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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do papel das agências de promoção de exportação e investimento nos fluxos de negócios entre países / An evalution of the role of export and investment promotion agencies on countries\'trade and investment flow

König, Claudia Cheron 03 November 2016 (has links)
Assimetrias de informação entre países de acolhimento e de origem das empresas constituem um obstáculo significativo aos fluxos comerciais e de investimento através das fronteiras internacionais, levando a uma importante questão política: como os governos podem ajudar as empresas na redução dessa barreira, auxiliando-as no processo de internacionalização? Diante da enorme concorrência no mercado internacional, nota-se que cada vez um número maior de governos encontra nas Agências de Promoção de Exportação e de Investimento (APEIs) um instrumento para o apoio a competitividade das empresas nacionais no mercado global. O papel das APEIs tem gradualmente influenciado os fluxos de mercadorias e capitais em um contexto cada vez mais dinâmico e competitivo entre empresas e países. Mas qual é o impacto da presença da agência (APEI) nos fluxos de comércio e investimento entre os países? Aspectos institucionais influenciam na atuação da agência? A aprendizagem da APEI em um determinado mercado resulta em maior impacto nos fluxos comerciais entre o país de origem da APEI e o país hospedeiro? Com o intuito de responder a essas questões, construiu-se um banco de dados com informações econômicas e institucionais para o Brasil e mais 220 países entre os anos de 1995 a 2015. Os fluxos comerciais e de investimento entre o Brasil e os demais países são as variáveis dependentes do estudo. Além disso, foram coletados dados de 20 agências de promoção de exportação e investimento atuantes no mercado brasileiro. Para a realização da análise optou-se pela adoção de um estimador de painéis dinâmicos com efeito fixo. A utilização de um modelo dinâmico - com uma variável dependente defasada - foi adotada para reduzir potenciais vieses de variáveis omitidas que houvesse em um modelo estático, uma vez que alguns determinantes dos fluxos podem estar relacionados com a criação das agências. Os resultados mostram que o impacto da presença das agências sobre os fluxos não pode ser ignorado, revelando-se estatisticamente significante para fluxos comerciais e de saída de IDE brasileiro. O efeito da aprendizagem da APEI no país hospedeiro também é significante para os fluxos comerciais do país de origem da agência para o país hospedeiro. Os testes indicam um efeito da presença da agência sobre o impacto da distância cultural e geográfica sobre os fluxos. Há diferença de impacto da agência dependendo de a quem ela esteja subordinada dentro do governo. Apontaram-se as limitações desta tese bem como se destacou sugestões de direcionamento de novas pesquisas com o intuito de progredir no conhecimento e dos fatores que afetam o impacto da presença das APEIs sobre os fluxos entre os países. / Information asymmetry between business\' host and home countries establishes a significant hindrance to trade and investment flows across international borders, leading to an important policy question: How can government help businesses to reduce this barrier by providing supporting in the internationalization process? Due to massive competition in the global market, more and more governments have discovered an instrument to boost the competitiveness of domestic enterprises internationally: the Export and Investment Promotion Agencies (EIPA). In the context of increasing dynamics and competitiveness among companies and countries, EIPA have gradually influenced the flow of goods and capital. However, what is the impact of EIPA\'s presence on trade and investment flows between countries? Do institutional aspects have influence in the agency\'s performing? Do EIPA\'s experiences in a specific market result in a greater impact on trade flows between an EIPA\'s home country and its host countries? In order to answer these questions a database of economic and institutional information from Brazil and other 220 countries between the years 1995 and 2015 was elaborated. Trade and investment flows between Brazil and the corresponding countries are the dependent variables of the study. In addition, data were collected from 20 foreign EIPA, which act in the Brazilian market. An estimator of dynamic panel data with fixed effects was used to conduct the analysis. A dynamic panel data model with a lagged dependent variable was used to reduce potential biases of omitted variables in a static model - since some flow determinants could have been related to the creation of the proper EIPA. The results demonstrate that the impact on the flows caused by the presence of EIPA should not be ignored, once the tests reveal such presence as statistically significant for trade flows and Brazilian FDI output. The learning effect of an EIPA in the host country is also significant for the trade flow from the EIPA\'s home country to the host country. The results prove the effect of such presence, changing the impact of cultural and geographic distance. The effect seems to depend also on the organizational subordination of the EIPA within the government. Limitations of this thesis have been pointed out and future research directions have been suggested in order to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the factors that actually affect the impact of EIPA\'s presence on flows between countries.

Os desafios da reprodução camponesa frente à expansão dos agrocombustíveis: o assentamento Monte Alegre - Araraquara - SP / The challenges of peasantry reproduction against the expansion of agrofuels: the Monte Alegre settlement - Araraquara - SP

Bellacosa, Julia Marques 19 December 2012 (has links)
O atual estágio de desenvolvimento do capitalismo, marcado por intensas mudanças desencadeadas pelo processo de mundialização do capital, traz fortes consequências para as populações camponesas. Inserido nesse contexto está o avanço dos agrocombustíveis em terras de reforma agrária, através de mecanismos de subordinação da produção camponesa aos complexos agroenergéticos. O crescimento significativo de cultivos para geração de energia ocorre no momento em que os agrocombustíveis são apontados como solução para o futuro do planeta. Dessa forma, o avanço do agronegócio no campo sob o viés dos agrocombustíveis, impõe novos desafios para repensar o campesinato brasileiro. No intuito de refletir sobre essa e outras questões, o trabalho ora apresentado constrói uma análise sobre a reprodução do campesinato brasileiro frente à expansão dos agrocombustíveis, tanto cana-de-açúcar, quanto oleaginosas para a produção de biodiesel, sob a perspectiva de um fragmento - o assentamento rural Monte Alegre, localizado na região conhecida como Califórnia Brasileira, uma área de agricultura modernizada, praticamente monopolizada pelas culturas de cana-de-açúcar e laranja. Trata-se de um dos mais antigos assentamentos do Estado de São Paulo, distribuído entre os municípios de Araraquara e Motuca, que se encontra no cerne dessas questões. Vislumbra-se, nesse sentido, que a análise sobre a reprodução do campesinato no âmago do desenvolvimento capitalista atual, através do estudo do movimento de territorialização e monopolização do território, possa desvendar as transformações recentes do campo brasileiro e ainda subsidiar uma reflexão acerca dos rumos pelos quais avança a reforma agrária brasileira frente à expansão dos agrocombustíveis. / The current stage of development of capitalism, marked by intense changes initiated by the process of globalization of capital, brings strong consequences for the peasant populations. Inserted into this context is the advance of agrofuels in lands of agrarian reform, through mechanisms of subordination of peasant production by the agroenergetic complex. The significant growth of crops for energy production occurs at a time when agrofuels are seen as a solution for the future of the planet. Thus the advance of agribusiness in the field under the bias of agrofuels poses new challenges to rethink the Brazilian peasantry. In an attempt to reflect on this and other issues, this presentation builds an analysis about the reproduction of the Brazilian peasantry against the expansion of agrofuels, both sugarcane and oilseed cropsl, from a fragment perspective - the rural settlement Monte Alegre, located in the region known as the \"Brazilian California\", a modernized agriculture area, dominated by the sugar cane and orange crops. This is one of the oldest rural settlements in the state of São Paulo, situated between the municipalities of Araraquara and Motuca, which lies at the heart of these issues. It is hoped that, in this sense, the analysis of the reproduction of the peasantry at the heart of capitalist development today, through the study of movement of territorialization and monopolization of territory, can unravel the recent transformations of the Brazilian countryside and even subsidize a reflection about the routes that advance Brazilian agrarian reform against the expansion of agrofuels.

La projection de l’économie chinoise vers l’international / The going-out of chinese economy

Liao, Minxiong 27 January 2011 (has links)
Après une orientation privilégiant l’exportation et les IDE entrants, la Chine continue à poursuivre son intégration à l’économie mondiale en abordant une projection accélérée de son économie vers l’international marquée par les investissements directs à l’étranger des entreprises chinoises. En très peu de temps, la Chine est devenu la principale source de flux d’IDE parmi les pays en développement. Ce phénomène présente des caractéristiques spécifiques et a pris une ampleur inattendue. L’économie étatique de la Chine nous amène à conclure souvent qu’il existe derrière ces mouvements les motivations politiques et la mise en place d’une stratégie d’État au sein de ces activités. Néanmoins, le gouvernement n’a pas vraiment joué un rôle décisif dans ce phénomène. Le comportement du gouvernement du pays d’origine est en fait un des facteurs exogènes qui peuvent affecter la configuration OLI! [Dunning, 1993a] de ses entreprises et donc les caractéristiques des activités d’investissement à l’étranger de ses entreprises. Le dynamisme et les spécificités des investisseurs chinois sont plutôt à l’origine d’une forte volonté entrepreneuriale qui coïncide avec une maturation des entreprises chinoises grâce au développement économique du pays. Une étude approfondie sur les motivations des entreprises chinoises nous montre que la recherche du marché a été la motivation principale des entreprises chinoises et qu’elles possèdent des avantages spécifiques ex ante qui sont à l’origine de sa nationalité, tels que l’imperfection du marché de capital, la flexibilité et le réseautage des entreprises chinoises. / After an orientation focusing on export and inward FDI, China continues its integration into worldeconomy by an accelerated projection of its economy to the world, which is demonstrated by Chinesecompanies’ outward direct investment. In a very short time, China has become the main source of FDI flow among developing countries. This phonomenon has shown particular characteristics and has taken off at an unexpected scale and speed. The state economy of China leads us to conclude usually that there is any political motivation and national strategy behind these activities. Nevertheless, the government didn’t play a decisive role in this phenomenon. The behaviors of home country’s government is in fact one of the exogenious factors that can affect the OLI configuration [Dunning, 1993a] of its companies and therefore the characteristics of the outward investment activities of its companies. The dynamic and the specificities of Chinese investors are rather derived from a strong entrepreneurial desire which coincides with a maturation of Chinese companies thanks to the economic development of China. An in-depth study on Chinese companies’ motivations has shown us tha! t market-seeking is the principal motivation of Chinese companie’ outwart investment and they possess ex ante specific advantages derived from their nationality,such as capital market imperfection, flexibility and networking capacity.

Expatriate Students' Perceptions of Attendance and Persistence at a Private Malaysian Institution

Deng, Jin 01 January 2017 (has links)
Although Malaysia primarily relies on expatriates to develop its economy, a private Malaysian institution had not examined the retention of expatriate students who might contribute toward the country's future economy. The problem that prompted this study was the institution showed low graduation rates for expatriate students and had not assessed the perceptions of key factors that impacted their attendance and persistence. The purpose of this study was to provide insights about expatriate students' perceptions of key factors about attendance and persistence at the institution. Tinto's longitudinal model of dropping out and the conceptual model guided this study. With a guiding question about students' perceptions, specific research questions explored expatriate students' perceptions of individual characteristics, the interactions within the institutional environment, and institutional characteristics that influenced their decisions to attend and persist at the institution. Qualitative data were collected using interviews from a purposeful sample of 5 expatriate students. Data were transcribed and coded inductively, resulting in 10 themes: Malaysia as a destination for higher education, the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) institution as an institution, supporting group, English language, past educational experiences, academic integration, commitment, social integration and institutional commitment, college quality, and institutional type. A white paper was proposed as a project that included recommendations to stakeholders. The positive social changes were to promote future expatriate students' persistence and graduation rates, enhance their learning, and prepare them to be the future leaders in Malaysia, their country of origin, or elsewhere internationally.


[pt] O mundo globalizado atual exige cada vez mais que empresas concentrem esforços no sentido de se adequarem a novos ambientes, para que possam concorrer até mesmo com grandes conglomerados internacionais. Nesse sentido, a Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - CVRD vem trabalhando intensamente na realização de um processo de internacionalização, buscando tornar-se uma das maiores companhias de mineração diversificada do mundo até o final desta década. Como parte de uma metodologia para auxiliar nesse processo, a CVRD desenvolveu um modelo para a avaliação de países com potencial para a expansão de seus negócios. Este trabalho visou confrontar o modelo de análise ambiental utilizado pela CVRD com a teoria existente, buscando fornecer parâmetros para a Empresa, de modo que ela possa aperfeiçoar cada vez mais sua avaliação, contribuindo, assim, para seu processo decisório. Após a comparação, verificouse que o modelo de análise ambiental adotado pela Vale contempla de forma exaustiva os principais critérios de avaliação necessários para esse tipo de tomada de decisão. No entanto, as análises realizadas, por se concentrarem em países específicos, não consideram a avaliação de uma carteira de países, o que possibilitaria a obtenção de um conjunto de opções estratégicas mais diversificadas. / [en] The current globalized world demands more and more that companies concentrate efforts in the way of adapt themselves to new environments, so that they can compete even with great international conglomerates. In this sense, Vale do Rio Doce Company - CVRD comes working intensely in the accomplishment of an internationalization process, seeking to become one of the largest diversified mining companies of the world until the end of this decade. As it starts from a methodology to assist in this process, CVRD developed a model for the evaluation of countries with potential for the expansion of its business. This work aimed confront the model of environmental analysis used by CVRD with the existing theory, seeking to supply parameters for the Company, so that it can improve more and more its evaluation, contributing, in this way, for its decisive process. After the comparison, it was verified that the model of environmental analysis adopted by the Vale contemplates in an exhaustive way, the main criteria of evaluation necessary for this kind of decision taken. However, the accomplished analyses, by the reason of they concentrate in specific countries, do not consider the evaluation of a portfolio of countries, what would enable the obtainment of a set of a more diversified strategic options.


葉郁芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之結論如下: 1.台灣廠商在東協五國偏好採合資、獨資的策略型 態,而較不偏好採 國外銷售子公司、技術授權的型態。 (1) 台灣廠商 在東協五國的國際化過程與歐美學者所提出的國際化過程不同,歐美學者 所提出的國際化過程為漸近式之市場涉入過程,即出口→技術授權→國外 銷售子公司→國外生產子公司,但台灣廠商的國際化過程中卻以「出口→ 合資生產」、「出口→獨資生產」為多,即有”跳躍”之情形。 (2) 台 灣廠商在東協五國之市場進入策略不變遷者:對「出口」、 「國外銷 售子公司」、「合資生產」而言,不變遷之主要原因 為改變進入策略 的時機尚未成熟與對目前的營運狀況滿意,共 同理由為地主國基本設 施、供應商、銷售通路等狀況不佳。 (3) 台灣企業在東協五國進入策略 的變遷上,多由出口開始,而後 即採市場涉入程度相當大的合資與獨 資的型態。 2.東協五國市場進入策略的變遷與三項廠商特性: (1) 國際 經驗的移轉使廠商改採市場涉入程度大的策略型態。 (2) 公司規模越大 ,越會使廠商改採市場涉入程度大的策略型態。 (3) 公司國外收入比例 越高,越會使廠商改採市場涉入程度大的策略型態。 3.若一開始在地主 國之進入策略即為涉入程度大的「合資」與「獨資」的型態,則傾向的是 在地主國生產,再外銷到其他市場的考慮。 4.公司在地主國有計劃的從 事規劃與研究,評估投資機會,可使其跳 過漸近式國際化過程的某些階 段。

國際化、公司治理與自願性盈餘預測之關聯性 / Internationalization, corporate governance, and voluntary management earnings forecasts

賴璟昱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討公司國際化程度及公司治理對管理當局自願性盈餘預測行為之影響,而本研究係以2009年公布之美國S&P 500公司作為研究對象,研究期間為2002年至2007 年。實證結果顯示:(1)企業國際化程度與管理當局揭露自願性盈餘預測之意願無顯著關聯性;(2)企業國際化程度越高,管理當局自願性盈餘預測之準確性越高;(3)企業國際化程度越高的情形下,公司治理之良窳與管理當局自願性盈餘預測間無顯著關聯性;(4)企業國際化程度越高,公司治理機制越良好,管理當局自願性盈餘預測準確性越高。 / This study investigates the effects of internalization and corporate governance on voluntary management earnings forecasts. Based on a sample of 2009 S&P 500 companies spanning from 2002 and 2007, I do not find the issuance of voluntary management earnings forecasts to be related with the degree of internalization and the quality of corporate governance. However, the empirical results indicate that the accuracy of management earnings forecasts is positively associated with the degree of internalization and the quality of corporate governance.

Seeking the Breakthrough of the Internationalization of Yu-tong Bus Company / Seeking the Breakthrough of the Internationalization of Yu-tong Bus Company

Wang, Jing, Fu, Hongpeng January 2009 (has links)
<p>Nowadays, China bus industry has stepped into a relative fast development stage. Domestic manufacturers have turned their attention to the international market. Yu-tong Bus Company, as one of the first-class and representative manufacturers in the industry, has made indubitable achievements in the international market, especially in middle and low-end market. However, for the process of internationalization, Yu-tong still needs to confront some barriers and obstacles. Particularly, for high-end market, more gaps exist which lead to the limitation of its competitive forces. In the thesis, we made the SWOT analysis about the export condition of Yu-tong according to the materials and data that we collected, combining with the relevant theories, conducting various analysis and investigations, we considered “Reverse FDI”(Reverse Foreign Direct Investment) as more appropriate and effective way for the internationalization, and revolving around the theory, we mainly concentrated on the extending of high-end market, tabled some proposals about seeking the breakthrough in the internationalization of Yu-tong Bus Company.</p>

Informationskällor under internationalisering : Svenska små företags tillvägagångssätt för att tillägna sig kunskap och information / « Les sources d’information pendant le procesus d’internalization »

Nasri, Maryem January 2005 (has links)
<p>There is an ongoing process where the free market within the European Union is expanding, partly through the incorporation of new member states, partly through the signing of association agreements with nearby countries and regions. When trade barriers are removed in different ways more companies consider an internationalization of the company. However, the procedure of the internationalization of companies is a rather new and unexplored area in the context of research. The focus of this study is therefore to examine how a few companies situated in Sweden, has proceeded while searching for knowledge during the internationalization process. Data has been collected through interviews that have been balanced with information from Internet and other sources. The tools that has been used to analyze is first and foremost the Uppsala model of the internationalization process, but common principles, emerged from studies at Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, has also been used. During the study the importance of personal contacts has come to light as well as the lack of research of the strategies of immigrant enterprises.</p>

Varför överlåter medlemsstaterna makt åt EU? : En fallstudie om utvecklandet av en gemensam asyl- och flyktingpolitik inom EU. / Why do the European member states surrender their power to the European Union? : A case study about the development of a common asylum- and refugee policy.

Sundberg, Jenny, Christiansson Wahlqvist, Melinda January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to explain the paradox of the memberstates willingness to surrender power of important issues such as asylum and refugee policy and therefore partly abandon its sovereignty. We also discuss the relation between internationalization, regionalization and globalization since these processes form the context in which our research problem is found. A case study is used as a method in this paper.</p><p>In our quest for answers we use a theory of internationalization that we place in its context by primarily discussing the relation between globalization and regionalization. The theory is used as an explanatory force and to give it a concrete form we operationalised its three processes; internationalization of problems, internationalization of the societies and internationalization of the descisionmaking.</p><p>The result of the case study shows that the increase in asylumseekers leads to a higher risk of negative competition wich give rise to the memberstates need to coordinate their politics.</p><p>We found that when societies and problems are being internationalized, the state finds it difficult to resolve problems on their own and this leads to the internationalization of the dedescisionmaking. The internationalization of the decision-making process is therefore natural, which in this case means the decisions are taken by the EU rather than by the member states.</p>

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