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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organizing to Support Wounded, Ill, and Injured Marine Veterans

Gorry, Thomas Allan 01 January 2018 (has links)
As the major combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan fade from headline news, the effect remains a national concern for the 2.6 million post-9/11 veterans. Their hardships form the basis for this qualitative case study, which analyzed the organizational change effort at the Wounded Warrior Regiment (WWR). This organization, specifically formed by the U.S. Marine Corps, instituted the necessary programs to meet the needs of Marine wounded warriors. However, the needs of these warriors are different now, and the WWR must adapt to remain relevant. The transformative change model presented by Anderson and Anderson formed the conceptual framework for this case study, which explored the central research question of how the leaders of an organization designed for a special mission effectively transform their operations to respond to new demands in a complex environment. The results from this case study, denoted by 8 themes, were derived from the analysis of the transcripts from 19 interviews conducted with representatives of the WWR. The 19 participants represented the diverse workforce of the WWR and were located at its sections across the country. To identify the emergent themes, structural and pattern coding methods were used as the data analysis process. Two themes from the data analysis were: developing a strategic communication plan and advancing the relevance of the WWR. The results from the case study were intended to help the leaders of the WWR realign their operations to achieve their new strategic objectives. This study is significant because it assessed the organizational change effort at the WWR to gain knowledge about veterans that may promote positive social change by informing the broader community of veteran support agencies about the urgent needs of the post-9/11 veterans.

The Theoretical Relevance Of An Updated Marxian Theory Of Commodity In Economics

Ahumada, Pablo Emiliano January 2007 (has links)
How does material production become socially recognised in capitalism? This is a fundamental question to be addressed in capitalist production, since material production takes place privately and independently in a global and atomistic system. This thesis shows that the question is tackled by Marx in the first three chapters of Capital. The process of social recognition of material production is that of the realisation of work carried out privately and independently as part of the social labour. For Marx this occurs through the private and independent work becoming objective social labour as the substance of the value of commodities, and through the latter finding its necessary developed mercantile expression in the price form of commodities. Therefore, private and independent work becomes social labour through the recognition of its product as equivalent to a certain amount of money. The thesis argues that Marx’s answer is powerfully insightful but flawed because it did not succeed in fully characterising the historical specificity of commodity. Commodity is not merely the differentiated unity of use value and value but of use value and mercantile use value, and of labour value and mercantile value. The former dialectic is immediate and distinguishes between the utility of commodity as a direct means of consumption or production and that as a means of exchange, fully determining the behaviour of the private and independent commodity producer. The latter dialectic is objective and distinguishes between commodity as the embodiment of the social labour necessary to reproduce it and as the embodiment of command over social labour, enabling the adjustment of the productive structure. Both dialectics are mediated by the mercantile form of value, which allows the indirect expression of labour value as the gravitational force of the system. The theory of commodity offered in this thesis, unlike that of Marx, consistently hinges on the atomistic private and independent commodity producer. The thesis shows that commodity production is the organisation of society’s labour for its material reproduction, just as in any previous mode of production. The discovery of the generic aspect of commodity production breaks the false immediate link between production and supply, and that between the labour theory of value and both the supply-side-determined theory of price and the single-factor theory of production. The thesis also shows that the mercantile form of value is what allows society’s labour to become an objective and autonomous materially abstract substance regulating the adjustment of the productive system under the form of material signals. This is the specific aspect of a global mode of production comprised of free and independent individuals. The mercantile form of value is thus Adam Smith’s invisible hand. Finally, the thesis analyses some implications of the framework with regard to the analysis of monetary phenomena, capital accumulation and sustainable development, and reviews the most popular Marxian topic in Economics: the transformation of values into prices of production.

重見(建)隱形另類: 艾里森的 <<隱形人>> 研究 / Re-vision of the Invisible Other: A Reading of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

王淑華, Wang, Shu-hua Unknown Date (has links)
由於深受雙重文化的陶養,艾里森在美國黑白文學典範所樹立的成就及地位是毋庸置疑的。儘管毀譽參半,其文學創作著實超越了種族的藩籬,潛藏深厚的意蘊。藉由《隱形人》主人翁探尋身分的書寫,艾里森不僅微觀的牽引出非裔美人的血淚傷痕史,更宏觀的突顯出人我之間謬誤的漠視及人類面對宇宙真實和虛幻的迷惘。本文藉西方二元思維排擠異己的探究,揭櫫西方論述及權力共謀運作如何使黑人主體性、文化、及文學傳統遭受肢解及消音,並期以重新省視及建構宿遭扭曲和存而不論的黑人主體性及傳統。本論文概分五章。首章梗概艾里森之生平、理念及創作技巧,並略述各章脈絡。次章探討西方歧視性論述及霸權交相運作如何箝制剝奪黑人的主體性。第三章描述黑人尷尬的雙重身分和闕離中心的主體,並探究恢復黑人主體的可能性。第四章提出重建黑人文化、文學傳統和反制的策略試圖鬆動主流文化。末章則檢視美國黑白種族相生相剋的關係,並嚐試以艾里森提倡的多元並置無限生機的理念去摸索出美國黑白種族之間生息與共的出路。 / Deeply inculcated by double cultural heritages, Ellison's literary status and achievement are beyond question. Though both attacked and applauded, his artistic works impregnated with profundity move beyond the racial boundary. His Invisible Man both microscopically touches on the sorrowful black history and macroscopically lays bare mankind's invisibility to intersubjectivity and the obscurity between reality and appearance in the cosmos. Through the analysis of the western binary system with complicity of power and discourse which excludes the denigrated Other, this thesis aims to depict how black subjectivity and black cultural and literary tradition are dismembered and silenced. It attempts to re-see and reconstruct the distorted black subjectivity and literary tradition put in bracket. The first chapter introduces Ellison' sbiographical background, his ideas, and literary techniques. Chapter two focuses on black subject formation under the control of discourse and power. Chapter three expounds the dilemma of black double-consciousness and black decentered identity by partially borrowing the concept of differences of postmodernism and poststructuralism. Chapter four poses the problem of reconstruction of black tradition and its subversive strategies. The final chapter examines the symbiotic and intensified relationbetween blacks and whites and seeks to find a way out by Ellison's integrationist advocation of multiple possibilities.

Studie- och yrkesorientering i AMS yrkesinformerande texter 1940-1970

Mannberg, Jan January 2003 (has links)
<p>Careers education was first established in Sweden at the beginning of the 1940s. At that time it was mainly the concern of the Swedish Labour Market Board. The Labour Market Board started to develop a model, partly influenced by the activities of other countries in the field, that over the years grew into something exceptional with for instance a lot of activities in schools.</p><p>In the early stages the aim was the development and production of informational texts. The person behind most of the ideas was Einar Neymark. In 1971, responsibility for careers education was handed over to the school authorities except for the part concerning the production of occupational information texts.</p><p>The aim of this study is to improve our understanding of careers education as it is represented in occupational information texts produced by the Swedish Labour Market Board, in the period from 1940 - 1970.</p><p>The empirical research focuses on careers education and gaining an understanding through the texts within (not about) careers education. The research has a philosophical-hermeneutic orientation and falls into two parts. Starting from an assumption that the intentions behind careers education are met, three “careers education realities” are constructed for the sake of argument. These realities are then analysed using a theoretical framework grounded in educational sociology, or more precisely the thinking of Durkheim and Bernstein. The result shows that careers education plays an important role in making invisible the connection between school and society hierarchies and also in creating a collective conscience in a Durkheimian sense.</p><p>The first constructed “reality” shows that a careers education based on labour market considerations is both normative and deterministic. In this careers education the labour market consists of a variety of working lives depending on who you are and where you come from. For that reason careers education is both limiting and subordinating according to sex and class background.</p><p>A consciousness-raising careers education is moralizing and limiting. A “perfect” working life is presented to which individuals can relate their personal qualities. For that reason careers education also subordinates.</p><p>A study-motivating careers education is principally motivating for those who have already had good experiences of schooling. It limits and subordinates primarely in terms of sex. Possible relations between education and working life are mostly discussed in general terms. For example, education will be a good thing to have in a future working life as an insurance against unemployment.</p><p>The extended analysis, where the above mentioned results are put together, shows that careers education can be described as unjust, limiting and concealing. It is unfair in that it creates images about different and non-questionable working lives for young people to fit into, in that it perpetuates sex and class subordination, and in that it uses present individually related competencies as the grounds for future education and employment. It is limiting through being normative, moralizing and subordinating. It is concealing in that it is being selective concerning the information given in the texts prepared for pupils.</p><p>Careers education is also adjustable. It fits easily into different situations by being pragmatic and flexible, as is shown by the impact of other scientific areas. This adjustability makes it possible to use careers education regardless of the conception you may have of career choices or wherever careers education is carried out. Being adjustable is not something to be avoided in careers education, on the contrary it is a condition for its existence.</p>

Étude des minéralisations aurifères du District d'El Callao, Venezuela. Rôle de la remobilisation de l'or "invisible" dans la formation du gisement.

Velásquez, German 15 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La Mine Colombia, située dans le District Aurifère d'El Callao, Venezuela, est considérée comme un gisement de type "géant" (i.e. > 500 t Au) car les réserves prouvées sont égales à 23 millions d'onces (= 740 t Au), ce qui fait de ce gisement le plus gros gisement du Craton Guyanais. La minéralisation est encaissée dans des formations basaltiques d'âge paléoprotérozoïque présentant toutes les caractéristiques des basaltes de plateau océanique. La minéralisation se localise au niveau de trois filons sécants sur la foliation, appelés "veine de quartz aurifère Colombia, América et Hansa". Ces "veines" sont en fait constituées par un réseau interconnecté de veines de quartz mais aussi d'ankérite et d'albite, délimitant une caisse filonienne, qui peut être définie par un mur et un toit, dans laquelle le réseau de veines englobe de nombreux fragments de basalte fortement pyritisés. L'or se rencontre quasi-systématiquement dans les fragments de métabasalte, en relation étroite avec la pyrite. Nous considérons ces systèmes de veines comme des "corridors" de déformation minéralisés, qui se seraient formés dans le domaine de transition fragile-ductile, en présence d'un même fluide hydrothermal à H2O-CO2-NaCl et à faible salinité. Ces corridors minéralisés, se formeraient en relation avec une succession de microséismes, à chaque microséisme, une nouvelle génération de pyrite cristalliserait dans les fragments de basalte. Cette pyrite renfermerait systématiquement de l'or soit en substitution dans le réseau cristallin du cristal, soit sous forme de nano-inclusions de sulfosels polymétalliques ; cet or " invisible " représenterait l'or primaire du gisement. De ce fait, nous considérons que l'essentiel de l'or "visible" du gisement serait secondaire et le produit de la remobilisation de l'or primaire "invisible". Nous considérons que cet événement tardif de déformation dans l'orogenèse Transamazonienne est primordial pour avoir des grains d'or visibles et donc un gisement économiquement exploitable.

The soft budget constraint : the emergence, persistence and logic of an institution : The Case of Tanzania1967-1992

Eriksson Skoog, Gun January 1998 (has links)
The soft budget constraint - today a popular metaphor - is a paradox. In socialist economies, it implies that the state tends to bail out state-owned firms in financial trouble, in spite of the tremendous performance problems of the entire system that result. When the system broke down, the soft budget constraint was expected to disappear. However, it seems to persist, and its persistence appears to hamper the transition process itself. This study seeks an answer to this paradox. It aims at increasing our understanding of why the soft budget constraint exists. By investigating state-owned enterprises in Tanzania before, during and after socialism, the prevalence of the soft budget constraint is examined and an explanation of its existence is suggested. The approach is institutional. The soft budget constraint is defined as an informal institution and an invisible-hand explanation of its emergence, persistence and logic is applied. The study shows that the soft budget constraint emerged as an unintended consequence of the establishment of the Tanzanian socialist system in the 1970s. A behavioural solution to recurrent systemic problems was offered, and thus the soft budget constraint performed several functions. Once established, its very existence set off a cumulative process of self-generation. Four reinforcement mechanisms that accounted for its prevalence during Tanzanian socialism are identified. Its character as a behavioural rule helps to explain why it persisted during market-oriented reform, initiated in the mid-1980s. The soft budget constraint was part of the socialist heritage, was adapted to systemic change, and influenced the direction and character of this change. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk.

Edukacinės animacinių filmų plotmės: Simpsonų filmas / Educational Planes of Cartoons: The Simpsons Movie

Čirplienė, Renata 16 September 2009 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti edukacinį filmo poveikį (per užslėptojo ugdymo/si bei savaiminio mokymo/si momentus). Tyrimo metu buvo analizuojamas Simpsonų filmas focus grupės metodu. Tyrimo duomenys nagrinėjami pagal autorės išskirtas kategorijas. Magistro darbe, remiantis lietuvių ir užsienio mokslinės literatūros analize, atskleistos edukacinės medijų plotmės: pristatyta neregimojo ugdymo/si bei savaiminio mokymo/si raiška animaciniuose filmuose; supažindinama su kino edukacija, kaip edukacinių plotmių sklaidos perspektyva animaciniuose filmuose. Tyrimas įrodo, kad animaciniai filmai (konkrečiai Simpsonų filmas) turi edukacinį poveikį paauglių atžvilgiu. / The aim of this work is to examine the effect of educational movie (through hidden curriculum and self-directed learning moments). During the research the Simpsons Movie was analysed by a focus group method. The research data is examined after authoress categories that she has excluded. This master‘s work is based on lithuanian and foreign nonfiction literature analysis, what is more the educational media planes are revealed: the hidden curriculum and informal learning expression in cartoon movies is introduced; the cinema education is introduced, like educational planes of scattered perspective in animated movies. The research proves that animated movies (The Simpsons Movie) have an educational impact on teenagers.

Studie- och yrkesorientering i AMS yrkesinformerande texter 1940-1970

Mannberg, Jan January 2003 (has links)
Careers education was first established in Sweden at the beginning of the 1940s. At that time it was mainly the concern of the Swedish Labour Market Board. The Labour Market Board started to develop a model, partly influenced by the activities of other countries in the field, that over the years grew into something exceptional with for instance a lot of activities in schools. In the early stages the aim was the development and production of informational texts. The person behind most of the ideas was Einar Neymark. In 1971, responsibility for careers education was handed over to the school authorities except for the part concerning the production of occupational information texts. The aim of this study is to improve our understanding of careers education as it is represented in occupational information texts produced by the Swedish Labour Market Board, in the period from 1940 - 1970. The empirical research focuses on careers education and gaining an understanding through the texts within (not about) careers education. The research has a philosophical-hermeneutic orientation and falls into two parts. Starting from an assumption that the intentions behind careers education are met, three “careers education realities” are constructed for the sake of argument. These realities are then analysed using a theoretical framework grounded in educational sociology, or more precisely the thinking of Durkheim and Bernstein. The result shows that careers education plays an important role in making invisible the connection between school and society hierarchies and also in creating a collective conscience in a Durkheimian sense. The first constructed “reality” shows that a careers education based on labour market considerations is both normative and deterministic. In this careers education the labour market consists of a variety of working lives depending on who you are and where you come from. For that reason careers education is both limiting and subordinating according to sex and class background. A consciousness-raising careers education is moralizing and limiting. A “perfect” working life is presented to which individuals can relate their personal qualities. For that reason careers education also subordinates. A study-motivating careers education is principally motivating for those who have already had good experiences of schooling. It limits and subordinates primarely in terms of sex. Possible relations between education and working life are mostly discussed in general terms. For example, education will be a good thing to have in a future working life as an insurance against unemployment. The extended analysis, where the above mentioned results are put together, shows that careers education can be described as unjust, limiting and concealing. It is unfair in that it creates images about different and non-questionable working lives for young people to fit into, in that it perpetuates sex and class subordination, and in that it uses present individually related competencies as the grounds for future education and employment. It is limiting through being normative, moralizing and subordinating. It is concealing in that it is being selective concerning the information given in the texts prepared for pupils. Careers education is also adjustable. It fits easily into different situations by being pragmatic and flexible, as is shown by the impact of other scientific areas. This adjustability makes it possible to use careers education regardless of the conception you may have of career choices or wherever careers education is carried out. Being adjustable is not something to be avoided in careers education, on the contrary it is a condition for its existence.

Το χρώμα στη ζωγραφική: Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Γραμμάτη, Εύη 17 September 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζουμε τη θέση του χρώματος στη φιλοσοφία του Merleau-Ponty για τη ζωγραφική, έχοντας εξετάσει και τον τρόπο που αυτό λειτουργεί στην αντίληψη. Μέσα σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, διερευνούμε την αισθητική του Merleau-Ponty, αναδεικνύοντας κάποιες από τις δυνατότητες καθώς και κάποιους περιορισμούς της. / This thesis is an attempt to present Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of painting through the notion of colour.

Disability Bias and the Misrepresentation of Chronic Illness and Invisible Disability in Contemporary YA Fiction

Fois, Daniela January 2018 (has links)
Despite the success illness novels have acquired in the last decade, the misrepresentation of chronic illness in the Young Adult genre is still going unnoticed. In an ableist society that still needs to be educated about invisible disabilities, most of the contemporary YA writers insist on finding miraculous solutions and questionable happy endings to their stories. The aim of this thesis is therefore to study the different ways in which YA writers fetishize and understate invisible disability and to find a way to subvert it. By focusing on the miracle cure trope and romanticization in the case of Nicola Yoon’s Everything Everything, it attempts to highlight the characteristics of low-quality disability fiction and demonstrate why and how the use of disability biases can affect negatively both disabled and nondisabled young readers. In addition, through the scrutiny of the author’s first YA novel, Nothing Wrong with Snails, it then illustrates how the in-depth analysis of past disability literature improved the author’s personal craft and enabled them to portray chronic illness and invisible disability avoiding stereotypes, biases, and tropes. In conclusion, it argues that writers ought to rely on disability studies in order to reach higher standards in the representation of invisible disability in YA fiction.

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