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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kontorsbyggnad för Riksarkivet i Marieberg

Hellström, Pontus January 2013 (has links)
Riksarkivet i Stockholm är i behov av mer kontorsutrymme i anslutning till den befintliga byggnaden i Marieberg. Det här projektet försöker lösa uppgiften att lägga till en liten kontorsbyggnad – med omkring trettio cellkontor och två konferensrum – bredvid och i anslutning till den befintliga. Riksarkivet är en av de äldsta offentliga institutionerna i Sverige och dess huvudsakliga uppgift är att ta emot och bevara svenska myndigheter and det svenska parlamentets arkiv. Till uppgiften hör även att övervaka arkivhanteringen runt om i Sverige samt att göra material tillgängligt för allmänheten. Fokus i detta projekt har legat på hur den nya byggnaden förhåller sig till Riksarkivet och till dess omgivning, både volymmässigt och vad gäller hur fasaderna utformas.  Projektet har även handlat om hur program, konstruktion och material kan sättas ihop i en sammanhängande helhet. Organiseringen av programmet i den nya byggnaden försöker att svara mot och förhålla sig till den i Riksarkivet. / The National Archive i Stockholm needs additional office space in con­nection to its existing building in Marieberg. This project tries to solve the task of adding a small office build­ing, with around thirty cell office rooms and two conference rooms, next to the existing one. The National Archives is one of the oldest public agencies in Sweden and the main duty of the agency is to receive and preserve the archives of the Swedish Parliament and the various departments and authorities of the State. They are also to supervise man­agement of archives throughout Sweden and are also required to make the material available for research. The main focus of the project have been the relationship to the National Archive and its surroundings, both volumetrically and regarding the facades.  The project has also dealt with the question of how program, construction and materials can be put together into a coherent whole. The project also deals with the question of how to deal with already built and its surroundings. The internal layout of the new building and the organization of the program tries to respond to and speak the same language as the existing one.

Vem tar plats i arkivet? : - Riksarkivet och personarkiven 1901-2002

Lundberg, Viktor January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar hur Riksarkivet, trots avsaknaden av tvingande juridiska bevarandekrav, agerat i frågan kring bevarandet av personarkiv och hur detta i sin tur har avspeglats i arkivinstitutionens beståndsprofil under perioden 1901-2002. Ämnet är av intresse då tidigare forskning kring personarkiv främst koncentrerats till ordnings- och förteckningsprinciper eller frågor kring personarkivens användningsområden för forskarsamhället.  Undersökningens teoretiska ramverk utgår från att arkiven inte är neutrala förmedlare av historien, utan aktivt formas av den rådande tidsandans idéer och förutsättningar. Därigenom blir arkivarierna, genom sina ageranden och ställningstaganden, viktiga aktörer i konstruktionen av det förflutna. En annan viktig teoretisk utgångspunkt för studien är hur minneskategorierna; kollektivt minne, personligt minne, arkivminne och historiskt minne, interagerar med varandra för att forma vår förståelse av det förgångna.             Undersökningen består metodologiskt av två delstudier – en kvalitativt inspirerad studie av myndighetens egenproducerade handlingar för att utröna agerandet i personarkivsfrågan, och en kvantitativ motsvarighet för att belysa hur detta avspeglats i myndighetens personarkivsbestånd, där källmaterialet bestått i Riksarkivets beståndsöversikt över person- släkt- och gårdsarkiv.  Resultatet visar att Riksarkivet under åren 1901-2002 går från att vara en institution med ett ganska svalt intresse för personarkiv till att bli en aktör som på ett aktivt sätt både insamlar och genererar nytt personarkivsmaterial. Resultatet visar också att Riksarkivet inte haft någon tydlig förvärvspolicy eller fört någon mer teoretisk diskussion kring förvärvsstrategier under åren, annat än att man förvärvar arkiv av ”nationellt intresse”. Av denna anledning har enskilda aktörer inom Riksarkivet i stor utsträckning kunnat påverka riktningen på arbetet gentemot personarkiv och i förlängningen också samhällets kollektiva minne, även om den allra största påverkansfaktorn för beståndets utseende har varit institutionens nära koppling till historievetenskapen. I ett större sammanhang pekar resultatet på nödvändigheten i att arkivinstitutionerna, och också arkivsamfundet i sin helhet, på ett tydligt sätt diskuterar förvärvsstrategier och bevarandeaspekter också inom personarkivsfältet, för att kunna erbjuda ett mindre slumpmässigt format personarkivsbestånd.

Renhet och smuts i personarkivet : Ett antropologiskt perspektiv på ordnandet och förtecknandet av personarkiv

Frölander, John January 2015 (has links)
Personal archives are a largely neglected subject in archival theory. Among the consequences of this is the absenceof any general established or formalized practices when it comes to arrangement and description. Thisstudy opposes the notion that an archival institution without formal systems of arrangement and description doesnot order and describe archives in accordance with a general conceptual framework of a correct order. Supportingitself on the anthropological theory of Mary Douglas on dirt and cleanliness, it studies the implicit notions oforder that can be found in the archival descriptions of the personal archives kept by the Swedish national archives.Several patterns where revealed by the study: among them the primacy of quantity stood out. The vaguesystem of categories based on Martin Grass description model appears only to be employed loyally where quantitiesof the particular categories are such that they constitute complete volumes, which seem to be the cardinaljustifier of categorical division within the archive. The model itself is rarely applied with orthodoxy, and itsroughness often means that the categories engage in “border clashes” over which documents belong in whichcategory. Though these are often caused and generally determined by quantities, they also reveal an internalhierarchy of relations between specific types of records and categories. Furthermore, certain categories appearsmore stable than others, and when Grass system collapses, it reveals how certain of them – based on a principleof pertinence or theme – habitually fall out of use whereas categories defined by document types appear to remainfar more stable even in smaller archives and archives with low degree of differentiation.

Ordningsprinciper, informationsbehov och politisk makt : En arkivvetenskaplig fallstudie av arkivförteckningar i det kungliga kansliarkivet cirka 1540–1878 / Principles of Arrangement, Information needs and Political Power : An Archival case study of archival inventories in the Swedish Royal Office archive about 1540–1878

Brandt, Zippy January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this one-year master thesis was to examine the principles of arrangement used by the Swedish Royal Office archive from about 1540-1878, and how the principles of arrangement have corresponded with the information needs of that rules the Swedish Royal Office archive. The following theoretical premises were important: Berndt Fredriksson's empirical archival science, JBLD Strömberg's concepts of archive systems and Randolph C. Head's concepts of mirroring. Two questions have been examined. What connections is there between the major reorganizations of the Swedish Royal Office archive, the process for governance of Sweden / the Royal Office, access to / control over archival documents, information needs, the political situation, and changes in how the archive was arranged and inventoried. What sources of inspiration have those responsible for the reorganizations had regarding the reorganizations? My source material consisted primarily of archival inventories. In this inquiry I have used a case study in which document and literature studies were conducted. During this study I have discovered that several principles of arrangement was in use simultaneously during the examined time period. This suggests either that older ideas regarding inventory labor were present at the same time and influenced the inventory labor or that the "archivist" during this time period had great freedom to choose between different principles of arrangement. Arrangement by geographic location were used during the entire time period. The archival inventories arranged by this principle has evolved from larger descriptions over geographic places to titles in Latin over countries. It also seems likely that the countries of this archival inventories represented Sweden's foreign relations. Mirroring has been detected between the reasons for the reorganizations, major political conflicts internally and externally, changes in the governance process, the user groups of the archive, the information needs and archival inventories. Mirroring has also occurred between the principles of arrangement and information access and needs. There are several available sources of inspiration to the reorganizations and hence the principles of arrangement.

”Utan sitta på en skarp stengata, här med alla ting, som man skall uppbära dagligen” : En studie om Riksarkivets kansliskrivares levnadsstandard under 1610-1620-tal utifrån Pierre Bourdieus samhällsteori. / “But to sit upon a brittle paved street, with all the things, as one should maintain everyday” : A study about the Swedish National Archives civil servants standard of living during 1610- and 1620s based on Pierre Bourdies theory of society.

Schad Elgstrand, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis in Archival Science is to examine what standard of living the civil servants who worked for the Swedish National Archives had in the 1610- and 1620s. The examination is based on Pierre Bourdieus theory of society. The theory views society as a field with distinct social rooms and in each room the agents act to create one’s own capital. Every agent aims to create economical, material, social and cultural capital. Previous research within the field has primarly been about the Swedish state and the secretariat’s progress but the examined agents have been examined to a lesser extent. During the examined period the state chancellor Axel Oxenstierna was a key figure and patron in the Swedish state’s progress and employment of civil servants. The examined agents were born commons thus the oppurtunities were limited and they reached the civil servant employment through the patron-client relationship. Thus the examination aimed to answer two questions, what standard of living the civil servants had and if they were a part of the patron-client relationship. The methodology employed is qualitative. A literature review has been undertaken and qualitative hermeneutics method has been used to examine the texts about the civil servants standard of living. The examination’s first part is a historical background which has showed that the Swedish state and secreterait had an unstable progess during the 1600th-century. When Gustavus Adoplhus became king in 1611 and Axel Oxenstierna state chancellor in 1612 the prerequisites for a stable state and secretariat were founded. As the state became stable the centralization to Stockholm began as well. It is in this historical context the examined civil servants are examined, as the first urban civil servants centralized to Stockholm. As the source material was surveyed typical problems with material preserved about commoners of this time were found. Only one civil servant had enough source material to give enough scientific credibility. His name was Andreas Olai Gerslinus and was employed in the secretariat in 1614 and the Swedish National Archives 1618. The examination has showed that he throughout the whole examined period had a high social and cultural capital. He had relationships with both scholars and men of high nobility. His role as a civil servant of the Swedish National Archives gave him a natural high cultural capital due to the information he possessed. His economical and material capital was low in the 1610s but during the same time he had enough capital to buy two homesteads. The low capital was the results of war and the debt for Älvsborg. During the 1620s his economical capital became reliable and he moved to Åbo in 1623 to pursue a more reputable employment until his death in 1628. This was also common for the civil servants to constantly change social room to be able to build more capital. The second question regarding the patron-client relationship has shown that Andreas Olai Gerslinus was a client for the patron Axel Oxenstierna. The last part of the essay is a concluding discussion about the results gathered during the examination.

Digital Deliveries : A comparison between the National Archives in Sweden and the United Kingdom reflecting the challenges for higher archival collaboration within the European Union

Setterhall, Veronica January 2008 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The European Union has lead to higher collaboration between the European countries, more exchange of information and a tendency to centralize more political decisions. There is also a tendency to try to create legislations that are more similar in each nation.</p><p> </p><p>This paper aims at giving an idea about the challenges that the nations might meet when working towards higher archival collaboration within the European Union. The report by the European Commission “<em>Report on archives in the enlarged European Union - Increased archival collaboration in Europe: action plan” </em>from 2005<em> </em>states that there is a need for higher European collaboration within the field of archives. The goal is to create a gateway for the citizens to have easy access to archival information from the different member states.</p><p> </p><p>There are some obstacles for this to easily work. To start with the member nations have different cultural traditions and legislations when it comes to freedom of information. It has also got to do with technical issues such as which computer systems, file types and structures et c that are allowed.</p><p> </p><p>This paper takes its starting point in the field of digital deliveries to the national archives of Sweden and The United Kingdom. A comparison has been made to show the difference of how these countries proceed with their archival work to give an idea about how these differences can affect the wish for higher collaboration within the European Union.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Digital Deliveries : A comparison between the National Archives in Sweden and the United Kingdom reflecting the challenges for higher archival collaboration within the European Union

Setterhall, Veronica January 2008 (has links)
The European Union has lead to higher collaboration between the European countries, more exchange of information and a tendency to centralize more political decisions. There is also a tendency to try to create legislations that are more similar in each nation.   This paper aims at giving an idea about the challenges that the nations might meet when working towards higher archival collaboration within the European Union. The report by the European Commission “Report on archives in the enlarged European Union - Increased archival collaboration in Europe: action plan” from 2005 states that there is a need for higher European collaboration within the field of archives. The goal is to create a gateway for the citizens to have easy access to archival information from the different member states.   There are some obstacles for this to easily work. To start with the member nations have different cultural traditions and legislations when it comes to freedom of information. It has also got to do with technical issues such as which computer systems, file types and structures et c that are allowed.   This paper takes its starting point in the field of digital deliveries to the national archives of Sweden and The United Kingdom. A comparison has been made to show the difference of how these countries proceed with their archival work to give an idea about how these differences can affect the wish for higher collaboration within the European Union.

New public management i arkivredovisning : Om Riksarkivets kommunikation kring verksamhetsbaserad arkivredovisning

Karlsson, Karl-Johan January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen är en kritisk diskursanalys av Riksarkivets kommunikation kring verksamhetsbaserad arkivredovisning utifrån informationen på riksarkivets hemsida, och med ett särskilt fokus på förekomsten av spår av New Public Management. Huvudmaterialet består av Riksarkivets FAQ, och som sidomaterial används även Riksarkivets allmänna föreskrifter. Utifrån analytiska begrepp som transitivitet, modalitet, intertextualitet med flera analyseras materialet för att komma fram till slutsatsen att Riksarkivets kommunikation inte innehåller några problematiska mängder spår av New Public Management, och uppsatsen skriver in sig i arkiv- och informationsvetenskapen genom att anknyta till det första steget som tas vid införande av verksamhetsbaserad arkivredovisning.

Att styra tiden : New Public Management i svensk kulturarvsförvaltning

Wikström af Edholm, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Managementidéer och modeller som New Public Management (NPM) fick i början av 1990-talet ett stort genomslag i den offentliga förvaltningen. Reformer har därmed gjorts i rationalitetens och effektivitetens tecken. Tidigare forskning visar att NPM även slagit igenom stort på det kulturpolitiska området. Det saknas dock studier som har kombinerat NPM och kulturarvssektorn som helhet. I uppsatsen undersöks hur NPM har tolkats och omsatts i regeringens styrning av den statliga kulturarvsförvaltningen 1990 till idag. Undersökningen har bestått av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av officiella dokument för myndigheterna Riksantikvarieämbetet, Riksarkivet och Statens historiska museer i form av regleringsbrev, myndighetsinstruktioner, samt kultur- och kulturarvsinriktade propositioner och SOU:er. Nyinstitutionell organisationsteori har utgjort uppsatsens övergripande teori. Därutöver har NPM-teori och teoribildning inom Public Value Management (PVM) fungerat som teoretiska utgångspunkter. PVM har använts som en teoretisk motvikt till NPM i syfte att bättre förstå kulturarvsförvaltningens specifika förutsättningar. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att NPM framför allt har påverkat styrningen av kulturarvsförvaltningen på ett idémässigt plan. Detta har inneburit att rationalitetsbaserade värderingar har adderats till de redan existerande kulturprofessionella/humanistiska i styrningen av kulturarvsförvaltningen. Mål- och resultatstyrningen av de tre undersökta myndigheterna har stundtals över den studerade tidsperioden balanserat på gränsen till att ta över det för kulturområdet så viktiga armslånga avståndet mellan politik och förvaltning. Kulturarvsförvaltningens kärnfrågor urval och värdering har dock inte varit föremål för detaljstyrning från regeringen.

Inte bara en jakt på likes : En undersökning av Riksarkivets hantering av Instagram / More than a hunt for likes : A study of the Swedish National Archives use of Instagram

Nygren, Albin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyzes how the Swedish National Archives manages its presence in social media by examining five local sections use of Instagram. By studying different forms of practices in relation to Instagram, the aim of the thesis is to define in what way the Swedish National Archives work with outreach activities on new forms of media platforms, here exemplified with Instagram. The thesis is based on semi-structured interviews with five archivists responsible for handling Instagram, analysis of the National Archives policy documents as well as an analysis of a selection of posts made by local sections of the National Archives on Instagram. The theoretical foundation of the thesis lies in practice theory and is based on an understanding of practice that focuses on statements, actions and rules that together constructs different forms of practices in regard to their context. The analysis of the three sources is a cross-examination of how these different forms of actions contribute to form practices which defines the National Archives use of Instagram. The results of the thesis indicate that the National Archives of Sweden, in line with many other archive institutions, mainly uses social media as a one-way communication form where primarily text-based information is distributed to interested followers. The interactive practices typical of social media is only used to a lesser extent. This is mainly due to the institution’s workload, a view on social media as a lesser form of outreach and several practices related to the national archives public mission as a provider of infor-mation. The findings also indicate that organizations use of social media is based on practices of trial-and-error that creates individual practices of posting material online within the organization.

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