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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La conception de la modernité dans Holzwege de Heidegger

Dion, Jean-François 10 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire portera sur le problème de la signification, dans la pensée de Heidegger, de la métaphysique moderne, à partir de la conception de l’histoire de l’être qu’il développe dans les années 1930. Plus précisément, nous nous baserons sur l’écrit Die Zeit des Weltbildes, que l’on retrouve dans le recueil nommé Holzwege, mais également, dans une moindre mesure, sur l’écrit Niezsches Wort « Gott ist tot » du même recueil. Nous commencerons par introduire le lecteur à l’idée qu’il se fait de la métaphysique en général dans son rapport à l’homme, et du nihilisme que constitue son histoire, lequel s’accentue à l’époque moderne. Nous rentournerons alors brièvement aux premiers commencements de la métaphysique, chez Parménide et Platon principalement, dans le but de dégager les aspects de la métaphysique moderne qui y ont trouvé leur source. C’est alors que nous entrerons dans le vif du sujet, en expliquant en quoi consiste l’inauguration de la métaphysique moderne chez Descartes qui, face à l’obligation religieuse, pose la confirmation autonome de la vérité qui trouve son lieu propre dans la conscience de soi. Il sera dès lors question de montrer précisément comment se fait cette confirmation par soi-même du vrai, au travers de certaines notions centrales de l’analyse heideggerienne : la pro-position, la présentation et la représentation, l’instauration, la production, l’obtention, la préhension et la compréhension, notamment. Nous analyserons ensuite le mouvement de la volonté du sujet qui sous-tend cette confirmation autonome du savoir jusqu’à son aboutissement chez des penseurs tels que Schopenhauer. Nous mettrons par le fait même en évidence le rapport fondamental, souligné par Heidegger, entre le sujet et son objet, l’homme moderne se soulèvant et se donnant lui-même le statut éminent de centre de référence de toute chose, rapportant à lui-même tout chose. Ce mémoire se terminera par l’analyse que fait Heidegger d’un phénomène propre à la modernité, et donc émanent de la métaphysique qui aura été examinée au préalable, soit la science moderne. Celle-ci constitue la voie privilégiée où l’homme moderne, après avoir sciemment pris position au centre du monde, peut « procéder » dans le monde comme dans son royaume, un monde qui se révèle alors comme étant essentiellement à sa disposition. La science, émanant selon Heidegger de la conception moderne de la vérité et de l’étant, se révèle alors non seulement comme une réalisation de la métaphysique qui aura été analysée dans les chapitres précédents, mais peut-être même comme le phénomène duquel Heidegger semble s’être inspiré pour développer son idée de la métaphysique moderne. / The present thesis explores the nature of the Heideggerian critique of Modern Times and of the metaphysics that constitutes their foundation, a critique that is based on the notion of the history of Being as conceived by Heidegger in the1930s. We will do so through a close reading of Die Zeit des Weltbildes, as well as of Nietzsches Wort « Gott ist tot », two essential writings found in the collection of texts called Holzwege. First, we will have a look at his idea of metaphysics in general, and of nihilism as the principle behind it’s history, of which we will then examine the first phases, leading to the emergence of Modern Times. At that point, we will explain of the nature of the inauguration of this era in Descartes’ philosophy, where he opposes the self-confirmation of truth by the human subject to religious obligation, a confirmation happening in self-consciousness. The modalities of this modern principle of knowledge will be examined, through key notions of Heidegger’s analysis: proposition, presentation, representation, production, objet, prehension, comprenhension, etc. After which a look at the human will as the main motor of this autonomous confirmation of truth, all through modern history up to philosophies such as that of Schopenhauer, is necessary to understand how Heidegger interprets this determination of truth in the light of the relation between man and his world. In his eyes, the Modern Times see man standing up to consciously assert himself as the center of reference of the whole world, bringing everything back to himself, therefore reducing ontology to anthropology. This paper will then, at the end of it’s path, take a close look at the way Heidegger interprets one of Modern Time’s main phenomena, originating according to him in modern metaphysics, that is to say modern science. It will reveal itself to be the privileged way by which man, after his positioning at the center of the world, proceeds through the world as his kingdom, all beings essentially being at his disposal. Modern science, this accomplishment of modern thought, almost seems to be the main inspiration from which he derives his theory concerning the essence of this thought.

Att skapa sig själv : Carl Peter Thunbergs persona konstruerad genom hans reseskildring / To create oneself : Carl Peter Thunberg’s persona constructed by means of his travel account

Nordström Sundborg, Klara January 2018 (has links)
This thesis by the name To create oneself: Carl Peter Thunberg’s persona constructed by means of his travel account draws inspiration from recent studies within the history of science regarding the concept of persona. It seeks to expand the notion of persona to examine how it could be constructed and refined by individuals. In doing so, it offers an alternative approach to persona. Not as intellectual standard types but as a joining together of qualities that through the joining creates unique personae to each individual. Furthermore, the essay looks at change, and how it could function as an aspect of a persona. In order to examine this, I will look at how the persona of Carl Peter Thunberg was constructed in his travel account which was published in four parts and covered his travels in Europe, Africa and Asia in the 1770s. Thunberg was one of Carl von Linné’s students and a natural historian and physician in his own right. His travel account was widely anticipated and offered an opportunity for him to introduce himself to a wider audience. This source is exemplary for this kind of analysis as all four parts of the travel account existed within the same genre and was written for the same public, yet changes occurred in how Thunberg was portrayed. Rather than explaining these changes in how Thunberg was portrayed by changes in his personal circumstances, I will argue that they are best understood by considering the aspect of change as a central strategy in constructing Thunberg’s persona as a evolving scientist and natural historian.

As dinâmicas do conhecimento científico e tecnológico na era da Web 2.0 : um estudo sobre a Wikipédia lusófona

Lima, Leonardo Santos de January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da relação entre as transformações contemporâneas que envolvem o conhecimento científico e tecnológico diante da disseminação das novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (NTICs) e as potencialidades de desenvolvimento de dinâmicas de saber não restritas aos pressupostos do paradigma da ciência moderna. O objetivo principal deste trabalho consiste na investigação dos limites e possibilidades para a emergência de distintas dinâmicas do conhecimento científico e tecnológico associadas aos novos ambientes virtuais surgidos no período da web 2.0. Especificamente são investigadas as potencialidades desses ambientes para a promoção de dinâmicas favoráveis à constituição de ecologia de saberes por seus integrantes. Para isso, busca-se identificar e analisar o conjunto de valores, interesses, representações e práticas que envolvem a organização formal e os processos de participação de um ambiente em especial da internet: a Wikipédia lusófona. Assume-se a ideia de que o site, constituído sob influência dos valores e práticas que deram forma à internet, é capaz de favorecer o desenvolvimento de dinâmicas de colaboração compatíveis com os pressupostos da ecologia de saberes propostos por Santos (2011a). Esta investigação foi realizada a partir da análise da estrutura “formal” wikipedista e da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas envolvendo a participação de 24 usuários colaboradores em artigos de temática científica e tecnológica do “conteúdo destacado” da Wikipédia lusófona. Conclui-se, de um lado, que o site tende a reproduzir a hierarquia das disciplinas de C&T e a distribuição das áreas de interesse dos usuários de acordo com os espaços por eles ocupados na sociedade, bem como a manifestar valores, representações e práticas fortemente associados ao paradigma da ciência e da tecnologia modernas. De outro lado, entretanto, mostra-se se favorável não só à diversificação do perfil dos agentes voltados à produção, difusão e aquisição de conteúdos científicos e tecnológicos em comparação aos espaços convencionais do conhecimento de C&T, mas também à abertura de diferentes possibilidades de participação e de apropriação dos produtos coletivos do site. Da mesma forma, a Wikipédia lusófona revela-se capaz de incitar entre seus colaboradores o desenvolvimento da capacidade de argumentação, de convivência com diferentes pontos de vista e o interesse pelo trabalho voluntário, de modo a favorecer a emergência de representações imprescindíveis à superação do paradigma da ciência moderna e à constituição de ecologia de saberes: a solidariedade, a participação, o princípio do prazer, a autoria e a artefatualidade discursiva. / This thesis is about the relation between the contemporary transformations concerning scientific and technological knowledge because of the spread of new information and communication technologies (NICT) and the potentials of development of new knowledge’s dynamic not restricted to the assumptions of the modern science paradigm. The goal of this study is to investigate the limits and possibilities for the emergence of distinct dynamics of scientific and technological knowledge under the influence of the web 2.0 virtual interfaces. Specifically, the thesis investigates the potentials of those interfaces to promote, among their users, propitious dynamics toward the establishment of the ecology of knowledges. This research identifies and analyzes a set of values, interests, representations and practices concerning the formal organization and the participation’s processes of a particular web’s virtual interface: Lusophone Wikipedia. Assuming the hypothesis that this site, which has been founded under the influence of the same values and practices adopted in the internet creation, is able to promote the development of compatibles collaborative dynamics with the assumptions of an ecology of knowledges, as proposed by Santos (2011a). This investigation has been made from the analysis of "formal" Wikipedian’s structure and from semi-structured interviews with 24 collaborators users of the "highlighted subjects” on scientific and technological issues of the Lusophone Wikipedia. The thesis’ conclusions are: on one hand, that the Wikipedian’s interface tends to reproduce the disciplines’ hierarchy of the S&T knowledge and the distribution of users’ areas of interest according to the social places occupied by them, as well as express values, representations and practices associated with modern science paradigm. On the other hand, this study observes that Lusophone Wikipedia is propitious, not only to diversify the profile of the collaborators involved in the production, dissemination and achievement of scientific and technological subjects compared to the conventional spaces of the S&T knowledge, but also opening various possibilities for participation in the site, included ownership of collective products. In this way, this virtual interface can be able to foment among their collaborators the capacity of argumentation, coexistence with different points of view and the interest in voluntary work in order to foster the emergence of the essential representations to overcoming the modern science paradigm and the establishment of an ecology of knowledges: solidarity, participation, the principle of pleasure, authorship and discursive artifactuality.

As dinâmicas do conhecimento científico e tecnológico na era da Web 2.0 : um estudo sobre a Wikipédia lusófona

Lima, Leonardo Santos de January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da relação entre as transformações contemporâneas que envolvem o conhecimento científico e tecnológico diante da disseminação das novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (NTICs) e as potencialidades de desenvolvimento de dinâmicas de saber não restritas aos pressupostos do paradigma da ciência moderna. O objetivo principal deste trabalho consiste na investigação dos limites e possibilidades para a emergência de distintas dinâmicas do conhecimento científico e tecnológico associadas aos novos ambientes virtuais surgidos no período da web 2.0. Especificamente são investigadas as potencialidades desses ambientes para a promoção de dinâmicas favoráveis à constituição de ecologia de saberes por seus integrantes. Para isso, busca-se identificar e analisar o conjunto de valores, interesses, representações e práticas que envolvem a organização formal e os processos de participação de um ambiente em especial da internet: a Wikipédia lusófona. Assume-se a ideia de que o site, constituído sob influência dos valores e práticas que deram forma à internet, é capaz de favorecer o desenvolvimento de dinâmicas de colaboração compatíveis com os pressupostos da ecologia de saberes propostos por Santos (2011a). Esta investigação foi realizada a partir da análise da estrutura “formal” wikipedista e da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas envolvendo a participação de 24 usuários colaboradores em artigos de temática científica e tecnológica do “conteúdo destacado” da Wikipédia lusófona. Conclui-se, de um lado, que o site tende a reproduzir a hierarquia das disciplinas de C&T e a distribuição das áreas de interesse dos usuários de acordo com os espaços por eles ocupados na sociedade, bem como a manifestar valores, representações e práticas fortemente associados ao paradigma da ciência e da tecnologia modernas. De outro lado, entretanto, mostra-se se favorável não só à diversificação do perfil dos agentes voltados à produção, difusão e aquisição de conteúdos científicos e tecnológicos em comparação aos espaços convencionais do conhecimento de C&T, mas também à abertura de diferentes possibilidades de participação e de apropriação dos produtos coletivos do site. Da mesma forma, a Wikipédia lusófona revela-se capaz de incitar entre seus colaboradores o desenvolvimento da capacidade de argumentação, de convivência com diferentes pontos de vista e o interesse pelo trabalho voluntário, de modo a favorecer a emergência de representações imprescindíveis à superação do paradigma da ciência moderna e à constituição de ecologia de saberes: a solidariedade, a participação, o princípio do prazer, a autoria e a artefatualidade discursiva. / This thesis is about the relation between the contemporary transformations concerning scientific and technological knowledge because of the spread of new information and communication technologies (NICT) and the potentials of development of new knowledge’s dynamic not restricted to the assumptions of the modern science paradigm. The goal of this study is to investigate the limits and possibilities for the emergence of distinct dynamics of scientific and technological knowledge under the influence of the web 2.0 virtual interfaces. Specifically, the thesis investigates the potentials of those interfaces to promote, among their users, propitious dynamics toward the establishment of the ecology of knowledges. This research identifies and analyzes a set of values, interests, representations and practices concerning the formal organization and the participation’s processes of a particular web’s virtual interface: Lusophone Wikipedia. Assuming the hypothesis that this site, which has been founded under the influence of the same values and practices adopted in the internet creation, is able to promote the development of compatibles collaborative dynamics with the assumptions of an ecology of knowledges, as proposed by Santos (2011a). This investigation has been made from the analysis of "formal" Wikipedian’s structure and from semi-structured interviews with 24 collaborators users of the "highlighted subjects” on scientific and technological issues of the Lusophone Wikipedia. The thesis’ conclusions are: on one hand, that the Wikipedian’s interface tends to reproduce the disciplines’ hierarchy of the S&T knowledge and the distribution of users’ areas of interest according to the social places occupied by them, as well as express values, representations and practices associated with modern science paradigm. On the other hand, this study observes that Lusophone Wikipedia is propitious, not only to diversify the profile of the collaborators involved in the production, dissemination and achievement of scientific and technological subjects compared to the conventional spaces of the S&T knowledge, but also opening various possibilities for participation in the site, included ownership of collective products. In this way, this virtual interface can be able to foment among their collaborators the capacity of argumentation, coexistence with different points of view and the interest in voluntary work in order to foster the emergence of the essential representations to overcoming the modern science paradigm and the establishment of an ecology of knowledges: solidarity, participation, the principle of pleasure, authorship and discursive artifactuality.

As dinâmicas do conhecimento científico e tecnológico na era da Web 2.0 : um estudo sobre a Wikipédia lusófona

Lima, Leonardo Santos de January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da relação entre as transformações contemporâneas que envolvem o conhecimento científico e tecnológico diante da disseminação das novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (NTICs) e as potencialidades de desenvolvimento de dinâmicas de saber não restritas aos pressupostos do paradigma da ciência moderna. O objetivo principal deste trabalho consiste na investigação dos limites e possibilidades para a emergência de distintas dinâmicas do conhecimento científico e tecnológico associadas aos novos ambientes virtuais surgidos no período da web 2.0. Especificamente são investigadas as potencialidades desses ambientes para a promoção de dinâmicas favoráveis à constituição de ecologia de saberes por seus integrantes. Para isso, busca-se identificar e analisar o conjunto de valores, interesses, representações e práticas que envolvem a organização formal e os processos de participação de um ambiente em especial da internet: a Wikipédia lusófona. Assume-se a ideia de que o site, constituído sob influência dos valores e práticas que deram forma à internet, é capaz de favorecer o desenvolvimento de dinâmicas de colaboração compatíveis com os pressupostos da ecologia de saberes propostos por Santos (2011a). Esta investigação foi realizada a partir da análise da estrutura “formal” wikipedista e da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas envolvendo a participação de 24 usuários colaboradores em artigos de temática científica e tecnológica do “conteúdo destacado” da Wikipédia lusófona. Conclui-se, de um lado, que o site tende a reproduzir a hierarquia das disciplinas de C&T e a distribuição das áreas de interesse dos usuários de acordo com os espaços por eles ocupados na sociedade, bem como a manifestar valores, representações e práticas fortemente associados ao paradigma da ciência e da tecnologia modernas. De outro lado, entretanto, mostra-se se favorável não só à diversificação do perfil dos agentes voltados à produção, difusão e aquisição de conteúdos científicos e tecnológicos em comparação aos espaços convencionais do conhecimento de C&T, mas também à abertura de diferentes possibilidades de participação e de apropriação dos produtos coletivos do site. Da mesma forma, a Wikipédia lusófona revela-se capaz de incitar entre seus colaboradores o desenvolvimento da capacidade de argumentação, de convivência com diferentes pontos de vista e o interesse pelo trabalho voluntário, de modo a favorecer a emergência de representações imprescindíveis à superação do paradigma da ciência moderna e à constituição de ecologia de saberes: a solidariedade, a participação, o princípio do prazer, a autoria e a artefatualidade discursiva. / This thesis is about the relation between the contemporary transformations concerning scientific and technological knowledge because of the spread of new information and communication technologies (NICT) and the potentials of development of new knowledge’s dynamic not restricted to the assumptions of the modern science paradigm. The goal of this study is to investigate the limits and possibilities for the emergence of distinct dynamics of scientific and technological knowledge under the influence of the web 2.0 virtual interfaces. Specifically, the thesis investigates the potentials of those interfaces to promote, among their users, propitious dynamics toward the establishment of the ecology of knowledges. This research identifies and analyzes a set of values, interests, representations and practices concerning the formal organization and the participation’s processes of a particular web’s virtual interface: Lusophone Wikipedia. Assuming the hypothesis that this site, which has been founded under the influence of the same values and practices adopted in the internet creation, is able to promote the development of compatibles collaborative dynamics with the assumptions of an ecology of knowledges, as proposed by Santos (2011a). This investigation has been made from the analysis of "formal" Wikipedian’s structure and from semi-structured interviews with 24 collaborators users of the "highlighted subjects” on scientific and technological issues of the Lusophone Wikipedia. The thesis’ conclusions are: on one hand, that the Wikipedian’s interface tends to reproduce the disciplines’ hierarchy of the S&T knowledge and the distribution of users’ areas of interest according to the social places occupied by them, as well as express values, representations and practices associated with modern science paradigm. On the other hand, this study observes that Lusophone Wikipedia is propitious, not only to diversify the profile of the collaborators involved in the production, dissemination and achievement of scientific and technological subjects compared to the conventional spaces of the S&T knowledge, but also opening various possibilities for participation in the site, included ownership of collective products. In this way, this virtual interface can be able to foment among their collaborators the capacity of argumentation, coexistence with different points of view and the interest in voluntary work in order to foster the emergence of the essential representations to overcoming the modern science paradigm and the establishment of an ecology of knowledges: solidarity, participation, the principle of pleasure, authorship and discursive artifactuality.

The relative impact of an argumentation-based instructional intervention programme on grade 10 learners’ conceptions of lightning and thunder

Moyo, Partson Virira January 2012 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The basic premise of this study was that when a learner is confronted with two contradictory explanations of the same phenomenon, there is cognitive dissonance in the learner as the learner tries to determine which of the two explanations is correct. An argumentation-based instructional intervention programme (ABIIP) was created for and used on and by the Grade 10 learners in order to attempt to ameliorate this cognitive conflict. The purpose of this study was to determine the relative impact of that intervention programme on Grade 10 learners’ conceptions of lightning and thunder. The programme was designed to help learners to develop argumentative skills and use the acquired skills to negotiate and harmonise divergent and conflicting explanations of the nature of lightning and thunder that are propounded by different worldviews (Science and indigenous knowledge).

Guerras nos mares do sul: a produção de uma monocultura marítima e os processos de resistência / Wars in the South Seas: The Production of a Maritime Monoculture and the Resistance Processes.

Gustavo Goulart Moreira Moura 24 February 2014 (has links)
A pesca no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos é uma atividade em disputa. De um lado, as comunidades de pesca produzem seus territórios de pesca através dos seus respectivos Conhecimentos Ecológicos Tradicionais (CET) que embasam os diferentes modos de usos dos recursos pesqueiros, os sistemas de manejo de recursos pesqueiros tradicionais (MT). A atividade pesqueira no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos é anterior à colonização portuguesa sendo os CETs que embasam os MTs resultado de um hibridismo cultural entre indígenas, afro e luso-descendentes. De outro, o Estado Moderno implementa políticas públicas de manejo de recursos pesqueiros, sobretudo a partir da segunda metade da década de 1970, que resultam na implementação de um sistema de manejo de recursos pesqueiros moderno (MM), característico de um projeto colonial de dominação. Como resultado da implementação do MM, a pesca entra em colapso na primeira metade da década de 1970 e as indústrias pesqueiras decretam falência na década de 1980. Para solucionar a crise no setor pesqueiro, na segunda metade da década de 1990 cria-se o Fórum da Lagoa dos Patos (FLP) onde se formula a atual legislação que regulamenta a pesca no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos, a Instrução Normativa Conjunta de 2004 (INC 2004). A INC 2004 implementa um MM através da imposição de um calendário de pesca que se torna institucionalizado e, por isso, oficializado. O objetivo desta tese é descrever o processo de des-re territorialização das comunidades de pesca do estuário da Lagoa dos Patos gerado pelo Estado Moderno na implementação da INC 2004. Para atingir tal objetivo, foram utilizadas basicamente duas técnicas de pesquisa para coleta de dados do CET, que produz os territórios tradicionais, e dos conhecimentos, verdades e valores mobilizados na formulação da INC 2004: entrevistas e levantamento bibliográfico. A partir dos dados obtidos, foi necessário o desenvolvimento de uma proposta própria que se enquadra na perspectiva integradora de território: território como conhecimento. Segundo esta proposta, território é um espaço epistêmico produzido a partir do espaço. Com a tentativa de implementação da INC 2004, emerge um conflito ambiental territorial na produção de um espaço através do controle do uso de recursos pesqueiros no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos. O Estado Moderno, que exibe caráter colonial, opera estrategicamente sobre o espaço tentando forçar o curso da modernidade às comunidades de pesca na produção de um espaço epistêmico disciplinar. O resultado, se o Estado Moderno fosse bem sucedido em seu projeto de colonialismo cultural, seria um epistemicídio: a eliminação dos multiterritórios operados pelo CET com uma dinâmica multicalendárica em cada uma das comunidades de pesca artesanal do estuário e a sua substituição por um território operado por uma racionalidade ocidental com um ritmo mecânico através da imposição do Calendário Oficializado da INC 2004. As comunidades de pesca, por sua vez, resistem silenciosa e abertamente operando taticamente via CET na produção de espaços de R-existência. Surpreendentemente, em movimentos diagramáticos infinitos, ambos, Estado Moderno e comunidades de pesca, des-re-territorializam um ao outro. / Fishing in the estuary of Patos Lagoon is an activity in dispute. On the one hand, fishing communities produce their fishing territories through their respective Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), which grounds the different use modes of fishery resources, the traditional resource management systems (TM). The fishing activity in Patos Lagoon estuary is prior to the Portuguese colonization and the TEKs which ground TMs are a result of a cultural hybridity among indigenous, African and Portuguese descendants. On the other hand, especially from the second half of the 1970s, the modern State has been implementing policies for fishery management which have led to the establishment of a modern sciencebased resource management (SM), characteristic of a colonial project of domination. As a result, fishery collapsed in the first half of the 1970s and fishing industries filed bankruptcy in the 1980s. To solve the crisis in the fishery sector in the second half of the 1990s, Forum of Patos Lagoon (FLP) was created. It was at the Forum that the 2004 Normative Instruction (INC 2004), the current legislation which regulates fishing in the estuary of Patos Lagoon, was formulated. INC 2004 implements an SM by imposing a fishing calendar that becomes institutionalized and, therefore, officialized. The objective of this thesis is to describe the process of de-reterritorialization in the fishing communities of the estuary of the Patos Lagoon which was generated by the Modern State when it implemented INC 2004. To achieve this goal, data on TEK were obtained through open and semi-structured interviews and ethnoscientific bibliographic review. Data on knowledge, truths and values that support the formulation of INC 2004 were collected through open interviews held with researchers, who played a key role in mobilizing such intellectual resources and through bibliographic research on the four fisheries whose fishing periods are regulated by INC 2004. From the data obtained, it was necessary to develop our own proposal that fits the integrative perspective of territory: territory as knowledge. Under this proposal, the territory is an epistemic space originating from space. With the attempted implementation of INC 2004, an environmental territorial conflict has emerged in the production of space through the control of the use of fishery resources in the Patos Lagoon estuary. The Modern State, in a display of its colonial character, strategically operates upon space by trying to force the course of modernity on the fishing communities in the production of a disciplined epistemic space. The result, if the Modern State were successful in its project of cultural colonialism would be an epistemicide: the elimination of multi-territories operated by TEK with a multicalendaric dynamics in each of the artisanal fishing communities of the estuary and its replacement by a territory operated by Western rationality, with a mechanical rhythm through the imposition of the official calendar of INC 2004. Fishing communities, in turn, resist quietly and openly by operating tactically via TEK in the production of spaces of R-existence. Surprisingly, in diagrammatic infinite movements, both the Modern State and fishing communities de-reterritorialize one another.


Bugler, Christine 10 1900 (has links)
<p>Sir Isaac Newton’s famous discovery of gravity marks the rapid advancement of science in the English seventeenth century, and a permanent shift away from the scientific methods of antiquity. Natural philosophers were beginning to look at the physical world in new and dynamic ways. However, much of this new theory conflicted with traditional theology, which was problematic for Christian followers of this ‘new science’. To negotiate this conflict, a group of natural philosophers developed a new branch of science entitled physico-theology. This stream aims to prove that science does not dismiss religion, but is able to reinforce the existence of God and the truth of Biblical texts. John Woodward is a largely overlooked participant in physico-theology, but his literary works<em> </em>supply key information to modern readers in the understanding of this field. This study critically examines Woodward’s <em>Natural History of the Earth</em> for its significant contributions to early modern science and literary techniques of this discipline. This work is indicative of an emerging scientific method that aims to accommodate both physical observation and creative thinking. I argue that Woodward’s reliance on theology, while scientifically problematic, does not hinder his research, but is perversely productive by challenging him to pursue innovative hypotheses. This prominent, understudied text is remarkable for its fusion of science and theology, and for what it can illuminate about the interdependence of faith and reason in early modern science.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)

Integration of modern science and indigenous knowledge systems : towards a coexistence of the two systems of knowing in the South African curriculum

Masemula, Morongwa Bertha 10 1900 (has links)
The integration of modern science and indigenous knowledge systems in the science education curriculum for South African schools represents social justice for the majority of South Africans as they determine the knowledge necessary for themselves and for future generations in the new South Africa. An exploratory research reveals tension and a dichotomous relationship between modern science and IKS, caused by false hierarchies that are influenced by factors such as colonialism, capitalism and modernisation to the exclusion of the core values held by indigenous people in their relationship with nature. The thesis demonstrates that the integration requires an epistemology that puts humanity first and a framework that accommodates both ways of knowing. This should allow for the best in the two systems of knowing to serve humanity in a dialogical manner. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)


[pt] Autonomia e norma jurídica é uma reflexão sobre a norma jurídica. Seu ponto de partida é o de que o pensamento jurí­dico, seus conceitos de norma e autonomia, estão presos ao paradigma da ciência moderna e, por conseqüência, à concepção ontológica herdada. Mediante esse entendimento, orienta-se a uma crí­tica ao pensamento moderno e à  ontologia que pressupõe. A construção do argumento aproxima o estranhamento à  natureza que representa a filosofia à emergência do direito como filosofia prática. Nesse processo, discute a perspectiva de afastamento da norma em relação à  natureza, para ensaiar que o pressuposto disjuntivo não possui um fundamento definitivo na tradução, que a metafí­sica que se consagrou no pensamento antigo reconcilia, na sua ontologia mesma, natureza e norma. Em movimentos que visam o mesmo objeto, pretende identificar os elementos do diálogo do pensamento moderno com a tradição. A emergência do pensamento moderno firmou-se sob os fundamentos da ontologia que consagrada pela tradição socrática: a permanência do direito romano, deu continuidade ao direito natural e permitiu sua reapropriação como razão; a ciência moderna se institui afirmando-se pela violência do método, mas mantendo intactos importantes fundamentos próprios da filosofia clássica. Assim, direito e ciência conduzem pressupostos antigos e os mantém mediante a ressignificação de seus elementos estruturais. Essa herança aparece inteira no paradigma da modernidade e permite compreender o que Boaventura de Souza Santos denomina de crise especular da ciência. Autonomia e norma jurí­dica aproxima essa crí­tica à  reflexão ontológica, para alcançar o conteúdo da crise da ciência e do direito, com base no pensamento de Cornelius Castoriadis. O presente trabalho, enfrenta, pois, a norma, desde uma reflexão ontológica, identificando a norma não exatamente naquilo em que a norma é criação humana, mas destacando a região onde a norma, como criação humana, é natureza. / [en] Autonomy and norm of law is a reflection on the norm of law. Its starting point is of that the legal thought, its concepts of norm and autonomy, is surrounded by the paradigm of modern science e, for consequence, to the inherited ontological conception. By means of this agreement, the critique is oriented to the modern thought and the ontology that it estimates. The construction of the argument approaches the strangeness to the nature that represents the philosophy to the emergency of the right as practical philosophy. In this process, argues the removal perspective of the norm in relation to nature, to assay that the disjunctive estimated one does not possess a definitive bedding in the tradition, that the metaphysics that if consecrated no old thought reconciles, in its same ontology, nature and norm. In movements that aim at object the same, it intends to identify the elements of the dialogue of the modern thought with the tradition. The emergency of the modern thought was firmed under the beddings of the ontology that consecrated for the Socratic tradition: the permanence of the Roman law, gave continuity to the natural law and allowed its re-appropriation as reason; modern science constitutes affirming itself for the violence of the method, but keeping unbroken important proper beddings of the classic philosophy. Thus, law and science lead antique assumptions and it keeps them by means of the resignificance of its structural elements. This inheritance appears entire in the paradigm of modernity and allows understanding what Boaventura de Souza Saints calls specular crisis of science. Autonomy and norm of law approaches this critique to the ontological reflection, to reach the content of the crisis of science and law, on the basis of the thought of Cornelius Castoriadis. The present work, faces, therefore, the norm, since an ontological reflection, identifying the norm not exactly in what the norm is human creation, but highlighting the region where the norm, as human creation, is nature.

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