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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intellectual Assets and Corporate Finance

Longman, Sophia C. 14 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Inovatyvaus verslo vertinimas / Assessment of innovative businesses

Sargautienė, Violeta 25 August 2008 (has links)
Inovatyvaus verslo vertinimas - itin svarbus modernaus verslo, augančio į ateitį, valdymo uždavinys. Šio darbo pagrindinis tikslas - suformuoti galimus inovatyvaus verslo matavimo bei vertinimo metodus. Sekant nusibrėžta kryptimi, išnagrinėti inovacinio turto matavimo rodikliai, panaudojant inovatyvumo valdymo rodiklių generavimo instrumentą IMPROVE. Toliau nuosekliai išvestas ir ištirtas bazinis N-kartinio generavimo-diskontavimo modelis DFV, kaip inovatyvaus verslo vertės nustatymo metodo matematinis pagrindas. Parodyta, kad plačiai naudojamas DCF metodas, sekantis iš DFV modelio kaip ribinis atvejas, principialiai netinka inovatyvaus verslo vertinimui. Pasiūlyta vertinimo uždaviniuose įvesti diskonto normos tikimybinę funkciją p(j). Galiausiai pateikta fizinio bei intelektualinio turto ir atitinkamų srautų dinamikos schema parametrizuotų bazinių DFV modelių forma, kaip galimas inovatyvaus verslo vertinimo metodas DFV. / Assessment of innovative businesses is one of the most important tasks of modern businesses management. The goal of present article is the research of possible methods for measurement and evaluation of innovative business. On the way to this goal there were analyzed the measurement indicators of innovation asset using the indicator generation tool IMPROVE. Then there was made consecutive derivation of the N-generating-discounting model DFV as the mathematical base of the businesses assessment method. It was shown, that the well-known DCF method could be derived from DFV as the marginal case and is inadequate in innovative businesses assessment. Finally it was proposed dynamic layout of the physical and intellectual asset flows in the form of basic parameterized DFV models as the possible method of innovation businesses assessment.

Ações de gestão do conhecimento na construção civil : evidencias a partir da assistencia tecnica de uma construtora / Knowledge management actions in the construction sector : evidence from a construction company's maintenance

Fantinatti, Pedro Augusto Pinheiro 29 January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Ariovaldo Denis Granja / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T20:30:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fantinatti_PedroAugustoPinheiro_M.pdf: 1097045 bytes, checksum: 4c8ad99e7ece83c90b9a152f90135732 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: O conhecimento é entendido, atualmente, como o principal ativo das organizações de sucesso. No setor da construção, porém, há pouca sustentação do conhecimento e as empresas perdem, freqüentemente, grande parte do seu ativo intelectual devido, entre outros, à alta rotatividade no setor. Capturar, armazenar e disseminar conhecimento não é uma tarefa trivial, porém, a aproximação entre as pessoas de uma organização e incentivos ao compartilhamento de conhecimento podem estimular a manutenção e o desenvolvimento do capital intelectual de uma organização. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é coletar evidências de processos de captura, compartilhamento, disseminação e reutilização do conhecimento na construção, visando responder à seguinte questão: ¿como e onde se dá o processo de captura e reutilização do conhecimento obtido a partir do processo de assistência técnica em uma empresa de construção?¿. Partiu-se do pressuposto de que as empresas de construção, mesmo que de uma maneira intuitiva e não sistemática, aplicam métodos e ferramentas de gestão do conhecimento (GC). Por meio de um estudo de caso exploratório, utilizando-se para contextualização do tema estudado, uma empresa construtora atuante no subsetor de edificações na macro região da cidade de Campinas, estado de São Paulo, foram identificados procedimentos de GC utilizados, a partir das atividades de assistência técnica de mais de cinco anos em um conjunto habitacional multi-familiar composto de mil, setecentas e noventa e oito unidades entregues, distribuídas em vinte e nove condomínios. Foram levantadas duas mil, duzentas e quarenta e duas fichas de registro de dados referentes aos vícios de construção. Utilizando-se de técnicas de levantamento de dados qualitativos, por meio de observação direta e entrevistas não estruturadas, se pôde constatar a existência de uma rede de compartilhamento e reutilização do conhecimento. Observaram-se exemplos do ciclo de aprendizado a partir de experiências na assistência técnica, cujos efeitos refletiram em melhoria da qualidade e retrabalhos evitados em alguns processos de produção. Os resultados permitiram entender melhor o processo de compartilhamento, disseminação e reutilização do conhecimento a partir das atividades de assistência técnica na construção, culminando com uma proposta de diretrizes para a implantação da GC em empresas do setor / Abstract: In the present days the knowledge is regarded as the main asset for the success of the all organizations. In the construction sector, however, it has low sustentation of the knowledge and the companies lose great part of their intellectual assets, frequently, because to the high work-force instability in the sector. Capturing, storing and sharing knowledge are not trivial tasks, however, the proximity between the time members of an organization and incentives to share the knowledge can stimulate the maintenance and the development of the intellectual assets in any organization. The hypothesis is that the construction companies apply some knowledge management (KM) methods or tools in their process, even in a non-systematic way. By a case study, KM procedures have been identified in a construction company in the region of the city of Campinas, São Paulo state, Brazil. From the maintenance activities about more than five years in a multi-familiar housing set with a thousand, seven hundred, ninety eight units delivered, distributed in twenty nine condominiums, it has been analyzed two thousand, two hundred, forty two pathologies (construction re-works) registers. By qualitative data-collection techniques, like researcher direct observation and not structuralized interviews, it could conceive a sharing and reusing chain of the knowledge. Examples of the learning cycle from experiences in the maintenance has been observed, whose effect has reflected in the quality improvement and reworks prevented in some production processes. The results has allowed to understand better the knowledge sharing, dissemination and reusing process from the building maintenance activities. Finally, a proposal of direction lines for the KM implantation in construction companies is presented. / Mestrado / Arquitetura e Construção / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Lietuvos bankininkystės plėtra ir jos intelektiniai ištekliai / The growth of Lithuanian banking sector and its intellectual assets

Jackevičiūtė, Neringa 04 February 2009 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tema yra aktuali, nes vis labiau didėja neatitikimas tarp organizacijos rinkos vertės ir tikrosios vertės, o tradiciniai pelningumo skaičiavimo būdai nebegali tiksliai atspindėti esamos situacijos, kadangi jie skaičiuoja tiktai pelną, o ne pridėtinę vertę. Temos naujumas akivaizdus, nes magistriniame darbe yra ieškomas ryšys tarp tradicinių pelningumo skaičiavimo metodų ir nefinansinių intelektinių išteklių efektyvumo skaičiavimo metodų, siekiant nustatyti, ar nefinansiniai rodikliai gali pateikti informacijos apie sėkmingą banko veiklą. Tyrimo objektas – intelektinių išteklių panaudojimo efektyvumas. Tyrimo dalykas – intelektinių išteklių svarba bankininkystės tolesniame vystymesi. Tikslas: nustatyti intelektinių išteklių svarbą bankininkystės vystymuisi ir numatyti bankininkystės tolesnius plėtros etapus. Formuluojami tokie uždaviniai: 1. Apibūdinti intelektinių išteklių sąvoką ir išanalizuoti jos apibūdinimus literatūroje; 2. Atskleisti intelektinių išteklių svarbą organizacijai; 3. Išnagrinėti intelektinių išteklių skaičiavimo metodus ir lyginti juos su tradiciniais pelningumo skaičiavimo metodais; 4. Apibrėžti intelektinių išteklių svarbą bankininkystei; 5. Numatyti bankininkystės tolesnio vystymosi gaires, naudojantis intelektinių išteklių skaičiavimo metu sukaupta informacija. Šiame darbe panaudoti mokslinio tyrimo metodai: • lyginimo metodas – atskleidžiami įvairių autorių samprotavimai apie intelektinius išteklius ir jų svarbą organizacijoje; •... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theme of Master’s Work is actual today because it has been generally noticed that there is a growing difference between the organization’s market value and the real value, traditional measurements of profit are no longer able to reflect the current situation correctly as they calculate only a profit and not – the added value. The new point in this theme is being carried out by the relation between traditional profit measurements and non-financial calculations of intellectual assets efficiency, which is being analysed in order to reveal whether non-financial indicators are capable to represent the information about the successful activity of a bank. The object of the research – the effective use of intellectual assets. The subject of the research – the importance of intellectual assets in further development of banking sector. The goal formulated for this work is to define the importance of intellectual assets in growth of banking sector and also to foresee further stages of development. The tasks that are formulated for this work: 1. To define the concept of intellectual assets and to analyse its definitions in literature; 2. To reveal the importance of intellectual assets for an organization; 3. To analyse the measurement methods of intellectual assets and compare them to traditional profit measurement methods. 4. To foresee further development stages of banking sector, by using the information which has been collected via calculations of intellectual assets. The... [to full text]

Interaction in asset-based value creation within innovation networks:the case of software industry

Koskela, T. (Timo) 14 October 2014 (has links)
Abstract Knowledge management is a new academic discipline that has been growing during the past decade but is still in its embryonic stage with much potential left. What makes knowledge management an attractive research field is its multi-discipline perspective. In the knowledge management the context is important because the value of an organization’s knowledge is context-based. In this research the context are the innovation networks within the software industry and thus besides knowledge management the research contributes to the software business literature. The aim of this study was to get an understanding about the interaction the in asset-based value creation within innovation networks. This was done by examining the effects of the interaction in asset development and deployment in innovation networks, where activities are related to research, development and innovation collaboration. This was studied against the theoretical framework that was developed in this research based on earlier studies. This study shows that in the examined research context actors from outside of the software industry have a direct effect on both asset development and deployment based on their funding requirements and aims. The study shows that in this wider environment trust, openness and mutual benefits are important factors of the interaction atmosphere, regarding where funding is targeted and where the actual work is done. This study shows the importance of the interaction framework as a motivator and an entity that enables direct benefits to participating actors from their interaction and collaboration. It also shows that some of the episodes where interactions occur need to be regular, on-going and have a certain rhythm. As a result of this research a framework of interaction in the asset-based value creation in innovation networks was created. It shows how funding mechanisms affect the asset development and deployment, as well as that some episodes where interactions occur are especially important, because they limit or support value creation. Moreover, the role, contributions, aims and motivations of actors are seemingly different within these episodes. / Tiivistelmä Tietojohtaminen on uusi akateeminen tieteenala, joka on ollut kasvussa viimeisen vuosikymmen ajan, mutta on silti alkuvaiheessa ja omaa paljon potentiaalia. Tietojohtamisesta tekee vetovoimaisen tutkimusalan sen monitieteinen perspektiivi. Tietojohtamisessa konteksti on tärkeää, koska organisaation tiedon arvo on kontekstipohjainen. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkimuskontekstina ovat ohjelmistoteollisuuden innovaatioverkostot ja siispä tietojohtamisen lisäksi tutkimus myötävaikuttaa ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan kirjallisuutta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli ymmärtää vuorovaikutusta varantoihin pohjautuvassa arvonluonnissa innovaatioverkostoissa. Tämä tehtiin tutkimalla vuorovaikutuksen vaikutusta varantojen kehittämisessä ja käyttöönotossa innovaatioverkostoissa, joissa aktiviteetit liittyvät tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja innovointiyhteistyöhön. Tätä tutkittiin teoreettista kehikkoa vasten, joka kehitettiin tutkimuksen aikana aiempiin tutkimuksiin pohjautuen. Tutkimus osoittaa, että tarkastellussa tutkimuskontekstissa ohjelmistoteollisuuden ulkopuolisilla toimijoilla on suora vaikutus, sekä varantojen kehittämiseen, että käyttöönottoon rahoitusvaatimustensa ja tavoitteidensa pohjalta. Tutkimus osoittaa, että tässä laajemmassa ympäristössä luottamus, avoimuus ja molemminpuoliset hyödyt ovat vuorovaikutusilmapiirin tärkeitä osatekijöitä sen suhteen mihin rahoitus ohjataan ja missä tosiasiallinen työ tehdään. Tutkimus osoittaa vuorovaikutuskehikon tärkeyden motivaattorina ja kokonaisuutena, joka mahdollistaa suorat hyödyt osallistuville toimijoille heidän vuorovaikutuksestaan ja yhteistyöstään. Se myös osoittaa, että joittenkin niistä tapahtumista, joissa vuorovaikutusta tapahtuu, täytyy olla säännöllisiä, jatkuvia ja omata tietty rytmi. Tutkimuksen tuloksena luotiin vuorovaikutus varantoihin pohjautuvassa arvonluonnissa innovaatioverkoissa kehikko. Se osoittaa kuinka rahoitusmekanismit vaikuttavat varantojen kehittämiseen ja käyttöönottoon. Kuten myös, että jotkin tapahtumat, joissa vuorovaikutusta tapahtuu, ovat erityisen tärkeitä, koska ne rajoittavat tai tukevat arvonluontia. Sen lisäksi toimijoiden rooli, myötävaikutus, tavoitteet ja motivaatio ovat ilmeisen erilaisia näissä tapahtumissa.

Managing Intellectual Property and Licensing: A Study on Cooperative Research Centres

Sheen, Peter Bernard January 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines the perceived importance by two-tiered management of Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) for managing a range of intellectual property issues. Fifty survey items are presented to the executive directors and commercialization managers of 62 CRCs. The survey items are categorized under four themes: relationships with collaborators, project management; design and implementation of agreements; and specific licensing issues. An analysis of the data, using a series of independent samples t-tests, repeated measures t-tests, chi-square tests for independence or relatedness and goodness of fit, shows a range of results. There are significant differences between executive directors and commercialization managers on a number of issues. There are particular emphases or trends about certain issues for the whole sample of managers. These findings are compared with text analyses of 23 CRC strategic planning documents. This is done in order to explore any similarity, difference or nuance between what the managers say in response to the survey items, compared with what is stated in the codified policies of the CRCs. While there is a high degree of consistency among certain themes between the two sets of findings, the overall analysis points to the need for the CRCs to have a better understanding and practice of commercialization opportunities, especially through the involvement of third party commercial interests. It is argued that accommodating third party commercialization interests involves the application of an important knowledge economy principle that has an important bearing on the future economic viability and competitiveness of the CRCs.

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