Spelling suggestions: "subject:"innovationer"" "subject:"innovationers""
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Adoption of the innovation system concept in Sweden /Eklund, Magnus, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2007.
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Värdeskapande genom tjänstefiering : vilka värden uppkommer vid integrering av tjänster till produktutbudet?Linnala, Otto, Lövgren, Samantha January 2018 (has links)
Det har blivit allt vanligare att tillverkningsföretag väljer att addera tjänster till sitt befintliga produktutbud. Forskare som undersökt trend har givit den namnet tjänstefiering. Merparten av den bedrivna forskningen fram till idag på ämnet har fokuserat på att undersöka hur och varför tillverkningsföretag väljer att tjänstefieras. Forskning på de faktiska värden som tjänstefiering medför har varit begränsad. Denna studie ämnade dels att undersöka variationer i synen på det värde tjänstefieringen skapar och dels skapa en förklaringsmodell utifrån detta. Detta genomfördes med hjälp av en intervjustudie med åtta respondenter från tjänsteföretaget och tjänstefierade tillverkningsföretag som gav sin syn på värdeskapande. Resultatet i studien gav ett indicium till att tjänstefieringen skapar subjektiva värden för företaget i form av konkurrensfördelar, ekonomisk hållbarhet, utveckling och överlevnad. Dessutom framkom det att tjänstefieringen skapade sociala värden på individnivå i företagen. Resultatet av undersökningen tyder på att värdet som skapas för företag vid adderande av tjänster inte har uppmärksammats inom tidigare litteratur och att mer forskning på området behövs.
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Är inte skiss bara för esteter? : Utveckling av elevers skissande i kursen Teknik 1Daram Westling, Elisabeth January 2023 (has links)
This short study concerns introduction of sketching by hand, in three first year classes in the Technology Programme at a Swedish Gymnasium. The purpose with the study has been the searching of ways to unfold 1) the student’s approach to sketching 2) their sketching skills 3) the development of a teacher’s didactic tools for sketching in the Technology Programme. As a background to the study lies a curiosity about how to strengthen individuals in very early stages in problem analysis, problem solving and innovation processes. This includes mechanisms of thinking, much based on ideas from the educational reformers John Dewey and Semënovic Vygotskij, where unwordly thinking and communication also counts as a part of thinking, and where there is a focus on long-term perspectives, on practical and collaborational work in a societal, equal and democratic context. Variation theory (Lo Mun Ling, 2014) has been used as a didactic tool. The study aims to put up a brief ground for the students, for further questions about sketching as a common tool in project teams. It has been conducted in one class per week, for four weeks. The empirical material consists of a survey, observations, the student’s sketches and three interviews. The results have come out as reflections and interpretations on the content of the four weeks. The study is an attempt to find and tie together different theoretical grounds with sketching, as a likely undervalued, practical activity for tech-students, in understanding complexities and processes for problem solving. Read more
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Managing the Difficulties Related to Adoption and Diffusion of Eco-Innovations : A Case Study of Electrochromic Windows / Anammande och spridning av miljövänliga innovationer : En fallstudie av elektrokroma fönsterSandin Viberg, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
The increased determination to tackle the climate change has resulted in an increased importance of environmental friendly innovations. However, these types of products have a tendency to diffuse slowly into markets. Yet, the actual way through which firms succeed in bringing sustainable innovations to the market is relatively unexplored. The electrochromic window is an eco-innovation that despite its relatively superior technology and potential to reduce the energy consumption of the building sector has had relatively slow market diffusion. The aim of this thesis is hence to analyze the difficulties related to adoption and diffusion of eco-innovations. The purpose is to identify prerequisites that can improve the electrochromic window’s prospects of successful diffusion, and show how increased understanding of the factors/attributes that affects adoption and diffusion of eco-innovation can be used to improve the share of environmental friendly products on the market. The findings are based on data from multiple research methods, such as a literature review, an analysis of the market for window/façade applications, basic building simulations, a simplified life cycle assessment, and cost-effectiveness calculations. This data is used to evaluate the electrochromic window’s performance relative eight factors/attributes that is argued to affect adoption and diffusion of eco-innovation. The main conclusions are that the electrochromic window performs well relative most of the identified factors and should hence have good prospects of being adopted within the building sector. Also, even though the electrochromic window has a high energy-saving potential due to its effect on buildings’ cooling need, the findings indicate that the window’s main benefit is its ability to ensure an unobstructed view. As a result, the window can provide both significant economic benefits as well as health benefits and thus also be beneficial for the society. However, since the benefits of the window are not communicated well to customers, there is currently a hesitance to adopt the window. Consequently, it is suggested that further research should be devoted to the understanding of needs and wants of the potential adopters and to prove the benefits of the window relative these needs and wants. Extra devotion should be given to the benefits of the unobstructed view since this could be the niche that separates the electrochromic window from currently established solar shading solutions on the market. / Den ökande beslutsamheten att möta klimatförändringarna har bidragit till att miljövänliga innovationer har blivit allt viktigare. Dock har den här typen av innovationer en tendens att spridas långsamt på marknaden. Trots detta är vetskapen kring hur företag egentligen lyckas med att introducera hållbara innovationer på marknaden relativt outforskat. Det elektrokroma fönstret är en miljövänlig innovation som trots sin relativt överlägsna teknologi och potential att minska byggnadssektorns energiförbrukning har haft en relativt långsam spridning. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att analysera de svårigheter som är relaterade till anammande och spridning av miljövänliga innovationer. Avsikten är att identifiera förutsättningar som kan förbättra det elektrokroma fönstrets förutsättningar att anammas inom byggnadssektorn, samt att visa hur en ökad förståelse kring de faktorer/attribut som påverkar anammande och spridning av eco-innovationer kan användas till att öka andelen miljövänliga innovationer som tas upp och sprids på marknaden. Resultaten är baserade på data från flera olika forskningsmetoder så som en litteratursökning, en analys av marknaden för fönster/fasadapplikationer, grundläggande byggnadssimuleringar, en enklare livscykelanalys, samt kostnadseffektivitetsberäkningar. Dessa data används sedan för att utvärdera det elektrokroma fönstrets prestanda relativt åtta faktorer/attribut som hävdas ha påverkan på anammandet och spridningen av miljövänliga innovationer. De främsta slutsatserna av arbetet är att det elektrokroma fönstret presterar väl relativt de flesta av de identifierade faktorerna och bör därför ha goda framtidsutsikter för att bli anammad inom byggnadssektorn. Resultaten visar även att trots att fönstret har en hög energibesparingspotential tack vare dess påverkan på behovet av komfortkyla, så är det dess förmåga att tillhandahålla en fri utsikt som är dess största fördel. Denna fördel medför att fönstren kan bidra till både ekonomiska fördelar så väl som hälsofördelar vilket gör dem fördelaktiga för hela samhället. Dock, eftersom dessa fördelar inte väl förmedlade så finns det i nuläget en tveksamhet till att anamma fönstret. Följaktligen föreslås det att fortsatta studier bör ägnas åt att öka förståelsen kring kundernas önskningar och behov samt att bevisa fönstrens fördelar relativt dessa. Särskilt fokus bör ägnas åt värdet i att tillhandahålla fri utsikt då detta kan vara den nisch som särskiljer de elektrokroma fönstren from de redan etablerade produkterna på marknaden. Read more
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Militära ”mobil-appar” : Den militära nyttan med kommersiell teknik för militära ändamålHansson, Stefan January 2014 (has links)
The transformation of the Swedish Armed Forces is bringing about major changes in many areas. Indirect fire is one capability affected by these changes. Financial savings, a shrinking organization and higher eligibility requirements mean that fewer soldiers will gain access to exclusive high-tech support resources such as the JAS 39 Gripen aircraft and the ARCHER artillery system. This thesis aims to examine whether access to indirect fire capability can be increased through the use of civilian products and communication networks. Technology development in the civilian mobile communications area is exponential and nations such as the USA, facing challenges similar to those of the Swedish Armed Forces, devote substantial resources to research and development. Is the use of mobile phones for military purposes the innovation needed by the Swedish Armed Forces, do the necessary technical conditions exist and is the technology applicable during peace and wartime operations? The results indicate that the military use of commercial technology is too low at the moment, but that the technology itself sets no limits, and that there is a need and a demand to develop military mobile apps. The robustness of commercial networks does not meet Armed Forces’ requirements and the Armed Forces need a clear strategy that states the aims and objectives before procurement and implementation is possible. The results show further that, regardless of the challenges identified, there are good reasons to continue to pursue these issues in order to build up experience and knowledge in this area of technology. The development of civil mobile phone technology for military purposes will mean that there is an economically viable resource to use in the future. Read more
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Identifiering av parametrar som påverkar den affärsmässiga potentialen hos en uppfinning : Praktiska förslag för användning i en innovationsprocessJarkman, Olof, Kling, Rasmus January 2016 (has links)
Världen är i konstant förändring och drivs framåt genom utveckling av nya och uppdaterade produkter. Utan denna utveckling skulle samhällsutvecklingen troligtvis stanna av. För hur skulle ditt liv se ut utan järnvägen, elektriciteten eller telefonen? Alla dessa förändringar börjar med att en person har en idé som börjar gro och som börjar sin resa mot att nå marknaden. De idéer som mynnar ut i produkter, är av teknisk karaktär och har en höjd av originalitet klassas som uppfinningar, som när väl insteg nås på marknaden blir till innovationer. Alla idéer har dock inte samma förutsättningar att lyckas nå marknaden, utan vissa har stor möjlighet att bli innovationer och vissa har det inte. I de fallen där innehavaren av en idé har som mål att nå insteg med sin uppfinning är det viktigt att i ett så tidigt skede som möjligt kunna särskilja vilka uppfinningar som har potential att göra detta för att ha möjlighet att kunna fokusera sina resurser, så som kapital och tid, på de uppfinningar som har bäst förutsättningar att bli till innovationer. För att kunna få förståelse för huruvida en idé har en affärsmässig potential har vi i det här arbetet undersökt vilka parametrar som påverkar möjligheten att nå insteg. Dessutom har vi undersökt hur en innehavare av en idé kan använda sig utav dessa parametrar för att själv ha möjlighet att analysera och påverka chansen att lyckas. Arbetet har genomförts genom litteraturstudier och kvalitativa intervjuer med personer som har erfarenhet kring uppfinningar och hur dessa når sin tilltänka marknad. Litteraturstudien samt intervjuerna ledde fram till ett antal parametrar som är av intresse att ha kunskap kring. Genom att jämföra dessa med teorin kunde vi analysera fram huruvida de hade inverkan för potentialen att nå marknaden. Ytterligare analys genomfördes för att identifiera hur dessa kan användas för att utvärdera en idé. Parametrarna som identifierades som mest väsentliga för att en uppfinning skulle ha möjlighet att nå insteg är originalitet, marknadskännedom, kunskap och kompetens, drivkraft, öppenhet, timing samt ekonomiska resurser. Det har även visat sig att teori och uppfinnare står långt ifrån varandra när det kommer till hur det praktiskt går till att nå insteg. Uppfinnarna anser att den tekniska lösningen är mest väsentlig medan teorin anser att behovet för produkten hos den tilltänka kunden är det. Vår slutsats är att både den tekniska lösningen och behovet är nödvändigt för att nå insteg, vilket är viktigt att förstå. Uppfinnaren kan få kunskap kring detta genom att arbeta mer strukturerat, se på idén mer objektivt samt genom att göra noggrannare marknadsundersökningar. Vi har även funnit att det är viktigt att våga dela med sig av sin idé, i viss mån, och vara öppen för att kunna få hjälp med kunskap kring kompetens som man inte själv behärskar. Det finns mycket att vinna på att lyckas med att verifiera idéer i ett tidigt stadie för att kunna lägga tid och energi på de idéer som har störst potential att lyckas. Hur detta går till rent praktiskt presenteras sist i rapporten. / The world is in constant change, driven by the development of new and updated products. Without these products, the growth in society would in the worst-case scenario stop completely. Can you imagine how your life would be without the railway, electricity or phone? All these examples have at some point started with a person that has an idea. This person then begins to think about it and at some point, begin the journey to reach the market with it. The ideas that become a product and is of technical nature and at the same time has a height of originality, is classified as an invention. When a market adopts an invention, it becomes an innovation. All ideas have not the same possibility to succeed in the market, some have great potential meanwhile some inventions just fail. In those cases, when a person aim to reach the market with an idea, it’s important to identify if it is one of those that have the possibility, and this is better to have knowledge about at as a early stage as possible. This is important to do, so the inventor can focus their resources, such as capital and time, in the right direction. We have investigated the parameters that affect the ability to achieve entry into a market to get a better understanding of whether an idea has commercial potential or not. We have also in addition to the investigation examined how these parameters can be used to influence the chance of success. The work was done through literature studies and interviews with people who have experience of inventions and the innovation process. The literature review and interviews led to several parameters that are of interest. By comparing this with the theory, we could analyse whether these had effects or not, and if so how much. Further analysis was performed to identify how these can be used in practise. The parameters that were identified as most important was originality, market awareness, knowledge and skills, motivation, transparency, timing and financial resources. We have also proved that theory and reality are far apart when it comes to how innovators work and how researchers think is the best way. The inventors believe that the technical solution is the most significant parameter, while the theory considers the need for the product is the most important. Our conclusion is that both the technical solution and the need are necessary to achieve entry into the market. The inventor can obtain knowledge about all these parameters by working with more structure, look at the idea more objectively and make inquiries with potential customers. We have also found that it is important to share the idea with others, but only to a certain level due to demands for patent grants, to be able to get help to gain knowledge about the parameters that the individual does not possess. There is much to gain from the success of verifying ideas at an early stage, so time and energy can be allocated to the ideas with the greatest potential to succeed. How innovators can use the parameters in a practical way are presented at the end of the report. Read more
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Innovationsprocessen : Framgångsfaktorer och hinder / The Innovation Process : Success Factors and ObstaclesIpek, Ebru, Strand, Veronica January 2007 (has links)
<p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the innovation process of companies, and to analyse how important success factors and obstacles are in their innovation process.</p><p>Method: The investigation strategy used for this essay was to interview companies that work with innovations. The essay has a qualitative approach. Both primary – in the form of interviews - and secondary data – literature found in books, scientific articles and internet - have been used to achieve our results.</p><p>Results: The result of this essay is: there is not just one inovation process that is applicable to all companies. On the other hand, there are some guidelines that could be followed in the process. Some success factors are more important than others and companies do not take given obstacles into consideration.</p>
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Balancing knowledge creation : examining organizational slack and knowledge creation in product developmentRichtnér, Anders January 2004 (has links)
Over the last few years there has been a downturn in business. As a response, many companies have initiated various downsizing activities – often on a short-term financial basis – in order to improve the competitive position of the company. Yet, at the same time, innovation is often cited as the key to long-term success by the very same companies. The central problem examined in this book is whether downsizing and innovation are compatible. The problem was studied during a two year exploratory case research in six cases – selected from a well-defined reference population consisting of 37 companies – facing the exact challenge of simultaneously downsizing and trying to sustain its high level of innovation. The simple answer found in the study is yes. Companies can simultaneously downsize and still maintain a high level of innovation, but it is difficult and challenging and it depends on the company’s ability to handle the knowledge creation process. So what is needed? Create an understanding in the company, at all levels, that balancing knowledge creation – the ability to share and transfer knowledge – is one of the most important tasks in order to remain innovative over time. This is done by building a commitment to knowledge creation. This commitment is achieved through making knowledge creation a visible and central element of the strategic intent, and organizing the company so that ideas can be generated and generalized. Examples of activities include: At an organizational level there is a need to create boundary spanning activities to facilitate knowledge creation between various part of the organization, but also to other organizations. At a top management level shared visions and values need to be created; exemplified in words and action. Important is that the top management not get involved into micro-management. Avoid cutting-down on initial activities – where visualization and brainstorming are in focus – in projects aiming for innovation, as these activities are the foundations the rest of the project. This book is useful for those who are faced with the challenge of finding a balance between short-term activities, often focusing on downsizing, and the more long-term activity of being innovative. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2004 Read more
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Kompetensförsörjning i glesbygd : Om betydelsen av närhet och avståndPettersson, Sven January 2011 (has links)
Arjeplog in Norrbotten is an important winter testing site of vehicles and vehicle components for the international automobile industry. A considerable number of staff from the industry, the client companies, travel each winter to the small and peripheral Arjeplog in order to conduct tests. Thanks to this business, a number of local companies, service providers, which assist the incoming client companies with testing facilities and other services, have emerged in the area. Some actors want to develop this further and have initiated a collaboration with Luleå University of Technology and a few other regional stakeholders. An important motive for this cooperation is to increase the competitiveness of the region and by extension contribute to sustainable economic development. An important component in achieving this, is that the competence supply of engineers can be met, which is in focus in this study. This study describes the strategies which involved actors advocate to achieve regional development. The notions of triple helix and cluster development are mentioned by some actors as strategies to achieve this. Important factors when scrutinizing these strategies are how they are affected by the conditions which are common in a sparsely populated peripheral region. This is the purpose of this study and the analysis is carried out using the notion of proximity and its different dimensions, such as social, cognitive, organizational, institutional and geographical dimensions. The study suggests, in particular, that regional development would benefit from a communal inclusive vision, frequent meetings between the actors on site in the region as well as a regional coordinator, who would not interfere with the tasks of other actors but let each and every person do what they are best at. Read more
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Innovationsprocessen : Framgångsfaktorer och hinder / The Innovation Process : Success Factors and ObstaclesIpek, Ebru, Strand, Veronica January 2007 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the innovation process of companies, and to analyse how important success factors and obstacles are in their innovation process. Method: The investigation strategy used for this essay was to interview companies that work with innovations. The essay has a qualitative approach. Both primary – in the form of interviews - and secondary data – literature found in books, scientific articles and internet - have been used to achieve our results. Results: The result of this essay is: there is not just one inovation process that is applicable to all companies. On the other hand, there are some guidelines that could be followed in the process. Some success factors are more important than others and companies do not take given obstacles into consideration.
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