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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating Turnover Intention among Emergency Communication Specialists

Liu, Yufan 25 October 2005 (has links)
This study tested a model that uses job stressors, equity sensitivity, perceived organizational justice, and job satisfaction to explain turnover intention and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). An online survey was distributed to emergency communication specialists from 14 emergency communication centers in Florida. The supervisors in these emergency communication centers were asked to rate their employees on OCB. Responses to the survey and the OCB ratings were analyzed using structural equation modeling to evaluate the fit of a theoretical model to those data. Results showed that the model fit the data reasonably well and nearly all the hypotheses were supported. Specifically, job satisfaction completely mediated the relationships between job stressors, equity sensitivity, perceived organizational justice, and turnover intention. Job satisfaction partially mediated the relationships between job stressors, equity sensitivity, perceived organizational justice, and OCB, and equity sensitivity also had a unique, direct impact on OCB. Turnover intention alone did not reduce OCB. The implications of these finding are discussed.

Communication satisfaction, job satisfaction, organisational commitment and intention to leave

Hopper, Melissa Loraine January 2009 (has links)
The retention of highly motivated, skilled and committed employees is a major concern by organisations to achieve a competitive advantage. The turnover intentions of human capital are of interest to managers, employees, and organisations today. This study explores a theoretical model of turnover intentions that included three proximal variables, job satisfaction, affective and continuance commitment, the distal variables of subordinate communication, horizontal communication, personal feedback, media quality, communication climate, supervisor communication, job-related communication, and management communication, with turnover intentions. A questionnaire was completed by 101 participants of a rental firm in New Zealand. Job satisfaction, affective commitment, continuance commitment, subordinate communication, horizontal communication, personal feedback, media quality, communication climate, supervisor communication, job-related communication, and management communication correlated with turnover intentions. The results of the mediated regression analysis indicated that job satisfaction, affective commitment, and continuance commitment are significant mediators between the eight distal (organisational communication) variables, with turnover intentions. This study highlights the necessity for managers to develop good quality relationships with their employees to improve the quality of their communication, to foster job satisfaction, affective commitment, and continuance commitment to reduce turnover intentions. The conclusion of this study discusses the practical implications for managers, and organisations and the direction for future research.

Extra ersättningar vid föräldraledighet : Dess inverkan på föräldraledighetslängden vid olika inkomster och kön

Lindblom, Josepha January 2009 (has links)
<p>Mothers and fathers in Sweden receive an earnings-related benefit of 80 percent of their income when they take parental leave. There exists a ceiling in the allowance though, meaning that some people with high earnings don’t receive fully 80 percent of their ordinary salary. The length of the parental leave varies between women and men and also among men and women. Various reasons are used to explain this; one of them is economical. This study investigates the economics reasons further by studying how additional compensations from the employer affect the length of the parental leave. The empirical material that is used in this study is called Time and money and it was collected in 2003 by Statistics Sweden. It consists of a survey of parents of 3164 children, born in 1993 or 1999.The used method for the study is regression analysis. Women and men are studied separately and also in different income-brackets. This proceeding makes it possible to detect if the effect of additional compensation vary by income. The result shows that mothers and fathers with high earnings are effected by the additional compensation from the employer, implying that economical reasons can’t be overlooked in explaining why the length of parental leave vary. No significant results are found for parents with low income.</p>

Uppbrott från hemmet : en kvantitativ studie av ungdomar som rymmer eller kastas ut hemifrån

Sow, Alpha January 2007 (has links)
<p>Aim:The study's aim is to examine whether and to what extent elementary school pupils aged 13 and 16 report that they ever have been forced to leave home by parents, have run away from home voluntarily or have seriously considered doing so. The aim is also to illuminate which circumstances contribute to these break-ups. Method: A quantitative approach is used; a survey material consisting of 1193 questionnaires is analysed. The data material has been used in earlier studies but the issue addressed here has not been studied earlier. The circumstances analysed are gender, ethnicity, the parents’ religious belief and education, living conditions (sharing home with both parents, one of them or none), contacts with professionals (psychologist, school nurse or curator), physical and mental wellbeing, way of upbringing (liberal vs authoritarian) and communication with parents. The findings are compared to a similar study from Great Britain. Results: The results show that 4 percents of the young people have been forced to leave home some time during their life and 9 percent have run away and stayed away for at least 24 hours. The proportion of young people seriously considering leaving home was 22 percents. It is concluded that being forced to leave home has different explanations compared to running away by own decision. It is thus two different phenomena. A few risk factors are identified.</p>

Att komma tillbaka : Kvinnors berättelser om vägen tillbaka till hälsa och arbete

Joseph Kambler, Alexandra January 2007 (has links)
<p>Flera studier har pekat på viktiga faktorer för att hälsa och återgång till yrkeslivet ska vara möjliga men hur detta i praktiken ska ske och vilka rehabiliteringsåtgärder som är mest effektiva är otillräckligt belagt. Studien har genom intervjuer med sju kvinnor med stressrelaterade störningar granskat hur en tillfriskningsprocess kan upplevas och vad som upplevs som meningsfull hjälp i samband med den. Deras tillfriskning har inneburit en kamp och ett starkt personligt engagemang. Beslutsamhet och målinriktning var förutsättningar för att få ta del av rehabiliteringsåtgärder. Kvinnorna i studien har upplevt ett stort personligt ansvarstagande för sin tillfriskning men de har också betonat vikten av bekräftelse från en förstående omgivning. En stor besvikelse har uttryckts gentemot Försäkringskassan och i vissa fall arbetsgivare för bristande förståelse, stöd och hjälp. Genom bland annat kampandan har kvinnorna utvecklat sin självkännedom och sin livssituation.</p> / <p>Several studies have identified factors associated with the promotion of health and return to work. But knowledge is insufficient of how this is practically done and which rehabilitation methods are most effective. This study aimed to shed light on women’s experiences of their rehabilitation process and also experiences of meaningful support associated with the process. Interviews were done with seven women with stress-related disorders whose recovery involved great efforts and a great deal of personal responsibility. The respondents’ determination was a condition for receiving the needed rehabilitation measures. They also emphasized the importance of social support and an empathetic attitude from others. Respondents expressed disappointment with the way The Swedish Social Insurance Agency and employers have handled and treated them. Through the struggles women in this study have endured, they’ve achieved personal growth and the awareness needed to change their situation of life.</p>

Patienters upplevelse av besök inom primärvården : En jämförelse mellan kvinnor och män samt sjukskrivna och icke sjukskrivna

Eriksson, Minna, Lindberg, Ylva January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att hos patienter som varit på besök inom primärvårdenundersöka nöjdhet/tillfredställelse med besöket, hur delaktig patienten känt sig isjukskrivningsbeslut i förekommande fall samt eventuella skillnader avseende detta mellankvinnor och män, samt sjukskrivna och icke sjukskrivna.Enkäter som handlade om patientens tillfredsställelse med besöket delades ut till patientermellan 18 och 64 år som besökte läkare vid Tierps vårdcentral under nio vardagar i oktober2009. Totalt 129 patienter ingick i studien.Av dem som diskuterat sjukskrivning med läkaren kände sig nästan alla delaktiga i det beslutsom togs. Den stora majoriteten av besökarna var helt och hållet nöjda med sitt besök. Ettfåtal av besökarna var inte alls nöjda med sitt besök på Tierps vårdcentral. De mönster somkan ses i tillfredställelse med besöket är att kvinnor var mer nöjda än män samt att ickesjukskrivna var nöjdare än de sjukskrivna.De skillnader som påvisades mellan grupperna var inte signifikanta men hade kanske varittydligare om studien haft fler deltagare. De mått som användes visade ingen större variation,ett annat instrument hade kanske kunnat påvisa större skillnader.</p> / <p>The aim with this study was to investigate, among patients who have visited a physician in aprimary care setting, the satisfaction with the encounter, to what extent the patient felt thatthey participated in decisions regarding sick leave, and potential differences regarding thisbetween women and men and people on sick leave and people not on sick leave.A questionnaire concerning patient satisfaction with their visit to a physician was handed outto patients between the ages of 18 and 64 that visited a physician at a primary care centre inTierp during nine weekdays in October 2009. A total of 129 patients were included in thestudy.Almost all of those who discussed sick leave with their physician felt that they participated inthe decision that was made. The majority of the visitors were completely satisfied with theirvisit. A few of the visitors were not at all satisfied with their visit. Observed patterns were thatwomen were more satisfied than men and people not on sick leave were more satisfied thanpeople on sick leave.The observed differences between the groups were not statistically significant but perhapsthey would have been more apparent if the number of participants had been greater. Themeasures used did not show a lot of variation, a different instrument might have showngreater differences.</p>

Föräldralediga pappor : en intervjustudie om pappors tankar om föräldraledighet och upplevelser av bemötande och information på barnavårdscentraler

Falkenäs, Linnea, Westlund, Åsa January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Att undersöka föräldralediga pappors tankar om att vara föräldralediga samt deras upplevelse av bemötande och information från specialistsjuksköterskor vid besök på barnavårdscentraler. <strong>Metod: </strong>Explorativ kvalitativ intervjustudie. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nio förstagångspappor som valdes genom målinriktat bekvämlighetsurval. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för analys av data. <strong>Resultat: </strong>Alla pappor var nöjda över sitt val att vara föräldralediga. De flesta uppgav att kontakten med barnet ökade och att relationen stärktes. Upplevelsen av föräldra-ledigheten beskrevs med ord som spännande, roligt, mysigt och häftigt. Högt ställda förväntningar på vad papporna skulle hinna med under ledigheten resulterade i en tuff första period där de fick omvärdera tillvaron för att trivas. De negativa upplevelser som lyftes fram var en känsla av isolering och en känsla av att ställas utanför sin omvärld när papporna var hemma med barnet. Uppdelning av föräldradagar mellan föräldrarna var ett gemensamt beslut som föll sig naturligt. Bemötande och information på barnavårdscentraler upplevdes professionellt, kunnigt och relevant. <strong>Slutsats: </strong>Att vara pappaledig innebär en mängd känslor och upplevelser som är unika. Det upplevs som en ynnest att få ta del av sitt barns liv och fördjupa sin relation till barnet. Pappor upplever bemötande och information på barnavårdscentraler som kompetent och relevant. Trots att det finns svårigheter under pappaledigheten överväger alltid det positiva. </p> / <p><strong>Aim: </strong>To examine the thoughts of fathers on parental leave about being on parental leave, as well as their experience of treatment and information from specially trained nurses when visiting child care centers. <strong>Method: </strong>An exploratory qualitative interview study. Semi-structured interviews were made with nine first time fathers that were selected with a target-oriented convenience selection. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. <strong>Results: </strong>All fathers were content with their choice to take parental leave. Most of the fathers reported that the contact with the child increased, and that the relationship was strengthened. Experience of parental leave was described with words like exciting, fun, cozy and cool. High expectations of what the fathers would be able to do with their time during the parental leave resulted in a tough first period. To be pleased revaluation of their expectations were necessary. The negative experiences emphasized were feelings of isolation and feelings of being placed outside the world around while being at home with the child. Distribution of parental days between the parents was a mutual decision that felt natural. The experience of treatment and information at the child welfare centers were described as professional, knowledgeable and relevant. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The paternity leave means a lot of unique emotions and experiences. It is considered a privilege to have access to their children´s lives and to be able to deepen the relationship. Fathers experience treatment and information at the child welfare center as competent and relevant. Even though there are difficulties during the parental leave the positive outweigh.</p>

Blivande förstagångspappors tankar om att bli förälder

Gustafsson, Daniel, Wallberg, Frida January 2010 (has links)
<p>Papparollen har förändrats från att vara familjeförsörjare till mer aktivt deltagande i familjelivet, men det finns mer att göra för att uppnå en jämställd föräldraledighet. Tidigare forskning är grundade på pappors erfarenhet och tankar om den planerade föräldraledigheten. <strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka blivande förstagångspappors tankar om föräldraledighet, rollen som pappa och föräldrautbildning. <strong>Metod: </strong>Åtta blivande förstagångspappor intervjuades. Samtliga intervjuer spelades in digitalt, transkriberades och analyserades genom med hjälp av innehållsanalys. <strong>Resultat: </strong>Av intervjuerna framkom fyra kategorier; Förutsättningar att ta föräldraledighet, Jämställt föräldraskap, att vara pappa och förälder samt trygghet inför förlossningen. Samtliga pappor planerade att ta ut föräldraledighet men det var oklart för en del när det skulle ske. Sju av papporna nämner att amningen är den viktigaste faktorn till att mamman tar ut föräldraledighet under första tiden.  Utav åtta intervjuade pappor svarade fem att ekonomin var en avgörande faktor som föräldrarna tog hänsyn till när de planerade fördelningen av föräldraledigheten.  Det fanns en stor ambivalens till huruvida papporna ansåg att låsta månader var ett bra tillvägagångssätt för att uppnå en mer jämställd fördelning av föräldraledigheten. Papporna kunde se både negativa och positiva konsekvenser av de låsta månaderna. Den generella åsikten bland papporna var dock att de ville engagera sig i sina barn även om de inte har möjlighet att vara föräldralediga. <strong>Slutsats: </strong>Papporna vill ta föräldraledighet men de största hindren är den ekonomiska situationen och amningen som prioriteras under första tiden. Genom föräldraledigheten ansåg papporna att de kan knyta an till sina barn.</p> / <p><strong></strong>The father role has changed from being a breadwinner to taking a more active part in the family life, but there is still more to do before an equal parental leave is reached. Recent studies are based on fathers’ experiences and thoughts of the planned paternal leave. <strong>Objective: </strong>The aim of this study is to research soon-to-be fathers’ thoughts about the forthcoming parental leave, the father role and the parental education. <strong>Method:</strong> Eight soon-to-be fathers were interviewed. All interviews was digitally recorded, transcribed and analyzed with the help of content analysis. <strong>Results:</strong> From the interviews four different categories was found; Conditions to take parental leave, equal parenting, to be a father and a parent and feeling secure about the birth giving. All the interviewed fathers showed a desire to take parental leave but it was uncertain when they were going to do so. Seven of them refer to breastfeeding as the most important factor why the mother take parental leave in the beginning. Of eight interviewed fathers five of them responded that the negative change in their economy was a major factor in the distribution of the parental leave between the mother and father. There was a big ambivalence whether the fixed months is a good approach to reach a more equal distribution of the parental leave. The fathers saw both negative and positive consequences of the fixed months. However, the general opinion among the fathers was that they wanted to commit to their children, even if they were not able to take parental leave. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Fathers wants to take parental leave, but the biggest obstacle is their economy and because the child was being breastfeed during the first period of time after birth. The fathers believed that through parental leave they would be able to connect to their children.</p>

An Employment Policy Agenda for Working Families

Kochan, Thomas A. 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The mediating effect of locus of control between role overload, job satisfaction and turnover intention / Rachel Lane

Lane, Rachel Clare January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

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