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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kreativa lösningar : En kvalitativ undersökning om att polisanmäla hedersrelaterat våld mot barn inom socialtjänsten

Nilsson, Stina, Stenhammar, Indra January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate how socialworkers describe their attitudes towards reporting childabuse to the police and if they make different decisions when they believe the violence to be honour related and how they handle these questions. The main questions are; How does socialworkers describe their and their colleagues attitudes towards reporting childabuse to the police and when do they believe they should report? Do they describe honourviolence as a specific kind of violence that should be lifted and in what way does it affect their work? The study is written from a legal sociologist perspective with a qualitative approach. Four socialworkers were interviewed and the interviews were analyzed with an anti-racist theory and with the theory about freedom of action. The conclusions is that the socialworkers mostly report childabuse to the police when the violence is physical. This means that children who describes to be subjected to psychological violence, including honourviolence, has poor legal security. Socialworkers describes honourviolence as a specific kind of violence that has to be lifted. Without knowledge they wont be able to help. They feel limited by the legislation and have invented creative solutions that focuses on the child’s best interest.

Barnets bästa : En kritisk granskning av förvaltningsrättens bedömningar då ungdomar döms till tvångsvård enligt 3 § LVU samt en analys av tidigare forskning gällande tvångsvårdens effekter på ungdomar

Laine, Emma, Nors, Christine January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie granskar förvaltningsrättens barnperspektiv i sex domstolsbeslut då ungdomar dömts till tvångsvård enligt 3 § LVU. Studien syftar till att granska om förvaltningsrättens bedömningar är rättsäkra genom att analysera om barnperspektivet beaktas i besluten. Studien syftar även till att studera det tidigare forskningsfältet om tvångsvård av unga för att undersöka vilka effekter tvångsvård kan leda till för den unge. Genom en kritisk diskursanalys har domstolsbesluten analyserats utifrån teorier om makt samt barnkonventionens riktlinjer och föreskrifter. Vidare har tidigare forskning analyserats för att studera tvångsvårdens effekter på ungdomarna. Studien visar att tvångsvård kan leda till negativa effekter för ungdomarna. Vidare framkommer det i studien att barnperspektivets mångfacetterade karaktär kommer till uttryck i domstolsbeslutens olika tolkningar och konstruktioner, där rättssäkerheten gällande barnperspektivet har tolkats fått olika ställning i besluten. De olika konstruktionerna av besluten visar att det tycks finnas en problematik med tolkningen av lagtexten i förvaltningsrättens bedömningar och att barnkonventionens föreskrifter inte alltid användas i tillräcklig utsträckning. I beslutens komplexitet får barnet ibland både en objektsstatus och/eller en subjektsstatus. Barnets position under processens gång är därför en central fråga för att säkerställa ett rättssäkert barnperspektiv. / This study analyzes the administrative court and if they ensure the “child's perspective” when judging youths to compulsory care. This has been studied by reviewing CRC:s guidelines and if the court follows these guidelines and applicable laws in their decisions. The material that have been analyzed consists of six court decisions concerning youth that are convicted pursuant to 3 § LVU. The study also intends to see what effects compulsory care has on youth. The court decisions are analyzed through a critical discourse analysis based on theories of power. Furthermore, previous research is analyzed relating to the child's best interests and the consequences for youth being placed in compulsory care to see what effects it can lead to. The study has shown that compulsory care can lead to negative effects for the youth and that the child’s perspective has a multifaceted character which is reflected in the court decisions different interpretations and constructions. The various constructions in the decisions have shown that there seems to be some problems with the interpretation of the law and that the CRC's guidelines are not always used sufficiently. The complexity of decisions shows that the child at times is seen as both as an object and/or a subject. The child's position during the process is therefore a key issue to ensure a legally secure child's perspective.

Le droit administratif face au principe de la sécurité juridique / Administrative law in front of principle of the legal security

Dalil, Brahim 03 July 2015 (has links)
Le droit est devenu de plus en plus illisible et compliqué. Les causes de ce mal juridique sont multiples, il s’agit d’une part, de ce qu’on a appelé une inflation législative où le rythme d’élaboration et de modification des textes juridiques bat tous les records. D’autre part, cette complexité normative a été renforcée par l’apparition de matières juridiques nouvelles faisant appel à des concepts techniques et scientifiques, il s’agit par exemple du droit des nouvelles technologies. Enfin, la crise de la norme juridique est due aussi à la dégradation de la qualité rédactionnelle des textes. Pouvoirs publics et personnes privées s’accordaient pour dénoncer un phénomène d’insécurité juridique. C’est dans ce contexte que le Conseil d’Etat a consacré un principe de sécurité juridique comme moyen de remédier à ce phénomène. Au lendemain de cette consécration la doctrine dans sa majorité estimait qu’il s’agissait d’un principe qui respecte la portée objective de notre droit administratif. Nous avons estimé, avec d’autres, qu’il s’agit en revanche d’un principe inspiré du principe de protection de la confiance légitime. Celui-ci d’origine allemande, et adopté par le droit Communautaire et celui de tous les Etats européens, est de portée subjective. Ainsi nous avons développé l’idée qu’à travers le principe de sécurité juridique, le Conseil d’ Etat consacre un droit public subjectif à la sécurité juridique qui rompt avec cette tradition objective du droit administratif français. En effet, depuis la consécration du principe de sécurité juridique, notre droit administratif prend une tournure subjective. / Law has become increasingly illegible and complicated. The causes of this are multiple, it acts on the one hand, of what one called a legislative inflation where the rhythm of development and modification of the legal texts breaks all the records. In addition, this normative complexity was reinforced by the appearance of new legal matters calling on technical and scientific concepts, such as for example new technology law. Lastly, the crisis of the legal standard is due also to the deterioration of the editorial quality of the texts. Public authorities and individuals agreed to denounce a phenomenon of legal insecurity. It is in this context that the Council of State stated a principle of legal security like means of curing this phenomenon. After this decision, the doctrines in its majority estimated that it was a principle which respected the objective range of our administrative law. With others, we feel that it is principle inspired of the principle of protection of legitimate confidence.This one, of German origin, and adopted by the Community law and that of all the European States, is of subjective range. Thus we developed the idea that through the principle of legal security, the Council of State establishes a subjective public right to the legal security which breaks with this objective tradition of the French administrative law. Indeed, since the principle of legal security is proclaimed, our administrative law takes a subjective turn.

Segurança jurídica : da crise ao resgate / Legal security : fall and rise

Motta, Artur Alves da January 2008 (has links)
Apesar de o direito ser feito para trazer estabilidade à sociedade e garantia a seus membros, hoje em dia no Brasil esse propósito não se verifica adequadamente como deveria. Este trabalho se concentra na segurança jurídica, uma expressão no direito romanogermânico que contém a idéia de como o direito deve dar ao povo um sentido de certeza e também embasa a coisa julgada e o controle de constitucionalidade. Na verdade, o sentido de estabilidade no direito brasileiro está em crise. Este estudo procura saber o motivo e tenta achar uma resposta na doutrina e nas decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal para entender como isso afeta a coisa julgada e o controle de constitucionalidade. A conclusão leva à idéia de que o modelo de controle difuso de constitucionalidade sem a vinculação obrigatória dos precedentes, combinado com um enfoque no controle concentrado e abstrato de constitucionalidade é a causa de vários problemas, afetando não apenas o conceito de coisa julgada mas também trazendo danos à segurança jurídica. / Altough law is made to bring stability to the society, and assurance for its members, nowadays in Brazil its purpose is not occurring properly and as it should do. This work focuses on legal security, a term in civil law that contains the idea of how law must give people a sense of certainty, and also supports the res judicata and judicial review. Actually, the sense of stability in Brazilian law is in crisis. This study wonders why and tries to find an answer in jurisprudence and in the Supremo Tribunal Federal (Brazilian supreme court) decisions to understand how it affects the institutes of res judicata and judicial review. The conclusion leads to the idea that a judicial review model without stare decisis combined with the classic civil law constitutional court is the cause of several problems, affecting not only the concept of res judicata but also damaging the legal security.

La théorie de la performance juridique : une application aux stock-options et aux attributions gratuites d’actions / The theory of the legal performance : an application to the stock-options and the free share awards

Perdrizot-Renault, Julien 17 December 2013 (has links)
Le monde actuel, instable et incertain tant financièrement que juridiquement, créé un nouvel impératif, celui de la performance. Dans ce contexte, la performance juridique de l’entreprise désigne son aptitude à déployer des ressources juridiques et à les articuler avec d’autres ressources pour atteindre ses objectifs, notamment ses objectifs stratégiques. Par nos travaux, nous tentons d’étendre cette théorie aux individus et d’illustrer ses apports en l’appliquant aux mécanismes juridiques des stock-options et des actions gratuites. Partant du postulat que le droit constitue un instrument de la performance, nous voyons dans la performance juridique l’expression de l’aptitude des entreprises et des individus à sécuriser et optimiser leurs ressources, capacités et opportunités juridiques, afin de contribuer à réaliser leurs objectifs stratégiques. Nous exprimons ainsi l’idée d’une performance juridique à travers deux critères cumulatifs : la sécurisation et l’optimisation juridiques. / Today’s unstable and unpredictable world, from a financial and a legal point of view, creates a new requirement, the performance. In this context, the company’s legal performance refers to its ability of develop legal resources and to connect it to other resources to reach its goals, especially strategic aims. Through our work, we attempt to extend this theory to individuals and to illustrate its contributions through an application to the stock-options and the free share awards legal schemes. Based on the assumption that the Law constitutes a tool for performance, we see the legal performance as the expression of the companies and individuals’ ability to secure and optimize their legal resources, capabilities and opportunities, in order to satisfy their strategic goals. Then, we convey the idea of a legal performance throughout two cumulative criteria: the legal certainty and the legal optimization.

Les relations d'affaires : approche comparée du droit français et du droit libanais / The business relations : comparative approach between the French law and the Lebanese law

Mouawad, Julie 26 January 2018 (has links)
Le mot « relations d’affaires » n’est plus seulement une simple dénomination dans le « monde du business » ; en effet, la notion juridique de relations d’affaires intervient aujourd’hui comme étant une nouvelle catégorie juridique du droit notamment depuis la rédaction de l’ordonnance française n⁰ 2016-131 du 10 février 2016. Notre analyse va porter sur la consécration de la notion de relations d’affaires en droit positif français et libanais. Cette analyse aura pour intérêt principal de tenter d’esquisser une définition générale de la notion de relations d’affaires, de développer le cadre juridique dans lequel elle se forme et de déterminer les caractéristiques relatives à la notion de relations d’affaires. Une approche juridique de cette notion nous permet de préciser les contours du régime juridique de la notion de relations d’affaires tout en se basant, en grande partie, sur l’article L. 442-6-I, 5⁰ du Code de commerce français. L’analyse de l’équilibre économique et de la sécurité juridique des contractants va conduire à étudier non seulement les relations pré-contractuelles et contractuelles mais aussi le sort et les effets juridiques des relations d’affaires au stade post contractuel. On s’attachera dans une première approche, à éclaircir les domaines dans lesquels la notion de relations d’affaires est abordée en droit positif et essayer d’en préciser les éléments constitutifs. Et dans une deuxième approche, on analysera les effets juridiques de la notion de relations d’affaires au cours des diverses phases de la formation du contrat et des conséquences de la rupture du contrat sur lesdites relations / The word « business relations » is no longer only a denomination in the « business world »; in fact, the legal notion of business relations intervenes today as a new legal category of law, in particular since the drafting of French order No. 2016-131 in 10 February 2016. Our analysis will focus on the consecration of « business relations » in French and Lebanese positive law. This analysis has a principal interest to attempt to outline a general definition of the concept of « business relations », to develop the legal framework within which it is formed, and to determine the related characteristics of the business relations concept. A legal approach of this notion has enabled us to specify the legal framework of the business relations notion, this is largely based on article L. 442-6-I, 5⁰ of the French commercial code. The analysis of the economic equilibrium and the legal security of contractors will lead us to study not only the pre-contractual and contractual relations but also the condition and the legal effects of business relations at the post-contract stage. In a first approach, we will clarify the areas in which the notion of business relations is approached in positive law, and will try to specify its constituent elements. In a second approach, we will analyze the legal effects of the « business relations » notion during the diverse phases of the contract drafting and the consequences of the contract termination on those relations

Segurança jurídica : da crise ao resgate / Legal security : fall and rise

Motta, Artur Alves da January 2008 (has links)
Apesar de o direito ser feito para trazer estabilidade à sociedade e garantia a seus membros, hoje em dia no Brasil esse propósito não se verifica adequadamente como deveria. Este trabalho se concentra na segurança jurídica, uma expressão no direito romanogermânico que contém a idéia de como o direito deve dar ao povo um sentido de certeza e também embasa a coisa julgada e o controle de constitucionalidade. Na verdade, o sentido de estabilidade no direito brasileiro está em crise. Este estudo procura saber o motivo e tenta achar uma resposta na doutrina e nas decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal para entender como isso afeta a coisa julgada e o controle de constitucionalidade. A conclusão leva à idéia de que o modelo de controle difuso de constitucionalidade sem a vinculação obrigatória dos precedentes, combinado com um enfoque no controle concentrado e abstrato de constitucionalidade é a causa de vários problemas, afetando não apenas o conceito de coisa julgada mas também trazendo danos à segurança jurídica. / Altough law is made to bring stability to the society, and assurance for its members, nowadays in Brazil its purpose is not occurring properly and as it should do. This work focuses on legal security, a term in civil law that contains the idea of how law must give people a sense of certainty, and also supports the res judicata and judicial review. Actually, the sense of stability in Brazilian law is in crisis. This study wonders why and tries to find an answer in jurisprudence and in the Supremo Tribunal Federal (Brazilian supreme court) decisions to understand how it affects the institutes of res judicata and judicial review. The conclusion leads to the idea that a judicial review model without stare decisis combined with the classic civil law constitutional court is the cause of several problems, affecting not only the concept of res judicata but also damaging the legal security.

Segurança jurídica : da crise ao resgate / Legal security : fall and rise

Motta, Artur Alves da January 2008 (has links)
Apesar de o direito ser feito para trazer estabilidade à sociedade e garantia a seus membros, hoje em dia no Brasil esse propósito não se verifica adequadamente como deveria. Este trabalho se concentra na segurança jurídica, uma expressão no direito romanogermânico que contém a idéia de como o direito deve dar ao povo um sentido de certeza e também embasa a coisa julgada e o controle de constitucionalidade. Na verdade, o sentido de estabilidade no direito brasileiro está em crise. Este estudo procura saber o motivo e tenta achar uma resposta na doutrina e nas decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal para entender como isso afeta a coisa julgada e o controle de constitucionalidade. A conclusão leva à idéia de que o modelo de controle difuso de constitucionalidade sem a vinculação obrigatória dos precedentes, combinado com um enfoque no controle concentrado e abstrato de constitucionalidade é a causa de vários problemas, afetando não apenas o conceito de coisa julgada mas também trazendo danos à segurança jurídica. / Altough law is made to bring stability to the society, and assurance for its members, nowadays in Brazil its purpose is not occurring properly and as it should do. This work focuses on legal security, a term in civil law that contains the idea of how law must give people a sense of certainty, and also supports the res judicata and judicial review. Actually, the sense of stability in Brazilian law is in crisis. This study wonders why and tries to find an answer in jurisprudence and in the Supremo Tribunal Federal (Brazilian supreme court) decisions to understand how it affects the institutes of res judicata and judicial review. The conclusion leads to the idea that a judicial review model without stare decisis combined with the classic civil law constitutional court is the cause of several problems, affecting not only the concept of res judicata but also damaging the legal security.

A segurança jurídica na remissão disposta na Lei complementar n. 160, de 07 de agosto de 2017 como solução da guerra fiscal entre os estados no âmbito do ICMS

Collicchio, Fernanda Terra de Castro 05 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Terra de Castro Collicchio (fernanda@terraevecci.com.br) on 2018-11-16T12:59:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Depósito.pdf: 817890 bytes, checksum: 2733b8cc35486ed3aaf9472cb77c6d3a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Thais Oliveira (thais.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2018-11-21T18:05:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Depósito.pdf: 817890 bytes, checksum: 2733b8cc35486ed3aaf9472cb77c6d3a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Isabele Garcia (isabele.garcia@fgv.br) on 2018-11-22T12:13:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Depósito.pdf: 817890 bytes, checksum: 2733b8cc35486ed3aaf9472cb77c6d3a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-22T12:13:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Depósito.pdf: 817890 bytes, checksum: 2733b8cc35486ed3aaf9472cb77c6d3a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-05 / Analisa a remissão proposta na Lei Complementar nº 160 de 07 de agosto de 2017, como solução para extinção dos créditos tributários decorrentes da concessão de incentivos e benefícios fiscais de ICMS sem a aprovação do CONFAZ, concedidos no âmbito da Guerra Fiscal existente entre os Estados, até a publicação da referida Lei Complementar. Tendo como objetivo confirmar o alcance da remissão, proposição, considerando a natureza da remissão, subdividindo os benefícios e incentivos fiscais em três categorias: a) benefícios e incentivos fiscais que não são devidos, porque não foram declarados inconstitucionais, seja por não serem objeto de discussão judicial ou porque não são conhecidos (aqueles concedidos por atos infra-legais); b) benefícios e incentivos fiscais que estão sub judice, mas ainda não foram declarados inconstitucionais e c) benefícios e incentivos fiscais que já foram declarados inconstitucionais pelo STF. Responde quanto a eficácia de seu alcance ainda que sob condição e conclui que a remissão disposta na Lei Complementar nº160/2017 não é de eficácia plena imediata, mas está posta e pode ser alcançada por todos que usufruíram os benefícios e incentivos fiscais concedidos em desacordo com o disposto na alínea “g” do inciso XII do § 2o do art. 155 da Constituição Federal e por esta razão traz segurança jurídica. / This paper analyses the revision of Complementary Law no. 160 of August 7, 2017, as a solution to the issue originated with the granting of the tax credits originated from the concession of incentives and tax benefits of ICMS (state VAT) without the approval of CONFAZ, until the publication of the Complementary Law itself. Aiming at confirming the reaching of the remission, proposition, considering the nature of the remission, subdividing the benefits and incentives into three categories: a) tax benefits and incentives which are not due, because they have not been declared unconstitutional, either because they are not subject to legal proceedings or because they are not known yet (those granted by infra-legal acts); b) tax benefits and incentives which are under examination (sub judice), but have not yet been declared unconstitutional and c) benefits and tax incentives that have already been declared unconstitutional by the STF (Superior Federal Court). Responding to the efficiency of its scope even though under condition and, it concludes that the remission set forth in the Supplementary Law no. 160/2017, is not immediately effective, but it is posted and can be reached by all who have benefited from the benefits and tax incentives granted in disagreement with the provisions of item "g" of item XII of paragraph 2 of art. 155 of the Federal Constitution and for that reason brings legal certainty.

Vad förvaltningen bör sträva efter : -riksdagspartiernas uppfattningar om de värden som förknippas med förvaltningen

Weding, Sara January 2007 (has links)
The values politicians relate with public administration are likely to affect the way that they want the public administration to be organised. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine which values Swedish parliamentary parties relate with public administration and more particularly how they emphasise these values. The study is conducted as an analysis of theoretically relevant bills that the government party and the parliamentary parties have introduced to the Riksdag, and reports and statements of opinion from the parliamentary committees. The documents are from the Riksdag´s sessions from 2000/01 to 2005/06. After examining the documents the conclusion can be drawn that the value that is most emphasised during the period is legal security. This might mean that legal security will have more influence on the decisions taken about the organisation of Swedish public administration.

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