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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Objektivní arbitrabilita jako limit transnárodního právního řádu / Objective arbitrability as the limit of a transnational legal order

Vítek, Michal January 2018 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT Objective arbitrability as a limit of the transnational legal order In general, the disertation deals with a topic of interaction between the transnational and national law in the area of international trade. Specifically, it attempts to use the concept of objective arbitrability as a limit of the privately-created system of law referred to as lex mercatoria (alternatively "new lex mercatoria"). The reason for the chosen methodology is to come up with the most objective criterion to demark the scope of the application of privately created norms. Despite the wide recognition of the NLM fenomenon among the scholars and even arbitrators, the parties of international trade contracts can not be certain whether (and to what extent) the choice of NLM will be limitating, especially in the face of later recognition and enforcement of their arbital awards. The findings of this dissertation flows from the analysis of transnational norms, decisions of both state courts and arbitration tribunals and the relevant sources of law-theory. Especially important is the description of the concept of lex mercatoria as such and the description of order public, both in national and international/european meaning as it represents the final limit of application of privately-created norms. The conclusion of the...

O adultério, a política imperial, e as relações de gênero em Roma / Adultery, imperial policy and gender relations in Rome

Azevedo, Sarah Fernandes Lino de 14 July 2017 (has links)
Esta tese explora relações entre o adultério e a política romana em torno de questões acerca da sexualidade feminina e da violência contra a mulher. Temos como objetivo compreender o contexto próximo à Lei Júlia sobre adultério, promulgada por volta do ano 18 a.C., por Augusto, primeiro imperador de Roma (31 a.C.-14 d.C.). Esta lei, voltada para a aristocracia, fez parte da reforma política empreendida por este imperador no período de transição da República para o Império Romano. A lei determinava o exílio, em ilhas diferentes, para ambos os acusados, e fixava os limites de ação no que diz respeito as práticas punitivas de adúlteros, principalmente aquelas exercidas diretamente por pais e maridos. Uma de nossas hipóteses é que antes da Lei Júlia havia uma disputa pela legitimidade de algumas práticas punitivas, que tinham como garantia parcial a realização dos conselhos domésticos organizados pelos homens ofendidos, ou seja, os homens do grupo familiar da mulher acusada de adultério. Esta garantia era parcial porque as práticas necessitavam ser validadas por esse conselho, que, por sua vez, também tinha a sua validade questionada. Em torno destas validações permeavam costumes e discursos marcados por uma noção da expurgação da mulher adúltera da sociedade. Esta noção habitava o ideário romano e é notável, por exemplo, em narrativas sobre episódios importantes da história romana relacionados ao desenvolvimento político dessa sociedade, e também em aspectos da religião. Além disso, esta noção se relacionava com o poder sobre vida e morte dos tutelados, que poderia ser exercido pelo pater familias. Entretanto, este poder específico sofria graves questionamentos quando exercido de forma arbitrária, de modo que o pater familias tinha como dever expor as causas e circunstâncias da morte perpetrada. De certo modo, o adultério feminino era tido como causa aceitável para a morte da mulher. Contudo, discutia-se quem deveria ou a quem caberia tal ação: pai, marido ou governo. Neste sentido, esta tese identifica e analisa um debate, apresentado pelas fontes literárias do final da República e início do Império, a respeito da relação ideal entre a res publica e as mulheres no quesito da punição. Este debate demonstra como a aristocracia masculina pensava e discutia os limites da jurisdição privada e pública sobre as mulheres. E, também, revela a natureza da reação da aristocracia contra a Lei Júlia, entendida por este setor como interferência do governante no poder doméstico e privado do pater familias. Além disso, esse debate nos mostra de que forma, em uma sociedade patriarcal, a castidade feminina era vinculada a uma ideia de harmonia política e social. / This thesis explores some relationships between adultery and Roman politics related to questions about female sexuality and violence against women. The aim is to understand the context of the \'Julian Law on Adultery\', enacted around 18 B.C., by Augustus, the first emperor of Rome (31 B.C.- A.D. 14). This law was aimed at the aristocracy and formed part of the political reforms undertaken by Augustus during the transition from the Republic to the Roman Empire. The law prescribed the exile, to different islands, of both defendants in cases of adultery and set limits concerning the punishments of adulterers, notably those that were administered directly by fathers and husbands. The thesis hypothesises that before the Julian Law, there were disputes over the legitimacy of certain punishments for adulterers. The existence of these punishments was partially guaranteed through domestic councils that were organized by the offended men. These were men from the family of the woman who was charged with adultery. This guarantee was partial because some forms of punishment needed to be validated by this council, which, in turn, was also threatened. It shows some customs and discourses supporting the idea of excluding the adulterous woman from the society. That idea is present on some aspects of the roman ideology, for example, in narratives of important episodes of the roman political development and also in the religion. This idea was related to the power over life and death that could be exercised by pater familias over daughters and sons. However, this specific power was seriously questioned when exercised in an arbitrary manner. The pater familias was required to disclose the causes and circumstances of the death that he was responsible for. Female adultery was regarded as an acceptable reason for the woman\'s death. In the meantime, it was discussed who ought to enact this punishment: father, husband or government. In this sense, the thesis identifies and analyses a debate evident in late Republican and early imperial literary sources regarding the ideal relationship between the res publica and women in terms of punishment. This debate demonstrates how the male aristocracy thought about and discussed the limits of private and public jurisdiction over women. It also reveals how the aristocracy reacted against the Julian Law, regarding it as interfering with the domestic and private power of the pater familias. In addition, this debate shows us how a patriarchal society linked female chastity to the idea of political and social harmony.

Das internationale Privatrecht als globales System

Scherer, Gabriele 03 November 2005 (has links)
Diese Arbeit hat die Frage zum Gegenstand, innerhalb welchen konzeptionellen Rahmens das internationale Privatrecht (IPR) sich angesichts moderner Entwicklungen bewegen sollte. Das „klassische“ IPR geht von Recht als einem zwangsläufig staatlich gesetzten Phänomen aus, weswegen sich internationalprivatrechtliche Systeme bislang nur innerhalb der Grenzen der jeweiligen nationalen Rechtssysteme denken ließen. Die Entwicklungen der letzten Jahrzehnte zeigen jedoch, dass die soziale Realität mehr und mehr staatlich-territorialen Festlegungen entwächst und sich stattdessen funktionell ausdifferenzierte Sektoren herausbilden, für die Landesgrenzen keine Relevanz mehr besitzen. In einer globalisierten Welt, so die Argumentation dieser Abhandlung, entsteht globaler Regulierungsbedarf außerhalb der traditionellen staatlichen Rechtssysteme. Um diesem Bedarf adäquat zu begegnen, muss das IPR als übergreifendes System gedacht werden, innerhalb dessen den einzelnen Staaten lediglich die Rolle unselbständiger Subsysteme zukommt. Die Auswirkungen dieser neuen Sichtweise werden anhand des Problems der Anwendung „fremden“ Rechts untersucht. / This thesis addresses the question of what conceptual framework is adequate for private international law in the light of modern developments. “Classic” private international law conceives of “the Law” as necessarily being issued by a state entity, as a consequence of which systems of private international law so far have been conceptually limited to the realm of national law systems. The developments of recent decades, however, show that social reality transcends governmental and territorial determinations with the creation of functionally differentiated sectors regardless of territorial boundaries. According to my argumentation, globalization entails global regulation necessities outside of the traditional national systems of law. In order to adequately meet the requirements of this new reality, private international law should be conceived of as an overarching system which comprises the national systems as mere subsystems. The consequences of this new perspective are being analyzed with regard to the problem of the application of "foreign" law.

Droit humanitaire et droits de l'homme aujourd'hui / Humanitarian law and human rights today

Yassine Oueini, Farah 30 October 2013 (has links)
Inspirés par des objectifs d'humanité, le droit humanitaire et les droits de l'homme tissent des liens très étroits. Ils convergent à plusieurs égards, et se complètent pour protéger la personne humaine. Une analyse comparative des deux systèmes révèle de nombreuses similarités. Toutefois certaines divergences persistent: il s'agit toujours de deux droits distincts mais très proches. Plusieurs critères sont employés pour les mettre en parallèle. La comparaison entre le droit humanitaire et le droit des droits de l'homme débouche sur l'étude de leurs rapports mutuels. Celle-Ci montre le mouvement actuel existant. C'est qu'ils se rapprochent toujours plus et passent d'une simple complémentarité vers une étape beaucoup plus avancée. S'agit-Il d'une réelle intégration entre les deux systèmes? / The objectives of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law are inspired by principles of humanity. They are tightly linked and share many common elements. The two bodies of laws complement each other to protect further human beings. A comparative analysis in this regard shows many similarities. However there are still some differences between them: they are two separate laws despite being too close. Many criteria are used to study them in parallel. This study reveals their mutual relations, and the existing legal movement. They are getting closer and shifting from a mere complementarity to a more advanced stage. Are they moving towards a real integration between their norms?

Institutional approach of IHL and IHRL: current trends in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights / Aproximación institucional del DIH y el DIDH: tendencias actuales en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

Salmón Gárate, Elizabeth 12 April 2018 (has links)
Recently, the interaction between International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) has been significantly developed by the jurisprudence of the Inter- American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR). This article analyzes this recent trend from the cases of the Santo Domingo Massacreand Afro communities displaced from the Cacarica River Basin (Operation Genesis) of this tribunal to assert its competence not only to use IHL to interpret the Inter-American human rights instruments but, at the same time, to approach a direct use of humanitarian standards, which creates a gray area between the interpretation and application of such area of Law. In doing so, the Court resorts to the lex specialis if the IHL norm is the most specialized for the case, and uses IHL to a limited extent, only to expand the content of human rights, but not to judge on possible violations of IHL, which results in a methodology of pick and choose of IHL provisions. / Recientemente, la interacción entre el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (DIDH) y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH) ha sido desarrollada significativamente en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH). Este artículo analiza la tendencia reciente de los casos Masacre de Santo Domingo y Comunidades Afrodescendientes desplazadas de la cuenca del río Cacarica (Operación Génesis) de este tribunal para afirmar su competencia no solo para utilizar el DIH al interpretar los instrumentos interamericanos de derechos humanos, pero, al mismo tiempo, para aproximarse a la utilización directa de las normas humanitarias, lo que genera una zona gris entre la interpretación y aplicación de esta área del Derecho. Al hacerlo, la Corte recurre a la lex specialis si la norma del DIH es la más especializada para el caso; y utiliza el DIH hasta cierto límite, solamente para expandir el contenido de los derechos humanos, pero no para juzgar posibles violaciones del DIH, lo que resulta en una metodología de pick and choose (selectiva) de las normas del DIH.

O adultério, a política imperial, e as relações de gênero em Roma / Adultery, imperial policy and gender relations in Rome

Sarah Fernandes Lino de Azevedo 14 July 2017 (has links)
Esta tese explora relações entre o adultério e a política romana em torno de questões acerca da sexualidade feminina e da violência contra a mulher. Temos como objetivo compreender o contexto próximo à Lei Júlia sobre adultério, promulgada por volta do ano 18 a.C., por Augusto, primeiro imperador de Roma (31 a.C.-14 d.C.). Esta lei, voltada para a aristocracia, fez parte da reforma política empreendida por este imperador no período de transição da República para o Império Romano. A lei determinava o exílio, em ilhas diferentes, para ambos os acusados, e fixava os limites de ação no que diz respeito as práticas punitivas de adúlteros, principalmente aquelas exercidas diretamente por pais e maridos. Uma de nossas hipóteses é que antes da Lei Júlia havia uma disputa pela legitimidade de algumas práticas punitivas, que tinham como garantia parcial a realização dos conselhos domésticos organizados pelos homens ofendidos, ou seja, os homens do grupo familiar da mulher acusada de adultério. Esta garantia era parcial porque as práticas necessitavam ser validadas por esse conselho, que, por sua vez, também tinha a sua validade questionada. Em torno destas validações permeavam costumes e discursos marcados por uma noção da expurgação da mulher adúltera da sociedade. Esta noção habitava o ideário romano e é notável, por exemplo, em narrativas sobre episódios importantes da história romana relacionados ao desenvolvimento político dessa sociedade, e também em aspectos da religião. Além disso, esta noção se relacionava com o poder sobre vida e morte dos tutelados, que poderia ser exercido pelo pater familias. Entretanto, este poder específico sofria graves questionamentos quando exercido de forma arbitrária, de modo que o pater familias tinha como dever expor as causas e circunstâncias da morte perpetrada. De certo modo, o adultério feminino era tido como causa aceitável para a morte da mulher. Contudo, discutia-se quem deveria ou a quem caberia tal ação: pai, marido ou governo. Neste sentido, esta tese identifica e analisa um debate, apresentado pelas fontes literárias do final da República e início do Império, a respeito da relação ideal entre a res publica e as mulheres no quesito da punição. Este debate demonstra como a aristocracia masculina pensava e discutia os limites da jurisdição privada e pública sobre as mulheres. E, também, revela a natureza da reação da aristocracia contra a Lei Júlia, entendida por este setor como interferência do governante no poder doméstico e privado do pater familias. Além disso, esse debate nos mostra de que forma, em uma sociedade patriarcal, a castidade feminina era vinculada a uma ideia de harmonia política e social. / This thesis explores some relationships between adultery and Roman politics related to questions about female sexuality and violence against women. The aim is to understand the context of the \'Julian Law on Adultery\', enacted around 18 B.C., by Augustus, the first emperor of Rome (31 B.C.- A.D. 14). This law was aimed at the aristocracy and formed part of the political reforms undertaken by Augustus during the transition from the Republic to the Roman Empire. The law prescribed the exile, to different islands, of both defendants in cases of adultery and set limits concerning the punishments of adulterers, notably those that were administered directly by fathers and husbands. The thesis hypothesises that before the Julian Law, there were disputes over the legitimacy of certain punishments for adulterers. The existence of these punishments was partially guaranteed through domestic councils that were organized by the offended men. These were men from the family of the woman who was charged with adultery. This guarantee was partial because some forms of punishment needed to be validated by this council, which, in turn, was also threatened. It shows some customs and discourses supporting the idea of excluding the adulterous woman from the society. That idea is present on some aspects of the roman ideology, for example, in narratives of important episodes of the roman political development and also in the religion. This idea was related to the power over life and death that could be exercised by pater familias over daughters and sons. However, this specific power was seriously questioned when exercised in an arbitrary manner. The pater familias was required to disclose the causes and circumstances of the death that he was responsible for. Female adultery was regarded as an acceptable reason for the woman\'s death. In the meantime, it was discussed who ought to enact this punishment: father, husband or government. In this sense, the thesis identifies and analyses a debate evident in late Republican and early imperial literary sources regarding the ideal relationship between the res publica and women in terms of punishment. This debate demonstrates how the male aristocracy thought about and discussed the limits of private and public jurisdiction over women. It also reveals how the aristocracy reacted against the Julian Law, regarding it as interfering with the domestic and private power of the pater familias. In addition, this debate shows us how a patriarchal society linked female chastity to the idea of political and social harmony.

Lex Sarah- Kvalitet för dig, mig eller brukaren?

Steenberg, Astrid, McLoughlin, Erica January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to understand in what ways the law of Lex Sarah contributes to quality within the Swedish social services. The legislation of Lex Sarah aims to ensure quality assurance of social services by eliminating misconduct. Operational developers are keyactors in the investigation process of Lex Sarah. Therefore a central question of this study was: In what ways does operational developers consider that Lex Sarah achieve its purpose? The method of analysis was a qualitative study. The basis of the theoretical framework of the study is social constructivism, in which institutional theory and thoughts describing how ideas are transferred and spread is a part of. The theoretical framework has been helpful to illustrate possible ways of how the idea of quality has been spread from industry to social services. The empirical material has been collected by qualitative semistructured interviews.   Central findings of the empirical material is that there was no coherent definition within the group of operational developers of the quality concept. Emphasis is mainly placed on the quality concept's commitment to legislation and user satisfaction. The term is explained in broad terms and no detailed description is given. Lex Sarah is described as an alarm system and the empirical material also shows oppon it’s controlling functions. Through the empirical material it is also shown that the measures proposed by the operational developers not necessarily lead to improvement or quality of the operations. One explenation highlighted is the gap between investigation and the enforcement. A central discovery is also based on the lack of user influence within the Lex Sarah-process.

Sports arbitration: the tribunal arbitral du sport’s experience / Arbitraje deportivo: la experiencia del tribunal Arbitral du sport

Rosero Espinosa, Nicolás 30 April 2018 (has links)
Often arbitration has been closely related to issues that are likely to be arbitrated, including commercial, corporate or investment matters.However, the sporting matter has been less related to arbitration issues.In the present article, a relatively new and very interesting issue is develop: the sport arbitration, which has been gaining space in various sport organizations to become an instrument of great importance in the sports world. In this way, the author, through the experience of the Tribunal Arbitral Du Sport, shows us the way that sports arbitration has followed, its strengths, its composition and the importance it has achieved in these issues until forging an integral and solid relationship between arbitration and sport. / Muchas veces el arbitraje ha sido muy relacionado con temas que son susceptibles de ser arbitrados, entre los cuales se encuentran materias comerciales, corporativas o de inversión. Sin embargo, la materia deportiva ha sido menos relacionada con temas arbitrales.En el presente artículo, se desarrolla un tema relativamente nuevo y muy interesante: el arbitraje deportivo, el cual ha ido ganando espacio en diversos organismos deportivos hasta convertirse en un instrumento de gran importancia en el mundo deportivo. De esta manera, el autor, a través de la experiencia del Tribunal Arbitral Du Sport, nos muestra el camino que ha seguido el arbitraje deportivo, sus fortalezas, su composición y la importancia que ha conseguido en dichos temas hasta forjarse una relación íntegra y sólida entre el arbitraje y el deporte.

Les transferts de joueurs professionnels : Objet d'un face-à-face fécond entre institutions sportives et puissances publiques / Transfers of professionnal players : The object of a fruitful confrontation between sports institutions and public authorities

Bertrand, Jean-Baptiste 07 November 2017 (has links)
La pratique intensive du sport au cours du XXe siècle conduisit à son internationalisation et à sa professionnalisation. Les transferts de joueurs, devenus la base de l’équilibre du sport collectif professionnel, favorisèrent son développement mais aussi le principal financement des clubs, bien qu’ils ne fassent l’objet d’aucune définition légale. Un transfert de joueur peut toutefois se définir comme une opération par laquelle un club accepte de mettre fin au contrat de travail à durée déterminée qui le lie à un de ses joueurs avant son terme, afin de lui permettre de s’engager auprès d’un nouvel employeur en contrepartie du versement par ce dernier d’une indemnité financière appelée indemnité de transfert. Cette opération conciliant une logique sportive et marchande devint vite indispensable. Pourtant il ne fut pas facile de l’encadrer juridiquement. Cela se produisit néanmoins après un face-à-face d’une vingtaine d’années : il opposa principalement institutions sportives qui désiraient conserver leurs privilèges, et puissances publiques nationale et européenne attachées principalement à ce que le sport professionnel respecte les lois nationales et les grands principes de liberté de circulation des travailleurs. Ces deux partenaires, qui contribuèrent à la création d’un Tribunal arbitral du sport à vocation universelle, échouèrent à juguler une inflation inquiétante des salaires des joueurs et des indemnités qui leur sont versés à l’occasion des transferts. / The intensive practice of sports in the course of the 20th century led to to its the internationalization and professionalization. Player’s transfers, became the base of the balance of collective’s professional sport, promoted its development but also the main funding of clubs, even though they may the object of no legal defenition. Player’s transfer can however be defined as an operation by which a club agrees to end the fixed-term contract which binds him to one of his players before the term, to allow him to make a commitment with a new employer in return of the payment by the latter of a financial compensation called transfer fee. This operation reconciles a sport and commercial’s logic quickly became essential. However it was not easy to supervise it legally. It occure nevertheless after a wrestling match of about twenty years : it brought into a conflict mainly sports institutions which whished to preserve their privileges, and national and European public authorities attached mainly to fact that the professional sport respects the national the nationals law and the major principles of freedom of movement of the workers. These two partners, which contributed to the creation of the Court of Arbitration for Sport with universal vocation, failed to stop an alarming inflation of players incomes and the compensations which are paid to the transfers occasion.

Allvarliga avvikelser inom operationssjukvården : -En granskning av intraoperativa lex Maria anmälningar

Ehrnström, Malin, Häggqvist, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: En stor del av vårdskadorna i Sverige beror på undvikbara händelser i samband med kirurgiska ingrepp och årligen anmäls hundratals lex Maria anmälningar till Inspektionen för vård och omsorg för utredning. Riskerna i den intraoperativ vården är väl kända, men kunskapen om avvikelserna som faktiskt inträffat är liten. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva inrapporterade allvarliga avvikelser som uppstått under intraoperativ vård och lett till lex Maria anmälningar. Metod: En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 173 lex Maria anmälningar som skett under intraoperativ vård. Pearson’s korrelationsanalys utfördes för att studera statistiska samband mellan variabler. Resultat: Vid analys av lex Maria anmälningarna framkom 11 kategorier som beskriver vilken typ av händelse som lett till allvarlig vårdskada eller risk för allvarlig vårdskada. De 11 kategorierna är; Operation utförd på fel sätt 17,71 %, oavsiktlig vävnadsskada 15,43 %, fel läkemedelshantering 12,57 %, kvarglömt material 11,43 %, felhantering av medicintekniska produkter 9,14 %, operation av fel område 6,86 %, felpositionering 6,29 %, förväxlad anatomi 5,71 %, brist i patientövervakning 5,14 %, kommunikationsbrister 5,14 % och fel på medicinteknisk produkt 4,57 %. Det framkom att stor del av patienterna behövt genomgå ytterligare ingrepp, fått en skadad kroppsfunktion och fått ett ökat vårdbehov, till följd av händelsen. Slutsats: Det förekommer flera risker som hotar patientsäkerheten under den intraoperativa vården och dessvärre var det en stor del av anmälningarna där patienter drabbats av allvarliga vårdskador. Resultatet kan bidra till medvetenhet om de omständighet som leder till en kirurgisk vårdskada. / Background: A large part of the healthcare injuries in Sweden are due to adverse events in surgical settings, and hundreds of adverse events (lex Maria) are reported annually to the Swedish healthcare authority for investigation. The risks in intraoperative care are well known, but knowledge of the adverse events that actually occurred is small. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe reported serious adverse events that occurred during intraoperative care and led to lex Maria reports. Method: A quantitative content analysis of 173 lex Maria reports that took place during intraoperative care. Pearson’s correlation analysis was performed to study statistic correlation between variables. Results: In the analysis of the lex Maria reports, 11 categories emerged that describe the type of event that led to serious care injury or risk of serious care injury. The 11 categories are; Surgery performed incorrectly 17,71 %, unintentional tissue damage 15,43 %, incorrect drug management 12,57 %, retained foreign objects 11,43 %, incorrect management of medical devices 9,14 %, wrong site surgery 6,86 %, incorrect positioning 6,29 %, mixed up anatomy 5,71 %, lack of patient monitoring 5,14 %, communication deficiencies 5,14 % and errors in medical device 4,57 %. It was also found that a large proportion of patients needed further surgical intervention, received an impaired bodily function and had an increased need of care as a result of the events. Conclusion: There are several risks that threaten patient safety during intraoperative care and unfortunately a large proportion of patients suffered health care injuries. The result can contribute to awareness of the circumstances that lead to a surgical care injury.

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