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Funda??o de Vila Maria com a presen?a Chiquitana : os povoadores da fronteira oeste da Capitania de Mato Grosso (1778-1827)Cavalcante, Roselli Aparecida 16 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-04-17T18:46:28Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-16 / This study aims to analyze the foundation of Vila Maria of Paraguay, current C?ceres - MT, with the presence of Chiquitano Indians from Chiquitano Jesuit missions on the eastern side of the Spanish colony in America, now Bolivia, probably, Santa Ana, Santa Rosa, St. John and the Holy Heart of Jesus de Chiquitos. Seeks to highlight the Portuguese settlement strategies with these Indians in the period they were created and consolidated the Portuguese-Spanish border in western Mato Grosso Captaincy with the lands of the Spanish colony in South America especially in Vila Maria of Paraguay. The time frame covers the foundation of Vila Maria from 1778 to 1827, during the view of Hercules Florence to that village. Vila Maria becomes important strategic point between the villages of Cuiab? and Vila Bela of the Trinity in the Guapor? valley and the lack of "white people" to populate it, the Chiquitano and Indians from other ethnic groups, served the Lusitanian project of settlement, occupation and consolidation of their land in this part of the colony. The royal instructions and the urbanization project of the Portuguese crown and the Marquis of Pombal will be the hallmarks of this settlement. / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a funda??o de Vila Maria do Paraguai, atual C?ceres ? MT, com a presen?a de ?ndios Chiquitano provenientes de miss?es jesu?ticas Chiquitanas do lado oriental da col?nia espanhola na Am?rica, atual Bol?via, provavelmente de, Santa Ana, Santa Rosa, S?o Jo?o e do Santo Cora??o de Jesus de Chiquitos. Procura evidenciar as estrat?gias de povoamento dos portugueses com esses ?ndios no per?odo em que se criavam e consolidavam a fronteira luso-espanhola no oeste da Capitania de Mato Grosso com as terras da col?nia espanhola na Am?rica do sul, especialmente em Vila Maria do Paraguai. O recorte temporal abrange a funda??o de Vila Maria 1778 a 1827, ocasi?o da vista de Hercules de Florence a essa Vila. Vila Maria torna-se importante ponto estrat?gico entre as Vilas de Cuiab? e Vila Bela da Sant?ssima Trindade no vale do Guapor? e na falta de ?gente branca? para povo?-la, os Chiquitano, bem como ?ndios de outras etnias, serviram ao projeto lusitano de povoamento, ocupa??o e consolida??o de suas terras nesta parte da col?nia. As instru??es r?gias e o projeto de urbaniza??o da coroa portuguesa e do Marqu?s de Pombal ser?o os balizadores deste povoamento.
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Caça em assentamento rural no Sul da Floresta Amazônica / Hunting in rural settlement in the South of Amazon ForestTRINCA, Cristiano Trapé 07 May 2004 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2013-09-02T16:41:34Z
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Previous issue date: 2004 / Neste trabalho investiguei os efeitos sobre as populações locais de mamíferos silvestres das atividades de caça praticadas por sitiantes de um assentamento rural na Floresta Amazônica do Norte do Estado de Mato Grosso. A segunda parte do Assentamento Japuranã, na qual foi realizado este estudo, foi ocupada ha três anos. Entrevistas formais foram realizadas com 17 moradores. Informações adicionais foram coletadas informalmente, durante todo tipo de contato com assentados durante o período de estudo. A maioria dos assentados são provenientes dos estados do Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Tipicamente, são trabalhadores rurais, semi-analfabetos, com baixa renda mensal. As principais técnicas de caça praticadas são a "espera", "cachorros" e "excursão". A carne de caça se mostrou um elemento importante na alimentação aparecendo em cerca de um terço das refeições. A atividade de 14 caçadores foi monitorada entre maio e novembro de 2003, neste período eles abateram 113 mamíferos de 17 espécies. Análises da estrutura da população baseadas em crânios foram possíveis para apenas as espécies de porco-do-mato, Tayassu pecari (queixada) e Pecari tajacu (cateto). A análise indicou que a situação da estrutura da população do T. pecari e do P. tajacu é sensível e poderia seriamente ser afetada se a pressão da caça aumentar. Estimou-se a extração de 4096,3 kg de biomassa em uma área de aproximadamente 38 km2, representando um consumo médio de carne de 0,268 kg/pessoa por dia. Levantamentos populacionais de transecção linear foram realizados em três pontos, dois no assentamento e um em uma área vizinha de floresta contínua, como "controle", na qual a caça não é praticada. Num percurso total de 108 km, foram registradas quinze espécies de mamíferos e quatro de aves, com taxas de avistamento relativamente altas em comparação com outros sítios da Amazônia central e oriental. Entretanto, a riqueza de espécies e sua abundância foram maiores em ambos os pontos do assentamento em comparação com o controle. A abundância de ungulados (porcos-do-mato e veados.), os principais alvos dos caçadores, também foi maior no assentamento (ambos os pontos de coleta) em comparação com o controle. Isto sugere claramente que a caça ainda não teve um impacto significativo sobre as populações de mamíferos do assentamento, em termos de sua abundância, pelo menos. A maior parte da atividade de caça foi de subsistência (85,8%), a restante foi para o controle de animais predadores de criações domésticas (8,0%) ou depredatória (6,2%), neste caso, basicamente para a proteção dos cachorros durante perseguições. Apesar desta pressão, a abundância relativa de mamíferos na área do assentamento sugere que a caça seja sustentável a curto prazo (três anos), possivelmente em função da abundância natural de mamíferos na região, e a densidade populacional humana ainda baixa. Entretanto, esta situação pode durar pouco, já que o desmatamento e a conseqüente fragmentação de hábitat na área do assentamento é um processo contínuo, e a caça ocorre sem qualquer controle. Os resultados deste estudos fornecem uma base importante para o desenvolvimento de planos de manejo para a fauna local, envolvendo a comunidade local, órgãos fiscalizadores, o governo e instituições de pesquisa. Serão fundamentais tanto para conservação das espécies como pelo melhor aproveitamento dos recursos de caça pelos sitiantes locais. / In this study, 1 investigated the effects on the local populations of wild mammals of the hunting activities of the residents of a rural settlement in the Amazonian forest of the northern part of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. The second part of the Japuranã settlement — the study site — was occupied three years ago. Formal interviews were conducted with 17 settlers. Additional information was collected informally, during all forms of contact with settlers during the study period. The majority of settlers are from southern and southeastern Brazil. Typically, they are semi-literate rural workers, with very low monthly income. The principal hunting techniques used are "ambush", "chase with dogs" and "excursion". Game meat was an important part of settlers' diets, and was included in about a third of meals. The activities of 14 hunters were monitored between May and November, 2003, during which they captured 113 mammals belonging to 17 species. Analyses of population structure based on crania were possible for only two species, the white-lipped (Tayassu pecari and the collared (Pecari tajacu) peccaries. The analysis indicated that the situation of the structure of the population of the T.pecari and the P.tajacu is sensible and could seriously be affected if the pressure increase. An estimated 4096.3 kg of game was extracted from an area of approximately 38 km2, representing an average consumption of 0.268 kg of meat per person per day. Line transect population surveys were conducted at three sites, two in the settlement and a third in a nearby "control" area of continuous forest where hunting is not practised. Over a total transect of 108 km, 15 species of mammal and four species of bird were recorded, with relatively high sightings rates in comparison with most other sites in central and eastern Amazonia. However, species richness and abundance were greater at both settlement sites in comparison with the control. The abundance of ungulates (peccaries and deer), the primary game species, was also greater in the settlement (both sites) in comparison with the control. This suggests clearly that hunting pressure has not yet had a significant impact on the mammal populations of the settlement, at least in terms of abundance. The majority (85.8%) of hunting was directed at subsistence, while 8.0% involved the control of predators of domestic stock, and the remaining 6.2% was "predatory", basically for the protection of the dogs during chase hunting. Despite this pressure, the relative abundance of mammals in the settlement suggests that hunting is sustainable over the short term (three years), possibly as a result of the natural abundance of mammals in the region, and the still reduced human population density. However, this situation may not last long, given that deforestation and consequent habitat fragmentation is an ongoing process, and there are no controls on hunting in the area. The results of this study provide an important data base for the development of management plans for the local fauna, involving the local community, government, environmental organisations, and research institutions. These plans will be fundamental to both the conservation of species and the more efficient exploitation of game resources by local settlers.
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Efeito do uso do hábitat sobre a comunidade de Gerromorpha (Heteroptera) em uma área de transição Amazônia-cerrado, Mato Grosso, BrasilWANZELER, Elaine Cristina de Miranda January 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2013-09-17T15:37:12Z
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Dissertacao_EfeitoUsoHabitat.pdf: 1619679 bytes, checksum: b644c091d3e81b9dddb74df9a3aefb1b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva(arosa@ufpa.br) on 2013-09-27T16:44:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao_EfeitoUsoHabitat.pdf: 1619679 bytes, checksum: b644c091d3e81b9dddb74df9a3aefb1b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Os Heteroptera aquáticos e semi-aquáticos consistem em três infra-ordens monofiléticas, os Gerromorpha, Nepomorpha e Leptopodomorpha. No Brasil, existe um número bastante reduzido de literatura sobre este grupo, onde o estado de Minas Gerais concentra o maior número de estudos. Este trabalho objetivou determinar o efeito da intensidade de uso da terra sobre a comunidade de heterópteros aquáticos, infra-ordem Gerromorpha. A área de estudo está localizada na Fazenda Tanguro, estado do Mato Grosso, em uma faixa de transição entre os biomas Amazônia e Cerrado. Foram realizadas quatro expedições nos meses de maio e julho, nos anos de 2006 e 2007. As coletas foram realizadas ao longo de seis riachos de primeira ordem localizados em três áreas diferentes: campo de soja, pastagem e mata contínua. Foram encontrados 5 famílias, 19 gêneros, 36 espécies e 13 morfoespécies de Gerromorpha. As curvas médias de acumulação de espécies para cada uma das três áreas de estudo não atingiram a assíntota ao final da adição de amostras, mas demonstraram uma clara tendência a estabilização, sugerindo que um aumento do esforço amostral aproximaria o número de espécies observadas da realidade do local de estudo. Embora a cobertura vegetal tenha sido significativamente diferente entre as três áreas estudadas (ANOVA, F2,45= 23,72; P < 0,001), o tipo de hábitat não influenciou no número de espécies de Gerromorpha (ANOVA F3,44= 0,77; P = 0,52). Sete espécies apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os hábitats. Os dois eixos do MDS baseados na composição das espécies não separaram as espécies quanto ao tipo de hábitat. Para a matriz de abundância, o eixo 1 (MANOVA; F2,45 = 16,27; P < 0,001) e o eixo 2 (MANOVA; F2,45 = 6,31; P = 0,004) diferenciaram as
espécies que ocorreram na área de mata contínua. Um total de 57,14% das espécies coletadas é compartilhado pelas três áreas de estudo. A sensível redução no número de indivíduos registrados da área mais conservada (mata contínua) para as áreas degradadas (plantio de soja e pastagem, respectivamente) possivelmente está relacionada à perda de cobertura vegetal observada nas áreas degradadas. As espécies Brachymetra lata, Brachymetra sp 1, Cylindrostethus palmaris, Tachygerris celocis, Rhagovelia paulana, e Rhagovelia whitei podem ser consideradas espécies indicadoras de áreas florestadas; e Neogerris lubricus pode ser indicadora de ambientes sem cobertura vegetal. / The aquatic and semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera) belong to three different monophyletic infra-orders: Gerromorpha, Nepomorpha and Leptopodomorpha. In Brazil only a few studies on these groups have been carried out, mostly in the state of Minas Gerais. This study aimed to determine land use intensity effect over the aquatic Heteroptera-Gerromorpha community. The study was carried out at Tanguro farm, state of Mato Grosso, in a area of transition between cerrado and tropical rain forest. Samples were collected on May and July in 2006 and 2007 in six streams within three different environments: soybean plantation, pasture and forest. Five families, 19 genera, 36 species and 13 morphospecies of Gerromorpha were collected. Species accumulation curves for each environment did not reach an asymptote, though they showed a clear tendency to stabilization. Therefore, increasing the number of samples probably will set the real species number close to the observed for the whole study area. Although vegetation coverage was significantly different among the three environments (ANOVA, F2,45= 23,72; P < 0,001), the habitat type did not influence the number of Gerromorpha species (ANOVA F3,44= 0,77; P = 0,52). In addition, the two axis of a MDS analysis based on species composition did not discriminate the habitats. On the other hand, the abundance of seven species was significantly different among habitats. Analysis of the abundance matrix shown (axis 1- MANOVA; F2,45 = 16,27; P < 0,001 and axis 2- MANOVA; F2,45 = 6,31; P = 0,004) segregated forest species. The three habitats shared 57,14% of the species collected. The considerable decrease in number of specimens from the forest to the pasture may be related to the lost of vegetation coverage in disturbed areas. The species Brachymetra
lata, Brachymetra sp. 1, Cylindrostethus palmaris, Tachygerris celocis, Rhagovelia paulana, Rhagovelia whitei and Neogerris lubricus could be considered indicator species based on significant differences in abundance between disturbed and undisturbed areas.
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Composição, ecologia e história natural das serpentes de uma região de transição Amazônia - Cerrado, Mato grosso, BrasilABE, Pedro Santos January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2013-10-24T22:26:11Z
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Dissertacao_ComposicaoEcologiaHistoria.pdf: 1622273 bytes, checksum: 27dd7bab8ef0c40a9396729f491680ba (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva(arosa@ufpa.br) on 2013-11-13T17:06:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Este trabalho foi feito em formato de artigo de acordo com as normas da revista Biota Neotropica, foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Tanguro, localizada em uma região de transição Amazônia - Cerrado, município de Querência/ MT, com o objetivo de
estudar a composição e história natural da comunidade de serpentes encontrada na região. Foram realizadas seis expedições a área de estudo, que resultaram no registro de
203 espécimes (194 capturas), distribuídos em 34 espécies, 26 gêneros e 8 famílias.
Uma Estimativa baseada na incidência de espécies raras (Jackknife 1) indicou uma
riqueza total de 38 espécies na área. As espécies mais abundantes foram Caudisona
durissa (N=50), Philodryas olfersii (N=15), Philodryas nattereri (N=13), Xenodon
rabdocephalus (N=12), Lachesis muta (N=10) e Liophis almadensis (N=10). Uma
análise de Coordenadas Principais (PCO) demonstrou que as taxocenoses se sobrepõem,
revelando uma tendência para a formação de três grupos distintos: taxocenoses
amazônicas, Cerrado e Mata Atlântica. A composição de espécies na fazenda Tanguro
apresentou-se intermediária em relação aos agrupamentos formados por espécies
Amazônicas e de Cerrado, ocorrendo espécies tanto com ampla distribuição, como
endêmicas dos biomas Cerrado ou Amazônico. O padrão de utilização de habitat da
taxocenose é terrícola, seguido de semi-arboricolas e fossorial. Há predominância de
espécies de serpentes generalistas quanto a alimentação. Na análise de agrupamentos
ecológicos, foram observados quatro grupos funcionais, mostrando que a complexidade
da taxocenose é explicada tanto por fatores ecológicos como históricos. / This study aimed to document the composition and natural history of a community of
snakes recorded at Tanguro Farm, Querência municipality, State of Mato Grosso,
Brazil, an area which represents a transition between two major neotropical biomes,
Amazonia and Cerrado. Six expeditions to the study site were carried out, resulting in
the record of 203 specimens (194 captures), distributed in 34 species, 26 genera and 8
families. An estimate based in the incidence of rare species (Jackknife 1) indicated a
total richness of 38 species in the study site, which demonstrate that the inventory was
relatively exhaustive. The most abundant species were Caudisona durissa (N=50),
Philodryas olfersii (N=15), Philodryas nattereri (N=13), Xenodon rabdocephalus
(N=12), Lachesis muta (N=10) e Liophis almadensis (N=10). A Principal Coordinates
Analysis (PCO) demonstrated that the taxocenosis are superimposed, revealing a trend
to formation of three distinct groups: Amazonia’s, Cerrado´s and Mata Atlantica´s
taxocenosis. The species composition at Tanguro Farm was intermediary between the
groups formed by Amazonian and Cerrado species, occurring species with wide
distribution ranges as well as species restrict to either Amazonia or Cerrado. The pattern
of habitat use of the studied taxocenosis is terrestrial, followed by semi-arboreous and
fossorial. With regards to the feeding strategies, there are a predominance of generalist
snake species. An analysis of ecological groupings showed four functional groups,
suggesting that the taxocenosis complexity could be explained by ecological and
historical factors.
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A imagem do índio na câmera do vídeo: o efêmero e o mosaico no cruzamento do índio com o não índio, durante a produção documentária “Xingu” em 1984 e 2006, no Parque Nacional do XinguGarcia, Orlando 04 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-12-15T11:37:25Z
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Orlando Garcia.pdf: 2571449 bytes, checksum: 158387d0cd4a9798fda0cf505480ce93 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-15T11:37:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-04 / We develop here an analysis of the relations between some groups of Indians of the Xingu and the production of a documentary series made on these same Indians by the journalist Washington Novaes in 1984 and in 2006, with the titles: Xingu - The Magical Land and Xingu - Earth Endangered , whose films we have as object of study. Our intention is to point out the possible way to break with the construction of preconceived ideas about a supposed "identity purism" in the life of the Indian, which developed in two ways: by the image that was built historically on it, aiming at the maintenance of a pretended Indian identity through the "preservation of a primitive culture" that certainly does not exist anymore, like that which existed in the sixteenth century, and through a discourse that puts it in the condition of acculturated and disappearing, from the absorption of elements of non-Indian culture. If we do not agree with either position, we present a third one, which places it as having developed historically and socially, merging with non-Indian culture through peaceful and violent encounters, but without prejudice to its degradation or of his disappearance as a people. The series of documentaries produced by Washington Novaes brings in a strong criticism to the introduction of non-Indian elements in their culture, and defends about them, as if it were possible, the maintenance of an archaic and primitive cultural life, as the only way to prevent their total "disappearance" as an identity group. In this context, we propose to subvert the ideas of this "identity purism", supporting us in the theoretical formulations related to the field of communication, anthropology and historiography. As a result of this, we have obtained, from the analysis of the texts on Amerindian perspectivism and others, a theoretical support to question the points of view quoted above. We analyze the associations between these groups of Indians in the region with the technologies and tools introduced in the villages, their connections with the feast of Kuarup and with the shamanism, in order to show the possible ways to break with the construction of ideas around the identity conception of the Xingu Indians / Desenvolvemos aqui uma análise das relações entre alguns grupos de índios do Xingu e a produção de uma série documentária realizada sobre esses mesmos índios pelo jornalista Washington Novaes, em 1984 e em 2006, com os títulos: Xingu – A Terra Mágica e Xingu – A Terra Ameaçada, cujos filmes temos como objeto de estudo. Nosso intuito é apontar a maneira possível de se romper com a construção de ideias preconcebidas em torno de um suposto “purismo identitário” na vida do índio, que se desenvolveu de duas maneiras: pela imagem construída historicamente sobre ele, objetivando a manutenção de uma pretensa identidade índia por intermédio da “preservação de uma cultura primitiva”, que certamente não existe mais (como teria existido no século XVI), e por meio de um discurso que o coloca na condição de aculturado e em desaparecimento, a partir da absorção de elementos da cultura não índia. Não concordando com nenhuma das duas posições, apresentamos uma terceira, a que o coloca como quem vem desenvolvendo-se histórica e socialmente, mesclando-se com a cultura não índia por meio de encontros pacíficos e violentos, mas sem prejuízo de sua degradação ou de seu desaparecimento enquanto cultura ou povo. A série de documentários produzida por Washington Novaes traz em seu conteúdo uma crítica contundente à introdução de elementos não índios na cultura destes, e defende, para os mesmos – como se fosse possível –, a manutenção de uma vida cultural arcaica e primitiva, como sendo a única via para impedir seu “desaparecimento” total enquanto grupo identitário. Nesse contexto, propomos subverter as ideias desse “purismo identitário”, nos apoiando nas formulações teóricas ligadas ao campo da comunicação, da antropologia e da historiografia. Como desdobramento disso tudo, obtivemos, a partir da análise dos textos sobre o perspectivismo ameríndio e outros, um suporte teórico para questionar os pontos de vista citados acima. Analisamos as associações entre esses grupos de índios e as tecnologias e ferramentas introduzidas nas aldeias, suas ligações com a festa do Kuarup e com o xamanismo, para mostrar as formas possíveis de se romper com a construção de ideias em torno da concepção identitária sobre os índios xinguanos
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Periculosidade e loucura no sistema penal: a percepção dos juízes acerca da periculosidade a partir da analise de sentenças de medida de segurança no estado de Mato GrossoLOURENÇO, Renata 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cássio da Cruz Nogueira (cassionogueirakk@gmail.com) on 2017-06-14T14:22:18Z
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Dissertacao_PericulosidadeLoucuraSistema.pdf: 665821 bytes, checksum: 167ceaec829500714b251453f9feb71a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / O presente estudo buscou compreender a percepção do conceito de periculosidade e a persistência da concepção da presunção de periculosidade associada à loucura nas decisões de aplicação das medidas de segurança a partir dos discursos jurídicos emanados nas sentenças emanadas pelos juízes, tendo em vista que ser a periculosidade o requisito fundamental para aplicação deste instrumento jurídico. Através da contextualização histórica foi possível compreender que o conceito de periculosidade desde sua formulação na criminologia, no âmbito da escola positiva do direito foi incorporado pelo direito penal como base legitimadora das práticas punitivas e das políticas de segurança pública com a fundamentação da tese da defesa prévia da sociedade. Os processos punitivos vão se delineando para atender os interesses de determinados grupos sociais inerentes a cada período histórico, tendo como foco grupos específicos, sendo que neste contexto se consolidou a concepção do binômio loucura-violência tal arraigado até atualmente em nossa sociedade. Foram analisadas sentenças e laudos psiquiátricos de processos em cumprimento de medida de segurança nas comarcas de Cáceres, Cuiabá e Várzea Grande , num total de 36 processos analisados. A análise dos processos está focada no estudo das sentenças iniciais de aplicação de medidas de segurança detentiva e de progressão para o regime ambulatorial e dos laudos psiquiátricos que amparam as decisões dos juízes de aplicação da medida de segurança . A partir da construção do referencial teórico e da analise das sentenças foi possível concluir que a questão da periculosidade, muito embora esteja num primeiro olhar relegada ao universo jurídico, não se limita a este, uma vez que se apresenta como elemento fundamental na organização social , na fundamentação da tese da defesa da sociedade e na legitimação do punitivo do Estado e da ordem política e econômica estabelecida. / This study sought to understand the perception of the concept of dangerousness and persistence of the concept of dangerousness presumption associated with madness in implementing decisions of the security measures from legal discourse emanating from the issued sentences by judges, in order to be the dangerousness the fundamental requirement for the application of this legal instrument. Through the historical context was possible to understand that the concept of dangerousness since its formulation in criminology, under the positive school of law was incorporated by criminal law as legitimizing basis of punitive practices and public security policies with the reasoning of the thesis of the previous defense of society. Punitive processes will delineating to meet the interests of certain social groups involved in each historical period, focusing on specific groups, and in this context has established the concept of madness violence binomial such ingrained currently up in our society. sentences and psychiatric reports processes in compliance with security measures were analyzed in the regions of Cáceres, Cuiabá and Lowland Grande, a total of 36 cases examined. The process analysis is focused on the study of the initial sentences of application of custodial security measures and progression to the outpatient and psychiatric reports that support decisions of application security measure judges. From the construction of the theoretical framework and analysis of sentences was concluded that the issue of dangerousness, although it is at first glance relegated to the legal universe, is not limited to this, since it presents as a key element in the social organization, in the grounds of the thesis defense of society and the legitimacy of punitive state and political and economic order established.
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Monitoring Vegetation Change in the Kosciuszko Alpine Zone, AustraliaScherrer, Pascal, n/a January 2004 (has links)
This thesis examined vegetation change over the last 43 years in Australia's largest contiguous alpine area, the Kosciuszko alpine zone in south-eastern Australia. Using historical and current data about the state of the most common vegetation community, tall alpine herbfield, this thesis addressed the questions: (1) what were the patterns of change at the species/genera and life form levels during this time period; (2) what were the patterns of recovery, if recovery occurred, from anthropogenic disturbances such as livestock grazing or trampling by tourists; (3) what impacts did natural disturbances such as drought have on the vegetation and how does it compare to anthropogenic disturbances; and (4) What are the benefits, limitations and management considerations when using long-term data for assessing vegetation changes at the species/genera, life form and community levels? The Kosciuszko alpine zone has important economic, cultural and ecological values. It is of great scientific and biological importance, maintaining an assemblage of vegetation communities found nowhere else in the world. It is one of the few alpine regions in the world with deep loamy soils, and contains endemic flora and fauna and some of the few periglacial and glacial features in Australia. The area also forms the core of the Australian mainland's most important water catchment and is a popular tourist destination, offering a range of recreational opportunities. The vegetation of the Kosciuszko alpine zone is recovering from impacts of livestock grazing and is increasingly exposed to pressures from tourism and anthropogenic climate change. At the same time, natural disturbances such as drought and fire can influence the distribution, composition and diversity of plants. Thus, there is a need for detailed environmental data on this area in order to: (1) better understand ecological relationships; (2) understand existing and potential effects of recreational and management pressures on the region; (3) provide data against which future changes can be assessed; and (4) provide better information on many features of this area, including vegetation, for interpretation, education and management. The research in this thesis utilised three types of ecological information: (1) scientific long-term datasets; (2) photographic records; and (3) a comparison of disturbed and undisturbed vegetation. This research analysed data from one of the longest ongoing monitoring programs in the Australian Alps established by Alec Costin and Dane Wimbush in 1959. Permanent plots (6 transects and 30 photoquadrats) were established at two locations that differed in the time since grazing and have been repeatedly surveyed. Plots near Mt Kosciuszko had not been grazed for 15 years and had nearly complete vegetation cover in 1959, while plots near Mt Gungartan showed extensive impacts of grazing and associated activities which only ceased in 1958. Some transect data from 1959 to 1978 have been analysed by the original researchers. The research presented in this thesis extends this monitoring program with data from additional surveys in 1990, 1999 and 2002 and applies current methods of statistical evaluation, such as ordination techniques, to the whole data set for the first time. Results indicated that the recovery from livestock grazing and the effects of drought have been the main factors affecting vegetation. Recovery from livestock grazing at the three transects at Gungartan was slow and involved: (1) increasing genera diversity; (2) increasing vegetation cover; (3) decreasing amounts of bare ground; and (4) a directional change over time in species composition. Patterns of colonisation and species succession were also documented. In 2002, 44 years after the cessation of grazing, transects near Mt Gungartan had similar vegetation cover and genera diversity to the transects near Mt Kosciuszko, but cover by exposed rock remained higher. A drought in the 1960s resulted in a temporary increase of litter and a shift in the proportional cover of life forms, as grasses died and herb cover increased at both locations. Proportions of cover for life forms reverted to pre-drought levels within a few years. The results also highlighted the spatial variability of tall alpine herbfield. The photoquadrats were surveyed in the years 1959, 1964, 1968, 1978 and 2001 and are analysed for the first time in this thesis. After comparing a range of methods, visual assessment using a 130 point grid was found to be the most suitable technique to measure vegetation cover and genera diversity. At the 18 quadrats near Mt Gungartan, there was a pattern of increasing vegetation cover as bare areas were colonised by native cudweeds and the naturalized herb Acetosella vulgaris. Revegetation from within bare areas largely occurred by herb species, while graminoids and shrub species predominately colonised bare ground by lateral expansion from the edges, eventually replacing the colonising herbs. At the 12 quadrats near Mt Kosciuszko, vegetation cover was almost complete in all years surveyed except 1968, which was at the end of a six year drought. Similar to the results from the transect study, the drought caused an increase in litter at both locations as graminoid cover declined. Initially herb cover increased, potentially as a result of decreased competition from the graminoids and a nutrient spike from decaying litter, but as the drought became more severe, herb cover also declined. Graminoid cover rapidly recovered after the drought, reaching pre-drought levels by 1978, and was at similar levels in 2001. Herb cover continued to decline after peaking in 1964. The photoquadrat study also documented the longevity and growth rates of several species indicating that many taxa may persist for several decades. It further provided insights into replacement patterns amongst life forms. In addition to assessing vegetation change following livestock grazing and drought at the long-term plots, recovery from tourism impacts was examined by comparing vegetation and soils on a closed walking track, with that of adjacent undisturbed tall alpine herbfield at a series of 22 paired quadrats. Fifteen years after the track was closed there was limited success in restoration. Over a quarter of the closed track was still bare ground with non-native species the dominant vegetation. Plant species composition differed and vegetation height, soil nutrients and soil moisture were lower on the track which had a higher compaction level than adjacent natural vegetation. The results presented in this thesis highlight that tall alpine herbfield is characterised by nearly entire vegetation cover which is dominated by graminoids, followed by herbs and shrubs in the absence of disturbance by livestock grazing, trampling or drought. The studies also showed that under quot;average" conditions, the relative cover of herbs and graminoids remained fairly stable even though there can be considerable cycling between them. Spatial variability in terms of taxa composition was high. The only common introduced species in unrehabilitated sites was Acetosella vulgaris, which was effective at colonising bare ground but was eventually replaced by other native species. However, in areas actively rehabilitated, such as on the closed track, non-native species introduced during revegetation efforts still persist with high cover 15 years after their introduction. Monitoring of vegetation change is also important at the landscape scale. This thesis provides a review of the potential use, the limitations and the benefits of aerial photography to examine vegetation change in the Kosciuszko alpine zone. Numerous aerial photography runs have been flown over the area since the 1930s for government agencies, industry and the military. Some of these records have been used to map vegetation communities and eroding areas at a point in time. Other studies compared different types and scales of photographs, highlighting in particular the benefits and potential of large scale colour aerial photography to map alpine vegetation. However, despite their potential to assess vegetation change over time, a temporal comparison of vegetation in the Kosciuszko alpine zone from aerial photographs has not been completed to this date. Historical photographs may not be easy to locate or access and difficulties with vegetation classification may restrict the practicality of using historical aerial photographs to assess vegetation change. Despite these issues, aerial photography may provide a very useful and efficient tool to assess changes over time when applied appropriately, even in alpine environments. The development of digital classification techniques, the application of statistical measures of error to both methodology and data, and the application of geographic information systems are likely to further improve the practicality of historical aerial photographs for the detection of vegetation change and assist in overcoming some of the limitations. The results presented in this thesis highlight the need for limiting disturbance, for ongoing rehabilitation of disturbed areas and for long-term monitoring in the Kosciuszko alpine zone. The results contribute to our understanding of how vegetation may change in the future and may be affected by new land use activities and climate change. This type of information, which otherwise would require the establishment of long-term studies and years of monitoring, can assist land managers of this and other important protected areas. The study highlights how the use and expansion of already existing datasets to gather ecological information can save considerable money and time, providing valuable data for current and emerging issues.
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Les isotopes cosmogéniques 3He et 10Be dans les minéraux mafiques : développements analytiques, calibration et nouvelles applicationsBlard, P.-H. 30 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'amélioration de la précision et de la justesse des techniques basées sur les isotopes cosmogéniques passe par la mise au point de nouveaux protocoles analytiques, l'affinement des méthodes existantes et la calibration de leurs taux de production. Des tests spécifiques ont ainsi permis d'améliorer la technique standard d'analyse du 3He cosmogénique (3Hec) dans les olivines et les pyroxènes, grâce à l'identification d'une perte de 3Hec lors de l'étape préliminaire de broyage. De même, un nouveau protocole de traitement chimique a été mis au point pour la mesure du 10Bec in situ dans ces minéraux. L'utilisation de ces méthodes affinées sur des phénocristaux naturels conduit à proposer de nouveaux taux de production de 128±5 at.g-1.a-1 pour le 3Hec dans les olivines et de 4.4±0.6 at.g-1.a-1 pour le 10Bec dans les clinopyroxènes. Ces valeurs sont obtenues par calibration sur des coulées basaltiques du Mt Etna (Sicile, 38°N), du Mauna Loa et du Mauna Kea (Hawaii, 19°N) qui ont été datées par K-Ar ou 14C entre 1.47±0.05 et 149±23 ka. La fiabilité de la méthode de datation par 3Hec a été mise à profit pour établir avec précision la chronologie du dernier retrait glaciaire du Mauna Kea (Hawaii). L'âge du dernier maximum glaciaire (DMG) local a été contraint entre 19 et 16 ka. Ces datations ont de plus été valorisées par simulation numérique des conditions paléoclimatiques. Il a ainsi été établi que le refroidissement en haute altitude (> 3000 m) du Pacifique Central était de l'ordre de 7±1°C au DMG. Le réchauffement post glaciaire n'a été significatif qu'à partir de ~15 ka, ce résultat confirmant le comportement isolé de cette zone par rapport au reste du Pacifique. Enfin, il a été montré que les objets géologiques ayant enregistrés des expositions anciennes (ou fossiles) ont le potentiel pour quantifier des paramètres aussi variés que la mesure de paléoaltitudes, de paléo-taux d'érosion ou la vitesse d'émission des grandes provinces volcaniques. Les incertitudes et les limites de ces nouvelles méthodes ont été à la fois évaluées par simulation numérique et testées sur des objets géologiques.
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L'isotope cosmogénique Cl-36 dans les minéraux riches en Ca et en K : développements analytiques, calibrations des taux de production et inter-calibration avec le He-3 et le Ne-21Schimmelpfennig, Irene 08 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les taux de production du nucléide cosmogénique 36Cl par spallation du Ca et du K (SLHL) proposés actuellement dans la littérature montrent des divergences allant jusqu'à 50% (Gosse and Phillips, 2001). Nous avons pu montrer que des fortes teneurs en Cl dans les roches utilisées pour les calibrations précédentes entraînent une surestimation de ces taux de production, lié à la production de 36Cl à partir du 35Cl qui est peu contrainte. Nous avons entrepris une nouvelle calibration à partir de laves datées indépendamment entre 0.4 et 32 ka situées au Mt. Etna (38°N, Italie) et au Payun Matru (36°S, Argentine). Le 36Cl a été mesuré dans des feldspaths riches en Ca et en K, mais faibles en Cl. A partir d'une approche bayesienne incluant toutes les incertitudes, les taux de production obtenus sont de 42.2 ± 4.8 atomes 36Cl (g Ca)-1 an-1 pour la spallation du Ca et de 124.9 ± 8.1 atomes 36Cl (g K)-1 an-1 pour la spallation du K, avec les facteurs d'échelle calculés selon Stone (2000). Quatre autres modèles de facteurs d'échelle sont également proposés avec des résultats très semblables. Ces nouveaux taux de production sont en accord avec les valeurs précédemment obtenues par d'autres auteurs avec des échantillons faibles en Cl. Finalement, les concentrations en 36Cl, 3He et 21Ne ont été mesurées dans des pyroxènes prélevés entre 1000 et 4300 m dans des laves du Kilimandjaro (3°S). Les rapports entre ces nucléides ne montrent pas de dépendance altitudinale, ce qui suggère que les taux de production ne varient pas d'un nucléide à l'autre avec l'altitude.
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Application de la télédétection et des systèmes d'informations géographiques à l'etude des mouvements de terrain au LibanAbdallah, Chadi 11 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Parmi les aléas naturels, les mouvements de terrain (MT) sont probablement les plus nuisibles à l'environnement naturel et humain, notamment dans les pays méditerranéens, incluant le Liban qui représente un bon cas d'étude de région montagneuse. Ce phénomène n'a pas été étudié à l'échelle régionale bien qu'il affecte de vastes zones dans ce pays, et les cartes d'aléa manquent encore. La recherche présentée ici est consacrée à l'utilisation des techniques de télédétection et des systèmes d'informations géographiques (SIG), pour l'étude des MT au Liban. La première partie passe en revue les connaissances existantes sur le thème des mouvements de terrain (MT), plus spécifiquement dans la région méditerranéenne, et définit les lacunes de recherche. Elle expose les divers types existants de MT, leurs magnitudes, les agents causatifs, et leurs effets. Elle clarifie la terminologie utilisée pour les MT (aléa, susceptibilité, risque, etc.), et compare les méthodes les plus utilisées pour la cartographie de l'aléa/susceptibilité aux MT. Elle présente aussi un état des avantages et problèmes de la télédétection et du SIG dans les études de mouvements de terrain, en insistant sur les voies possibles de recherche. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la description détaillée de la région d'étude qui couvre les versants méditerranéens du nord du Liban central. Les caractéristiques physiques/morphodynamiques et socio-économiques de cette région sont exposées, ainsi que les aléas naturels, les événements de MT, les impacts socio-économiques et les mesures de conservation. Toutes les études sur l'aléa MT au Liban sont revisitées. La région d'étude, s'étendant de la côte méditerranéenne jusqu'à 3000 m d'altitude, couvre à peu près 36 % de la superficie totale du Liban. Elle est représentative de la diversité géo-environnementale de ce pays en termes de géologie, sol, hydrographie, occupation du sol et climat. Elle se caractérise par des activités humaines problématiques (par exemple une expansion urbaine chaotique, la recharge artificielle des eaux souterraines, un surpâturage, des incendies de forêt), accroissant la dégradation de l'environnement et induisant les MT, avec un contrôle gouvernemental minime. La troisième compare l'efficacité de différents capteurs satellitaires à résolutions variées (Landsat TM, IRS, SPOT4) et diverses techniques de traitement d'image (composition colorée, fusion, analyse en composantes principales ACP, vision stéréoscopique) pour la détection visuelle des mouvements de terrain classés en glissements, éboulements de blocs rocheux et de débris, et coulées de boue. Les résultats ont été validés sur le terrain et en analysant des images IKONOS (1 m) acquises en certaines localités menacées par des MT sur de longues périodes. Ensuite, les niveaux de précision de la détection des MT à partir des images satellitaires ont été calculés. Cette étude a montré que l'anaglyphe produit à partir des images panchromatiques stéréo SPOT4 reste l'outil le plus efficace grâce aux caractéristiques 3D jouant un rôle essentiel dans l'interprétation visuelle et montrant un niveau de précision (pourcentage des MT détectés et vérifiés sur le terrain) maximal de 69 %. De plus, l'image de fusion Landsat TM-IRS, calculée par ACP, fournit des résultats de détection des MT meilleurs que les autres techniques, avec un niveau de précision de 62 %. Les erreurs d'interprétation fluctuent non seulement en fonction de la technique de traitement utilisée, mais aussi en fonction des types de MT. Elles sont minimes quand l'anaglyphe (3D) SPOT4 est pris en considération, variant de 31 % (glissements), 36 % (éboulements de blocs rocheux et de débris) à 46 % dans le cas des coulées de boue. La quatrième partie explore les relations entre l'occurrence de MT et les paramètres du terrain. Ces paramètres sont: 1- les facteurs de prédisposition, comme l'altitude, la pente en gradient, l'aspect de pente, la courbure de pente, la lithologie, la proximité aux failles, le type de karst, la distance aux carrières, le type de sol, la distance aux réseaux de drainage, la distance aux sources, l'occupation/utilisation du sol et la proximité aux routes, et 2- les facteurs déclenchants, comme la quantité de pluies, les événements sismiques, les inondations et les incendies de forêt, qui ont été corrélés avec les MT en utilisant les approches SIG. Cette étude montre, en se basant sur les corrélations statistiques bi-variées satellitaires et SIG (corrélation Kendal Tau-b), que la lithologie est ce qui influence le plus l'occurrence des MT, puisqu'elle a la corrélation la plus élevée avec les autres paramètres (7 fois corrélée à un niveau de signification de 1 %, et 3 fois à 5 %). Elle montre aussi que les corrélations statistiques entre ces paramètres et les mouvements de terrain existent suivant l'ordre d'importance décroissant suivant : type de sol/distance aux sources (agissant de manière similaire sur l'occurrence des MT), karst/distance aux carrières/occupation/utilisation du sol, proximité aux failles, gradient de pente/proximité aux routes/inondations, événements sismiques, altitude/aspect de pente/incendies de forêt. Ces corrélations sont vérifiées sur le terrain et expliquées en utilisant des corrélations statistiques uni-variées. Par conséquent, elles peuvent être extrapolées à d'autres pays méditerranéens caractérisés par des conditions géoenvironnementales similaires. La cinquième partie propose une méthode mathématique décisionnelle (méthode analytique bi-univariée d'évaluation ou "Valuing Analytical Bi-Univariate (VABU)") qui considère deux niveaux de pondération pour la cartographie de l'aléa/susceptibilité des MT (échelle 1/50000) dans la région d'étude. La fiabilité de cette méthode est examinée sur le terrain et en la comparant avec d'autres méthodes statistiques - Valuing accumulation Area (VAA) (un seul niveau d'évaluation) and Information Value (InfoVal) (nécessitant des mesures détaillées des MT). Trois cartes de susceptibilité sont dérivées en utilisant les facteurs conditionnant l'occurrence des MT, tandis que les cartes d'aléa sont produites à partir des facteurs déclenchants. Les valeurs de coïncidence de superposition des cartes de susceptibilité sont de 47,5 % (VABU/VAA), 54 % (VABU/InfoVal) et 38% (VAA/InfoVal), respectivement. L'accord entre les cartes d'aléas montre des valeurs proches de celles des cartes de susceptibilité, variant entre 36,5 % (VAA/InfoVal), 39 % (VABU/VAA), et 44 % (VABU/InfoVal). La validation sur le terrain indique que la précision totale des cartes de susceptibilité produites varie entre 52,5% (méthode VAA), 67,5% (méthode InfoVal) et 77,5% (méthode VABU). Cela démontre l'efficacité de notre méthode qui peut être adoptée pour une cartographie prédictive de l'aléa et de la susceptibilité des MT dans d'autres régions au Liban, et peut être aussi aisément extrapolée en utilisant les capacités fonctionnelles du SIG. La sixième partie prédit la distribution géographique et le volume des blocs rocheux (m3) dans la région d'étude en utilisant la modélisation suivant un arbre décisionnel. Une telle cartographie est indisponible au Liban, mais aussi dans d'autres pays qui portent plutôt leur effort sur la recherche des glissements plutôt que les autres types de MT. Plusieurs modèles d'arbres décisionnels ont été développés en utilisant, (1) tous les paramètres de terrain, (2) les paramètres topographiques uniquement, (3) les paramètres géologiques, et en adoptant plusieurs techniques de traitement. Le meilleur arbre de régression combine tous les paramètres et explique 80 % de la variabilité dans les mesures des blocs rocheux sur le terrain. Le modèle construit en utilisant les quatre paramètres géologiques (lithologie, type de sol, proximité aux failles et type de karst) parait aussi intéressant car il classe 68 % des blocs rocheux tout en se référant à un petit nombre de données d'entrée (4 paramètres). La carte produite de 'prédiction quantitative des blocs rocheux' à l'échelle du 1/50 000 apparait extrêmement utile pour la décision, aidant à l'adoption des mesures de conservation afin de réduire l'occurrence de movements nuisibles de blocs rocheux. La septième partie s'intéresse à la surveillance de l'activité des MT à travers l'intégration des données spatiales radar et des techniques GPS (Système de positionnement global). Les données radar ERS sont traitées en utilisant les techniques InSAR et des réflecteurs permanents. Cette analyse montre des difficultés pour la détection des MT. Cependant, elle est jusqu'à présent préliminaire, et un plan de travail futur prendra en considération d'autres traitements pour la détection des déplacements. D'un autre côté, une installation GPS a été effectuée dans la région de Hammana, un village libanais menacé par un grand glissement. Deux campagnes ont été rassemblées, mais les résultats manquent encore puisqu'il n'y a pas des données accumulées suffisantes. Plus d'observations sont nécessaires afin de construire une représentation compréhensive de la direction et de la vitesse du mouvement.
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