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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organizacinio komandinio darbo ir klimato raiškos ypatumai reklamos agentūroje / Singularities of team work and organizational climate in advertisement agency

Černeckienė, Inga 03 June 2005 (has links)
This master’s final paper formulates possibilities to improve team work and organizational climate in advertisement agencies based on the team work and organizational climate diagnostic research made in the Joint Stock Company “Pramuštgalvis“. The paper analyses theoretical scientific material and this analysis allows to justify importance of team work and organizational climate and possibilities to improve it in the context of human resources management. The research of team work was made according the German test „Team Plus“ adapted in Lithuania. The organizational climate research was made according the test created by professor G. Merkys and his scientific group. 41 respondents from 6 teams of advertisement agency took part in the research. The data received was processed by the typical SPSS program. Evaluation of the statistical data allows to propose that team work in the advertisement agencies is little functional and organizational climate is rather poor. The hypothesis formulated by the author of this paper is proved. Team work and organizational climate are interdependent characteristics of human resources management.

Komandinio darbo ir organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigoje / Peculiarities of expression of teamwork and organizational climate in primary health care institution

Martinkus, Artūras 04 June 2005 (has links)
This Master's Dissertation is an independent part of collegial diagnostic research of teamwork. The aim of the project is to investigate peculiarities of team-work and expression of microclimate carrying out a diagnostic research and using two standardised tests: standardised German test “Team Plus” and organization climate crisis test created by Prof. G. Merkys' research group. The tests of teamwork consists of 66 questions about various aspects of teamwork. Organization climate crisis test consists of 149 questions. The research was carried out in Siauliai X Primary Personal Health Care (PPHC) Centre. The test was anonymous. 71 respondent has been questioned. The received data was processed using a typical SPSS program. Overall evaluation of efficiency of teamwork was negative and overall evaluation of organizational climate is positive. Teamwork optimisation recommendations have been formulated according to the carried out diagnostic research.

Komandinio darbo ir organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai gamybinėje įmonėje „Vičiūnai“ / The pacularities of the comand work and the organized climate matter at the Industrial Enterprise „Vičiūnai“

Jonušaitė, Aurelija 04 June 2005 (has links)
There was raised the hypothrsis in the masters work that the command work and the organized climate are well-disposed and a special manageable intervention are not required at the investigatory Enterpryse. The aim of the research is to investigate the command work and the organized climate matter at the chosen Entherprise using two standard tests: the Standard test „Team Puls“ created by Germans and the test of the organization climatecrisis which is being created by prophesors G. Merkys scientific group.

Komandinio darbo ir organizacijos klimato raiškos ypatumai statutinėje organizacijoje: Šiaulių teritorinės muitinės situacija / The Possibilities of Assessment Command Work by ,, Team Pulls” and Organizations Climate in Statute Organizations: Situation in Siauliai Regional Customs office

Jurkevičius, Artūras 06 June 2005 (has links)
This post-graduate work is an independent part of a team research work. The aim of the project is to adapt the German team test “Team Plus” and new test Organisation Climate to Lithuanian cultural conditions. The writer this post-graduate work was trusted to try the test by investigating Regional Customs office. This very investigation and the written report on it is the subject of the post-graduate work. In Siauliai Regional Customs office had 9 teams to be investigated. 81 respondents who were questioned. The data was processed using typical SPSS programmer. The signs of dissemination (variance) in the joint teams were investigated. The influence, of the demographic varies, such as sex, status, experience on the productiveness of the team work and Organisation Climate was analyzed. The guides for the continuation of the work are given in the post-graduate thesis.The quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis were constantly co-coordinated. The post-graduate thesis consists of three parts: theory, methods of investigation and the results. Conclusions, discussions and the list of literature used is also included.

Komandinio darbo ir organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai viešojo sektoriaus organizacijoje: x rajono savivaldybės administracijos situacija / The singularity of expression of team-work and organization climate in organization of the public sector: situation of municipality of the X district

Pranys, Tomas 07 June 2005 (has links)
This master’s work is part of team research work. The aim of the work is to analyze the expression of the team – work and organization climate in municipality of the X district, using two standart tests: the German "Team Puls" test and organization climates’ crisis test created by scientific group of prof. G. Merkys. The questionnaire was made up of 66 questions refering to various aspects of team work. The questionnaire of organization climates’ test consists 149 questions. The research work was carried out at municipality of the X district. The testing was anonymous. 63 respondents including 12 teams of different departments of organization were surveyed. The data was processed using typical SPSS programme. Special psychometrical rates testify the reliability of all the data. Considerable dispersal of attribute was stated. All this indicates that in some subdivisions team work is very efficient while the others have got room for improvement and unexhausted possibilities.

Komandinio darbo ir organizacijos klimato raiškos ypatumai statutinėje viešojo sektoriaus organizacijoje: X rajono policijos komisariato situacija / The Peculiarities of the Expression of Team Work and Organisational Climate in Statutory Public Sector Organisation: the Situation of the X District Police Headquarters

Beniušienė, Ineta 07 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of the authors of this paper is to analyse the expression of team work and organisational climate in X district police headquarters using two standardised tests – Team Work test (a standardised German test) and the test/instrument of Organisational Climate created by the scientific group of prof. G. Merkys. This Master’s Paper is an independent part of a collegial research project. The theoretical peculiarities of human resource management of different Lithuanian and foreign authors in a modern public sector organisation, the peculiarities of team work and theoretical and practical aspects of organisational climate are analysed and systematized in the Master’s Paper. The scientific research hypothesis of the authors that the teamwork and organisational climate in X District police headquarters are uncongenial, critical and therefore demanding managerial intervention has been proved partly.

Organizacijos socialinio – psichologinio klimato formavimas: UAB „Agrokoncernas“ atvejis / Organization social – psychological climate formation: the case of UAB „Agrokoncernas"

Almanis, Adomas 03 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro tikslas – ištirti žemės ūkio bendrovės socialinio – psichologinio klimato aspektus. Darbe išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslininkų darbai leido išskirti pagrindines organizacijos socialinio – psichologinio klimato dimensijas: komunikacija, vadovavimas bei motyvacija. Ištyrus UAB „Agrokoncernas“ darbuotojų nuomonę apie vyraujantį socialinį – psichologinį klimatą, autoriaus suformuluota hipotezė, kad organizacijos socialinis – psichologinis klimatas yra palankus, pasitvirtino iš dalies. Kitaip tariant, organizacijoje nariai tam tikrus aspektus įvertino neigiamai. Magistro darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados ir rekomendacijos. / The aim of paper is to analyse the aspects of social – psychological climate in agricultural company. Works and researches theoretical peculiarities of different Lithuanian and foreign authors allow to define the main aspects of social – psychological climate, such as communication, management, motivation. The opinion of UAB „Agrokoncernas“ employees about social – psychological climate showed that master‘s work hypothesis has been proved partly. In other words, organization‘s members some aspects appraised in negative way. There are some findings and recommendations in the end of the master‘s work.

Organizacijos klimato tyrimas AB „Šiaulių geležinkelio infrastruktūra“ / The climate of organization "Šiaulių geležinkelio infrastruktūra"

Romaškevič, Marina 03 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami veiksniai, kurie daro įtaką organizacijos klimatui. Išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių darbai, tyrimai organizacijos klimato tema. Pasinaudojant teoriniais sprendimais bei metodais, atliktas AB "Šiaulių geležinkelio infrastruktūra" organizacijos klimato tyrimas: įvertinta organizacijos veiklos būklė, atlikta žmogiškųjų išteklių analizė, ištirtos darbuotojų nuostatos apie organizacijoje dominuojantį klimatą. Apibendrinus gautus rezultatus, nustatyta, kad AB "Šiaulių geležinkelio infrastruktūra" susiklostęs organizacijos klimatas yra geras, o organizacijos vadovams rekomenduotina atkreipti dėmesį į darbuotojų dalyvavimą priimant organizacijos sprendimus. / In the present bachelor thesis, factors which are influenced on organizational climate were analyzed. Organizational climate researches, presented by Lithuanian and foreign authors, were analyzed and systematized. Theoretic methods and solutions were used for investigation of organizational climate of Joint-stock Company “Šiaulių geležinkelio infrastruktūra“: condition of work in organization was estimated; human resources in organization were analyzed; attitude of employees about climate on organization was studied. It was estimated from obtained results, that organizational climate in Joint-stock Company “Šiaulių geležinkelio infrastruktūra“ is healthy. However, more attention of the head of the company should be paid for participation of employees in solutions of organization problems.

Organizacinio komandinio darbo ir klimato raiškos ypatumai odos apdirbimo įmonėje / The key issues of the organizational teamwork & organizational microclimate at the leather processing enterprise

Pranevičienė, Vaiva 06 June 2005 (has links)
This work, finalizing the master’s degree studies, is the self-dependent part of a collegial research project. The key issue of a project is to adopt the specific tests to the specific cultural environment of Lithuania. Two different tests have been evaluated. One of them, - teamwork test “Team Plus” has been made & tested by Germans under the Lithuanian conditions, & another test of organizational microclimate- has been created locally in Lithuania. Tests have been checked with the teams of leather processing enterprise. The organizational microclimate of a typical workgroups has been targeted as the main issues of the test. This research, together with the written report about it, is the main part of a master’s degree work. Total number of a 115 respondents has fulfilled the questionnaires. The total respondent’s number represents the 11 teams. Data has been analyzed, using the typical SPSS program. Both: qualitative & quantitative research methods have been used. The influence of demographic variables (meaning the sex) on to the teamwork expression has been evaluated in this research. According to the processed research data, the influence of the sex appeared to be nonessential. In conclusion, the next key issues can be stated. The indicators of an effective teamwork can be noticed only in the departments with a positive organizational microclimate. On the other hand, the ineffective teamwork markers are tightly connected with a negative organizational microclimate.

Komandinio darbo ir organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai baldų gamybos įmonėje: AB "Venta" situacija / Expression Peculiarities of Team Work and Organizational Climate in the Furniture factory: situation in JSC "Venta"

Kamarauskienė, Sigita 06 June 2005 (has links)
This post-graduate work is an independent part of a team research work. The aim of the project is to set the connection between team work and organizational climate in the management characteristics of human resources of the organization using adapted work test "Team Puls" established and used by Germans in the cultural terms of Lithuania as well as newly created test based on organizational climate crisis. The research proved theoretical presumption that well developed and functional team work corresponds to the favourable organizational climate and vice versa the organizational climate crisis is responsible for the not effective team work. Preceding was confirmed by the systematic and reliable statistical connection between team work and organizational climate estimated in accordance with the method of factorial analysis. High psychometrical quality of the tests on the team work and organizational climate was proved using various methods such as factorial validity, inner consistence and retest.

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