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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A falácia da aventura : a relação dos quadros superiores de TI com a dimensão moral do seu trabalho

Mossi, Thays Wolfarth January 2012 (has links)
Cette étude traite de la dimension morale du travail des cadres supérieurs de TI et l’analyse à partir de la perspective de la sociologie de la critique de Luc Boltanski. Nous proposons que l’articulation entre l’étude des transformations du capitalisme et la thèse de que la vie sociale est indissociable de suppositions morales configure une riche forme de compréhension de la réalité du travail dans le capitalisme actuel. Donc, d’abord sont examinées les différentes thèses concernant ces transformations, lesquelles permettent de contextualiser les cadres supérieurs de TI et lui caractériser comme acteurs emblématiques du capitalisme en sa justification actuel. Après, la thèse de la dimension morale de la vie sociale est théoriquement fondée par la sociologie de la critique, à partir de laquelle nous assumons l’hypothèse de que les acteurs communs ont la capacité critique d’évaluer les situations autour de lui et de dénoncer quand quelque chose ne va pas bien. Pour analyser le dimension morale du travail des cadres supérieurs de TI, nous avons associé le modèle des cités de Boltanski et Thévenot (1991) aux esprits du capitalisme décris par Boltanski et Chiapello (1999), afin que les justifications industrielle et par projets ont étés analysées en relation à ses permanences et à sa dissémination, respectivement. D’autre part, pour analyser le relation établie par les acteurs avec la dimension morale de son travail, a été adopté le concept de activité critique, que se déroule dans les opérations critiques (justification, critique et sens de réalité), et que peut être meilleur observée en moments critiques. Pour analyser la relation des cadres supérieurs de TI avec la dimension morale de son travail, ont été réalisés 16 entretiens semi structurées, les quelles ont été analysées avec les instruments de l’analyse d’association des idées (SPINK & LIMA, 1999). Il s’ensuit que la justification industrielle est présente dans le travail des cadres supérieurs de TI grâce à leur récurrence aux idées de stabilité et sécurité en moments de crise. Sur la dissémination de la justification par projets, nous observons qu’il y a un fort engagement des acteurs en relation au idéal de travail, quand il est mobilisé à travers l’aventure et l’apprentissage au travail. Cependant, il y a un recul au rapport à cet idéal quand les acteurs sont confrontés avec la réalisation du risque et de l’incertitude. Finalement, nous concluons que la relation des cadres supérieurs de TI s’est établie à travers une dynamique d’interpositions entre éléments de différentes justifications et à travers du déplacement entre les opérations critiques, afin que chaque élément assume une facette distincte, qui dépend de la situation et des autres éléments avec lesquels ils sont mis en relation. / Este estudo versa sobre a dimensão moral do trabalho dos quadros superiores de TI e a analisa a partir da perspectiva da sociologia da crítica de Luc Boltanski. Propõe-se que a articulação entre o estudo das transformações do capitalismo e a tese de que a vida social é indissociável de pressupostos morais configura uma rica forma de compreensão da realidade do trabalho no capitalismo atual. Assim, primeiramente são examinadas diferentes teses acerca destas transformações, que permitem contextualizar os quadros superiores de TI e caracterizá-los como atores emblemáticos do capitalismo em sua justificação atual. Num segundo momento, a tese da dimensão moral da vida social é teoricamente fundamentada através da sociologia da crítica, a partir da qual assume-se o pressuposto de que os atores comuns dispõem da capacidade crítica de avaliar as situações à sua volta e denunciar quando algo não vai bem. Para analisar a dimensão moral do trabalho dos quadros superiores de TI, associou-se o modelo das cités de Boltanski e Thévenot (1991) aos espíritos do capitalismo descritos por Boltanski e Chiapello (1999), de modo que as justificações industrial e por projetos foram analisadas em relação às suas permanências e à sua disseminação, respectivamente. Por sua vez, para analisar a relação estabelecida por esses atores com a referida dimensão moral, foi adotado o conceito de atividade crítica, que se desdobra em operações críticas (justificação, crítica e senso de realidade) e que pode ser melhor observada em momentos críticos. Para analisar a relação dos quadros superiores de TI com a dimensão moral do seu trabalho, foram realizadas 16 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com quadros superiores de TI, as quais foram analisadas com os instrumentos da análise de associação das idéias (SPINK & LIMA, 1999). Conclui-se que a justificação industrial se faz presente no trabalho dos quadros superiores de TI através da recorrência destes às idéias de estabilidade e segurança em momentos de crise. Em relação à disseminação da justificação por projetos, observa-se que há um forte engajamento dos atores em relação ao ideal de trabalho quando mobilizado através da aventura e do aprendizado no trabalho, no entanto, nota-se um recuo a este mesmo ideal quando os atores são confrontados com a realização do risco e da incerteza. Por fim, concluise que a relação dos quadros superiores de TI se estabelece através de uma dinâmica de interposições entre elementos de diferentes justificações e através da movimentação entre as operações críticas, de modo que cada elemento assume uma faceta distinta dependendo da situação e dos outros elementos com os quais está posto em relação. / This study deals with the moral dimension of IT managers’ labor, which is analyzed from the perspective of Luc Boltanski’s sociology of critic. It proposes that the articulation between the study of capitalism’s transformations and the thesis that social life is inseparable from moral assumptions sets a rich form of comprehension of the labor’s reality in contemporary capitalism. So, first, the different theses about these transformations are analyzed, which allows to contextualize IT managers, and to characterize them as emblematic actors of capitalism’s contemporary justification. Second, the thesis about social life’s moral dimension is theoretically founded through sociology of critic, from which we assume the assumption that regular actors have the critical capacity to evaluate the situations around them and to denounce when something is not right. To analyze the moral dimension of IT managers’ labor, we associated the Boltanski and Thévenot’s (1991) cités’s model to the spirits of capitalism described by Boltanski and Chiapello (1999), so that industrial and projective justifications were analyzed in relation to their stays and dissemination, respectively. On the other hand, to analyze the relation of IT managers to that moral dimension, the concept of critical activity was adopted, which unfolds in critical operations (justification, critic and sense of reality) and that can be better observed in critical moments. To analyze the relation of IT managers with the moral dimension of their labor, were performed 16 semi-structured interviews with IT managers, wich were analyzed with the analysis tools from de analysis of ideas association (SPINK & LIMA, 1999). We conclude that the industrial justification is present in the IT managers’ labor through their recurrence to the ideas of stability and security in moments of crisis. About the projective justification’s dissemination, we observe there is a strong engagement to the ideal of labor, when it is mobilized through the adventure and the learning in work, however, we notice a retreat from this ideal when these actors are confronted the risk and uncertainty’s realization. Finally, we concluded that the IT managers’ relation is established through a dynamic of interpositions between different elements and through the movement between the critical operations, in a way that each element assumes a distinct facet depending on the situation and on the other elements which it is being putted in relation with.

Justifier une prise de décision en situation de dilemme : Aspects cognitifs et émotionnels / Justifying a decision-making in dilemma : Cognitive and emotional aspects

Latchimy, Ingrid 02 July 2012 (has links)
Rares sont les recherches qui ont analysé le contenu des justifications réalisées à l'issue d'un choix fait à un dilemme moral, choix aux conséquences toujours graves pour autrui. Plusieurs recherches ont montré que le jugement moral était largement intuitif et, de ce fait, était difficilement explicités par les individus. Pourtant, étudier le contenu de ces rationalisations après coup devrait permettre d'apporter des éléments nouveaux sur les relations entre les aspects cognitifs et émotionnels à l’œuvre lors d'une prise de décision moralement difficile. Aussi, le design expérimental de cette étude a consisté à demander à des adultes de fournir un jugement à la suite d'un dilemme personnel (Pont) ou impersonnel (Aiguillage) en expliquant les raisons de l'orientation de leur choix soit par oral, soit par écrit. Plusieurs observables, concernant la nature des arguments (déontologiques et utilitaristes) ainsi que le lexique (émotionnel et cognitif) utilisés, ont été mis au point. L'attente principale de cette thèse est de montrer que ce que disent des adultes à propos de leur choix est fortement dépendant de la nature du dilemme auquel ils étaient soumis, de leur jugement et des contraintes facilitatrices ou non de leur modalité d'expression. Autrement dit, le contenu de leur rationalisation après coup dépendrait largement des conditions dans lesquelles ils les ont produites. / Few studies have analyzed the content of justifications made at the end of a choice facing a moral dilemma, although this choice causes serious consequence for others. Several studies have shown that moral judgments were largely intuitive and, therefore, were hardly explained by individuals. However, studying the content of these rationalizations afterthought is expected to provide new information on the relationships between cognitive and emotional aspects at work in a morally difficult decision. The experimental design of this study was to ask adults to provide a judgment on a personal (Bridge) or impersonal (Switch) dilemma explaining the reasons of the direction of their choice either by oral or in writing. Several observables were developed on the nature of the deontological and utilitarian arguments and the emotional and cognitive lexicon used. The main expectation of this thesis is to show that what adults say about their choice is highly dependent on the nature of the dilemma they were submitted to, on their judgment and on the constraints making their mode of expression more or less easier. In other words, the content of their post hoc rationalization would greatly depend on the conditions under which they were produced. More precisely, the content of justifications produced by 331 participants was analyzed with an analytical grid of the deontological and utilitarian arguments and with Tropes software, enabling two scenarios of automatic counting of the emotional lexicon (EMOTAIX) and cognitive lexicon (COGNITAIX). The results show that individuals do not only produce one kind of argument (utilitarian or deontological).

Antifascism: A Reason for Violence? : Antifascists Subjective Accounts on Their Endeavour and the Justification of Violence / Antifascism: Ett skäl till våld? : Antifascisters subjektiva skildringar av deras kamp och rättfärdigandet av våld

Jonsson Endl, Fabienne, Karlsson, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Given the social importance of understanding violence and why it is applied, this study offers a thorough discussion on antifascists actions and perceptions in relation to violence. While previous research has examined antifascism, a substantial understanding of the concept and justification of violence through individual frames has fallen short. With the objective to contribute to the field of peace and conflict through theoretical approaches in the discipline of sociology, this study aims to contribute to decreasing this gap. With the help of Erving Goffman’s Framing Analysis, previous research, and thematic analysis, this study accounts for the individual perceptions and meanings ascribed to social situations and violence within anti-fascism. By conducting eight semi-structured interviews with individuals who identify themselves as active antifascists, this study has been able to demonstrate the importance of recognising the subjective understanding of violence as a means for an antifascist goal. Indeed, the antifascist perceptions are highly individual, where the mere notion that is agreed upon is that fascism has to be countered. While certain individuals justify violence for an antifascist purpose, it is framed as self-defence – but that violence is justified for the greater aim of antifascism, is not proved as a commonality. / Med den sociala vikten av att förstå våld och varför det tillämpas, har denna studie ämnat att bidra med en djupgående diskussion om antifascistiska handlingar och uppfattningar i relation till våld. Även om tidigare forskning har undersökt antifascism, saknas det en grundlig förståelse för konceptet och rättfärdigandet av våld genom individuella ramar. Med syftet att bidra till området för fred och konflikt genom teoretiska angrepp inom sociologins disciplin, syftar denna studie till att minska detta gap. Med hjälp av Erving Goffmans ramanalys, tidigare forskning och tematisk analys, har denna studie kunnat redogöra för individuella uppfattningar och den inneboende meningen som tillskrivs sociala situationer och våldsamma handlingar. Genom att genomföra åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer som identifierar sig som aktiva antifascister har denna studie kunnat belysa vikten av att uppmärksamma de subjektiva förståelserna av våld som ett medel för ett antifascistiskt ändamål. De antifascistiska uppfattningarna är individuella, och den gemensamma uppfattningen som enar antifascister är att fascism måste motverkas. När våld är rättfärdigat av dessa individer är det inom ramen av självförsvar, men att våld är rättfärdigat för det större antifascistiska syftet, är bevisligen inte en konsensus.

The role of the holy spirit in justification according to Romans

Bernard, David Kane 28 February 2006 (has links)
No abstract available / New Testament / M.Th. (New Testament)

La science et l'espace public de la conception scientifique du monde au "Vivre ensemble" chez Otto Neurath

Moysan-Lapointe, Héloïse January 2012 (has links)
Le mémoire vise à dégager le lien entre la connaissance scientifique et les interactions politiques décrit par Otto Neurath à travers son oeuvre. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire de présenter l'empirisme logique de Neurath dans certaines de ses spécificités, puis d'évaluer comment cette approche épistémique est indissociable de questions politiques et sociales. Après avoir explorés [i.e. exploré] certaines caractéristiques du modèle épistémique formulé par Neurath, on s'intéressera plus spécifiquement à la question de l'unité de la science, à travers laquelle on peut saisir plusieurs des préoccupations fondamentales de Neurath comme l'articulation de la connaissance à l'action, les limites de la connaissance relatives aux limites du langage et les limites de la connaissance relatives aux limites pratiques de l'action. Dans un deuxième temps, on pourra comprendre comment cette conception de la science et de la connaissance est élaborée dans la perspective d'une utilisation démocratique de la connaissance. L'intérêt de Neurath est de considérer l'utilité de la science dans l'espace public non seulement quant à l'apport d'informations qu'elle permet, mais aussi des outils discursifs utiles à un processus décisionnel rationnel, démocratique et transparent. Il faudra cependant considérer les limites de tels outils en rappelant les questions relatives aux limites de la science, les liens entre ces limites, la forme de pluralisme politique impliquée, et le caractère lui-même politique de l'activité scientifique. On pourra finalement évaluer le potentiel politique du langage empirique proposé par Neurath comme part constituante de la délibération démocratique. Si le verdict est positif, on pourra alors admettre la valeur éthique de la normativité épistémique pragmatiste proposée par Neurath.

To Kill or Not to Kill : The Moral and Dramatic Potential of Expendable Characters in Role-playing Video Game Narratives

Persson, Louise January 2016 (has links)
Killing in role-playing video games is often a prominent feature. Most of the times, the characters killed are nameless criminals or minions of the true antagonist and if the game wants the player to kill, the player will most probably kill. This research was conducted to see how a dynamic narrative could affect a player’s choice of whether or not to kill expendable adversaries when a choice was provided. Participants played an interactive narrative in two different versions, followed by interviews, to see how narrative consequences and mechanisms for moral disengagement affected the players’ choices. The results showed that the choice of whether or not to kill could be affected if the narrative is dynamic and the non-playable characters reflect upon the choices made. Future studies should be conducted to see how graphics and sound affect the choices, and to see if it might be the mere choice in itself that affects the players the most.

Governmental justification for capital punishment in Japan : case study of the de facto moratorium period from 1989 to 1993

Obara, Mika January 2013 (has links)
Whilst studies on capital punishment in Japan have been conducted by various scholars from various perspectives, empirical research on the de facto moratorium period is largely unavailable. This thesis aims to investigate how consistently the Japanese government justified capital punishment during the execution-free period from 1989 to 1993. Its primary goal is to throw light on the elite-driven nature of the capital punishment system where important decisions are made within the closed institutional dynamic, often irrespective of domestic or international factors. It will also highlight that capital punishment policy has been dealt with by the Japanese government as an issue of law and order, which does not necessarily invite criticism from human rights perspectives. The thesis then proceeds to empirically examine the governmental discourse on capital punishment from 1980 to 2002. It will contend that investigations from an appropriate approach can make clear the elite-driven nature of capital punishment policy in Japan. Finally, it will suggest implications for the international and domestic anti-death-penalty advocates regarding their campaigns over Japan, and reflect on how this thesis can help tackle future research.

Liberal Politics and Public Faith: A Philosophical Reconciliation

Vallier, Kevin January 2011 (has links)
Political philosophers widely assume that public reason liberalism is hostile to religious contributions to liberal politics. My dissertation argues that this assumption is a mistake. Properly understood, public reason liberalism does not privilege religious or secular reasoning; a compelling conception of public reason liberalism can balance the claims of secular citizens and citizens of faith. I develop a framework that can resolve the tensions between liberalism and faith not only at a theoretical level but in the practical matters of dialogue, public policy, institutional design and constitutional law.

La défense de provocation : une articulation des principes de détermination de la peine

Simard, Jimmy 11 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire aborde la question des fondements moraux de la défense de provocation. Les concepts actuellement utilisés pour analyser ces fondements sont habituellement ceux de justification et d'excuse. À notre avis, la défense de provocation doit plutôt être interprétée comme une articulation particulière des principes gouvernant la détermination de la peine. Les deux premiers chapitres seront consacrés respectivement au concept de justification et d'excuse, et auront pour objet d'écarter leur paradigme de l'analyse des fondements de la défense de provocation. Le troisième chapitre montre comment il est possible de conceptualiser le moyen de défense comme une articulation des principes de détermination de la peine. / The present work addresses the question of the moral basis for the defense of provocation. The concepts used today to analyze these bases are usually those of justification and excuse. It is suggested that the defense of provocation should rather be interpreted as a particular articulation of the principles governing the sentencing. The first two chapters cover, respectively, the concepts of justification and excuse, and aim to refute the paradigms of analysis attached to each concept regarding the basis of the defense of provocation. The third chapter demonstrates that it is quite easily possible to conceptualize the defense of provocation as an articulation of the sentencing principles.

Weighing Animal Lives : A Critical Assessment of Justification and Prioritization in Animal-Rights Theories

Karlsson, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
The project underlying this dissertation aims at analyzing three pro-animal-rights theories, evaluating the theories, and outlining an alternative theoretical account of animal rights. The analytical categories are justification and function of animal rights, the definition of the right holder, and the resolution approach to rights conflict. The categories are applied to a naturalist, a theocentric, and a contractarian approach to defend animal rights. The evaluation is substantiated by the assumption that rights are meant to protect less powerful beings against more powerful aggressors. The constructive segment is an investigation into what extent identified disadvantages of the theories can be avoided by outlining a new model for animal rights. The analyses and evaluation suggest that all three theories are at risk of contradicting the proper function of rights-based theories. Tom Regan’s naturalist account of animal rights includes a logical possibility to sacrifice less capable beings for the sake of more capable beings. Andrew Linzey’s theocentric case for animal rights may sometimes mean that vulnerable human persons should be sacrificed for more powerful non-human beings. Mark Rowlands’ outlined contractarian model, further reconstructed in this work, fails to provide a way to resolve rights conflicts, making the function of rights inapplicable to conflicts. In conclusion, it is suggested that defining the right holder as a self-preservative being can be supported by, at least, the contractarian rationale. That would also conform to the proper function of rights-based theories. It is also suggested that this means that rights conflicts should be resolved by a voluntary sacrifice of the most powerful being. Practical circumstances should be created where such voluntarity is both genuine and rationally possible.

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