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School Psychologists' Job Satisfaction: Ten Years LaterWorrell, Travis G. 15 July 2004 (has links)
This study was designed to replicate nationwide surveys completed in 1982 and 1992. The purpose was to examine and describe the levels of job satisfaction and the relationship between the variables in a national sample of school psychologists belonging to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). The sample for this study consisted of respondents who reported being full-time school practitioners.
Data were collected through mailed survey packets including a data form and a modified version of the 1977 Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). Packets were mailed to 500 randomly selected members of the National Association of School Psychologists. Of the 308 packets returned, 234 were full-time school practitioners and were included in the analysis.
Results indicated that 90% of school psychologists were satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs. The findings showed a gradual increase in overall job satisfaction when compared to the 85.7% in 1982 and the 86% in 1992 who reported being satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs. Participants in the current sample were more satisfied with their job security, independence, and creativity. The only variables demonstrating a significant relationship with job satisfaction were the intent to remain in current position and supervisor certification.
Several recommendations and implications were drawn from the study. Trends in the field relating to gender, psychologist-to-student ratio, salary, degree status, and numerous other factors were discussed along with recommendations for future research. / Ph. D.
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Job satisfaction among high school assistant principals in seven Florida countiesTaylor, John R., 01 June 2007 (has links)
This study replicated the study by Mary E. Neal, Job Satisfaction of Florida's High School Assistant Principals as a Factor in the Maintenance of an Administrative Workforce (2002) and extended the research by examining the job satisfaction of high school assistant principals in seven Florida county school districts. The present study utilized quantitative and qualitative data. Respondents (n = 128) were surveyed using the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ short form), Individual Demographic Questionnaire, and Telephone Interview Questionnaire. One assistant principal from each of seven counties volunteered to complete the Telephone Interview Questionnaire. The 128 respondents represented 60% of 214 assistant principals contacted. The majority (74.18%) of Florida high school assistant principals participating in this study expressed satisfaction with their jobs. The greatest dissatisfaction area (52%) was compensation.
More assistant principals were dissatisfied with their salary than any other area. Thirty-five percent of the participants were 31-40 years old, 79% had a Master's degree, 33% had been a high school assistant principal 1-3 years, 60% worked 51-60 hours per week, 57% were at suburban schools, 48% were at schools with 26%-50% of students on free and/or reduced lunch, and 32% were at schools with student enrollments between 1601-2400. The majority of participants (42%) in this study were at schools which received a school grade of "C" on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. None of the four independent variables (school size, tenure, age, or gender) was statistically significant to the dependent variables of general satisfaction, intrinsic satisfaction, or extrinsic satisfaction.
Four additional independent variables (salary, free/reduced lunch, school grade, and principalship interest) were analyzed with the dependent variables (general satisfaction, intrinsic satisfaction, or extrinsic satisfaction). A multiple regression revealed significance between general satisfaction and school grade (p<.05) and intrinsic satisfaction and school grade (p<.05). High school assistant principals in lower performing schools were less satisfied than assistant principals in higher performing schools. The relationship between extrinsic satisfaction and free/reduced lunch (p=.07) is worthy of notice. Telephone interviews provided qualitative data suggesting respondents lack desire to pursue the high school principalship. This supports the growing concern regarding high school principal shortages.
The correlation (r = .35, p<.0001) between age and principalship (no-interest) indicated that as high school assistant principals got older they lost interest in becoming high school principals. As administrators spend time in their role as assistant principals they need to be mentored, trained, and encouraged to pursue their personal development of becoming a principal as soon as they are able. If assistant principals are not persuaded to move into principalships as soon as they are ready, their interest in that pursuit may quickly wane. It is important that school districts identify and maintain current job satisfaction data if they plan to persuade assistant principals into becoming principals. School districts must assess what satisfies and dissatisfies assistant principals if they want to be successful in recruiting positive, capable leadership for the role of high school principal.
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Functionalization and characterization of porous low-κ dielectrics.Orozco-Teran, Rosa Amelia 05 1900 (has links)
The incorporation of fluorine into SiO2 has been shown to reduce the dielectric constant of the existing materials by reducing the electrical polarizability. However, the incorporation of fluorine has also been shown to decrease film stability. Therefore, new efforts have been made to find different ways to further decrease the relative dielectric constant value of the existing low-k materials. One way to reduce the dielectric constant is by decreasing its density. This reduces the amount of polarizable materials. A good approach is increasing porosity of the film. Recently, fluorinated silica xerogel films have been identified as potential candidates for applications such as interlayer dielectric materials in CMOS technology. In addition to their low dielectric constants, these films present properties such as low refractive indices, low thermal conductivities, and high surface areas. Another approach to lower k is incorporating lighter atoms such as hydrogen or carbon. Silsesquioxane based materials are among them. However, additional integration issues such as damage to these materials caused by plasma etch, plasma ash, and wet etch processes are yet to be overcome. This dissertation reports the effects of triethoxyfluorosilane-based (TEFS) xerogel films when reacted with silylation agents. TEFS films were employed because they form robust silica networks and exhibit low dielectric constants. However, these films readily absorb moisture. Employing silylation reactions enhances film hydrophobicity and permits possible introduction of this film as an interlayer dielectric material. Also, this work describes the effects of SC-CO2 in combination with silylating agents used to functionalize the damaged surface of the ash-damaged MSQ films. Ashed MSQ films exhibit increased water adsorption and dielectric constants due to the carbon depletion and modification of the properties of the low-k material caused by interaction with plasma species. CO2 is widely used as a supercritical solvent, because of its easily accessible critical point, low cost, and non-hazardous nature. Its unique diffusion and surface tension properties make SC-CO2 a good candidate for treatment of porous ultra low-k materials.
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Tjänstemän eller arbetare, vem trivs bäst på jobbet? : En kvantitativ enkätstudie av arbetstillfredsställelse / Civil servants or workers - who is happiest at work? : A quantitative survey study of job satisfactionWadman, Johan, Lundberg, Axel January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skillnader i upplevd arbetstillfredsställelsemellan tjänstemän och arbetare på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. En kvantitativmetod användes där data samlades in genom ett bekvämlighets samt snöbollsurvalvia en webbaserad enkät baserad på Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (Weiss etal., 1967). Totalt deltog 64 respondenter. Efter en bortfallsanalys kvarstod 58respondenter varav 33 tjänstemän och 25 arbetare. Insamlade data analyserades medseparata oberoende t-test. Resultaten av de separata oberoende t-test visade att detfinns en statistiskt signifikant skillnad i upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse mellan de tvågrupperna. Tjänstemän rapporterade högre nivåer av såväl generell, inre och yttrearbetstillfredsställelse jämfört med arbetare.
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This study investigated how engagement, job satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation will affect retention among nurses. A sample of 150 nurses (CNAs, LPNs, and RNs) employed at medical centers in Sioux City (IA-SD-NE) and Carbondale, Illinois was selected using cluster random sampling. Employee engagement (Independent-Variable1) was measured against the Utrecht Work Engagement Survey (UWES), job satisfaction (Independent-Variable2) was measured against the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), and intrinsic motivation (Independent-Variable3) was measured against the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). The study followed a sequential transformative design, with all research questions or hypotheses examined through multinomial regression, which indicated the odds ratio of nurses’ decision or intent to leave or stay against leaving their current position. The regression analysis showed that intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction were significantly more likely to predict nurses’ intent to leave than employee engagement. The interviews showed employee engagement, job satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation to be an important part of the nurses’ decision to leave or stay
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Anknytningsstilar i arbetslivet : En kvantitativ enkätstudie i en hybrid arbetsmiljö / Attachment Styles in the Workplace : A Quantitative Survey Study in a Hybrid Work EnvironmentHjerp Holmén, Bianca, Kinnvik, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan anknytningsstilar, arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsprestation i en hybrid arbetsmiljö, för att skapa en större förståelse för hur anknytning påverkar individers välbefinnande och prestation. Trots en omfattande mängd studier om ämnena anknytningsstil, hybridarbete, arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsprestation var för sig, återstår det ett betydande kunskapsgap när det gäller att undersöka kombinationen av samtliga. Denna studie genomfördes med en kvantitativ forskningsmetod. Ett bekvämlighetsurval och en webbaserad enkätundersökning tillämpades för insamling av data vilket resulterade i N=59 respondenter. Enkäten baserades på Attachment Style Questionnaires (ASQ) fem delskalor, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) tre delskalor och Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) tre delskalor. Resultatet från Pearson r och Spearman rho korrelationsanalyser visade att det fanns ett signifikant positivt samband mellan individer med tendenser till trygg anknytning och inre och generell arbetstillfredsställelse samt kontextuell arbetsprestation. Det fanns ett signifikant negativt samband mellan individer med tendenser till otrygg undvikande anknytning och inre och generell arbetstillfredsställelse samt kontextuell prestation. Vidare fanns det ett signifikant negativt samband mellan individer med tendenser till otrygg ambivalent anknytning och inre, yttre och generell arbetstillfredsställelse, samt ett signifikant positivt samband med kontraproduktivt arbetsbeteende. Resultatet av enkla linjära regressionsanalyser visade att ASQ:s delskalor tillit, distans, bifallsbehov och relationsfixering alla var signifikanta prediktorer för inre och generell arbetstillfredsställelse. Resultatet kunde övergripande likställas med tidigare forskningsresultat av de olika anknytningsstilarnas samband med såväl arbetstillfredsställelse som arbetsprestation.
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Autenticitet och arbetstillfredsställelse : En kvantitativ studie med tillhörande Scoping Review / Authenticity and Job Satisfaction : a Correlational Study with accompanying Scoping Review.Westrin, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med följande studie var att undersöka Autenticitet i arbetet (Work Authenticity) och arbetstillsfredsställelse (Job Satisfaction) utifrån kvantitativ metod. Autenticitet i arbetet kan förstås som nivån av kongruens mellan en anställds internaliserade attityder och värderingar och dennes beteende utåt i en arbetskontext, d.v.s huruvida den anställda upplever att den agerar i enlighet med sitt inre. Arbetstillsfredsställelse har i detta arbete definierats som en positiv utvärdering av en individs upplevelser av olika dimensioner av sitt arbete eller arbetsplats. Utöver detta genomfördes en Scoping Review med syfte att utöka den konceptuella förståelsen kring Arbetsautenticitet som konstrukt och mått inom det aktuella forskningsfältet. Den huvudsakliga statistiska analysen som var målet för denna studie genomfördes med hjälp av data som samlats in via digitala självskattningsformulär (enkäter) som publicerades i diskussionsgrupper (Facebook) och forum på sociala medier för svensk vårdpersonal (n=130). Hypotesen var att höga nivåer av arbetsautenticitet (och låga nivåer av arbets(in)autenticitet) skulle korrelera med hög poäng på måttet för intern samt extern arbetstillsfredsställelse. Till följd av att det insamlade datamaterialet inte uppnådde samtliga antaganden för parametrisk testning genomfördes en uppsättning av Spearmans rangkorrelationstester. Små till måttliga signifikanta monotona korrelationer uppmättes mellan två av tre delskalor för Arbetsautenticitet (Authentic Living & Self-Alienation) till intern arbetstillsfredsställelse. En liten signifikant monoton korrelation uppmättes även mellan samma två delskalor av arbetsautenticitet och extern arbetstillsfredsställelse. Resultatet talar för tendenser till samband mellan höga nivåer av arbetsautenticitet och hög arbetstillsfredställese. Till följd av debegränsningar som en korrelationsstudie innebär så kan dock inga slutsatser kringorsakssamband dras utifrån det erhållna resultatet. Författaren önskar ändå att denna studie kan bistå med kunskap till framtida studier. En särskild del av diskussionen vigdes även åt att just diskutera implikationer för framtida studier med fokus på arbetsautenticitet och arbetstillsfredsställelse utifrån deras egenskaper som psykometriska mått och vetenskapliga konstrukt. Författaren presenterar även i den avslutande diskussion ett förslag på en möjlig utformning av en experimentell studiedesign, med målet att bidra med implikationer till framtida utforskning inom området. / The aim of this study was to explore the construct of work authenticity and its relationship to intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction using a quantitative approach. Work authenticity can be understood as the correspondence between a worker’s inner values and experiences and her outward behavior in the work place and job satisfaction as a positive appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. In addition, a scoping review was carried out with the purpose of outlining current research on authenticity primarily focused on the statistical measures used. The analysis was carried out using data gathered from a sample consisting of Swedish healthcare professionals (n=130) recruited by the use of relevant social media forums & discussion groups (Facebook) through digital self-report-forms. The forms were constructed using two statistical measures; IAM-Work (Individual Measure of Authenticity at Work) and MSQ-SF (Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, Short-Form). It was hypothesized that measures connected lack of work authenticity (Self-Alienation & Accepting External Influence) would be inversely correlated to measures describing high levels of job satisfaction. It was also predicted that measures of experienced work authenticity would be positively correlated with a measure of job satisfaction. Due to the data gathered not fulfilling conditions for parametric testing a series of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient tests were carried out. Small to moderate significant monotonic correlations were found between sub-measures of work authenticity (Authentic Living & Self Alienation) and the intrinsic job satisfaction-measure together with small significant monotonic correlations to extrinsic job satisfaction. The findings presented in thisstudy supports a possible relationship between higher levels of work authenticity to higher levels of job satisfaction. Due to the innate limitations of correlational research, no conclusions regarding causality within the identified relationships could be established. However, the wish of the author is that the this study nonetheless will act as a contribution to the exploration of this topic. In the final discussion, the psychometric measures and theoretical constructs of authenticity and job satisfaction were evaluated. Lastly, the author outlines suggestions for a possible experimental study design with the aim of providing implications for future research.
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Technology Readiness and Job SatisfactionHein, Douglas 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Συγκριτική ανάλυση ερευνών επαγγελματικής ικανοποίησης ανθρώπινου δυναμικού των νοσοκομείων του Ε.Σ.Υ. της Υγειονομικής Περιφέρειας ΠελοποννήσουΜπαλαούρας, Πέτρος 08 January 2013 (has links)
Η Εργασιακή Ικανοποίηση αποτελεί τον συνδετικό κρίκο ανάμεσα στις θεωρίες των κινήτρων και την εφαρμογή τους στον εργασιακό χώρο και αποτελεί την πιο μελετημένη μεταβλητή στο εργασιακό γίγνεσθαι. Συνοπτικά η επαγγελματική ικανοποίηση μπορεί να περιγραφεί ως ένα σύνολο στάσεων που οι εργαζόμενοι έχουν απέναντι στη δουλειά τους, ή ως μια ψυχολογική προδιάθεση που περιλαμβάνει πολλές επιμέρους στάσεις και συναισθήματα για διάφορες όψεις της εργασίας (Schultz, 1982).
Σκοπός της διατριβής είναι η εκτίμηση του βαθμού ικανοποίησης των επαγγελματιών υγείας από την εργασία τους και η ανάδειξη των παραγόντων εκείνων που την επηρεάζουν. Το δείγμα αποτελείται από 572 εργαζομένους των δημόσιων νοσοκομείων της Περιφέρειας Πελοποννήσου όλων των κατηγοριών ιατροί, νοσηλευτές, καθώς και διοικητικό, τεχνικό, βοηθητικό και παραϊατρικό προσωπικό. Τα δεδομένα συλλέχθηκαν με τη μέθοδο του δομημένου ερωτηματολογίου για την περίοδο 2006. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι η ηλικία και το επίπεδο εκπαίδευσης είναι οι πρωταρχικοί παράγοντες οι οποίοι επηρεάζουν την υποκειμενική αντίληψη για την ικανοποίηση των επαγγελματιών υγείας από την εργασία τους. Επιπλέον, περισσότερο συνολικά ικανοποιημένοι είναι οι άνδρες, οι εργαζόμενοι υποχρεωτικής εκπαίδευσης και το βοηθητικό προσωπικό. Μικρότερη ικανοποίηση φαίνεται να βιώνουν οι γυναίκες, οι κάτοχοι μεταπτυχιακού τίτλου και το διοικητικό και νοσηλευτικό προσωπικό. Τα θέματα τα οποία αναδεικνύονται ως μείζονος σημασίας στη διαμόρφωση του επιπέδου ικανοποίησης από την εργασία είναι (α) η αντίληψη των εργαζομένων για τον οργανισμό και τη θέση απασχόλησής του, (β) η αίσθηση επαγγελματικής επάρκειας και προσφοράς αποτελεσματικού έργου και (γ) η έλλειψη επιβράβευσης της Διοίκησης στις περιπτώσεις αποτελεσματικής απόδοσης. / --
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Perceptions of Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction in a Sample of High School Athletic Directors in the United StatesTurey, Colin J 01 January 2013 (has links)
The present study examined how athletic directors perceive their leadership roles in interscholastic athletics and the relationship of their leadership styles to their job satisfaction. The conceptual framework of this study was Bass and Avolio’s (1994) full range leadership model, also known as the transformational-transactional leadership model, which consists of 9 factors—5 transformational behaviors: idealized influence (attributed), idealized influence (behavior), inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration; 2 transactional behaviors: contingent reward and management-by-exception (active); 2 passive/avoidant behaviors: management-by-exception (passive) and laissez-faire. These 9 factors are measured by the Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). The study was also informed by Chelladurai’s multidimensional model of leadership in sport which focuses on transformational effects of sport leaders on individual satisfaction and group performance. The study was significant in that the effects of transformational leadership on individuals in sporting organizations have not been fully explored in previous research.
Both the MLQ and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) served as data collection tools. A sample of 500 athletic directors from across the United States was invited to participate in an electronic survey. Usable data were returned by 55 (11%) of the original sample. Participants self-assessed their leadership styles via the MLQ and job satisfaction via the MSQ. Data were analyzed via canonical correlation analysis followed by canonical commonality analysis. One canonical root was interpreted (Rc2 = .22; pCanonical structure coefficients indicated that Transformational and Passive/Avoidant Leadership made major contributions to the predictor canonical variate; the dependent canonical variate was defined by both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Satisfaction. Canonical commonality analysis indicated that Transformational Leadership had the largest unique variance partition; the largest common variance partition was shared by Transformational and Passive/Avoidant. The analysis also indicated two variable suppressor effects. There was a moderate correlation between athletic directors’ leadership styles and their job satisfaction; however, the directionality of the relationships of the variables in the leadership set with satisfaction was unexpected: (a) the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction was found to be negative, and (b) the relationship between passive/avoidant leadership and job satisfaction was positive.
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