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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bonds subject to credit risk : new hedging strategies

Mignon, Matthieu Jean Raymond January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Varför emitterar inte fler svenska företag högavkastande obligationer? / Why do not more Swedish firms issue High Yield bonds?

Wetter, Erik, Straume, Kristoffer January 2012 (has links)
Marknaden för så kallade ”High Yield Bonds” – högavkastande obligationer – har under det senaste årtiondet genomgått en remarkabel utveckling, särskilt i Europa. Ett ökat antal ”non-investment grade”-företag söker strategiskt att emittera dessa obligationer för att finansiera sina verksamheter, vare sig detrör sig om upprätthållandet av betalningsströmmar till leverantörer, anställda eller andra intressenter; kapitalanskaffning; företagsförvärv; refinansiering av lån; eller andra företagsrelaterade aktiviteter. Trots denna utveckling är marknaden för högavkastande obligationer i Sverige jämförelsevis liten. Följaktligen söker denna studie svara på varför så få högavkastande obligationer idag emitteras på den svenska marknaden. Våra resultat visar att den svenska finansmarknaden karaktäriseras av starka och långsiktiga relationer mellan företag och banker vilket effektivt reducerar företagens behov av alternativa finansieringskällor. För det andra, om vi betraktar den förhållandevis lilla volym svenska företag söker emittera, är inte många företag i den position att kunna emittera obligationer i de summor som för närvarande efterfrågas av investerarbasen. För det tredje tycks det också existera en kulturell faktor bland marknadsaktörerna; en tendens att undvika att verka på företagsobligationsmarknaden. Till sist har också en djupgående kunskapsbrist som alla marknadsaktörer tycks uppvisa ytterligare försvagat spridningen av högavkastande obligationer. Givet de snabba förändringarna finansbranschen genomgår idag, främst en konsekvens av de senaste årens kris och de efterföljande regleringarna som kommit till stånd, kommer banker, företag och investerare vara tvungna att förändra sitt beteende. Dessa förändringar kommer förmodligen innebära att obligationer – och särskilt högavkastande obligationer – blir en mer attraktiv lösning och kommer förmodligen att innebära att företagsobligationsmarknaden på sikt till sist etablerar sig i Sverige så som är fallet i resten av Europa och USA.

Kreditbetygen i fokus : En studie om kreditbetygens inverkan på kommersiella fastighetsbolag / Credit ratings in focus : A study on the impact of credit ratings on commercial real estate companies

Petersson, Elvira, Mikaela, Oskarsson January 2023 (has links)
Kreditvärderingsinstituten marknadsför sig som oberoende aktörer som ska vägleda investerare att övervinna informationsasymmetrier på kapitalmarknaden. Kreditvärderingsinstituten har på det sättet skaffat sig en framträdande roll på kapitalmarknaden. Kreditvärderingsinstituten ger en förenklad spegling av verkligheten samtidigt som de besitter en stor makt. Kommersiella fastighetsbolag kan förbättra sin kreditvärdighet om de överensstämmer med kreditvärderingsinstitutets normer. Analysen använder sig av en Foucaultinspirerade maktanalys för att beskriva hur maktrelationen ser ut och vilka effekter den får.  Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur de kommersiella fastighetsbolag som tagit upp ett officiellt kreditbetyg har påverkats av kreditvärderingsinstitutets normer och vilka inverkningar det har haft på organisationen. På så sätt kan det ge en ökad förståelse för hur yttre påtryckningar kan normaliseras och leda till ett självreglerande beteende inom en organisation.   Studien har antagit en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med ett abduktivt arbetssätt. Den befintliga forskningen har varit vägledande i studien men inte styrande utan studien har löpande stämt av observationerna mot den. Studiens primärdata har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av fyra finanschefer och en medarbetare på finansavdelningen på fem kommersiella fastighetsbolag i Sverige. Därigenom utforskas huruvida kreditvärderingsinstitutets normer och metodologi har internaliserats och bidragit till organisatoriska förändringar.  Resultatet visade att kreditvärderingsinstitutets normer i form av deras metodologi för kreditvärdighet hade införts av organisationerna i varierad utsträckning. / The credit rating agencies market themselves as independent actors who should guide investors to overcome information asymmetries in the capital market. In this way, the credit rating agencies have acquired a prominent role in the capital market. The credit rating agencies provide a simplified reflection of reality while exercising power. Commercial real estate companies can improve their credit rating if they comply with the credit rating agency's standards. The analysis uses a Foucault-inspired power analysis to try to describe what the power relationship looks like and what effects it has. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the commercial real estate companies that have taken up an official credit rating experience the credit rating agency's standards and how it affects the organization. In this way, it can provide an increased understanding of how external pressures can be normalized and transformed into self-regulating behavior within an organization. The study has adopted a qualitative research strategy with an abductive approach. The existing research has been guiding in the study but not governing, but the study has continuously adjusted the observations against it. The study's primary data has been collected through semi-structured interviews of four finance managers and one employee in the finance department at five commercial real estate companies in Sweden. In doing so, it is explored whether the credit rating agency's standards and methodology have been internalized and contributed to organizational changes. The result showed that the credit rating institute's standards in the form of their methodology for creditworthiness had been introduced by the organizations to a varying extent.

Kommer svenska högavkastande företagsobligationer att bli ett vanligare placeringsalternativ i Sverige?

Bäckman, Jon January 2012 (has links)
Marknadsförutsättningarna för en utveckling av den svenska marknaden för högavkastande företagsobligationer är idag bättre än någonsin. För första gången är bankerna motiverade att hjälpa svenska företag med marknadsfinansiering via exempelvis företagsobligationer. Tidigare har denna verksamhet setts som konkurrerande till bankernas egen lånefinansiering. Regulatoriska förändringar, såsom Basel III, ligger till grund för denna nya viktiga förutsättning.   Det händer saker på bred front och mycket sker samtidigt. Nya aktörer och organisationer har bildats, färdiga marknadsplatser för högavkastande företagsobligationer finns nu att tillgå. Fler regulatoriska förändringar har skett och kommer att ske framöver. Syftet med dessa regulatoriska förändringar är bland annat att förbättra transparensen på markanden och öka intresset för ränteplaceringar som alternativ till aktieplaceringar för vissa institutionella investerare.   Rapportens resultat motiverar en utveckling av den svenska marknaden för högavkastande företagsobligationer, med fler emittenter och fler emitterade instrument. Den uteblivna avkastningen och det volatila beteendet av den svenska aktiemarknaden de sista 12 åren, motiverar investerare att se sig om efter alternativa placeringar. När marknadsräntorna är rekordlåga blir företagsobligationer ett mycket intressant alternativ.   Kunskapsnivåerna behöver dock höjas både hos framtida potentiella emittenter och hos investerare. Större resurser hos befintliga intermediärer och kanske fler aktörer kommer att krävas för att klara av det ökade behovet av obligationsfinansiering hos de svenska företagen. Fler emitterade instrument och en bättre transparens på marknaden kommer att ge investerare bättre möjligheter att utvärdera förväntad avkastning och de risker som finns förknippade med detta placeringsalternativ.   Huruvida högavkastande företagsobligationer kommer att bli ett framtida sparalternativ för svenska sparare är lite osäkrare. Fler emissioner av högavkastande företagsobligationer tros komma redan den närmaste tiden, medan det kan ta längre tid för den nya potentiella sparformen att etablera sig bland investerare. En ökning av detta placeringsalternativ hos svenska sparare kommer förmodligen att ske succesivt, men i vilken mån denna sparform på sikt etablerar sig återstår att se.

Credit Rating - An essential tool for SwedishReal Estate Companies on a growing CapitalMarket for Real Estate Bonds? / Kreditrating – Ett nödvändigt verktyg försvenska fastighetsbolag på en växandekapitalmarknad för fastighetsobligationer?

Hägglund, Oscar, Ållemark, Hampus January 2014 (has links)
The capital market, with financial instruments such as corporate bonds, has over the last years emerged as an alternative financing source for Swedish real estate companies. A seemingly unexplored market which given the real estate companies the possibility to diversify their loan stock and limit their exposure towards the bank. In Sweden, unlike more market-oriented countries such as the US, commercial banks have historically almost exclusively supplied debt capital to Swedish corporations. Assessing credit risk is crucial in debt investments, and therefore, this thesis focuses on the Swedish capital market the current and potential future role of credit ratings in the emerging market for corporate bonds issued by real estate companies. We examine why only a limited number of real estate companies are credit rated today and the importance of credit rating for the capital market. The study is based on interviews with Swedish real estate companies, institutional investors and banks- all that in one-way ore an other is affected by credit rating. The Swedish financial system is undergoing a growth process where the real estate companies to a greater extent in using bonds and certificates to finance their investments. A financing method more widely used by government entities in the past. The transition from bank financing to funding investments through institutional investors and private equity appears to be permanent. The market aftermath is an increased demand for credit risk evaluations. Information retained from the banks’ Shadow ratings or the rating institutions. We can conclude that extended credit risk information is inescapable with a transition to a more market oriented financial system- the remaining question is- who should preform the valuation of the credit risk. If the banks continue making the credit risk reports of real estate companies international investors might refrain from establishing a position as an investor in the Swedish market. In the contrary the banks shaded ratings is more favourable for Swedish real estate companies with more qualitative and marked adjusted reports. The market will require independent credit information in the future but if it will be the banks or the rating institutions that provide this information is still uncertain. / Kapitalmarknaden med finansiella instrument som företagsobligationer och –certifikat har de senaste åren vuxit fram som en alternativ lånemarknad för svenska fastighetsbolag. Från att ha varit en förhållandevis outforskad marknad har de senaste årens utveckling gett fastighetsbolagen en bättre möjlighet att diversifiera sin lånestock och begränsa sin exponering mot bankerna. Till skillnad från mer kapitalmarknadsorienterade länder, som exempelvis USA, har företags behov av lånefinansiering i Sverige historiskt sett nästan uteslutande försetts av bankerna. Denna uppsats fokuserar på den svenska kapitalmarknadens fortsatta utveckling och officiell kreditratings betydelse på en växande kapitalmarknad. Vi utreder varför så få fastighetsbolag idag valt att införskaffa ett officiellt kreditbetyg och vilken betydelse kreditbetyget har för kapitalmarknaden. Undersökningen bygger på intervjuer med svenska fastighetsbolag, investerare och banker som alla, på ett eller annat sätt, berörs av kreditvärderingar. Det svenska finansiella systemet genomgår nu en utveckling där fastighetsbolagen använder obligationer och certifikat för att finansiera sina investeringar. Ett finansieringssätt som tidigare mestadels använts av statliga och kommunala fastighetsbolag. Övergången från bankfinansiering till att söka kapital bland privata och institutionella investerare förefaller vara bestående. Marknaden kan till följd av detta få behov av ytterligare information om kreditrisken i företagen. Information som erhålls från bankernas skuggratingar eller från kreditvärderingsinstituten. Vi kan konstatera att utökad kreditinformation är ofrånkomlig vid en övergång mot ett mer marknadsorienterat finansiellt system, frågan som kvarstår är vem som ska utföra kreditvärderingen. Fortsätter bankerna utföra kreditvärderingen av fastighetsbolag kan det resultera i en avhållsamhet från internationella investerare att etablera sig i Sverige och motsatt för fastighetsbolagen är det mer gynnsamt att bankerna, med sina mer kvalitativa och för svenska marknaden anpassade värderingar blir den framtida normen .

Risco-País e Investment Grade: contribuição do serviço social para sua desmistificação / Country risk and investment grade: social work s contribution to their demystification

Borgianni, Elisabete 03 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:17:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elisabete Borgianni.pdf: 11486390 bytes, checksum: ac4c2bf55cc713ed8b7c9f5c5787741c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-03 / This paper examines, based on the principles of the Marxist theory, the Country-Risk rating as well as the risk ratings developed by specialized agencies. We show how mystified the social relations which characterize the monopolistic stage of capital are presented. The main finding is that, although the Brazilian government refers to investment grade as an achievement of the society as a whole, such ratings just consider the needs for capital reproduction, mainly in its financial and rentist form, never focusing on the true welfare of the working class. We show that, instead, for a country to reach the best country risk ratings, it needs to follow a macroeconomic agenda that implies social rights suppression through budgetary restraints of social policies. We also maintain that these mystification processes, typical of capitalist production, may be uncovered through critical analysis and a political attitude to oppose this form of social organization based on private property of the main means of production. We also examine the critical-analytical and political-organizational potential the Brazilian Social Work has developed in the last years, and defend the idea that this potential enables it to play a stronger and more meaningful role in the debate about the course of the economical and social policy of the country. Such role may be stimulated by creating a system to monitor violation of human rights - to be implemented by or in the Federal and Regional Social Work Boards - , to counteract ratings that only measure risks to capital, such as Country-Risk / A presente Tese examina, nos marcos da tradição marxista, o índice Risco-País, bem como as classificações de risco que são elaboradas por agências especializadas. Verifica-se que essas classificações expressam a forma mistificada como as relações sociais próprias do estágio monopolista do capital dão-se a conhecer. A constatação central é a de que, embora o governo brasileiro cite o grau de investimento como uma conquista de toda a sociedade, tais classificações levam em conta tão somente as necessidades de reprodução do capital, notadamente em sua forma financeirizada e rentista, não tendo como foco, em nenhum momento, o real bem-estar da população trabalhadora. Demonstra- se aqui que, pelo contrário, para que um país atinja os melhores graus de classificação de risco do capital é preciso cumprir uma agenda macroeconômica que suponha a supressão de direitos sociais via constrangimentos orçamentários das políticas sociais. Defende-se ainda que esses processos de mistificação, próprios do modo de produção capitalista, podem ser desvelados através de uma análise crítica e de uma postura política que se contrapõem a essa forma de organização societária cuja base é a propriedade privada dos meios fundamentais de produção. Examina-se aqui também o potencial crítico-analítico e político-organizativo que o Serviço Social brasileiro desenvolveu nos últimos anos, propugnando-se que esse potencial o habilita para desempenhar um protagonismo mais forte e mais significativo no debate sobre os rumos da política econômica e social do País. Tal atuação pode ser estimulada com a criação de um sistema de monitoramento de violação de direitos, a ser implementado junto aos Conselhos Regionais e Conselho Federal de Serviço Social, que permita a polarização com os índices que só medem os riscos do capital, a exemplo do Risco-País

The Impact of Tenants Default Risk and Transactional Variables on Value: An Empirical Model of Single Tenant Net Leased Retail Assets

Crockett, Braden R 01 January 2015 (has links)
I present an empirical model that is based upon the findings of both the conceptual and empirical models of previous research. I first control for independent property, location, macroeconomic and capital market specific variables on the dependent variables that takes on the form of both the cap rate and sales price. Next I introduce two new variables that represent the transaction constraint and the default risk of the tenant. I find that the variable market which represents the time an individual property is on the market is statistically significant and has a negative coefficient of when regressed on sales price and a positive coefficient when regressed on the cap rate. When the market variable is further broken into bins, I found that the time on the market does not negatively impact a property unless it is in fact on the market for over 2 years. When the variable representing a tenant’s default risk is regressed on the cap rate I found the tenants probability of default to be statistically significant with a negative coefficient. This result is counter intuitive and most likely represents the data set being controlled for investment grade credit rated tenants.

Grau de investimento em economias emergentes e suas consequências sobre a volatilidade em bolsa de valores : os casos do México, Chile, Rússia, Índia e Coréia do Sul

Cavalcante, Bruno Maia January 2009 (has links)
A elevação de economias emergentes ao status de Grau de Investimento (GI) atesta que o país premiado seja seguro para o investimento, ou seja, que a disposição e capacidade do governo central de honrar os seus compromissos financeiros são elevadas. O objetivo central desta pesquisa é o de testar a hipótese de que a elevação de economias emergentes a Grau de Investimento, por agências de avaliação de rating, tem como consequência a mitigação de volatilidade em bolsa de valores no médio e no longo prazo. Para tanto, foi selecionado um grupo representativo de economias emergentes que já receberam o status de GI – México, Chile, Rússia, Índia e Coréia do Sul – e foram modeladas as séries de retornos dos principais índices de bolsa de valores das economias amostradas, fazendo uso de modelos da família GARCH. Desta forma, foi possível avaliar o comportamento da volatilidade condicional dos retornos de cada índice no médio e longo prazo. Os resultados obtidos validam em parte a hipótese levantada. Ou seja, foi verificado que todas as cinco economias amostradas apresentaram mitigação da volatilidade em bolsa de valores, no médio prazo, após a primeira elevação a GI. No longo prazo, no entanto, apenas o México, o Chile e a Rússia apresentaram persistência de mitigação de volatilidade em bolsa. Na Índia e na Coréia do Sul, por outro lado, houve reversão do movimento de mitigação de volatilidade, observado no médio prazo, havendo aumento no longo prazo. Ao avaliar o histórico de rating soberano dos países estudados, foi constatado que aqueles que tiveram rebaixamento de nota após o primeiro registro de GI – Índia e Coréia do Sul – somente apresentaram mitigação de volatilidade em bolsa no médio prazo, não tendo esse movimento se prolongado no longo prazo. / The upgrade of emerging markets to the status of Investment Grade country attest that the upgraded country is safe for investment, which means that the willingness and capacity of central government to honor its financial obligations are high. The main objective of this research is to test the hypothesis that emerging countries that have their sovereign rating upgraded to Investment Grade, by rating agencies, have as consequence mitigations of stock marker volatility in the medium and long run. A set of five representative emerging countries that received Investment Grade status in the past was selected – Mexico, Chile, Russia, India and South Korea – and, using GARCH family models, their main sock market index returns were modeled. So it was possible to asses the medium and long run behavior of conditional volatility of returns for every country selected. The result was that all the five economies had volatility mitigation in the medium run after the first Investment Grade status was granted. However, only Mexico, Chile and Russia had stock market volatility mitigation in the long run. India and Korea reverted volatility mitigation movement and showed gain of volatility in the long run. Assessing the sovereign rating historic of the five countries it was noticed that the countries that suffered rating downgrade after the first Investment Grade elevation – India and Korea – had stock market volatility growth in the long run.

Grau de investimento em economias emergentes e suas consequências sobre a volatilidade em bolsa de valores : os casos do México, Chile, Rússia, Índia e Coréia do Sul

Cavalcante, Bruno Maia January 2009 (has links)
A elevação de economias emergentes ao status de Grau de Investimento (GI) atesta que o país premiado seja seguro para o investimento, ou seja, que a disposição e capacidade do governo central de honrar os seus compromissos financeiros são elevadas. O objetivo central desta pesquisa é o de testar a hipótese de que a elevação de economias emergentes a Grau de Investimento, por agências de avaliação de rating, tem como consequência a mitigação de volatilidade em bolsa de valores no médio e no longo prazo. Para tanto, foi selecionado um grupo representativo de economias emergentes que já receberam o status de GI – México, Chile, Rússia, Índia e Coréia do Sul – e foram modeladas as séries de retornos dos principais índices de bolsa de valores das economias amostradas, fazendo uso de modelos da família GARCH. Desta forma, foi possível avaliar o comportamento da volatilidade condicional dos retornos de cada índice no médio e longo prazo. Os resultados obtidos validam em parte a hipótese levantada. Ou seja, foi verificado que todas as cinco economias amostradas apresentaram mitigação da volatilidade em bolsa de valores, no médio prazo, após a primeira elevação a GI. No longo prazo, no entanto, apenas o México, o Chile e a Rússia apresentaram persistência de mitigação de volatilidade em bolsa. Na Índia e na Coréia do Sul, por outro lado, houve reversão do movimento de mitigação de volatilidade, observado no médio prazo, havendo aumento no longo prazo. Ao avaliar o histórico de rating soberano dos países estudados, foi constatado que aqueles que tiveram rebaixamento de nota após o primeiro registro de GI – Índia e Coréia do Sul – somente apresentaram mitigação de volatilidade em bolsa no médio prazo, não tendo esse movimento se prolongado no longo prazo. / The upgrade of emerging markets to the status of Investment Grade country attest that the upgraded country is safe for investment, which means that the willingness and capacity of central government to honor its financial obligations are high. The main objective of this research is to test the hypothesis that emerging countries that have their sovereign rating upgraded to Investment Grade, by rating agencies, have as consequence mitigations of stock marker volatility in the medium and long run. A set of five representative emerging countries that received Investment Grade status in the past was selected – Mexico, Chile, Russia, India and South Korea – and, using GARCH family models, their main sock market index returns were modeled. So it was possible to asses the medium and long run behavior of conditional volatility of returns for every country selected. The result was that all the five economies had volatility mitigation in the medium run after the first Investment Grade status was granted. However, only Mexico, Chile and Russia had stock market volatility mitigation in the long run. India and Korea reverted volatility mitigation movement and showed gain of volatility in the long run. Assessing the sovereign rating historic of the five countries it was noticed that the countries that suffered rating downgrade after the first Investment Grade elevation – India and Korea – had stock market volatility growth in the long run.

Grau de investimento em economias emergentes e suas consequências sobre a volatilidade em bolsa de valores : os casos do México, Chile, Rússia, Índia e Coréia do Sul

Cavalcante, Bruno Maia January 2009 (has links)
A elevação de economias emergentes ao status de Grau de Investimento (GI) atesta que o país premiado seja seguro para o investimento, ou seja, que a disposição e capacidade do governo central de honrar os seus compromissos financeiros são elevadas. O objetivo central desta pesquisa é o de testar a hipótese de que a elevação de economias emergentes a Grau de Investimento, por agências de avaliação de rating, tem como consequência a mitigação de volatilidade em bolsa de valores no médio e no longo prazo. Para tanto, foi selecionado um grupo representativo de economias emergentes que já receberam o status de GI – México, Chile, Rússia, Índia e Coréia do Sul – e foram modeladas as séries de retornos dos principais índices de bolsa de valores das economias amostradas, fazendo uso de modelos da família GARCH. Desta forma, foi possível avaliar o comportamento da volatilidade condicional dos retornos de cada índice no médio e longo prazo. Os resultados obtidos validam em parte a hipótese levantada. Ou seja, foi verificado que todas as cinco economias amostradas apresentaram mitigação da volatilidade em bolsa de valores, no médio prazo, após a primeira elevação a GI. No longo prazo, no entanto, apenas o México, o Chile e a Rússia apresentaram persistência de mitigação de volatilidade em bolsa. Na Índia e na Coréia do Sul, por outro lado, houve reversão do movimento de mitigação de volatilidade, observado no médio prazo, havendo aumento no longo prazo. Ao avaliar o histórico de rating soberano dos países estudados, foi constatado que aqueles que tiveram rebaixamento de nota após o primeiro registro de GI – Índia e Coréia do Sul – somente apresentaram mitigação de volatilidade em bolsa no médio prazo, não tendo esse movimento se prolongado no longo prazo. / The upgrade of emerging markets to the status of Investment Grade country attest that the upgraded country is safe for investment, which means that the willingness and capacity of central government to honor its financial obligations are high. The main objective of this research is to test the hypothesis that emerging countries that have their sovereign rating upgraded to Investment Grade, by rating agencies, have as consequence mitigations of stock marker volatility in the medium and long run. A set of five representative emerging countries that received Investment Grade status in the past was selected – Mexico, Chile, Russia, India and South Korea – and, using GARCH family models, their main sock market index returns were modeled. So it was possible to asses the medium and long run behavior of conditional volatility of returns for every country selected. The result was that all the five economies had volatility mitigation in the medium run after the first Investment Grade status was granted. However, only Mexico, Chile and Russia had stock market volatility mitigation in the long run. India and Korea reverted volatility mitigation movement and showed gain of volatility in the long run. Assessing the sovereign rating historic of the five countries it was noticed that the countries that suffered rating downgrade after the first Investment Grade elevation – India and Korea – had stock market volatility growth in the long run.

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