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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Occurrence and Consequences of Surprise Internal Control Disclosures

Belina, Hambisa 27 June 2018 (has links)
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act mandates public companies to establish internal control systems and assess their effectiveness. Quarterly reports by all companies and annual reports by companies with less than $75 million public float (non-accelerated filers) do not require auditor’s attestation while annual reports by companies with $75 million or more public float (accelerated filers) do require such auditor attestations. Quarterly reports should provide early warning of any impending material weakness (MW) to be disclosed in subsequent annual filings. This dissertation explores three types of “surprise” MW disclosures—positive, negative and no surprise—and consequences of such surprise disclosures. In part one, I document the frequency of surprise MW disclosures and internal control factors that are associated with each surprise type by filer status. Results show that 78 (77) percent of accelerated (non-accelerated) MW disclosures are negative surprise MW disclosures during 2004-2016. Entity level MWs are more associated with no-surprise rather than negative or positive surprise MW disclosures. In part two, I examine some consequences of surprise MW disclosures. The results show that companies with MW disclosures are more likely to dismiss their auditors and CFOs, and experience more shareholder voting against auditor ratification, compared to companies that issue clean reports. Auditor dismissal and CFO turnover are equally likely at negative and no-surprise MW disclosure companies. However, negative surprise accelerated filer companies’ shareholders are more likely to vote against auditor ratification than no-surprise accelerated filer companies. The third essay investigates the association between MW disclosures and audit fees. The results indicate that there is a significant positive association between audit fees and MW disclosures. Further, the results show that audit fees are higher at no-surprise companies than at negative surprise companies. The fourth essay focuses on audit report lag. The results indicate that MWs are associated with increased audit report lags, for both accelerated and non-accelerated filers. Further, surprise MW firms are more likely to experience increased audit report lag than no-surprise MW firms. Overall the results suggest that adverse internal control reports have consequences, and that the consequences vary between surprise and no-surprise MW firms. The results provide relevant empirical evidence to the ongoing debate on the necessity and efficacy of SOX Section 404 requirements.

Lärares reflektion och professionella utveckling : Med video som verktyg

Harlin, Eva-Marie January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna avhandling är att bidra till förståelsen av hur lärares professionella utveckling kan stödjas. Detta har gjorts genom att undersöka vilka konsekvenserna blir av att lärare ser sig själva på videoinspelningar från sin egen undervisning. Resultaten som presenteras bygger på en longitudinell undersökning. I den första studien deltog lärarstudenter som gick sista terminen på folkhögskollärarprogrammet. De spelade in sin undervisning under den verksamhetsförlagda delen av utbildningen, ”praktiken” på en folkhögskola. Det som eftersöktes var vilka situationer som överraskade lärarstudenterna när de sedan såg sig själva på film. De skrev ner sina reflektioner och resultatet visade att överraskningarna handlade om bristen på lyhördhet i relation till deltagarna. De formulerade också tankar om hur de skulle vilja agera i klassrummet. I den uppföljande studien spelade några av dessa personer, som nu varit verksamma folkhögskollärare i två år efter avslutad utbildning, återigen in en av sina lektioner. Denna gång beskrev lärarna att de på filmen såg att de hade förändrat eller utvecklat sina handlingsvanor till ett mer deltagarorienterat förhållningssätt. De beskrev också att de agerade på ett mer professionellt sätt. Den teori som legat till grund för analysen har sin grund i ett pragmatiskt synsätt på lärande. Från symbolisk interaktionism har begreppen ”I” och ”me” använts, och för att i det här fallet undersöka den professionella aspekten av ”me” har begreppet ”professionalme” prövats. / The aim of the thesis is to contribute to the understanding of how teacher’s professional development can be supported. What have been investigated are the consequences that result from teachers watching video recordings from their own teaching. The results presented are based on a longitudinal investigation. In the first study, student teachers from the last semester of the folk high school teacher program participated. They recorded their teaching during the school-based part of the program, the practicum at a folk high school. What were investigated were situations that surprised the student teachers when they saw themselves on the video recording. They wrote down their reflections and the result showed that the surprises were about their lack of responsiveness in relation to the participants. The student teachers also formulated ideas about how they would act in the classroom. In the follow-up study, some of these teachers, who now had been working as graduated folk high school teachers for two years, once again video recorded one of their lessons. This time the teachers described in interviews that they, on the video recording, could see that they had changed or developed their habits to a more participatory approach. They also described that they acted in a more professional manner. The theory underlying the analysis is based on a pragmatic theory of learning. From symbolic interactionism, the concepts of "I" and "me" have been used, and in this case, to examine the professional aspect of "me", the concept of "professional-me" has been used.

Investor distraction during the Swedish summer and stock market under-reaction to companies’ earnings releases

Guscott, Alyssa, Bach, My January 2011 (has links)
This paper investigates whether greater investor distraction on the Swedish stock market during the summer months of June, July and August leads to a more pronounced post earnings announcement drift (PEAD) effect, during the ten year period between 2000 and 2009. PEAD is an anomaly whereby the information contained in earnings announcements is not immediately or completely incorporated into stock prices, in the cases where the announcement contains an ‘earnings surprise’. The methodology involves using the standardised unexpected earnings (SUE) metric to measure the level of ‘earnings surprise’ and a buy and hold abnormal returns (BHAR) trading strategy to measure return. The study tests and confirms the existence of greater investor distraction during summer months on the Swedish market. For a holding period of 12 months, a BHAR trading strategy generates a greater abnormal return for summer months (11.3%) compared with the abnormal return for non-summer months (10.5%). These results are also interesting in a broader context, as they confirm the existence of the PEAD effect, one of the strongest counter-arguments to the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH); the foundation of many financial models used for stock market valuation. This is because, according to the EMH, in an efficient market it should not be possible to generate abnormal returns based on available information. However, it may be noted that these results do not take into account transaction costs. This means that while it can be demonstrated that there is greater investor distraction during the Swedish summer, in order to implement a successful trading strategy based on this finding, further testing would be required. Therefore, based on the findings of this paper, a number of areas for future research have been identified.

Effects Of Monetary Policy On Banking Interest Rates: Interest Rate Pass-through In Turkey

Sagir, Serhat 01 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the effects of CBRT monetary policy decisions on the consumer, automobile, housing and commercial loans of the banks during the period from the early of 2004 to the middle of 2011 are examined. In order to perform this study, it is benefited from weekly weighted average loan interest rate data of the banks, which is the data having the highest frequency that could be obtained from the electronic data distribution system of CBRT. Monetary policy instruments of Central Bank may change in the course of time or monetary policy could be executed by more than one instrument. Therefore, as the political interest rate would be insufficient in the calculation of the effect of monetary policy on loan interest rates of the banks, Government Dept Securities&rsquo / premiums are used instead of the political interest rates in this study to make it reflect the policies of central bank more clearly as a whole. Among the Government Dept Securities that have different maturity structure, benchmark bonds that are adapted to the expected political interest rate changes and that react to the unexpected interest rate changes at the high rate (reaction coefficient 0.983) are used. In order to weight the cointegration relation between interest rates, unrestricted error correction model is established and it is determined by Bound Test that there is a long-term relation between each interest rate and interest rate of benchmark bond. After a cointegration relation is determined among the serials, autoregressive distributed lag model is used to determine the level of transitivity and it is determined that monetary policy decisions affect the banking interest rate at 77% level and by 13 weeks delay on average.

Dialogues with the prototype

Denaro, Chris January 2007 (has links)
This exegesis traces a path through the production of an animated work, and discusses the evolution of an individual production workflow that refigures the industrial animation process of prototyping. By incorporating spontaneity within the animation workflow, the creative output of the project focusses on the development of a series of non-narrative, process-driven temporal constructions that fuse form and process. The creative work occupies 75% of this Masters project, and the exegesis 25% (7500 Words)

Överraskning - Vilka indikatorer påverkar? : En studie av de två fallen Pearl Harbor och Sexdagarskriget / Surprise - What indicators affect? : The cases of Pearl Harbor and the Six Days War

Axelsson, Lucas January 2013 (has links)
Principen överraskning är en av de äldsta principer som finns att använda i striden. Principen ses som grunden för striden och för vilka metoder som kan använda för att lyckas i striden. Men vad innebär överraskning egentligen och hur har den använts? Uppsatsen kommer att problematisera principen överraskning och anknyta till forskningen om överraskning till Pearl Harbor och sexdagarskriget, som har setts vara typiska överraskningsanfall. Såg anfallen likadana ut och vilka indikatorer utifrån litteraturen påvisar att det var en överraskning? Inledningsvis kommer överraskning beskrivas utifrån vald litteratur för att åskådliggöra innebörden. Litteraturen kommer att analyseras och göra underlag för senare del av uppsatsen. Därefter appliceras och granskas de på de två olika överraskningsanfallen med vilka indikatorer som användes vid respektive anfall till litteraturteorin. Avslutningsvis diskuteras resultatet och författaren ger förslag på ny forskning med anknytning till ämnet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att problematisera principen överraskning och vilka indikatorer som påverkar principen överraskning. Jag kommer att genomföra en komparativ modell mellan Pearl Harbor och sexdagarskriget. Denna analys genomförs genom en kvalitativ textanalys och uppsatsens analytiska ram är principen överraskning. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna i denna uppsats är analys utifrån teorin överraskning samt litteratur om Pearl Harbor och sexdagarskriget. / The principle of surprise is one of the oldest principles that is to used in battle. Principle as the basis of the conflict and the methods you can use to succeed in battle. But what does surprise really mean, and how is it used? The essay will problematize the principle of surprise and connect the research on surprise to Pearl Harbor and the Six Day War that has been seen to be typical surprise attacks. Did the attacks look the same and do the indicators from the literature show that it was a surprise?Initially the principle surprise will describe the selected literature to illustrate the meaning. The literature will be analyzed and make a basis for the later part of the essay. Then I will analyze the literature and apply it on the two surprise attacks, if they were using the same indicators. Finally it discusses the results and the author suggests new research related to the topic. The purpose of this paper is to problematize the principle of surprise and the indicators that affect the principle of surprise. The essay will conduct a comparative method between Pearl Harbor and the Six Day War. This analysis is performed by a qualitative text analysis and essay analytical framework is the principle of surprise. The theoretical basis of this paper is the analysis based on the theory and literature surprise of Pearl Harbor and the Six-Day War.

Zahalená tvář / Covered face

ČERNÁ, Pavlína January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on human emotions and monitors their effects on the individual from the psychological and physiognomic point of view. It focuses on the development of ancient theatre and the function of masks. It consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The practical part presents a set of latex masks that interpret the work of Erving Goffman The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.

Um estudo sobre os impactos da surpresa dos indicadores macroeconômicos de atividade e inflação no mercado futuro brasileiro de juros

Coelho, Bruno 29 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Bruno Coelho (brunocoelho@bancobbm.com.br) on 2014-10-22T19:14:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Bruno Coelho Final.pdf: 6498795 bytes, checksum: 18ff8d85cfb3b37f968f90aeb054c164 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2014-11-05T17:05:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Bruno Coelho Final.pdf: 6498795 bytes, checksum: 18ff8d85cfb3b37f968f90aeb054c164 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2014-11-10T12:08:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Bruno Coelho Final.pdf: 6498795 bytes, checksum: 18ff8d85cfb3b37f968f90aeb054c164 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-10T12:08:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Bruno Coelho Final.pdf: 6498795 bytes, checksum: 18ff8d85cfb3b37f968f90aeb054c164 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-29 / The monetary policy guidelines are defined based on macro indexes released to the market periodically. The agents of this market react quickly to any changes in macroeconomic environment, trying to obtain high profits or to avoid significant financial losses. Considering this, this paper intends to analyze how interest rate future market reacts when surprises in macroeconomic indexes are released, suggesting a new methodology to forecast the market reaction through the construction of an aggregate surprise index. Using data extracted from Bloomberg and BM&F Bovespa, we constructed a simplified data base by adopting assumptions to measure the impact of surprises disclosed in the price of DI Futuro. The standardization of parameters, applying average tests and optimizing regressions by OLS allowed to weight relatively a set of macro indexes according to their effect on market volatility. Finally, we made a test on the proposed aggregate surprise index that showed it was more efficient in forecasting the market reaction than another index that considered equal weights to all set of macroeconomic index. / As diretrizes de política monetária são definidas com base em resultados dos indicadores macroeconômicos divulgados ao mercado periodicamente. Os agentes deste mercado respondem rapidamente às alterações de cenário, com o objetivo de obter lucro ou evitar perdas financeiras expressivas. Com este motivacional, a proposta deste trabalho é avaliar como reage o mercado futuro de juros diante da divulgação de surpresas em determinados indicadores macroeconômicos, propondo um indicador de surpresa agregado para prever os impactos causados. Através dos dados extraídos da Bloomberg e da BM&F Bovespa, foi construída uma base de dados simplificada pela adoção de premissas para mensuração do impacto das surpresas divulgadas no preço do DI Futuro. A padronização dos parâmetros, a realização dos testes de média e as regressões otimizadas pelo método OLS possibilitaram ponderar os indicadores econômicos de acordo com a oscilação que os mesmos causam a este mercado. Por fim, o teste de comparação mostrou que o indicador de surpresa proposto foi mais eficiente nas previsões da reação do mercado do que um indicador que pondere de forma igualitária todos os indicadores macroeconômicos.

Le rôle de la voie amygdalo-nigro-striée dans les processus attentionnels dans les apprentissages instrumentaux, classiques et temporels / Role of the amygdalo-nigro-striatal pathway in attentional processes in operant, pavlovian and temporal learning

Es-Seddiqi, Mouna 07 April 2017 (has links)
L’apprentissage associatif est un mécanisme d’une grande complexité, faisant appel à plusieurs processus à la fois. Le processus attentionnel est un des premiers à être mobilisé lors d’une association, il serait même impliqué pour extraire les paramètres temporels associés à un stimulus inconditionnel biologiquement signifiant avant même toute association effective (Balsam, Drew, and Yang, 2002). Certains travaux ont montré l’implication de certaines structures neurobiologiques à travers lesquelles les effets du processus attentionnel pourraient se mettre en place. Pour l’équipe de Holland PC, par exemple, les réponses d’orientation vers un stimulus conditionné (attention top-down)(Lee et al., 2005), impliquent le noyau central de l’amygdale ainsi que les projections dopaminergiques nigro-striées tandis qu’une présentation d’un nouveau stimulus de façon imprévue lors d’une association (attention bottom-up) mobilisera plutôt la substancia inominata qui serait modulé par le noyau central de l’amygdale (CeA) et le cortex pariétal (Holland and Gallagher, 2006). Parallèlement, le processus attentionnel dans une discrimination temporelle, dans lequel l’apprentissage associatif nécessite, outre des stimuli sensoriels discrets, des performances liées au jugement des durées. Dans ce dernier cas, le mécanisme du processus attentionnel mobilise d’autres modèles conceptuels qui gravitent principalement autour du modèle d’horloge interne et en particulier le modèle du striatal beat frequency pour l’explication neurobiologique (Matell and Meck, 2004).Dans le présent travail, nous avions pour ambition de comprendre le rôle de la voie Amygdalo-nigro-striée (ANS) dans la mise en place du processus attentionnel dans un apprentissage associatif orienté vers un stimulus sensoriel discret comme temporel chez le rat. Nous voulions également examiner le rôle de cette voie dans l’évolution du processus attentionnel après surentraînement ou automatisation. Pour la réalisation de cet objectif, nous avons comparé les effets des lésions croisées du CeA dans un hémisphère et la voie nigro-striée dans l’autre hémisphère (disconnection de la voie amygdalo-nigro-striée ; groupe Contra), avec des lésions du CeA et de la voie nigro-striée dans le même hémisphère (groupe Ipsi). Un troisième groupe a fait l’objet d’une lésion bilatérale du CeA seulement (groupe Amy) et un quatrième groupe n’est pas lésé. A travers nos trois groupes expérimentaux (Contra, Ipsi et Amy) et notre groupe contrôle (Sham), nous avons montré l’implication du CeA dans la modulation du processus attentionnel au moment d’un changement dans la situation expérimentale (surprise), aussi bien en présence d’un stimulus sensoriel discret appétitif que d’un stimulus temporel dans un contexte aversif. Nous avons également montré que la voie ANS est impliquée dans la mise en place de l’automatisation et que probablement il y a un effet différenciel entre la partie postérieure et antérieure du CeA. Nos travaux ont mis également en évidence l’implication de la voie nigro-striée dans la discrimination temporelle et de la voie ANS dans le traitement attentionnel dans des tâches de perception temporelle. Ce traitement est différent selon si le jugement concerne des durées courtes ou durées longues. / Associative learning is a highly complex mechanism, involving several processes at the same time. The attentional process is one of the first to be mobilized during an association; it would also be involved to extract the temporal parameters associated with an unconditional biologically meaningful stimulus even before any effective association (Balsam, Drew, and Yang 2002). Some studies have shown the involvement of certain neurobiological structures, which may underlie attentional processes. For the Holland PC team, for example, orientation responses to a conditioned stimulus (top-down attention) (Lee et al., 2005) involve the central nucleus and nigro-striatal dopaminergic projections, whereas presentation of a new stimulus during an association (bottom-up attention) would rather imply the substancia inominata which would be modulated by the central nucleus of amygdala (CeA) and the parietal cortex (Holland and Gallagher 2006). At the same time, in temporal discrimination in which associative learning requires, besides discrete sensory stimuli, performances related to the judgment of durations, the mechanism of the attentional process mobilizes other conceptual models that gravitate mainly around the internal clock model and, in particular, the striatal beat frequency model which propose also neurobiological explanations (Matell & Meck, 2004). In this work, we aimed at understanding the role of the Amygdalo-nigro-striatal (ANS) circuit in the development of the attentional process in associative learning oriented towards discrete and temporal sensory stimuli in the rat. We also aimed at examining the role of this circuit in the evolution of the attentional process after over-training permitting the development of habits. In order to achieve this objective, we compared performance of rats with cross-lesion by altering the CeA in one hemisphere and the nigro-striatal circuit in the other hemisphere (Amygdalo-nigro-striatal disconnection; Contra group) to rats with lesions in the same hemisphere (CeA and nigro-striatal circuit: group Ipsi). A third group was submitted to bilateral lesions of the CeA (Amy group). A control group had pseudo lesions (groupe Sham).Through our three experimental groups (Contra, Ipsi and Amy) and the control group (Sham), we have shown the involvement of the CeA in the modulation of the attentional process when a novelty was introduced in the experimental situation (surprise) both in the presence of an appetitive discrete sensory stimulus and of a temporal stimulus in an aversive context. We have also shown that the ANS circuit is involved in habit formation and that there is probably a differential effect between the posterior and anterior part of the CeA. Our work also highlighted the implication of the nigro-striatal circuit in temporal discrimination and of the ANS circuit in the attentional treatment in temporal perception tasks, this effect being different depending on whether the discrimination concerns short or long durations.

Itinéraire de l’évaluation d’un film par le spectateur au cinéma : les chemins de la déception / Evolving evaluations of a movie by a cinemagoer : paths to disappointment

Darmon, Laurent 27 November 2013 (has links)
Singularité et bien d’expérience, le film est source de grands plaisirs et de nombreuses déceptions qui participent à la construction de la carrière cinématographique des spectateurs. Alors que l’industrie cinématographique cherche à satisfaire le goût du public, les recherches sociologiques et économiques sur le cinéma se sont peu intéressées à la construction de la satisfaction et insatisfaction dans le temps.Cette thèse se propose de montrer que le degré de satisfaction est le résultat d'un processus qui commence avant la projection et s'achève bien après celle-ci. C’est un parcours personnel et social qui conduit le spectateur à rencontrer trois oeuvres : le film attendu, le film interprété et le film-souvenir. Elle constitue une approche de la manière dont ces trois représentations mettent en jeu les schémas personnels du spectateur et les influences externes auxquelles il est soumis. Elle s’appuie sur une analyse théorique pluridisciplinaire ainsi que sur des cas pratiques construits à partir de données :- qualitatives (tirées de 22 séries de quatre entretiens rapportant l’opinion de spectateurs sur le film Solaris - de Steven Soderbergh – avant et après la projection),- quantitatives (à partir d’une base de données portant sur 577 films répartis sur 11 genres différents) / A movie is at once a work of experience and a singularity. It can be a source of pleasure or disappointment and such emotions are part and parcel of the spectator’s cinematographic journey. While the movie industry seeks to please the public, sociological and economic research have focused very little on the development of spectator satisfaction over time.This thesis aims at demonstrating that the degree of satisfaction is the result of a process that starts before the screening and ends well after it. This personal and social process leads the spectator to meet three representations: the expected movie, the interpreted movie and the souvenir-movie. We will thus carry out a theoretical multi-disciplinary analysis of the way in which these representations of film reflect on the spectator’s inner schemata and external influences, as well as a practical case study based on the following types of data:- qualitative (from 22 series of four interviews about the spectators’ opinions of Steven Soderbergh’s movie Solaris, before and after the screening),- quantitative (from a data base of 577 movies of 11 different genres)

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