Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interchange"" "subject:"lnterchange""
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Tranformações das estações ferroviárias com o advento da integração com a rede do metrô em São Paulo / Changes on railway stations with the advent of modal interchange with the metro network in Sao PauloFernandes, Bruno Ribeiro 04 May 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo principal investigar e avaliar as transformações ocorridas na organização espacial das estações ferroviárias, com o advento da sua integração física com a rede do metrô, na cidade de São Paulo, entre 1979, ano de inauguração da primeira estação integrada, a do Brás, e 2010, ano de inauguração da estação integrada Tamanduateí. São cinco estações delimitadas neste estudo, e que foram divididas em dois grupos: no primeiro, as de estruturas conectadas - Brás, Luz e Santo Amaro -; no segundo, as estações de estrutura compartilhada - Barra Funda e Tamanduateí. Este trabalho estrutura-se em cinco partes. Primeira: Conceitos gerais, objetivos e metodologia da pesquisa. Segunda: Análise das transformações na tipologia das estações ferroviárias, até o advento da integração modal. Terceira: Diretrizes para projetos de arquitetura de estações ferroviárias, de metrô e de integração modal. Quarta: Análise das cinco estações sob três aspectos: organização espacial da estação ferroviária e do metrô, integração física e atendimento ao fluxo de transferência. Quinta: As análises são cruzadas com as informações contidas no embasamento teórico, considerações finais. Cada estação apresenta as marcas das intervenções efetuadas em diferentes períodos na ferrovia. As análises das estações delinearam as diversas fases da integração intra-modal CPTM-Metrô na cidade de São Paulo, expondo pontos positivos, equívocos e seu estado atual / This research aims to investigate and to evaluate the changes occurring in the spatial organization of the railway stations, with the advent of the interchange with the metro network in the city of Sao Paulo, between 1979, opening´s year of the first station of this kind, Bras, and 2010, opening´s year of Tamanduatei. There are five stations defined in this study, and they were divided into two groups: in the first, the connected structures - Bras, Luz and Santo Amaro -; in the second, shared structure - Barra Funda and Tamanduatei. This study is divided into five parts. First: General concepts, objectives and research´s methodology. Second: Analysis of changes in the railway station´s types, until the advent of modal interchange. Third: Guidelines for architectural design of railway stations, subway and modal interchanges. Fourth: Analysis of the five stations under three aspects: spatial organization of the railway station and the subway, the interchange and attendance of the transfer. Fifth: the analyses are crossed with the information contained in the theoretical basis, concluding remarks. Each station has marks of interventions carried out at different periods of time in the railroad. The station´s analyses outlined the various stages of intra-modal interchange CPTMMetro in the city of Sao Paulo, exposing positive points, misconceptions and the current state
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Les mobilités à l'épreuve des aéroports : des espaces publics aux territorialités en réseau : les cas de Paris Roissy-Charles-De-Gaulle, Amsterdam Schiphol, Francfort-sur-le-Main et Dubai International / Mobilities to the test of the airports : from public spaces to networked territorialities : the cases of Paris Charles-De-Gaulle, Amsterdam Schiphol, Frankfurt am Main and Dubai InternationalFrétigny, Jean-Baptiste 10 December 2013 (has links)
La thèse interroge le sens de l'expérience de quatre grands aéroports internationaux : Paris Roissy-Charles-DeGaulle, Amsterdam Schiphol, Francfort-sur-le-Main et Dubaï International. Elle fait l'hypothèse que ces quatre hubs ou plateformes de correspondance, loin de constituer des non-lieux, sont au contraire des lieux de pouvoir et des laboratoires privilégiés d'observation de nouveaux rapports au lieu et au territoire dans la mobilité. Pôles d'échange ou lieux-mouvements de grande complexité, ces commutateurs sont analysés au regard des espaces publics non idéalisés et des relations entre de multiples acteurs qu'ils concentrent, dans une approche comparative des quatre terrains. L'investigation de ces espaces publics permet de voir en quoi ils constituent de puissants opérateurs de visibilité, d'intelligibilité, de classement et de performance d'un très large spectre de mobilités, comme les mobilités touristiques, de travail ou migratoires. La thèse questionne les savoir-faire et les catégorisations de la mobilité mobilisées par les acteurs institutionnels dans l'aménagement et le fonctionnement de ces microcosmes à destination de populations mobiles très contrastées et les confronte aux pratiques effectives des passagers aériens à large et à microéchelle. Elle montre combien les catégorisations et les expériences de ces lieux mondiaux par excellence prennent sens à bien plus large échelle que celle de ces espaces eux-mêmes. Elle souligne ainsi le rôle majeur des lieux de mobilité dans l'affirmation de formes puissantes d'identification individuelles et collectives et de ségrégation. Au cœur des processus de mondialisation et de métropolisation, elle précise ainsi les contours des territorialités en réseau construites par et dans la mobilité dont les aéroports sont les révélateurs. / This PhD questions the meaning of the experience of four main international airports: Paris Charles-De-Gaulle, Amsterdam Schiphol, Frankfort am Main and Dubai International. The main hypothesis is that these four hubs, far from being non-places, are on the contrary places of power and privileged laboratories to observe new relationships to place and to territory in mobility. These very complex places of interchange are analyzed through the lens of the nonidealized public spaces and through the actors at the heart of their day-to-day operations, in a comparative approach of the four field works. Airport public spaces prove to be powerful operators of visibility, intelligibility, performance and categorization of a very large spectrum of mobilities, such as touristic, business or transnational mobilities. Studying the design and the practice of these global places par excellence on a micro-scale, the PhD shows how much the experiences and the heterogeneous categorizations of mobilities are put to the test in these microcosms and make sense at a far larger scale than the one of these spaces themselves. This work stresses therefore the major role mobility places in the expression of powerful forms of individual and collective affirmation and segregation on the move. At the heart of globalization and metropolisation processes, airports turn out be revelators of the territorialities in network in construction through and in mobility.
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Modelling and verification of web services protocols.Ramsokul, Pemadeep Kumar, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Among the plethora of solutions to the Business-to-Business interoperability problem, no other solution has obtained as much attention asWeb Services Technology (WST), which allows entities to exchange data regardless of their underlying platforms. WST also allows services to be composed in order to provide high quality customer service over the web. In order to perform transactions across different service providers, standard protocols need to be supported by participating providers. Many useful protocols are coming into the market, but are often ambiguously specified by protocol designers and not fully verified. Furthermore, even if the specifications are reasonably clear, programmers often make subtle assumptions, possibly leading to errors that are hard to detect and locate, especially when the number of participating entities is dynamic. Consequently, these can lead to interoperability problems among implementations of the same protocol and high software maintenance costs. To address these issues, a hierarchical automata-based framework is proposed to model the functional aspects of Web Services (WS) protocols that also assists in verifying their correctness. The modelling formalism has a sound mathematical foundation and aims to reconcile desirable features while still maintaining syntactic and semantic simplicity. The properties to be verified are specified using a pattern system and/or 'observer' states, which have been adapted for WS protocols. In particular, always in a positive observer state implies proper termination and partial functional correctness while reachability of a negative observer state signifies deadlock and/or violation of a safety property. Verification itself is handled by automatic translation of the model and its properties into a model-checker's input code and interpretation of the output produced by the model-checker. A test-bed is proposed to check the conformance of a protocol implementation to its specification It helps in locating errors in the implementations of WS protocols especially where the number of participating entities is dynamic. Conformance checking is achieved by capturing sequences of exchanged messages of the actual implementations and checking them against the formal specification. Experience using the framework is also described and illustrated using two non-trivial WS protocols, namely WS-BusinessActivity and WS-AtomicTransaction.
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電子資料交換對食品飲料業行銷通路影響之研究 / Effects of Electronic Data Interchange in Marketing Channels of Grocery Industry胡國材, Hu, Sunny Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於資訊科技的發達與通訊網路的開放,國內流通業者逐漸意識到資訊科技的可得性與重要性,尤其是電子資料交換(EDI) 近來在國內更是方興未艾,成為業者因應通路革命的一大競爭武器。本研究主要是探討行銷通路與 EDI的互動關係,分析 EDI應用對通路體系效益的影響以及個別通路成員所分配到的成本效益,並說明第三者機構 (如政府單位與加值網路業者) 在推動 EDI 交易的角色定位。本研究屬於探索性研究,主要是藉由實地訪談國內食品飲料業的上中下游廠商,參考國外相關文獻,以探討通路成員目標、政府機構、組織特質對 EDI應用策略的影響,進一步分析 EDI交易對通路結構、通路關係、及通路效益的衝擊。經由理論與實務之觸發印證,本研究發現在通路系統中,由於零售商與供應商的通路地位不同,不但引進 EDI的動機有所差異,由電子連線交易中所獲致的效益亦有層次之分。此外,在建立 EDI系統初期,政府機構的介入有其必要性,而加值網路業者在通路系統中的角色亦將益形重要。最後,必須強調的是 EDI系統雖然對後勤活動的助益最顯而亦見,但是與 POS系統相結合應
用之後,將可幫助通路成員在行銷活動上發揮更大的效益。 EDI 對通路成員的長期涵義仍未十分明確,與交易對象建立電子連線也可能對組織造成複雜的管理問題,然而,EDI 將逐漸成為企業經營的必要方式,其對競爭態勢的衝擊值得吾人重視。
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Effekter av EDI / Effects of EDICederqvist, Helene, Nilsson, Björn January 2000 (has links)
<p>Background: It has been shown that EDI can yield positive effects within companies. Which effects are possible for a company to direct assign to the introduction of EDI and is it possible to estimate the total effect.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to estimate and analyze the effects of using EDI in electronic business. We also want to contribute with a model for measure and estimate the effects of EDI.</p><p>Accomplishment: We have studied literature concering EDI and realized a preliminary studie in form of interviews with experts to establish deeper knowledge of EDI. We have also tried to estimate the effects obtained in companies in three different businesses, power, government and transport industry.</p><p>Result: To obtain as good effects as possible it is important that the co- oporation is built on trust and engagement. Before implementing the EDI-system a thorough overhaul of the processes in the company should be done, involving both the top managers and the staff. Internet can be used to achieve minimal cost and it is important to limit the information sent by EDI to only send the information demanded. Finally companies also should mediate the advantages of EDI inside the organisation to make the co-operators realize the good effects obtained by EDI.</p>
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Effekter av EDI / Effects of EDICederqvist, Helene, Nilsson, Björn January 2000 (has links)
Background: It has been shown that EDI can yield positive effects within companies. Which effects are possible for a company to direct assign to the introduction of EDI and is it possible to estimate the total effect. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to estimate and analyze the effects of using EDI in electronic business. We also want to contribute with a model for measure and estimate the effects of EDI. Accomplishment: We have studied literature concering EDI and realized a preliminary studie in form of interviews with experts to establish deeper knowledge of EDI. We have also tried to estimate the effects obtained in companies in three different businesses, power, government and transport industry. Result: To obtain as good effects as possible it is important that the co- oporation is built on trust and engagement. Before implementing the EDI-system a thorough overhaul of the processes in the company should be done, involving both the top managers and the staff. Internet can be used to achieve minimal cost and it is important to limit the information sent by EDI to only send the information demanded. Finally companies also should mediate the advantages of EDI inside the organisation to make the co-operators realize the good effects obtained by EDI.
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Analysis of Passive End-to-End Network Performance MeasurementsSimpson, Charles Robert, Jr. 02 January 2007 (has links)
NETI@home, a distributed network measurement infrastructure to collect passive end-to-end network measurements from Internet end-hosts was developed and discussed. The data collected by this infrastructure, as well as other datasets, were used to conduct studies on the behavior of the network and network users as well as the security issues affecting the Internet. A flow-based comparison of honeynet traffic, representing malicious traffic, and NETI@home traffic, representing typical end-user traffic, was conducted. This comparison showed that a large portion of flows in both datasets were failed and potentially malicious connection attempts. We additionally found that worm activity can linger for more than a year after the initial release date. Malicious traffic was also found to originate from across the allocated IP address space. Other security-related observations made include the suspicious use of ICMP packets and attacks on our own NETI@home server. Utilizing observed TTL values, studies were also conducted into the distance of Internet routes and the frequency with which they vary. The frequency and use of network address translation and the private IP address space were also discussed. Various protocol options and flags were analyzed to determine their adoption and use by the Internet community. Network-independent empirical models of end-user network traffic were derived for use in simulation. Two such models were created. The first modeled traffic for a specific TCP or UDP port and the second modeled all TCP or UDP traffic for an end-user. These models were implemented and used in GTNetS. Further anonymization of the dataset and the public release of the anonymized data and their associated analysis tools were also discussed.
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Interchange Intervention: Inhabiting Urban Highway InfrastructureAshraf, Mohammed Imtiaz 18 November 2013 (has links)
Urban highway infrastructure in North America has been singularly designed for the automobile, severing parts of the urban fabric, blighting our once-thriving city centres and resulting in spaces that are void of the human scale. The Cogswell Interchange in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada is such an infrastructure, cutting through the downtown core and heritage district.
This thesis investigates the Cogswell Interchange in an attempt to animate and enliven a dead urban space, reducing traffic and bringing new activity and life to the street. Reappropriating parts of vehicular infrastructure for cyclist and pedestrian use and creating a variety of activities and programs (gallery, gym, restaurant, park) enables an increased connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists and brings a more human-scale urbanity to the site.
The infrastructure itself becomes a framework upon which to build, revisioned as an active, vibrant place which people can experience with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation.
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Modelling and verification of web services protocols.Ramsokul, Pemadeep Kumar, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Among the plethora of solutions to the Business-to-Business interoperability problem, no other solution has obtained as much attention asWeb Services Technology (WST), which allows entities to exchange data regardless of their underlying platforms. WST also allows services to be composed in order to provide high quality customer service over the web. In order to perform transactions across different service providers, standard protocols need to be supported by participating providers. Many useful protocols are coming into the market, but are often ambiguously specified by protocol designers and not fully verified. Furthermore, even if the specifications are reasonably clear, programmers often make subtle assumptions, possibly leading to errors that are hard to detect and locate, especially when the number of participating entities is dynamic. Consequently, these can lead to interoperability problems among implementations of the same protocol and high software maintenance costs. To address these issues, a hierarchical automata-based framework is proposed to model the functional aspects of Web Services (WS) protocols that also assists in verifying their correctness. The modelling formalism has a sound mathematical foundation and aims to reconcile desirable features while still maintaining syntactic and semantic simplicity. The properties to be verified are specified using a pattern system and/or 'observer' states, which have been adapted for WS protocols. In particular, always in a positive observer state implies proper termination and partial functional correctness while reachability of a negative observer state signifies deadlock and/or violation of a safety property. Verification itself is handled by automatic translation of the model and its properties into a model-checker's input code and interpretation of the output produced by the model-checker. A test-bed is proposed to check the conformance of a protocol implementation to its specification It helps in locating errors in the implementations of WS protocols especially where the number of participating entities is dynamic. Conformance checking is achieved by capturing sequences of exchanged messages of the actual implementations and checking them against the formal specification. Experience using the framework is also described and illustrated using two non-trivial WS protocols, namely WS-BusinessActivity and WS-AtomicTransaction.
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Effekter på användningen av webb-EDI i en operativ inköpsprocess : En fallstudie på Svenssons i LammhultHolmberg, Jonas, Engblom, Matilda, Husell, Max January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Kurs: Ämnesfördjupande arbete i logistik, 2FE25E. Författare: Matilda Engblom, Jonas Holmberg och Max Husell Handledare: Helena Forslund Titel: Effekter på användningen av webb-EDI i en operativ inköpsprocess - En fallstudie på Svenssons i Lammhult Bakgrund: Electronic data interchange (EDI), är ett hjälpmedel som underlättar och standardiserar informationsflödet mellan företag som använder sig utav olika affärssystem. Effektivisering av administrativa processer är ett mål med EDI. Grunden är en automatisk generering, överföring och mottagning av information. I en operativ inköpsprocess sker flera steg av informationsutbyte. Där leverantörssamarbeten och väl fungerande logistik är två viktiga framgångsfaktorer. Den operativa inköpsprocessen kan beskrivas som en sjustegs aktivitetsmodell som repetitivt upprepar sig vid varje inköp. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga den operativa inköpsprocessen på Svenssons i Lammhult och se till vilka upplevda problem som kan underlättas med hjälpa av en webbEDI-implementering samt, se till vilka effekter en användning av webb-EDI kan ge. Metod: Denna fallstudie har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv ansats. Studien har ett positivistiskt synsätt och en fallstudiedesign. I studien har det gjorts en mönsterjämförelse mellan teori och insamlad empiri. Slutsats: Studien har studerat effekter som kan nås av webb-EDI. Utifrån teoretiskt och empiriskt material har slutsatsen gjorts att effekter kring säkerhet, effektivisering, felminimering, arbetsbesparing och automatisering kan uppnås. Uppfattningen av förväntat utfall kring leverantörer som ska ingå i en webb-EDI-implementering matchar vad teori och EDI-leverantörer säger att man kan förvänta sig. Författarna menar att med denna undersökning som stöd, bör fortsatt arbete kring implementering av webb-EDI göras hos Svenssons i Lammhult. Det finns ett antal olika typer av webb-EDI-lösningar vilket ger olika valmöjligheter. Rekommendationen är att leta efter en universallösning likt de som tagits upp i studien där en EDI-leverantör kan erbjuda en webb-EDI-lösning som både erbjuder full integration men även leverantörsportaler. Nyckelord: Webb-EDI, Electronic Data Interchange, Inköp, inköpsprocess, Operativt inköp, Implementering, effekter av webb-EDI, Processkartläggning
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