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Digitally Modulated Light for Multiple Fluorescence Excitation in Capillary Electrophoresis Detection SystemWu, Dai-yang 14 February 2008 (has links)
This research has successfully developed a multiple fluorescence detection method for high throughput capillary electrophoresis detection using a digitally-modulated light source and a spectrum detection system. A commercial available LCD (liquid crystal device) projector is adoped to replace the spacially-filttered light source (Hg lamp) in a conventional fluorescence microscopy. The LCD projector can be digitally controlled by a computer to create the three primary colors of RGB (red, green, and blue) for fluorescence excitation in the analytes. The emitted light from the fluorescent samples is then collected using a UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer through a ultimode fiber. Delicate optical components, such as filter wheel or acousto-optic filtering system, for filtering different excitation light sources can be excluded with this simple and novel approach. In addition, the desired wavelength for the excitation light can be selected quickly and smoothly without vibration problems come with the mechanical optical components. Three fluorescent dyes (Atto 647N, Rhodamine B, Fluorescein) with different excitation and emission wavelength has been used to demonstrate the proposed digitally-modulated light source system for high throughput CE system. The optimal operation conditions for obtaining best detection signal-to-noise ratio for different fluorescence dyes are firstly determined. In addition, the current study proposes a mixed-color light (visually in purple) composed of two specific primary lights (red and blue) to simultaneously excite a mixed sample composed of two fluorescent dyes (Atto 647N and FITC). Separation and detection of the mixed fluoresce samples using a single excitation illumination using the proposed digital-modulated CE system is successfully demonstrated. Finally, a single-strand DNA biosample is used to confirmed the proposed system is feasible of adopting in the bio-analytical applications. The technique proposed in this study has shown its potential to be a high throughput CE detection system.
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The Study of Price Forecasting Model for Large Size TFT-LCD PanelKo, Ren-Shawn 14 July 2009 (has links)
Larger size TFT-LCD panels, consists of notebook panel, monitor panel, and TV panel, enjoys great growth momentum for years. To fulfill the growing demand, panel makers keep continuous investment for expansion. Therefore, this creates over-supply, under-supply, or balanced supply-demand.
Supply and demand decides the price of an item. So does TFT-LCD panel. Through thorough industry historic and forecasted data, complete supply-demand model is built with 2 years forward forecast.
The result shows that in the following 2 years the occurrence of oversupply is very possible. However by controlling utilization rate and carefully talking orders, panel makers create shortage-like situation to raise panel price successfully. By the result of this model, accompanied with current global economics situations, some managerial suggestions are given for TFT-LCD makers.
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VHDL-implementering av drivkrets för en alfanumerisk displayGustafsson, Carl Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>Allting började med att jag fick i uppdrag av Euromaint Industry i Skövde att konstruera en alfanumerisk display i syfte att ersätta en utgången display som inte längre nytillverkas. Jag fick i uppdrag att välja ut en modern, lämplig grafisk display och bygga ett interface mellan den nya displayen och den industriella maskin som displayen skall sitta på. Efter att ha letat hos någraelektronikleverantörer kom jag fram till att en TFT-skärm från det japanska företaget Kyocera var den som passade bäst. Skärmen hade ett VGA-liknandeinterface och min uppgift blev att sätta mig in i hur VGA fungerar. Efter att ha konstaterat att det krävdes en snabbare krets än en microcontroller för att använda VGA, var det endast en programmerbar logikkrets, en FPGA, som gällde. Denna FPGA sköter nu ensam om såväl VGA-interfacet som inläsningen av informationen från den industriella NC-maskinen.</p> / <p>Everything started when I got a task from Euromaint Industry in Skövde, Sweden, to develop an alphanumerical display that could replace an old one, which was sold out. I got a task to choose a modern, suitable, graphical display and develop an interface between the new display and the industrial machine, which the old one was connected to. I have searched for a display at some suppliers of electronic components and I have found a TFT-display from the Japanese company Kyocera. The display had an interface similar to VGA so I had to study VGA to see how it works. Then I realized that I needed a faster circuit than a microcontroller. Then I chose a programmable logic circuit, an FPGA, to control the VGA-sweep. Today the FPGA-circuit controls the whole system.</p>
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Influence des termes d'ordre supérieur dans l'énergie d'ancrage de cristaux liquides nématiques : transitions d'ancrage, application aux ancrages faiblesFaget, Luc 12 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre du développement de l'afficheur nématique bistable. Ce nouveau dispositif électro-optique nécessite une compréhension plus fine des mécanismes d'ancrage d'un cristal liquide nématique sur une couche d'alignement pour concilier deux propriétés souvent antagonistes : faible ancrage zénithal et fort ancrage azimutal. L'énergie d'ancrage est modélisée ici par son développement en série de Fourier, en se limitant aux deux premiers termes. Les techniques de mesures optiques et électro-optiques utilisées ont permis d'étudier des systèmes présentant des ancrages très faibles, d'observer des transitions d'ancrage, et de discuter les limitations de ce modèle. Cette étude a également mis en évidence un nouveau type d'ancrage prédit par le modèle : l'ancrage anti-conique. Enfin, la combinaison d'une couche d'ancrage faible avec un substrat fortement anisotrope permet d'obtenir une surface fonctionnelle pour l'afficheur nématique bistable.
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台灣液晶電視代工廠商的發展策略-以4C架構分析 / The competitive strategies of the LCD TV OEM/ODM companies in Taiwan - analysis by 4C structure陳正昌 Unknown Date (has links)
在發展液晶電視代工的廠商中,本研究針對廠商的特性將發展液晶電視的代工廠商歸類傳統家電廠、面板廠、筆記型電腦代工廠、監視器專業製造廠商四大類。本研究以邱志聖教授的策略行銷4C架構來分析這四類製造廠商的發展演進,並對這四類製造廠商未來發展提出看法,以做為液晶電視代工業者未來擬定策略的參考方向。 / With the advantages of less energy consumption and radiation, higher resolution, good looking in design, the trend that LCD TV replaces traditional CRT TV is very obvious. In the mean time, the outsourcing percentage for brand name customer is also getting higher and higher. Therefore, many manufacturing companies in Taiwan are aggressive to put their resources in this competition in order to get more outsourcing LCD TV order.
The companies involving the LCD TV OEM/ODM can be divided by Home Appliance companies、panel makers、notebook OEM manufacturers and monitor OEM manufacturers. In this research, systematic analysis is done based on “Strategic Marketing Analysis” for the four kinds of companies. Hope it can provide some good information and reference to those companies when developing their LCD TV OEM/ODM strategy in the future.
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台灣TFT-LCD供應鏈廠商競爭策略分析, 以金屬零組件為例 / Taiwan TFT-LCD supply chain vendor's competitive strategy analyze, metal components as example陳立輝 Unknown Date (has links)
除了對於全球TFT-LCD產業發展狀況、台灣TFT-LCD產業發展狀況、台灣TFT-LCD關鍵零組件產業發展狀況依序加以說明外,為客觀取得分析資料,本文所分析四家TFT-LCD金屬零組件中間財廠商均為股票公開發行之公司,將公開資訊觀測站各公司之財務報告書與公開說明書予以整理,詳盡分析各公司之營運狀況,並以五力分析與SWOT分析,更深入探討這四家TFT-LCD金屬零組件中間財廠商,最後分析各廠商在TFT-LCD金屬零組件產業所採取之競爭策略。最後,本文將對TFT-LCD金屬零組件廠商彙整三點競爭策略建議:1. 提升研發能力(包括專業模具能力、自動化生產製程、特殊專利技術)、2. 就近服務客戶(包括FDI)、3.追尋共創雙贏客戶。
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價格與數量的實證研究 :以大尺寸的TFT LCD panels為例楊志常, Chih-Chang Ken Yang Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this research is to understand and explain the TFT LCD industry phenomenon of oversupply vs. shortage and its impacts on the prices and quantities of individual TFT LCD makers. Also, to look for any fixed effects (if any exist) due to specific company and due to specific time.
We employ a fixed effect model to estimate impacts of individual traded quantity on price and impacts of individual price on traded quantity. Using the panel data covering 16 makers and 24 months, our results reveal that the TFT LCD panel is highly quantity inelastic of the traded price but greatly price elastic of the traded quantity.
With regard to fixed effect, the empirical result reveals there were significant time effects of price for some periods of time while there were significant time effects of quantity for some sizes of panels. Supply and demand could be one of the factors determining the time effects. As to the company fixed effect, most of company fixed effects of quantity prices were found significant whereas company fixed effects of price were not. Market shares and country of origin can be significant factors determining the company fixed effect of quantity.
Keywords: Panel Data, Fixed Effect Model, Quantity Elasticity, Price Elasticity, Company Fixed Effect, Time Fixed Effect, TFT LCD
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Integración Transparente entre Teléfonos Inteligentes y LCDSBerkhoff Dossow, Christian Egon January 2010 (has links)
Los dispositivos móviles, en particular los teléfonos inteligentes (conocidos como Smartphones), serán nuestro principal medio para interactuar con un futuro mundo digital ubicuo. Las razones que impulsan esta aseveración nacen de sus características innatas: una elevada conectividad, un cómodo tamaño para transportarlos y una creciente potencia computacional. Lamentablemente, una de sus grandes ventajas, el tamaño, es a su vez una desventaja, debido a que estos dispositivos sólo pueden tener una pantalla de reducidas dimensiones. Este es el problema que este trabajo de memoria pretende solucionar.
El objetivo principal consiste en investigar y desarrollar un prototipo, que permita proyectar inalámbricamente la imagen en la pantalla del teléfono inteligente a un televisor LCD de grandes dimensiones. Con esto se busca mejorar la legibilidad y posibilidades de interacción con los contenidos que se encuentran almacenados en el dispositivo. El escenario bajo el cual se visualiza este proyecto, es una sala de reuniones con muchos usuarios turnándose el uso del LCD.
En términos generales la aplicación debe ser sumamente simple e intuitiva de utilizar. Por otro lado, la solución propuesta debe ofrecer además un buen desempeño y calidad a la hora de proyectar las imágenes. Debe existir un compromiso entre las reducidas características de Hardware del Smartphone, las tasas de transferencia de la red inalámbrica, y una imagen que permita seguir fluidamente las acciones y eventualmente leer contenidos.
El proyecto fue desarrollado satisfactoriamente cumpliendo con los todos requisitos establecidos. Para esto se utilizaron las tecnologías y herramientas de desarrollo de Microsoft, así como otros trabajos relacionados. Una generosa porción de esta memoria se dedica a documentar el cómo este proyecto fue llevado a cabo, justificando las decisiones de diseño tomadas.
Tras probar la aplicación y ver sus capacidades, debilidades y principalmente potencialidades, se concluyó que la solución provista es únicamente un primer paso en el ámbito de la proyección de la pantalla. En particular, entregar a las aplicaciones la capacidad de reaccionar ante la proyección, para que modifiquen su interfaz, sería un interesante trabajo futuro. Si bien podría desarrollarse una serie de aplicaciones, que hagan uso de esta capacidad de forma independiente, lo óptimo sería dejar este factor común en el Sistema Operativo del teléfono. Adicionalmente, como proyectos a futuro se propone el investigar el uso de otros dispositivos (como notebooks) y agregar otras funcionalidades a la solución, como por ejemplo controles de rotación de la imagen.
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Monitores de LCD : caracterização dos materiais e processamento mecânico das placas de circuito impressoJuchneski, Nichele de Freitas January 2013 (has links)
Dentre os setores mais promissores da indústria está o setor de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos. Parte destes equipamentos eletroeletrônicos apresentam componentes tóxicos podendo causar danos ao meio ambiente e a população e apresentam também materiais nobres e raros que, caso não reciclados correm o risco de desaparecer nas próximas gerações. Alguns desses equipamentos já possuem rotas de reciclagem definidas, no entanto novas tecnologias como a tela de cristal líquido (LCD) estão começando a sofrer os primeiros descartes. Os monitores de LCD são compostos por uma tela de LCD, partes poliméricas e placas de circuito impresso (PCI) que são componentes de composição muito heterogênea, sendo 70% da sua massa composta de frações não metálicas e 30% correspondem a metais como cobre, chumbo, ferro, níquel, ouro e prata. Neste trabalho, monitores e telas de LCD danificados foram coletados em assistências técnicas. Estes foram desmontados e caracterizados quanto a sua estrutura, composição e periculosidade. As placas de circuito impresso foram cominuídas a granulometrias específicas e caracterizadas quanto a quantidades de metais presentes. Posteriormente, estas placas foram submetidas a ensaios de separação gravimétrica com líquidos densos e com um concentrador Mozley. Os monitores têm suas partes poliméricas compostas principalmente por termoplásticos como PC, PET, ABS e acrílico exceto nas placas de circuito impresso, onde a fração polimérica é composta por resina epóxi. A tela de vidro, fração cerâmica, foi caracterizada por FRX e MEV/EDS, sendo observada a presença de metais como índio, estanho, cobre e alumínio, todos na forma de óxido. As PCI após serem cominuídas e classificadas foram submetidas a ensaio em meio denso a fim de determinar qual granulometria apresenta melhor grau de liberação, sendo escolhido o tamanho de partícula -1,0+0,25mm. As frações afundado e flutuado foram caracterizadas através de lixiviação com água régia e posterior análise por FAAS e ICP-AES. Nos ensaios realizados com o concentrador Mozley, variando parâmetros como inclinação da bandeja, vazão de água e tempo, os resultados obtidos mostram que é possível concentrar metais nobres como ouro (92%), prata (94%) e cobre (88%) em uma fração com um baixo teor de não metais. / Among the most promising sectors of the industry is that of electronic equipment. Part of these electronic equipments has toxic components, which can cause damage to the environment and population and also have rare and precious materials which, if not recycled they are at risk of disappearing in the next generations. Some of these devices already have recycling routes defined; however, new technologies such as liquid crystal display (LCD) are starting to suffer the first discart. The LCD monitors are composed of an LCD screen, polymeric parts and printed circuit boards (PCB) which are components with a very heterogeneous composition, being 70% of its mass consisting of non-metallic fractions and 30% are metals such as copper, lead, iron, nickel, gold and silver. In this work, LCD monitors and screens were collected in technical assistance. These were dismantled and characterized for their structure, composition and dangerousness. The printed circuit boards were comminuted to specific particle sizes and characterized for their amounts of metals present. Later, these boards were analyzed by gravimetric separation with dense liquids and Mozley concentrator. The monitors have their polymeric parts mainly composed of thermoplastics such as PC, PET, ABS and acrylic except for printed circuit boards, where the polymeric fraction is composed of epoxy resin. The screen glass, ceramic fraction, was characterized by XRF and SEM / EDS, showing the presence of metals such as indium, tin, copper and aluminum, all in oxide form. The PCI after being comminuted and classified were realized assays in dense medium to determine which granulometry provides a better degree of particle release, being chosen particle size -1.0 +0.25 mm. The sunk and floated fractions were characterized by leaching with aqua regia and subsequent analysis by FAAS and ICP-AES. For assays realized with the concentrator Mozley, varying parameters such as tilt tray, water flow and time, the results show that it is possible to concentrate noble metals like gold (92%), silver (94%) and copper (88%) in a fraction with a low content of non-metals.
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Monitores de LCD : caracterização dos materiais e processamento mecânico das placas de circuito impressoJuchneski, Nichele de Freitas January 2013 (has links)
Dentre os setores mais promissores da indústria está o setor de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos. Parte destes equipamentos eletroeletrônicos apresentam componentes tóxicos podendo causar danos ao meio ambiente e a população e apresentam também materiais nobres e raros que, caso não reciclados correm o risco de desaparecer nas próximas gerações. Alguns desses equipamentos já possuem rotas de reciclagem definidas, no entanto novas tecnologias como a tela de cristal líquido (LCD) estão começando a sofrer os primeiros descartes. Os monitores de LCD são compostos por uma tela de LCD, partes poliméricas e placas de circuito impresso (PCI) que são componentes de composição muito heterogênea, sendo 70% da sua massa composta de frações não metálicas e 30% correspondem a metais como cobre, chumbo, ferro, níquel, ouro e prata. Neste trabalho, monitores e telas de LCD danificados foram coletados em assistências técnicas. Estes foram desmontados e caracterizados quanto a sua estrutura, composição e periculosidade. As placas de circuito impresso foram cominuídas a granulometrias específicas e caracterizadas quanto a quantidades de metais presentes. Posteriormente, estas placas foram submetidas a ensaios de separação gravimétrica com líquidos densos e com um concentrador Mozley. Os monitores têm suas partes poliméricas compostas principalmente por termoplásticos como PC, PET, ABS e acrílico exceto nas placas de circuito impresso, onde a fração polimérica é composta por resina epóxi. A tela de vidro, fração cerâmica, foi caracterizada por FRX e MEV/EDS, sendo observada a presença de metais como índio, estanho, cobre e alumínio, todos na forma de óxido. As PCI após serem cominuídas e classificadas foram submetidas a ensaio em meio denso a fim de determinar qual granulometria apresenta melhor grau de liberação, sendo escolhido o tamanho de partícula -1,0+0,25mm. As frações afundado e flutuado foram caracterizadas através de lixiviação com água régia e posterior análise por FAAS e ICP-AES. Nos ensaios realizados com o concentrador Mozley, variando parâmetros como inclinação da bandeja, vazão de água e tempo, os resultados obtidos mostram que é possível concentrar metais nobres como ouro (92%), prata (94%) e cobre (88%) em uma fração com um baixo teor de não metais. / Among the most promising sectors of the industry is that of electronic equipment. Part of these electronic equipments has toxic components, which can cause damage to the environment and population and also have rare and precious materials which, if not recycled they are at risk of disappearing in the next generations. Some of these devices already have recycling routes defined; however, new technologies such as liquid crystal display (LCD) are starting to suffer the first discart. The LCD monitors are composed of an LCD screen, polymeric parts and printed circuit boards (PCB) which are components with a very heterogeneous composition, being 70% of its mass consisting of non-metallic fractions and 30% are metals such as copper, lead, iron, nickel, gold and silver. In this work, LCD monitors and screens were collected in technical assistance. These were dismantled and characterized for their structure, composition and dangerousness. The printed circuit boards were comminuted to specific particle sizes and characterized for their amounts of metals present. Later, these boards were analyzed by gravimetric separation with dense liquids and Mozley concentrator. The monitors have their polymeric parts mainly composed of thermoplastics such as PC, PET, ABS and acrylic except for printed circuit boards, where the polymeric fraction is composed of epoxy resin. The screen glass, ceramic fraction, was characterized by XRF and SEM / EDS, showing the presence of metals such as indium, tin, copper and aluminum, all in oxide form. The PCI after being comminuted and classified were realized assays in dense medium to determine which granulometry provides a better degree of particle release, being chosen particle size -1.0 +0.25 mm. The sunk and floated fractions were characterized by leaching with aqua regia and subsequent analysis by FAAS and ICP-AES. For assays realized with the concentrator Mozley, varying parameters such as tilt tray, water flow and time, the results show that it is possible to concentrate noble metals like gold (92%), silver (94%) and copper (88%) in a fraction with a low content of non-metals.
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