Spelling suggestions: "subject:"agogics"" "subject:"biogics""
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Mirroring Gender Diversity: is Reporting a Reflection ofthe TMT? : A Quantitative Study of Gender Diversity Disclosure in Swedish State-Owned EnterprisesKarlsson, Stina January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain how the gender diversity of the top management team affects the disclosure strategy regarding gender diversity, in state-owned enterprises. The study, in addition, tests if hybridity, conceptualized as conflicting institutional logics, has a moderating effect on this relationship. Theoretical perspectives: With its starting point in the upper echelon theory, the study uses both positive accounting theory and signaling theory to explain managers’ disclosure decision, where the intuitional logics approach represents the moderating decision-making context. Methodology: The study is based within the positivistic paradigm, following a deductive approach and quantitative methodology. Both the textual and visual diversity content of the annual reports of 30 state-owned enterprises over a 5-year period, is collected and analyzed using the Spearman correlation matrix and multiple regression analysis. The moderating effect of hybridity is tested through hierarchical moderated multiple regression analysis. Findings: The findings of the study provide partial support for the relationship between the gender diversity of the top management team and gender diversity disclosure, suggesting that the influence of management depends on the means of disclosure. No support is found for the claim that hybridity has a positive moderating effect on this relationship. However, incorporating hybridity stills indicates that integrating the institutional context into the upper-echelons model facilitates understanding about the relationship, by establishing conditional boundaries and identifying main effects.
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Pratiques d’entreprises et extension de l’informalisation au secteur minier formel ouest-africain : analyse comparée des réponses d’acteurs francophones et anglophones.Viagbo, Komi Mawunam 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse part du constat que les cadres théoriques explicatifs des relations d’emploi sont plus adaptés au contexte occidental et ne permettent pas d’expliquer les réalités des pays en développement en général et de l’Afrique subsaharienne en particulier. Elle s’appuie sur les pratiques d’informalisation des emplois miniers par l’externalisation au Ghana et en Côte d’Ivoire pour proposer une théorie appropriée au contexte de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. La question principale de la recherche est la suivante : quelles logiques orientent les acteurs dans leur positionnement face au processus d’informalisation des emplois miniers en Afrique de l’Ouest ? De cette question principale ont découlé les questions secondaires à savoir : que comprendre de l’option des entreprises minières pour les pratiques d’informalisation des emplois? Comment expliquer les stratégies gouvernementales dans l’encadrement ou non de ces pratiques? Et que dire des stratégies de l’acteur syndical ou des communautés locales (autorités/chefferies traditionnelles) face à ces pratiques?
Pour répondre à ces questions, la thèse s’est appuyée sur une comparaison des contextes coloniaux anglophone et francophone de l’Afrique de l’Ouest pour s'interroger sur l’influence des trajectoires et traditions institutionnelles sur les logiques des acteurs contemporains des relations d’emploi. Elle a mobilisé des ressources théoriques complémentaires issues de l’institutionnalisme historique, des variétés de capitalismes, de l’histoire des pays et des théories du système monde et du capitalisme périphérique. La méthodologie est quant à elle basée sur un devis qualitatif, avec une analyse multiniveau et des études de cas comparatives d’entreprises minières au Ghana et en Côte d’Ivoire. Au total, quatre entreprises minières à raison de deux par pays (une entreprise originaire du Canada et une autre originaire de l’Inde dans chacun des pays hôtes) ont été étudiées. Des entrevues ont été réalisées auprès de 33 personnes ressources identifiées au sein de ces entreprises et dans les institutions sectorielles et nationales des relations industrielles. Cette approche méthodologique a permis d’appréhender les contextes nationaux des relations d’emploi dans les deux pays étudiés, mais aussi les logiques mobilisées par les acteurs, aux échelles nationales et des entreprises, face aux pratiques d’externalisation des emplois.
L’analyse des données collectées a permis de constater qu’au niveau des acteurs gouvernementaux des deux pays, la logique a évolué de l’organisation juridique autour de l’emploi formel à durée indéterminée comme norme à la déréglementation et à l’intégration des pratiques d’externalisation grâce aux réformes introduites dans le cadre des programmes d’ajustement structurel. Dans les deux pays, l’influence des organisations internationales notamment le FMI et la BM est déterminante dans l’adoption de cette posture idéologique de la régulation flexible des relations d’emploi. Les logiques patronales d’informalisation des emplois dans les deux pays s’inscrivent, quant à elles, dans des dynamiques de rationalisation de la gestion et donc de maximisation des profits. Toutefois, la thèse a permis de mettre en évidence un effet « pays d’origine de la mine » qui peut affecter la forme de la pratique d’externalisation adoptée, particulièrement en Côte d’Ivoire où les mécanismes de suivi de l’application de la loi ne sont pas aussi contraignants qu’au Ghana. Enfin, les logiques syndicales s’inscrivent davantage dans le cadre institutionnel national d’organisation de l’action syndicale. Au Ghana, la nature décentralisée de l’organisation syndicale est plus favorable à l’exclusion des travailleurs externalisés alors que le cadre centralisé ivoirien se prête davantage à l’unité d’action entre travailleurs externalisés et travailleurs de l’entreprise utilisatrice.
En somme, la thèse soutient que pour comprendre les logiques d’acteurs syndicaux et gouvernementaux face aux pratiques d’informalisation des emplois, il convient de considérer le degré d’autonomie des États par rapport à l’influence des institutions internationales notamment la BM, le FMI et l’OIT. Au-delà de ces organisations, il importe aussi de savoir la façon dont le facteur colonial continue d'influencer les pratiques et logiques d’acteurs de ces pays notamment par le maintien des modèles juridiques hérités, l’utilisation par les tribunaux de la jurisprudence des anciennes puissances colonisatrices et l’alignement des pratiques institutionnelles contemporaines sur les modèles de ces anciennes puissances. Pour ce qui est des entreprises, les données de la thèse appuient l’idée que les pratiques d’externalisation s’inscrivent dans une logique de maximisation des profits, mais elles sont modulées en fonction du contexte national d’implantation des entreprises. Dans un environnement où il y a un mécanisme de suivi rigoureux de l’application des lois, toutes les entreprises ont tendance à avoir des pratiques similaires. En revanche, dans un contexte où le mécanisme de suivi est moins efficace et moins rigoureux on a tendance à observer des comportements d’entreprises qu’on peut relier à leurs pays d’origine.
Finalement, les niveaux de responsabilités et la place accordés aux autorités locales dans les contextes nationaux peuvent entraîner l'implication plus ou moins importante de ces dernières dans les pratiques d’emploi. / This thesis starts from the observation that the theoretical frameworks explaining employment relations are more adapted to the Western context and make it difficult to explain the realities of developing countries in general and sub-Saharan Africa in particular. It draws on the practices of informalization of mining jobs through outsourcing in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire to propose an appropriate theory to the West African context. The main question of the research is the following: what logic guides the actors in their positioning facing the process of informalization of mining jobs in West Africa? From this main question arose secondary questions, like: What to understand from the practice of jobs informalization in the mining companies? How can we explain government strategies regarding the regulation or lack of regulation of these practices? And what can we say about the strategies of the union actor or local communities (traditional authorities/chiefdoms) regarding these practices?
To answer these questions, the thesis relied on a comparison of the English-speaking and French-speaking colonial contexts of West Africa to question the influence of trajectories and institutional traditions on the logics of contemporary actors of employment relations. It mobilized complementary theoretical resources from historical institutionalism, varieties of capitalism, the history of countries and theories of the world system and peripheral capitalism. The methodology is based on a qualitative estimate, with a multilevel analysis and comparative case studies of mining companies in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. A total of four mining companies, two companies per country one from Canada and another one from India in each of the two countries, were studied. Interviews were conducted with 33 individuals selected within these companies and in sectoral and national industrial relations institutions. This methodological approach made it possible to understand the national contexts of employment relations in the two countries studied, but also the logics mobilized by the actors at the national and company levels, relating to jobs outsourcing.
The analysis of the data collected has shown that at the level of the government actors of the two countries, the logic has evolved from the legal organization around formal permanent employment to deregulation and the integration of outsourcing practices through reforms introduced under structural adjustment programs. In both countries, the influence of international organizations, particularly the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, is decisive in the adoption of this ideological posture of flexible regulation of employment relations. The employers' logic of jobs informalization in the two countries is more in line with the dynamics of rationalization of management and therefore maximization of profits. However, the research has revealed a "country of origin effect" in those mining companies. This effect affects the form of the outsourcing practice adopted, particularly in Côte d'Ivoire where the mechanisms for monitoring the application of the law are not as restrictive as in Ghana. Finally, Union logics are aligned with the national institutional framework, which organize union action. In Ghana, the decentralized nature of union organization is more favorable to the exclusion of outsourced workers, while the Ivorian centralized framework lends itself more to unity of action between outsourced workers and workers from the mining company.
Ultimately, the thesis argues that to understand the logics of union and government actors faced with the practices of informalization of mining jobs through outsourcing, it is appropriate to consider the degree of autonomy of countries in relation to the influence of international institutions, notably the WB, the IMF and the ILO. Beyond these organizations, it is also important to know the way in which the colonial factor continues to influence the practices and logic of actors, particularly through the maintenance of inherited legal models, the use by courts of case law of the former colonizing powers and the alignment of contemporary institutional practices on the models of these former powers. As for companies, the data from the thesis supports the idea that outsourcing practices are part of a profit maximization logic, but they are modulated according to the national context in which the companies are established. In an environment where there is a rigorous monitoring mechanism for law enforcement, all companies tend to have similar practices. On the other hand, in a context where the monitoring mechanism is less effective and less rigorous, we tend to observe behaviors of companies that can be linked to their countries of origin. Finally, the levels of responsibilities and the place granted to local authorities in national contexts can lead to more or less significant involvement in employment practices.
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Vem bär ansvaret för skolmobbning i den digitala världen? : En kvalitativ studie om hur skolpersonal och vårdnadshavare upplever hantering av nätmobbning / Who is responsible for school bullying in the digital world? : A qualitative study on how school personnel and guardians experience dealing with cyberbullyingLundström, Hilda, Alakari, Jenna January 2024 (has links)
Denna magisteruppsats undersöker hur skolpersonal och vårdnadshavare upplever ansvaret kring hantering av nätmobbning i svenska kommunala grundskolor. Uppsatsen fokuserar på var rektorer, lärare och vårdnadshavare drar gränser för skolans roll i att hantera nätmobbningen, och hur ansvaret förhandlas utifrån deras yrkesroller och roller som vårdnadshavare. För att undersöka dessa teman har en kvalitativ metodansats använts, där semistrukturerade intervjuer och tematisk analys av materialet har genomförts. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av ett teoretiskt ramverk som inkluderar olika gränsteorier, såväl som olika professionella och privata logiker, vilka härstammar från teorier om institutionella logiker. I resultaten av studien identifierades tre olika typer av gränsdragningar, där gränsdragningar kopplade till kännedom, fysisk plats, och tidsmässiga aspekter var mest framstående. Resultaten pekar även på att rektorer i stor utsträckning styrs av en byråkratisk logik, lärare av en yrkesprofessionell logik, och vårdnadshavare av en vårdnadshavarlogik, vilka påverkar deras förhandlingar om ansvar över hantering av nätmobbning. / This master's thesis examines how school personnel and guardians perceive the responsibility of dealing with cyberbullying in Swedish elementary schools. The thesis focuses on where principals, teachers and guardians draw the boundaries of the school's role in handling cyberbullying, and how the responsibility is negotiated based on their professional roles and roles as guardians. To investigate these themes, a qualitative methodological approach has been used, where semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis of the material have been carried out. The material has been analyzed using a theoretical framework that includes different boundary theories, as well as different professional and private logics, which derive from theories of institutional logics. The results of the study show three different types of border creations, where demarcations linked to knowledge, physical location, and temporal aspects were most prominent. The results also indicate that principals are widely governed by bureaucratic logic, teachers by professional teacher logic, and guardians by guardian logic, which influence their negotiations about responsibility of handling cyberbullying.
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Verksamhetsstyrning i svensk elithockey : En kvalitativ studie om styrning av ekonomisk, sportslig & social prestation / Management control in Swedish elite-hockey : A qualitative study of management ofeconomic, sporting and social performanceKarlsson, Johan, Nicklasson, Robin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Svenska elithockeyorganisationer behöver ta hänsyn till många olika aspekter. Till att börja med behöver de prestera sportsligt. Samtidigt finns det andra typer av prestationer som också är viktiga. Organisationerna behöver dels prestera ekonomiskt, inte minst för att uppfylla kraven för elitlicens och överhuvudtaget kunna bedriva sin verksamhet. De har också en samhällelig roll och behöver prestera sociala värden av olika slag. Det finns vidare olika typer av intressenter som har olika preferenser och vill få ut olika saker från idrottsorganisationerna. Detta påverkar verksamhetsstyrningen. De speciella kraven på styrning, samt att det finns flera verkliga fall från när svenska elithockeyklubbar har misslyckats med sin styrning, gör det praktiskt relevant att skapa ytterligare förståelse för ämnet. Dessutom har den kommersialisering som sportbranschen stått inför de senaste åren inneburit många förändringar för sportbranschen i allmänhet. Att branschen förändras innebär att det behövs mer frekventa undersökningar vilket gör studien teoretiskt relevant. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva och skapa förståelse för hur verksamhetsstyrning går till i elitihockeyorganisationer, och i synnerhet hur de styr ekonomisk, sportslig och social prestation. Metod: Studien är kvalitativ och har ett deduktivt angreppssätt, där en konceptuell modell skapad av tidigare litteratur låg till grund för intervjufrågor. Empiri samlades in genom 11 semistrukturerade intervjuer med ekonomichefer, sportchefer samt en klubbchef. Totalt ingår 5 klubbar i SHL och 3 klubbar i hockeyallsvenskan i studien. Empirin analyserades sedan med den framtagna konceptuella modellen som grund. Slutsats: Med hjälp av litteratur identiferas sex nyckelkomponenter för verksamhetsstyrningssystem: vsion, nyckelfaktorer för framgång, organisationsstruktur, strategi och planering, prestationsmätning samt belöningssystem. Studien visar att elithockeyorganisationer generellt använder många av de olika komponenterna, och att användningen av respektive komponent i flera fall går att relatera till ekonomisk, sportslig och social prestation. I svenska elithockeyorganisationer finns det vidare olika interna viljor som rör ekonomisk, sportslig och social prestation. Dessa viljor formas bland annat av de många olika krav som finns från nyckelintressenter. Hur viljorna samspelar är olika beroende på tidsperspektiv. På lång sikt samverkar ofta viljorna, medan det på kort sikt kan uppstå situationer som skapar konflikt. / Background: Swedish elite hockey organizations need to take multiple aspects into account. To begin with, they need to make sure that they perform athletically. However, there are also other kinds of performances that are important to the organizations. For example, they need to perform economically, not least in order to actually be allowed to play in the Swedish leagues. Furthermore, they need to perform socially, and produce social values of different kinds. This is all affected by the organizations´ stakeholders, who in many cases have different opinions as to what performances should be prioritized. All of these factors affect the management of the organizations. The special needs for management control, along with the real cases of failure in management of Swedish elite-hockey organizations, mean that there is practical relevance in investigating the subject. Furthermore, the sports industry has undergone extensive changes the past few years, and the industry has become more commercialized. These changes strengthen the theoretical relevance of a study in the field. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe and create an understanding of how management control is done in elite hockey organizations, and in particular how they control economic, sporting and social performance. Method: The study is qualitative and has a deductive approach, where a conceptual model created from previous literature was the basis for interview questions. Empirical data was collected through 11 semi-structured interviews with chief financial officers, sport directors and a club director. A total of 5 clubs in the SHL and 3 clubs in Hockeyallsvenskan are included in the study. The empirical data was then analyzed using the conceptual model as a basis. Conclusion: Using the literature, six key components of management control systems were identified: vision, key success factors, organizational structure, strategy and planning, performance measurements and reward systems. The study shows that elite hockey organizations generally use many of the different components, and that the respective use of components can in several cases be related to economic, sporting and social performance. Furthermore, in Swedish elite hockey organizations there are other various internal wills that relate to economic, sporting and social performance. These wills are shaped by the many different demands that exist from key stakeholders. How these wills interact is different depending on the time perspective. In the long term, the wills often work together, while in the short term there can be situations that create conflict.
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Konstruktionen av CSR : Klädföretags agerande efter institutionella logiker / The construction of CSR – Apparel companies acting upon institutional logicsPalmberg, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Konceptet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och varför företag väljer att arbeta med det debatteras av många, inom akademin såväl som utanför. Dock finns det en oenighet i vad som inkluderas i ett företags arbete med CSR. Denna studie hävdar att nuvarande teorier som används är oförmögna att förklara den komplexa omgivning som företag verkar inom och därmed inte lyckas ge ett bra svar på denna studies syfte, om hur CSR är konstruerat. Studien nyttjar teorin om institutionell logik som verktyg för att kunna utforska företags arbete med CSR i en komplex omgivning och diskursteori för att åskådliggöra innebörden av CSR och dess konstruktion. Trots mycket forskning inom institutionella logiker, skiljer sig denna studie genom sin användning av CSR-rapporter, insamlade från företag i den uppmärksammade klädbranschen, som källor till data.Studien konstaterar att ett klädföretags arbete med CSR utgår från flera parallella, ofta motstridiga, institutionella logiker som formas genom en komplex omgivnings många olika påtryckningar. Studiens resultat beskriver dessutom ett CSR som inkluderar en moralisk ställning där företagen utför filantropiska handlingar, bortom behovet för deras egen verksamhet. Härigenom illustreras en diskursiv konstruktion av CSR som är lika komplex som den omgivningen där företagen verkar, med flera parallella logiker som influerar. Genom svarandet av syftet, gör studien två bidrag till teorin om institutionell logik. I identifieringen av institutionella logiker blir en helt ny institutionell ordning bekräftad. Slutligen, i användningen av CSR-rapporter för analys, uppvisar studien även hur organisationers egna texter kan användas för att identifiera institutionella logiker.Två implikationer kan göras, där den första rör den makt som företagets olika intressenter har i att influera vad CSR innebär och på så sätt också driva påverkan, som betydande komponenter av en omgivning som företagen visar stor följsamhet till. Den andra implikationen berör nödvändigheten i företags beaktande av en CSR-diskurs som inkluderar en moralisk dimension, med ett åtagande som går bortom intresset för den egna verksamheten. / The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and why companies choose to engage in such task is debated by many, both within the academy as well as outside it. There is however a disagreement in what is included in a company’s engagement in CSR activities. This study argues that current theories in use, are unable to explain the complex environment in which companies operate and therefore incapable of providing good answers to this study’s purpose, concerning how CSR is constructed. This study draws on the theory of institutional logics as a tool in exploring a company’s engagement in CSR in a complex environment and discourse theory in visualizing the meaning of CSR as well as its construction. Despite a great amount of research in institutional logics, this study departs from previous research in its exclusive use of CSR-reports, gathered from companies in the remarkable apparel industry, as sources of data.This study concludes that an apparel company´s engagement in CSR activities emanates from several, often contradictive, institutional logics that take form through numerous different pressures in the environment. The result of the study calls for a CSR that includes a moral stance where the companies perform philanthropic deeds, beyond the needs of their own business. Hereby, the study displays a discursive construction of CSR that is equally complex as the environments in which the companies operate, with numerous different yet parallel logics influencing. In answering the purpose, the study makes two contributions to the theory of institutional logics. In identifying the institutional logics, an entirely new institutional order is acknowledged. Lastly, in using CSR-reports in the analysis, this study shows how texts of organisation´s own making can be used in identifying institutional logics.Two implications can be made, the first being the power that different stakeholder of the company has in influencing the meaning of CSR and how they themselves are part of the process. Thus being able to drive change, as important components in an environment to which companies show great compliance. The second implication concerns the necessity in company’s consideration to a discourse of CSR that includes a moral dimension, comprising a commitment that goes beyond a vested interest for the business.
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The Scottish national screen agency : justifications of worthAlvarez, Fabiola January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of the former national screen agency in Scotland, which was in charge of distributing public funds for screen activity between 1997 and 2010. It examines how external factors such as cultural policy and internal factors such as individual approaches to film funding, affected the agency's perception and remit. The study draws on the institutional logics perspective (Thornton et al., 2012) to frame the interplay of two competing imperatives, one commercial, one creative, affecting the creative industries in Scotland and Scottish Screen's activities more specifically. However, it goes beyond this duality by examining more nuanced factors which significantly affected the organisation's trajectory and remit. Taking into account the predominant logic(s) throughout Scottish Screen's history and focusing on organisational responses during moments of transition or conflict, I use the analytical framework developed by Boltanski and Thévenot in On Justification (2006) to examine criticisms, justifications, and attempts at compromising expressed through official and non-official channels. The thesis outlines how opinions and decisions stemming from disparate views of what is “worthy” affected the agency's activity and funding decisions, as well as the dialogue with its stakeholders. The conclusions extracted from my findings inform existing literature on responses to plurality and challenge some claims made by institutional logic scholars: the first conclusion is that lack of conflict between logics does not necessarily translate into lack organisational conflict, as the latter often derives from different orders of worth which override the commercial-creative logic divide and are incompatible amongst themselves. The second conclusion, related to the first one, is that stability may be enhanced (at least temporarily) in a professional environment dominated by a plurality of logics as long as there is compatibility amongst the orders of worth set forth in pursuit of organisational goals. A third conclusion is related to the examination of some contributions to the orders of worth perspective and the study of plurality and instability in organisational practices, notably Boltanski and Chiapello's (2007) depiction of a seventh world of worth called the ‘projective city' (underpinned by the higher value of activity aimed at creating or maintaining ever-changing networks), and David Stark's (2009) study of plurality and ambiguity management in organisations. My findings suggest that organisational models based on pervasive, horizontal networks capable of transgressing traditional hierarchical structures were never fully deployed in Scottish Screen - traces of these practices are identified, but, overall, actors defended more traditional organisational scripts.
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Living on the slippery slope : the nature, sources and logic of vaguenessZardini, Elia January 2008 (has links)
According to the dominant approach in the theory of vagueness, the nature of the vagueness of an expression ‘F’ consists in its presenting borderline cases in an appropriately ordered series: objects which are neither definitely F nor definitely not F (where the notion of definiteness can be semantic, ontic, epistemic, psychological or primitive). In view of the various problems faced by theories of vagueness adopting the dominant approach, the thesis proposes to reconsider the naive theory of vagueness, according to which the nature of the vagueness of an expression consists in its not drawing boundaries between any neighbouring objects in an appropriately ordered series. It is argued that expressions and concepts which do present this feature play an essential role in our cognitive and practical life, allowing us to conceptualize—in a way which would otherwise be impossible—the typically coarse-grained distinctions we encounter in reality. Despite its strong initial plausibility and ability to explain many phenomena of vagueness, the naive theory is widely rejected because thought to be shown inconsistent by the sorites paradox. In reply, it is first argued that accounts of vagueness based on the dominant approach are themselves subject to higher-order sorites paradoxes. The paradox is then solved on behalf of the naive theory by rejecting the unrestricted transitivity of the consequence relation on a vague language; a family of logics apt for reasoning with vague expressions is proposed and studied (using models with partially ordered values). The characteristic philosophical and logical consequences of this novel solution are developed and defended in detail. In particular, it is shown how the analysis of what happens in the attempt of surveying a sorites series and deciding each case allows the naive theory to recover a "thin" notion of a borderline case.
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Représentation et raisonnement formels pour le pronostic basé sur l'imagerie médicale microscropique. Application à la graduation du cancer du sein.Tutac Épouse Branici, Adina 22 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse aborde l'aide du pronostic basée sur l'image et les ontologies médicales, en utilisant la représentation des connaissances et le raisonnement pour les très grandes images microscopiques. Une application médicale particulière dans laquelle une assistance de type pronostic est nécessaire est la graduation du cancer du sein. Même si cela est considéré comme un outil d'évaluation essentiel dans la pratique de pathologie moderne, les principaux problèmes posés par la procédure manuelle de pronostic sont : la nécessité des connaissances, attention et temps. D'autre part, le manque de représentation sémantique formelle standardisée pour aider l'indexation et la classification de la terminologie, ainsi que l'utilisation d'un mécanisme d'inférence pour assister la graduation représentent des problématiques clé du domaine. Dans ce sens, cette étude propose une représentation formelle qualitative pour la graduation du cancer du sein ainsi qu'une ontologie d'application Breast Cancer Grading Ontology (BCGO) pour décrire les connaissances d'une manière cohérente. Une autre question que nous adressons en proposant l'ontologie est le fossé sémantique entre les concepts sémantiques de haut niveau et les caractéristiques de l'image de bas niveau. En plus, nous proposons un soutien de théorie spatiale pour la représentation des relations spatiales entre les concepts spécifiques à la graduation du cancer du sein. L'ontologie BCGO est intégré dans une plateforme microscopique cognitif virtuelle MICO pour l'exploration visuelle, l'indexation et l'extraction sémantique de l'image microscopique.
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L'orientation des élèves de classe de seconde à l'aune de l'approche communicationnelle : le cas d'un établissement de l'académie de Montpellier / The career choice of "seconde" or fifth form pupils in terms of communicative approach : the case of a secondary school in the académie of MontpellierMoutouh, Jean 21 June 2011 (has links)
Ce tapuscrit propose de comprendre par l’approche communicationnelle le choix d’orientation des élèves de seconde d’un établissement de l’académie de Montpellier. Cette recherche est à visée exploratoire, elle part du postulat que le sens donné par l’élève de seconde à son choix d’orientation se construit en situation, ici et maintenant. Nous défendons une position épistémologique de « convention constructiviste ». Nous souhaitons répondre à la problématique suivante : quelles sont les interactions entre l’élève de seconde et le contexte dans lequel il évolue lors de son choix d’orientation ? Nous choisissons la technique d’analyse systémique qualitative des relations humaines permettant la mise en exergue des formes des échanges entre tous les acteurs (humains et idéels) en présence dans la situation observée. Cette analyse fait apparaître la dynamique du système et la règle du jeu qui s’instaure. Les formes des échanges prennent alors une signification lorsqu’elles sont replacées dans le système. Les conclusions issues de cette analyse offrent des angles d’interventions à différents niveaux. L’approche par les SIC d’un objet de recherche principalement étudié en Sciences de l’éducation, ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour aborder la thématique de l’orientation, et ce tout le long de la vie. / The aim of this typescript is to understand, through a communicative approach, the career choice of "seconde" pupils in the académie of Montpellier. Our exploratory research starts from the fact that the pupils choose their future career on a "here and now" basis. What we have here is the epistemological approach of a constructivist consensus. We will try to answer the following question : What are the interactions between the pupils and their environment at the moment of their career choice?We have chosen the technique of qualitative systemic analysis of human relations to underline the forms of exchange between all the actors (either human or conceptual) present in the observed situation. This analysis brings out the dynamics of the system and the rules that govern it. The exchange forms become meaningful when considered within the system. The conclusions drawn from this analysis provide angles of interventions on different levels. The SIC approach of a research object studied in the light of education Sciences opens up new perspectives in the field of career choice, and this, throughout life.
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Fysisk aktivitet - ett eget val? : En enkätstudie om vad som påverkar ungdomars fysiska aktivitetKorhonen, Anja, Åberg Zingmark, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Physical inactivity is a growing concern among adolescents, which is the fundamental issue addressed in this study. The purpose of this study was to gain more knowledge about adolescents’ physical activity habits and the factors that influence physical activity. The study was based on a questionnaire consisting of 23 questions. The participants were 149 upper secondary school pupils between 15-19 years old from Östersund who studied both theoretically and practically oriented programs. Based on the World Health Organization [WHO] recommendations on physical activity the adolescents were categorized as active and inactive, and then compared with various background factors that previous research has demonstrated as being important determinants of physical activity. These factors were socioeconomic background, parental influence, sex and ethnicity. The results showed that most active adolescents are also active in sports clubs (p <0.05), has the highest final grade in the subject physical education and health in school year 9 (p <0.05), attends a theoretical program (p <0, 05), has a high educational capital (p <0.05), has a high sporting capital (p <0.05), is more motivated to physical activity (p <0.05) and have more support from their parents (p <0.05). The results was discussed by using the framework suggested by Bourdieu, habitus and capital.
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