Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inmates"" "subject:"penmates""
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Os caminhos da "transmissão da mensagem" narcóticos anônimos na penitenciária feminina Madre Pelletier em Porto Alegre, RSCuozzo, Juliana Deprá January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi o de acompanhar os caminhos de um serviço em Hospitais e Instituições (HI) da Irmandade de Narcóticos Anônimos (NA) na cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a partir, principalmente, de uma interlocutora principal de pesquisa, membro da NA, e de uma longa experiência de campo da pesquisadora. Trata-se do serviço de “transmissão da mensagem” que ocorre na Penitenciária Feminina Madre Pelletier, em que mulheres membros da NA se deslocam até a Penitenciária para “levar a mensagem de recuperação da Narcóticos Anônimos”, às reclusas. Esse serviço ocorre na Instituição Penitenciária sob o formato de painéis, nos quais estão presentes participantes da NA e mulheres reclusas. Nessas ocasiões, ocorre a “partilha” sobre a “recuperação”, e, para a sua realização, são necessários preparações, treinamentos e movimentações que envolvem tanto a Penitenciária quanto a Irmandade. Para acompanhar os caminhos da “transmissão da mensagem” realizei pesquisa de campo de orientação etnográfica na Irmandade de NA e na Penitenciária. Na Irmandade frequentei reuniões abertas de um grupo da Narcóticos Anônimos existente em Porto Alegre, reuniões de serviço do Subcomitê de Relações Públicas, celebrações e eventos de grupos, realizei entrevistas com homens e mulheres participantes da NA, e, em especial, com a interlocutora principal de pesquisa. Na Penitenciária acompanhei, no ano de 2015, encontros de painéis, realizei entrevistas com agentes penitenciárias, assistente social, e mantive conversas com funcionários da direção. Os resultados desse trabalho indicam que os “caminhos da transmissão da mensagem”, ao perpassarem o ambiente da Penitenciária e durante os painéis - ocasiões conjuntas com as reclusas e outras participantes da Irmandade -, adquirem um significado específico para a interlocutora de pesquisa em sua “recuperação”, pois mobilizam seu passado, presente, “ativa” e “recuperação”. / The objective of this study was to follow the paths of a service in Hospitals and Institutions (HI) of the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), based mainly on a main speaker of research, member of the NA, and a long researcher's field experience. This is the service "message transmission" that occurs in the Women's Penitentiary Madre Pelletier, in which women members of NA moving to the Penitentiary to "carry the message of recovery in Narcotics Anonymous" the inmates. This service is the Penitentiary Institution under the panels format in which they are participants from NA and women prisoners. On these occasions, is "sharing" on the "recovery", and for its implementation, preparations are needed, training and transactions involving both Penitentiary as the Fellowship. To follow the path of "carrying the message" I conducted ethnographic orientation of field research in the NA Fellowship and Prison. Fellowship attended open meetings of an existing Narcotics Anonymous group in Porto Alegre, service meetings of the Subcommittee on Public Relations, celebrations and events groups, conducted interviews with participants men and women of NA, and in particular with the main interlocutor of research. In Penitentiary I followed, in 2015, panel meetings, conducted interviews with prison officers, social workers, and held talks with officials of direction. The results of this study indicate that the "message transmission paths", the permeates the environment of Penitentiary and during the panel - joint occasions with inmates and other participants of the Fellowship - acquire a specific meaning to the speaker of research in their "recovery" for mobilizing their past, present, "active" and "recovery".
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Tělo za katrem: Význam zdobení těla odsouzených ve výkonu trestu odnětí svobody / The body behind bars: The importance of decorating the body of convictsLochmannová, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the issue of physical modifications, especially tattoos, in the environment of Czech male prisons. It is based on ethnographic research conducted between 2013 and 2017 in a total of five Czech men's security prisons. The aim of the thesis is to describe the phenomenon of decorating the body of inmates sentenced to serve prison sentences in Czech male prisons and to present the interpretative and meaningful potential of body treatments, especially tattooing, in relation to the so-called second life of the convicted. As a part of the thesis, the design of ethnographic research in the environment of Czech male prisons, including its limits and pitfalls, is presented, while the specificity of this research field in the field of socio-scientific research is demonstrated. Attention is paid to the issue and importance of body in the prison environment and, in consequence, to body modifications that are used at the prison level to resist against the attempt to discipline convicts' bodies through unified institutional practices. Emphasis is placed primarily on tattooing as the most frequent and the most significant physical modification of the criminal subculture in the Czech prison environment. The final chapter and the pivotal part of this thesis brings the categorization of...
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Literacy in Corrections Inmate Employment : a thesis presented in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Communication Management at Massey University, Wellington, New ZealandArtemiev, Rosalie January 2008 (has links)
This thesis investigates literacy in prison-based employment training provided by Corrections Inmate Employment (CIE), a Government Training Establishment, in New Zealand. The descriptive case study aims to provide an understanding of literacy in CIE. It does this by combining existing research with information gained from participant observation and staff and prisoner interviews at the Central Kitchen and the Print Shop at men’s prisons in Wellington. The thesis suggests that engagement with literacy in these CIE workplaces depends on whether it is safe or suitable to participate in workplace literacy activities; whether there is an opportunity to participate (including access to specialised support services like literacy programmes); and whether prisoners are interested in or see benefits from participating. For CIE to be more effective – both in providing a base for meaningful employment and lifelong learning – employment training needs to be offered in areas in which prisoners are interested, in tandem with embedded support services like literacy and numeracy training programmes.
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Fina och fula brott : en intervjustudie om intagnas hierarkier på anstalt i ett genusperspektivBertilsson, John January 2010 (has links)
The essay deals with hierarchies that occurs between inmates in prison. It deals with a theory that these hierarchies, when seen through a gender perspective, can be understood as a hierarchy where you are valued based on traditional male characteristics. Empirically, the paper consists of interviews with five inmates, or former inmates, who during a period in his life, has served a prison sentence at a closed institution. Based on the informants' statements, conclusions are drawn about which properties are valued low in the hierarchy. This becomes clear when the informants speak humiliating about sexually deviant groups, snitches, or sex offenders. Those who are highly valued are those who have committed acts of violence and express a violent attitude, and other traditionally male characteristics. Hierarchy occurs much because of the frustration and powerlessness the inmates are experiencing and their need to dominate each other.
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Implementierung einer Schreibintervention in den Offenen Jugendstrafvollzug / An expressive writing intervention for juvenile prison inmatesReinhold-Hurley, Bettina 21 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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The Right to Health Care of Terminally Ill Inmates in South AfricaAlbertus, Chesne Joy January 2018 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / In South Africa, prison authorities are not primarily concerned with the health of the prison population. This is evidenced by inter alia: the vast number of complaints regarding health care received by the Judicial Inspectorate of Correctional Centres; natural deaths in prisons reported annually; litigation regarding health care and treatment in prisons; and the notoriously poor conditions of detention which inevitably have a negative impact on prisoners' health. There is as a result a noticeable difference between state provided health care to the public and health care in prisons. This thesis is therefore aimed at unpacking what the right to health means in respect of terminally ill prisoners. This question has been overshadowed by issues regarding medical parole in South Africa and intermittently by calls for palliative care in prisons. Whilst these issues are relevant to their plight, there is a need to articulate the scope of the right to health of terminally ill prisoners. This is imperative as not all prisoners who are terminally ill are eligible for medical parole and there are instances where the granting of such parole may be impractical. An analysis of the right to health in relation to terminally ill prisoners will provide legal certainty as to the legal entitlements regarding health care for one of the most vulnerable groups in society. They will know what they may legally claim and what they cannot insist upon in terms of the law.
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Avaliação dos fatores associados ao uso de álcool e drogas na criminalidade : um estudo no sistema penitenciárioWellausen, Rafael Stella January 2009 (has links)
A presente Dissertação de Mestrado consiste de um capítulo introdutório na qual são apresentados os quatro eixos que formam a estrutura teórica de dois estudos empíricos apresentados em forma de artigos. Os estudos foram realizados no Presídio Central de Porto Alegre e contaram com uma amostra de 50 prisioneiros sem condenação prévia com idades entre 18 e 35 anos. No primeiro estudo foram utilizados dois instrumentos: O Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) e a Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Buscou-se verificar a qualidade dos vínculos afetivos entre os presidiários e seus pais, assim como avaliar os principais quadros psiquiátricos que acometem esta população. Para análise dos dados foram realizadas análises estatísticas com o Teste t e o Teste Qui-quadrado. Os resultados desse estudo revelaram a presença de diversos transtornos psiquiátricos e problemas no vínculos afetivos entre pais e filhos. Houve alta incidência de uso/dependência de drogas sendo a maconha e o crack as mais consumidas. Aqueles prisioneiros que apresentavam um Transtorno Antissocial de Personalidade (TASP) também apresentavam fracasso biparental. Independentemente do diagnóstico psiquiátrico os crimes mais freqüentes foram os contra o patrimônio. O segundo estudo procurou investigar a relação entre uso de álcool e drogas e comportamento sexual de risco para HIV/AIDS. Neste estudo o Addiction Severity Index (ASI6) foi o instrumento utilizado para avaliar gravidade de dependência e comportamento sexual. Os resultados indicaram que com o advento do crack houve uma redução no número de usuários de drogas injetáveis (UDI). Apesar disso, foi verificado que o risco para a contaminação com o vírus do HIV ainda é alto entre os prisioneiros. Duas são as possíveis razoes: um descuido geral em relação à saúde, e o sexo ter-se tornado uma moeda de troca por drogas. Ambos os estudos têm relevância uma vez que revelaram aspectos pouco conhecidos sobre a realidade daqueles que se encontram aprisionados. / The present Master's Dissertation consists of an introductory chapter in which four axes are presented. They constitute the theoretical structure involving two empirical studies presented in article format. The studies were carried out at the Presídio Central in Porto Alegre. The sample comprised 50 inmates, ranging from 18 to 35 years old. In the first study, two instruments were used: The Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). It attempted to verify the quality of affective bonds between the inmates and their parents as well as to assess the main psychiatric histories which affected this population. For the data statistical analysis, the t Test and the Chi-square Test were used. The results revealed the presence of several psychiatric disorders and problems involving the affective bonds between parents and their sons. There was a high incidence of the use/dependency of drugs, with marijuana and crack being the most used. Those inmates who presented Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) also presented biparental failure. Independently from the psychiatric diagnosis, the most frequent crimes are the ones against the patrimony. The second study investigated the relation between the use of drugs and the risky sexual behavior for HIV/AIDS. In this study, the Addiction Severity index (ASI6) was the instrument used to assess the severity of dependency and sexual behavior. The results showed that, with the advent of crack, there was a decrease in the number of injecting drug users (IDU). Nevertheless, it was found that the risk for contamination with the HIV virus is still high among the inmates. There are two possible reasons for this to happen: a general disregard with health and the fact that sex became a certain kind of currency to be exchanged for drugs. Both studies are relevant since they demonstrate some unknown aspects about the reality of those inmates.
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Privatization of prisonsTshweu, Podile Samuel 11 1900 (has links)
Private prisons in South Africa are still premature
but it will be increased because negotiations are
on the track. The government should take a more
serious look at private prisons as an alternative
to public production of correctional service due to
its efficiency.
It is clear that the privatization of correctional
facilities is a viable option for the future of
correctional facilities. The expansion of
privatization in this country will depend upon
public and political confidence that private
prisons will as effectively and accountable as
public prisons.
Private prisons have also demonstrated to have
other advantages such as continuous audits on site.
The aim of this study is to provide some insight
into the privatization of prisons. / Penology / M.A. (Penology)
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Os caminhos da "transmissão da mensagem" narcóticos anônimos na penitenciária feminina Madre Pelletier em Porto Alegre, RSCuozzo, Juliana Deprá January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi o de acompanhar os caminhos de um serviço em Hospitais e Instituições (HI) da Irmandade de Narcóticos Anônimos (NA) na cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a partir, principalmente, de uma interlocutora principal de pesquisa, membro da NA, e de uma longa experiência de campo da pesquisadora. Trata-se do serviço de “transmissão da mensagem” que ocorre na Penitenciária Feminina Madre Pelletier, em que mulheres membros da NA se deslocam até a Penitenciária para “levar a mensagem de recuperação da Narcóticos Anônimos”, às reclusas. Esse serviço ocorre na Instituição Penitenciária sob o formato de painéis, nos quais estão presentes participantes da NA e mulheres reclusas. Nessas ocasiões, ocorre a “partilha” sobre a “recuperação”, e, para a sua realização, são necessários preparações, treinamentos e movimentações que envolvem tanto a Penitenciária quanto a Irmandade. Para acompanhar os caminhos da “transmissão da mensagem” realizei pesquisa de campo de orientação etnográfica na Irmandade de NA e na Penitenciária. Na Irmandade frequentei reuniões abertas de um grupo da Narcóticos Anônimos existente em Porto Alegre, reuniões de serviço do Subcomitê de Relações Públicas, celebrações e eventos de grupos, realizei entrevistas com homens e mulheres participantes da NA, e, em especial, com a interlocutora principal de pesquisa. Na Penitenciária acompanhei, no ano de 2015, encontros de painéis, realizei entrevistas com agentes penitenciárias, assistente social, e mantive conversas com funcionários da direção. Os resultados desse trabalho indicam que os “caminhos da transmissão da mensagem”, ao perpassarem o ambiente da Penitenciária e durante os painéis - ocasiões conjuntas com as reclusas e outras participantes da Irmandade -, adquirem um significado específico para a interlocutora de pesquisa em sua “recuperação”, pois mobilizam seu passado, presente, “ativa” e “recuperação”. / The objective of this study was to follow the paths of a service in Hospitals and Institutions (HI) of the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), based mainly on a main speaker of research, member of the NA, and a long researcher's field experience. This is the service "message transmission" that occurs in the Women's Penitentiary Madre Pelletier, in which women members of NA moving to the Penitentiary to "carry the message of recovery in Narcotics Anonymous" the inmates. This service is the Penitentiary Institution under the panels format in which they are participants from NA and women prisoners. On these occasions, is "sharing" on the "recovery", and for its implementation, preparations are needed, training and transactions involving both Penitentiary as the Fellowship. To follow the path of "carrying the message" I conducted ethnographic orientation of field research in the NA Fellowship and Prison. Fellowship attended open meetings of an existing Narcotics Anonymous group in Porto Alegre, service meetings of the Subcommittee on Public Relations, celebrations and events groups, conducted interviews with participants men and women of NA, and in particular with the main interlocutor of research. In Penitentiary I followed, in 2015, panel meetings, conducted interviews with prison officers, social workers, and held talks with officials of direction. The results of this study indicate that the "message transmission paths", the permeates the environment of Penitentiary and during the panel - joint occasions with inmates and other participants of the Fellowship - acquire a specific meaning to the speaker of research in their "recovery" for mobilizing their past, present, "active" and "recovery".
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Relações entre a professora de música e os alunos-presidiários: um estudo de caso etnográfico em Santa Maria-RS / Relations/relationship between the music teacher and the inmates-students: a study of ethnographic case in Santa Maria-RSMedeiros, Maria Augusta dos Santos 19 August 2009 (has links)
This work refers to the pedagogical-musical process as a total social fact on the music classes developed on the School/Center Julieta Ballestro located on the Regional Prison of Santa Maria RS/Brazil. Having as methodology the qualitative research and as method the study of ethnographic case, we can comprehend the study of the human beign from the musical perspective. Being a study of
the totality, we find at the Prison six contexts: the juridical, where the institution Prison is presented to
the society, since arising until arrives to the Regional Prison of Santa Maria; the institucional, that represents the School/Center Julieta Ballestro, since foundation and reason of the name, until the analysis of the Political Pedagogical School Project; the historical, where I tell how the project of music classes on the Prison began; the morphological, where the physical place and the sensations of entering in a Prison are described; the socio-cultural, envolving the prisioners routine until the society
vision upon an inmate and finally the teaching and learning context, being this the research principal
focus, envolving all the contexts described previously. The general objective of this dissertation is: to
investigate the pedagogical-musical process (Kleber, 2006) as a total social fact (Mauss, 2003) on the music classes at the School/Center Julieta Ballestro. Having as specific objectives: to comprehend the penitentiary culture in relation to the pedagogical-musical process on the music classes; to relate the Prison daily life with the pedagogical-musical process on the music classes. The work is divided in six parts. The first presents the dissertation construction and its objectives. The second, refers to the contexts founded at the Prison to its realization. The third is where I present the pedagogical-musical process, as well as what is a total social fact and the link of the pedagogical-musical process as a total
social fact under the perspectives of Libâneo (2000). The fourth, presents the methodology, the perspectives of the qualitative research, of the sutdy of ethnographic case and the tools used for data gathering: questionnaire for the inmates-students selection; semi-structured interviews; the audio records as product of the music classes and of the analyzed documents. The fifth refers to the analysis of the gathered data to comprehend and reach the objectives of this research. On the data analysis, we
could listen the inmates voice to comprehend the pedagogic-musical process that occurs on the music classes, being able to observe that cop of the routine , learn something, it s done! , are lines
that make the interlacing of the contexts part of the classes. Now, the last part of this dissertation,
refers to the final considerations, where the relevance of this study with prisioners on the areas of Education and Musical Education, is made by the fact of demystifying the place prison and show that a study with scholar or non-scholar comunities is possible, because the richness of cultural information that each of these places show us can contribute to a work closer to the human being. / Este trabalho refere-se ao processo pedagógico-musical como um fato social total nas aulas de música que se desenvolvem na Escola/Núcleo Julieta Ballestro localizada no Presídio Regional de Santa Maria RS/ Brasil. Tendo como metodologia a pesquisa qualitativa e como método o estudo de caso etnográfico, podemos compreender o estudo do humano sob o ângulo musical. Sendo um estudo da totalidade, encontramos no Presídio seis contextos: o jurídico, sendo este o contexto onde é apresentada a instituição Presídio para a sociedade, desde o surgimento, até o Presídio Regional de Santa Maria, com suas histórias e função; o institucional, que representa a Escola/Núcleo Julieta Ballestro, desde sua fundação até a análise do Projeto Político Pedagógico da Escola; o histórico, onde conto como começou o projeto de aulas de música no Presídio; o morfológico, sendo o espaço de descrição física do local e as sensações de entrar num Presídio; o sóciocultural,
englobando a rotina dos presos até a visão da sociedade sobre um presidiário e por fim o contexto de ensino e aprendizagem, sendo o foco principal da pesquisa, englobando todos os contextos anteriormente descritos. O objetivo geral dessa dissertação é: investigar o processo pedagógico-musical (Kleber, 2006) como um fato social total (Mauss, 2003), nas aulas de música na Escola/Núcleo Julieta Ballestro. Tendo como objetivos específicos: compreender a cultura penitenciária em relação ao processo pedagógico-musical nas aulas de música; relacionar o cotidiano do presídio com o processo pedagógico-musical nas aulas de música. O
trabalho está dividido em seis partes. À primeira parte, apresenta a construção da dissertação e seus objetivos. À
segunda, se refere aos contextos encontrados no Presídio para sua realização. À terceira é onde apresento o processo pedagógico-musical, assim como o que é um fato social total e a ligação do processo pedagógicomusical como um fato social total e as perspectivas sobre a educação formal e informal sob a perspectiva de Libâneo (2000). À quarta, apresenta a metodologia, as perspectivas da pesquisa qualitativa, do estudo de caso etnográfico e as ferramentas utilizadas para a coleta de dados: questionário para seleção dos alunos-presidiários; entrevistas semi-estruturadas; as gravações de áudio como produto das aulas de música e dos documentos analisados. A quinta se refere à análise dos dados coletados para compreender e atingir os objetivos dessa
pesquisa. Na análise dos dados, pudemos ouvir a voz dos detentos para compreender o processo pedagógicomusical
que ocorre nas aulas de música, podendo observar que o tira da rotina , aprende alguma coisa, já é , são falas que fazem o entrelaçamento dos contextos parte das aulas. Já a sexta e última parte dessa dissertação se refere às considerações finais, onde a relevância desse estudo com presidiários nas áreas da Educação e Educação Musical, se faz pelo fato de desmistificar o local cadeia, assim como mostra que é possível um estudo com sociedades escolares ou não escolares, pois a riqueza de informações culturais que cada um desses lugares
nos mostra, pode contribuir para um trabalho mais próximo do ser humano.
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