shared by both inmates and staff in prison. The empiric collection has been done through qualitative method in combination with introspection, participation observation and interviews plus questionnaires which later have been interpreted and compared with earlier research. Four respondents, all of them staffs who have been or are active within the Swedish correctional system and have possessed varying posts, were interviewed or had to answer questionnaires which aimed to make the respondents to think about and to confirm the existence of a culture of silence. The result of the essay showed that staff, like inmates, have norms for silence and that staff in meeting with inmates shows varying degrees of attitudes, dependent if there’s about a closed respective an open ward, so that the verbal communication is affected by an informal attitude towards the inmates which is more accepted in open than compared with closed wards within the group of staff because the level of security is higher. Through the investigation of which norms of silence there are within the group of staff, generally, and how these are expressed and regulated within the speaking community through highlighting experiences and attitudes to better understand and explain the meaning of silence in different circumstances, and to compare the results in the essay with earlier science in order to bring forward similarities and differences in silence among inmates and staff with other cultures of silence, the essay has showed that there’s a culture of silence with norms of silence not only within prison, i.e. among inmates and staff, but within all speaking communities, which affect the communication with other groups or cultures negative, and that the formation of attitudes, i.e. negative social representation of others, and appliance and maintenance of the culture of silence is dependent on informal leaders which has a high status within the group.
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Adiktologická péče v prostředí českých věznic: Zkušenosti se zaváděním nové adiktologické služby / Addiction treatment services in the Czech prison system: Experiences with the implementation of the new type of addiction serviceNováková, Elizabeth January 2021 (has links)
BACKGROUND. Substance use is a widespread phenomenon in prisons, with a numberous associated problems, for instance high incidence of infectious diseases, recidivism, poor physical and mental health and high costs of repressive measures, which still do not eradicate drug use in prison facilities. In 2016, the first addictologist was admitted to the prison system in Czechia. Two years later, 14 more table places were established. The thesis brings an overview at this period (2018 - 2021). AIMS. The aim of the thesis is to provide an information about starting and forming of specialized addiction services in prison seeting from the perspective of addictologists. The theoretical part of the thesis also presents the results of foreign research on the effectiveness of selected interventions and strategies and recommendations for good practice. RESEARCH QUESTIONS. The research questions address the experience of addictologists and are focused on four main areas: workplace formation, clientele, quality assurance and the impact of Covid-19 on the workplace. METHODS. To meet the aims, the method of semi-structured interviews with selected informants who entered prisons in 2018 was used along with document analysis. RESULTS. The experience of addictologists point out some problematic areas, for instance lack...
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L'expérience de l'éducation en détentionDamphousse, Marc-Olivier 02 1900 (has links)
Présentement, au Canada, environ 75% des délinquants admis dans des établissements correctionnels fédéraux n’ont pas atteint leur cinquième secondaire ou l’équivalent (SCC, 2015). Il semble que suivre un programme d’éducation en détention permette d’éviter la récidive chez un grand nombre de détenus. Très peu d’études se penchent sur ce que ces personnes vivent pendant le suivi de tels programmes. C’est-à-dire, comment composent-ils avec un environnement tel que la prison pour étudier et à quel point doivent-ils travailler fort compte tenu de certaines difficultés dans le contexte carcéral. Ce mémoire propose donc de comprendre l’expérience de l’éducation d’ex-détenus fédéraux canadiens et de faire ressortir le regard qu’ils posent sur celle-ci. Dans le but d’atteindre nos objectifs, nous nous sommes intéressés au vécu de onze hommes ayant purgé une peine fédérale canadienne et ayant suivi un programme d’éducation durant leur incarcération. C’est par l’entremise d’entrevues semi-dirigées que nous avons pu mettre en lumière le fait que le suivi d’un programme d’éducation en détention ne se faisait pas sans difficulté d’ordre personnel, psychologique ou institutionnel. Nous verrons que cette expérience est vécue de manière différente selon les motivations à se prêter à l’exercice de l’éducation en détention, et qu’elle permet d’offrir à ces personnes des avantages sous plusieurs aspects. Ces bénéfices se font ressentir tant en détention qu’au retour dans la communauté. / Nowadays in Canada, approximately 75% of the offenders admitted in federal correctional facilities have not reached the 11th grade or it equivalent (SCC, 2015). Following an education program while in detention seems to contribute to the prevention of crime recidivism for a great number of inmates. Very few studies focus on the experience of inmates while following these programs. Thus, this study aims to understand the education experiences of Canadian federal ex-inmates and to expose their perspective on said education. To achieve our objectives, we explored the experiences of eleven men who served a Canadian federal sentence and who followed an education program during their incarceration. By conducting semi-directed interviews, we could shed light on the fact that following an education program as an inmate was not done without personal, psychological and institutional difficulties. We shall see that this educational experience is lived differently according to the motivation to participate. We shall also see that it offers its participants advantages through many forms. These advantages can be felt both during incarceration and upon return to the community. / Actualmente en Canadá, hay aproximadamente 75% de los delincuentes admitidos en las instituciones correccionales federales que tienen su diploma de quinto grado de secundaria o el equivalente. Ofrecer un programa de educación en detención permite evitar la reincidencia de un gran número de reclusos. Pocos estudios investigan sobre lo que viven los reclusos durante estos programas. Esta tesis ofrece una mejor comprensión de la experiencia de educación de los ex-convictos federales canadienses y permite conocer sus apreciaciones de los programas. Para alcanzar nuestros objetivos, nos hemos centrado sobre la realidad de once hombres que han cumplido una sentencia federal canadiense y que han seguido un programa de educación durante su encarcelamiento. Con entrevistas, en parte dirigidas, podemos destacar que los que hacen un programa de educación durante la detención pueden vivir dificultades personales, psicológicas e institucionales. Veremos que esta experiencia se vive de manera distinta según las motivaciones en relación con la educación en detención. También, esta tesis de maestría expone todos los beneficios que la experiencia de educación en prisión puede darle a los delincuentes. Estos beneficios son provechosos tanto durante la detención que al regresar a la comunidad.
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La motivation aux interventions et programmes correctionnels chez les détenus canadiens des pénitenciers fédérauxDufour, Sophie-Anne 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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"Man Up": A Longitudinal Evaluation of Adherence to Traditional Masculinity Among Racially/Ethnically Diverse Adolescent InmatesGray, Mary Elisabeth 01 January 2012 (has links)
Research has consistently demonstrated strong relationships between high levels of adherence to traditional masculinity ideology and poor health and behavior outcomes (e.g., Levant & Richmond, 2007; O'Neil, 2008). Though recent studies have demonstrated support for theories of multiple masculinities or the idea that one's masculinity ideology is developed, maintained, and restructured according to one's social and environmental contexts (e.g., Smiler, 2004), understanding how male gender contributes to social problems within diverse communities, social groups, and contexts is not well established (Mankowski & Maton, 2010). The current study examined how individual and contextual variables predict change in level of adherence to traditional masculinity ideology among a diverse sample of incarcerated adolescent males convicted of felony crimes in the state of Ohio. In particular, while literature has described prison settings as an environment that ignores gender (e.g., Lutze & Murphy, 1999; Messerschmidt, 1993), the current study assessed the effectiveness of a strength-based program at successfully decreasing adherence to traditional masculinity within two of the four participating juvenile justice facilities in ODYS. Using hierarchical linear modeling informed by a qualitative follow-up sequence design, study found younger adolescents and African American youth with low levels of ethnic pride to have higher levels of adherence to traditional masculinity at the beginning of the study compared to older adolescents and White youth or African American youth with high levels of ethnic pride. Interestingly, age did not predict changes in levels of adherence to traditional masculinity ideology over time, however, White youth's level of adherence increased over time and African American youth's level of adherence remained relatively stable. Moreover, youth with good attendance in the program experienced less dramatic increases in adherence to traditional masculinity compared to those with poor attendance. Thematic analysis of qualitative data supports the study's finding that program participation predicts changes in levels of adherence to traditional masculinity ideology over time. In addition to providing support for quantitative findings, the thematic analysis highlights some potential gaps in the quantitative assessment of masculinity ideology that must be considered in future research. For example, youth describe an alternative ideal form of masculinity, sometimes characterized by the youth as "man up," that provides a level of flexibility that is counter to that of traditional masculinity. Moreover, the qualitative findings also raise questions about the validity of the survey measure of masculinity (AMIRS; Chu, 2005) for use with African American and incarcerated youth. Finally, the study supports theories of multiple masculinities and offers preliminary evidence that gender specific, strengths-based programming can influence adherence to traditional masculinity ideology among youth in juvenile justice facilities.
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