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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Jag kan inte göra mitt jobb som i vanliga fall, det gör ju ont i hjärtat någonstans” : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksamma på kvinnojourers upplevelser av att arbeta, bemöta och kommunicera med våldsutsatta kvinnor under Covid-19. / "I can’t do my job as usual, it hurts somewhere in the heart" : A qualitative study about women’s shelter representatives and their experiences of working, treat and communicate with abused women during the Covid-19.

Winblad, Siri, Gran, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie har nio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts utifrån en kvalitativ studie med yrkesverksamma på kvinnojourer runt om i Sverige. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma på kvinnojourer har upplevt det att arbeta på en kvinnojour samt hur deras bemötande och kommunikation gentemot våldsutsatta kvinnor har påverkats under tiden för pandemin. Resultatet har analyserat med hjälp av tidigare forskning, Lipskys teorier om gräsrotsbyråkrati och handlingsutrymme samt utifrån begreppen bemötande och kommunikation. Med en tematisk analys visar resultatet på att de yrkesverksamma på kvinnojourerna har fått göra omprioriteringar i sina arbetsuppgifter i samband med de implementerade restriktioner och rekommendationer på arbetsplatsen som smittspridningen av Covid-19 har medfört.  De har även bidragit till att en del kvinnojourer har fått en hög arbetsbelastning som lett till en sliten personal. Vidare framkommer det i resultatet att opinionsbildning och föreläsningar som är en viktig del i deras arbete, inte har kunnat bedrivas såsom önskat under pandemin. Resultatet visade även på att yrkesverksamma på kvinnojourer inte har sett en ökning av stödsökande kvinnor under Covid-19, vilket de tror sig kommer att se efter pandemins slut. / In this study, nine semi-structured interviews were conducted based on a qualitative study with ten various women’s shelters representatives around Sweden. The aim of the study was to investigate how representatives in women's shelters have experienced working in a women's shelter and how their treatment and communication towards abused women has been affected during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results have been analyzed with the help of previous research, Lipsky's theories of street-level bureaucracy and discretion and the concepts of treatment and communication. Using a thematic analysis, the results show that the representatives at the women's shelters have had to re-prioritize their work tasks because of the implemented restrictions and recommendations in the workplace that the spread of Covid-19 has entailed. They have also contributed to several women's shelters having a high workload, which has led to a worn-down staff. Furthermore, the results show that opinion formation and lectures, which is an important part of their work, have not been able to be conducted as desired during the pandemic. The results also showed that the representatives at the women's shelters have not seen an increase in women seeking support during Covid-19. They do however believe that they will see it when the pandemic has come to an end.

Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete på skyddat boende för våldsutsatta kvinnor och barn : En studie om kvalitetsledningssystem samt framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar kopplat till det interna kvalitetsarbetet

Forthmeiier, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
En enkätstudie har genomförts med 47 deltagande ideella kvinnojourer. Respondenterna har fått uppge vad verksamheternas ledningssystem för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete innefattar samt identifiera framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar kopplat till det egna kvalitetsarbetet. Resultatet påvisar att kvinnojourerna i viss utsträckning har ett dokumenterat kvalitetsledningssystem. Vidare framkommer att verksamheterna arbetar med kvalitetsfrågor i praktiken i större utsträckning än vad som finns dokumenterat i kvalitetsledningssystemet. Det framkommer även att respondenterna upplever att styrelsernas engagemang för kvalitetsfrågor är svalt men att anställd personal och ledare för kvinnojourerna är desto mer engagerade och delaktiga i verksamhetens kvalitetsarbete.  Resultaten i denna studie kan vara av intresse för skyddade boenden i Sverige, organisationer som representerar skyddade boenden och myndigheter som arbetar mot våld i nära relation. / A survey has been conducted with 47 representatives from non-governmental women’s shelter. The respondents have shared what their quality management system includes and identified success factors and challenges connected to their quality work. The result show that the women’s shelter has partly documented quality management system. It also shows that the women’s shelter does more quality work in practice than what is documented in the management system. Moreover, the respondent reckons there is a low commitment for the organisation’s quality work among the board members and that work and commitment is driven mainly by employed staff and the business manager of the shelters.  The results presented in this study might be of interest for women´s shelter in Sweden, organisations representing women´s shelter and authorities working against domestic violence. / <p>2021-06-06</p>

“Jag är här varje gång. Jag försvinner inte.” : En kvalitativ studie om relationsskapandet mellan socialarbetare och våldsutsatta kvinnor / "I am here everytime. I will not dissapear." : A qualitative study on the relationship between social workers and abused women.

Carling, Tilde, Fanny, Lindström January 2023 (has links)
This essay portrays the relationship building between social workers and abused women. Intimate partner violence is a social problem worldwide. It appears that the relationship building between social workers and abused women is crucial for how the women receive support. This highlights the need for further research on the relationship between social workers and abused women. The study is qualitative, consisting of eight interviews conducted using a semi-structured method with social workers who work with abused women. The purpose of this essay is to examine the perspective of social workers on building relationships with abused women. The central components that emerged from the results regarding the social workers' relationship-building abilities were empathy, sensitivity, validation of feelings, and knowledge of men's violence against women. An additional conclusion drawn from the results is that establishing relationships based on empowerment can contribute to the women gaining increased self-esteem, which in turn can motivate them to leave abusive situations and become self-sufficient. Through this study, we hope to contribute to further research on the relationship building between abused women and social workers, as well as identify potential challenges in establishing effective relationships.

Gotland under Covid-19 : En kvalitativ studie om mäns våld mot kvinnor under pandemin / Gotland during Covid-19 : A qualitative study about men's violence against women during the pandemic

Enström, Bix January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge about social services and women's shelter relate to and work with abused women during crises like Covid-19. The study is based on seven qualitative semiconstructed interviews with professional social workers and workers from women shelters on Gotland. The study shows that its difficult to come to a conclusion what the consequence for abused women have resulted in. The social services have experienced a challenge with a different way of practise and a closed society. Common for both social services and woman shelter is the worry about womens vulnerability. Rapports from the women shelter shows that more women requested aid while the social services states that they cannot see a distinct increase. There is no unambigious answer to if the abused women suffered more during the pandemic. It is only after the restrictions begin to disapear that it becomes clearer how Covid-19 has affected these  women

Med djuret som gisslan : En studie om professionellas erfarenhet av husdjurens roll i arbetet med människor som ska lämna en våldsam relation / With the animal as hostage : A study of the professional’s experience of the role of animals in the work with people that are leaving an abusive relationship

Rejbo, Christina, Storm, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
I denna studie har vi undersökt husdjurens roll och påverkan på våldsutsattas uppbrott från relationer där det förekommit våld. Vi har genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med personal på skyddade boenden och kvinnojourer tagit del av vad de har för kunskap, erfarenhet och egna resonemang kring mäns våld mot kvinnor och barn samt uppbrottsprocessen där det finns husdjur med i bilden. Genom en tematisk analys tog vi oss närmare respondenternas arbetssätt, personliga- och organisatoriska förutsättningar samt utmaningar i arbetet med våldsutsatta och deras husdjur. Resultatet visar på en varierande kunskapsnivå och syn på husdjurens betydelse. Det vi kan se i studien är att husdjuren inte är uteslutna från våld i hemmet och våldet är både ett straffrättsligt lindrigt och ett känslomässigt effektivt sätt att skada även de tvåbenta i hushållet. Husdjuren kan vara en starkt kvarhållande faktor och möjligheten att rädda husdjuren från våldsutövaren kan vara en fråga om liv och död för husdjuren. För människorna som ändå lyckas lämna utan att ta med sig djuret kan det innebära stora trauman, känslor av skuld och skam samt en risk att hon till slut väljer att gå tillbaka till förövaren.Vi har tagit del av respondenternas tankar och förslag på framtida lösningar och önskemål. Studien visar att problemet med djurens utsatthet i våldsamma relationer är något som på flera sätt ingår i ett aktivt förändringsarbete på flera boenden just nu och med hjälp av kunskap och förståelse går det att rädda liv. / In this study we have examined the role and effect that pets have on victims of violence’s process of separation from relationships where violence exists. With semi-structured interviews with the staff from shelters and women’s shelters, we learnt more about their experience, knowledge, and reasoning around the violence in relationships and breakups where pets are present. Through a thematic analysis we have approached the respondents’ work procedures, organizational- and personal conditions as well as challenges in the work with victims of violence and their pets. The results show a varying knowledge level and view of the importance of pets. The study shows that the animals are not excluded from the domestic violence and that the violence is both punitively cheap but also an emotionally effective way to also harm the two-legged in the household. The animals can be a strong detaining factor and the opportunity of saving the animals from the perpetrator can be a matter of life and death for the animal. For the people that still manage to leave without bringing the animal with them it can amount to large trauma, feelings of guilt and shame, and that she in the end chooses to go back. We also got to take part of the respondents' thoughts and suggestions for future solutions and wishes. The study also shows that the problem with vulnerability of animals is something that in many ways is part of an active work for change in several shelters at this moment and that with the help of knowledge and understanding it is possible to save lives.

Pandemin bakom stängda dörrar : En kvalitativ studie om hur våld i nära relation har påverkats av pandemin / The pandemic behind closed doors : A qualitative study of how domestic violence has been affected by the pandemic

Vahlgren, Malin, Jansson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
I januari 2020 bekräftades första fallet av Covid-19 i Sverige, ett virus som klassades som en samhällsfarlig sjukdom. Till följd av smittspridningen begränsades människors rörlighet i samhället vilket i sin tur ledde till större isolering. En konsekvens av isolering är en förhöjd risk för våld i nära relation. Våld i nära relation klassades redan innan Covid-19-pandemin som ett omfattande samhällsproblem och ett allvarligt brott mot de mänskliga rättigheterna. Statistik har visat på en ökning av våld i nära relation under pandemin. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om kvinnojourer och socialtjänst upplevt någon förändring i kontakten med utsatta kvinnor under pandemin samt vilka åtgärder som bör fokuseras på för att motverka att våld i nära relation ökar under en pandemi. En kvalitativ metod användes där sammanlagt sju kvinnojourer och socialarbetare blev intervjuade om sitt arbete med utsatta kvinnor. Resultatet visade en osäkerhet om våld i nära relation har ökat under pandemin, däremot visade resultatet att våldet blivit grövre och mer kontrollerande. Åtgärder för att förhindra att våld i nära relation eskalerar under en samhällskatastrof är att öka tillgängligheten hos de stödorganisationer som hjälper utsatta kvinnor. I dagsläget går det ej att dra generella slutsatser kring hur Covid-19 har påverkat våld i nära relation då det är en pågående pandemi. / In January 2020 the first case of Covid-19 was confirmed in Sweden, a virus that was classified as a socially dangerous disease. Because of the spread of the infection people’s mobility in the society was limited which led to a big isolation. A consequence of isolation is an increased risk of domestic violence. Domestic violence was classified as a great societal problem and a serious crime against human rights even before the Covid-19-pandemic. Statistics have shown an increase of domestic violence during the pandemic. The purpose of this study is to investigate if women's shelters and the social services noticed any changes in the contact with women exposed to domestic violence during the pandemic, as well as what measures that should be taken to prevent an increase in domestic violence during the pandemic. A qualitative method was used with a total of 7 women’s shelters and social services that were interviewed about their work with women exposed to domestic violence. The result showed an uncertainty if domestic violence had increased during the pandemic, it did however show that the violence had become grosser and more controlling. Measures to prevent domestic violence escalating in a social disaster is to increase the availability of the support organizations that are helping vulnerable women. It is not possible to draw any general conclusion about how Covid-19 has affected domestic violence at this point, as it is still an ongoing pandemic.

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