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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jordbruksverkets nya definition av betesmark : Effekter och reaktioner hos lantbrukarna. Intervjuundersökningar från Skåne och Örebro län.

Eriksson, Isabelle January 2010 (has links)
<p>Wooded pastures are common in the agricultural landscape in Sweden, often rich in naturaland cultural values. It is not a well confined biotope but consist of a semi-open landscapewith a complex pattern and wide variation of tree and shrub coverage. The values in thewooded pastures have been created through a long history of management.One major threat to wooded pastures is ceasing management. Yearly and intensive grazinghas been demanded for several years in order to receive economical support. At the sametime trees and bushes have often been regarded as vegetal invasion. In 2007, during theEuropean commission’s revision of the direct payment, the Swedish definition of pasturesbecame questioned. Sweden was supporting pastures that should not be eligible to directpayment. The Swedish board of Agriculture changed the definition twice in two yearsbefore the European commission was satisfied. Today 60 trees per hectare are allowed inpastures with public values.One of the objectives of this study is to examine the effects of the latest definition ofpastures made in 2009 by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The results show that morethan one third of the farmers have been affected and many have withdrawn parts of theirpastures from the applications for environmental support. Clearing of trees was also acommon effect and surprisingly many farmers chose to clear dying or dead trees. Apartfrom affecting the farmers the total area of the pastures in Sweden has shrunk. Conclusiondrawn from this study is that the new definition of pastures has had a rather large affect onthe Swedish farmersWooded pastures are common in the agricultural landscape in Sweden, often rich in naturaland cultural values. It is not a well confined biotope but consist of a semi-open landscapewith a complex pattern and wide variation of tree and shrub coverage. The values in thewooded pastures have been created through a long history of management.One major threat to wooded pastures is ceasing management. Yearly and intensive grazinghas been demanded for several years in order to receive economical support. At the sametime trees and bushes have often been regarded as vegetal invasion. In 2007, during theEuropean commission’s revision of the direct payment, the Swedish definition of pasturesbecame questioned. Sweden was supporting pastures that should not be eligible to directpayment. The Swedish board of Agriculture changed the definition twice in two yearsbefore the European commission was satisfied. Today 60 trees per hectare are allowed inpastures with public values.One of the objectives of this study is to examine the effects of the latest definition ofpastures made in 2009 by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The results show that morethan one third of the farmers have been affected and many have withdrawn parts of theirpastures from the applications for environmental support. Clearing of trees was also acommon effect and surprisingly many farmers chose to clear dying or dead trees. Apartfrom affecting the farmers the total area of the pastures in Sweden has shrunk. Conclusiondrawn from this study is that the new definition of pastures has had a rather large affect on the Swedish farmers.</p>

Jordbruksverkets nya definition av betesmark : Effekter och reaktioner hos lantbrukarna. Intervjuundersökningar från Skåne och Örebro län.

Eriksson, Isabelle January 2010 (has links)
Wooded pastures are common in the agricultural landscape in Sweden, often rich in naturaland cultural values. It is not a well confined biotope but consist of a semi-open landscapewith a complex pattern and wide variation of tree and shrub coverage. The values in thewooded pastures have been created through a long history of management.One major threat to wooded pastures is ceasing management. Yearly and intensive grazinghas been demanded for several years in order to receive economical support. At the sametime trees and bushes have often been regarded as vegetal invasion. In 2007, during theEuropean commission’s revision of the direct payment, the Swedish definition of pasturesbecame questioned. Sweden was supporting pastures that should not be eligible to directpayment. The Swedish board of Agriculture changed the definition twice in two yearsbefore the European commission was satisfied. Today 60 trees per hectare are allowed inpastures with public values.One of the objectives of this study is to examine the effects of the latest definition ofpastures made in 2009 by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The results show that morethan one third of the farmers have been affected and many have withdrawn parts of theirpastures from the applications for environmental support. Clearing of trees was also acommon effect and surprisingly many farmers chose to clear dying or dead trees. Apartfrom affecting the farmers the total area of the pastures in Sweden has shrunk. Conclusiondrawn from this study is that the new definition of pastures has had a rather large affect onthe Swedish farmersWooded pastures are common in the agricultural landscape in Sweden, often rich in naturaland cultural values. It is not a well confined biotope but consist of a semi-open landscapewith a complex pattern and wide variation of tree and shrub coverage. The values in thewooded pastures have been created through a long history of management.One major threat to wooded pastures is ceasing management. Yearly and intensive grazinghas been demanded for several years in order to receive economical support. At the sametime trees and bushes have often been regarded as vegetal invasion. In 2007, during theEuropean commission’s revision of the direct payment, the Swedish definition of pasturesbecame questioned. Sweden was supporting pastures that should not be eligible to directpayment. The Swedish board of Agriculture changed the definition twice in two yearsbefore the European commission was satisfied. Today 60 trees per hectare are allowed inpastures with public values.One of the objectives of this study is to examine the effects of the latest definition ofpastures made in 2009 by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The results show that morethan one third of the farmers have been affected and many have withdrawn parts of theirpastures from the applications for environmental support. Clearing of trees was also acommon effect and surprisingly many farmers chose to clear dying or dead trees. Apartfrom affecting the farmers the total area of the pastures in Sweden has shrunk. Conclusiondrawn from this study is that the new definition of pastures has had a rather large affect on the Swedish farmers.

Anmälan till Länsstyrelsens djurskyddsenhet : Kan anmälningsärenden effektiviseras?

Öhlund, Helen January 2014 (has links)
Title: Notification of animal welfare Author: Helen Öhlund The purpose of this study was to examine the routines of the county administrations in Sweden when it comes to receiving notification from the public about the welfare of animals. According to Jordbruksverket at least 50 % of the screening of animal welfare should be based on routine controls on existing farmers. Today the routine controls only reach a 43 % average for the whole country. A big part of today’s result depends on the amount of time it takes the administrators of animal welfare to process the notifications from the public. To examine why the notifications from the public take too long time, the county administrations were interviewed through phone and e-mail. The interviews were made to see what routines the county administrations had and if the routines could be made more efficient. Jordbruksverket have developed aid to the county administrations in form of simpler checklists for pets and control cards to ease the burden in notification controls. This study shows that a lot of work can be done when it comes to receiving the notification. When receiving notification the administrators can decide if the notification is severe or not. Too little information makes it difficult to determine the gravity of the notification.   Key words: animal welfare, legislation, county administration, notification, Jordbruksverket.

Bilden av Sverige - det nya Matlandet

Alsiö, Gustav, Dammgård, Sanna January 2013 (has links)
I följande uppsats jämförs bilden av "Sverige – det nya matlandet" mellan Jordbruksverket och VisitSweden och hurvida den överensstämmer eller ej. Det empiriska materialet är baserat på rapporter, pressmeddelanden och andra webb publikationer. Materialet analyseras sedan enligt en diskursanalys. Vi fann att bilden skiljer sig mellan de två aktörerna.

DJURSKYDD ELLER DJURVÄLFÄRD? En kritisk analys av kontrollmyndigheternas arbete för att främja välfärden. / ANIMAL PROTECTION OR ANIMAL WELFARE? A critical analysis of the public authorities' work to promote animal welfare.

Ferm, Elvira January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Jordförvärvslagen : Uppfylls syftet vid Jordbruksverkets och länsstyrelsens prövning?

Eskehed, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Land that are used for agricultural purpose in Sweden are taxed by the 100-series. The land acquisition law can regulate acquisitions of agricultural land and permits are needed for acquisition. Land located in sparsely populated areas, land in areas with poor farm layout (omarronderingsområde) and purchases made by legal persons from natural person are covered by the law. Permits are applied for at county agencies and the Swedish Board of Agriculture depending of the size of the acquisition. The aim with the study is to enlighten the difficulties among permits by the law.    The research questions; How is the aim with the law fulfilled by the way it is carried out?and Are there differences between permits given by the county agencies and the Swedish Board of Agriculture?, was answered by using juridical method, studies of permit documents and interviews. The juridical method enlightened the aim with the law. The study of permit documents was used to see similarities in the permits. Documents were studied from the Swedish Board of Agriculture and three county agencies. The authorities and three interest groups was interviewed two answer both the research questions.    The result shows that the largest difficulties to make decisions about permits are with acquisitions made by legal persons. Especially when permits are given for special reasons (6§ 2 st. 4p.). The interviews showed that there are doubts about if a control of acquisitions in primarily sparsely populated areas leads to higher employment and settlements in those areas. Is also shown that there is a difference in how the authorities make decisions about permits. Primarily shown by statements from the county agencies to the Swedish Board of Agriculture.     Two conclusions can be made. The aim with the law is not fulfilled as the law is carried out today. The aim regarding legal persons is fulfilled partly or fully but it is most difficult to make decisions about permits. The aims about sparsely populated areas and areas with poor farm layout are not fulfilled as the law is carried out. There is a difference in the decision making about permits between the authorities in the study. Is primarily shown in the cases that are handed over to the Swedish Board of Agriculture and cases regarding specific reasons. / Mark som används för jordbruk i Sverige taxeras som lantbruksenheter enligt Skatteverkets 100-serie. Förvärv av lantbruksenheter kan omfattas av jordförvärvslagen och kräver då förvärvstillstånd. Lantbruksenheter som ligger i glesbygdsområden, omarronderingsområden eller där förvärven sker från en fysisk person till en juridisk person omfattas. Tillstånden söks hos länsstyrelsen eller Jordbruksverket beroende på förvärvets storlek. Syftet med studien är att belysa de svårigheter som finns kring förvärvstillstånd.   Frågeställningarna i studien: Hur uppfylls syftena som finns med JFL i och med tillämpningen av den?och Finns det skillnader i bedömning av prövning gällande förvärvstillstånd som prövats av länsstyrelsen och Jordbruksverket och i så fall vilka?, besvarades genom juridisk metod, studie av beslut och intervjuer. Den juridiska metoden belyste syftet med jordförvärvslagen. Studien av beslut användes för att se likheter och skillnader mellan myndigheternas beslutsfattande. Beslut begärdes ut från Jordbruksverket och tre länsstyrelser. Myndigheterna samt tre intresseorganisationer intervjuades. De syftade till att visa om syftet med jordförvärvslagen uppfylls samt om någon skillnad finns mellan myndigheternas beslut.   Resultatet visar att de största svårigheterna kring att fatta beslut enligt jordförvärvslagen är kring juridiska personers förvärv. Speciellt enligt punkten särskilda skäl (6§ 2 st. 4 p.). Intervjuerna visade att det finns tveksamheter kring om en kontroll att förvärv i främst glesbygd leder till en ökad sysselsättning och bosättning i glesbygd. Resultatet visar även att det finns en skillnad i hur Jordbruksverket och länsstyrelserna beslutar. Det visar sig främst de yttranden som länsstyrelsen överlämnar till Jordbruksverket.   Från studien kan två slutsatser dras. Syftena med jordförvärvslagen uppfylls inte i sin helhet som lagen tillämpas idag. Syftet gällande juridiska personers förvärv uppfylls helt eller delvis men tillämpningen och besluten är svårast. Glesbygds- och omarronderingssyftet tycks inte uppfyllas som lagen tillämpas idag. Det finns en skillnad i hur Jordbruksverket och länsstyrelserna beslutar gällande jordförvärv. Skillnaden visar sig främst i de ärenden som överlämnas till Jordbruksverket med ett yttrande och i ärenden gällande särskilda skäl.

Myndigheters konsultanvändning : Behov, motiv och strategier / Government agencies' use of consultants : Needs, motives and strategies

Bertlin, Christopher January 2015 (has links)
Omfattande, och frekventa, köp av konsulttjänster är idag vanligt förekommande hos statliga myndigheter i Sverige. Trots att inköpen, och på det sätt konsulter används, är av stor strategisk betydelse för organisationer, inklusive myndigheter, har kunden fått begränsad uppmärksamhet inom konsultforskningen. Därför är det angeläget med fler empiriska studier som belyser kundens roll som konsultanvändare, och hur denna konstruerar konsultanvändning inom ramen för de kontextuella förutsättningarna. Utifrån denna bakgrund har en kvalitativ studie genomförts för att öka insikten om myndigheters bakomliggande motiv till konsultanvändningen samt hur myndigheter kan anta en aktiv roll för att strategiskt hantera konsulter. Den kvalitativa studien består av totalt sju djupintervjuer med explorativ karaktär, som har genomförts på fyra olika myndigheter med representanter på chefsnivå. Den empiriska studien har identifierat ett flertal motiv bakom inhyrningen, som kan tolkas utifrån konstruktionen av konsulten som expert, resurs eller produkt. Vid konstruktionen av konsulten som expert råder ett asymmetriskt kunskapsförhållande i favör till konsulten. De motiv som har identifierats inom expertdimensionen är tillgång till spetskompetens som är olönsam att utveckla internt, tillgång till experter som är svåra att rekrytera, tillgång till konsultens branschkunskap, nya infallsvinklar på verksamheten, och användning av konsultens opartiskhet. I andra fall råder det ett symmetriskt kunskapsförhållande varvid konsulten konstrueras som resurs. Motiven för sådan inhyrning har identifierats som numerisk flexibilitet och snabb förstärkning av resurser. Slutligen motiveras köpen ibland utifrån de modeller eller koncept som konsulten säljer vilket belyser produktdimensionen av konsulttjänsterna. De representerade myndigheterna har olika uppfattningar om huruvida konsulter bör, eller kan, användas inom kärnverksamheten. Studien indikerar att detta beror på organisatoriska olikheter, och möjligheten att konstruera en kompetensmix, av konsulter och fastanställda, som arbetar tillsammans i olika projekt. För att hantera konsultanvändningen strategiskt belyser examensarbetet tre strategiska processer; legitimering, selektering och styrning. Utifrån dessa processer föreslås bland annat att formella riktlinjer och policys tas fram, att åtgärder vidtas för att säkerställa kunskapsöverföringar, att resurser tillsätts för att utföra kontinuerliga marknadsanalyser, samt att ramavtal används då det är möjligt. Det har dock framkommit att de upphandlingsregler och finansieringssystem som präglar myndigheterna innebär att den strategiska anpassningsbarheten begränsas, vilket kan påverka resultatet av konsultanvändningen negativt. En paradox är att byråkratin tvingar myndigheterna att agera strategiskt vid inköpen då inhyrningen måste ske enligt en byråkratisk och rationell process. / Public spending on consultancy services in Sweden is today substantial and frequent. Even though such procurements are of great strategic importance for client organizations, including government agencies, there is limited research concerning strategies for clients. Therefore empirical studies are needed to shed light on the client perspective, and how the client designs its use of consultants. Against this background a qualitative research method has been conducted to gain insight of the underlying motives for using consultants, and how clients can create value by attaining a strategic exposure with consulting. In total 7 in-depth interviews, with an explorative design, were conducted across four government agencies with directors. The empirical study has identified a number of motives, which can be interpreted from the construction of the consultant as an expert, resource or product. The construction of the consultant as an expert refers to an asymmetric relation of knowledge in favour of the consultant. The motives that have been identified within the expert dimension are: access to expertise not profitable developing internally, access to experts that are difficult to recruit, access to industry specific knowledge, new insights and use of the consultant's impartiality. In other circumstances there is a symmetric relationship whereby the consultant is instead viewed as a resource. The motives for such usage have been identified as numerical flexibility and rapid reinforcement. Finally the purchases are sometimes motivated based on the models and concepts that the consultants sell which underline the product dimension of the consultancy services. The participating authorities have different views on whether consultants should, or can, be used in the core business. The study indicates that this is due to organizational differences, as well as the possibility of constructing a mix of consultants and permanent employees, working together in various projects. In order to deal with consultants strategically the thesis emphasize three strategic processes; legitimation, selection and control. Based on these processes it is proposed, among other things, that formal guidelines and policies are developed, that measures are taken to ensure knowledge transfer, that resources are allocated to carry out continuous market analyzes, and that framework contracts are used when possible. However, it has emerged that the procurement rules and funding structure that characterize the public sector entails a limited strategic adaptability, which may have a negative impact regarding the outcome of the use of consultants. Paradoxically the high level of bureaucracy forces the agencies to act somewhat strategically when dealing with consultants considering the rational, rule-governed, procurement process.

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