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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les demandes du travail et l'épuisement émotionnel : l'influence de la qualité de la relation d'encadrement LMX

Houle-Ouellette, Olivier 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à vérifier l’effet modérateur de la relation d’encadrement LMX sur la relation entre les demandes du travail et l’épuisement émotionnel. Nous avons d’abord étudié la relation d’encadrement LMX et ses effets multiples, particulièrement sur le stress. Nous avons envisagé le LMX comme une ressource qui peut atténuer les effets des demandes du travail (conflit, surcharge et l’ambiguïté de rôle) sur l’épuisement émotionnel, et ce, avec comme fondement théorique le modèle des tensions du travail de Karasek (1979). Pour vérifier notre modèle, nous avons procédé à une analyse secondaire de données recueillies dans le cadre provenant d’une étude précédente réalisée à l’Institut de gériatrie de l’Université de Sherbrooke en 1996. Des analyses descriptives nous ont permis de valider deux de nos trois principales hypothèses à l’effet que le LMX agit comme modérateur sur la relation entre les demandes du travail et l’épuisement émotionnel. En effet, les résultats montrent que plus le LMX est de qualité, moins les relations entre le conflit de rôle et l’épuisement émotionnel ainsi qu’entre la surcharge de rôle et l’épuisement émotionnel sont significatives. Toutefois, nos résultats indiquent que plus le LMX est de qualité, plus l’effet de l’ambiguïté de rôle est relié à l’épuisement émotionnel. / This paper will demonstrate the moderating effect of the LMX relationship on the connection between job demands and emotional exhaustion. First, we examined the LMX relationship and its various effects, especially on stress. Based on the theoretical foundations of Karasek’s workplace stress model (1979), we considered LMX as a resource that can mitigate the effects of job demands (conflict, overload and role ambiguity) on emotional exhaustion. To validate our model, we conducted a secondary analysis of data gathered in a prior study at the Université de Sherbrooke’s geriatrics institute in 1996.Descriptive analyses allowed us to validate two of our three main hypotheses to the effect that LMX functions as a moderator in the relationship between job demands and emotional exhaustion. The results showed that the better quality the LMX, the less significant the relationship between role conflict and emotional exhaustion and between role overload and emotional exhaustion. The results also showed, however, that the better quality the LMX, the greater the effect of role ambiguity on emotional exhaustion.

Le parcours de réorientation professionnelle d’immigrantes hautement qualifiées à Montréal : une étude exploratoire

Germain, Danielle 09 1900 (has links)
Les immigrantes hautement qualifiées rencontrent de nombreux obstacles à leur arrivée au Québec face à leur insertion professionnelle et économique. Les difficultés au plan de la reconnaissance des qualifications étrangères, les pratiques discriminatoires des entreprises et les stratégies et obligations familiales placent de nombreuses immigrantes dans une situation de déqualification professionnelle. Malgré un niveau de scolarité déjà élevé, plusieurs immigrantes vont opter pour un retour aux études, dans l’espoir qu’un diplôme local puisse améliorer leur situation professionnelle. Cette recherche porte sur la réorientation professionnelle des immigrantes hautement qualifiées. Elle étudie le parcours de réorientation, tel un continuum se présentant en quatre étapes, soit la décision de participer à une formation, le choix d’orientation professionnelle, le déroulement de la formation et l’accès à un emploi correspondant à cette formation. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’explorer l’impact des obstacles rencontrés par les immigrantes à leur arrivée au Québec sur ce parcours de réorientation. Les résultats obtenus suite à des entretiens réalisés avec douze immigrantes indiquent notamment une diminution importante du degré de déqualification après l’obtention d’un diplôme local. Si cette stratégie d’adaptation semble porter fruit à cet égard, les résultats montrent également la persistance de certains obstacles. L’analyse de la trajectoire de réorientation révèle aussi un effet en cascades d’une étape du parcours sur l’autre. / Highly skilled immigrant women face numerous obstacles upon their arrival in Quebec with regards to their professional and economic integration. A lack of recognition of foreign qualifications, discriminatory business practices, as well as strategies and family obligations represent difficulties that lead to the deskilling of many immigrant women. Despite a high level of education before their arrival, many of them will opt for a return to school in the hope that a local diploma will improve their occupational status. This research paper focuses on the professional reorientation of highly skilled immigrant women. It examines the course of reorientation as a continuum in four stages, namely, the decision to undergo training, career choices, training process and access to employment related to that training. The objective of this research paper is to explore the impact of the barriers that immigrant women face upon arrival in Quebec and along the course of reorientation. The results obtained from interviews conducted with twelve immigrant women indicate an important decrease in the degree of deskilling upon attainment of a local diploma. Although this coping strategy seems to be working in this regard, the results also depict the persistence of certain obstacles. Trajectory analysis reveals a cascading effect from one step of the process to the next.

Navettage et épuisement professionnel selon la région et le moyen de transport : les résultats de l'étude SALVEO

Barreck, Annie 02 1900 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est l’étude de la relation entre le navettage, soit le fait de faire la navette quotidiennement entre le domicile et le travail, et l’épuisement professionnel. Plus précisément, les rôles de modération du moyen de transport et de la région du milieu de travail, tant distinctement que simultanément, sur la relation entre la durée et la distance de navettage et l’épuisement professionnel sont examinés. L’épuisement professionnel a été mesuré grâce au MBI-GS (Maslah Burnout Inventory – General Survey). Les données proviennent de l’étude SALVEO menée au Canada par l’Équipe de Recherche sur le Travail et la Santé Mentale (ERTSM). Les données ont été recueillies entre 2009 et 2012 dans 63 milieux de travail selon un taux de réponse de 71.3 %, équivalent à 2162 employés. Les multiples analyses de régression effectuées sont pamis lespremières à lier significativement le navettage à l’épuisement professionnel. En effet, les navetteurs qui travaillent en grandes régions urbaines sont significativement plus épuisés émotionnellement que les travailleurs des petites régions urbaines ou des régions rurales. Il existe une relation curvilinéaire entre la durée de navettage et la dimension du cynisme. Une relation curvilinéaire existe également entre la durée de navettage et la mesure globale de l’épuisement professionnel. Enfin, le moyen de transport ainsi que la région dans laquelle se situe l’établissement de travail modèrent simultanément la relation entre la durée de navettage et la dimension de l’efficacité professionnelle. Globalement, les résultats suggèrent que le stress de navettage provient de l’ajustement quotidien des travailleurs à leurs conditions de navettage, qui se répercute en emploi. Les organisations devraient donc s’intéresser au développement de pratiques de gestion en ressources humaines misant sur l’amélioration des conditions de navettage de leurs employés. Ces pratiques RH pourraient moduler la relation entre le navettage et les problèmes de santé mentale au travail. / The main goal of the thesis was to study the relationship between commuting and burnout. Specifically, we assessed the moderation effect of both the mode of transportation and the workplace areas, distincly and simultaneously, on the relationship between commuting duration and distance with burnout, Burnout was measured using the MBI-GS (Maslah Burnout Inventory-General Survey). Data was collected during the SALVEO Canadian study by the Équipe de Recherche sur le Travail et la Santé Mentale (ERTSM) between 2009 and 2012 in 63 workplaces. 2,162 employees participated, resulting in a response rate of 71.3%. The multiple regression analysis performed are among the firsts to significantly associate commuting to burnout. Indeed, commuters who work in large urban areas are significantly more emotionally exhausted than workers in small urban or rural areas. There is a curvilinear relationship between commuting time and dimension of cynicism. A curvilinear relation also exists between commuting time and the overall measure of burnout. Finally, the means of transport as well as the workplace area simultaneously moderate the relationship between commuting time and dimension of inefficacy. Overall, results suggest that the stress of commuting comes from the daily adjustment of workers to their commuting conditions, which is reflected in employment. Organizations should therefore be interested in the development of human resources management practices focusing on improving their employees' commuting conditions. These HR practices could modulate the relationship between commuting and mental health problems at work.

L'anticipation syndicale des restructurations d'entreprise : une étude de cas dans le secteur de la fabrication et l'emballage de verre

Leclerc, Magali 08 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, la mondialisation des marchés a radicalement modifié les activités économiques des entreprises et le tissu productif à travers la planète. Les restructurations deviennent dès lors des options avantageuses pour les entreprises afin de demeurer concurrentielles. Alors qu’auparavant les restructurations consistaient essentiellement en une réduction d’effectifs dans un site considéré peu rentable, elles sont aujourd’hui polymorphes: fermeture de site, délocalisations, sous-traitance, ouverture de nouvelles unités au pays et hors pays, relocalisation et fusions-acquisitions (Rouleau, 2000) et (AgirE, 2008). Or, les restructurations posent un problème pour l’action syndicale qui doit composer avec ces processus complexes en raison de leur caractère multidimensionnel, multi niveaux et multi acteurs. Les réponses syndicales aux restructurations s’élaborent toujours dans un contexte d’asymétrie de pouvoirs dans la mesure où l’employeur est maître des dimensions spatiales et temporelles des restructurations. L'anticipation syndicale des restructurations apparaît être une stratégie innovante qui permet aux syndicats de réduire ou mieux, de prévenir les conséquences négatives qui découlent des restructurations. Cette recherche a pour objectif d’examiner les facteurs influençant l’anticipation des restructurations en vue d’en dégager les conditions se rattachant à un tel exercice pour les syndicats. À cette fin, deux modèles d'analyse ont été mobilisés. En premier lieu, les ressources de pouvoir syndicales de Lévesque et Murray (2003) permettent d'expliquer l'anticipation syndicale des restructurations dans la mesure où la capacité d'action du syndicat local constitue un facteur qui ne dépend que du syndicat lui-même. Puis, le modèle d'analyse d'AgirE (2008) permet d'expliquer l'espace et le temps d'action alloués au syndicat par l'employeur pour anticiper les restructurations. Les variables indépendantes provenant de ce modèle d'analyse sont les suivantes: les caractéristiques de l'entreprise, les caractéristiques du territoire et la stratégie patronale de restructuration. Cette présente recherche a été réalisée sous la forme d'une étude de cas. Il s'agit ici de l'étude d'un cas critique d'anticipation syndicale d'une restructuration ayant eu cours en 2004-2005 dans une usine du secteur manufacturier québécois. Des entrevues ont été effectuées auprès de représentants syndicaux de l'usine, d'un ex-cadre de l'usine et de deux intervenants importants du milieu communautaire. Les résultats de notre recherche montrent sans équivoque que la capacité d'action du syndicat local est un facteur-clé qui a permis d'expliquer l'anticipation stratégique et opérationnelle de la restructuration interne ayant eu lieu dans l'usine de fabrication et d'emballage de verre. En dépit des caractéristiques de l'entreprise et de la stratégie patronale de restructuration défavorable à l'implication syndicale, le syndicat local a su lui-même se créer un espace d'action lui ayant permis de sauver l'établissement d'une possible fermeture à moyen-long terme. Les caractéristiques territoriales favorables à une action concertée entre les différents acteurs du territoire où est située l'usine se sont également avérées une condition importante pour l'anticipation syndicale de la restructuration. Mots-clés: (1) anticipation, (2) mondialisation, (3) Québec, (4) restructuration, (5) secteur manufacturier , (6) stratégie, (7) syndicat / Over the last few years, market globalization has radically changed business activity and production across the world. Hence forward, firms have turned advantageously to company restructuring in order to remain competitive. Traditionally, company restructuring consisted in job cutback on unprofitable sites, but today various forms coexist such as site closures, relocations, mergers and acquisitions (Rouleau,2000) and (AgirE,2008). Consequently, company restructuring represent an important issue for union action when trade unions are faced to cope with complex multi-dimensional, multi-level and multi-stakeholders processes. Union response to restructuring processes always develops in a context of power asymmetry where temporal and spatial dimensions of company restructuring are driven by employers. Therefore, trade unions respond and adapt their own strategies around this new economic reality. Union anticipation of company restructuring activities appears to be an innovating strategy by allowing unions to alleviate or better still, prevent negative consequences of restructuring activities. The objective of this research is to examine the factors impacting on anticipation of restructuring to determine for unions the conditions associated with a successful approach. To this end, two analysis models have been retained. The first model, Levesque and Murray`s Union Power Resources (2003), describes unions anticipation of restructuring in terms of its capacity of action at the local level. The second analysis model, AgirE (2008), explains the importance of allowing time and space to the union for anticipating company restructuring. The independent variables of this analysis model are the following: firm characteristics, territorial characteristics and employer`s restructuring strategy. This research has been undertaken as a case study. It has been carried out on a critical case of union anticipation which took place during years 2004-2005 in a Quebec manufacturing plant. Interviews were conducted with the plant`s union representative, with one former manager and with two important community stakeholders. Results of our research unequivocally demonstrate that the capacity of action of the local union is a key factor which allowed to explain why a strategic and operational anticipation of internal restructuring was possible in this glass manufacturing and packaging plant. Despite firm characteristics unfavorable to union`s involvement, the local union was successful in establishing its own sphere of action which allowed the firm to avoid a potential medium to long term plant closure. Territorial characteristics favorable to concerted action among the various stakeholders in the territory where the plant is located have proved to be a critical factor in the union`s anticipation of the plant`s restructuring activity Key words: (1)Anticipation, (2) Company restructuring, (3) Globalization, (4) Manufacturing sector, (5) Quebec, (6) Strategy, (7) Union

LMX à distance : analyse qualitative et développement d’une échelle de mesure

Benkarim, Amal 04 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objectif général de proposer l’adaptation du concept de la relation d’échange superviseur-subordonné (leader-member exchange ou LMX) à la nouvelle réalité du travail à distance. Il s’agit d’étudier la relation d’échange qui se développe entre le superviseur et le subordonné travaillant à distance. Plus précisément, nous visons à définir et à développer une échelle de mesure valide et fiable du concept du LMX à distance. Jusqu’à présent, aucune définition de cette relation d’échange superviseur-subordonné n'a été proposée et aucune échelle de mesure n'a été développée. Dans l’étude que nous proposons, la notion de la distance n’est pas considérée comme un élément contextuel, mais plutôt un élément indissociable du concept lui-même, contrairement à certaines études qui ont examiné la distance comme modérateur de la relation entre le LMX et ses résultantes (Bligh et Riggio, 2012; Brunelle, 2013). À cet effet, cette étude constitue la première sur le sujet. Étant donné l'importance du LMX à distance pour les travailleurs à distance et dont le nombre atteindrait plus de 50 % d’ici 2020 (ITIF, CAS et CoreNet Global), il est primordial de comprendre et d'analyser la relation d’échange superviseur-subordonné à distance afin de mieux comprendre sa nature et son processus de développement, ce qui permettra aux parties de la dyade superviseur-subordonné de mieux s’adapter à cette nouvelle réalité de travail et de développer des relations d’échanges de qualité. Cette recherche aidera les superviseurs travaillant à distance à mieux gérer leur potentiel humain. Pour cerner ce sujet de recherche, nous avons fait une revue approfondie de la littérature traitant du LMX traditionnel et de la notion de distance, et ce, afin de pouvoir proposer une définition du concept du LMX à distance. En outre, nous avons fait appel aux recommandations de la littérature portant sur la psychométrie et nous avons réalisé une étude exploratoire de nature qualitative pour développer son échelle de mesure. Nous avons donc effectué des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées auprès de trente professeurs d’une université canadienne. Ces entrevues ont été analysées avec le logiciel qualitatif spécialisé Nvivo et ont permis de présenter une première échelle de mesure du LMX à distance composée de sept dimensions et de 27 indicateurs. En somme, nous avons tenu à acquérir une meilleure compréhension de ce phénomène qui est très répandu dans les organisations modernes et à offrir une plateforme théorique et pratique que les chercheurs pourront utiliser pour enrichir leurs connaissances sur le concept du LMX à distance. Enfin, notre étude permettra aux superviseurs et aux subordonnés de comprendre l'importance de développer et de maintenir des relations de qualité conduisant à des résultats organisationnels et personnels positifs. / In this research, we define the concept of distance leader-member exchange (distance LMX) and present a valid and reliable scale to measure it. We argue that the notion of distance is not a contextual element but is instead an integral component of the concept, unlike studies that have examined only the impact of distance in LMX relationships (Bligh and Riggio, 2012; Brunelle, 2013). Therefore we believe that our study is original and groundbreaking in the human resource management field. This measurement tool will allow the dyad parties to better adapt to this new working reality and will motivate them to collaborate and develop high-quality relationships. Our study thus offers an interesting contribution to help companies manage their employees and improve performance in cases of remote working. A review of the literature regarding traditional LMX and distance concepts was carried out to provide an accurate definition of the concept of distance LMX. We relied on the psychometric literature to build a measurement scale for this concept. This scale is the result of a qualitative exploratory study conducted among thirty Canadian university professors. For the data analysis we used Nvivo software to analyze the interviews. We present an initial measurement scale for distance LMX composed of 7 dimensions and 27 indicators. To summarize, we propose an approach to better understand the increasingly widespread remote-working phenomenon, and provide a theoretical and practical platform to help researchers better grasp this concept. Our study will surely help supervisors and subordinates understand the importance of developing and maintaining good relationships that will generate positive organizational and personal results.

Direito do Trabalho e desenvolvimento: crise e desafios do projeto constitucional / Labor Law and development: crisis and challenges of the constitutional project

Porto, Marcos da Silva 18 November 2016 (has links)
O Direito do Trabalho no Brasil, assim entendido o conjunto de regras e princípios que regulam as relações de trabalho, atravessa uma grave crise que atinge as bases de sua formulação teórica e a efetividade de sua proteção. Neste panorama, os direitos trabalhistas, reconhecidos pela Constituição da República como fundamentais, são frequentemente violados no cotidiano das relações de trabalho. A Constituição brasileira claramente estruturou as bases de um Estado Social e Democrático de Direito, priorizando a dignidade da pessoa humana como fundamento e o primado do trabalho e da justiça social como princípios norteadores da ordem econômica e social. O presente trabalho identifica, analisa e correlaciona razões econômicas, políticas e jurídicas que neste momento conduzem e alimentam a mencionada crise. Também estuda formas e condições com que as grandes empresas adotam padrões de conduta que, desvirtuando o conteúdo valorativo das normas jurídicas trabalhistas de proteção, resultam em macrolesões aos direitos fundamentais de seus trabalhadores, com o único propósito de reduzir os custos do trabalho humano. Afirmando a centralidade do trabalho como fator de emancipação social do trabalhador brasileiro, bem como a imperatividade e a irreversibilidade da tutela estatal de seus direitos trabalhistas fundamentais, a presente dissertação propõe a adoção de medidas tendentes à superação da crise, seja por meio da resistência às proposições legislativas em discussão no Parlamento e que objetivam enfraquecer as bases teóricas do Direito do Trabalho, seja por meio da introdução no ordenamento de instrumentos legislativos que sejam capazes de lhe propiciar evolução científica, em conformidade com as diretrizes da Constituição da República e com vistas ao futuro das relações de trabalho no Brasil. / Brazilian Labor Law, defined as the set of rules and principles which regulate labor relations, is undergoing a great crisis that affects the very basis of its theoretical formulation and the effectiveness of its protection. In this context, labor rights, recognized as fundamental by the Federal Constitution, are often violated in the everyday of labor relations. The Brazilian Constitution has clearly structured the basis of a Social and Democratic Rule-of-Law State, prioritizing the principle of human dignity as its foundation and having work and social justice take precedence as the orienting principles of the economical and social orders. This study identifies, analyses, and correlates the economic, political and juridical reasons that lead and feed the aforementioned crisis. It also studies the manner and conditions through which big employers adopt patterns of conduct that misrepresent the evaluative content of protective labor norms and, with the sole purpose of reducing the costs of human labor, produce macrolesions to the fundamental rights of its workers. By reaffirming the centrality of labor as a factor of social emancipation for the Brazilian worker, as well as the irreversibility and imperative nature of the protection of the State over fundamental rights at work, this study proposes the adoption of measures that would favor the overcoming of the present crisis, be it by means of resistance to the legal propositions being discussed in Parliament - and which aim to weaken the theoretical basis of Labor Law -, be it by the introduction of new legal instruments in the legal order, ones which would allow it to evolve in its science - conforming to the directives of the Federal Constitution and with a view to the future of labor relations in Brazil.

Newspaper Work in a Time of Digital Change: A Comparative Study of U.S. and Japanese Journalists / Comparative Study of U.S. and Japanese Journalists

Minami, Hiroko 09 1900 (has links)
xi, 272 p. : ill. (some col.) / This is a qualitative comparative study about perspectives and experiences of contemporary journalists at three newspapers in the United States and Japan. The newspaper industry in both the United States and Japan is going through an unprecedented transitional period driven by economic forces and technological changes. One purpose of the study is to shed light on everyday journalists who are exposed to industry-wide structural changes. Based on interviews with journalists of the three newspapers, this study explores journalists' experiences about economic and technological impacts and their perspectives about their work. Another purpose of this study is to compare and contrast these perspectives and experiences. By doing so, it is possible to examine how the interconnected economies of the countries and globally standardized technology influence the views and behavior of U.S. and Japanese journalists. Journalists of the three newspapers are confronting a dilemma between their journalistic ideals and increasing economic pressures that limit their activities. They are increasingly feeling insecure about employment in the newspaper industry. They show different attitudes toward employment with their newspapers. Journalists at the U.S. newspaper think of changing careers for better job security, while Japanese journalists seek solutions within the company, rather than leaving. This indicates that U.S. journalists have more freedom to choose, while Japanese journalists are bound to their company partly because of hiring and training practices specific to Japanese newspapers. Journalists have contradictory views about technological development. While they appreciate increased productivity brought by digital technology, they feel their labor has been cheapened partly because of the same technology. Similarities in journalists' experiences beyond newspapers and national borders occur as a result of homogenous impacts of interconnected economies of the two countries and globally standardized technology. However, shared ideas, values and norms specific to the workplace play an important role in determining journalists' perspectives and social behavior. This is why journalists' perspectives and attitudes vary by newspaper. This study concludes by emphasizing the importance of labor studies of newspaper journalists as information providers who are expected to make democracy function. / Committee in charge: Dr. John Russial, Chairperson; Dr. Gabriela Martinez, Member; Dr. Janet Wasko, Member; Dr. Jeffery Hanes, Outside Member

L’impact différencié de la rémunération tangible et de la rémunération intangible sur le roulement dans le secteur des TIC

Vincent, Alexandre 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

L’effet du leadership d’habilitation sur les comportements innovateurs des travailleurs : le rôle médiateur de l’habilitation psychologique et de l’engagement organisationnel affectif

Yao Komissa, Kézia Mamena 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Fundo social do trabalhador autônomo: proteção e regulamentação de direitos fundamentais / Social fund of the self-employed worker: protection and regulation of fundamental right.

Gonçalves, Leandro Krebs 16 March 2015 (has links)
O Fundo Social do Trabalhador Autônomo objetiva proteger e regulamentar direitos fundamentais dos trabalhadores por conta própria, na perspectiva das relações individuais de labor. A dinâmica da sociedade atual exige uma releitura da dependência econômica e da subordinação jurídica, sob pena de tornar letra morta os dispositivos constitucionais tutelares. Dentro de um mercado global de extrema competitividade, o capital acaba preponderando sobre o elemento humano. A partir da análise das diferentes espécies de relação que se desenvolvem no mundo do trabalho, em visão histórica de afirmação dos direitos humanos e de evolução dos direitos sociais, o presente estudo busca definir os direitos fundamentais dos trabalhadores independentes e propor um fundo social para custeio de seus direitos trabalhistas. As diretrizes normativas internacionais e brasileiras de proteção e regulação do labor do Homem servirão de alicerce para a construção de um novo modelo jurídico. Independente da vigência do contrato de emprego, nos moldes previstos nos artigos 2º e 3º da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT), torna-se necessário adaptar e reformular o Direito do Trabalho, para abranger outros tipos de relações, sem que implique precarização de direitos já consagrados. O autônomo ficou à margem da lei, o que inclusive repercute no expressivo número de ações trabalhistas, em que se discute a existência de vínculo de emprego e os direitos daí decorrentes, em um verdadeiro processo de tudo ou nada. Pressupondo garantias de subsistência, respeitabilidade e dignidade, impõe-se a intervenção do Estado para fixar direitos mínimos dos trabalhadores em geral. Expressando a concretização do direito social ao trabalho, o estabelecimento de prestações positivas elevará a condição socioeconômica dos autônomos, fundada em preceitos de justiça social. O fenômeno da globalização, hoje, contrapõe-se a medidas de defesa dos mercados nacionais. O capitalismo contemporâneo defronta-se com a polêmica dos encargos sociais e seus impactos econômicos. O custo da mão de obra e a implementação de programas de inclusão social e de redistribuição de riquezas, além de ser objeto de políticas governamentais, levam a crer que o Direito do Trabalho tende a se tornar o direito de todas as relações de trabalho. A experiência estrangeira direciona um caminho a se percorrer. Para cumprir os ditames da norma constitucional brasileira, desafia-se a lógica do binômio capital e trabalho, para viabilizar receitas suficientes ao financiamento de benefícios trabalhistas aos autônomos. / The Social Fund of the Self-Employed Worker aims to protect and regulate fundamental rights of standalone workers, in perspective of the individual relations of labor. The dynamics of the current society seeks for a reinterpretation of economic dependence and of the legal relationship under penalty of becoming worthless to the constitutional devices guardianship. Within a global market of extreme competitiveness, the capital ends up prevailing over the human element. From the analysis of the different kinds of relationship that develop in the labor world of work, in a historical overview of affirmation of human rights and of the development of social rights, the present study seeks to define the fundamental rights of self-employed workers and it proposes a social fund to finance their labor rights. The Brazilian and international regulatory guidelines of protection and regulation of the labor of the human will serve as foundation for the construction of a new legal model. Regardless the duration of the employment contract, in accordance with the procedures provided in the Articles 2nd and 3rd of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), it is necessary to adapt and restructure the Labor Law to encompass other types of relations, without implying rights that are already devoted. The self-worker was on the edge of the law which also affects the significant number of labor lawsuits, where it is discussed the existence of employment bond and the rights stem from it, in a genuine all or none process. Assuming subsistence, respectability and dignity guarantees, it is implied a State intervention to secure minimum rights for workers in general. Expressing the full realisation of the social labor law the establishment of positive benefits will raise the socio-economic condition of self-workers founded on principles of social justice. The globalisation phenomenon nowadays is opposed to defence measures of national markets. The contemporary capitalism is faced with the polemic of social charges and their economic impacts. The cost of labor and the implementation of programs of social inclusion and the redistribution of wealth in addition to being the object of governmental policies, lead us to believe that the Labor Law tends to become the right of all employment relationships. The foreign experience guides a path to go through. To comply with the dictates of the Brazilian constitutional regulations, the logic of the capital and labor alliance is challenged in order to make sufficient revenues to finance worker benefits to selfworkers.

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