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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reforming Foster Care in California

Brofferio, Aja 01 January 2014 (has links)
The foster care system is responsible for taking care of society’s most vulnerable children and it is important that the system can be reformed as needed to meet the needs of these children. Institutional reform litigation is an ineffective method of improving the child welfare system and should no longer be relied upon. Although widely used institutional reform litigation is not efficient or effective in improving the foster care system. Litigation is unsuccessful in achieving reform because it does not embrace collaboration, cooperation, or communication but instead fosters a hostile environment in which the agencies under court mandate are expected to enact change. In 2006, two new organizations were established in California, the California Blue Ribbon Commission on Children in Foster Care and the California Child Welfare Council. Both of these organizations created recommendations for improving foster care. Unlike institutional reform litigation, these two organizations worked collaboratively with various agencies and government branches in order to come up with recommendations that were feasible. These two organizations provide a method of reform that is less myopic and more supportive, allowing for meaningful improvements within California’s foster care system.

L'arrêt de la Cour Internationale de justice du 10 octobre 2002 relatif au différend frontalier Cameroun c. Nigéria : contribution à l'étude de l'exécution des décisions en matière territoriale / The judgment of the international court of justice 10 october 2002 on the border dispute (Cameroon v. Nigeria). : contribution to the study of the implementation of decisions relating to land boundary

Owona-Mfegue, Kourra-Félicité 14 October 2013 (has links)
L’exécution des décisions juridictionnelles internationales soulève l’une des questions, sinon la question fondamentale qu’implique l’autorité des arrêts rendus par la plus haute instance juridictionnelle des Nations Unies : comment assurer de manière effective, en droit comme en fait, la mise en oeuvre de sentences dont l’autorité juridique est indéniable certes, mais évidemment assujettie à la (bonne) volonté des États ? D’ordinaire deux réponses semblent possibles : par l’exécution spontanée ou l’exécution forcée. Pourtant, l’expérience de la mise en œuvre de l’arrêt rendu le 10 octobre 2002 dans l’affaire de la Frontière terrestre et maritime entre le Cameroun et le Nigeria se démarque de ce schéma classique. Elle n’est ni spontanée, ni forcée mais provoquée. Devant le caractère dérisoire des sanctions possibles en cas d’inexécution, le réalisme diplomatique vient au secours de l’effectivité de la chose jugée. En effet, l’ONU (l’organe judiciaire principal et le Secrétaire général) met en place un dispositif de provocation de la négociation dans l’exécution du futur arrêt, pour n’avoir pas à intervenir sur le fondement de l’article 94 § 2 de la Charte. Dans cette hypothèse la plus sensible dans le domaine de l’exécution des arrêts de la CIJ : celle où la Cour attribue un territoire disputé à un État alors qu’un autre État l’occupe en fait, l’alchimie entre procédure juridictionnelle et procédure négociée s’avère efficace. L’exécution de l’arrêt revêt en outre une dimension originale supplémentaire grâce aux mécanismes sui generis tels que la Commission mixte Cameroun Nigeria et l’accord post-juridictionnel parrainé par l’ONU et les puissances tutrices. On ne peut avoir meilleure illustration de la contribution de l’Afrique à l’effectivité des décisions de la CIJ, comme au règlement pacifique des différends internationaux. / The implementation of international judicial decisions raises one of the questions, if not the fundamental one related to the authority of the decisions rendered by the highest Court of the United Nations. In fact the question is How to ensure effectively, the implementation of sentences whose legal authority is undeniable, but certainly and obviously depending of the (good) will of the States, in law and in fact. Usually two answers seem possible: spontaneous implementation or enforcement. However the experience of the implementation of the Judgment in Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria disregard this classic pattern. This is a preventive and early implementation by the parties and third parties, and then a delayed but effective implementation. It led to a probably unique approach in the settlement of judicial disputes. Indeed it is the first time that the UN (i. e ICJ which is the main judicial organ and the Secretary General) without delay for the foreseeable implementation’s difficulties to get involved under Article 94 § 2 of the Charter establishes an early and preventive diplomatic system of implementation. In the view of the ridiculous nature of possible sanctions for non-compliance, the diplomatic realism came to the rescue of the effectiveness of the res judicata. In this most sensitive field in implementing the judgments of the ICJ, the hypothesis in which the Court assigns a disputed territory to a state while another state occupies it in fact and of the hostility of the local populations to the change of the sovereign de facto, the merge between judicial procedure and negotiated procedure is effective. The implementation of this judgment is also original because of its sui generis mechanisms in implementing the decision such as the United Nations Joint Commission or the post-jurisdictional Agreement sponsored by the UN and witnesses States. There is no better example of the African contribution to the effectiveness of the decisions of the ICJ, as far as the peaceful settlement of international disputes is concerned.

Le processus de qualification pénale : étude sur la transformation des faits en droit dans le traitement des contentieux de masse / The criminal qualification process : study about the transformation of facts into law in mass litigation

Julien, Marc-Antoine 06 November 2014 (has links)
La qualification pénale est classiquement considérée comme une sous-catégorie de la qualification juridique et partage avec elle la même définition et les mêmes caractéristiques. Elle est effectivement conçue comme une opération intellectuelle et, par voie de conséquence, elle est pensée dans sa dimension individuelle. L’opération de qualification apparaît ainsi comme une traduction des faits en droit par la mise en œuvre du langage juridique. Le chercheur qui entend faire de la qualification pénale son objet d’étude est nécessairement confronté à des disciplines qui lui sont peu familières telles que la linguistique ou la psychologie cognitive. Pour contourner les difficultés inhérentes à ces disciplines, il est possible d’opérer un changement de paradigme dans l’approche de la qualification pénale. Elle peut être envisagée sous l’angle du processus. Cette notion permet de rendre à la qualification pénale sa dimension institutionnelle et de l’envisager comme le produit des micros-décisions prises par des acteurs en réseau. Leurs actions respectives constituent les différentes phases de ce processus complexe qui aboutit in fine à la dénomination pénale d’une situation. La présente recherche se propose de mettre en œuvre la notion de processus de qualification pénale dans les contentieux de masse, domaines propices à l’observation des pratiques de qualification. L’analyse de ces pratiques, observées à partir des travaux empiriques, a permis de vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle la qualification pénale se construit en réseau. Elle apparaît alors comme le produit de la rencontre des divers acteurs aux prises avec des objectifs et des contraintes institutionnelles. De l’évènement à l’exacte qualification, la dénomination pénale est le fruit d’un processus multifactoriel. / Criminal qualification is conventionally considered as a sub-category of the legal qualification and shares with it the same definition and the same characteristics. It is actually conceived as an intellectual operation and, as a consequence, thought out in its own dimension. This qualifying operation appears as a translation of the facts in law by the use of legal language. The researcher who intends using this qualification process as his purpose of study is necessarily confronted with subjects that are unfamiliar to him such as linguistics and cognitive psychology. To circumvent the difficulties inherent to these subjects, it is possible to make a paradigm shift to the approach of the criminal qualification. It can be forseen in the terms of the process. This concept allows to give the criminal qualification its institutional dimension and to consider it as the product of micro-decisions of actors in a network. Their respective actions form different stages of this complex process which ultimately leads to the criminal definition of a situation. This research proposes to implement the concept of process of criminal qualification in mass litigation, areas that are favorable to the observation of qualification practices. The analysis of these practices observed from empirical work has permitted to verify the hypothesis that criminal qualification is formed through networking. It therefore appears as the product of various actors/participants dealing with objectives and institutional constraints. From the concept to the exact qualification, criminal designation is the result of a multifactorial process.

La notion de risque contentieux / The notion of litigation risk

Dogan, Talip 24 October 2018 (has links)
Le risque contentieux est une incertitude prévisible. Il peut se définir comme la probabilité de survenance d’une cause contentieuse multipliée par l’ampleur des conséquences attachées à cette survenance. Le risque contentieux pèse d’abord sur le décideur public et les administrés. Son traitement s’effectue en deux phases. La première phase correspond au stade où le risque contentieux est éventuel, c’est-à-dire un risque connu mais non manifesté. Il s’agit alors de prévenir les causes contentieuses en sécurisant la décision publique. Pour y parvenir, la personne publique peut compter sur ses propres moyens ainsi que sur la compétence technique que les tiers peuvent lui apporter. Le risque contentieux devient probable au moment de l’introduction du recours contentieux. Il est alors un risque manifesté mais non encore concrétisé. Le procès est la phase où il convient de gérer le risque contentieux dans le contentieux, notamment par des actions curatives ou palliatives. Ces dernières ont pour objet d’éviter que le risque contentieux se réalise (par l’annulation d’un acte, une condamnation…) ou de limiter les conséquences contentieuses. Et le juge est loin d’être étranger à l’anticipation du risque contentieux. Il y est de plus en plus sensibilisé. Il prévient également les risques contentieux. In fine, ce risque conduit à faire supporter une charge sur la partie perdante et, corrélativement, à rétablir la partie adverse dans ses droits. / Litigation risk is a foreseeable uncertainty. It can be defined as the probability that a cause of action will occur, associated with the extent of the consequences attached to this occurrence. First, litigation risk hangs over policymakers and citizens. It is carried out in two-steps. The first step corresponds to stage when the litigation risk is potential. The risk is known but has not yet actualized. The issue is then to prevent litigation cause by securing public decision-making. To reach this goal, decision makers can, count on their own resources, but also on the expertise of third parties. When a court case is filed, litigation risk becomes probable. That is to say, litigation risk exists but it is not yet materialized. Secondly, the trial is the step in which litigation risk must be handled through remedial or mitigating actions. These actions aim at avoiding the realization of the litigation risk –quashing of an act, condemnation- or containing the consequences of the litigation. Furthermore, judges play a major role in the anticipation of litigation risk: not only are they increasingly aware of it, but also becoming more involved. Ultimately, the risk leads to burdening the losing party, and correlatively, to restoring the rights of the opposing party.

L’arbitrage des litiges relatifs à la finance islamique / The arbitration of islamic finance disputes

Alyaqout, Yousef 19 December 2017 (has links)
L’essor de la finance islamique moderne va poser logiquement la question de la résolution des litiges. En effet, le recours à la justice étatique aboutit à des impacts négatifs sur la réalisation des objectifs de la finance islamique et sur le développement de ce secteur d’activité. Dans cette optique, l’application de la législation nationale par le juge étatique aboutit à la requalification des contrats de financement islamique en des contrats de financement conventionnel. En outre, ce recours au juge étatique conduit à la neutralisation de la Charia en tant que droit applicable. Tout cela conduit à la dénaturation de la finance islamique. Cette dénaturation est une source de contradictions. On sait bien que les institutions financières islamiques reposent sur une obligation fondamentale, selon laquelle toutes les opérations financières effectuées doivent être conformes à la Charia. De plus, les personnes ayant recours à la finance islamique visent principalement à exercer des activités financières en toute conformité avec leurs principes religieux et éthiques issus de la législation islamique. L’étude a également montré que les modes amiables de règlement des litiges contribuent à prendre en considération la particularité de la finance islamique. Cependant, cette prise en compte reste insuffisante. En effet, ces modes ne présentent pas un mécanisme complet, homogène et cohérent de règlement des litiges relatifs à la finance islamique. Leur contribution à la construction d’un système juridique propre à la finance islamique est très limitée. De ce fait, ils ne peuvent pas participer efficacement à la promotion de l’industrie financière islamique. De plus, ils souffrent d’un défaut majeur au niveau de la force de la solution proposée : l’efficacité de cette solution dépend en principe de la bonne volonté des parties. Face à ce dysfonctionnement de la justice étatique et des modes amiables, la solution a été recherchée du côté de l'arbitrage. En effet, l’arbitrage connaît une expansion spectaculaire dans le monde actuel au point de devenir le mode normal de règlement des litiges. Cet essor exceptionnel de l’arbitrage se constate notamment dans la vie économique et financière. A l’heure actuelle, cette vie est devenue inconcevable sans l’arbitrage. En matière de finance islamique, l’arbitrage en tant que mécanisme reposant sur la liberté et la volonté apparaît comme la meilleure voie permettant la prise en considération de la spécificité de cette activité, l’application de la Charia dans le domaine de la résolution des litiges. C’est pourquoi, ce mode alternatif de règlement des litiges s’adapte parfaitement aux exigences des litiges relatifs à la finance islamique et pourrait contribuer à la promotion de ce secteur d’activité. Grâce aux avantages qu’il offre aux opérateurs de la finance islamique, l’arbitrage s’affirme comme la justice naturelle des litiges relatifs à la finance islamique. Pour renforcer le rôle de l’arbitrage dans le domaine de la finance islamique, un projet de réforme a été présenté. Ce projet vise à moderniser l’arbitrage dans toutes ses étapes. Dans cette optique, l’accent a été mis sur la convention d’arbitrage, le statut de l’arbitre, le droit applicable et la sentence arbitrale. Tout cela a été achevé par l’élaboration d’un projet de charte éthique de l’arbitrage en matière de finance islamique. Une fois modernisé et renouvelé, l’arbitrage peut devenir un pilier essentiel de l’industrie financière islamique, en participant efficacement à la promotion de cette activité. Avec une justice équitable, pratique, efficace, conforme à la Charia et adaptée, la finance islamique se trouve renforcée et consolidée / AbstractThe rise of modern Islamic finance will logically raise the issue of dispute resolution. Indeed, recourse to state justice leads to negative impacts on the achievement of the objectives of Islamic finance and on the development of this sector of activity. In this context, the application of national legislation by the state judge results in the reclassification of Islamic financing contracts into conventional financing contracts. In addition, this recourse to the State Judge leads to the neutralization of Shariah as an applicable law. All this leads to the denaturation of Islamic finance. This denaturing is a source of contradictions. It is well known that Islamic financial institutions are based on a fundamental obligation that all financial transactions must conform to Sharia law. In addition, people who use Islamic finance primarily aim to conduct financial activities in accordance with their religious and ethical principles derived from Islamic legislation. The study also showed that amicable dispute resolution modes help to take into account the peculiarity of Islamic finance. However, this consideration remains insufficient. Indeed, these modes do not present a complete, homogeneous and coherent mechanism for resolving disputes relating to Islamic finance. Their contribution to the construction of a legal system specific to Islamic finance is very limited. As a result, they can not participate effectively in promoting the Islamic financial industry. In addition, they suffer from a major flaw in the strength of the proposed solution: the effectiveness of this solution depends in principle on the good will of the parties. Faced with this dysfunction of state justice and amicable modes, the solution was sought on the side of arbitration. Indeed, arbitration is expanding dramatically in today's world to the point of becoming the normal mode of dispute resolution. This exceptional growth of arbitration can be seen in particular in economic and financial life. At present, this life has become inconceivable without arbitration. In the area of Islamic finance, arbitration as a mechanism based on freedom and will appears as the best way to take into account the specificity of this activity, the application of Shari'a in the field of the resolution of litigation. For this reason, this alternative dispute resolution method is perfectly suited to the demands of Islamic finance litigation and could contribute to the promotion of this sector of activity. Thanks to the advantages it offers to operators of Islamic finance, arbitration is asserting itself as the natural justice of disputes relating to Islamic finance. To strengthen the role of arbitration in the field of Islamic finance, a reform project was presented. This project aims to modernize arbitration in all its stages. From this perspective, the focus was on the arbitration agreement, the status of the arbitrator, the applicable law and the arbitration award. All this has been completed by the elaboration of a draft ethical charter of arbitration on Islamic finance. Once modernized and renewed, arbitration can become an essential pillar of the Islamic financial industry, effectively participating in the promotion of this activity. With fair, practical, effective, Sharia-compliant and responsive justice, Islamic finance is strengthened and consolidated

Allegations in the New Peruvian Labor Proccess Law / Los alegatos en el nuevo proceso laboral

Vinatea Recoba, Luis 25 September 2017 (has links)
The New Labor Procedure Act has generated many changes in the structure of the labor process itself: It has turned from being written and unfocused to become now an oral and concentrated one. As a consequence, there's only once chance for convincing the Judge.This article covers the strategy to be followed in this new process, from the strategy itself to the allegations, in order to generate certainty in the judge whom will solve the case. / La Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo ha generado cambios muy amplios en la estructura delproceso mismo: Ha pasado de ser un proceso escrito y desconcentrado a convertirse en uno oral y concentrado. Como consecuencia de ello, existe una única oportunidad de convencer al Juez.El presente artículo abarca la estrategia que debe seguirse en este nuevo proceso, desde la formulación de la estrategia misma hasta los alegatos, a efectos de generar convicción en el juzgador que resolverá el caso.

Constitution, configuration and registration of trade unions in Latin America: The spurious reign of Law / Constitución, configuración y registro de sindicatos en América Latina: El reino espurio de la ley

Villavicencio Ríos, Alfredo 25 September 2017 (has links)
The right of freedom of association, nowadays, is considered a fundamental right of workers. However, and though it has been internationallyrecognized in several   Covenants of the International Labor Organization, it has been a tendency among Latin American governments to limit the exercise of this freedom.In the present article, the author criticizes what he considers to be an excessive regulation of the exercise of the right of freedom of association by workers, present in almost every country in the region. These limitations are manifested through constitutional or legal restrictions to the formation of labor unions, union unity regimes and difficulties for the constitution of labor unions. In that way, he calls for the guarantee of the right of freedom of association for workers in Latin America. / El derecho a la libertad sindical es considerado, hoy en día, como un derecho fundamental del trabajador. Sin embargo, y a pesar de estar reconocido internacionalmente en diversos Convenios de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, ha sido una tendencia de los gobiernos latinoamericanos la limitación del ejercicio de la libertad sindical.En el presente artículo, el autor hace una crítica a lo que él considera una excesiva regulación del ejercicio de la libertad sindical presente en casi todos los ordenamientos jurídicos de la región. Estas limitaciones se manifestarían a través de restricciones constitucionales o legales a la formación de sindicatos, regímenes de unicidad sindical y trabas a la constitución de los mismos. De ese modo, hace un necesario llamado a la garantía del derecho a la libertad sindical en Latinoamérica.

O ombudsman bancário: uma solução extrajudicial adequada de conflitos envolvendo bancos e clientes e seu impacto nos litígios judiciais

Cardoso, César 18 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by César Cardoso (cesarcardoso61@gmail.com) on 2015-07-21T14:58:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 O OMBUDSMAN BANCÁRIO Uma solução adequada 21.7.pdf: 637202 bytes, checksum: 5da7b3a5b2d9e467836ee528e037493c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2015-07-21T16:47:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 O OMBUDSMAN BANCÁRIO Uma solução adequada 21.7.pdf: 637202 bytes, checksum: 5da7b3a5b2d9e467836ee528e037493c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-21T17:18:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 O OMBUDSMAN BANCÁRIO Uma solução adequada 21.7.pdf: 637202 bytes, checksum: 5da7b3a5b2d9e467836ee528e037493c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-18 / A alta taxa de litigância judicial envolvendo bancos e clientes afeta o funcionamento do Poder Judiciário bem como a disponibilidade do crédito e as taxas de juros de forma negativa, por contribuir para a insegurança jurídica no mercado de crédito. Este trabalho busca diagnosticar as causas dessa litigância e os seus efeitos, verificar se o ombudsman bancário pode ser um mecanismo adequado à solução de disputas no setor financeiro, contribuindo para diminuir a litigância judicial. Pretende, também, propor mudanças institucionais, por meio da regulação bancária, que estabeleçam o sistema de ombudsman setorial no Brasil, fixando incentivos e desestímulos, para que ele seja eficiente e apresente resultados mais céleres, em face da realidade brasileira. / The high level of judicial litigation between banks and clients affects the way that Judiciary system works just as the availability of credit and the interest rates in a negative way, due to contributing to a judiciary uncertainty in the credit market. This working paper endeavors to find out the causes of these litigations and their consequences, to verify if the banking ombudsman scheme is an adequate mechanism to solve disputes in the financial sector,contributing to decrease the judicial litigation. It also aims to suggest institutional changes through banking regulation that will establish thesectorial ombudsman scheme in Brazil, using incentives and deterrences, as a way to get an efficient and fast system, in the face of the Brazilian reality.

Ação civil pública e políticas públicas: implicações na tensão entre o Estado-Administrador e o Estado-Juiz / Civil public action and public policy: implications at the tension between the state-administrator and the state-judge

Nicola Tutungi Júnior 28 May 2010 (has links)
A evolução do Estado ao longo da história acompanhou as necessidades da sociedade diante de novas relações. Também a postura dos Tribunais diante de situações concretas modificou-se com o tempo. O surgimento de novos litígios e a concepção de direitos de grupo influenciou um novo tipo de relação processual: a tutela coletiva. O advento de diplomas legais regulando o tema no ordenamento brasileiro teve grande mérito no tratamento da questão, mas o dinamismo social mostrou-se mais rápido que as alterações legislativas. Para lidar com situações concretas e sensíveis, os Tribunais passaram a apreciar questões que originariamente não lhe seriam afetas: surge a judicialização. O debate acerca desta nova postura do julgador cresce, principalmente no campo das políticas públicas, onde o Estado administrador por vezes atua dentro de sua margem de discricionariedade. Ao mesmo tempo, o crescimento do estudo dos direitos fundamentais põe em lados distintos uma suposta falta de legitimidade democrática do Estado-juiz, e a premente necessidade social de intervenção jurisdicional em situações limite, onde a própria dignidade da pessoa humana se coloca em risco. Temas como o direito à saúde, educação e meio ambiente ilustram a dramaticidade do debate, e fomentam a reflexão sobre a efetividade dos instrumentos processuais à disposição da tutela coletiva, e a legitimidade e os limites que tangenciam a implementação de políticas públicas. / The evolution of the State along history accompanied the necessities of the society ahead new relations. Also the position of the Courts ahead of concrete situations was modified during the time. The sprouting of new litigations and the conception of group rights influenced a new type of procedural relation: the collective guardianship. The advent of statutes regulating the subject in the Brazilian order had great merit in the treatment of the question, but the social dynamism was revealed faster that the legislative modifications. To deal with concrete and sensitive situations, the Courts had started to appreciate questions that originatingly would not be affect to it: the judicialization appears. The debate concerning this new position of the judge grows, mainly in the field of the public policies, where the State administrator sometimes acts inside of its margin of discricionarity. At the same time, the growth of the study of the fundamental rights puts in distinct sides a supposed lack of democratic legitimacy of the State-judge, e the pressing social necessity of jurisdictional intervention in limits situations, where the proper dignity of the human person is placed at risk. Subjects as the right to health, education and environment illustrate the dramatic face of the debate, and foment the reflection on the effectivity of the procedural instruments to the disposal of the collective guardianship, as well as the legitimacy and the limits that involve the implementation of public policies.

Provisões, contingências e normas contábeis: um estudo de gerenciamento de resultados com contencioso legal no Brasil / Provisions, contingencies and accounting standards: a study of Earnings Management through a Litigation Process in Brazil

Antônio de Cístolo Ribeiro 12 April 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa investigou frente às subjetividades apresentadas pelas normas contábeis do International Financial Report Standards (IFRS), cuja responsabilidade por traduzir, adaptar a situações locais e acompanhar a introdução no Brasil é do Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis (CPC) e pela Legislação Tributária Brasileira, se há indícios de possibilidade de prática de Gerenciamento de Resultados (GR) via provisões relacionadas com o contencioso legal. Buscou-se também entender as singularidades da legislação tributária brasileira e os mecanismos usados na prática de GR. O procedimento Contábil, emitido pelo CPC, que disciplina a contabilização das provisões e dos ativos e passivos contingentes é o de nr. 25, uma tradução e adaptação do International Accounting Standard Nr. 37 (IAS 37), e foi o documento básico para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Buscou-se também entender se, após a introdução do CPC 25, houve aumento no disclosure de informações contábeis relativas a provisões e contingências pelas empresas. Como contribuição final foram explorados possíveis mecanismos para mitigar práticas de GR. A pesquisa é exploratória e triangula informações de advogados e auditores, explorando a existência e o mecanismo de GR via contencioso legal e as medidas a serem tomadas para sua mitigação. O período examinado compreende de 2006 - 2010, o qual inclui a introdução da Lei 11631 que muda a Lei das Sociedades por Ações e as normas do IFRS no Brasil. As provisões que têm origens em demandas fiscais administrativas e judiciais são elementos que podem ser manipulados pelas instituições utilizando de subjetividades existentes no entendimento e aplicação da legislação, no sentido de melhorar ou piorar o resultado contábil. A pesquisa mostrou que devido ao intrincado sistema tributário nacional, existe a possibilidade de gerenciamento de resultados via constituição ou não de provisões. Também foi confirmado que após a emissão do CPC 25, as empresas aumentaram o disclosure de informações sobre provisões, passivos e ativos contingentes. / Given the subjectivity inherent in the accounting standards of the International Financial Report Standards (IFRS) that are translated into Portuguese, adapted to local situations and monitored by the Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis (Accounting Standards Board - ASB) and the Brazilian tax legislation, the present study investigated whether there is evidence of the possible occurrence of earnings management practice through provisions related to a litigation process. Since it was an exploratory study, we also tried to understand the peculiarities of the Brazilian tax legislation and the mechanisms used in earnings management practices. The accounting procedure No 25 issued by the Accounting Standards Board (ASB), that is, ASB No 25 regulates the accounting of provisions and contingent assets and liabilities and is a translation and adaptation of the International Accounting Standard No. 37 (IAS 37). It is the document upon which this study was based. We also sought to understand whether after the introduction of the Accounting Standards Board No. 25 there was an increase in the disclosure of accounting information on provisions and contingencies by companies. As a final contribution we explored possible mechanisms to constrain earnings management practices. The study is exploratory and triangulates information from lawyers and auditors, exploring the existence and the mechanism of earnings management through a litigation process and the actions to be taken for its mitigation. The study period is 2006 - 2010, which includes the introduction of act 11631 that incorporates changes to the corporations law and IFRS standards in Brazil. The provisions originated in administrative and judicial tax demands are elements that can be handled by the institutions that use the subjectivity in the interpretation and application of legislation by users and in procedures, in order to improve or worsen the accounting result, thus configuring earnings management practice. The research has shown that due to the intricate tax system in Brazil there is the possibility of earnings management via the constitution of provisions or not. It was also confirmed that after the issuance of ASB No. 25 the companies increased the disclosure of information on provisions, liabilities, assets and contingents.

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