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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den illegale kombattanten och kriget mot terrorismen

Nordman, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att komma till insikt, dels om hur kriget mot terrorismen har präglat diskursen kring det rättfärdiga kriget med dess särskilt utmärkande preventiva krigföring, och dels om huruvida begreppet "illegal kombattant" kan betraktas som legalt eller inte. Denna studie visar hur krigskonceptet har blivit alltmer diffust sedan det kalla kriget och hur attackerna gentemot USA den elfte september 2001 innebar en brytpunkt gällande diskussionerna kring rättfärdig krigföring. Studien visar också att begreppet "illegal kombattant", med dess preventiva syfte, tillvisso skulle kunna betraktas som legitimt i kontext till omfattningen av ovan nämnda attacker men att dess innebörd inte kan betraktas som legalt i vare sig nationell eller internationell bemärkelse. Jag har kommit till denna insikt genom att identifiera en diskursiv företeelse och lyfta fram dess legalitets- och legitimitetsaspekter och genom att identifiera en juridisk företeelse och lyfta fram syftet med dess innebörd med fokus främst på dess legalitetsaspekter. Med en diskursanalys har jag undersökt talet om det rättfärdiga kriget efter den elfte september, och genom en juridisk analys har jag prövat begreppet "illegal kombattant" gentemot nationell och internationell rätt. Dessa två analyser har fogats samman genom en samlad studie av kriget mot terrorismen och dess legalitets- respektive legitimitetsaspekter. / The purpose of this study was to come to realization on how the war on terror has characterized the discourse on Just War with its particularly distinctive preventive warfare, and also on whether the term "unlawful combatant" can be regarded as legal or not. This study shows how the concept of war has become increasingly diffuse since the Cold War and how the attacks against the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001 represented an inflection point on the discussions of righteous warfare. The study also shows that the term "illegal combatant", with its preventive purposes, to a certain extent might be regarded as legitimate in the context of the magnitude of the above-mentioned attacks but that its content can not be regarded as legal in either a national or international sense. I have come to this realization by identifying a discursive phenomenon and highlighting its legality and legitimacy aspects and by identifying a legal phenomenon and highlighting the purpose and meaning of it, primarily focusing on its legality aspects. With a discourse analysis, I have examined the speach on Just War after September 11, and with a legal analysis, I have tested the notion of "unlawful combatant" against national and international law. These two analyzes have been consolidated in a comprehensive study of the war on terrorism and its legality and legitimacy aspects.

The Cubicle Warrior : Drones, Targeted Killings, and the Implications of Waging a "War on Terror" from a Distance Under International Law

Haenflein, Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

A New Era of Terror : An Investigation of Non-International Armed Conflict and the Islamic State’s Transnational Crusade for World Domination

Såma, Kader January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Examining the effectiveness of international landmine regimes : the interplay between design and implementation

Bryden, Alan Craig January 2010 (has links)
Two international treaty frameworks - Amended Protocol II (APII) to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) - have been developed to prohibit or restrict the use of landmines. However, reflecting a gap in current academic research, there is a lack of knowledge of their effectiveness in supporting the humanitarian goals that underpin both treaties. In order to address gaps in the existing literature, this thesis applies an analytical framework grounded in regime theory to develop new insights into the design, implementation and effectiveness of APII and the APMBC within the broader framework of international humanitarian law (IHL). Two main hypotheses are explored. The first considers the importance for regime effectiveness of the relationship between design and implementation processes. The second analyses the significance for the landmine regimes of regime interplay and nesting within wider IHL and mine action discourses. In addressing these hypotheses, design/implementation interplay, agency dynamics and normative considerations represent key themes that enable us to develop new insights to a specific issue area that also demonstrates important linkages to wider humanitarian, security and developmental agendas.

Contextualizing Exile: Understanding Failures of the International Refugee Regime through Narratives of Young Adult Syrian Urban Refugees in Amman, Jordan

Campbell, Cameron N 01 January 2015 (has links)
With almost 4 million registered Syrian refugees, the UN has called it the world’s worst refugee crisis. The influx of 628,000 asylum-seekers to neighboring Jordan has tested its strength and protection capabilities. The UNHCR is the organizational spearhead of the international refugee regime, the set of rights and procedural structures upon which signatory States agree to protect refugee rights. This ethnographic research contributes lived experience to the existing quantitative scholarship on the Syrian refugee influx in Jordan. Spending the long days of Ramadan with young adult Syrian national urban refugees, I learned about the gaps between respondents’ hardships in establishing secure lives, and the rights the UNHCR guarantees for them in Amman. This thesis argues that respondents’ experiences reflect the systematic failure of refugee protection due to inherent weaknesses of the refugee regime. Gaps in protections are the logical result of the expanding role of nation-states, as self-interested actors, in making important decisions in the enforcement of refugee rights. I argue that the expanding interest of Northern States’ to limit immigration since September 11th has rendered the UNHCR incapable of providing refugees the levels of protection they are guaranteed. The refugee regime makes certain assumptions of the host country’s carrying capacity, as well as assumptions that other nation-states will willingly open its doors for Syrian refugee resettlement. Since the UNHCR cannot rely upon Northern states committing themselves to third country resettlement, refugees can no longer expect the refugee regime to uphold its mandate that it was founded to ensure.

L’Union européenne et le maintien de la paix / The European Union and Peacekeeping

Ducroquetz, Florence 30 November 2010 (has links)
Depuis 2001, l'UE a mené plus d'une vingtaine d'opérations militaires et de missions civiles, et elle est désormais considérée comme une organisation majeure dans le domaine du maintien de la paix.Longtemps perçue comme une organisation intergouvernementale, la mise en place d'une structure européenne de gestion des crises intégrée au coeur de l'organisation, ainsi que la délégation de la gestion courante de la crise aux organes européens, ont participé à l'autonomisation progressive de l'UE par rapport à ses Etats membres. Cette autonomisation de l'organisation se manifeste également dans l'ordre juridique international. Tout un corps de règles s'applique alors à l'UE du fait de son intervention dans l'ordre juridique international, notamment les règles relatives à la responsabilité internationale des organisations régionales. L'intervention effective de l'Union européenne dans le domaine du maintien de la paix – en tant qu'organisation régionale – s'inscrit dans un cadre juridique imprécis. Or, le phénomène de régionalisation a pu être interprété comme portant préjudice au système de sécurité collective instauré par la Charte des Nations unies. Partant,deux aspects de l'intervention effective de l'UE appellent analyse : celui de la conformité de son action au cadre onusien et celui de sa contribution aux évolutions du maintien de la paix / Since 2001, the EU has conducted more than twenty military operations and civilian missions, and is now seen as one of the leading organizations in the field of peacekeeping. For a long time perceived as an intergovernmental organization, the establishment of an integrated structure for crisis management into the heart of the organization, as well as the delegation of this crisis management to the different European organs, have contributed to the gradual empowerment of the EU toward its member states. This process of becoming autonomous is also evident in the international legal order. A large set of rules thus applies to the EU due to its involvement in the international legal order, including rules relating to the international responsibility for regional organizations. The effective intervention of the European Union in the field of peacekeeping – as a regional organization– is in keeping with an unclear legal framework. However, the phenomen on of regionalization could have been interpreted as prejudicing the collective security system established by the UN Charter.Two aspects of the effective intervention of the European Union call for analysis : the conformity of its action to the UN framework and its contribution to the evolution of peacekeeping

Grave Breaches: American Military Intervention in the Late Twentieth- Century and the Consequences for International Law

Cameron, Calla 01 January 2017 (has links)
The duality of the United States’ relationship with international criminal law and human rights atrocities is a fascinating theme that weaves through all of American history, but most distinctly demonstrates the contradictory nature of American foreign policy in the latter half of the 20th century. America is both protector of human rights and perpetrator of human rights atrocities, global police force and aggressor. The Cold War exacerbated the tensions caused by American military dominance. The international political and physical power of the American military allowed the United States to do as it pleased in the 20th century with few consequences, but that power also brought watchfulness from the global community and an expectation that the United States would intervene when rogue states or leaders committed crimes against humanity. The international legal community has expected the United States to act and illegally intervene in some situations, but to pursue policy changes peacefully through diplomatic channels on other occasions.

L'interdiction du pillage et de la destruction en temps de conflit armé : essai d'approche systémique / The prohibition of pillaging and destruction in times of armed conflicts : an attempt of a systemic approach

Missaoui, Hanane 11 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis la fin de la Guerre Froide, les conflits armés ont mis en exergue la multiplication d’un pratique, certes ancienne, mais qui a trouvé davantage de vigueur depuis : celle du pillage et de la destruction. Le pillage et la destruction de biens culturels ou des ressources naturelles, notamment, constituent désormais un véritable moteur du conflit. Moteur économique, le pillage des biens culturels ou des ressources naturelles permet de financer des groupes rebelles. Moteur de la guerre, le pillage des ressources naturelles implique le travail forcé de civils. De même, le pillage ou la destruction de biens culturels entre dans un objectif de destruction de l’identité d’un groupe ethnique, et par là-même du groupe en tant que tel. Ainsi, au-delà de la violation du droit international humanitaire, la violation de l’interdiction du pillage et de la destruction impliquent une violation des droits de l’Homme. Ce principe, à la croisée des droits, constitue en réalité l’épine dorsale d’un système juridique. / After the end of the Cold War, armed conflicts have witnessed the multiplication of an ancient practice, in a more vigorous manner: the practice of pillaging and destruction. Henceforth, the pillaging and destruction of cultural goods or natural resources, notably, constitutes the real driving force of a conflict. An economic driving force, as the pillaging of cultural goods or of natural resources embodies a medium to finance rebels. A war driving force, as the pillaging of natural resources implies the forced labour of civilians. Also, the pillaging or the destruction of cultural goods is part of an objective of destruction of the identity of an ethnic group. Farther the violation of humanitarian law, the violation of the prohibition of pillaging and destruction implies the violation of human rights. As a consequence, this prohibition, at the crossroads of laws, constitutes the backbone of a real legal system.

Neutres face à la guerre franco-allemande (1870-1871) ? : diplomatie et dynamiques d'opinions dans les Etats de Suisse, de Belgique et du Danemark / Neutral during the Franco-German War (1870-1871) ? : diplomacy and opinions' dynamics in Switzerland, Belgium and Denmark

Vogt, Gilles 04 May 2018 (has links)
Remarquant la nature transfrontalière des défis politiques et culturels soulevés par la guerre franco-allemande de 1870-1871, cette thèse propose d’interroger l’expérience de la neutralité dans les sociétés de trois États – le Danemark, la Suisse et la Belgique – choisis pour leur complémentarité en matière de stratégie, de géographie, d’institutions et d’organisation constitutionnelle. Documents diplomatiques, archives administratives, journaux, publications contemporaines du conflit, témoignages artistiques, correspondances et carnets privés servent une étude transnationale déclinée en trois principales orientations. La première met en lumière l’environnement technique et technologique dans lequel évoluent les neutres, les sentiments que trahissent leurs témoignages ainsi que leurs efforts pour devenir et rester non-belligérants. La deuxième questionne l’engagement des neutres dans la guerre à travers, notamment, le parcours de philanthropes et de soldats volontaires. La troisième orientation pose enfin une question a priori paradoxale : le neutre est-il un vainqueur ou un vaincu du conflit franco-allemand ? / Noting the cross-border nature of the political and cultural challenges raised by the Franco-German War of 1870-1871, this doctoral thesis proposes to question the experience of neutrality within the societies of three States – Denmark, Switzerland and Belgium – chosen for their complementarity in terms of strategy, geography, institutions and constitutional organisation. Diplomatic documents, administrative archives, newspapers, publications, artistic works, letters and private documentation serve a transnational study divided into three main directions. The first direction reveals the technical and technological environment in which neutrals operate, the feelings betrayed by their testimonies and their efforts to become and remain non-belligerent. The second direction interrogates the involvement of the neutrals during the war through – among others – the trajectories of philanthropists and volunteer soldiers. The third orientation poses a seemingly paradoxical question: is the neutral a victor or a vanquished of the war of 1870-1871 ?

Vers un statut international en faveur des personnes deplacées à l'interieur de leur propre pays / Towards an international status for internally displaced persons within their own country

Millan, Stéphanie 26 September 2011 (has links)
Le déplacement interne forcé est un phénomène ancien et récurrent dont la communautéinternationale a tardé à se saisir. Ce n’est qu’en 1992 que le Secrétaire général des NationsUnies a nommé un Représentant spécial chargé des personnes déplacées internes. Dès sanomination, ce dernier a entrepris un important travail d’analyse et de compilation des normesinternationales afin d’étudier l’applicabilité de celles-ci aux personnes déplacées internes.L’aboutissement de ce travail a permis l’élaboration et la présentation des « Principesdirecteurs relatifs au déplacement de personnes à l’intérieur de leur propre pays » en 1998.Ces Principes directeurs sont par la suite devenus un cadre de référence pour ledéveloppement d’instruments internationaux conventionnels de portée régionale dont ledernier en date est la Convention de Kampala adoptée en 2009 par l’Union africaine.Cette étude a un double-objet. Tout d’abord, mettre en évidence l’évolution normative qu’aconnue la notion de personne déplacée interne et la protection juridique internationale relativeà cette notion. Ensuite, de se questionner sur l’émergence d’un statut juridique internationalen faveur des déplacés internes à travers l’analyse du concept de responsabilité de protéger etl’examen de l’utilité et de l’intérêt de ce statut juridique international dont l’émergencepourrait être entravée par d’éventuels obstacles juridiques. / Forced internal displacement is an old and recurring phenomenon that the internationalcommunity has been slow to grasp. It was not until 1992 that the United Nations GeneralSecretary appointed a Special Representative on internally displaced persons. Upon hisappointment, the Special Representative undertook a major work of analysis and compilationof international norms in order to study their applicability to internally displaced persons.The culmination of this work has enabled the development and presentation of the “GuidingPrinciples on internal displacement” in 1998. These guidelines have subsequently become animportant framework for the development of international treaties with regional impactwhose latest is the Kampala Convention adopted in 2009 by the African Union.This study has a double-object. First of all, it is to underline the important evolution of thenotion of internally displaced person and of the international legal protection regarding thisnotion.Secondly, it is to question about the emergence of an international legal status dedicated tointernally displaced persons through the analysis of the concept of responsibility to protectand through the review of the usefulness and the significance of this international legal statuswhose emergence could be hampered by possible legal obstacles.

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