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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How the information flow is processed in project-based companies compared to others and how it affects strategic drift

Fichet, Hugues, Giraud, Laurent January 2007 (has links)
In a competitive environment which needs constant strategic adaptation, the companies look for the best way to stick to markets’ trends. The way the company is organized can optimize both the required strategic adaptation and the performance of the human capital by enhancing the flow of information for instance. Some companies are organised in a very special way and adopt a project-structure. We therefore have inquired about these project-structures and their ability to favour communication in order to enable better performance. Then comes the reason for our work, we wonder: How is information flow processed in project-based companies compared to others and how it affects strategic drift? Existing theories concerning strategy, communication and organisation has been confronted in order to create an original lens through which we look at companies. Based on this lens are qualitative interviews led to collect empirical data from two hierarchical levels in four companies with very different businesses. After analysis, the study shows that the strategic drift is well known by companies. Good communication is recognised as a way to tackle this strategic drift and is high on companies’ agenda. The project-structure owns several assets (like customization, size and resilience) which make it better to process information flow and which eventually reduce or eliminate the strategic drift. Yet, classical organisations and project-structures seem to create synergy for a company which uses adequately both, regarding the type of business.

Samspel mellan Identitet och Image : En fallstudie av det Svenska företaget POC / The interplay between Identity and Image : a Case Study of the Swedish company POC

Malmqvist, Olivia, Löwgren, Josefin January 2007 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine if POC manage to keep cohort interplay between their identity and image. Theoretical framework: This paper is led from theories in area about communicating identity and image. The theories that are relevant to this paper to see the interplay between identity and image is communication theory and brand theories based on associations. From these theories we have composed a model that shows the communication led from identity throughout image in company’s with many distribution channels. It shows what associations that build identity and image and also the complication and threat that the interplay is being exposed to. Methodology: We have chosen to do this examination as a case study. The case study has been made through a market survey including only respondents with knowledge about POC and several interviews with employees within the POC organization. Results and analysis: The quantitative market survey gave a clear picture of POCs image and the qualitative interviews described how POC wanted the identity to look like. We saw a clear connection between these two, but also some differences. For example was safety one of the most important identity characteristics, while the most common image characteristic was design. Conclusion: The interplay between identity and image is very difficult to control. Especially in company’s that includes many distribution channels. The solution is to be aware of the problem this might cause and on daily basis work with improvements on the interplay between identity and image.

Cherry Casino : - en kommunikationsgranskning

Hansson, Malin January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper was to identify the communication process at the company Cherry casino and see what opinions the employees had about it. Moreover, an evaluation of the used strategies was done and an analysis about what perhaps could be done to improve the attitude, communication and in the end the result for the company. Material/Method: The empirical material was gathered through qualitative interviews and theory application. Main results: The transmission of information regarding the regular work related information works just fine and the channels used are well chosen. But more large-scale information that deals with the company’s plans, strategies and targets is not handled in the right way. Neither is the respond. Many express a lack of dialogue. Therefore my main conclusions is to develop a more friendly touch within the company, create a dialogue and let people at the bottom of the hierarchy know what is happening. The best way to do this is through the Intranet and the increase of positive feedback. Keywords: Organizational communication, internal communication, casino, communication audit

How is Internal Communication used during the economic crisis in Spain 2013? -  A multiple case study.

Mejia, Jonnathan, Karim, Aryan January 2013 (has links)
Internal communication is very important in organizations as it has many advantages. Communicators such as marketers should have an internal market in mind and not just the external as it could be a key to success. Media channels that are used to communicate internally also play a big role in what the company is trying to convey to the internal market. Print communication plays a minor role, if any, in smaller companies now that electronic communication is making it easier for businesses to coordinate, educate and motivate internally. However, face-to-face was seen as the most effective tool in internal communication. Finally, there were no findings that the economic crisis in Spain 2013 was affecting the internal communication.

RSS – The future of internal communication?

Andersson, Ola, Larsson, Niclas January 2005 (has links)
<p>RSS is a format for easy information sharing between computers. A RSS-file, also known as a feed or a channel, consist of a list of items. The items are structured with XML-tags and have to be processed in some way before it can be read. RSS¬readers, web-browsers with RSS support and e-mail-clients with RSS support can be used to display the feed.</p><p>This thesis is focused to investigate if RSS can be used within an enterprise for internal communication. We look at different computer based communication tools that are available today and compare them with RSS. All the different tools has there advantages as well as disadvantages, we have tried to find out if there is room for one more information channel within an enterprise.</p><p>Our study shows that RSS is not suitable as a stand alone solution for internal combination. RSS main strengths lies in mass information that has to be pushed out in one direction.</p>

Organisationsstruktur och internkommunikation efter en omorganisation : En fallstudie om Karlstads universitet / Organizational structure and internal communication after an organizational change : A case study of Karlstad University

Åström, Carl, Bråth, Rikki January 2014 (has links)
This is a case study which investigated the perceived consequences of the organizational change that was implemented in January 2013 at Karlstad University. The study aimed to explore the experiences of the employees concerning the changes in organizational structure and internal communication. This was done through a set of eight individual standardized qualitative interviews with members from different departments. A lot of effort and thought was given to the ethical implications and to create a comfortable and open climate during the actual interviews to ensure that the respondents felt free to speak openly and honestly about their personal opinions and experiences. It is evident that the overall vision was ambitious; aiming to create a more effective organization through cutting off excessive administrative personnel and streamlining decision paths. However according to the opinions of the respondents it was clear that the result was far from the desired goal. Essentially, efficiency was only achieved at the top level. Previous administrative tasks have been moved to new members and a major uncertainty has arisen. A critical reason for the failure was the lack of communication during the organizational change, which created lots of antagonism from the employees. The management was unsuccessful in making the members feel involved in the decision making, and a lack of transparency was apparent. The hopes of a transparent organization were then high after the change, but proved to turn out quite the contrary. Decision referrals have failed to reach the employees until after the final decision has been made. The decision paths are not considered to be more effective amongst the departments and a massive dissatisfaction has emerged since employees no longer can make their own decision on matters that involve them. This involves for example shaping their own syllabi, something which they were fully capable and successful in doing before the change. A massive micromanagement has thus been created, and it is not deemed adapted to the organization as a whole. This has created an impression amongst the members that they are no longer trusted or considered competent. The merging of departments has not been successful either. Some combinations are not considered logical and the desire to break new grounds has not been achieved. The old department groups instead appear to have grown stronger, and not the cooperation in-between them, not even within the newly combined departments. One reason for this may be that the idea and hope of increasing cooperation across department borders was a desire from the management, and not the departments themselves. Thus, there is uncertainty both in the current leadership structure and internal communication. The members are lacking proper instructions on how communication should pass both up and down. Therefore they desire more distinct guidelines and an explicit division of responsibilities. The conclusion is therefore unambiguous; improved effectiveness has only been achieved in the top layers of the organization, and not facilitated work or improved the situation of the employees. This consequence is pitiful at an organization such as a university with concurrent research, which definitely possesses the knowledge and competences within both organizational structures and internal communication. Conclusively, they have not managed in successfully converting their internal assets from theory to action. Key words: internal communication, organizational change, organizational structure / Detta är en fallstudie över konsekvenserna av omorganisationen som skedde i januari 2013 på Karlstads universitet. Syftet var att ta reda på medarbetarnas upplevelse av förändringarna inom internkommunikationen och organisationsstrukturen. Detta uppnåddes genom åtta stycken personintervjuer av strukturerad form med anställda ifrån olika institutioner. Stor vikt lades på de etiska övervägandena och för att skapa en trygghet och tillit under själva intervjutillfällena så att respondenterna kunde svara öppet och ärligt gällande sina åsikter och upplevelser. Det framgår att den ursprungliga visionen hade ambition; där man önskade effektivisering med hjälp av mindre administrativ personal och effektivare beslutsvägar. Enligt medarbetarnas uppfattning blev dock resultatet långt ifrån idealet. På det stora hela förbättrades effektiviteten i beslutsvägarna endast högt upp i hierarkin. Administrativa personalens uppgifter blev flyttade till nya medarbetare och en stor otydlighet uppstod. En avgörande anledning var att man misslyckades i kommunikationen under processens gång, vilket gjorde att många medarbetare motsatte sig förändringen. Man misslyckades då medarbetarna inte kände sig delaktiga i de beslut som fattades, och därmed upplevde processen som ogenomskinlig. Hoppet om en transparent organisation var stort inledningsvis vid omorganiseringen, men det har snarare blivit tvärt om då beslutsremisser inte kommer ut till medarbetarna förrän efter besluten är genomförda. Beslutsvägarna känns inte effektivare nere på ämnesnivå, och ett stort missnöje har uppstått då medarbetarna inte längre har rätt till att besluta kring saker som står nära dem, exempelvis sina egen kursplaner, något som de tidigare anser sig ha klarat av mycket bra själva. Det har således uppstått en detaljstyrning uppifrån som inte passar verksamheten och detta har skapat en känsla bland medarbetarna av att de inte längre är betrodda. Sammanslagningen av institutioner blev inte heller perfekt, då vissa kombinationer inte känns logiska och visionen om att bryta mark inte uppenbarat sig. Ämnena i sig har istället blivit stärkta snarare än samarbetet mellan dem, vilket kan grunda sig i att idén om samarbete inte kom som ett önskemål från ämnena själva utan uppifrån i hierarkin. Det finns således en otydlighet både i strukturen och kommunikationen. Det är oklart hur kommunikationen ska hanteras nerifrån och uppåt, och därför önskas tydligare riktlinjer och ansvarsområden. Slutsatsen är alltså entydig; effektiviseringen har enbart rört ledningen och inte underlättat eller förbättrat situationen för medarbetarna. Detta ifrågasätts då en organisation som ett universitet med aktiv forskning inom både organisationsstruktur och internkommunikation väl besitter kunskap och kompetenser, men inte lyckats omvandla dessa tillgångar från teori till praktik i sin egen verksamhet. Nyckelord: internkommunikation, organisationsförändring, organisationsstruktur

The Challenges of Internal Communication about Environmental Sustainability

Weber, Lydia, Kuehn, Dominique January 2015 (has links)
This exploratory study aims to find out the challenges multinational corporations are facing when communicating about the ecological pillar of sustainability internally. By conducting an in-depth investigation of one multinational company, the study identifies three themes which imply potential drawbacks for the company’s goal to become an environmental pioneer within the operating industry. The first obstacle is related to the abstract content and intrinsic character of the sustainability idea. Furthermore, complex international business structures including different target groups hamper the internal sustainability communication, which pursues a peculiarly wide audience and is therefore dependent on the multiplier effect for the spread of information. Moreover, the intrinsic value of sustainability causes a priority lack, perception difficulties of the communicated messages as well as gaps between attitude and behavior. A long time period is required in order for the internal communication to achieve a change. All in all, especially the abstract, voluntary and intrinsic character of sustainability makes the communication uniquely difficult and thus demanding an overall change of the society’s attitude and prospect towards the topic.

Internal communication : - The employee perspective

Bergquist, Emilia January 2014 (has links)
Den omfattande globaliseringen som sker i världen har givit upphov till stora förändringar för världens organisationer. Den ständigt växande konkurrensen som kommer därav ökar kraven på en fungerande internkommunikation samt betydelsen av att de interna kommunikationskanalerna utnyttjas så effektivt som möjligt. Samtidigt krävs långtgående hänsynstaganden gällande alla organisationens medlemmar då utveckling av internkommunikationens struktur och strategi genomförs.   I detta examensarbete används teorierna “Uses and gratifications”, “Dependency theory” och ”Social information processing theory”. Teorierna används med målsättning att beskriva de mest framträdande dragen i den interna kommunikationsutövningen i en organisation och vidare för att undersöka hur denna utövning överensstämmer med de förväntningar och användningsmönster som kan utrönas bland de anställda. Med utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning inom ämnet framkommer vikten av att utföra studien från ett användarperspektiv i en organisation som bedriver industriell produktion såväl som kontorsarbete. Skillnader mellan dessa olika grupper i fråga om upplevelser och förväntningar inkluderades också i undersökningen.           Studien genomfördes på ett teknologiföretag i södra Sverige i ett skede där lansering av en ny intranät-portal väntade. Det empiriska materialet erhölls genom utförande av sju fokusgruppsintervjuer. Totalt deltog 28 personer i dessa fokusgrupper. Resultatet visade på många tillgängliga interna kommunikationskanaler samtidigt som det synliggjorde en upplevd avsaknad av en tydlig strategi och en utsedd koordinator som ansvarar för den interna kommunikationen.  Från ett medarbetarperspektiv karaktäriseras den generella internkommunikationen av inkonsekvens, otillförlitlighet och godtycklighet. Olika typer av strategier för att tillfredsställa specifika behov kunde identifieras såväl som långtgående beroenden av vissa informationskanaler för att få information. Kollaborationsplattformar som en integrerad del av intranätet mötte motsägelsefulla åsikter och visar på att de anställda både önskar och fruktar det fria ordet i organisationskommunikativa sammanhang. De interna kommunikationskanalsera måste struktureras och samköras för att ge alla organisationsmedlemmar möjlighet att tillfredställa sina informations- och kommunikationsbehov.

Communicating leaders and leading communicators : A qulitative study with focus on internal communication and leadership during organizational change. / Kommunicerande ledare och ledande kommunikatörer : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på internkommunikation och ledarskap i organisationsförändringar

Hedwall, Anna, Nilsson, Frida January 2013 (has links)
Syftet var att undersöka internkommunikation ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv i samband med organisationsförändring. En kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer användes där nio chefer från olika hierarkiska nivåer intervjuades. För att undersöka fenomenet internkommunikation utgick vi från ett empiriskt fall, myndigheten Jordbruksverket. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med hjälp av tematisering vilket slutligen genererade i slutsatser gällande internkommunikation. Den vetenskapliga utgångspunkten var systemteorin och utifrån den framtogs tre relevanta fokusområden; kommunikation, ledarskap och förändring som varit genomgående teman i hela studien. Studien utgick ifrån tre frågeställningar där resultatet visade hur ledare arbetar med internkommunikation och vilket förhållningssätt ledare har till sitt kommunikativa uppdrag. / The aim with this study was to examine internal communication from a leader´s perspective in relation to organizational change. A qualitative method containing semi structured interviews was used and the empirical case was the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Nine leaders from different hierarchical levels were interviewed. The empirical material was thematised which lead on to several conclusions about internal communication. The scientific general systems theory of organizations was used and three topics were settled; communication, leadership and organizational change. These main themes were guidelines throughout the entire study. Three questions were formulated and the result showed how leaders are working with internal communication and which approach they take on in relation to their communicative assignment.

Förändringar är till det bättre... eller? : En intervjustudie om kommunikationsförändringar på ett teknikkonsultföretag -ur ett ledarperspektiv

Nordgren, Madeleine January 2014 (has links)
To lead is to communicate, a main part of the leadership. 80 % of leaders working tasks involve communication of some kind. The ambition of this study is to analyze how four leaders of an international technique consulting company experience and handle community and technical development during their professional courses. The leaders have a various experience of leadership which adds depth and width to this study. To perform the study qualitative method has been used in the form of personal interviews. The result indicates that change is not always beneficial in every aspect of communication. To manage the quantity of information and communication we must learn how to sort. However these communication channels are an important part of being able to connect within and without the organization. When and how to use them are keywords in order to being able to cope with the flow of information.

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