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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kompetens för HR-arbete : En kvalitativ studie av samtida platsannonser

Eriksson, Josefin, Stolpe, Linn January 2024 (has links)
Kompetens är ett omstritt begrepp, både inom forskningen och yrkeslivet, och är beroende av situation och kontext. Därav finns det inte alltid en gemensam uppfattning för vad som utgör kompetens. Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att ge kunskap om kompetens och dess innebörd i platsannonser för Human Resource ("HR")-arbete inom den offentliga och privata sektorn. För att uppfylla detta syfte kommer denna uppsats använda textanalys för att identifiera förekommande kompetenser i undersökta platsannonser. Detta för att sedan tolka och analysera dessa kompetenser med utgångspunkt i Ellströms (1992) definition av kompetens tillsammans med Nilsson och Ellströms (2012) uppdelning av kompetens. Detta teoretiska ramverk används därmed för att tolka innebörden av de förekommande kompetenserna. Resultat av studien visar på att det inte finns några uppenbara skillnader mellan den offentliga och privata sektorn. De kompetenser som förekommer för HR-arbete kan tolkas som personlighetsfaktorer, sociala, kognitiva och affektiva faktorer av kompetens. Dessa kan därtill ses som relativt överförbara mellan olika yrken, utöver HR-arbetet. Studien visar även att studerade platsannonser, med förekommande kompetenser, snarare beskriver en viss typ av person än HR-arbetet, oavsett om den offentliga eller privata sektorn diskuteras. / Competence is a controversial concept, both in research and in professional life, and depends on the situation and context. As a result, there is often no common understanding of what constitutes a competence. This qualitative study aims to provide knowledge about competence and its meaning in job advertisements for Human Resource (“HR”) work in the public and private sector. In order to fulfil the purpose of this essay a textual analysis will be carried out. The reason for this is to identify existing competences in the job advertisements and then to interpret and analyse them based on Ellström's (1992) definition together with Nilsson and Ellström's (2012) division of competence. This theoretical framework is used to interpret and understand the meaning of the existing competences. The results of the study show that there are no obvious differences between the public and private sectors. The competences that exist for HR work can be interpreted as social, personal, cognitive and affective competences, which can be seen as relatively transferable between different professions, other than HR. The study therefore concludes that the competences that appear in the job advertisements studied describe a certain type of person rather than a job description of HR work, regardless of whether it is in the public or private sector.

Factors Influencing Applicant Attraction To Job Openings

Acarlar, Gizem 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of the present study was to explore the effects of characteristics of information given in a job advertisement (amount of information and the specificity of the information) on the potential applicants&rsquo / willingness to apply to the job opening with the mediating roles of credibility of and satisfaction from the information, and attraction to the organization. In addition to that, the factors affecting the decision of the applicants to apply for the job posted such as application modes (internet, by hand in the same city the applicant lives, by hand in a different city than the applicant lives), different selection methods (interview, personality test, knowledge test), and personality characteristics (goal orientation and self-efficacy) were investigated. The study was conducted in three phases. In the first phase, one hundred and seven Middle East Technical University (METU) students were used to decide between two alternatives of goal orientation and two self-efficacy scales, which were translated into Turkish and adapted for the current study, to be used in the main study by determining the validity and reliabilities of the scales. The second phase was the manipulation check, conducted to test the clarity and meaningfulness of the newly developed job advertisements and questions related to the research hypotheses. Thirty-two METU students were used for the second phase. The final phase was the main study. One hundred and fifty four METU students from Electrical and Electronics Department were used to examine the hypotheses of the study.The students were randomly assigned to the three different versions of job advertisement. Additionally, a questionnaire package was given to each participant. The results supported most of the main hypotheses and the proposed model except for the mediating effect of satisfaction. Advertisement type affected the willingness to apply to the job of potential applicant and this relation was mediated by credibility and credibility was mediated by attractiveness to the organization. A main effect of application mode was found for change in application decision, but no interaction was found between application mode and different attraction levels. Goal orientation found to be affecting applicants&rsquo / decision change for different selection methods. Self-efficacy failed to predict decision change for application for different selection methods. Results are discussed along with the strengths and limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.

"Som person är du nyfiken, framåtlutad och tycker om att ha många kontakter" : En analys av genreförändring i platsannonser för kommunikatörer från 1997-2017

Schierbeck, Ella January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine if one can find a change within the genre job advertisements for communicators, and in extension, the profession as a whole, during the time period 1997-2017. By studying the schematic structures of job advertisements as a genre text at large, and specifically the rhetoric strategies used when presenting requirements, I will be attempting to answer these questions through a genre analysis. The material consists of 24 job advertisements in total, 8 from each year of 1997, 2007 and 2017. The texts from 1997 have been acquired by searching through the job section of the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter, from issues published from October to December 1997. However, the material from 2007 and 2017 both come from the Swedish Public Employment Service, Arbetsförmedlingen. To find texts from 2007 the archive at the Swedish Public Employment Service had to be advised, seeing as they are no longer posted on their website. All the job advertisements from 2017 however have been found and downloaded from the website.                       Theoretically this study mainly lies on Vijay K Bhatias genre analysis, and his methodology when analyzing genres and their communicative purpose as well as their schematic structure. The analysis goes on to analyze the rhetoric strategies used within the job advertisements requirements-section, then using systemic-functional grammar (SFG) to make clear the linguistic configuration. The results of the analysis show that both change and stability within the genre can be found. Regarding the changes, the schematic structures, in regards to content, becomes larger. Both regarding the number of moves in total and the number of different moves used. In addition, the analysis tells us that the ideal applicant in 2017 is an independent communicator who has a talent for networking and connecting with new people, in contrast to the communicator in 1997, who primarily is a good writer with an ability to work together.

Existerar jämställdhet i entrén till den affärsjuridiska världen? : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur den ideala biträdande juristen konstrueras i platsannonser / Does gender equality exist at the entrance to the world of business law? : A critical discourse analysis of how the ideal Associate is constructed in job advertisements

Stange, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
I denna uppsats analyseras sex olika platsannonser för biträdande jurister inom affärsjuridik. Syftet är att undersöka huruvida platsannonserna är könskodade eller inte för att kunna bidra till jämställdhetsfrågan inom yrket. Det är i dag fler kvinnor än män som fullföljer juristutbildningen och därmed får en juristexamen, vilket speglar sig i att det är fler kvinnliga biträdande jurister inom affärsjuridiska yrket men sedan händer det något ju högre upp en tar sig i karriären. Med hjälp av en kritisk diskursanalys analyseras platsannonsernas konstruerande av den ideala biträdande juristen för att undersöka huruvida denne tillskrivs typiskt kvinnliga eller manliga egenskaper. Därtill genomförs en jämförelse för huruvida advokatbyråernas storlek påverkar hur den ideala biträdande juristen konstrueras och i vilken utsträckning det förekommer könskodning i annonserna.  Resultatet visar att den ideala biträdande juristen konstrueras som en individ som kan arbeta väl i team och därmed har en god samarbetsförmåga, hen levererar alltid högkvalitet och är därmed högpresterande. Dessutom är den ideala biträdande juristen kompetent, engagerad och mångsidig. Har inte individen tagit juristexamen är det inte långt kvar. Av de 126 egenskaper som den ideala biträdande juristen konstrueras med har i könskodningen, utifrån tidigare forsknings könsmärkta ord och egenskaper, 51,6 procent kodats som könsneutrala, 32,5 procent som feminina och enbart 15,9 procent som maskulina. Könskodningen tyder på att platsannonserna inte spelar någon avgörande roll för huruvida det existerar jämställdhet i entrén till den affärsjuridiska världen eller inte. Uppsatsen kartlägger hur den ideala biträdande juristen konstrueras och belyser vilken roll platsannonsernas utformning spelar för skapandet av den sociala identiteten och könskodning.

”Vi hoppas du har glatt humör och humor och gillar de utmaningar som ett chefskap innebär” : En analys av platsannonser för tjänster som  första linjens chef inom äldreomsorgen / “We hope you have a cheerful disposition and a sense of humor and enjoy the challenges that a leadership position entails” : An analysis of job advertisements for positions as first-line managers in elderly care

Hägglund, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Äldreomsorgen har står inför ökade utmaningar att rekrytera omvårdnadspersonal och deras chefer. Studien syftade till att undersöka hur äldreomsorgschefer och deras arbete framställs i platsannonser för sagda tjänst. Frågeställningarna berörde framställningen av den lämpliga kandidaten, den kommande tjänsten samt vilka faktorer som användes för att locka och rekrytera äldreomsorgschefer. Studien är en kvalitativ dokumentstudie inom vilken en summativ innehållsanalys gjorts av det empiriska materialet. Motivationsteori och självbestämmandeteori utgjorde studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Resultatet visade att arbetsgivarna uppvisar en god förståelse för motivationsfrämjande insatser för äldreomsorgschefer men även att de förmåner och fördelar som erbjuds, inte är utformade för de kandidater som eftersöks. Arbetsgivarna tenderade även att betona chefens autonomi samtidigt som arbetet beskrivs som reglerat och med höga krav på måluppfyllelse. / Elderly care is facing increased challenges in recruiting nursing staff and their managers. The study aimed to investigate how managers in elderly care and their work are portrayed in job advertisements for such positions. The research questions addressed the portrayal of the suitable candidate, the upcoming position, and the factors used to attract and recruit managers in elderly care. The study is a qualitative document analysis in which a summative content analysis was conducted on the empirical material. Motivation theory and self-determination theory constituted the theoretical framework of the study. The results showed that employers demonstrate a good understanding of motivation-promoting efforts for managers in elderly care, but also that the benefits and advantages offered are not tailored to the sought-after candidates. Employers also tended to emphasize the autonomy of the manager while describing the work as regulated and with high demands for goal achievement.

Drömkandidaten : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur den ideale sökande konstrueras i platsannonser inom bygg- och fastighetssektorn / The Dream Candidate : A critical discourse analysis of how the ideal applicant is constructed in job advertisements in the construction and real estate sector

Åström, Ida January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how an ideal job applicant is described when searching real estate janitors and real estate managers in job advertising using a Swedish linguistic perspective. This is achieved by looking at how the model reader is constructed i.e. if the ways to describe the two occupational groups differ, if the descriptions tend to include or exclude groups of applicants, and if and how a relationship is created between the employer and the recipient and if so what kind of relationship. The material consists of ten job advertisements where the employer is looking for real estate janitors and ten job advertisements where the employer is looking for real estate managers. The choice of method for the study is systemic functional grammar, critical discourse analysis and gender coding. Theoretically I also start from the systemic functional grammar and the critical discourse analysis, though with an emancipatory approach. The descriptions of the dream candidates that is created in the ads differ between the two occupations. Real estate janitor is a job which requires more practical skills, while the job as a manager requires more theoretical skills. The ideal real estate janitor has equal numbers of masculine and feminine qualities. The dream candidate is self-propelled, service-oriented and is able to plan the working day in an efficient way. Since the employer seems to have a dominant attitude towards the janitor their relationship tends to not be very close. The ideal dream candidate created for real estate managers is also very self-sufficient, but he or she also has a strong internal drive and likes to run projects in combination with a strong sense of responsibility. The ideal real estate manager has a little more feminine than masculine qualities. The relationship between the employer and the ideal real estate manager is more symmetrical than the relationship that is constructed with the ideal real estate manager.

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