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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Compilation of Life Cycle Assessments of Cultivated Brown Seaweed : A recalculation of Life Cycle Inventories

Ahlgren, Ellen January 2021 (has links)
Seaweed production systems are necessary to fill a product demand in multiple sectors whilst contributing to the bioeconomy. The multiple seaweed qualities drive the research for sustainable seaweed production worldwide. The main studies of seaweed production consist of life cycle assessments, where cradle-to-gate analyses have been calculated. However, these assessments have had incomparable results because of the various methods used. Therefore, this thesis utilized the life cycle inventories of six previously made life cycle assessments of brown seaweed and recalculated these concerning three key environmental impact categories – Global warming potential, Freshwater Eutrophication, and Marine Eutrophication. This was done by collecting and recalculating the six different inventories to the same functional unit and then assessing the environmental impacts of the recalculated inventories. The results showed that the life cycle impact assessments of brown seaweed production varied, yet the most impacts could be seen during the cultivation stage of the life cycle, mainly due to the plastics used within the system. The variations in the results are a consequence of the various data resources used, the design and location of the production systems, and the goal and scope of the reports. This thesis also demonstrated that a replication of life cycle assessments includes several obstacles, questioning the scientific method of LCA, for example, lack of transparency and deficiency in reporting methods and data. / Globalt sett minskar tillgänglig landareal för odling, samtidigt som efterfrågan för ekologisk och hållbart producerade produkter ökar. Det här har lett till att fler sektorer söker sig till det som kallas Blue growth. Blue Growth är användandet och utnyttjandet av marina miljöer för produktion, inom olika sektorer, som gynnar både det marina ekosystemet och bioekonomin. Algodling är ett exempel på en produktion som gynnar bioekonomin. Alger är en alltmer efterfrågad produkt, som redan används i flertal sektorer, så som läkemedels-, textil- och livsmedelsindustrin. Det är främst algernas egenskaper som gör att de är attraktiva att kultivera, tillsammans med strävandet av en hållbar produktion.  Den här masteruppsatsens syfte är att jämföra tidigare livscykelanalyser som har gjorts på produktionen av brunalger. Livscykelanalyser är ett verktyg inom industriell ekologi som mäter en produkts påverkan genom alla livscykler. Resultatet ges i ett numerärt värde, och är summan av produktens påverkan inom den specifika kategorin. Det denna rapport har gjort är att räkna om livscykelanalyser som tidigare har gjorts på brunalger, för att få jämförbara resultat. Syftet med rapporten är därför att granska och utvärdera publicerade livscykelanalyser av odlade brunalger. Tre delmål sattes upp vilka var:  Bedöma skillnader och likheter i de olika livscykelinventeringarna. Studera och utvärdera skillnaderna mellan den beräknade livscykelanalysen av brunalger till samma parametrar. Utvärdera processen för att räkna om redan gjorda livscykelanalyser.  Fem rapporter valdes ut, varav sex stycken livscykelinventeringar sammanställdes, eftersom en rapport innehöll två olika livscykelanalyser. Studien började med, att sammanställa all tillgänglig data, samt att räkna om kvantiteterna i inventeringarna. Därefter räknades alla sex livscykelanalyser om, med samma förutsättningar och metod. Detta innebar att resultatet som fanns i de slutgiltiga summorna kunde jämföras och diskuteras. De tre kategorierna som livscykelanalyserna mättes mot var: potentiell global uppvärmning (kg koldioxidekvivalenter), övergödning i sötvatten (kg fosfor) och marinövergödning (kg kväve).  Det som jämförelsen visade var att alla omräknade livscykelanalyser hade olika totalbelopp i de tre kategorierna. Likväl kunde kultiveringssteget anses vara det livscykelstadie som har störst påverkan på brunalgodling, främst på grund av plastanvändningen.  På grund av de olika påverkningsgraderna som rapporterna hade, fanns det många faktorer som diskuterades kring likheterna och skillnaderna. Först och främst kan datainhämtningen ha en stor påverkan på tilliten och förtroendet på resultaten. För det andra skildrades inventeringarna på olika sätt, varav både kvantiteter och materialvalet skildes åt. Dessa skillnader kan bero på den geografiska placeringen av produktionen, men även på hur utformningen av produktionen såg ut.  Det som studien även visade var att en omberäkning på livscykelanalyser var svår att utforma utan att flertalet antaganden gjordes på grund av avsaknad av data. Processen att räkna om redan gjorda livscykelanalyser kan därför anses problematisk, vilket gör att livscykelanalys som vetenskapligt verktyg kan ifrågasättas om inte replikering av resultat kan göras med stor säkerhet.

Identification et dispersion des bioaérosols générés lors du compostage / Identification and dispersal of composting bioaerosols emitted on composting platforms

Le Goff, Olivier 18 November 2010 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l'identification et la dispersion des bioaérosols générés sur les plates-formes de compostage et plus précisément lors du retournement des andains en cours de fermentation. L'analyse des bioaérosols émis sur cinq plates-formes par des inventaires moléculaires (ADNr 16S et ADNr 18S) a permis de montrer la dominance de deux phyla bactériens Firmicutes et Actinobacteria et du phylum fongique Ascomycota. En comparant la structure de la population microbienne des cinq bioaérosols, une signature a été identifiée. Dix phylotypes microbiens sont communs à au moins quatre bioaérosols. Deux sont présents dans les cinq bioaérosols : NA07 appartenant à l'espèce Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula et représentant 7% des séquences bactériennes totales et EQ07 affiliée à Thermomyces (49% des séquences fongiques). Un second phylotype bactérien, NC38, affilié à la famille des Thermoactinomycetaceae a été sélectionné du fait q u'il n'ait été identifié que dans le compost. Des systèmes de PCRq ont été développés pour quantifier ces trois indicateurs potentiels. Ces derniers ont été validés expérimentalement par des mesures sur sites industriels. La dispersion des bioaérosols a ensuite été caractérisée en utilisant plusieurs méthodologies, dont les trois indicateurs conçus et une technique d'empreinte moléculaire, la SSCP. Lors d'une activité de retournement, la concentration des indicateurs est supérieure à leur niveau basal dans l'air (bruit de fond). Les indicateurs présentent des profils de dispersion différents d'où l'intérêt de les coupler afin d'obtenir une meilleure vision de la dispersion des bioaérosols de compostage. / The aim of this work was to analyze the diversity and the dispersal of composting bioaerosol emitted during the turning of compost windrows in thermophilic phase on composting platforms. The study of the microbial diversity of aerosols emitted on five composting plants was realized by 16S and 18S rDNA molecular inventories. Two bacterial phyla Firmicutes and Actinobacteria and one fungal phylum Ascomycota dominated. A common microbial signature emerged from the five composting bioaerosols: ten microbial phylotypes (seven bacterial and three fungal) were common to at least four bioaerosols. Two have been identified in five bioaerosols: NA07 belonging to the species Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula, and representing 7% of total number of bacterial sequences, and EQ05,affiliated to Thermomyces (49% of total number of fungal sequences). A second bacterial phylotype, NC38, affiliated to the Thermoactinomycetaceae family, was selected because it was id entified only in the environmental source compost'. qPCR systems were then designed for each phylotype. Measurements performed on industrial composting sites validated the use of these microorganisms as indicators of composting bioaerosols. The dispersal of composting bioaerosols was then characterized using the three indicators developed and a fingerprint technique, the SSCP.

Propuesta de mejora en el sistema de planeamiento y control de la producción en una empresa metalmecánica / Proposal for improvement in the planning and control system of production in a metalworking company

Gilham Celis, Adriana Catherine 15 April 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto propone disminuir el stock de producto terminado y el IR empezando por los cinco productos VIP (electrodos revestidos convencionales); debido a que el stock promedio actual se encuentra en 350 ton mientras que la meta de la empresa es de 200 ton; asimismo, el IR actual es de 1.92 vueltas y se quiere llegar a un IR de 3 vueltas; generando así un impacto económico de $177,237 en promedio al cierre de cada mes en valor de inventarios. Para esto, se analiza los procesos de planeamiento y control de la producción y los estándares y políticas establecidas en la empresa. El desarrollo de este informe va de acuerdo a los planteamientos teóricos investigados en artículos de investigación publicados en revistas y libros por varios actores con experiencia en inventarios. Cabe mencionar que este proyecto se centra fundamentalmente en aplicar la metodología Lean Manufacturing usando la herramienta Kanban Pull System, puesto que se vio que la causa principal es que actualmente presenta una política de planeamiento en función a la capacidad de planta (Sistema “Push”). Por último, se validó la viabilidad de la propuesta de mejora mediante una propuesta de simulación, una propuesta teórica, comparación de indicadores y flujo económico. Del análisis anterior, se obtuvo que la Productividad aumentó de 286 a 301 kg/hh, la cantidad de operarios disminuyó de 117 a 90, la capacidad de planta disminuyó de 74 a 59 ton, y el periodo de recuperación de la inversión del proyecto es de 0.33 meses. / The present project proposes to reduce the stock of finished product and the IR starting with the five VIP products (conventional coated electrodes); because the current average stock is at 350 tons while the company's goal is 200 tons; likewise, the current IR is 1.92 laps and you want to reach an IR of 3 laps; thus generating an economic impact of $ 177,237 on average at the end of each month in value of inventories. For this, the processes of planning and control of production and the standards and policies established in the company are analyzed. The development of this report is in accordance with the theoretical approaches investigated in research articles published in journals and books by several actors with experience in inventories. It is worth mentioning that this project focuses mainly on applying the Lean Manufacturing methodology using the Kanban Pull System tool, since it was seen that the main cause is that it currently presents a planning policy based on plant capacity (Push System). Finally, the viability of the improvement proposal was validated through a simulation proposal, a theoretical proposal, comparison of indicators and economic flow. From the previous analysis, it was obtained that the Productivity increased from 286 to 301 kg / hh, the number of workers decreased from 117 to 90, plant capacity decreased from 74 to 59 tons, and the recovery period of the project investment is of 0.33 months. / Tesis

Da sala de leitura à tribuna: livros e cultura jurídica em São Paulo no século XIX / From the reading room to the courtroom: books and legal culture in São Paulo in the 19th century

Ayres, Vivian Nani 10 October 2018 (has links)
Investigar os livros presentes nas residências paulistanas, na segunda metade do século XIX, é um caminho para se compreender a história da cidade. De que forma a sua presença poderia revelar aspectos da estrutura e da superestrutura vigentes, assim como indicar as transformações operadas? Qual papel esse tipo de impresso cumpriu nessas transformações? Essas são as per-guntas, inspiradas nas proposições de Lucien Febvre, que tentamos responder com a presente pesquisa. São Paulo do começo do século XIX não se parecia em nada com a cidade na qual se transformaria ao final da centúria. A trajetória dos livros, que tantos obstáculos enfrentou, en-controu na criação da Academia de Direito, em 1827, um terreno fértil para a sua expansão. Mas, assim como ocorreu com a instituição na qual pode frutificar, o universo livresco demorou a deitar raízes e se restringiu a um grupo seleto de leitores. No entanto, ele cumpriu uma im-portante função, inclusive quando a crescente economia cafeeira reposicionou a cidade em es-cala nacional e internacional. A análise dos livros presentes nos inventários post-mortem e os debates em torno da cultura jurídica, sobretudo em relação à ideia de direito natural, refletem esses processos e ajudam a melhor compreender a dinâmica das mudanças vivenciadas na ca-pital paulistana, no século XIX. / A way to understand the Sao Paulo history is analyzing the books present in paulistano\'s homes in the second half of the twentieth century. How their presence can reveal aspects of structure and superstructure by that time as well as indicate changes? How those books have influenced these changes? Based on Lucien Febvre propositions, the intention is to answer these questions in this research. Sao Paulo of the beginning of nineteeth century had nothing to do with the city it became in the end of this same century. The difficult book circulation in Brazil found in the establishment of Law School a breeding ground to its expansion. Yet the book universe took long to put down roots and restrained itself to a small group of readers as it happened to the institution where it grew. Even so the book universe played an important role when the growing coffee economy put the city of Sao Paulo in a new position in national and international level. The analysis of books present in the post-mortem inventories and the debates about legal culture, mainly about natural rights, reflect these processes and help understand better the dynamic of changes lived in the paulista capital in the nineteenth century.

Análise hidrológica utilizando redes neurais para previsão de séries de vazões / Hydrologic analysis using Artificial Neural Networks for time series forecasting streamflow

Yoneda, Sergio Luis 20 March 2014 (has links)
O estudo de inventário tem por objetivo estimar o potencial hidroelétrico de rios ou bacias, analisando várias alternativas propostas de partição de quedas, sendo que cada alternativa contém um conjunto de aproveitamentos hidroelétricos. Essas alternativas são então estudadas individualmente para definição da alternativa ótima, ou seja, a que tem melhor custo beneficio e ao mesmo tempo cause menos danos ambientais. Para essa análise necessitamos calcular a potência de cada aproveitamento específico, assim como a energia gerada, para isso então precisamos conhecer a vazão do rio em estudo, no local desses aproveitamentos. Como a vazão dos rios varia com o tempo, pois depende de variáveis como clima, geologia dos solos, desmatamento, entre outras, se recomenda usar nos cálculos séries longas de vazões médias com no mínimo 30 anos de dados, o problema é que em muitos casos não temos essas séries ou temos séries menores e incompletas, nesse caso então necessitamos estimar os valores ausentes e ruidosos utilizando os dados de estações fluviométricas próximas, para depois transportá-las para o aproveitamento em estudo, para isso utilizamos de técnicas estatísticas de correlação. A ideia nesse trabalho é de utilizarmos redes neurais artificiais ao invés das técnicas convencionais e comparar os resultados obtidos. / The inventory study aims to estimate the hydropower potential of rivers or basins, analyzing several alternative proposals for partition of falls, each of which contains a set of alternative hydroelectric developments. These alternatives are then individually analyzed to define the optimal alternative, namely that which has the best cost benefit while causing less environmental damage. For this analysis we need to calculate the power of each specific use, as well as the energy generated for that then we need to know the flow of the river under study, the location of these usages. As the river flow varies with time because it depends on variables such as climate, geology, soils, deforestation, among others, we recommend using the long series of calculations mean flow at least 30 years of data, the problem is that in many cases we do not have these series or have smaller and incomplete series, in this case then we need to estimate the missing values and noisy data using next gauged stations, and then transport them to use in the study, for this we use statistical correlation techniques. The idea is that we use work instead of the conventional Artificial Neural Network techniques and compare the results.

Da sala de leitura à tribuna: livros e cultura jurídica em São Paulo no século XIX / From the reading room to the courtroom: books and legal culture in São Paulo in the 19th century

Vivian Nani Ayres 10 October 2018 (has links)
Investigar os livros presentes nas residências paulistanas, na segunda metade do século XIX, é um caminho para se compreender a história da cidade. De que forma a sua presença poderia revelar aspectos da estrutura e da superestrutura vigentes, assim como indicar as transformações operadas? Qual papel esse tipo de impresso cumpriu nessas transformações? Essas são as per-guntas, inspiradas nas proposições de Lucien Febvre, que tentamos responder com a presente pesquisa. São Paulo do começo do século XIX não se parecia em nada com a cidade na qual se transformaria ao final da centúria. A trajetória dos livros, que tantos obstáculos enfrentou, en-controu na criação da Academia de Direito, em 1827, um terreno fértil para a sua expansão. Mas, assim como ocorreu com a instituição na qual pode frutificar, o universo livresco demorou a deitar raízes e se restringiu a um grupo seleto de leitores. No entanto, ele cumpriu uma im-portante função, inclusive quando a crescente economia cafeeira reposicionou a cidade em es-cala nacional e internacional. A análise dos livros presentes nos inventários post-mortem e os debates em torno da cultura jurídica, sobretudo em relação à ideia de direito natural, refletem esses processos e ajudam a melhor compreender a dinâmica das mudanças vivenciadas na ca-pital paulistana, no século XIX. / A way to understand the Sao Paulo history is analyzing the books present in paulistano\'s homes in the second half of the twentieth century. How their presence can reveal aspects of structure and superstructure by that time as well as indicate changes? How those books have influenced these changes? Based on Lucien Febvre propositions, the intention is to answer these questions in this research. Sao Paulo of the beginning of nineteeth century had nothing to do with the city it became in the end of this same century. The difficult book circulation in Brazil found in the establishment of Law School a breeding ground to its expansion. Yet the book universe took long to put down roots and restrained itself to a small group of readers as it happened to the institution where it grew. Even so the book universe played an important role when the growing coffee economy put the city of Sao Paulo in a new position in national and international level. The analysis of books present in the post-mortem inventories and the debates about legal culture, mainly about natural rights, reflect these processes and help understand better the dynamic of changes lived in the paulista capital in the nineteenth century.


GATTI, ELENA 19 March 2015 (has links)
Il lavoro ha indagato alcuni aspetti del primo trentennio di vita dell'officina tipografica bolognese fondata da Francesco Platone de' Benedetti (1482-1496), focalizzandosi in particolare sulla produzione del primo erede, il nipote Giovanni Antonio (1499-1512), sui rispettivi cataloghi culturali e, infine, sul mercato librario bolognese a cavallo fra il XV e il XVI secolo. Tre i punti nodali della ricerca: 1) la rappresentazione del circuito intellettuale che gravitò attorno ai due de’ Benedetti, con particolare attenzione per i curatori editoriali; 2) l’accertamento delle edizioni sine notis ancora da attribuire in via definitiva a Francesco de’ Bendetti, per una comparazione credibile dei cataloghi di zio e nipote e per comprendere, fin dove possibile, le logiche commerciali che Francesco progettava per la sua azienda; 3) un’analisi del progetto culturale di Francesco de' Benedetti basandosi sul suo inventario di magazzino, da cui si evincono: il pubblico cui l’officina mirò, le coordinate (geografiche e culturali) del mercato del libro a Bologna sullo scorcio del secolo XV, i confini del network commerciale in cui Platone de’ Benedetti seppe inserire la sua impresa. / The research has investigated some aspects of the first three decades of the bolognese typography founded by Francesco Platone de 'Benedetti (1482-1496), focusing, in particular, on the production of the first heir, his nephew Giovanni Antonio (1499-1512), on their cultural catalogs and, finally, on the book trade in Bologna between Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries. Three key points of the research: 1) the representation of the intellectuals (their life, their work) gravitated around the typography, with particular attention to the editors; 2) analysis of the sine notis editions still attributed to Francesco Benedetti, for a comparison of the catalogs of uncle and nephew, and to understand, as far as possible, the commercial logic Francesco was planning for his business; 3) an analysis of Francesco Benedetti's cultural project, based on his famous shop inventory, from which can be deduced: the custumers the typography aimed to, geographical and cultural coordinates of the book trade in Bologna at the turn of the XV century, the shape of the commercial network in which Francesco de 'Benedetti entered his business.

Renhet och smuts i personarkivet : Ett antropologiskt perspektiv på ordnandet och förtecknandet av personarkiv

Frölander, John January 2015 (has links)
Personal archives are a largely neglected subject in archival theory. Among the consequences of this is the absenceof any general established or formalized practices when it comes to arrangement and description. Thisstudy opposes the notion that an archival institution without formal systems of arrangement and description doesnot order and describe archives in accordance with a general conceptual framework of a correct order. Supportingitself on the anthropological theory of Mary Douglas on dirt and cleanliness, it studies the implicit notions oforder that can be found in the archival descriptions of the personal archives kept by the Swedish national archives.Several patterns where revealed by the study: among them the primacy of quantity stood out. The vaguesystem of categories based on Martin Grass description model appears only to be employed loyally where quantitiesof the particular categories are such that they constitute complete volumes, which seem to be the cardinaljustifier of categorical division within the archive. The model itself is rarely applied with orthodoxy, and itsroughness often means that the categories engage in “border clashes” over which documents belong in whichcategory. Though these are often caused and generally determined by quantities, they also reveal an internalhierarchy of relations between specific types of records and categories. Furthermore, certain categories appearsmore stable than others, and when Grass system collapses, it reveals how certain of them – based on a principleof pertinence or theme – habitually fall out of use whereas categories defined by document types appear to remainfar more stable even in smaller archives and archives with low degree of differentiation.

Homes, terres, cases i masos del Baix Empordà. Estudi de les transformacions socials als segles XVIII i XIX

Esteve Torras, Eulàlia 13 January 2011 (has links)
NOTA: Aquesta tesi va acompanyada d'un fitxer amb una base de dades de Capítols matrimonials.RESUM:L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral ha estat aproximar-nos als canvis socials experimentats per la comarca del Baix Empordà durant el segle XVIII i la primera meitat del segle XIX, posant especial èmfasi en els oficis relacionats amb la terra. Com a tesi principal del nostre estudi hem plantejat que la pagesia pobra va poder tenir un paper més important del que se li ha atorgat històricament en els canvis agraris i socials produïts en el transcurs d'aquests dos segles. L'estudi s'ha dut a terme a partir de l'anàlisi de dos tipus de documents principalment; els inventaris post mortem i els capítols matrimonials que ens han permés analitzar l'evolució i els canvis en alguns oficis, mostrant un col·lectiu, el dels treballadors, i posteriorment menestrals que, segons les dades analitzades, va tenir una importància més rellevant en el conjunt de la societat i de les transformacions que es produïren durant els segles XVIII i XIX del que tradicionalment se li ha atorgat. / The main objective of this thesis has been to make an aproximation to the social changes experienced by the Baix Emporda during the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century, with particular emphasis on agricultural-related professions. As a main thesis of our study we suggest that the poor farmers could have played a more important role in agricultural and social changes produced during these two centuries than historically has been given credit for. The study was carried out from the analysis of mainly two types of documents, post mortem inventories and the marriage chapters. This has enabled us to analyze the evolution and changes in some trades, showing a collective, "treballadors", later called "menestrals", which, according to the data analyzed, had a more important role in the wider society and the transformations that occurred during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries than traditionally has been considered.

Decision-making framework for inventory management of spare parts in capital-intensive industries

Du Toit, Deirdre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Effective management of spare parts inventory is essential to companies because it influences inventory costs and asset utilization. The vast and diverse portfolio of spare parts, intermittent demand patterns and contradicting objectives between departments are examples of some of the factors that complicate Spare Parts Management (SPM). Managers of spare parts are faced with trade-off decisions between risk and cost on a daily basis. These decisions include, amongst many, determining appropriate stock levels and order frequencies. Despite the importance of SPM, decisions are however often made intuitively in practice with little factual support, and the decision-making process is commonly constrained within departmental silos. Even though there is a large body of academic knowledge on this topic, practical applications of spare parts inventory solutions lag behind theoretical studies. The majority of studies in literature focus on single components of SPM, such as demand forecasting and parts classification, whereas fewer studies consider the decision-making process itself. This study proposes a decision-making framework for spare parts inventory management. The framework is based on a wide-ranging literature review that focuses on capturing the essence of Spare Parts Management (SPM), but also acknowledges the interconnectedness of the problem. Therefore, core inventory management principles, as well as closely related topics such as Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Physical Asset Management (PAM), are studied in the context of spare parts. The broad scope of the literature study leads to a holistic approach to the problem and prevents sub-optimization. The proposed framework condenses principles from various fields of study (SCM, PAM, Classification and Inventory Management) into a stepwise methodology presented as a decision-making framework. The objective of the framework is to provide managers with a structured process, based on factual information, to enable better decision-making in the field. Furthermore, the framework aims to capture the fundamentals of SPM in a simplistic manner to ease the adoption of the framework in practice. A case study is conducted in the South African mining industry to validate the framework. The case study demonstrates that the framework is practical, provides structured guidance, and assists managers to make trade-off decisions in managing spare parts inventory. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Effektiewe voorraadbestuur van onderdele is belangrik vir maatskappye omdat dit voorraadkoste en die benutting van bates beïnvloed. Die bestuur van onderdele is ’n komplekse probleem. Ondermeer is die portefeulje van onderdele items breed en divers, die vraagpatrone sporadies en word die voorraadvlakke geaffekteer deur kontrasterende doelwitte tussen verskillende departemente. Bestuurders van onderdele word daagliks gekonfronteer met besluite rakende risiko’s en kostes, soos om toepaslike voorraadvlakke te bepaal en om te besluit wanneer om bestellings te plaas. Hierdie besluite word dikwels intuïtief geneem met min feitelike ondersteuning en insette in die besluitnemingsproses word gereeld beperk tot sekere departemente. Ten spyte van die geweldige akademiese belang in die onderwerp, is daar min suksesvolle praktiese toepassings. Die meerderheid van studies in die literatuur fokus op spesifieke elemente van onderdele bestuur, soos vooruitskatting en klassifisering van parte, terwyl minder op die besluitnemingsproses konsentreer. Hierdie studie stel ’n besluitnemingsraamwerk vir die bestuur van onderdele voorraad voor. Die raamwerk is gegrond op ’n deeglike literatuurstudie wat die essensie van onderdele bestuur ondersoek, maar ook die interverbondenheid van die probleem in ag neem. Voorraadbestuurbeginsels en verwante onderwerpe soos Voorsieningskettingbestuur en Fisiese Batebestuur word dus bespreek. Die breë omvang van die literatuurstudie lei tot ’n holistiese benadering wat sub-optimering van die probleem voorkom. Die voorgestelde raamwerk som beginsels uit verskillende relevante studievelde op in ’n stapsgewyse metode wat voorgestel word as ’n besluitnemingsraamwerk. Die doel van die raamwerk is om bestuurders te voorsien met ’n gestruktureerde proses, gebaseer op feitelike inligting, om besluitneming in die veld te verbeter. Verder poog die raamwerk om die fundamentele konsepte in voorraadbestuur vas te vang in ’n eenvoudige manier sodat die raamwerk maklik geïmplementeer kan word in die praktyk. Die voorgestelde raamwerk is gevalideer deur middel van ’n gevallestudie in die Suid-Afrikaanse mynbedryf. Die gevallestudie toon dat die voorgestelde raamwerk prakties is, die besluitnemingsproses op ’n gestruktureerde wyse lei, en bestuurders help om beter, ingeligte besluite te neem.

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