Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cinetic conergy"" "subject:"cinetic coenergy""
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Videosekvence a jejich využití při výuce fyziky na ZŠ / Videosequention and their usage by physics education at basic schoolMATĚJŮ, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The Thesis "Videosequences and their use in teaching physics at the elementary school" provides a basic understanding of the issue of the use of audiovisual technology in an environment at the elementary school, focusing on the integration of video in teaching physics at the second stage. It describes the possibilities of video sources on the Internet and instructions for their preparation and to their own creation. The Thesis is also based on practical experiences that means the inclusion of specific movies in two selected topics in teaching physics.
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Erosividade, coeficiente de chuva, padrões e período de retorno das chuvas de Quaraí e Rio Grande, RS / Erosivity, rainfall coefficient, patterns and rainfall return period of Quaraí and Rio Grande, RSBazzano, Marcos Gabriel Peñalva 11 October 2005 (has links)
The rainfall specifics characteristics vary from one region to another. The knowledge of the rainfall potential to cause erosion is necessary to plan agricultural and civil engineering
activities. For Quarai and Rio Grande (RS, Brazil), were determined the rainfall erosivity and its relationship with precipitation and rainfall coefficient, rainfall patterns and rainfall return period. Were used rainfall data charts of 38 years of Quarai (1966-2003) and 23 years of Rio Grande (1957, 1959-1978 e 1980-1981). For each erosive rainfall were separated the segments of the rainfall chart with the same intensity and the data registered in worksheet.
With the software Chuveros were estimated the mean monthly and annual rainfall erosivity, the EI30 index in the International System of Units and the rainfall patterns. The mean monthly values of precipitation and erosivity index were expressed as percentages of the mean annual values of precipitation and erosivity index, respectively, to obtain the curve of accumulated distribution of precipitation and erosivity index in function of time. The rainfall coefficient (Rc) was calculated. Were performed Pearson correlations and linear regressions between the erosivity index EI30 and the mean annual values of precipitation and rainfall coefficient.. The rainfall return period were calculated for 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 e 100 years. The mean annual values of EI30 for Quarai and Rio Grande were 9292.1 e 5135.0 MJ mm ha-1 h-1
ano-1, respectively. Were obtained the equations EI30 = -754.37 + 13.50 p (r2 = 0.85) e EI30 = - 47.35 + 82.72 Rc (r2 = 0.84) for Quarai. For Rio Grande the equations were not significant. In relation to the total of the rainfalls studied for each place, 44.3% of the number and 90.4% of the volume were erosive in Quarai, and 32.6% of the number and 99.3% of the volume were erosive in Rio Grande. The method of extreme distribution type I was adequate for obtaining
the curves of intensity-duration-frequency. The rainfall return periods may be calculated by the equations using the values of the parameters found, or by the figures of intensity-durationfrequency. / As características específicas das chuvas variam de uma região a outra. O conhecimento da potencialidade das chuvas em causar erosão é necessário para planejar atividades agrícolas e de engenharia civil. Para as localidades de Quarai e Rio Grande (RS), foram determinados a erosividade da chuva e a relação com a precipitação e o coeficiente de chuva, os padrões da chuva e o período de retorno da chuva. Utilizaram-se dados pluviográficos de 38 anos de Quarai (1966-2003) e 23 anos de Rio Grande (1957, 1959-1978 e 1980-1981). Para cada chuva erosiva foram separados os segmentos do pluviograma com a mesma intensidade e registrados os dados em planilha. Com o programa Chuveros foram calculadas a erosividade mensal, anual e média das chuvas pelo índice EI30 no Sistema Internacional de Unidades e os padrões de chuva. Os valores médios mensais da precipitação e do índice de erosividade foram expressos como percentagens do valor médio anual da precipitação e do índice de erosividade respectivamente, para obter a curva de distribuição acumulada da precipitação e do índice de erosividade em função do tempo. O coeficiente de chuva (Rc) foi calculado.
Foram realizadas correlações de Pearson e regressões lineares simples entre o índice de erosividade EI30 e os valores médios anuais de precipitação e de coeficiente de chuva. O período de retorno foi calculado para 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 e 100 anos. Os valores médios anuais de EI30 para Quarai e Rio Grande foram 9292,1 e 5135,0 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1, respectivamente.
Para Quarai, obtiveram-se as equações EI30 = -754,37 + 13,50 p (r2 = 0,85) e EI30 = -47,35 + 82,72 Rc (r2 = 0,84). Para Rio Grande as equações não foram significativas. Em relação ao total das chuvas estudadas em cada localidade, 44,3% do número e 90,4% do volume foram erosivas em Quarai, e 32,6% do número e 99,3% do volume foram erosivas em Rio Grande. O método da distribuição extrema tipo I foi adequado para obter as curvas de intensidade duração-freqüência. Os períodos de retorno da chuva podem ser calculados através das equações utilizando os valores dos parâmetros achados, ou pelos gráficos das curvas de
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Interactions de la dynamique hydro-sédimentaire avec les herbiers de phanérogames, Étang de Berre / Interactions between marine phanerogams, hydrodynamics and sedimentary processes, Berre lagoonPaquier, Anne-Éléonore 27 November 2014 (has links)
Au début du 20ème siècle, l'étang de Berre était occupée par de larges prairies sous-marines de Zostera qui ont fortement réduit sous l'impact des pollutions et arrivées massives d'eau douce par le canal EDF. Pollutions et arrivées d'eaux ont beaucoup réduit mais les herbiers ne s'étendent pas vers le large. Cette thèse a donc pour but d'analyser les interactions entre les herbiers sous-marins de l'étang de Berre basé sur l'hypothèse que la dynamique hydro-sédimentaire peut jouer un rôle dans le maintien des herbiers à l'état relique. Dans cette lagune, le vent conditionne l'hydrodynamisme en générant des vagues de vent et des courants.L'atténuation des vagues par l'herbier est en lien avec la hauteur des vagues (dépendant de la vitesse du vent, la longueur de fetch et des effets de réfraction lié à la morphologie de la anse) et est modulée par la biométrie de l'herbier, le niveau d'eau ou la présence de courants. Alors qu'au dessus de l'herbier, les courants sont rapides et fortement influencés par le vent et les vagues de vent, une couche de transition eau-canopée permet la dissipation de l'énergie des vagues et des courants. Dans la canopée, les courants sont très atténués grâce à la présence de l'herbier. L'herbier apparaît comme un élément important de la dynamique sédimentaire car il peut, par sa simple présence, réduire l'hydrodynamisme et modifier l'évolution du fond dans et en arrière de l'herbier et protéger la plage. Le niveau de récurrence de vents forts semble contrôler les évolutions sédimentaires.Les fortes interactions de l'herbier avec la dynamique hydro-sédimentaire laissent penser qu'elle pourrait limiter leur extension dans des zones plus exposées. / Berre lagoon was occupied by extensive meadows at the turn of the 20th century which regressed down under the impact of urban and industrial pollution and inflow of the EDF canal. Even though freshwater inputs and pollutions were drastically reduced respectively in the 1980s and 1990s, meadows have not significantly gained ground. This thesis aims at analysing the interactions between seagrass meadows of Berre lagoon, hydrodynamics and sedimentary processes, based on the postulate that these mechanisms are important in the maintenance of the meadows in their present dispersed form. In the lagoon, winds constitute the dominant influence on hydrodynamics in the lagoon by generating wind waves and currents. Wave attenuation is linked to wave height, which is, in turn, dependent on wind intensity and fetch length and modified by the bay morphology. Wave attenuation is also modulated by meadow biometry, and by water levels and currents.Whereas currents are strong and strongly influenced by wind and wind waves above the meadow, a transition canopy-water layer dissipates waves and currents. In the canopy, currents are thus attenuated.The meadow is not just a passive element in the overall sediment dynamics since it reduces energy and thus modifies substrate changes within and in the back of the meadow, thus protecting the shoreline. However, it is the recurrence of strong wind that seems to drive sedimentary changes. The strong interactions between the meadow and the hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes could limit the extension of the meadow in areas more exposed to waves.
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Advanced numerical simulation of corner separation in a linear compressor cascade / Simulation numérique avancée du décollement de coin dans une grille d’aubes linéaire de compresseurGao, Feng 10 April 2014 (has links)
La demande croissante pour alléger les moteurs d’avions et diminuer les émissions polluantes de la propulsion aéronautique réclame à rendre plus compact le système de compression des moteurs, qui représente environ 40%-50% de la masse totale. Or, à taux de compression global égal, la réduction du nombre d’étage exige d’un point de vue aérodynamique une augmentation de la charge des aubes de compresseur par étage. La charge d’aube est aujourd’hui limitée car elle induit différents mécanismes de pertes tridimensionnelles très pénalisant. L’un des plus importants est le décollement de coin qui se forme à la jonction entre l’extrados de l’aube et le moyeu ou le carter. Bien que des travaux existent sur les mécanismes et paramètres intervenant dans le décollement de coin, il est encore difficile de proposer une méthode de contrôle efficace. Cela est principalement dû à deux raisons : (i) le manque de compréhension fine des mécanismes physiques, (ii) l’utilisation pour la conception de modèles de turbulence classiques de type RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) qui ne sont pas capables de prédire précisément le décollement de coin, car ils ne peuvent pas décrire correctement les mécanismes de transport turbulent. Des simulations de type RANS et LES (large-eddy simulation = simulation des grandes échelles) sont présentées dans cette thèse sur une configuration de grille d’aubes de compresseur, et comparées avec les données expérimentales obtenues au LMFA (issues de travaux séparés). L’approche RANS surestime globalement le décollement de coin. Une amélioration significative est obtenue par la méthode LES, en particulier pour le coefficient de pression statique sur l’aube et les pertes de pression totale. Ces résultats montrent que la zone de décollement de coin, qui est la source principale des pertes, génère des tourbillons de grande échelle associés à de forts niveaux d’énergie. Les histogrammes bimodaux de la vitesse tangentielle qui ont été observés expérimentalement semblent confirmés par les résultats LES. En ce qui concerne les amplitudes des fluctuations de vitesse tangentielle, les résultats expérimentaux et ceux de la LES mettent en évidence deux pics sur certains profils perpendiculaires aux parois. Enfin, grâce à l’approche LES, les bilans de l’énergie cinétique turbulente sont calculés et analysés. Ils décrivent l’équilibre entre les termes de production, de dissipation et de transport. Une des perspectives de cette analyse est d’aider à améliorer la modélisation de la turbulence en approche RANS. / The increasing demand to reduce the mass of aircraft jet engines and emissions of aircraft propulsion requires to make the compression system of engines more compact, since this component accounts for about 40%-50% of the total mass. However, at a given overall pressure ratio, decreasing the number of stages will raise the compressor blade loading per stage. The blade loading is extremely restricted by different three-dimensional flow loss mechanisms. One of them is the corner separation that forms between the blade suction side and the hub or shroud. Although some works previously investigated the mechanisms and the parameters of corner separation, it is still difficult to propose an effective control method of the corner separation. That is mainly due to two reasons: (i) the lack of knowledge of the physical mechanisms, (ii) the nowadays classical RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) turbulence models are not capable to accurately predict the corner separation, since they cannot correctly describe the turbulent transport mechanisms. RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) and LES (large-eddy simulation) simulations are here presented on a compressor cascade configuration, in comparison with experimental data obtained at LMFA (from separate works). The RANS approach globally over-estimates the corner separation, whereas a significant improvement is achieved with the LES, especially for the blade surface static pressure coefficient and the total pressure losses. The corner separation region, which is the main source of the total pressure losses, is shown to generate large-scale energy-containing eddies. The bimodal histograms of the streamwise velocity that were observed experimentally seem to be confirmed by the LES results. Concerning the streamwise velocity fluctuations (RMS), both the experiment and the LES show some profiles with two peaks. Finally, thanks to the LES approach, the turbulent kinetic energy budget, which represents the balance between the production, dissipation and transport terms, are computed and analyzed. This may help the improvement of RANS turbulence modeling.
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Caractérisation expérimentale de l'écoulement et de la dispersion autour d'un obstacle bidimensionnelGamel, Hervé 10 February 2015 (has links)
Depuis une dizaine d’années, l’évolution de la puissance des ordinateurs a permis de développer l’utilisation, dans les études d’ingénierie, des simulations 3D CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) pour l’étude de l’atmosphère à petite échelle, en particulier pour la dispersion de polluants sur des sites industriels et urbains complexes. Compte tenu de la complexité des domaines à étudier et des ressources de calcul généralement disponibles, ces études sont la plupart du temps réalisées à l’aide des modèles RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes), et particulièrement avec le modèle de fermeture k – e. Différents travaux de validation de l’approche RANS k – e ont mis en évidence quelques limitations à reproduire la dynamique de l’écoulement et de la dispersion dans des configurations géométriques complexes. Le travail de recherche réalisé dans le cadre de cette thèse a pour objectif une caractérisation expérimentale fine de l’écoulement et de la dispersion turbulente autour d’un obstacle bidimensionnel placé dans une couche limite de surface, afin d’évaluer la validité des modèles RANS en vue de leur application pour l’étude de la dispersion atmosphérique.Dans un premier temps, nous avons utilisé des techniques d’anémométrie à fil chaud, d’anémométrie laser Doppler et d’anémométrie par image de particules, pour déterminer le champ de vitesse dans une couche limite de surface rugueuse et autour d’un obstacle bidimensionnel de section carrée. Une attention particulière a été portée sur l’analyse des termes de l’équation évolutive de l’énergie cinétique turbulente (ECT) et sur la détermination de la viscosité turbulente vt. Différentes approches ont également été utilisées pour estimer le taux de dissipation e de l’énergie cinétique turbulente. Nous avons mis en évidence que ces différentes approches fournissent des résultats comparables dans le cas de la couche limite, tandis que seule la technique estimant e comme le résidu de l’ECT est applicable dans le sillage de l’obstacle. De plus, nos mesures ont permis d’évaluer les paramétrisations du modèle k – e et de montrer que la valeur du coefficient Cμ = 0.09 ne semble pas adaptée dans le cas de la couche limite, conduisant à une surestimation de vt, alors que cette valeur apparait plus adaptée dans le cas de l’obstacle. Une étude de sensibilité, portant la détermination de la constante σk du modèle k – e, indique une contribution non négligeable des termes de corrélation entre la vitesse et la pression dans le sillage de l’obstacle.Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié la dispersion d’un scalaire passif, en mesurant les différents moments statistiques de la concentration, au moyen d’un détecteur à ionisation de flamme. Nous avons également déterminé les flux turbulents de masse, par un couplage entre les mesures de vitesse et de concentration, en prenant soin de contrôler les influences réciproques des deux techniques de mesure. Ces mesures nous ont permis de tester la validité de différents modèles de fermeture de l’équation d’advection-diffusion pour estimer les flux dans le sens vertical et dans le sens longitudinal. Nous avons également pu déterminer expérimentalement le coefficient de diffusivité turbulente Dt, nous permettant d’évaluer un nombre de Schmidt turbulent Sct, afin de mettre en évidence que la valeur Sct = 0.7 est adaptée à la majorité des zones étudiées, excepté dans la zone de recirculation induite par l’obstacle. Enfin, nous nous sommes intéressés aux différents termes de l’équation de la variance de la concentration et plus particulièrement à son taux de dissipation. À nouveau, les mesures nous ont permis de tester un modèle de fermeture disponible dans la littérature et de montrer la bonne cohérence entre le modèle et l’expérience. / In the last decades, there has been an increasing use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)simulations to evaluate the impact of atmospheric pollutants dispersion in within industrial and urban sites. Given the high geometrical complexity of these sites, these simulations are mainly performed adopting a Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach and using k−e closure models. As is well known from previous studies, RANS k−e simulations are affected by some limitations that prevent them correctly reproducing the dynamics of the flow and the pollutant dispersion in complex geometrical configurations. The aim of the PhD is to provide a detailed experimental characterization of the flow and the turbulent dispersion around an idealized two-dimensional obstacle placed within a boundary layer flow. This is subsequently used to analyse the reliability of RANS closure models as predictive tools for the atmospheric dispersion of airborne pollutants. Initially we focus on the flow dynamics of a boundary layer flow developing over a rough wall and in the wake of a 2D obstacle. The velocity field is investigated experimentally by means of different measurement techniques, namely Hot Wire Anemometry (HWA), Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and Stereo-Particle Imagery Velocimetry (PIV). A particular attention was devoted to the estimate of the turbulent viscosity nt as well as of the terms composing the turbulent kinetic energy budget (TKE), including its rate of dissipation e which was determined adopting different approaches. These measurements allowed us to analyse the accuracy of the parameterizations included in a standard k−e closure model. Our analysis show that a value of the coefficient Cμ = 0.09 leads to significant overestimation of nt in a boundary layer flow. Conversely, adopting Cμ = 0.09 provides a good agreement between modeled and direct estimates of nt in the wake of the obstacle. As a second step, we studied the dispersion of a passive scalar emitted by a ground level line source. To that purpose we measured the first four order moments of the concentration probability density function by mean of a flame ionization detector (FID). Furthermore, the coupling of the FID system with the LDA or HWA system allowed us to directly measure the turbulent mass transfer, i.e. the correlation between velocity and concentration fluctuations. The combination of these two techniques was carefully analyzed, in order to quantify eventual mutual disturbances of one measurement technique on the other. The measurements of the velocity/concentration correlations allowed us to determine experimentally the turbulent diffusivity Dt and the turbulent Schmidt number Sct , and therefore to test the accuracy of different closure models of the advection-distribution equation. Our results show that the value of the turbulent Schmidt number is approximately equal to 0.7 in most of the domain, except in the recirculation zone on the wake of the obstacle. Experimental data provide also a complete description of the spatial distribution of the concentration variance, and of the term composing its budget (with a focus on its dissipation). As for the velocity field, we test the reliability of different closure model proposed in the literature of the turbulent mass transfer terms, enlightening the shortcomings of simple gradient-law closer models.
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Development of a multi-scale meteorological system to improve urban climate modeling / Developpement d'un système météorologique multi-échelle pour améliorer la modélisation du climat urbainMauree, Dasaraden 19 March 2014 (has links)
Ce travail a consisté à développer un modèle de canopée (CIM), qui pourrait servir d’interface entre des modèles méso-échelles de calcul du climat urbain et des modèles micro-échelles de besoin énergétique du bâtiment. Le développement est présenté en conditions atmosphériques variées, avec et sans obstacles, en s’appuyant sur les théories précédemment proposées. Il a été, par exemple, montré que, pour être en cohérence avec la théorie de similitude de Monin-Obukhov, un terme correctif devait être rajouté au terme de flottabilité de la T.K.E. CIM a aussi été couplé au modèle méso-échelle WRF. Une méthodologie a été proposée pour profiter de leurs avantages respectifs (un plus résolu, l’autre intégrant des termes de transports horizontaux) et pour assurer la cohérence de leurs résultats. Ces derniers ont montré que ce système, en plus d’être plus précis que le modèle WRF à la même résolution, permettait, par l’intermédiaire de CIM, de fournir des profils plus résolus près de la surface. / This study consisted in the development of a canopy model (CIM), which could be use as an interface between meso-scale models used to simulate urban climate and micro-scale models used to evaluate building energy use. The development is based on previously proposed theories and is presented in different atmospheric conditions, with and without obstable. It has been shown, for example, that to be in coherence with the Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory, that a correction term has to be added to the buoyancy term of the T.K.E. CIM has also been coupled with the meteorological meso-scale model WRF. A methodology was proposed to take advantage of both models (one being more resolved, the other one integrating horizontal transport terms) and to ensure a coherence of the results. Besides being more precise than the WRF model at the same resolution, this system allows, through CIM, to provide high resolved vertical profiles near the surface.
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Automated Production Technologies and Measurement Systems for Ferrite Magnetized Linear GeneratorsKamf, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
The interest in breaking the historical dependence on fossil energy and begin moving towards more renewable energy sources is rising worldwide. This is largely due to uncertainties in the future supply of fossil fuels and the rising concerns about humanity’s role in the currently ongoing climate changes. One renewable energy source is ocean waves and Uppsala University has since the early 2000s been performing active research in this area. The Uppsala wave energy concept is centered on developing linear generators coupled to point absorbing buoys, with the generator situated on the seabed and connected to the buoy on the sea surface via a steel wire. The motion of the buoy then transfers energy to the generator, where it is converted into electricity and sent to shore for delivery into the electrical grid. This thesis will mainly focus on the development and evaluation of technologies used to automate the manufacturing of the translator, a central part of the linear generator, using industrial robotics. The translator is a 3 m high and 0.8 m wide three sided structure with an aluminum pipe at its center. The structure consists of alternating layers of steel plates (pole-shoes) and ferrite magnets, with a total of 72 layers per side. To perform experiments on translator assembly and production, a robot cell (centered on an IRB6650S industrial robot) complimented with relevant tools, equipment and security measures, has been designed and constructed. The mounting of the pole-shoes on the central pipe, using the industrial robot, proved to be the most challenging task to solve. However, by implementing a precise work-piece orientation calibration system, combined with selective compliance robot tools, the task could be performed with mounting speeds of up to 50 mm/s. Although progress has been made, much work still remains before fully automated translator assembly is a reality. A secondary topic of this thesis is the development of stand-alone measurement systems to be used in the linear generator, once it has been deployed on the seabed. The main requirements of such a measurement system is robustness, resistance to electrical noise, and power efficiency. If possible the system should also be portable and easy to use. This was solved by developing a custom measurement circuit, based on industry standard 4–20 mA current signals, combined with a portable submersible logging unit. The latest iteration of the system is small enough to be deployed and retrieved by one person, and can collect data for 10 weeks before running out of batteries. Future work in this area should focus on increasing the usability of the system. The third and final topic of this thesis is a short discussion of an engineering approach to kinetic energy storage, in the form of high-speed composite flywheels, and the design of two different prototypes of such flywheels. Both designs gave important insights to the research group, but a few crucial design faults unfortunately made it impossible to evaluate the full potential of the two designs.
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Développements autour de la méthode d'interactions de configurations en champ moyen / Development over the mean-field interaction configuration methodIlmane, Amine 10 December 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse ont été développés de nouveaux outils de calcul théorique de spectres moléculaires rovibrationnels qui permettent de mieux traiter les états vibrationnels très excités ainsi que les mouvements de grandes amplitudes avec la méthode d’interactions de configurations en champ moyen. Dans un premier temps, nous avons discuté la question du choix des bases modales et les différents compromis à trouver afin de pallier aux défauts possibles des surfaces d'énergie potentielle. Dans ce cadre nous avons également développé un critère de sélection visant à améliorer la qualité des fonctions d'ondes rovibrationnelles de base. Ces approches ont été appliquées avec succès à la molécule de méthane CH4.Dans un second temps, nous avons implémenté un algorithme de calcul formel des opérateurs d'énergie cinétique en coordonnées quelconques qui permet d'avoir des expressions exactes ainsi que leurs développements en série de Taylor ou Fourier, qui exploite au mieux les potentialités du logiciel MATHEMATICA et a permis d'obtenir des hamiltoniens rovibrationnels en coordonnées de valence de façon particulièrement efficace. Enfin, nous avons généralisé la méthode d’interactions de configurations en champ moyen en ajoutant de façon perturbative un champ effectif d'ordre deux. Nous avons appliqué cette généralisation à la molécule de péroxyde d'hydrogène HOOH, ce qui a permis de montrer son intérêt tant pour l'amélioration des niveaux d'énergie que des fonctions d'onde associées, lorsqu'on a affaire à des groupes de degrés de liberté bien séparés énergétiquement. / In this thesis we developed new theoretical tools for molecular rovibrational spectra for a better description of the excited vibrational states and movements with large amplitudes using mean field configuration interaction method. First, we discussed the choice of modal basis and different trade-off to overcome the possible shortcomings of potential energy surfaces. In this context we have also developed selection criteria to improve the quality of rovibrational wave functions. These approaches have been successfully applied to the methane molecule (CH4). Secondly, we have implemented a formal algorithm for calculating the kinetic energy operators in arbitrary coordinates that allows the derivation of exact expressions and their Taylor and Fourier series, using, in a very efficient way, the capabilities of the software MATHEMATICA which yield to the derivation of rovibrational Hamiltonians in valence coordinated. Finally, we have generalized the mean-field configuration interaction method by adding perturbatively a second order effective field. We applied this generalization to the hydrogen peroxide molecule (HOOH), which has shown an improvement for both energy levels and the associated wave functions, when dealing with groups of degrees of freedom that are energetically well separated.
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Use of wind profilers to quantify atmospheric turbulenceLee, Christopher Francis January 2011 (has links)
Doppler radar wind profilers are already widely used to measure atmospheric winds throughout the free troposphere and stratosphere. Several methods have been developed to quantify atmospheric turbulence with such radars, but to date they have remained largely un-tested; this thesis presents the first comprehensive validation of one such method. Conventional in-situ measurements of turbulence have been concentrated in the surface layer, with some aircraft and balloon platforms measuring at higher altitudes on a case study basis. Radars offer the opportunity to measure turbulence near continuously, and at a range of altitudes, to provide the first long term observations of atmospheric turbulence above the surface layer. Two radars were used in this study, a Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere (MST) radar, at Capel Dewi, West Wales, and the Facility for Ground Based Atmospheric Measurements (FGAM) mobile boundary layer profiler. In-situ measurements were made using aircraft and tethered-balloon borne turbulence probes. The spectral width method was chosen for detailed testing, which uses the width of a radar's Doppler spectrum as a measure of atmospheric velocity variance. Broader Doppler spectra indicate stronger turbulence. To obtain Gaussian Doppler spectra (a requirement of the spectral width method), combination of between five and seven consecutive spectra was required. Individual MST spectra were particularly non-Gaussian, because of the sparse nature of turbulence at its observation altitudes. The width of Gaussian fits to the Doppler spectrum were compared to those from the `raw' spectrum, to ensure that non-atmospheric signals were not measured. Corrections for non-turbulent broadening, such as beam broadening, and signal processing, were investigated. Shear broadening was found to be small, and the errors in its calculation large, so no corrections for wind shear were applied. Beam broadening was found to be the dominant broadening contribution, and also contributed the largest uncertainty to spectral widths. Corrected spectral widths were found to correlate with aircraft measurements for both radars. Observing spectral widths over time periods of 40 and 60 minutes for the boundary layer profiler and MST radar respectively, gave the best measure of turbulence intensity and variability. Median spectral widths gave the best average over that period, with two-sigma limits (where sigma is the standard deviation of spectral widths) giving the best representation of the variability in turbulence. Turbulent kinetic energies were derived from spectral widths; typical boundary layer values were 0.13 m 2.s (-2) with a two-sigma range of 0.04-0.25 m 2.s (-2), and peaked at 0.21 m 2.s (-2) with a two-sigma range of 0.08-0.61 m 2.s (-2). Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates were also calculated from spectral widths, requiring radiosonde measurements of atmospheric stability. Dissipation rates compared well width aircraft measurements, reaching peaks of 1x10 (-3) m 2.s (-3) within 200 m of the ground, and decreasing to 1-2x10 (-5) m 2.s (-3) near the boundary layer capping inversion. Typical boundary layer values were between 1-3x10 (-4) m 2.s (-3). Those values are in close agreement with dissipation rates from previous studies.
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Analys och utveckling av drivsystemoberoende energiåtervinningGilani, Ramin January 2011 (has links)
Limitations in energy recovery technology require extended research for development of existing and alternative solutions. This thesis project has treated valuing pneumatic drivetrain independent energy recovery system as a potential solution. The prototype built during this project uses a piston compressor to transform kinetic energy into compressed air. The compressed air was then stored in two air tanks and transformed into kinetic energy with an air motor on demand. The prototype was built on a rig using a high power electrical engine to simulate energy input from the wheels during braking. The air motor was then used to rotate a Volvo S40 engine simulating energy output to the wheels. To further illustrate how the technology can be implemented in vehicles and to emphasize the variety of pneumatic energy recovery solutions a 3D CAD model was designed and other components was reflected. Such as using a screw compressor instead of piston and also using the compressor as a motor reducing the number of components optimizing the system. The system storing the kinetic energy does not mean that the vehicle can manage without an ordinary brake system. The regenerative braking effect rapidly reduces at lower speeds; therefore friction brake is still required in order to bring the vehicle to a complete halt.Analyses of strength of strained components acknowledge that limited energy recovery is possible without redimensioning the driveshaft´s. The limitation is regulated by the original dimension for engine load, with subject to the CV joint. Optimum positioning of the compressor due to the limited space in a modern vehicle is behind the gearbox in conjunction with the gearbox outgoing pinion for short energy transportation.Electrical energy recovery system is the solution with the highest potential on the market today but electrical vehicles covers just a fraction of the vehicle industry doe to technical and infrastructural limitations. Drivetrain independent pneumatic, hydraulic or mechanical energy recovery systems lay the foundation of a common ground for all vehicles and other waste energy machinery to use one energy recovery technology. The market research indicates that this type of technology is up-to-the-minute. / <p>Validerat; 20110106 (anonymous)</p>
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