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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os efeitos da musicoterapia através do software Cromotmusic em aspectos sensoriais, emocionais e musicais de crianças e jovens surdos : ensaio controlado randomizado

Rodrigues, Igor Ortega January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar, com o uso do software “CromoTMusic”, os efeitos da musicoterapia em aspectos sensoriais, emocionais e musicais de crianças e jovens surdos. Para isso, um ensaio controlado randomizado (ECR) com 38 participantes foi delineado a fim de comparar indivíduos em duas situações: tratamento musicoterapêutico com o uso do software “CromoTMusic” (n=19) e o uso de educação musical por vibração (n=19). A escala utilizada para as mensurações dos três desfechos (antes, durante e após as intervenções) foi a versão brasileira da Individualized Music Therapy Assessment Profile (IMTAP). As diferenças intergrupos (antes, durante e após as intervenções) foram comparadas pelo modelo de equações de estimativas generalizadas (Generalized Estimating Equations - GEE) e Análise de Covariância (ANCOVA) seguido pelo ajuste de Bonferroni para comparações múltiplas. Observou-se que a musicoterapia improvisacional aplicada através do software “CromoTMusic” foi superior ao tratamento controle (música através de vibração) em crianças e adolescentes surdos em todas as comparações intergrupos, exceto para a comparação dos desfechos Sensorial (Fundamentos) entre T2 e T1, para todos os desfechos do subdomínio Sensorial (Proprioceptivo), para o desfecho Musicalidade (Fundamentos) entre T2 e T1 e para todos os desfechos do subdomímio Musicalidade (Dinâmica). Os resultados do estudo são preliminares, pois esse foi o primeiro ECR dentro da musicoterapia com surdez. A investigação aponta para resultados positivos e confirma as evidencias encontradas na pratica com esse tipo de intervenção para crianças e jovens surdos. Espera-se que no futuro pesquisas iguais e/ou superiores possam encontrar resultados semelhantes. / The aim of this study was to investigate, with the use of the "CromoTMusic" software, the effects of music therapy in sensorial, emotional and musical skills of deaf children and adolescents. For this proposal, it was realized a randomized controlled trial (RCT) with 38 participants in two situations: music therapy treatment, with the "CromoTMusic" software (n=19) and the use of music education by audio vibration (n=19). The assessment scale used for this investigation was the Brazilian version of the Individualized Music Therapy Assessment Profile (IMTAP). The inter-group differences (before, during and after the intervention) were compared using the model generalized estimating equations (Generalized Estimating Equations - GEE) followed by Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons. It was found that the improvisational music therapy applied through the software "CromoTMusic" was superior to the control treatment (music through vibration) in deaf children and adolescents in all comparisons between groups, except for the comparison of the outcomes Sensory (Fundamentals) between T2 and T1, for all outcomes of Sensory subdomain (Proprioceptive), for the Musicality outcome (Fundamentals) between T2 and T1 and for all outcomes of the subdomain Musicality (Dynamic). The results of this study are preliminary, because this study was the first RCT on music therapy and deafness. The investigation points to positive results and confirm the evidences founded in the practice with this type of intervention for deaf children and adolescents. It is hoped that in the future, similar and better investigations could find similar or better results.

Musicoterapia improvisacional aplicada à comunicação pré-verbal de crianças com transtornos do espectro autista : ensaio controlado e randomizado

Figueiredo, Felipe Grahl January 2014 (has links)
Indivíduos com transtornos do espectro autista (TEA) demonstram maior facilidade para expressar e compreender a comunicação pré-verbal a partir da interação com a música. Neste sentido, foi elaborado um ensaio controlado randomizado (ECR) para a investigação dos efeitos da Musicoterapia improvisacional na comunicação pré-verbal de crianças com TEA. Uma amostra de 20 participantes foi recrutada para as seguintes situações: grupo controle (apenas 3 sessões de avaliação descritiva pela escala Category System of Music Therapy-KAMUTHE, n=10), e grupo experimental (3 sessões de avaliação descritiva da escala KAMTUHE, mais 10 sessões de tratamento em musicoterapia improvisacional, n=10). As mensurações dos desfechos foram obtidas através da escala de comportamentos de comunicação pré-verbal KAMUTHE. As comparações de Equações de Estimativas Generalizadas (GEE) encontraram resultados estatisticamente significativos para 6 de todos os desfechos avaliados: aumento intragrupo da duração (W= 4,08 e P=0,04) e aumento entre os grupos da frequência (W=6,28 e P=0,01) do comportamento "criar sonoridades" no grupo experimental durante a atividade de improvisação livre; aumento da frequência intra (W=4,54 e P=0,03) e intergrupo (W=6,53 e P=0,01) do comportamento “vocalizar” na atividade de “improvisação com o objeto” e aumento da frequência do comportamento '''comunicação pré-verbal" no grupo experimental intra (W=4,84 e P=0,03) e intergrupo (W=20,71 e P<0,01). Embora a presente investigação não tenha apresentado resultados positivos para todos os desfechos, seus resultados confirmam a eficácia da musicoterapia verificada em ECRs anteriores sobre o mesmo tema. / Individuals with autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ) demonstrate a greater ability to express and understand the pre-verbal communication from the interaction with music . In this sense , a randomized controlled trial (RCT ) was designed to investigate the effects of improvisational music therapy in pre verbal children with ASD. A sample of 20 participants was recruited for the following situations: control group (only 3 sessions of descriptive assessment by the Category System of Music Therapy scale- KAMUTHE , n = 10) and experimental group ( 3 sessions of descriptive assessment of KAMTUHE scale , more 10 treatment sessions in improvisational music therapy , n = 10) . Outcomes measures were obtained across the range of pre - verbal communication behaviors by KAMUTHE scale . Comparisons of Generalized Estimating Equations ( GEE ) found statistically significant results for 6 of all assessed outcomes : increasing in duration intragroup ( W = 4.08 and P = 0.04 ) and in frequency between groups ( W = 6.28 and P = 0.01 ) of " creating sounds " behavior in the experimental group during the activity of free improvisation ; intra ( W = 4.54 and P = 0.03) and intergroup ( W = 6.53 and P = 0 , 01 ) incrising of the frequency of " vocalize " behavior in the " improvisation with the object " activity and increased frequency of' ' pre - verbal communication " behavior intra ( W = 4.84 and P = 0.03) and intergroup ( W = 20.71 , P < 0.01 ) . Though this study has not shown positive results for all outcomes, their results confirm the effectiveness of music therapy seen in previous RCTs on the same topic.

Vybrané aspekty významu hudby vo voľnom čase a jej pôsobenie na človeka / Selected aspects of the importance of music in leisure and its effect on humans

ŠUŤÁKOVÁ, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals about theme of music in leisure and its effects on humans. The first chapter is describing about music in history. The second chapter deals about the pop music, using music in leisure and about the media which are producing music and spreading it among the people. The last third chapter discusses about the effect of music on humans. Effects are noxious or therapeutic. In the practical part we were examining and describing the perception of healthy and unhealthy music by people. Except that we were also examining the status of music in leisure.

Musicoterapia na reabilitação de funções cognitivas de paciente com lesão cerebral

Maryléa Elizabeth Ramos Vargas 04 May 2011 (has links)
Presente em todas as culturas, seja para celebrar, louvar ou registrar cerimoniais, a música marca a história. Ela registra encontros, desencontros e situações históricas, torna presente o que está ausente e conecta nossa memória automaticamente a eventos passados. Este trabalho, com foco na prática social e do cuidado, tem por objetivo apresentar a pesquisa realizada sobre a investigação da aplicabilidade de recursos da linguagem musical para promover a reabilitação de funções cognitivas de paciente com lesão cerebral. O jovem participante do estudo de caso, hemiplégico, devido a acidente automobilístico em outubro de 2007, apresenta dificuldades de diferentes ordens, pois agregada às limitações físicas apresenta limitações cognitivas. Ao considerar-se a gama de queixas relevantes sobre uma debilidade na memória, seja na aquisição de novos dados como na sua fixação, esta pesquisa foi traçada com o objetivo de investigar a viabilidade de obter através da linguagem musical em musicoterapia um recurso para amenizar tais danos. Para atender os propósitos traçados foi investigada a possibilidade de aquisição de memória através da oferta de novas canções no contexto musicoterapêutico. As sessões de musicoterapia com esta finalidade foram registradas ao longo de 16 encontros ocorridos com a periodicidade de duas vezes por semana, durante o segundo semestre de 2010. Para atender esta proposta e em respeito à Resolução 196/96, que trata da pesquisa com seres humanos, foi elaborado um Protocolo de Pesquisa, aprovado pelo CEP da Faculdades EST. Este trabalho visa apresentar os resultados da pesquisa realizada, além de atender a elaboração do Trabalho Final em Mestrado Profissional da pesquisadora. Em busca de atender os objetivos traçados e articulados à prática realizada, a pesquisa sustentou-se em bases teóricas da Musicoterapia, da Música e da Neurociência. Pode-se observar que a aplicação da linguagem musical no contexto musicoterapêutico constituiu-se como recurso auxiliar para gravação de novos conteúdos, apresentando-se como um facilitador para a memorização. O participante da pesquisa, apesar da dificuldade em atender o contorno melódico das canções sugeridas, apresentou franca condição para memorizar o texto, observando-se que o recurso da música é elemento estimulador para a fixação de conteúdos novos. / Present in all cultures, whether to celebrate, praise or register ceremonial music brand history. It records meetings, disagreements and historical situations, makes present what is absent and automatically connects our memory of past events. This paper, with focus in the practical intentions of social and the care, aims to present the research done on investigating the applicability of the musical language resources to promote the rehabilitation of cognitive function in patients with brain injury. The young participants of the case study, hemiplegic due to car accident in October 2007, presents difficulties in different orders, because of physical limitations has aggregated cognitive limitations. When considering the range of complaints relevant to a weakness in memory in the acquisition of new data and in its setting the research was drawn in order to investigate the feasibility of obtaining the musical language through music therapy in a resource to minimize such damage. To meet the purposes outlined investigated the possibility of memory acquisition by offering new songs in context with music. The music therapy sessions for this purpose were recorded over the 16 meetings that took place at intervals of twice a week during the second half of 2010. To address this proposal and in compliance with Resolution 196/96, which deals with human research, we designed a research protocol approved by the CEP Faculdades EST. This paper presents the results of research conducted in addition to meeting the development of Monograph in Master of Professional Researcher. In pursuit of meeting the objectives outlined and articulated to the practice performance, sustained research into the theoretical bases of Music Therapy, Music and neuroscience. It can be observed that the application of the musical language in the context music therapeutic established itself as an aid to writing new content, presenting itself as a facilitator for memorization. The research participant, despite the difficulty in meeting the melodic contour of the songs presented frank suggested condition to memorize the text, noting that the use of music is stimulating element for the establishment of new content.

Música e saúde na escola

Joana Haar Karam 30 June 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar as possibilidades que a música oferece para promover a saúde e o equilíbrio das relações sociais no ambiente escolar. A pesquisa inicia com a conceituação de música e de musicoterapia, bem como indicando suas aplicações. A seguir, as dificuldades enfrentadas pela escola no século XXI são abordadas, para em seguida serem apresentadas contribuições da música e da musicoterapia, que podem modificar esse cenário, trazendo o equilíbrio e estímulo da espiritualidade através do fazer musical. Por fim, a partir da nova legislação, que torna obrigatório o ensino de música em todos os níveis da educação básica, está uma proposta curricular que inclui aquisição de conhecimentos e desenvolvimento de habilidades, visando a formação integral e continuada dos estudantes. / The purpose of this work is to present the possibilities that the music offers to promote health and balance of social relations in a school environment. The research begins with the concepts` definition of music and music therapy, pointing their applications. Next, the difficulties faced by the school in the XXI century are discussed, then the contributions of music and music therapy, in order to change this scenario, are presented, showing the balance and stimulus of spirituality through the music. Finally, supported by the new legislation, that makes compulsory teaching of music at all levels of basic education, this is a new curricular propose that includes knowledge and skills development, aiming the full e continuing training of the students.

The Effectiveness of Music Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-analysis

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: About 1 in 68 children is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015). The prevalence of ASD within the population of all people with disabilities has increased, percentage changed from 1.8% to 7.1% in ten years (NCES, 2016). Music therapy, as a therapeutic intervention, has been used for children with autism since 1940s (Reschke-Hemandez, 2011). In the past 70 years' practice, music therapy research has explored the efficacy of music therapy in improving the multiple areas of functioning affected by the symptoms of autism. However, the results are varied. The objective of this study is to investigate the efficacy of music therapy on children with autism spectrum disorder using meta-analysis as the statistical analysis methodology to synthesis the research results from all the eligible studies in the field. After a comprehensive search of the literature and screening procedure, 11 studies were finally included in the meta-analysis. The results showed a medium to large effects (d = 0.73, CI [0.43-1.03]) of music therapy interventions for children with ASD. Subgroup analysis and meta-regression analysis are conducted for further exploration within the topic. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Music Therapy 2016

The Use of Improvise Harp Music as an Opening Ritual for the Therapeutic Setting

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: The inspiration to undertake this pilot study came after observation and reflection by the clinician-researcher, a board-certified music therapist who has used the harp as the primary instrument when facilitating sessions, on hundreds of music therapy sessions that took place at a facility for behavioral health and chemical dependency. It was observed that the use of improvised harp music as a therapeutic intervention within the context of a music therapy session seemed to relax patients who reported that they were nervous or anxious, and it was also noted that following a listening exercise that consisted of improvised harp music, patients appeared calmer and reported that they felt more comfortable. This research aims to determine if improvised harp music at the opening of a music therapy session creates a calmer environment in which to share information, compared with a guided verbal relaxation and ambient ocean drum sounds for the opening of the music therapy session. Social-behavioral research was conducted in the form of a fifty minute individual music therapy session with six subjects. Each therapy session used improvised music and verbal processing with the therapist, with three subjects in the experimental group and three in the control group. Each individual rated two different types of affective responses on scales of one to ten and completed a five-question survey at the end of the session. All the research subjects showed an increase in positive affect at the end of the music therapy session. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Music Therapy 2018

Možnosti uplatnění terapií ve vybraných zařízeních určených pro zdravotně postižené / The Possibilities Application of Therapies in selected Institutions which are determined for health handicapped

NOVOTNÁ, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on possible application ways of the selected therapies (canistherapy, hippotherapy and music therapy) in particular institutions for disabled people. The therapies mentioned above have been seen as the methods of a compact rehabilitation process which use a positive influence of animals and music on one´s health. The thesis contains the theoretical part which introduces the summary of development and current terminology on the field of zootherapy, canistherapy, hippotherapy and music therapy. The selected topic has been dissected here in full details. It also introduces the problem regarding physical disabilities in general. The practical part of the thesis is a data survey which have been gained in the form of a qualitative research, being presented in two significant chapters. In the first one, the survey regarding the characteristics of the involved institutions can be found. The second chapter is an analysis and comparison of gained information. The aim of the survey is to introduce and sum up the possible ways of using and application of these special therapies in the selected institutions for physically disabled people within the south Bohemian region. The methods of qualitative research have been used. To reach the goal, data collection in a form of observation, semi-standartized interview and photodocumentation have been applied. The complete conclusion of the gained information can be found in the final part of the thesis. The supplements contain some photos regarding these particular therapies and the structure of semi-standartized interview. The thesis can be used as a source of information for both experts and amateurs.

Musicoterapia improvisacional aplicada à comunicação pré-verbal de crianças com transtornos do espectro autista : ensaio controlado e randomizado

Figueiredo, Felipe Grahl January 2014 (has links)
Indivíduos com transtornos do espectro autista (TEA) demonstram maior facilidade para expressar e compreender a comunicação pré-verbal a partir da interação com a música. Neste sentido, foi elaborado um ensaio controlado randomizado (ECR) para a investigação dos efeitos da Musicoterapia improvisacional na comunicação pré-verbal de crianças com TEA. Uma amostra de 20 participantes foi recrutada para as seguintes situações: grupo controle (apenas 3 sessões de avaliação descritiva pela escala Category System of Music Therapy-KAMUTHE, n=10), e grupo experimental (3 sessões de avaliação descritiva da escala KAMTUHE, mais 10 sessões de tratamento em musicoterapia improvisacional, n=10). As mensurações dos desfechos foram obtidas através da escala de comportamentos de comunicação pré-verbal KAMUTHE. As comparações de Equações de Estimativas Generalizadas (GEE) encontraram resultados estatisticamente significativos para 6 de todos os desfechos avaliados: aumento intragrupo da duração (W= 4,08 e P=0,04) e aumento entre os grupos da frequência (W=6,28 e P=0,01) do comportamento "criar sonoridades" no grupo experimental durante a atividade de improvisação livre; aumento da frequência intra (W=4,54 e P=0,03) e intergrupo (W=6,53 e P=0,01) do comportamento “vocalizar” na atividade de “improvisação com o objeto” e aumento da frequência do comportamento '''comunicação pré-verbal" no grupo experimental intra (W=4,84 e P=0,03) e intergrupo (W=20,71 e P<0,01). Embora a presente investigação não tenha apresentado resultados positivos para todos os desfechos, seus resultados confirmam a eficácia da musicoterapia verificada em ECRs anteriores sobre o mesmo tema. / Individuals with autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ) demonstrate a greater ability to express and understand the pre-verbal communication from the interaction with music . In this sense , a randomized controlled trial (RCT ) was designed to investigate the effects of improvisational music therapy in pre verbal children with ASD. A sample of 20 participants was recruited for the following situations: control group (only 3 sessions of descriptive assessment by the Category System of Music Therapy scale- KAMUTHE , n = 10) and experimental group ( 3 sessions of descriptive assessment of KAMTUHE scale , more 10 treatment sessions in improvisational music therapy , n = 10) . Outcomes measures were obtained across the range of pre - verbal communication behaviors by KAMUTHE scale . Comparisons of Generalized Estimating Equations ( GEE ) found statistically significant results for 6 of all assessed outcomes : increasing in duration intragroup ( W = 4.08 and P = 0.04 ) and in frequency between groups ( W = 6.28 and P = 0.01 ) of " creating sounds " behavior in the experimental group during the activity of free improvisation ; intra ( W = 4.54 and P = 0.03) and intergroup ( W = 6.53 and P = 0 , 01 ) incrising of the frequency of " vocalize " behavior in the " improvisation with the object " activity and increased frequency of' ' pre - verbal communication " behavior intra ( W = 4.84 and P = 0.03) and intergroup ( W = 20.71 , P < 0.01 ) . Though this study has not shown positive results for all outcomes, their results confirm the effectiveness of music therapy seen in previous RCTs on the same topic.

Os efeitos da musicoterapia na memória não declarativa de crianças com síndrome do alcool fetal e com síndrome de Williams

Araujo, Gustavo Andrade de January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos do tratamento musicoterapêutico aplicado ao desenvolvimento da memória não declarativa em crianças com Síndrome de Williams (SW) e com Síndrome do Álcool Fetal (SAF). Foram conduzidos dois experimentos de antes e depois. Um incluindo 10 indivíduos com SW e outro 10 indivíduos com SAF com idade entre 6 a 17 anos, que receberam 13 sessões de tratamento com periodicidade de uma vez por semana em formato individual e duração de 45min cada sessão. As avaliações foram feitas pelas escalas IMTAP (Individualized Music Therapy Assessment Profile) e WISC-III (Escala Wechsler de Inteligência para Crianças) que mensuraram respostas de QI e habilidades cognitivas antes e depois das intervenções com musicoterapia. Os resultados foram mensurados por um avaliador cego, antes e depois das intervenções, através da pontuação das escalas WISC-III e IMTAP. A média calculada nos diferentes tempos do estudo para as crianças com SAF pela escala WISC-III antes do tratamento foi de 70.9 e desvio padrão 2.67 (IC 95% 65.65 a 76.15 p= 0.001) e média do IMTAP de 73.90 e desvio padrão de 1.90 (IC 95% 70.17 a 77.63 p=0.001) e no período após a intervenção a média da escala WISC-III foi de 78.60 e desvio padrão de 2.41 (IC 95% 74.40 a 82.80 p=0.001) e do IMTAP 85.70 e desvio padrão de 2.52 (IC 95% 80.75 a 90.65 p=0.001). Com relação às crianças com síndrome de Williams a média calculada pela escala WISC-III antes do tratamento foi de 52.2 e desvio padrão de 1.26 (IC 95% 49.72 a 54.68 p= 0.001) e média do IMTAP de 70.2 e desvio padrão de 0.77 (IC 95% 68.69 a 71.71 p= 0.001) e no período após a intervenção a média da escala WISC-III foi de 59 e desvio padrão de 1.6 (IC 95%55.86 a 62.14 p=0.001) e IMTAP 83.3 e desvio padrão de 1.68 (IC 95% 80.01 a 86.59 p=0.001). Com este estudo conseguimos verificar que as intervenções com musicoterapia apresentaram um efeito positivo para estas populações, mesmo com pouco tempo de tratamento, com relação ao desenvolvimento de habilidades cognitivas. Os resultados observados na investigação dos efeitos da musicoterapia aplicada ao desenvolvimento da memória não declarativa de crianças com síndrome de Williams e síndrome Alcoólica Fetal são inconclusivos. Sugere-se para as próximas investigações uma amostra maior, grupo controle e mais tempo de tratamento. Estas modificações poderão aumentar a precisão para observar os efeitos do tratamento nestas populações. / This study aimed to investigate the effects of music therapy treatment applied to the non declarative memory development in the Williams Syndrome (WS) and the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome children (FAS). A before and after experiment was conducted which included 10 WS individuals and another 10 individuals with FAS aged between 6 to 17, each received 13 treatment sessions, with weekly intervals, individually and 45min sessions. The evaluations were executed by the WISC III and the IMTAP scales measuring the IQ responses and the cognitive abilities before and after the music therapy interventions. A random evaluator measured the before and after results of the interventions using the WISC-III and the IMTAP scales scores. Regarding the FAS children’s analysis different time sequence, the WISC-III scales calculated average before treatment was 70.9 and standard deviation 2.67 (CI 95% 65.65 a 76.15 p= 0.000) the IMTAP average was 73.90 and standard deviation 1.90 (CI 95% 70.17 a 77.63 p=0.000) the post period intervention average for the WISC-III scale was 78.60 and standard deviation 2.41 (CI 95% 74.40 a 82.80 p=0.000) and for the IMTAP was 85.70 and standard deviation 2.52 (CI 95% 80.75 a 90.65 p=0.000). In relation to the Williams Syndrome children the WISC-III calculated average before treatment was 52.2 and standard deviation 1.26 (CI 95% 49.72 a 54.68 p= 0.000) the IMTAP average was 70.2 and standard deviation 0.77 (CI 95% 68.69 a 71.71 p= 0.000) post period intervention average for the WISC-III scale was 59 and standard deviation 1.6 (CI 95% 55.86 a 62.14 p=0.000) the IMTAP scale was 83.3 and standard deviation 1.68 (CI 95% 80.01 a 86.59 p=0.000). This study verifies that intervention with music therapy presents positive effects for these populations, even in short term treatment with relation to the cognitive skills development. The results observed in the investigation of the music therapy effects applied to the non declarative memory development of children with Williams Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is inconclusive. Therefore, for future investigations larger samples, group control, and longer treatment time is recommended. This modification can improve observation accuracy of treatment effects in these populations.

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