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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza marketingových komunikací vybraných nových bank na českém trhu / Analysis of marketing communication of selected new banks on the Czech market

Stráníková, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyze marketing communication of new banks which entered the Czech market in 2011. The first part of the thesis contains the theoretical background regarding marketing in services, marketing communication and methodology of market research. The practical part deals with the analysis and comparison of marketing communication of Zuno, Air Bank and Equa bank. The practical part contains own quantitative and qualitative market research focused on perception of marketing communication of these banks by the public and their clients. Based on this research and SWOT analysis the possibilities of improvement in the future are presented at the end of the thesis.

Kroppslängd : En studie om kroppslängdens påverkan på passformen

Lundkvist Grönberg, Anni January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie är en kandidatuppsats i designteknik. Bakgrunden till arbetet är en fältstudie som genomfördes våren 2019. Fältstudien spenderades på ett modeföretag, specifikt på en avdelning som tar fram damkläder. Under den tiden jobbade avdelningen med att ta fram plagg för kvinnor som är kortare än genomsnittet. Det gav upphov till idén att undersöka området närmare eftersom det är stor efterfrågan på dessa specialstorlekar. Syftet med studien är att identifiera skillnader i mått och passform mellan en storlek för medellånga jämfört med en kortare storleksserie, samt att analysera marknadens utbud av nämnda specialstorlek. I arbetet med studien togs tre grundmönster för blus fram. Första grundmönstret utgick från en standardmåttlista för en genomsnittslängd. De andra två konstruerades för kvinnor under genomsnittslängd. Den ena togs fram efter marknadens kroppsmått och den andra utifrån en standardmåttlista under medellängd, för att kunna påvisa differenser i passform. Därefter verifierades passformen genom avprovning på personer under genomsnittslängd. Resultatet efter avprovningarna visade att grundmönstret skapat efter standardmåttlistan hade bättre passform än marknadens mönster. / This report is a bachelor essay in garment technology. The background for this report is a field study that took place during spring 2019. The field study was carried out at a fashion company, specifically at a department that produces women’s clothes. During that period the department was in the process of creating garments for women of short stature. That sparked the idea to investigate the field a bit closer, due to the big demand for well fitted garments among shorter women. The aim of the study is to identify differences in fit between a size for women of average height and women of shorter stature, and to analyze the market’s assortment of shorter sizes. In this study three basic patterns were constructed. The first pattern was created from a standard measurement chart for women of average height. The other two was constructed for shorter women. One was developed according to the market’s body measurements and the other based on a standard measurement chart for women below average height, to be able to determine differences in fit. The fit was then verified through fittings on models of shorter stature. The result showed that the pattern developed from a standard measurement chart had a better fit than the pattern based on the market’s body measurements.

The Ethical Implications of Incorporating Managed Care into the Australian Health Care Context

McCabe, Helen, res.cand@acu.edu.au January 2004 (has links)
AIMS Managed care is a market model of health care distribution, aspects of which are being incorporated into the Australian health care environment. Justifications for adopting managed care lie in purported claims to higher levels of efficiency and greater ‘consumer’ choice. The purpose of this research, then, is to determine the ethical implications of adapting this particular administrative model to Australia’s health care system. In general, it is intended to provide ethical guidance for health care administrators and policy-makers, health care practitioners, patients and the wider community. SCOPE Managed care emerges as a product of the contemporary, neo-liberal market with which it is inextricably linked. In order to understand the nature of this concept, then, this research necessarily includes a limited account of the nature of the market in which managed care is situated and disseminated. While a more detailed examination of the neo-liberal market is worthy of a thesis in itself, this project attends, less ambitiously, to two general concerns. Firstly, against a background of various histories of health care distribution, it assesses the market’s propensity for upholding the moral requirements of health care distributive decision-making. This aspect of the analysis is informed by a framework for health care morality the construction of which accompanies an inquiry into the moral nature of health care, including a deliberation about rights-claims to health care and the proper means of its distribution. Secondly, by way of offering a precautionary tale, it examines the organisational structures and regulations by which its expansionary ambitions are promoted and realised. CONCLUSIONS As a market solution to the problem of administering health care resources, the pursuit of cost-control, if not actual profit, becomes the primary objective of health care activity under managed care. Hence, the moral purposes of health care provision, as pursued within the therapeutic relationship and expressed through the social provision of health care, are displaced by the economic purposes of the ‘free’ market. Accordingly, the integrity of both health care practitioners and communities is corrupted. At the same time, it is demonstrated that the claims of managed care proponents to higher levels of efficiency are largely unfounded; indeed, under managed care, health care costs have continued to rise. At the same time, levels of access to health care have deteriorated. These adverse outcomes of managed care are borne, most particularly, by poorer members of communities. Further, contrary to the claims of its proponents, choice as to the availability and kinds of health care services is diminished. Moreover, the competitive market in which managed care is situated has given rise to a plethora of bankruptcies, mergers and alliances in the United States where the market is now characterised by oligopoly and monopoly providers. In this way, a viable market in health care is largely disproved. Nonetheless, when protected within a non-market context and subject to the requirements of justice, a limited number of managed care techniques can assist Australia’s efforts to conserve the resources of health care. However, any more robust adoption of this concept would be ethically indefensible.

The Comfort of Men: A Critical History of Managerial and Professional Men in Post-war Modernisation, Australia 1945-1965.

Trudinger, Dave January 2004 (has links)
This thesis is a critical history of managerial and professional men in post-Second World War Australia. The attention that I have given managerial and professional men has been determined by my own political desire to problematise the continued accomplishment of hegemony. As subjects, these men and their discursive practices enable scrutiny of the regenerative labour necessary to sustain power and necessary to realise the material results that accrue to those performing such work. My thesis examines the practices of particular groups of managerial and professional men within four discrete social settings or terrain during the post-war period. I interrogate the operations of managerial and professional men in personnel management (the terrain of work), in market research (the terrain of the market), in parenting and marriage guidance (the terrain of the family) and in the service club Rotary (the terrain of the civic). In each of these terrains I find managerial and professional men framing problems and enacting solutions. A process or intervention that makes natural the connections of interest (of advantage or disadvantage) being constantly recreated; an intervention that expresses a comfort with the mechanics and entailments of hegemony. To enable my critical history I apply, in each terrain, a framework comprising three core elements. I historicize the accomplishment of hegemony; testing the emergence of government and positive expressions of power during post-war modernisation in the local contexts of managerial and professional men�s interventions. I people hegemony; identifying the practices of managerial and professional men as resources for doing social relations (in particular the relations of gender and class) and crucial to the operation of hegemony. And, thirdly, I demonstrate the interventions of these men to be interested; unravelling the possessive investments managerial and professional men make through their interventions. My scrutiny of managerial and profession men and their practices, my choice of terrains in which to study them, my analysis of the process enacted in these terrain and the sources that I have utilised are not intended to assemble a biography of men�s experiences or ideal masculinities. Rather, my thesis provides a biography of interventions in order to disassemble that which appears not to be anything in particular: the ordinary regeneration of hegemony by ordinary men doing ordinary things.

‘‘How can marketing research help innovative SMEs in exploitation of international opportunities in their early internationalization? ’’ A Swedish Case Study : Role of Market Research in internationalization of SMEs

Asghar, Adeel, Khan, Shahid Kalim January 2009 (has links)
<p>DateMay 29th, 2009LevelMaster Thesis in International MarketingAuthorsShahid Kalim Khan: Körsbärsvägen 4b, LAG 218, 11423 Stockholm, Sweden Mob: +46 700641495 Email: iamkalim@gmail.comAdeel Asghar: Rum 235, Kallgatan 1 B, 63226 Eskilstuna, Sweden Mob: +46 700783841 Email: adeel1031@gmail.comTutorDaniel TolstoyTitleHow can marketing research help innovative SMEs in exploitation of international opportunities in their early internationalization? A Swedish Case StudyPurposeSMEs are well known for their innovative and risk taking approach. This study aims at providing them with a strategic framework or method to analyze the marketability of their products or services and exploit internationalization opportunities. It also focuses on helping them in reducing their risks linked with cross border business opportunities.Methodology/DesignThis research is performed through case study method. A new conceptual model has been developed by integrating relevant standard approaches within field of research. This model has been further explained by implementing it on case company (Widforss).ConclusionsThis study claims to make a significant and creative contribution to the field of SMEs internationalization through two theoretical models named as International SME Model of Innovation Exploitation (ISMIE) and Proactive International Entrepreneurship model (PIE). Both of these models use marketing research as key success factor. However, sufficient empirical evidences could not be provided due to limitations. Whereas, the practical contribution for the case firm named as Widforss industries is very evident.</p>

CAN Europe - Market Research of Sweden

Mustonen, Ruusa, Jokiperä, Hanna-Riikka January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Date: </strong>May 15, 2009<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Course: </strong>Master thesis,<strong> </strong>EFO705<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Authors: </strong>Hanna Jokiperä 800218-T108, hja08001@student.mdh.se</p><p>Ruusa Mustonen 830711-P263, rmn08001@student.mdh.se</p><p><strong>Tutor: </strong>Tobias Eltebrandt</p><p><strong>Title: </strong>CAN Europe – Market Research of Sweden</p><p><strong>Strategic question: </strong>How can CAN Europe launch the internationally standardised vocational skills assessment tests successfully to Sweden? The purpose of this master thesis is to provide the company with comprehensive information about the Swedish market and to suggest ways to implement the launching process.</p><p><strong>Research questions: </strong></p><ul><li>What are the characteristics of the Swedish labour and recruitment market? </li><li>Are the Swedish companies interested in using CAN Europe’s tests? </li><li>What would be the suitable marketing mix when entering the Swedish market?</li></ul><p><strong>Methods: </strong>Besides the comprehensive collection of secondary data, the primary data was collected by the means of an open-ended questionnaire among large companies and recruitment agencies in Sweden. The research was conducted in order to gather in-depth information about the recruitment field in Sweden.</p><p><strong>Conceptual Framework: </strong>Theories of<strong> ‘</strong>The<strong> </strong>International Marketing Task’, ‘The Country Notebook’ and ‘The Market entry plan’ were used.  Theories and concepts were chosen for the purpose that they would support each other and could be used by combining them when making the analysis of the findings.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>According to the study, Sweden seems to be highly potential country for CAN Europe to enter since the relevant aspects for successful launch exist in the market i.e. in terms of companies’ interest and needs, and the characteristics of the skills assessment and recruitment market in Sweden.</p><p><strong>Key Words: </strong>Market entry plan, marketing mix, international launch, market research, skills assessment, recruitment, blue-collar<strong></strong></p>

Individen möter kollektivet : en kvalitativ studie om hur Handels upplever individualisering och flexibilitet

Bengtsson, Johan, Bixberg, Tobias January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den svenska arbetsmarknaden är under förändring och blir mer individualiserad och flexibel. Lagen om anställningsskydd blir mer ifrågasatt och det finns diskussioner om att förändra denna lag. Uppsatsen behandlar vilka strategier Handelsanställdas förbund Avd 3 har för att möta individualisering och flexibilitet.Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att med utgångspunkt i aktuella teorier om individualisering och flexibilitet, det vill säga förändringsprocesser, i arbetslivet undersöka dels hur en fackförening (Handels) upplever nämnda förändringsprocesser samt dels om och hur fackföreningens agerande påverkas av förändringsprocesserna.De teorier som ligger till grund för denna uppsats behandlar individualisering, flexibilitet samt arbetsrätt.Vi har gjort 4 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med fackligt aktiva medlemmar inom Handelsanställdas förbund Avd 3 i Halmstad.Resultatet är uppdelat i fyra olika teman: Facklig verksamhet, individualisering, flexibilitet samt arbetsrätt. Strategier som Handels använder sig av för att möta individualisering, går ut på att träffa ungdomar tidigt.Om ungdomar är mer individualiserade i dagens samhälle än gårdagens samhälle innebär det att Handels på sikt kan få problem. Med problemet menas att de ungdomar som väljer bort ett medlemskap utifrån ett individuellt val, kan leda till att Handels förlorar medlemsantal och därmed deras förhandlingsstyrka på arbetsmarknaden.</p> / <p>The Swedish labour market is changing and becoming more individualized and flexible. The law on employment protection will be further challenged and there are discussions about changing this law. This essay deals with which strategies Handelsanställdas förbund Avd 3 has to accommodate individualization and flexibility.The purpose of this essay is based on current theories of individualization and flexibility, meaning, changing processes in work life and examine how a trade union (Handels) experience changes, and whether the union's behavior is affected by processes of change.The theories and previous research underlying this essay deals with theories of individualization, flexibility and labour law.We have made four semi-structured interviews with trade union officials in Halmstad.The result is divided into four themes: trade union activities, individualization, flexibility, and labour law. Handels is working on issues such as work environment, salary and work hours. Strategies Handels are using to accommodate individualization, is to communicate with young people in an early stage.If young people are more individualized in today's society than yesterday's society, Handels may in the long term have a problem. With the problem, it means that if young people will not be members on the basis of an individual choice, this may lead to Handels losing members and thus their negotiation strength in the labor market.</p>

Upplevd arbetssituation hos tandhygienister inom folktandvård och privat tandvård : en jämförande studie

Nilsson, Anna, Johansson, Paulina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att jämföra den upplevda arbetssituationen hos tandhygienister inom folktandvården med tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården. Tandhygienister i södra Sverige som var registrerade hos SRAT (n=313) tillfrågades att delta i studien. Enkäten skickades ut elektroniskt, vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 48% (n=151). Inom folktandvården svarade 59% (n=101) och inom den privata tandvården svarade 35% (n=50). Enkätfrågorna omfattade arbete, arbetsklimat, arbetssituation, profession, hälsa, inflytande och stöd i yrkesrollen samt bakgrundsfrågor om ålder, kön, anställningsform och arbetstid. Resultaten visade statistiskt signifikanta skillnader (p<0,05) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården gällande i vilken utsträckning de styrde över sina tidsbokningar, upplevde trötthet, orolighet, besvär från rygg, nacke eller axlar samt besvär från andra delar av kroppen. En statistisk signifikant skillnad (p<0,01) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården syntes även i vilken utsträckning respondenterna styrde över sin arbetstakt. Slutsatsen av studiens begränsade material är att tandhygienisterna inom den privata tandvården tycktes ha en mer positiv syn på deras arbetssituation än tandhygienisterna inom folktandvården.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to compare the perceived work situation among dental hygienists in the public dental health service with dental hygienists in private practice. Dental hygienists in southern Sweden who were registered at SRAT (n= 313) were asked to participate in the study. The questionnaire was sent out electronically, which gave a response rate of 48% (n= 151). The response rate in the public dental health sevice was 59% (n= 101) and in private practice 35% (n=50). The survey questions covered work, work atmosphere, work situation, profession, health, influence and collegial support together with background questions about age, gender, employment status and working hours. The result showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and dental hygienists in private practice as regards to what extent the dental hygienists decided over their own scheduled time, experienced tiredness, worry, disorders from the back, neck or shoulders and disorders from other parts of the body. A statistically significant difference (p<0.01) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and the dental hygienists in private practice was also shown as regards to what extent the dental hygienists could control their own work pace. The conclusion from the limited material of this study is that the dental hygienists in private practice seemed to have a more positive view of their work situation compared to the dental hygienists in the public dental health service.</p>

"Ryska robotar" : En studie om motstånd bland städpersonal på ett finskt företag / "Russian robots" : A Study in Organizational Misbehaviour among Housecleaning Workers in a Finnish Company

Lundberg, Helena January 2009 (has links)
<p>Motstånd är ett fenomen som märks av i mer eller mindre alla arbetsorganisationer och det är  något som alltid har funnits och ständigt varit aktuellt. Detta är en kvalitativ etnografisk studie vars syfte är att undersöka motstånd bland städpersonal på ett finskt företag. Det fiktiva namnet för städföretaget är i denna studie Städmaja och frågeställningarna lyder: ”Använder sig ledningen på Städmaja av någon kontrollstrategi och hur ser den i så fall ut?”, ”Hur ser motståndet ut på Städmaja?” samt ”Varför finns motståndet på Städmaja?”</p><p>I teoridelen tas relevant teori kring ämnet motstånd upp. Vad motstånd innebär, varför det existerar, hur de tidiga perspektiven på motstånd såg ut, vilka kontrollstrategier och motståndsformer som finns samt hur förhållandet mellan kontroll och motstånd ser ut, är några av frågorna som besvaras i teoridelen. Som metod används triangulering, i form av observationer och intervjuer. Resultatet av dessa presenteras genom narrativ analys, i detta fall i form av två berättelser. De två arbetsplatser som är föremål för denna studie är dels ett internationellt hotell och dels ett stort kryssningsfartyg. I berättelserna beskrivs bland annat det dagliga arbetet för städarna, relationerna dem emellan, relationen mellan ledning och anställd och det redogörs tydligt för vilka kontrollstrategier respektive motståndsformer som går att lokalisera samt varför. Efter avslutade berättelser kopplas resultatet från dessa samman med relevant teori. Teorier från teoridelen förenas således med det impiriska materialet.</p><p>Mitt avslutande kapitel består inledningsvis av mina slutsatser där jag besvarar mina frågeställningar och därmed sammanfattar studiens viktigaste resultat. Undersökningen visar tydligt att det på Städmaja förekommer kontrollstrategier från ledningens sida, bland annat i form av ”kontrollrundor” där chefen eller arbetsledaren kontrollerar så städarna arbetar på, ett för ledningen, tillfredsställande sätt. Städmaja, som är ett inhyrt företag, har direktiv de måste uppfylla och försöker därför implementera dessa krav hos städarna. Det som ledningen på Städmaja är mest mån om att kontrollera är att arbetet sker tillräckligt snabbt samt att det utförs med noggrannhet. Det är också viktigt för ledningen att de anställda är tillgängliga för arbetet, inte ifrågasätter direktiven och i allmänhet följer Städmajas krav och normer. Bryter den anställda mot normerna blir denna sanktionerad i någon form, vilket kan ses som en effektiv kontrollstrategi. Motstånd tycks vara något som alla anställda på Städmaja, såväl på hotellet som på båten, ägnar sig åt. De vanligaste motståndsformerna som förekommer är stöld, produktionsbegränsning, maskning, privata angelägenheter, överlevnadsstrategier, humor samt motkulturer. Motståndet på Städmaja grundar sig i en missnöjdhet och motvilja hos de anställda och kan ses som ett desperat uttryck, då många av städarna känner sig utnyttjade och frustrerade i den situation de befinner sig. Då de utsätts för sanktioner och i värsta fall riskerar sitt jobb om de är motsträviga, väljer de att uppträda lojalt på ytan. Under den plikttrogna ytan verkar det dock bubbla över av dolt motstånd, vilket är ett tecken på att städarna utnyttjar sitt enda sätt att utöva makt, i ett maktspel med ledningen där de befinner sig i ett konstant underläge. Studien avslutas med allmänna reflektioner kring studien samt temat motstånd. Bland annat förs en reflektion över den valda definitionen av motstånd för denna studie, och det formuleras ett nytt förslag på definition: ”Motstånd är sådant som anställda gör, tänker och är som överordnade inte vill att de ska göra, tänka och vara och som medvetet riktar sig uppåt i den organisatoriska hierarkin samt grundar sig på ett medvetet missnöje relaterat till organisationen.”</p> / Flexibilitet, stabilitet och anställdas motstånd i arbetsorganisationer

The Customer's Role in New Service Development

Sandén, Bodil January 2007 (has links)
Given today’s industry dynamics, new service development is becoming increasingly important to the competitiveness, growth, and survival of organizations. Unfortunately, new service development has proven to be a complex and difficult task. Numerous reasons are stated in the literature such as the difficulty of understanding and anticipating latent customer needs and insufficient market research techniques. To facilitate proactive learning about the customer, recent findings stress customer involvement in the development process and observations of customers in real action. The overall objective of the dissertation is to contribute to an increased knowledge of customer involvement, i.e., the role of customers as contributors and co-creators in new service development. The thesis draws on theory from market and learning orientation in conjunction with a service-centered model, and provides an extensive review of literature on customer involvement in innovation. In five separate studies, this doctor’s thesis addresses the customer’s role in innovation activities in various industries (e.g., Staffing Services, Airline Services, and Mobile Telecommunication services). In this thesis it is argued that interaction is not only the focal point of services, but also the essence of customer involvement. A special emphasis is put on supporting techniques as these are the means by which customer information and knowledge are created. In addition, results are provided showing that customer involvement in innovation pays off. Companies that engage in collaborative innovation with customers can expect improved customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profit margin.

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