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Dagvattenåtervinning i byggnader : Analys av effektivitet, kostnad och miljöcertifiering i system inom Norden / Stormwater recycling in buildings : Analysis of efficiency, cost and environmental certification in systems in the Nordic regionBillstein, Tova, Värnqvist, Sara January 2019 (has links)
I samband med kommande klimatförändringar kommer antalet skyfall och perioder av torka att öka i världen vilket i sin tur ställer större krav på städers dagvattenhantering. Ett sätt att förbättra dagvattenhanteringen är att införa vattenåteranvändning i byggnader. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att utreda olika referensobjekt inom Norden som planerar att införa denna sorts teknik, eller som redan etablerat tekniken på marknaden. Arbetet ämnar även att utforska olika driftrelaterade frågor samt utreda vilken teknik som är mest lönsam utifrån faktorerna effektiv återvinning av dagvatten, projektkostnad samt poänggivande möjligheter inom olika miljöcertifieringssystem. För att besvara de formulerade frågeställningarna utfördes fem intervjuer baserat på en semistrukturerad intervjuteknik med individer insatta i de olika referensobjekten. Därutöver granskades ett flertal dokument som införskaffats från de olika företagen, både från intervjuobjekten men även från andra inblandade. En modell i programmeringsprogrammet MATLAB togs fram för att beräkna antalet dagar då det insamlade dagvattnet täcker behovet i byggnaderna övriga beräkningar gjordes i Excel där data inhämtats från SMHI:s hemsida över historisk data. Efter vidare undersökning framkom det att det inom Norden finns fem aktuella projekt varav ett är i projekteringsfasen, ett i byggnadsfasen och tre är i drift. Sergelhuset i Stockholm är det största projektet sett till takyta. Huset försörjer systemet flest antal dagar av året med tillräckligt dagvattenmängd för att täcka upp det dagliga vattenbehovet i byggnaden. Citypassagen i Örebro bedömdes vara minst kostnadseffektivt då projektet hade högst kostnader samtidigt som byggnaden hade minst antal dagvattenförsörjningsdagar. Då information saknas för Skanskas huvudkontor och Humlehuset kunde dessa referensobjekt inte jämföras på likartat sätt. Det framkom även att det vanligaste förekommande miljöcertifieringssystemet var LEED som tillämpats inom både Sergelhuset, Celsius och Skanskas huvudkontor. Samtliga projekt har ambitioner om att nå den högsta nivån, platinum, främst på grund av kommersiella skäl. Citypassagen hade ansökt om Miljöbyggnad och beräknas att certifieras enligt näst högsta nivån - Silver. / Due to future climate change, the number of downpours and periods of drought will increase which in turn will put greater demands on urban stormwater management. One way to improve stormwater management is to implement water recycling in buildings. The purpose of this essay is therefore to investigate projects in the Nordic region who are planning to implement this kind of technology or already have implemented it. The essay also aims to explore various connected operational issues and see which technology is most profitable based on the factors; efficient stormwater recycling, project cost and the possibility to give points in different environmental certification systems. In order to fulfil the purpose of the essay, five interviews were conducted based on a semi-structured interview technique with individuals familiar with the projects. In addition, several documents collected from the same individuals and others involved were also examined. A model in the programming software MATLAB was generated to enable calculation of the number of days the buildings were able to provide the storm water system with a volume of rainwater large enough to cover the daily need. Other calculations were performed in Excel where data over downpour has been obtained from SMHI’s website over historical data. Only five current projects could be found within the Nordic region, one of which is in the planning phase, one in the construction phase and three are in operation. Sergelhuset in Stockholm is the largest project based to roof area. The building provides the stormwater system with rainwater large enough to cover the water requirement during the highest number of days. Citypassagen in Örebro was the least cost-effective since the project had the highest costs while at the same time it had the least number of water supply days, only 69 days of the year the system was provided only with rainwater. Skanska's head office and Humlehuset were not included in the comparison since essential information was missing. It also emerged that the most common environmental certification system was LEED, which was used in both Sergelhuset, Celsius and Skanska's head office. All projects have ambitions to reach the highest level, platinum, mainly because of commercial reasons. Citypassagen has applied for Miljöbyggnad - level Silver.
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Characterization and Development of an Enzymatically Signal-Enhanced Lateral Flow Assay Test for HIV Detection Using the P24 AntigenPankti Rajesh Thakkar (15354871) 28 April 2023 (has links)
<p>In 2021, an estimated 1.5 million people were diagnosed with HIV globally, increasing the total to 38.4 million people. Approximately 16% of this population were unaware of their infected status and required HIV testing, which is a critical first step in HIV prevention, treatment, and care. Hence, there is a need to develop a rapid, user-friendly, and cost-effective point-of-care test for HIV detection. The time between HIV infection and a detectable host HIV antibody concentration can extend up to 90 days. By incorporating more sensitive testing for the HIV p24 antigen on the virus, the diagnosis lag can be reduced to 17 days. This window could be further shortened by using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme as a signal enhancement technique. The work herein focuses on developing an enzymatically signal-enhanced lateral flow assay test for the p24 antigen to detect HIV during the acute phase of infection. Conjugation chemistry for the sandwich assay was characterized using DLS and UV-Vis. Dot blots were then used to assess and enhance the functionality of the individual components via a visual color gradient formed by the protein coupled with antibody-conjugated gold nanoparticles. A quantitative analysis was performed using ImageJ software through signal pixel intensity analysis. A limit of detection (LoD) of 6 ng/mL was obtained for the detection of the p24 antigen. This LoD was improved to 0.2 ng/mL by incorporating HRP signal enhancement with the diaminobenzidine substrate. This 30x signal improvement could drive down the LoD even further to improve the sensitivity of the commercial p24 antigen tests. Different fabrication and scalability studies were performed to produce a cost- efficient, fully functional prototype of a paper-based lateral flow device incorporating the signal- enhanced p24 assay. This study serves as a solid foundation to research focused on creating more efficient point-of-care tests that can be used in resource-limited settings to provide early detection of HIV for the 6 million individuals who are currently unaware of their HIV status. </p>
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Identifiering av riskområden gällande dagvatten : En fallstudie baserat på Gustavslund / Identification of risk areas connected to stormwater : A case study based on GustavslundMeyer, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Urbanisering och klimatförändringar i form av intensivare nederbörd är idag tvåproblemområden som båda påverkar hur samhället hanterar dagvatten, särskilt när dekombineras. Syftet med denna uppsats är därmed att undersöka hur dessa aspekter påverkar dagvattenhanteringen och vad som händer när det går fel vid planering och byggnation. Utöver det är målet att försöka identifiera områden som riskerar översvämmas på grund av detta. Till hjälp har en litteraturstudie gjorts samt platsbesök, intervjuer och analysering av flertalet kartor. Arbetet handlar om och utgår från Gustavslund, ett område i Vallentuna kommun. Här har det kommit fram att vid byggnation har dagvattnet inte hanterats korrekt och lett till översvämningar på äldre fastigheter. Dagvattensystemet och dess utloppspunkter är i grunden det störstaproblemet. Det beror delvis på felaktig planering från början i samband med lösningar som inte fungerat, men även dåligt ansvarstagande från kommunens sida. Vid planeringen utgicks det från att vardera fastighet skulle ta hand om vattnet själva med hjälp av lokalt omhändertagande av dagvatten (LOD), men detta har inte genomförts. Dagvattnet leds till ett fåtal fastigheter där det i dagsläget har svårt att föras vidare. Detta är på grund av klena trummor under närliggande väg som lutar fel samt ett pumpsystem och diken med dålig kapacitet. Även ledningar, både privata och gemensamma, med dålig prestanda bidrar till problematiken. Baserat påGustavslund kan ett par slutsatser dras i ett försök att identifiera liknande riskområden.Indikationer kan innebära bland annat att privata ledningar finns som inte kan hantera mängden vatten eller att stora höjdskillnader förekommer och leder till naturliga vattensamlingar ibostadsområden. Förhoppningarna med denna rapport är att snabbare hitta problemområden och åtgärda dessa innan problem med översvämningar uppstår. / Urbanization and climate change in the shape of more intense rainfall are today two problematic areas that both affect how society handles stormwater, especially when they are combined. The purpose of this essay is to examine how these two aspects contribute to stormwatermanagement and what happens when it goes poorly when planning and building. On top of that the goal is to identify areas that risk flooding because of this. To help with this a literature study has been done as well as a site visit, interviews and analysis of several maps. This study isabout and based upon Gustavslund, an area within Vallentuna municipality. It’s been known that the stormwater treatment when building here has not been done correctly which has led tofloodings at older properties. The system for run-off water and its outlet points is mainly the biggest problem. This is partly due to poor planning in combination with solutions that did not work, but also bad responsibility taking from the municipality. When planning it was assumedthat each household was to handle the run-off water on their own, but this has not been done. The water ends up on a few properties where it can barely keep going. This is because of feeble road drums turned the wrong way but also a pump system and ditches with low capacity. Also pipelines, both private and communal, with poor dimensions contribute to the problem. Based on Gustavslund, a few conclusions can be drawn to try and identify similar areas at risk.Indications can for instance involve private pipes that cannot handle the amount of water or big height differences in the terrain that leads to places where water gathers naturally in residential areas. Hopefully this report will help find these problematic areas faster and remedy thesebefore problems with flooding occur.
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Earth Rotation and Deformation Signals Caused by Deep Earth ProcessesWatkins, Andrew 29 November 2017 (has links)
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Bayesian Solution to the Analysis of Data with Values below the Limit of Detection (LOD)Jin, Yan January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Sustainable Management of Stormwater - In The Context of Newly Developed Land / Hållbar hantering av dagvatten - I samband med nyexploaterad markSiverholm, Linus January 2024 (has links)
The view on stormwater has changed in recent years, considering the ongoing climate change. By implementation of blue-green infrastructure, it is possible to locally delay and purify stormwater, promoting the natural cycle. At the same time the pipeline network can be relieved and reduce the risks of flooding. With these facilities, sustainable urban development can be achieved, which is increasingly demanded in the construction industry today. The purpose of this study has been to identify sustainable suggestions for implementation in newly developed environments for stormwater management. This was done by leveraging knowledge to meet current and future needs for stormwater delay and purification. To identify suitable sustainable suggestions, several factors influencing the choice of facility were inspected, with an emphasis on costs and capacity. The research questions for this study were answered through interviews with professionals in the construction industry. This was done to gain a deeper understanding of design, costs, and capacity. The interview questions were based on the literature review conducted prior to the interviews. The literature review laid the ground for the theoretical part on which the interview questions were based. To identify factors influencing costs and capacity in the choice of facility, questions addressing these issues were included in the interview, where respondents were asked to rate the cost of different facilities on a scale from 1-10. The results of the study signify that sustainable stormwater management suggestions should involve blue-green infrastructure. Examples include ditches, permeable pavements, and stormwater ponds. These mimic the LOD (Local management of stormwater) principle, which involves managing stormwater locally where it occurs. The design must be done according to standards, which is demonstrated by the ability to manage both current and future needs for different types of flows. Various factors influence the choice of facility, including site conditions, drainage area size, existing facilities or infrastructure, requirements, guidelines, regulations, and flexibility, all of which make each project unique and require consideration of these factors. Finally, the factors of cost and capacity will affect each other, but the primary goal of addressing social, economic, and ecological aspects will always take precedence. / Synen på dagvatten har förändrats de senaste åren, med betraktande på de kontinuerliga klimatförändringarna. Genom att integrera blågrön infrastruktur är det möjligt att fördröja och rena dagvattnet lokalt, vilket främjar det naturliga kretsloppet. Samtidigt som ledningsnätet kan avlastas och minska riskerna för översvämningar. Med dessa anläggningar är det möjligt att uppnå en hållbar stadsutveckling, vilket är ett allt större krav idag i bygg- och anläggningsbranschen. Syftet för denna studie har varit att identifiera hållbara åtgärdsförslag för att kunna implementera vid nyexploaterade miljöer för hantering av dagvatten. Detta genomfördes genom att lyfta kunskaper för att möta dagens och framtidens behov av fördröjning samt rening av dagvatten. För att identifiera lämpliga hållbara åtgärdsförslag undersöks flera olika faktorer som påverkar val av anläggning. Detta med betoning på kostnader och kapacitet. Frågeställningarna för denna studie besvaras genom intervjuer med yrkesverksamma roller inom bygg- och anläggningsbranschen. Detta genomfördes för att skapa en djupare förståelse för utformningen, kostnader och kapacitet. Frågorna till intervjun var baserade på den litteraturstudie som hade genomförts innan intervjuerna. Litteraturstudien lade grunden till den teoridel som intervjufrågorna var baserade på. För att identifiera faktorer som påverkar kostnader och kapacitet vid val av anläggning fanns det med frågeställningar kring detta i intervjun, vilket respondenterna fick besvara vad olika anläggningar kostar på en skala mellan 1-10. Studiens resultat pekar på att åtgärdsförslag som ska vara hållbara för hantering av dagvatten, bör vara blågrön infrastruktur. Exempelvis kan detta vara diken, permeabla anläggningar och dagvattendammar. Allt som efterliknar LOD-principen som innebär att hantera dagvattnet lokalt där det uppstår. Utformningen ska ske enligt standarder, vilket påvisas av att dagens och framtidens behov vid olika typer av flöden ska kunna hanteras. Olika faktorer påverkar val av anläggning där områdets förutsättningar, avrinningsområdets storlek, befintliga anläggningar eller infrastruktur, krav, riktlinjer, regler och flexibilitet utgör att alla projekt är unika där dessa parametrar behöver tas i beaktning. Slutligen, faktorerna kostnader och kapacitet kommer att påverka varandra, men det får kosta vad det kosta vill för att det primära målet för sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska aspekter kommer alltid först.
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Identification and Mapping of Resistance to Puccinia striiformis and Puccinia triticina in Soft Red Winter WheatCarpenter, Neal Ryan 04 December 2017 (has links)
Disease resistance is critical in soft red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks and stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f.sp. tritici Eriks. are destructive pathogens of wheat. From 2014 to 2015 phenotypic data was collected at diverse locations for resistance to leaf rust (North Carolina, Texas, and Virginia) and stripe rust (Arkansas, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas, and Virginia) in a Pioneer ‘25R47’ /‘Jamestown’ (P47/JT) population composed of 186 F5:9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Analysis of the P47/JT population identified two quantitative trait loci (QTL) for leaf rust resistance on chromosome 5B and two QTL for stripe rust resistance on chromosomes 3B and 6A. Phenotypic variation (%) explained by the putative leaf rust resistance QTL of Jamestown on 5B was as high as 22.1%. Variation explained by the putative stripe rust resistance QTL of Jamestown on 3B and 6A was as high as 11.1 and 14.3%, respectively.
Jamestown is postulated to contain gene Lr18. Seedlings of 186 F5:9 recombinant inbred lines from the P47/JT population and 200 F2 seedlings from eight other crosses including Jamestown and/or the Lr18 host differential line RL6009 (Thatcher*6/Africa 43) were screened with P. triticina race TNRJJ. Genetic analysis of the populations was conducted to validate the presence of Lr18 in Jamestown. Results of linkage analysis identified SNP maker IWB41960 linked within 5 cM of gene Lr18 in all three populations.
From 2016 to 2017 phenotypic data was collected at diverse locations for resistance to leaf rust (Illinois, North Carolina, and Virginia) in a ‘2013412’ (PI 667644) / VA10W-21 (PI 676295) population (412/21) composed of 157 doubled haploid (DH) lines. The 412/21 DH lines were genotyped via genotyping by sequence (GBS). Analysis of the 412/21 population identified one quantitative trait loci (QTL) region associated with adult plant resistance to leaf rust on chromosome 1B. Phenotypic variation (%) explained by the putative leaf rust resistance QTL of 2013412 on 1B was as high as 40.1%. Kompetitive allele-specific (KASP) markers KASP_S1B_8414614 and KASP_S1B_8566239 were developed as markers for use in marker assisted selection. / Ph. D. / Disease resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust is important when growing soft red winter wheat. Genetic resistance can have a benefit to cost ratio of up to 27:1, considerably better than that of fungicide treatments. From 2013 to 2017 disease data was collected across multiple locations spanning the eastern United States (Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, Texas, and Virginia). DNA molecular markers were used to identify specific chromosome regions containing genes associated with leaf and stripe rust resistance. DNA markers associated with genes conferring resistance to leaf rust resistance were identified in three chromosome regions, and genes in two regions were associated with stripe rust resistance. These genes and molecular markers associated with them can be used by scientists to further enhance resistance in wheat cultivars.
Another study was conducted to determine if Lr18, a gene for leaf rust resistance that has a large effect, is present in the Virginia Tech soft red winter wheat breeding material. This gene (Lr18) is known to have been introduced from an ancestral species highly related to wheat. Wheat seedlings derived from crosses between lines postulated to carry Lr18 with susceptible lines were tested for resistance to a specific strain of leaf rust lacking virulence to Lr18. Genetic analysis of the ratio of resistant versus susceptible seedlings and association between DNA molecular markers and resistant seedlings were conducted to validate the presence of gene Lr18. A molecular marker linked tightly to gene Lr18 was identified in the study. This gene was found to be widely distributed in soft red winter wheat breeding materials and the molecular marker associated with gene Lr18 will be useful for scientists to further improve resistance in wheat cultivars.
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Image Approximation using TriangulationTrisiripisal, Phichet 11 July 2003 (has links)
An image is a set of quantized intensity values that are sampled at a finite set of sample points on a two-dimensional plane. Images are crucial to many application areas, such as computer graphics and pattern recognition, because they discretely represent the information that the human eyes interpret. This thesis considers the use of triangular meshes for approximating intensity images. With the help of the wavelet-based analysis, triangular meshes can be efficiently constructed to approximate the image data. In this thesis, this study will focus on local image enhancement and mesh simplification operations, which try to minimize the total error of the reconstructed image as well as the number of triangles used to represent the image. The study will also present an optimal procedure for selecting triangle types used to represent the intensity image. Besides its applications to image and video compression, this triangular representation is potentially very useful for data storage and retrieval, and for processing such as image segmentation and object recognition. / Master of Science
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Modélisation ultra-rapide des transferts de chaleur par rayonnement et par conduction et exemple d'application / Fast Modeling of Radiation and Conduction Heat Transfer and application exampleGhannam, Boutros 19 October 2012 (has links)
L'apparition de CUDA en 2007 a rendu les GPU hautement programmables permettant ainsi aux applications scientifiques et techniques de profiter de leur capacité de calcul élevée. Des solutions ultra-rapides pour la résolution des transferts de chaleur par rayonnement et par conduction sur GPU sont présentées dans ce travail. Tout d'abord, la méthode MACZM pour le calcul des facteurs de transferts radiatifs directs en 3D et en milieu semi-transparent est représentée et validée. Ensuite, une implémentation efficace de la méthode à la base d'algorithmes de géométrie discrète et d'une parallélisation optimisée sur GPU dans CUDA atteignant 300 à 600 fois d'accélération, est présentée. Ceci est suivi par la formulation du NRPA, une version non-récursive de l'algorithme des revêtements pour le calcul des facteurs d'échange radiatifs totaux. La complexité du NRPA est inférieure à celle du PA et sont exécution sur GPU est jusqu'à 750 fois plus rapide que l'exécution du PA sur CPU. D'autre part, une implémentation efficace de la LOD sur GPU est présentée, consistant d'une alternance optimisée des solveurs et schémas de parallélisation et achevant une accélération GPU de 75 à 250 fois. Finalement, toutes les méthodes sont appliquées ensemble pour la résolution des transferts de chaleur en 3D dans un four de réchauffage sidérurgique de brames d'acier. Dans ce but, MACZM est appliquée avec un maillage multi-grille et le NRPA est appliqué au four en le découpant en zones, permettant d'avoir un temps de calcul très rapide une précision élevée. Ceci rend les méthodes utilisées de très grande importance pour la conception de stratégies de contrôle efficaces et précises. / The release of CUDA by NVIDIA in 2007 has tremendously increased GPU programmability, thus allowing scientific and engineering applications to take advantage of the high GPU compute capability. In this work, we present ultra-fast solutions for radiation and diffusion heat transfer on the GPU. First, the Multiple Absorption Coefficient Zonal Method (MACZM) for computing direct radiative exchange factors in 3D semi-transparent media is reviewed and validated. Then, an efficient implementation for MACZM is presented, based on discrete geometry algorithms, and an optimized GPU CUDA parallelization. The CUDA implementation achieves 300 to 600 times speed-up. The Non-recursive Plating Algorithm (NRPA), a non-recursive version of the plating algorithm for computing total exchange factors is then formulated. Due to low-complexity matrix multiplication algorithms, the NRPA has lower complexity than the PA does and it runs up to 750 times faster on the GPU by comparison to the CPU PA. On the other hand, an efficient GPU implementation for the Locally One Dimensional (LOD) finite difference split method for solving heat diffusion is presented, based on an optimiwed alternation between parallelization schemes and equation solvers, achieving accelerations from 75 to 250 times. Finally, all the methods are applied together for solving 3D heat transfer in a steel reheating furnace. A multi-grid approach is applied for MACZM and a zone-by zone computation for the NRPA. As a result, high precision and very fast computation time are achieved, making the methods of high interest for building precise and efficient control units.
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