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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statutory, judicial, and administrative stays in immigration matters

Tavadian, Alexandre 04 1900 (has links)
La grande majorité des causes tranchées par la Cour fédérale relève du droit de l’immigration. Environ 80% des causes plaidées devant la Cour fédérale sont en matière d’immigration. La plupart des causes qui se rendent à la Cour fédérale aboutissent au renvoi de la personne concernée. La requête en sursis est généralement le dernier recours que la personne peut exercer afin d’éviter ou à tout le moins retarder son renvoi du Canada. Près de 800 de ces requêtes en sursis ont été décidées par la Cour fédérale en 2008. Malgré un si grand nombre de causes et malgré le rôle important que ces requêtes peuvent jouer dans la vie d’une personne, aucun auteur n’a organisé et présenté les règles législatives et jurisprudentielles qui s’appliquent à ces procédures. Aucun livre, article ou commentaire n’a été rédigé sur ce sujet. De même, il n’existe aucun cours d’université ni de formations professionnelles sur les requêtes en sursis. Le droit des sursis consiste exclusivement de la jurisprudence des cours fédérales. Ainsi, on s’attend à ce qu’un avocat prépare une requête en sursis intuitivement. Toutefois, à cause de la nature urgente de cette procédure, il est pratiquement impossible pour un avocat inexpérimenté de se préparer adéquatement et de bien représenter les intérêts de son client. Beaucoup de causes ayant un fort potentiel sont perdues par manque d’expérience de l’avocat ou à cause d’une préparation inadéquate. La jurisprudence émanant de la Cour fédérale relativement aux sursis semble être incohérente et parfois même contradictoire. Ce livre organise, présente et explique de façon claire et concise le droit des sursis. Plus particulièrement, nous examinerons en détail les trois types de sursis – les sursis législatifs, administratifs et judiciaires. Tant les juges que les plaideurs trouveront cet ouvrage de référence utile dans la préparation et l’adjudication des causes. / The vast majority of cases heard and determined by the Federal Court of Canada relate to immigration law; approximately 80% of the cases adjudicated by the Federal Court of Canada are immigration matters. Most immigration cases that reach the Federal Court of Canada eventually result in the individual’s removal. A motion for a stay of removal is generally the last recourse a person can seek in order to avoid or, at least, delay his or her removal from Canada. Nearly 800 such motions were adjudicated by the Federal Court of Canada in 2008. Despite such a considerable number of cases and the important role these proceedings play in a person’s life, no author has ever attempted to organize and present the legislative and jurisprudential rules that govern stays. No books, articles or commentaries have been written to analyze the cases rendered on motions for a stay of removal. No document compiling decisions relating to stay of removal has ever been prepared. Similarly, universities and other institutions do not offer courses or professional development training on this subject. The law relating to stays consists exclusively of cases decided by the Federal Court. A lawyer is expected to prepare a stay motion almost intuitively. Yet, the urgent nature of these proceedings makes it practically impossible for inexperienced counsel to conduct adequate research and properly represent the interests of their client. Hence, many strong cases are lost due to a lack of experience and inadequate preparation. Many excellent lawyers practicing immigration law refuse to introduce such proceedings before the Federal Courts because they are not familiar with the principles governing stays. The law of stays in an immigration context resembles a legal patchwork because the case law is often inconsistent and at times contradictory. This book organizes, presents, and explains, in a clear and concise manner, the law of stays. In particular, this book examines the three types of stays: legislative, administrative and judicial. Judges and practitioners alike will find this quick reference tool very useful when dealing with motions for a stay of removal.

Student Legal Issues Confronting Metropolitan Institutions of Higher Education

Elleven, Russell K. (Russell Keith) 12 1900 (has links)
This study examined perceptions of student legal issues confronting metropolitan institutions of higher education. The data for the study were collected using a modified version of Bishop's (1993) legal survey. The sample for the study consisted of 44 chief student affairs officers and 44 chief legal affairs officers employed with the 44 institutions affiliated with the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities. Frequency counts and percentage distributions were employed to analyze the data. Chief student affairs officers and chief legal affairs officers have very different perception as to the most likely student legal issues to be litigated in the next ten years. Chief student affairs officers found few student legal issues highly likely to be litigated in the next 10 years. Affirmative action, sex/age discrimination, fraternities and sororities, and disabled students were the only student legal issues at least 20 percent of chief student affairs officers believed to be highly likely of litigation in the next ten years. Chief legal affairs officers believed many student legal issues would be litigated in the next 10 years. At least 20 percent of the chief legal affairs officers believed admission criteria, affirmative action, reverse discrimination, sex/age discrimination, athletic tort liability, Title IX, defaulting student loans, defamation, negligence, academic dismissals, academic dishonesty, cyberspace issues, and disabled students to be highly likely of litigation in the next ten years. Chief student affairs officers and chief legal affairs officers prepare very similarly for future student legal issues they may confront in the future. There is a large amount of crossover between professional conferences of chief student affairs officers and chief legal affairs officers. Student affairs and legal affairs officers will attend professional conferences of both groups in order to stay abreast of student legal issues. It appears chief student affairs officers are not prepared to confront many of the student legal issues highly likely to be litigated in the next ten years.

L'accès au juge en matière administrative au Vietnam / Access to justice for administrative matters in Vietnam

Vu Thi, Thuy Van 25 October 2013 (has links)
Il est fondamental, dans chaque système juridique, de pouvoir contester une décision prise par l'administration notamment dans un pays où celle-ci est omniprésente dans tous les domaines de la société. Dans la plupart des pays, cette contestation prend la forme d'un recours gracieux ou d'un recours juridictionnel. Jusqu'en 1996 au Vietnam, il existe seulement le recours gracieux devant l'Administration mais ce recours s'est révélé inefficace. Dès lors, l’ordonnance de 1996, suivi de deux amendements ont instauré pour la première fois le recours juridictionnel. Néanmoins, la compétence de la juridiction administrative demeure très restreinte, l’Administration conserve la compétence générale dans le règlement des conflits avec les administrés. Ainsi, le droit d'accès au juge n'est pas assuré car la plupart des requêtes introductives d’instance est rejetée faute de compétence du juge. Une récente loi en 2010 est de nouveau intervenu pour élargir la compétence de la juridiction administrative. Malgré la volonté du législateur, les nouvelles dispositions ne répondent pas encore à l'exigence de plus en plus forte de la société vietnamienne pour examiner des recours contre l’Administration devant un organe indépendant. Il est urgent de trouver un mécanisme qui permet d’assurer le droit d'accès au juge. Cette thèse aborde les problématiques relatives à l'introduction d'instance de premier ressort devant la juridiction administrative vietnamienne ; et à la lumière du droit français, elle apporte des propositions d’amélioration de la législation vietnamienne en la matière. / Contesting an administrative act is a fundamental right in every legal system. In Vietnam, it is possible to make an appeal for reconsideration but this process is not effective. Thus, in 1996, the Vietnamese legislator established, for the first time, a jurisdictional appeal. However, this appeal was very limited thereby rendering ineffective the right of access to administrative justice. The amendments of contentious rules in 1998 and 2006, and more recently the law on administrative procedures in 2010 (taken into effect as of 1st of July 2011) were issued with the aim of expanding the competence of administrative jurisdiction. Indeed, in the absence of the satisfaction of rules regarding competence and admissibility, the petition instituting proceedings can be rejected by the administrative judge. The right of access to justice is additionally prevented par gaps in the law on administrative procedures or the strict interpretations of the judge. Furthermore, the overlapping of rules may influence the rights of citizens. Although there are many administrative disputes, the new dispositions don’t meet the needs of Vietnamese society. This thesis addresses the issues regarding the registration of administrative lawsuits of Vietnam to give a vision to improve the law on administrative procedure in the light of the achievements of the French law.

Le juge fiscal judiciaire et le droit privé / Tax law judge and private law

Valli, Xavier 28 January 2014 (has links)
Le contentieux fiscal est partagé entre les juridictions administratives et les juridictions judiciaires. Si le premier est souvent présenté comme le juge naturel de l'impôt, la compétence du second peine à être justifiée. À cela s'ajoute la question de savoir si le juge judiciaire, juge du droit privé ayant une culture de droit privé, est vraiment apte à statuer en droit fiscal, relevant fondamentalement du droit public. D'ailleurs, il apparaît assez vite que le juge fiscal judiciaire présente un particularisme fondé sur sa relation au droit privé. Le juge fiscal judiciaire met au centre de sa jurisprudence le droit privé et la conception du droit qui en découle. À l'inverse, ce lien avec le droit privé tend aussi à se relativiser au contact du droit fiscal, ce qui permet d'affirmer qu'il est un véritable juge fiscal. En approfondissant la structure normative du droit fiscal, il devient alors possible de remarquer que la structure complexe de cette branche du droit est un facteur de justification de la compétence fiscale judiciaire. Ce lien avec le droit privé et son application du droit privé dans le champ du contentieux fiscal sont deux éléments qui permettent alors de légitimer sa compétence et de conforter sa position de juridiction fiscale. / In the French court system, tax litigation is shared between the administrative law courts and private law courts. If the former are often presented as the natural judge of the tax, it is more difficult to justify the jurisdiction of the latter. The object of this present work only concerns private law courts. That is why, it is worth asking whether the private law judge, with a culture of private law, is really able to decide on tax law, basically governed by public law. Moreover, this tax law judge has a particularism due to his relationship to private law and puts private law at the center of his case law. By contrast, this link with private law also tends to become relative with regard to tax law, which allows us to assert that he stands as a true fiscal court. By Deepening the normative structure of tax law, it becomes possible to observe that the complex structure of this branch of the law is a definite factor in the justification of his jurisdiction in tax disputes. This link with private law and his implementation of private law in the field of tax litigation are two elements that are then used to legitimize his authority and strenghten his position as a tax justice.

L'influence du modèle français de contrôle de la légalité des actes administratifs : le cas de l'Iran

Hosseini Sadrabadi, Iraj 30 March 2013 (has links)
S'inspirant du modèle français, le législateur iranien a créé en 1960 une nouvelle institution : le Conseil d'État iranien. Mais la loi n'a jamais été appliquée. La Cour de Justice Administrative (CJA) actuelle a été créé par l'article 173 de la Constitution de 1979, pour exercer le contrôle judiciaire sur les organismes et les agents de l'autorité publique, sous l'autorité du pouvoir judiciaire. La CJA est compétente pour les recours en excès de pouvoir contre les actes administratifs et contre les fonctionnaires publics. Le contentieux de la légalité des actes administratifs en droit iranien distingue les recours objectifs envisagés à l'article 19 de la loi de 2006 relative à la CJA et les recours subjectifs prévus à l'article 13 de cette loi. L'Assemblée générale de la CJA est compétente pour les recours objectifs et les Chambre de cette Cour pour les recours subjectifs. Ce qui caractérise la CJA, c'est qu'elle soit principalement le juge de première et de dernière instance. En matière de décisions définitives des juridictions spécialisées, elle agit en tant que juge de cassation. Elle est le juge du droit commun des litiges administratifs car dans le système iranien, il n'existe ni des tribunaux administratifs ni des cours administratives d'appel. / Inspired by the French model, the Iranian legislator created in 1960 a new institution: The Council of State of Iran. But the law has never been implemented. The Court of Administrative Justice (CAJ) of that time was created by the section 173 of the 1979 Constitution to exercise judicial control over agencies and the agents of public authority under the authority of the judiciary. The CAJ is responsible for the excessive use of power against administrative acts and against agents' administration. The dispute on the legality of administrative acts in Iranian law distinguishes between the objective appeals envisaged in article 19 of the 2006 Act on the CAJ and the subjective appeals provided in article 13 of this law. The General Assembly of the CAJ is responsible for the objective appeals and The Chamber of this Court is responsible for the subjective appeals. What characterizes the CAJ is that it is primarily the judge of the first and the last instance. In terms of final decisions of the specialized courts, it acts as a court of cassation. It is the judge of the common administrative law cases as in the Iranian system; then there are no administrative courts or administrative courts of appeal.

Les PME face au contentieux économique : essai de guide pratique / SME against economic ligitation

Darnault, Cécilia 29 November 2018 (has links)
L’entreprise. Pour un dirigeant-entrepreneur de PME, les choses vont bien au-delà d’une simple entité économique ; il s’agit d’avantage d’une idée, d’un projet, plus que de simples considérations économiques. En plus de la maîtrise du marché économique, le dirigeant de l’entreprise doit également s’intéresser à d’autres préoccupations pour assurer la pérennité de son organisation, et notamment son environnement juridique. Celui-ci est une source de risques pour l’entreprise et son dirigeant, notamment de risque juridique de contentieux économique. Alors comment éviter la banqueroute ? Les dernières réformes législatives, traduisant les profondes mutations en matière de procédure civile, apportent des instruments de gouvernance juridique de l’entreprise permettant à son dirigeant de lutter contre le risque de contentieux économique. Comment ? Tantôt par l’instauration d’une obligation de prévention des risques via la mise en œuvre d’un plan de vigilance aux fins d’éviter la survenance d’un risque juridique ; tantôt par une résolution dé-judiciarisée ou privatisée, via le développement des modes amiables et alternatifs de résolution des différends, dès lors qu’un risque survient, pour éviter d’être confronté au contentieux économique, entendu en tant que procès civil traditionnel. Un tour d’horizon des possibilités qui s’offrent aux dirigeants-entrepreneurs de PME, pour un développement économique sécurisé, et assurer la pérennité de l’organisation dans un environnement juridique et social en perpétuelle évolution, brisant ainsi les frontières traditionnelles de la justice / A company. For a small or medium business, things go far beyond than just a simple economic organization. It is more about an idea, a project, than simple economic problematics. Besides grasping the economic market within, the business manager also needs to stay aware of other concerns, such as its legal environment. The latter is usualy complex, underrated and at the origin of many risks for the company and its CEO, such as economic litigation. Consequently, how avoid bankruptcy? Accordingly to the last legislative amendments that express many important transformations of civil procedure, the creation of new legal governance tools can help the entrepreneur to fight against economic litigation risks. How? Considering the fact that the amendments tend towards accountability, by establishing an obligation of risks prevention, and towards the empowerment of in house counsels by directly participating in the resolution of disputes, corporations has to enforce a legal governance that participates to the prevention of economic litigation. The thesis proposes a guide to legal governance of companies by first introducing a vigilance plan to alleviate any legal risk, and by recommending a private resolution solution through the recent raise of alternative dispute resolutions to avoid any economic litigation as a traditional civil lawsuit. Therefore, the thesis is an overview of all the options that entrepeneurs and business managers of small and medium companies have for a safe economic developement to ensure the sustainability of the organisation, in a perpetually evolving legal and social environment, going beyond traditional justice

Critérios de judicialização de casos pela comissão interamericana de direitos humanos / Judicialization criteria of cases by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Koch, Camila de Oliveira 17 May 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar quais os critérios utilizados pela Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos para judicializar demandas perante a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, tendo em vista ser o órgão legitimado para apresentar casos individuais ao tribunal. A Comissão desempenha um papel de filtro negativo de casos, tanto na análise de admissibilidade de petições iniciais, quanto no envio de casos à Corte IDH. Contudo, apesar dos requisitos previstos na Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, nem todos os casos que preenchem esses critérios são judicializados, conferindo ao órgão uma atuação opaca. Em razão disso, o presente trabalho busca verificar quais outros fatores determinantes poderiam ensejar as decisões da Comissão. Casos com determinadas características, sejam elas referentes ao perfil das vítimas, ao tipo de violação ou ao potencial impacto no país ou na região, possuem maiores chances de serem admitidos para análise e, potencialmente, enviados à Corte IDH. Nesse cenário, o este trabalho objetiva também analisar a atuação das ONGs de direitos humanos no papel de representantes das vítimas no Sistema Interamericano, tendo em vista que também utilizam critérios para selecionar quais casos terão seu apoio e defesa. As ONGs, atuando por meio de litígio estratégico, possuem um papel protagonista no Sistema Interamericano. A pergunta que a presente pesquisa visa responder é: a quem serve, afinal, o Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos? / The main objective of this work is to analyze the criteria used by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to submit cases before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, having in mind that the first body is the only legitimate to present individual cases to the court. The IACHR functions as a negative filter of cases, both admitting petitions to processing and deciding which cases will be sent to the IACourtHR. However, despite the requirements set by the American Convention on Human Rights, not all cases that fulfill these criteria are judicialized, providing the body a blurred and not transparent performance. Because of that, the present work seeks to verify what other determining factors could influence IACHR decisions. Cases with determined characteristics, be they regarding the profile of the victims, the type of violation or the potential impact they could cause in the country or in the region, have more chances in being admitted to processing and, later, sent to the IACourtHR. In this scenario, this work also aims to verify the performance of human rights NGOs playing the role of representatives of the victims in the Inter-American Human Rights System, taking into account that they also use specific requirements to select which cases will have their support and defense. NGOs, acting through strategic litigation, have a leading role in the Inter-American system. The main question this work intents to answer is: to whom, after all, serves the Inter-American Human Rights System?

Cortes supremas e sociedade civil na América Latina: estudo comparado Brasil, Argentina e Colômbia / Supreme Courts and civil society in Latin America: comparative study of Brazil, Argentina and Colombia

Cardoso, Evorah Lusci Costa 28 June 2012 (has links)
Cortes e sociedade civil na América Latina estão em transformação, assim como a sua relação. Casos de grande repercussão social, decisões judiciais que incidem sobre políticas públicas, concentração de efeitos das sentenças, mecanismos de deliberação dentro dos processos são fenômenos relacionados a essas transformações. A tese deste trabalho é de que tanto o desenho institucional das cortes influencia a mobilização social jurídica, quanto a presença de uma forte mobilização social em torno das cortes pode influenciar não só a sua agenda de casos, mas também o seu desenho institucional. E esta relação precisa ser estudada de modo dinâmico e funcional. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas com organizações não governamentais, think tanks, acadêmicos, magistrados e agência financiadora na Argentina, Brasil e Colômbia. É a narrativa comparada desses atores que oferece as variáveis de desenho institucional e mobilização social jurídica relevantes para compreender essas transformações. O trabalho, por fim, aponta para a necessidade de reformulação das agendas dos atores envolvidos sobre como pensar a inter-relação entre cortes e sociedade civil, tanto em termos de experimentação prática, imaginação institucional, desafios teóricos e de legitimação. / Courts and civil society in Latin America are under transformation, as well as the relationship between them. Cases of great social repercussion, judicial decisions which affect public policies, concentration effects of judgments, deliberation mechanisms within the processes are phenomena related to these changes. The thesis of this work is that both the institutional design of the courts affect social legal mobilization and the presence of strong social mobilization around the courts can influence not only their cases agenda, but also its institutional design. This relationship needs to be studied in a dynamic and functional way. To this end, interviews were conducted with nongovernmental organizations, think tanks, scholars, judges and funding agencies in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia. It is the compared narrative of these actors that offers the \"variables\" of institutional design and of legal and social mobilization that are relevant to understand these changes. The thesis finally points to the need to reform the agendas of the actors involved on the reflections about the interplay between courts and civil society, in terms of practical experimentation, institutional imagination, theoretical challenges and legitimation.

Técnicas de agregação de demandas repetitivas: uma análise comparativa da experiência norte-americana em busca da eficiência processual / Aggregation techniques for repetitive litigation: a compared analisys with the American law in the search of procedural efficiency

Farina, Fernanda Mercier Querido 27 May 2014 (has links)
Essa pesquisa se destina a discutir a crise de eficiência por qual passa o Poder Judiciário brasileiro, decorrente dos processos repetitivos, e as soluções processuais para buscar amenizá-la. Primeiramente far-se-á uma análise da situação atual dos tribunais nacionais, da carga de trabalho e dos efeitos da crise de eficiência na demora da prestação jurisdicional, bem como na sua influência maléfica nos direitos e garantias fundamentais ao acesso à justiça plena. Posteriormente, em busca de soluções, far-se-á uma análise comparada de instrumentos de agregação de demandas repetitivas dos Estados Unidos com os instrumentos correlatos do Brasil. Os institutos escolhidos para análise, diga-se, aqueles que se compreende serem os mais adequados no intento de solucionar as demandas repetitivas, subdividem-se em dois grupos: aqueles destinados a resolver processos oriundos da mesma questão de fato a coletivização e aqueles destinados a resolver processos envolvendo exclusivamente a mesma questão de direito vinculação de precedentes. Dessa maneira, de um lado estudar-se-á a class action, de modo a extrair dela os instrumentos necessários a fim de conferir aos institutos brasileiros de coletivização, particularmente à ação civil pública para tutela de direitos individuais homogêneos, maior eficiência para solução de conflitos repetitivos. Objetivando-se, sempre, imprimir eficácia, segurança jurídica e celeridade ao processo. De outro lado analisar-se-á o stare decisis, fazendo-se um paralelo com a jurisprudência vinculante e a experiência brasileira no manuseio da jurisprudência súmula vinculante, súmula persuasiva etc. A conclusão buscará encontrar na experiência dos institutos de agregação norteamericanos ensinamentos que possam contribuir de forma positiva com os institutos brasileiros de modo a conferir eficiência no manuseio das causas repetitivos, reduzindo, assim, o congestionamento do Poder Judiciário. / This research aims to discuss the efficiency crisis that affects the Judiciary Power in Brazil due to repetitive litigation and the procedural solutions thought to solve it. First of all, it will be analyzed the actual situation of Brazilian Courts: workloads delay in the jurisdictional answer, as well as the direct consequences of delay on the due process and right to one day in court. Secondly, in search of solutions, this research will do a compared analysis of the aggregation techniques for solving repetitive litigation in the United States and in Brazil. The techniques chosen for study, those that are thought to be the best ones in the aim of bringing efficiency to civil procedure, are subdivided into two groups: the ones destined to solving procedures born from the same transaction or occurrence preclusion mechanisms and secondly, the ones destined to solving procedures uniquely discussing the same question of law stare decisis. Therefore, the study shall be divided into three chapters: one for problematic, one for studding the class action and one for stare decisis. The class action will be compared with the Brazilian technique for solving mass tort cases (ação civil pública para tutela de interesses individuais homogêneos), suggesting modifications and improvements in the Brazilian legislation starting by the American class action study. Finally, stare decisis will be compared with the Brazilian experience with dealing with jurisprudence and mandatory case law. All of it in the aim of finding the best technique for solving repetitive litigation and improving the Brazilian procedural system, with efficiency and fairness

Les garanties du contribuable dans le cadre du contrôle fiscal en droit marocain / The taxpayer guarantees during the tax audit under Moroccan law

Haloui, Khalil 02 December 2011 (has links)
La thèse a pour objet d'examiner la question cruciale des garanties légales du contribuable face aux prérogatives importantes de contrôle fiscal dévolues à l'administration à la suite de la mise en place du nouveau régime d'imposition déclaratif au Maroc. Elle se propose alors de rendre compte de l'état du droit positif sur cette problématique et de répondre à la question de savoir dans quelle mesure les nouvelles procédures de contrôle fiscal instituées permettent-elles de protéger les droits du contribuable vérifié. / The thesis aims at examining, following the introduction of new tax declaration regime in Morocco, the paramount issue in respect the taxpayer legal safeguards against the tax authorities prerogatives during tax audit . This work intends to report on the applicable law on this issue and to answer the question on how the newly established tax audit procedures may protect the audited taxpayer's rights

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