Spelling suggestions: "subject:"agogics"" "subject:"biogics""
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Managing the master planning process : how do airport managers incorporate stakeholder contribution in their final master plans?Dixon, Sally January 2014 (has links)
This research seeks to connect the philosophical focus of the agency-structure debate with the practice of management through a comparative study of organisational decision-making in situations involving stakeholder consultation. Set in the context of decision-making following an airport master plan consultation, the study considers how the stakeholder framework can be integrated within institutional theory using institutional logics as a theoretical link between these two literatures. This thesis, which adopts a critical realist perspective, takes a comparative case approach of four airports, each owned in different ways. Interviews with airport managers are supplemented by discussions with stakeholders and industry experts. Two sets of a priori themes were identified from the literature. The first focuses on the institutional logics prevailing in the field and their influence on managers as they make decisions. The second considers four decision-making strategies managers might employ in this situation. Findings centre on the causal powers acting upon airport managers as they make their decisions. Whilst normative isomorphic pressure enables stakeholder consultation, the coercive pressure on the decision-making process deriving from English planning law, the adversarial and oscillating nature of Central Government policy, and a mimetic response to the nature of local authority development plans constrain the actions of airport managers. Indeed, the current bureaucratic form of capitalism limits stakeholder contribution to final master plans. This research makes four main contributions: Firstly, reflecting upon the agency-structure debate from a critical realist perspective has facilitated development of a model integrating the stakeholder framework within institutional theory. Secondly, it improves our understanding of how stakeholder contribution is managed in master planning. Thirdly, the study adds to the growing body of work that employs a critical realist perspective. Lastly, since reconciling conflicting stakeholder opinions may well be of vital importance to the future of the UK’s airport infrastructure, this work has practical significance for airport managers, government policy-makers and stakeholders as they strive to formulate worthwhile airport consultations.
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Logic Duality, Conformity, and Survival in the French Film Industry, 1987-2008 / Dualité de logiques, conformité et survie dans l’industrie cinématographique française, 1987-2008Jourdan, Julien 14 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse explore l’effet de la coexistence de deux logiques institutionnelles au sein d’une industrie sur le comportement stratégique des entreprises et, en retour, l’impact du comportement stratégique des entreprises sur la persistance (ou non) de deux logiques distinctes. Un cadre théorique est proposé pour expliquer les désavantages dont souffrent lesentreprises qui pénètrent une industrie gouvernée par une logique différente, la manière dont les organisations en place répondent aux demandes de ces entreprises porteuses d’une logique étrangère et enfin les facteurs influençant la formation du capital institutionnel des entreprises. Une analyse empirique des fonds d’investissements, des organisations en charge de la production et des entreprises de production dans l’industrie cinématographique française (1987-2008) vient conforter les prédictions théoriques proposées. Cette thèse contribue à la littérature en management stratégique en dévoilant un ensemble de stratégies à la disposition des entreprises dans une industrie où deux logiques s’affrontent. Elle contribue également à expliquer pourquoi certaines industries résistent à l’inexorable homogénisation prédite par la théorie néo-institutionnelle. En dévoilant les effets positifs et négatifs de la dualité de logiques sur les entreprises, cette étude offre également des enseignements pour la pratique managériale. / This dissertation explores how logic duality, that is the coexistence of two institutional logics in an industry, affects firm strategic behaviors, and how in return firm strategic behaviors contribute (or not) to maintain logics segregated. Theoretically, I investigate the liability firms face when entering industries governed by a different logic, the wayincumbent organizations respond to the conformity demands of logic foreigners, and the determinants of firm-level institutional capital. Empirically, I study investment funds, filmmaking organizations and production firms in the French film industry (1987-2008), and find strong support for the proposed theory. By revealing strategies available to firms in dual-logicsettings and highlighting sources of institutional capital, this study contributes to the strategic management literature. The result is also a contribution to our understanding of why industries resist the “inexorable push towards homogenization” predicted by new institutional theory. By shedding light on the positive and negative effects of logic duality for firms, this work has also implications for practice.
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Un siècle d'école dans l'Androy (XXe-début XXIe siècle) : logiques politiques, sociales et familiales de la scolarisation dans une région de Madagascar / One hundred years of schooling in Androy (20th to early 21st century) : political, social and family logics of school attendance in a region of MadagascarDeleigne, Marie-Christine 25 November 2016 (has links)
Située à l'extrême Sud de Madagascar, la région Androy connaît plusieurs particularités par rapport au reste du pays dans le domaine scolaire : les indicateurs de scolarisation et d'alphabétisation y sont les plus faibles de l'Île et les filles y apparaissent singulièrement plus scolarisées que les garçons au niveau primaire. Cherchant à comprendre ces singularités, cette recherche a pour objet l'étude de la (non-)scolarisation dans la région, sur le temps long (depuis l'avènement de l'école jusqu'à aujourd'hui). Afin de saisir la dynamique du fait scolaire et le sens des pratiques de scolarisation dans l'Androy, il s'agit de mettre à jour l'évolution des logiques et des enjeux qui se jouent dans les inter-relations entre politiques éducatives, offre scolaire et demandes sociales et familiales de scolarisation. Plus spécifiquement, il s'agit, d'une part, de comprendre le "retard" scolaire et caractériser l'évolution de la scolarisation dans l'Androy et, d'autre part, de révéler la pluralité des pratiques sociales et familiales face à l'école et les logiques qui les sous-tendent. Au croisement de la sociologie, de la démographie, de l'histoire et de l'anthropologie, cette recherche mobilise plusieurs sources, quantitatives et qualitatives, recoupées et critiquées à la lueur de leurs conditions de production : discours et statistiques (administratifs et scolaires) tirés des archives de la période coloniale, statistiques et énoncés de politiques éducatives du ministère de l'éducation, recensement de la population de 1993, enquête démographique et de santé 2008-09, enquête socio-anthropologique menée dans le district de Tsihombe. Contrairement à l'argument souvent avancé d'un "refus" de l'école par la population de la région, longtemps considérée comme "archaïque", "arriérée" et refusant le "progrès", cette recherche amène à entrevoir la complexité des facteurs expliquant le "retard scolaire" de l'Androy. Ces facteurs se déclinent et s'articulent entre le faible intérêt des pouvoirs successifs (coloniaux et post-coloniaux) pour le développement - scolaire ou plus général - de cette région; le refus de la "soumission" au pouvoir central et la méfiance vis-à-vis de l'administration et de l’État (fanjakana) et de l'institution qui en a formé les agents; les enjeux locaux de pouvoir dans la quête du savoir et de la culture scolaires; enfin, la capacité de l'école elle-même à permettre l'acquisition réelle de savoirs scolaires variable dans le temps et dans l'espace. En considérant la pauvreté comme multidimensionnelle et relative, cette recherche permet également de relativiser l'importance du capital économique dans les pratiques de scolarisation des familles. L'adhésion à l'école n'apparaît pas dialectiquement liée à la seule dimension monétaire et économique du capital possédé par les familles, mais plus intimement au capital social - au sens de Bourdieu - et à la capacité du capital scolaire à produire du capital symbolique. Dans la continuité de ce raisonnement, si les filles sont davantage scolarisées que les garçons depuis le milieu des années 1980, elles l'ont été dans un premier temps "par défaut" avant qu'une véritable préférence pour la scolarisation des filles n'émerge plus récemment. Ce phénomène récent semble renvoyer à l'élargissement du champ des possibles pour les femmes au sein de la société en même temps qu'un focus sur la scolarisation des filles et l' "empowerment" des femmes devient plus prégnant au niveau des pouvoirs publics et plus encore des organisations internationales intervenant dans la région. Si la scolarisation s'est fortement accrue au cours de la dernière décennie, la question des inégalités face à l'école demeure : moins d'un enfant sur deux accède à l'école dans la région, et moins d'un garçon sur trois, l'écart entre filles et garçons tendant à se creuser au détriment de ces derniers, du moins d'un point de vue statistique au niveau régional. / Located at the extreme South of Madagascar, the Androy Region has several specific characteristics compared to the rest of the country when it comes to schooling: enrollment and literacy indicators there are the lowest of the island, and school attendance is particularly higher among girls than among boys at the primary level. Seeking to understand these particularities, this research aims to study, over the long term (from the emergence of schools to today), school attendance or lack thereof in the region. With the goal of understanding school dynamics and school enrollment practices in the Androy Region, the research attempts to reveal the evolution of logics and stakes that play out in the inter-relations between education policy, school supply, and social and family demands regarding school attendance. More specifically, the aim is to understand the academic "lag" and describe school enrollment trends in the Androy Region; and reveal the plurality of social and family practices regarding schooling and their underlying logics. At the crossroads of sociology, demography, history and anthropology, this research mobilizes several quantitative and qualitative sources that are compared and criticized in light of their production conditions: discourse and statistics (both administrative and school-related) drawn from colonial period archives, the statistics and educational policy announcements by the Ministry of Education, the 1993 population census, the 2008-09 demographic and health survey, and socio-anthropological study conducted in Tsihombe district. Contrary to the frequently touted argument that school is "rejected" by the population of the region, which has long been seen as "archaïc", "backwards" and refusing "progress", this research suggests the complexity of factors explaining the "school lag" in the Androy Region. These factors include the low interest of the successive (colonial and post-colonial) powers in the development of the region, whether in regard to schools or in general; the refusal to "submit" to the central authorities and the mistrust towards the administration and the State (fanjakana) and the institution that trained its agents; local power stakes in the quest for knowledge and school culture, which vary over time and depend on individuals' and groups' positions within the social arena; and finally, the ability of school itself to enable real acquisition of academic knowledge, which varies over time and by location. Taking a multidimensional and relative vision of poverty, this research also places the importance of economic capital in families' school enrollment practices into perspective. School enrollments does not appear to be dialectically linked to the monetary and financial dimension of families' assets, but rather more intimately linked to their social capital -in the Bourdieusian sense- and the ability of educational capital to produce symbolic capital. Continuing on from this line of reasoning, while school attendance has been higher among girls than among boys since the mid-1980s, this was the case initially "by default" until a true preference for girls' enrollment emerged more recently. This recent phenomenon seems to relate to the broadening of possibilities for women in society while a focus on school attendance among girls and women's empowerment is taking stronger hold among the public authorities and even more within the international organizations actions in the region. Even though shool attendance had grown during these last fifteen years, the issue of inequalities in schooling remains : less than one out of two children accesses school in the area, and only one out of three boys, the gender gap widening and leaving boys behind, at least in statistics point of view at the regional level.
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La construction d'un modèle alternatif de commerce équitable impulsée par les producteurs des pays du Sud : quelles logiques et quel travail institutionnels à l'oeuvre? / The construction of an alternative fair trade model initiated by Southern producers : what institutional logics and practices at work?Gautrey, Garance 20 November 2018 (has links)
Notre thèse appréhende la manière dont les producteurs du Sud s’approprient le commerce équitable et parviennent à en proposer un nouveau modèle. Elle est une étude de cas : celle d’un label créé au début des années 2000 à l’initiative d’un réseau d’organisations de producteurs latino-américaines du commerce équitable. Mobilisant les cadres d'analyse des logiques et du travail institutionnel, nos résultats montrent qu’une logique sociopolitique est appelée en premier lieu par les producteurs, visant le développement économique au Sud, l’établissement de relations commerciales avant tout locales et fondées sur la confiance, et la possibilité pour les producteurs d’imposer leurs critères de qualité. Celle-ci se heurte très vite à une logique marchande. Liée au recours à un label, cette logique implique standardisation, anonymisation des relations commerciales, et octroie aux acheteurs le pouvoir d’influer sur le contenu des standards. Tout l’enjeu est alors de parvenir à créer un nouveau modèle fondé sur le compromis entre ces logiques. Le travail des acteurs prend alors forme, dans une première période, dans la création d’une multitude de dispositions règlementaires, et dans un second temps, dans des pratiques cognitives et normatives visant à justifier et à promouvoir l’initiative. Des pratiques de résistances sont également observées. Notre thèse contribue à enrichir la théorie néo-institutionnaliste en montrant principalement que la création institutionnelle s’émancipe difficilement des logiques institutionnelles dominantes ; dans notre cas, celle du marché. / Our work aims to understand how Southern producers appropriate fair trade and build a new fair trade model. We study a single case: a fair trade label created in the early 2000s by a Latino American producers’ organizations network committed in fair trade that has a long-standing commitment to fair trade. We build on the institutional logics framework to characterize the macro forces at work in the construction of this new model, and on the institutional work framework to identify the practices implemented by producers and other stakeholders to deal with those logics and configure them. Our results show that producers firstly call for a socio-political logic, which aims an economic development in the South, the establishment of commercial relationships mainly based on trust, and the possibility for producers to impose their quality criteria. However, the use of a label brings producers quickly face market logic. It implies standardization, anonymisation of relationships and gives to the buyers the power to influence the content of the standards. The challenge is to create a new model based on a compromise between both logics. At first, actors create a multitude of regulatory measures and as a second step, cognitive and normative practices aim at justifying and promoting the initiative. Resistance practices are also observed. Our thesis contributes to neo institutionalist theory mainly by showing the difficulty to emancipate from dominant institutional logics – in our case market logic – during institutional creation process.
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RPA i offentlig sektor : Översättning av institutionella logiker och lokala idéerOhlström, Sebastian, Stenberg, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Rapid technological development and change in modern society is unprecedented in history.Digitalization and automation of business processes is widely seen as a way of streamliningorganisations and changing institutional settings in them. The impact on individuals andorganisations raison d’etre increases as they face stronger institutional pressure from differentstakeholders. As with every thought that comes to mind, the process of translation tries to remedythe gap in individuals and organisations different outlooks. Grounded in theory of institutionallogics and translation, the authors of this paper set out to approach this institutional complexity byinvestigating it through a lens of these theories. We find that the market and corporate logic areinfluencing all of the organisations, but which of the logics that is most likely to be constituteddepends to a high degree on the local translation process. The translation that is produced dependson the institutional environment that is predominant in the organization. For the organization to besuccessful in rapid technological development and change, a thorough understanding of theincremental institutional complexity is paramount. / Snabb teknisk utveckling och förändring i det moderna samhället är oöverträffad i historien.Digitalisering och automatisering av affärsprocesser ses allmänt som ett sätt att effektiviseraorganisationer och ändra den institutionella sammansättningen i dem. Påverkan på individer ochorganisationers existensberättigande ökar när de står inför starkare institutionellt tryck från olikaintressenter. Översättningsprocessen försöker här avhjälpa klyftan i individers och organisationersolika perspektiv som uppstår när nya idéer får fäste. Grundade i teorin om institutionella logikeroch översättning, försöker författarna till denna uppsats att närma sig denna institutionellakomplexitet genom att använda en lins av dessa teorier. Vi finner att marknads- och företagslogikenpåverkar alla organisationer, men vilken logik som sannolikt kommer att få fäste beror i hög gradpå den lokala översättningsprocessen. Översättningen som produceras beror på den institutionellamiljön som dominerar organisationen. För att organisationen ska lyckas med en snabb tekniskutveckling och förändring, är en grundlig förståelse för den inkrementella institutionellakomplexiteten är avgörande.
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Revisão de crenças em lógicas de descrição - um plug-in para o Protégé / Belif revision in description logics - a Plug-in for ProtégéResina, Fillipe Manoel Xavier 07 April 2014 (has links)
As Lógicas de Descrição são usadas como base para a linguagem OWL, padrão para representação de ontologias na web. No entanto, conhecimento não é estático e, com tal dinamismo, o estudo de revisão de crenças e sua correta e adequada aplicação tornam-se muito importantes. Neste trabalho, pretendemos desenvolver uma ferramenta para revisão de ontologias como um plug-in para o Protégé, o editor de ontologias mais utilizado atualmente. / Description Logics are the basis for OWL language, which is the standard to represent ontologies on the web. However, knowledge is usually not satic and its dynamics brings the importance of belief revision and its correct and proper application. In this work, we intend to develop a tool for revising ontologies as a plug-in for Protégé, the most used ontology editor nowadays.
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General terminology induction in description logicsSazonau, Viachaslau January 2017 (has links)
In computer science, an ontology is a machine-processable representation of knowledge about some domain. Ontologies are encoded in ontology languages, such as the Web Ontology Language (OWL) based on Description Logics (DLs). An ontology is a set of logical statements, called axioms. Some axioms make universal statements, e.g. all fathers are men, while others record data, i.e. facts about specific individuals, e.g. Bob is a father. A set of universal statements is called TBox, as it encodes terminology, i.e. schema-level conceptual relationships, and a set of facts is called ABox, as it encodes instance-level assertions. Ontologies are extensively developed and widely used in domains such as biology and medicine. Manual engineering of a TBox is a difficult task that includes modelling conceptual relationships of the domain and encoding those relationships in the ontology language, e.g. OWL. Hence, it requires the knowledge of domain experts and skills of ontology engineers combined together. In order to assist engineering of TBoxes and potentially automate it, acquisition (or induction) of axioms from data has attracted research attention and is usually called Ontology Learning (OL). This thesis investigates the problem of OL from general principles. We formulate it as General Terminology Induction that aims at acquiring general, expressive TBox axioms (called general terminology) from data. The thesis addresses and investigates in depth two main questions: how to rigorously evaluate the quality of general TBox axioms and how to efficiently construct them. We design an approach for General Terminology Induction and implement it in an algorithm called DL-Miner. We extensively evaluate DL-Miner, compare it with other approaches, and run case studies together with domain experts to gain insight into its potential applications. The thesis should be of interest to ontology developers seeking automated means to facilitate building or enriching ontologies. In addition, as our experiments show, DL-Miner can deliver valuable insights into the data, i.e. can be useful for data analysis and debugging.
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Experiências sociais e lógicas de ação política: etnografia da participação estudantil na escola públicaSilva, Rodrigo Manoel Dias da 06 November 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 6 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre o alcance e a efetividade da participação estudantil na escola. Para realizarmos este trabalho, optamos por investigar as lógicas que fundamentam a ação política de estudantes nos canais de participação instituídos na escola pública estadual. Usamos como itinerário investigativo duas problematizações: Qual o alcance e a efetividade destes processos decisórios manifestos em canais de participação no âmbito da escola? Se, como nos mostrou a bibliografia, os canais funcionais de definição da participação na escola se romperam, então como atuam estas relações de poder (controles e hierarquias, aparentes ou difusos, na participação)? Estas indagações nos conduziram à realização de um estudo etnográfico sobre a participação estudantil em duas escolas públicas do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados coletados foram interpretados a partir da perspectiva teórica da Sociologia da Experiência, em François Dubet, tendo como ferramentas analíticas as noções de experiênci / This dissertation presents a study of both the range and the effectiveness of student participation in school. We have investigated the logics that found the political action of students in the participation channels instituted in the state public school. Two problematizations have been used as investigation paths: What is the range and the effectiveness of the decision processes in school participation channels? If, as the literature has shown, the functional channels that define participation in the school have been disrupted, then how have power relations been exercised (controls and hierarchies, whether apparent or diffuse, in that participation)?
These questions have led us to an ethnographic study of student participation in two countryside public schools in Rio Grande do Sul. Data collected have been interpreted from the theoretical perspective of Sociology of Experience, according to François Dubet, and our analytical tools have been the notions of social experience and logics of action. The material
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Evitando Mission drift: o papel das aceleradoras na manutenção da lógica híbrida dos negócios de impacto socialAzeredo, Elisângela Marlize Dalpiaz de 27 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-08-06T14:45:05Z
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Elisângela Marlize Dalpiaz de Azeredo_.pdf: 1506700 bytes, checksum: 0a85bcb1bedded10aaf79f106d4afee8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-27 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O interesse pelos negócios de impacto social vem crescendo nas últimas décadas, tendo em vista que estes negócios representam uma fonte promissora de geração de valor social, econômico e financeiro. Entretanto, ao aliarem criação de valor social e sustentabilidade financeira, combinam elementos provenientes de lógicas institucionais diferentes, podendo enfrentar desafios inerentes a esta junção. Desta forma, a fim de que estes negócios obtenham êxito, faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de um ecossistema de suporte robusto. Dentre os atores do ecossistema, destacam-se as aceleradoras, que visam apoiar o crescimento destes negócios, na fase inicial ou de expansão, exercendo, desta forma, um papel importante na construção e desenvolvimento das lógicas institucionais nestes negócios. Por consequência, influenciam a forma pela qual evitam mission drift, fenômeno que consiste no distanciamento do negócio da sua missão social. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar as estratégias utilizadas pelas aceleradoras para assegurar e monitorar que os negócios de impacto mantenham a lógica híbrida, alcançando o equilíbrio entre a criação de valor social e a sustentabilidade financeira, evitando mission drift. A fim de atingir o objetivo proposto, foi realizado um estudo de caso múltiplo, com quatro aceleradoras, que atuam com negócios de impacto social. Por meio da compreensão do papel que exercem na manutenção da lógica híbrida dos negócios impulsionados por elas, identificaram-se as fontes de mission drift, bem como as estratégias para evitar o fenômeno durante o programa de aceleração, contribuindo, desta forma, com o campo teórico e gerencial. As implicações teóricas do estudo consistem na identificação da influência que as aceleradoras exercem nos negócios de impacto impulsionados por elas, por meio das estratégias utilizadas para assegurar a manutenção da lógica híbrida, contribuindo tanto para o estudo das lógicas institucionais quanto do fenômeno mission drift. No que tange às contribuições gerenciais, fornece um conjunto de estratégias a serem utilizadas pelas aceleradoras, a fim de assegurar e monitorar a manutenção do equilíbrio entre a criação de valor social e a sustentabilidade financeira nos negócios que aceleram. / The interest by the social enterprises has been growing in recent decades, considering that these organizations represent a promising source for generating social, economic and financial value. However, as they ally social value creation and financial sustainability, they combine elements from different institutional logics and may face challenges inherent to this combination. In this way, in order that these organizations achieve success, it is necessary to develop a robust support ecosystem. Among the actors of the ecosystem, the accelerators stand out. They aim to support the growth of social enterprises at an early stage or an expansion stage, exercising, in this way, an important role in the construction and development of institutional logics in these organizations. Consequently, they influence the way in which them avoid mission drift, a phenomenon that consists in the detachment of a business from its social mission. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the strategies used by the accelerators to ensure and to monitor that the social enterprises maintain the hybrid logic, achieving the balance between the creation of social value and financial sustainability, avoiding mission drift. In order to achieve the proposed objective, it was conducted a multiple case study, with four accelerators, working with social enterprises. The sources of mission drift, as well as the strategies to avoid the phenomenon during the acceleration were identified through the understanding of the role that the accelerators exercise in maintaining the hybrid business logic in the business fueled by them, contributing, in this way, with the theoretical and managerial field. The theoretical implications of the study consist in the identification of the influence that the accelerators exert over the social enterprises boosted by them, through the strategies used to ensure the maintenance of the hybrid logic, contributing to the study of institutional logics as well as to the phenomenon of mission drift. Regarding the managerial contributions, the study provides a set of strategies to be used by the accelerators, in order to ensure and monitor the maintenance of the balance between the creation of social value and the financial sustainability in the business accelerated by them.
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A relação família-escola: diferentes lógicas de ação na experiência escolar / The school-family relationship: different logics of action within the school experienceAlmeida, Simone de 30 March 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work started from the inquiry about the mechanisms of effective participation and/or presence of families inside the school. The choice of the research object was due to the professional existence related to the partnership among the institutions and, on the other hand, to the mutual responsibility for the child/student s development. The main objective of this work was to investigate how and whether the participation of parents/relatives occurs at school or not, especially in the last grades of Primary School, which consist of the grades from 6th to 9th (previously called 5th to 8th grades), approaching the participation/presence in both public and private schools. This research was accomplished in a state public school (taking into consideration that the city public schools analyzed principally attend the initial grades of the Primary School) and a private school, both located in the city of Mogi das Cruzes, in the state of São Paulo. The schools were chosen taking as an important criterion the existence of classrooms from the last grades of Primary School and because they were schools belonging to neighborhoods, whose public mainly consisted of the surrounding neighbors who, therefore, would have more conditions to establish an affective relationship with the community. The data analysis was accomplished taking into account the theoretical references by some authors from the Social Sciences, considering Dubet s concepts of social experience and logics of action and Lahire s, Thin s and Vincent s concept of school form. To collect the data, we interviewed eight teachers, two representatives of the director team and nine students parents/relatives. We also conducted non-participant observations within the school environment, in situations with the families, as well as we proceeded to the analysis of documents (Director Plan, regarding both the public and private schools, and the specific legislation). According to the results obtained and considering the different realities investigated in this work, it is possible to point out some tendencies in the relationships established between the families and the schools, which suggest that, although the raised hypothesis lead to essentially strategic actions considering the private school, and actions designed by the subjectivizing logic, considering the public school, the construction of the social experience of the relationships happens by means of the heterogeneity of the cultural and social principles that organize the representatives behavior in both socialization institutions / Esta pesquisa partiu do questionamento sobre os mecanismos de efetiva participação e/ou presença das famílias na escola. A escolha pelo objeto de pesquisa foi decorrente das vivências profissionais relacionadas à tão aclamada parceria entre as instituições e, por outro lado, à responsabilização mútua pelo desenvolvimento dos filhos/alunos. O objetivo central do trabalho foi investigar como e se ocorre a participação dos pais/ familiares na escola, sobretudo no Ensino Fundamental II, que compreende as turmas de 6º a 9º ano (5ª à 8ª séries), abordando tanto a participação/presença em escola pública, quanto em escola da rede privada. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola pública estadual (tendo em vista que a rede de ensino municipal em questão atende majoritariamente o ciclo I ou séries iniciais do ensino fundamental) e uma escola privada, ambas localizadas na cidade de Mogi das Cruzes- SP. As escolas foram escolhidas tomando como critério fundamental a existência de turmas de ensino fundamental II e o fato de serem escolas de bairro, que atendem primordialmente os moradores dos arredores e que, portanto, teriam mais condições de estabelecer uma relação efetiva com a comunidade. A análise dos dados realizou-se à luz de referencial teórico de autores das Ciências Sociais, em especial com os conceitos de experiência social e lógicas de ação de F. Dubet e o conceito de forma escolar desenvolvido por Lahire, Thin e Vincent. Para coleta de dados foram realizadas entrevistas com oito professores, dois representantes da equipe de gestores e nove pais/familiares de alunos. Foram também realizadas observações não-participantes nos ambientes escolares, em situações de relação com as famílias, bem como procedeu-se à análise de documentos (Plano de Gestão, no caso da escola pública, Plano Diretor, no caso da escola da rede privada e legislação específica). De acordo com os resultados obtidos e tendo em vista as diferentes realidades investigadas neste trabalho, é possível vislumbrar algumas tendências nas relações estabelecidas entre as famílias e as escolas, as quais sugerem que, embora a hipótese levantada aponte para ações fundamentalmente estratégicas, no caso da escola privada, e ações delineadas pela lógica da subjetivação, no caso da escola pública, a construção da experiência social das relações se faz por meio da heterogeneidade dos princípios culturais e sociais que organizam as condutas dos representantes de ambas as instituições socializadoras
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