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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de gestión de inventario basado en Lean Warehousing y DDMRP para maximizar los pedidos perfectos - caso de una empresa vitivinícola / Inventory management model based on Lean Warehousing and DDMRP to maximize the perfect orders - case of a wine company

Centeno Huayhuas, Angelica Milagros, Osorio Barra, David Edward 10 December 2020 (has links)
El índice de pedidos perfectos es una métrica superior que mide la calidad y el desempeño de la gestión del almacén. Este indicador presenta 4 componentes, los cuales son la entrega a tiempo, completa, sin daños y con toda la documentación perfecta de los pedidos. Estos factores se encuentran relacionadas con la rentabilidad de las organizaciones. El objetivo de este estudio es proponer un modelo de gestión de almacenes basado en Lean Warehousing y la metodología del Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP) para maximizar el índice de cumplimiento de los pedidos perfectos en almacenes del sector vitivinícola. Por lo tanto, se desarrollan prácticas centradas en el almacén, como el análisis ABC, 5S y la metodología DDMRP, con énfasis en los errores de picking y las roturas de stock. De igual forma, la metodología DMAIC se utiliza como base para la aplicación de las herramientas del modelo de Lean Warehousing. Se empleó un caso de estudio con un valor de pedidos perfectos del 47.2%, el cual representó una brecha técnica del 30% con respecto al mercado. De este modo, la validación se realizó mediante el método de simulación de eventos discretos para inventarios con punto de repedido. Se empleó el software Arena simulation versión full 14.5 con un nivel de confianza del 95%. En los resultados, el indicador de pedidos perfectos se incrementó a 82,6%, representando una mejora del 35,4% de la situación actual. Asimismo, las roturas de stock y los errores de picking se reducen en un 18,2% y un 23,6%, respectivamente. / The perfect order rate is a superior metric that measures the quality and performance of warehouse management. This indicator presents 4 components, which are the delivery on time, complete, without damage and with all the perfect documentation of the orders. These factors are related to the profitability of organizations. The objective of this study is to propose a warehouse management model based on Lean Warehousing and the Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP) methodology to maximize the rate of fulfillment of perfect orders in warehouses in the wine sector. Therefore, warehouse-centric practices such as ABC analysis, 5S and DDMRP methodology are developed, with an emphasis on picking errors and stock outs. Similarly, the DMAIC methodology is used as the basis for the application of the tools of the Lean Warehousing model. A case study was used with a perfect order value of 47.2%, which represented a technical gap of 30% with respect to the market. Thus, the validation was carried out using the discrete event simulation method for inventories with reorder point. Arena simulation software, full version 14.5, was used with a 95% confidence level. In the results, the indicator of perfect orders increased to 82.6%, representing an improvement of 35.4% from the current situation. Likewise, stock breakages and picking errors were reduced by 18.2% and 23.6%, respectively. / Trabajo de investigación

Qualité de l'air dans la Vallée de l'Arve : météorologie locale et mesures des réductions des émissions liées au chauffage au bois / Arve Valley Air Quality : meteorology and measures of reduction of biomass burning emission

Allard, Julie 27 September 2018 (has links)
La combustion de la biomasse, en particulier le chauffage au bois résidentiel, constitue une source d’émissions fortement contributrice aux concentrations de PM10 en hiver, de façon globale, en Europe. Afin de réduire les émissions de cette source, un programme de large envergure de renouvellement d’appareils de chauffage au bois non-performant, le Fonds Air Bois a été lancé depuis 2013 dans la vallée de l’Arve. Cette action étant amenée à se multiplier en France, l’évaluation de son effet sur les concentrations atmosphériques constitue un enjeu pour les futures politiques de gestion de la qualité de l’air. Le programme PRIMEQUAL DECOMBIO (2013-2018) a été proposé afin de mettre en place des méthodologies permettant d’évaluer l’impact de cette opération sur les concentrations de PM10 à partir de mesures de terrains. Ce programme DECOMBIO, qui a servi de cadre à ce travail de thèse, s’est appuyé sur la confrontation durant 4 hivers des mesures en continu des PM10 issus de la combustion de la biomasse (noté PM10wb), des conditions météorologiques, et des variations d’émissions liées au renouvellement des appareils. Pour répondre à cet enjeu, les travaux de cette thèse ont eu pour objectif de développer des méthodes permettant de prendre en compte l’influence des conditions atmosphériques sur les concentrations hivernales de PM10 et d’évaluer les paramètres et facteurs d’incertitudes permettant de comparer les variations estimées d’émissions de PM10wb avec celles des concentrations mesurées de PM10wb au cours des 4 hivers.Ces travaux se sont appuyés sur d’importantes bases de données de mesures chimiques et météorologiques constitués durant 4 hivers (13-14 à 16-17) au niveau de 3 sites dans la vallée de l’Arve. Par ailleurs, les données techniques issues des dossiers de renouvellements des appareils pour bénéficier de l’aide financière du Fonds Air Bois nous ont été communiquées, nous permettant de spatialiser et temporaliser les réductions des émissions de PM10wb estimées provenant de ces remplacements d’appareils. L’état de la stabilité thermique de l’atmosphère, paramètre essentiel pour déterminer les épisodes d’inversions thermiques, a été suivi en continu grâce à un système peu onéreux de capteurs de température sous abris installés le long des pentes. Ces mesures ont permis de montrer que les conditions météorologiques locales dans ces vallées encaissées sont le facteur premier conditionnant les concentrations atmosphériques. Une classification automatique des conditions atmosphériques a été établie, permettant de s’affranchir de cette variabilité et de comparer les concentrations pour des conditions atmosphériques similaires entre les différents hivers. L’innovation de cette approche repose principalement sur la prise en compte du degré d’influence de variables météorologiques et de paramètres liés à l’intensité des émissions. Une diminution graduelle des concentrations de PM10wb au cours des hivers a ainsi pu être constatée au niveau des 3 sites pour certaines classes de conditions atmosphériques, résultat consolidé par la diminution concomitante des traceurs de la combustion de la biomasse à la masse des PM10. Afin de préciser ces résultats, nous nous sommes intéressés à estimer la réduction des émissions de PM10 des remplacements d’appareils au niveau des sites de mesures et leurs incertitudes.Au terme de ce travail et du programme DECOMBIO, nous avons été à même de développer et de valider plusieurs outils méthodologiques applicables dans l’évaluation de futurs fonds air bois (utilisation de capteurs le long des pentes, classification météorologique adaptée à la qualité de l’air, estimation des incertitudes sur les émissions de parc de dispositifs de chauffage au bois). Ces bases solides nous ont permis de mieux comprendre les mesures réalisées sur les PM atmosphériques, et leurs liens avec les estimations des émissions. / Biomass burning, particularly residential wood burning, is a source of atmospheric particles that contributes significantly to winter PM10 levels globally in Europe. In order to reduce emissions from this source, a large-scale program for the renewal of non-efficient wood-burning appliances, the “Fonds Air Bois” has been launched since 2013 in the Arve Valley. The assessment of its impact on atmospheric concentrations is an issue for future air quality management policies. The research DECOMBIO program (2013-2018) has been proposed to evaluate the impact of this operation on PM10 concentrations from measurements. This DECOMBIO program, which includes these thesis works, was based on the confrontation during 4 winters of continuous measurements of PM10 resulting from biomass burning (noted PM10wb), weather conditions, and emissions variations related to appliances renewal. To answer this challenge, the aim of this thesis was to develop methods to take into account the influence of atmospheric conditions on winter PM10 concentrations and to evaluate the parameters and uncertainties that make it possible to compare the estimated PM10wb emission variations with those of the measured PM10wb concentrations during the 4 winters.This work was based on large datasets of chemical and meteorological measurements made during 4 winters (13-14 to 16-17) at 3 sites in the Arve Valley. In addition, the technical data from wood appliances renewal files was provided to us, allowing us to spatially and temporally estimated reductions of PM10wb emissions from these appliances replacements. The state of atmospheric stability, an essential parameter for determining episodes of temperature inversions, has been continuously monitored thanks to an inexpensive system of sheltered temperature sensors installed along the slopes. These measurements have shown that local weather conditions in these valleys are the primary factor conditioning atmospheric concentrations. An automatic weather types classification has been established, making it possible to overcome this variability and to compare the concentrations for similar atmospheric conditions between the different winters. The innovation of this approach is mainly based on taking into account the degree of influence of meteorological variables and parameters related to the intensity of emissions. A gradual decrease of PM10wb concentrations during winters was thus observed at the 3 sites for certain weather types, a result consolidated by the concomitant decrease in tracer biomass combustion at the mass of PM10. To clarify these results, we were interested in estimating the reduction of PM10 emissions from device replacements at measurement sites and their uncertainties.At the end of this work and of the DECOMBIO program, we have been able to develop and validate several methodological tools applicable in the evaluation of future “fonds air bois” (use of sensors along the slopes, meteorological classification adapted to the quality of the air, estimation of uncertainties on wood appliances renewable emissions). This solid foundation has allowed us to better understand the measurements made on atmospheric PM, and their relationship to emission estimates.


Wang, Xinmao, Premanantham, Johny January 2015 (has links)
This study examines the development process to create new functionality for a fuel inventory management system used by Preem AB. The reason why Preem AB recruited students to take on this challenge was due to the potential improvements that could be made to their exisiting system. This study will explain how the system can be improved by developing new functionality from existing data. The aim of this study is to provide ideas, guidelines and answers on how new functionality can benefit their fuel inventory management system. Preem AB is Sweden’s largest producer of fuel and contributes with about half of all the fuel consumed in Sweden [1]. Therefore, a lot of aspects needs to be taken into consideration. Having good control of the fuel inventory is good for the economic viability. The company risks losing millions because of deficiencies in their inventory management system, which is currently the case. One way to minimize this problem is to apply certain funtionality to their system. The students who participated in the project were given different responsibilities; the areas the project focused on were the development of a new graphical user interface, database management and also the development of new functionality – which is the sole purpose of this study. A specification and prototypes for each function has been developed to clarify how the inventory management system can be optimized. The specifications are intended to describe how the functionality can optimize the fuel inventory management system. The prototypes are programs that are implemented to answer the problem formulation (see section 1.2). The inventory management system can be more efficient and benefit through the innovation of new functionality. One of many benefits may include a function that takes over the role of an employee, meaning it will replace the manual labor usually required for the job. There are many opportunities to create new functionality such as this, which was in fact discovered early in the project. The functionality that were selected to be implemented consisted of those who were most likely to benefit Preem AB. / I denna studie undersöks utvecklingsprocessen för att skapa ny funktionalitet till Preem AB:s lagerhanteringssystem som hanterar drivmedelsvarulagret. Anledningen till att Preem AB rekryterade studenter för att ta sig an denna utmaning var på grund av de potentiella möjligheterna i förbättring av flera komponenter i lagerhanteringssystemet. Studien ska förklara hur systemet kan förbättras genom att utveckla ny funktionalitet från befintlig data. Målet med studien är att ge idéer, riktlinjer och svar på hur ny funktionalitet kan förbättra Preems hantering av drivmedelsvarulagret. Preem AB är Sveriges största producent av drivmedel och bidrar med ungefär hälften av allt drivmedel som förbrukas i Sverige. [1] Preem AB har därmed mycket i åtanke då ansvaret för stora mängder drivmedel är riskfyllt inom många aspekter. Att ha god kontroll över drivmedelsvarulagret är viktigt för den ekonomiska lönsamheten. Bolaget kan förlora miljonbelopp på grund av brister i deras lagerhanteringssystem. Ett sätt att minimera problemet kan vara att applicera ny funktionalitet i deras system. Studenterna som deltog i projektet fick olika ansvarsområden, de områden som Preem AB sökte hjälp i var utvecklandet av det grafiska gränssnittet, databashantering och området denna studie sätter fokus på – utveckling av ny funktionalitet. En kravspecifikation för varje funktion och prototyper i form av kod har tagits fram. Kravspecifikationerna är till för att beskriva hur funktionaliteten kan optimera lagerhanteringssystemet. Prototyperna är program som är implementerade att kunna besvara problemformuleringarna (se avsnitt 1.2). Genom nyskapandet av funktionalitet kan lagerhanteringssystemet effektiviseras och på så sätt erhålla ekonomiska fördelar – en fördel kan vara att en funktion tar över rollen som en anställd har. Det fanns många möjligheter att skapa ny funktionalitet, den funktionalitet som valdes att utvecklas var den som mest troligt skulle gynna Preem AB.

Exploring the Differences Between Pre-Service Teachers' Analyses of Various Informal Reading Inventory Results in the Elementary Grades

Miller, Tara A. 01 December 2015 (has links)
Reading is a fundamental skill in our modern society; being able to read with comprehension and fluency is an important skill in all core academic subjects. Reading teachers are charged with the task to analyze student data in order to drive their instructional decisions. Informal Reading Inventories (IRIs) are one type of an informal reading assessment that teachers can use in the classroom to learn about student reading behaviors and drive instruction. Informal Reading Inventories assess fluency and comprehension. Research suggests that fluency and comprehension have a reciprocal relationship; meaning, if you improve one skill, you improve the other skill simultaneously (DeVries, 2011). This study explored how pre-service teachers, college students in an education program, and in-service teachers, veteran teachers, analyzed data from various IRIs. This study also explored how three separate IRIs, the Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI), the Basic Reading Inventory (BRI), and the Analytical Reading Inventory (ARI), compared to one another. There were four participants in this study: two undergraduate students in an elementary education program reading class and two veteran classroom teachers. This study found that the grade level readability of the passages are inconsistent with the reading level they claim to be. An inconsistency like this is something to note as many teachers only use these resources on which they were trained during their college education. This study also found that the length of the IRI passages had an effect on the student’s words correct per minute (WCPM); the longer the passage, the lower the WCPM. This is probably due to the fact that students need more time to process a passage for the sake of comprehension.

Continuity of Personality Pathology Constructs in an Inpatient Sample: A Comparison of Linear and Count Regression Analyses Using the PID-5 and MMPI-2-RF

Menton, William 02 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Identifying key problems regarding the conservation of designed landscapes : designed landscapes of the recent past

Haenraets, Jan H. M. January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to improve the understanding of the present situation and the key problems regarding the conservation of designed landscapes of the recent past. Another aim was to investigate roles and initiatives undertaken by key stakeholders and recommend key areas for measures and action to enhance the conservation and protection of designed landscapes of the recent past. The emphasis of the research was on the United Kingdom but relevant findings and actions from an international context were included. A qualitative method was applied using the between-method triangulation research methodology, which combined two methods of investigation, namely data triangulation and theory triangulation. Theory triangulation allowed for an investigation of the wider context or ‘the general’ and a comparison of findings from published sources and records, including an examination of the existing inventories and the roles and initiatives of key stakeholders. The data triangulation used a case study survey, with questionnaires and interviews, to enable the collection and analysis of data from different categories of stakeholders from a site-specific perspective or ‘the particular’ context. The case study survey investigated eleven case study sites using questionnaires and interviews. A total of 146 respondents were contacted and 103 completed responses were received. The results revealed that several recommendations for actions to improve the conservation and protection of heritage of the recent past exist, and that general conservation principles and methodologies exist for the conservation of designed landscapes, but that a lack of recognition and awareness for the significance of designed landscapes of the recent past results in poor implementation of such principles, and the continuing destruction and disfigurement of significant sites. The findings of the study led in the conclusions to the preparation of recommendations for measures and actions by stakeholders, to improve the protection and conservation of landscapes of the recent past.

A modern-built house ... fit for a gentleman : elites, material culture and social strategy in Britain, 1680-1770

Hague, Stephen G. January 2011 (has links)
A 1755 advert in the Gloucester Journal listed for sale, 'A MODERN-BUILT HOUSE, with four rooms on a floor, fit for a gentleman'. In the late-seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, 'gentlemen's houses' like the one described evolved as a cultural norm. This thesis offers a social and cultural reading of an under-studied group of small free-standing classical houses built in the west of England between 1680 and 1770. By developing a profile of eighty-one gentlemen's houses and one hundred and thirty-four builders and owners, this study unites subjects such as the history of architecture, landscapes, domestic interiors, objects and social development that are often treated separately. The design, spatial arrangement, and furnishings of gentlemen's houses precisely defined the position of their builders and owners in the social hierarchy. The 1720s marked an important shift in the location and meaning of building that corresponded to an alteration in the background of builders. Small classical houses moved from a relatively novel form of building for the gentry to a conventional choice made by newcomers often from commercial and professional backgrounds. Gentlemen's houses projected status in a range of settings for both landed and non-landed elites, highlighting the house as a form of status-enhancing property rather than land. Moreover, gentlemen's houses had adaptable interior spaces and were furnished with an array of objects that differed in number and quality from those lower and higher in society. The connections between gentlemen's houses and important processes of social change in Britain are striking. House-building and furnishing were measured strategic activities that calibrated social status and illustrated mobility. This thesis demonstrates that gentlemen's houses are one key to understanding the permeability of the English elite as well as the combination of dynamism and stability that characterized eighteenth-century English society.

L'Église catholique et les pouvoirs dans le diocèse de Saint-Denis de la Réunion de 1911 à 1981 / The Catholic Church and the political Powers in Saint-Denis diocese in Reunion Island from 1911 to 1981

Turpin, Éric Bernard 29 November 2010 (has links)
Le décret du 6 février 1911 applique dans les colonies de la Martinique, de la Guadeloupe et de La Réunion la loi de Séparation des Églises et de l'État du 9 décembre 1905. Cette séparation, franche, donne à l'institution religieuse sa liberté, puisqu'elle ne se trouve plus sous la dépendance financière et juridique de l'autorité publique. Si la question des retraites et des inventaires des biens se déroule assez rapidement et sans drame majeur, sauf à Saint-Gilles-les-Hauts, l'attribution des biens mobiliers et immobiliers ayant appartenu aux établissements ecclésiastiques ne sera résolue que sous le régime de Vichy et dans les premières années de la IVème République. Après le temps de la passion liée à l'application de la loi, vient le temps de l'Entente cordiale après la Grande Guerre sous l'épiscopat de Monseigneur de Beaumont. Celle qui devait être l'Absente redevient fortement présente dans la société coloniale puis postcoloniale, dans le cadre d'un respect mutuel. L'Église connaît, durant cette période, un acte audacieux (lutte contre la fraude lors des élections d'avril 1936), un soutien allant jusqu'à la compromission avec le régime de Vichy, et la lutte contre le communisme, surtout après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les années soixante et soixante-dix sont le temps de l'Affirmation (combat contre la fraude électorale, lutte pour la régulation naturelle des naissances, critique du projet et du modèle de développement économique et social mais aussi propositions alternatives) et de l'Émancipation qui passe par des déchirures internes, souvent parallèles à la société, et par la mise en échec de toutes les manipulations, qu'elles soient anciennes (la Droite) ou nouvelles (le Parti Communiste Réunionnais). Dans les années soixante-dix, Monseigneur Gilbert Aubry, l'actuel évêque, achève l'émancipation de l'institution commencée dans la décennie précédente. De 1911 à 1981, l'Église catholique à La Réunion passe de la Séparation d'avec l'État à l'Émancipation. / The decree of February 6th 1911 applies the law of December 9th 1905 to separate the Church and the State in the French colonies of Martinique, Guadeloupe and Reunion. This complete separation gives to the religious institution its freedom since it is not under the financial and juridic dependence of public authority anymore. Even if the issues of retirement and inventory of goods take place quite quickly and without any major incident, except in Saint-Gilles-les-Hauts, the retribution of personal properties and real estates belonging to the ecclesiastical establishments will only be solved during the Vichy Administration and in the beginning of the 4th Republic.After the time of passion linked to the application of the law will come the time of cordial Agreement right after the World War 1 during the episcopate of his Lordship de Beaumont. The Church, which was supposed to be the Absente would then be present in the colonial on to the postcolonial society, on a mutual respect basis. During this period, the Church made a bold act (the fight against fraud for the elections of April 1936), a support going to the dishonest compromise with the Vichy Administration, and the struggle against Communism, especially after World War 2. The sixties and the seventies would be the time of Assertion (the fight against electoral fraud, the struggle for natural birth regulation, criticism of the economic and social project and model but also alternative propositions) and also a time of Emancipation not without any domestic tearing, often linked to Society, and finally a time for the check of all sorts of manipulations, whether old ones (the right wing) or new ones (the Communist Party of Reunion).In the 70s, his Lordship Gilbert Aubry, the actual bishop, finishes off the process of emancipation of the Church that had started ten years before. From 1911 to 1981 the Catholic Church in Reunion Island would go from the Separation with the State to Emancipation.

Análise da relação valor de estoque e valor da empresa na indústria petrolífera

Ferreira, Liliam Rosalves 05 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ADM - Liliam R Ferreira.pdf: 642937 bytes, checksum: bfdeee1dcf21f47f5384fa0c6e3ca81c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-05 / Inventories are an important component of companies assets in agriculture, mining, manufacturing and commerce sectors where they have a representative weight in the company valuation. The last decade was marked by important advances in inventories management, especially with Information Technology evolution. The oil industry has very peculiar challenges in inventories management due to a extensive global supply chain, with uncertainties about supply, pressures from ecologists, strong political issues and with great commodity prices variation verified during the last years. The subject has an increasing importance particularly regarding the market oil situation and with the general business environment that registers merger and acquisitions movements between companies which demands a necessary evaluation of the involved companies´ value. This work investigates the relationship between inventories´ value and companies´ value in order to identify whether or not a proper inventory management is related to company valuation by market value and also by Deducted Cash Flow (DCF). To develop this work, we carried and evaluated a quantitative research regarding performance data from 35 oil companies.. These companies are from different sizes and regions of the planet. The finding results indicate that the market does not penalize the oil companies inefficient inventories management., but the market gives a small award for the efficient companies. This award is larger than the one verified in previous studies with a wider range of activity sectors. For DCF valuation there is a small penalty for inefficient companies, however there is an excellent award for efficient companies. Considering other performance factors regarded in this study as control variables, efficient companies showed better general financial performance than the inefficient ones / Os estoques correspondem a uma parcela importante dos ativos de empresas dos setores de agricultura, mineração, indústria e comércio tendo assim peso representativo na avaliação da empresa. A última década foi marcada por avanços importantes na gestão dos estoques, especialmente com a evolução da Tecnologia da Informação. O setor do petróleo tem desafios muito peculiares na gestão dos estoques devido à extensão global da cadeia produtiva, às incertezas quanto ao fornecimento, às pressões de ecologistas, às fortes questões políticas associadas e à grande variação de preços da commodity verificada nos últimos anos. O tema possui importância crescente diante da situação do mercado de petróleo em particular e do ambiente empresarial como um topo, com movimentações de fusões e aquisições entre empresas que demandam uma avaliação precisa do valor das empresas envolvidas. Esta dissertação investiga as relações entre valor de estoque e valor da empresa identificando se uma boa gestão de estoques está relacionada com uma valorização da empresa do ponto de vista do valor de mercado e também da análise por Fluxo de Caixa Descontado (FCD). Para está avaliação é feito uma pesquisa quantitativa com dados do setor de petróleo e dados de desempenho de 35 empresas do setor, de diferentes portes e de diversas regiões do planeta. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o mercado não penaliza as empresas do setor petrolífero com gestão ineficiente de estoques, mas concede um pequeno prêmio para as empresas com gestão eficiente, maior que o prêmio verificado em estudos anteriores para uma gama maior de setores de atividade. Para avaliação com a metodologia FCD, existe uma pequena penalização para as empresas ineficientes, mas existe uma forte e relevante premiação para as empresas eficientes. Na dependência também com outros fatores tratados como variável de controle, as empresas eficientes mostraram melhor desempenho geral nos índices contábeis analisados

O patrimônio da cidade: arquitetura e ambiente urbano nos inventários de São Paulo da década de 1970 / The city heritage: architecture and urban surrounding in the inventories of the city of São Paulo in the decade of 1970´s.

Andrade, Paula Rodrigues de 30 November 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo a investigação dos trabalhos de inventário do patrimônio da cidade de São Paulo, realizados entre os anos de 1974 e 1978, que tinham o objetivo de identificar imóveis a serem preservados na Área Central e na Zona Leste da cidade. Procurou-se compreender estes trabalhos como parte integrante das novas abor-dagens no campo da preservação do patrimônio que estavam em gestação na capital paulista, tanto no que diz respei-to aos conceitos quanto às metodologias neles adotados. Os trabalhos de inventário, assim como, as ações efetivas para a preservação de imóveis são compreendidos como parte de uma nova sensibilidade em relação ao patrimônio da cidade, então em rápido processo de transformação em decorrência das demolições advindas da verticalização ou da implantação de grandes obras viárias e de infra-estrutura, como a implantação do metrô. Procura-se estabelecer os nexos entre esses estudos e as práticas de planejamento urbano e de regulamentação do uso do solo realizados no período. Foram investigados os critérios e conceitos defendidos pelos agentes dos inventários focalizados, procuran-do-se detectar as referências e os diálogos intelectuais mantidos com as experiências nacionais e internacionais, crité-rios considerados decisivos na formação dos novos discursos e métodos empreendidos, especialmente àqueles que contribuíram à construção, entendimento e afirmação do conceito de \"patrimônio ambiental urbano\", utilizado pelos agentes preservacionistas a partir desse período. / This work has as its goal to analyse the inventory works of the heritage of the city of São Paulo, performed between 1974 and 1978, which had as objective to identify real estates to be preserved in the Downtown and East areas of the city. While reviewing these works, it was persued to comprehend them as a fundamental part of the new ap-proaches in the field of heritage preservation in development in the São Paulo state capital, concearning either the concepts and the methodologies adopted in them. The inventories, as well as the effective actions for the preserva-tion of the selected properties, are taken as part of a new sensitivity towards the city patrimony, so far in a quick transformation process due to demolishings caused by verticalization or by the implantation of great road construc-tions or of infrastructure, like subway stations. The focus is to establish the logical aspects between these studies and the practices of urban planning and the regulation of the use of the ground performed in this period. The criteria and concepts defended by the focused inventory agents were studied, trying to detect the references and dialogues kept with national and international experiences, intellectual dialogues considered decisive in the formation of new criteria, speeches and undertaken methods, specially those that contributed to the construction and stating of the concept of \"urban environmental heritage\", used by preservational agents from this period on.

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