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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lacuna e enunciação no ensino de Física: quando a Física é mágica / Gap and enunciation in Physics teaching: when Physics is Magic

Ortega, Jose Luis Nami Adum 06 June 2012 (has links)
Quando pensamos o ensino e aprendizagem de Física a partir de interações discursivas (BAKHTIN, 1995) e começamos a nos preocupar com a maneira pela qual os alunos se apropriam dos signos e linguagens da ciência, algumas perguntas precisam ser elaboradas: Que imagens de mundo, que representações da realidade o aluno começa a formar quando toma contato com as palavras da ciência? Elas estão de acordo com aquela que o professor pretende estruturar? O professor tem consciência da diferença que há entre sua visão e a dos alunos? Sabemos que não são idênticas (MORTIMER, 2000), que há lacunas entre elas, e isso nos leva a outra série de perguntas: Quais lacunas de entendimento podem ser identificadas no processo dialógico entre professores e estudantes no ensino de Física? Que situações produzem essas lacunas? Como essas lacunas impossibilitam a construção de sentido? O professor percebe os tipos de lacuna que cria? O professor consegue eliminar ou criar lacunas necessárias para amparar o aluno no processo de construção negociada de conhecimento? A criação negociada de significados faz parte de um recente programa de investigação cujos elementos ainda são pouco conhecidos: a interferência dialógica dos professores na construção de significados, os diferentes tipos de discurso e seu papel na aprendizagem, as transformações no valor que os estudantes atribuem ao conhecimento, nos processos de interação etc. Dado que o conhecimento não é simplesmente o acesso às informações do mundo exterior, armazenadas na memória, e dado que pressupõe interações e negociações sucessivas de significados entre os sujeitos em relação, num dado contexto cultural, é na estruturação dessas negociações de significado que se situa a origem das lacunas. Nessas negociações, não basta que a informação seja recebida pelos sujeitos, mas é preciso negociar sua hierarquia, seus critérios de classificação, sua relação com os objetos do mundo e seus conteúdos de valor (RODRIGUES; MATTOS, 2007). Assim, propomos pensar o ensino-aprendizagem de Física na dinâmica de produção e apropriação de um gênero que articula diversas formas discursivas pelas quais os sujeitos transitam nas relações comunicativas. A tomada de consciência das formas discursivas, dados os contextos culturais em que se inserem, demarca momentos importantes da apropriação de gêneros que evidenciam o estabelecimento de domínios consensuais e a compreensão dos signos em jogo. Em nossa abordagem linguística, procuramos estabelecer critérios de classificação para os níveis de interação discursiva, e caracterizar os estados de incompreensão e erro por meio de uma analogia com a ilusão na Arte Mágica. Com essa analogia, pretendemos explorar a intencionalidade do discurso educativo e os efeitos que produz nos seus interlocutores. Finalmente, por meio da análise qualitativa de registros escritos, levantamos elementos que nos permitiram analisar e classificar o que chamamos de discurso lacunar no processo de ensino-aprendizado de Física. / When we think about teaching and learning Physics from discursive interactions (Bakhtin, 1995) and begin to concern ourselves with the way in which students take ownership of scientific signs and languages, some questions need to be posed: What are the images of world, representations of reality students create when they come into contact with the words of science? Do they agree with what the teacher wants to structure? Is the teacher aware of the difference between his vision and the students? We know that they are not identical (MORTIMER, 2000), that there are gaps between them and this leads us to another series of questions: What gaps can be identified in the dialogue process between teachers and students in teaching Physics? What situations produce such gaps? How can these gaps impede the construction of meaning? Does the teacher realize the types of gap that are created by him? Can he manage the gaps to support students in the process of negotiated construction of knowledge? The negotiated creation of shared meanings is part of a recent research program whose elements are still poorly known: the interference of teachers in the dialogic construction of meaning, the different types of discourses and the role they play in learning, the different values students attribute to scientific knowledge in the interaction processes and so on. If we assume that knowledge is not simply access to information from the outside world, stored in memory, and if we assume knowledge requires successive interactions and meaning negotiations among individuals in a given cultural context, then we understand that the origin of the gaps lies in structuring of these negotiations. In these negotiations, the fact that individuals receive information is not a sufficient condition to understanding; we need to negotiate its hierarchy, its classification criteria, its relationship with other objects of the world and its contents of value (RODRIGUES; MATTOS, 2007). Thus, we propose thinking about the teaching and learning of Physics in the dynamics in producing and appropriating oneself of a genre which combines several discursive forms, by means of which individuals establish communicative relations. The awareness of discursive forms, given the cultural contexts in which they operate, marks important moments of the appropriation of genres that demonstrate the establishment of areas of consensus and understanding signs at stake. In our linguistic approach we seek to establish classification criteria for levels of discursive interaction, and to characterize the states of misunderstanding and error by creating an analogy with the illusion in the magic art. With this analogy we intend to explore the intentionality of the educational discourse and the effects it produces on the interlocutors. Lastly, we will carry out a qualitative analysis of written records, and raise elements that enable us to analyze and classify what we call gaps in the process of teaching and learning Physics.

Anatole France après l’Affaire Dreyfus. Nouvelle orientation de l’œuvre ? / Anatole France, After Dreyfus Affair. A new orientation of the works ?

Arhami Moghaddam, Shirin 20 January 2017 (has links)
Le nom d’Anatole France, l’écrivain qui fut célèbre, il y a un siècle, court le risque d’être oublié de nos jours. Fraichement nommé à l’Académie française, il a vu son nom briller pendant l’Affaire Dreyfus aux côtés de Zola et des autres dreyfusards. Il consacre Monsieur Bergeret à Paris entièrement à cette Affaire. Mais après la réhabilitation du Capitaine, lui, qu’il avait mis tant d’espoir dans cette affaire voit ses rêves s’effondrer. Nous percevons un changement après l’Affaire dans l’orientation de ses œuvres. Cette nouvelle orientation se fait ressentir surtout à partir de son roman Sur la pierre blanche dans lequel il bâtit une cité de rêve à la fin de son roman. Il devient un amoureux impénitent de l’imaginaire en quête de l’ « inconnaissable », le conteur du « merveilleux », le bâtisseur de « cité utopique ». Avec le temps et surtout vers la fin de sa carrière Il prend un ton plus amer avec une tendance contre-utopique. Il prend conscience de l’impossibilité de changer la société. Cette tendance va s’intensifier dans L'Île des pingouins et La Révolte des anges qu’on peut qualifier de contre-utopies avec des effets de Merveilleux. Pourtant il évite de prévoir une fin pour ses deux histoires dans l’espoir que peut-être les futures générations arriveront à écrire une fin heureuse pour l’histoire et l’humanité. / Anatole France, the French writer who was famous one century ago, risks to be forgotten nowadays. Freshly elected at the “Académie Française”, he saw his name shining during the Dreyfus Affair beside Zola and the other dreyfusards. The story of Monsieur Bergeret à Paris is completely dedicated to the Affair. But after the rehabilitation of the Captain Dreyfus, he, who had put so much hope in this Affair, sees his dream collapsed. After this period, we perceive a change in the orientation of his works. This new orientation is felt especially at the end of his novel Sur la Pierre Blanche in which he builds a dream city. He becomes an incorrigible lover of the imaginative world in search of the “unknownable”, a storyteller of the “magic”, the builder of an “utopian city”. Latter, especially towards the end of his career, he took a more bitter tone, a kind of “contre-utopia”. He became aware of the impossibility of changing the society. This trend is intensified in his two novels: L’Île des pingouins and La Révolte des anges which we can be qualified of “contre-utopia” with effects of magic. Nevertheless he avoid to plan the end of these two stories in hope that the future generations will manage, maybe, to write a happy end for the history and for the humanity.

I Bienal Latino-Americana de São Paulo, Mitos e Magia: Em busca de identidade artístico-cultural / I Sao Paulo Latin-American Biennial, Myths and Magic: searching for a cultural-artistic identity

Nascimento, Jose de Ribamar 12 April 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado propõe-se a analisar o processo de criação da primeira e única edição da Bienal Latino-Americana de São Paulo, que teve como título-tema Mitos e Magia, realizada no período de 3 de novembro a 17 de dezembro de 1978, na cidade de São Paulo. Os registros remanescentes, deste acontecimento, testemunham a importância do encontro entre críticos de arte, artistas e intelectuais das humanidades em debate sobre as questões polêmicas relativas às identidades culturais da América Latina, na sua produção artística contemporânea. O centro dessa discussão girou em torno do tema, sua expansão e seus limites. Observou a regulamentação da mostra e a análise do processo da I Bienal Latinoamericana de São Paulo, trouxe à luz a falta de um ideário capaz de abranger o universo plural das nossas culturas. / The remaining records of this event attest to the importance of this meeting among art critics, artists and intellectuals of humanities who debated about controversial issues related to cultural identities in Latin America, in its contemporary production. The focus of their discussion was the Biennials theme, its expansion and limits. The regulation of the display and the development of the process of the I São Paulo Latin American Biennial were analyzed in this research. It also raises issues concerning the lack of a body of ideas that comprises the plural universe of the Latin American continent.

Development and application of new NMR methods for paramagnetic inorganic materials / Développement et application de nouvelles méthodes de RMN pour les matériaux inorganiques et paramagnetiques

Sanders, Kevin 28 September 2018 (has links)
Une compréhension précise de la géométrie de coordination et de la structure électronique autour d’un ion métallique à l’intérieur des catalyseurs et des matériaux de batteries est essentielle pour contrôler ces systèmes complexes, modifier leur fonctionnement, et permettre la conception logique de sites améliorés. Cependant, la structure de ces systèmes n’est pas toujours accessible par des techniques de diffraction, et même si elle l’est, la structure électronique ne peut alors être déduite qu’indirectement des coordonnées atomiques. De ce fait, il est essentiel d’avoir une sonde directe de la structure électronique. L’objectif de cette thèse est l’étude des propriétés structurales et électroniques des sites mé- talliques de catalyseurs et de matériaux de batteries par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire en rotation à l’angle magique (MAS NMR). La MAS NMR est une technique très performante pour l’étude des effets locaux dans les matériaux à l’état solide et permet de sonder directement la structure électronique des matériaux paramagnétiques à haute résolution. Néanmoins, cette ap- proche souffre d’une pauvre résolution et d’une sensibilité limitée pour les noyaux proches d’un site paramagnétique. Pour dépasser ces limitations, nous avons levé des verrous dans l’acquisition et l’interprétation de la MAS NMR en développant et appliquant de nouvelles méthodes pour l’étude de solides paramagnétiques basées sur des hautes fréquences de rotation (60-111 kHz MAS). Pour ce faire, un répertoire de séquences d’impulsion a été développé pour la détection et l’interprétation des effets paramagnétiques dans des solides cristallins et non cristallins. Le potentiel de cette méthodologie a été examiné pour l’élucidation de la géométrie locale et de la structure électronique autour des sites paramagnétiques de catalyseurs homogènes ou hétérogènes, et des matériaux de cathodes en phase mixte pour des batteries au Lithium. Nous voyons dans les méthodes présentées ici, un ensemble d’outils indispensables pour l’élucidation de nombreuses questions de la chimie moderne relatives à la structure et la fonction des sites métalliques. / A precise understanding of the coordination geometry and electronic structure around metal cen- ters in catalysts and battery materials is crucial in order to control these complex systems, modify their behavior, and allow rational design of improved sites. However, such systems are not al- ways amenable for diffraction-based structural determination, and even if they are, obtaining atom-specific electronic structure can only be inferred indirectly from the atomic coordinates. As such, a direct probe of the electronic structure is highly desired. The aim of the present thesis is the investigation of structural and electronic properties of metal sites in catalysts and battery materials by magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy. MAS NMR is a powerful technique for the investigation of local effects in solid materials, and offers a direct probe of highly resolved electronic structures in paramagnetic solids. However, it suffers from limited sensitivity and resolution for nuclei lying close to a paramagnetic center in general. We address these limitations by first tackling some of the bottlenecks in the acquisition and interpretation of MAS NMR by developing and applying new methodologies to paramagnetic solids using ultra-fast (60-111) kHz MAS rates. A "toolkit" of suitably designed pulse sequences is assembled for broadband detection and interpretation of paramagnetic shifts in crystalline and non-crystalline solids. The potential of this methodology is explored for the elucidation of local geometry and electronic structure around paramagnetic metal sites in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts, and a set of mixed-phase Li-ion battery cathode materials. We anticipate that the approaches described herein form an essential tool to elucidate many outstanding questions about the structure and function of metal sites in modern chemistry.

Figuracão e gesto: signos de magia popular na contemporaneidade

Salazar, Jussara Farias de Mattos 05 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-11-07T16:27:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jussara Farias de Mattos Salazar.pdf: 6273883 bytes, checksum: 2679f7e544756521ed6c83372eb06593 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-07T16:27:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jussara Farias de Mattos Salazar.pdf: 6273883 bytes, checksum: 2679f7e544756521ed6c83372eb06593 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-05 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / The art image regimen was built not only around images but prior to everything, around an eccentric knowledge, between deviations and flaws. This doctorate thesis aims to investigate the archeological marks of certain signs materialized in magic books. The main idea is that the artists from historical vanguards were inspired by the geometric and magical dimension of theses signs. By focusing on this archeology that coincides or not with the network of popular books, they combined different traditions, such as the ancestry and the vanguard ones. We verified how such signs system composed by squares, circles, crosses, triangles etc converses with these contexts, through critical, anthropological and historical arguments. According to the concept of borders, formulated by Jerusa Pires Ferreira, the frontiers that occur on this transit allow for a meaning exchange that reorganizes these systems and guides knowledge surrounding such geometric forms. The artist from Paraíba, Brasil, Raul Córdula, with graphisms and geometry or, in another sphere, the artist Kasimir Malevich, with suprematism of forms and primary colors, converse with transcendence through this signs system. Therefore, the presence of such magical forms in the ancestor thought in art is the meaning we advocate on this present thesis. In the end, the dimensions of the human and its gestures appears whether it is by a magical sign or a vanguard work of art. When recreated by these modulations, they don’t stop creating new possibilities / O regime das imagens da arte foi construído não apenas com imagens, mas antes de tudo, por um saber excêntrico, entre desvios e falhas. A presente tese tem por objetivo investigar as marcas arqueológicas de alguns signos materializados nos livros de magia. A ideia central é a de que os artistas das chamadas vanguardas históricas se inspiraram na dimensão geométrica e mágica desses signos. Ao se apoiarem nessa arqueologia, coincidente ou não com a rede de livros populares, conjugaram diferentes tradições: a da ancestralidade e a das vanguardas. Verificamos como tal sistema de signos, ao utilizar quadrados, círculos, cruzes e triângulos etc., dialoga com esse contexto, mediante argumentações críticas, antropológicas e históricas. Segundo o conceito de bordas formulado por Jerusa Pires Ferreira, as fronteiras que definem esse trânsito permitem as trocas de sentido que reorganizam esses sistemas e orientam os saberes que cercam tais formas. O artista paraibano Raul Córdula com os grafismos e a geometria ou, em outra esfera, Kasemir Malevich, com o suprematismo de formas e cores primárias, dialogam com a transcendência por meio desse sistema de signos. Assim, a presença de formas mágicas do pensamento ancestral na arte é o sentido que defendemos nessa tese. Ao fim, evidenciam-se as dimensões do humano com seus gestos, quer se trate de um signo mágico ou de uma obra vanguardista, que, recriadas por essas modulações, não cessam de produzir novas possibilidades

Le Christ thaumaturge et magicien : les miracles dans l'art paléochrétien (IIIe - VIème siècle) / Christ as a Thaumaturgist and Magician : miracles in Early-Christian Art (IIIrd - VIth Century)

Billot, Bertrand 25 March 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une nouvelle approche des images des miracles du Christ, entre le IIIe et le VIe siècle, basée sur un corpus aspirant à l'exhaustivité. Les images sont dans un premier temps étudiées de manière analytique et structurale : chacun des trente-quatre miracles de Jésus fait l'objet d'une analyse détaillée en ce qui concerne le texte biblique, les représentations paléochrétiennes et les commentaires patristiques contemporains. Les images sont ensuite replacées dans leur contexte historique, social, spatial et théologique, dans une perspective sérielle et statistique, dans le but de reconsidérer leurs fonctions diversifiées. Enfin, un essai d'interprétation synthétique explore au moyen du corpus des miracles la question, très discutée dans l'historiographie, du rapport entre l'activité thaumaturgique du Christ et celle des magiciens et faiseurs de prodiges dans l'Antiquité tardive. / This thesis proposes a new approach of the images of Christ as a miracle worker, between the 3rd and the 6th century, based on a corpus which aims for exhaustivity. In a first time, images are both analyzed in an analytical and structural way : each of the thirty-four miracles of Jesus is the subject of a detailed analysis of the biblical tex t; early Christian representations and contemporary patristic commentaries. Images are then replaced in their historical, social, spatial and theological context, from a serial and statistical perspective, in order to reconsider their diversified functions. Finally, this work explores, through the corpus of miracles, the question often debated in historiography, of the relationships between the thaumaturgical activity of Christ and that of magicians and prodigies makers in Late Antiquity.

Animaux et pouvoir rituel dans les pratiques « magiques » du monde romain / Animals and Ritual Power in the « Magical » Practices of the Roman Time

Galoppin, Thomas 21 November 2015 (has links)
Les premiers siècles de notre ère ont légué de nombreux témoignages de pratiques dites « magiques », de l’inventaire de remèdes jusqu’aux rituels d’envoûtement, en passant par la mise en scène de pouvoirs surhumains dans la sphère humaine. Dans un monde méditerranéen relativement globalisé, les pratiques magiques ouvrent un espace de savoirs transculturels autour de l’exercice d’un pouvoir rituel. Animaux et matières animales ont été employés dans la composition de remèdes médicaux comme de rituels guérisseurs, pour mettre en œuvre un pouvoir rituel, invoquer les dieux, envoûter. En partant de Pline l’Ancien, des Cyranides et des papyrus de magie grecs, une enquête qui fait parler aigle, chauve-souris, chat, chien, echeneis, hyène, huppe, lézards, serpents et taupe aux côtés de nombres d’autres figures animales permet d’observer leurs « cuisine », sacrifices ou mises à mort rituelles, mais aussi leur participation à la représentation des puissances surhumaines dans un contexte multiculturel, principalement entre Rome, la Grèce et l’Égypte. L’utilisation de l’animal dans les rites comme dans la médecine a été le lieu d’un dialogue entre différents domaines de savoirs et différentes cultures, et les modalités d’énonciation de tels savoirs, selon le type de documentation, témoigne de la multiplicité des interprétations qui ont pu, et doivent être apportées aux rites. L’écriture de natures animales merveilleuses permet d’énoncer tant le pouvoir rituel que des discours physiologiques, telle la notion d’antipathie. Ce faisant, l’anthropozoologie participe à une révision de la notion même de « magie » dans le champ de l’histoire des religions antiques. / Documents from the Roman Imperial Period testify for the practice of “magic” all around the Mediterranean sea, including lists of remedies and cursing rituals, as well as the pretentions for some marvellous powers in the human sphere. In a relatively globalized world, the so-called “magical” practices are an open space for a kind of multicultural knowledge. Animals have been used in the making of medical remedies and rituals in the performance of a ritual power, to invoke the gods, or to cast curses. Getting from Pliny the Elder, the Cyranides and the greek papyri of magic, an investigation where eagle, bat, cat, dog, echeneis, hyena, hoopoe, lizards, snakes and mole talk among many other animal figures gives a chance to observe their cooking, sacrifice, or ritual killing, as well as their ability to represent the powers beyond in a multicultural context, first of all between Rome, Greece and Egypt. The use of animals in rites and medicine has been a subject of dialogue between different fields of knowledge and different cultures. The modalities of enunciation of such knowledge testify of the multiplicity of possible interpretations for the rites depending on the documentation. The writing of marvellous animal natures makes the ritual power as well as physiological discourses, such as the notion of antipathy. Then, the animal studies take part in a revising of the very notion of “magic” in the field of antic history.

Da magia em Lacan: um estudo no contexto da História da Ciência

Grostein, Sandra Arruda 22 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandra Arruda Grostein.pdf: 779348 bytes, checksum: 8718e47b1f8e4942068cd6f63e472cff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-22 / This research was developed in the field of the History of Science, by the hypothesis that psychoanalysis cannot be fully included in science, because there would be something in the transmission of this area of knowledge that would have remained attached to certain tradition, more particularly in the way it would be in magic. The original research motto came from an invitation prepared by Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) who summoned psychoanalysts to take an interest in magic theme. The study started from the influence of linguistics on the notion of science in Lacan, sought to articulate this approach the importance of magic to psychoanalysis, from the Freudian considerations and vision of structural anthropology. The result of the clearance of the differences between the concept of science and the importance of magic directed research into the function of the cause. It can be said then that the detailed search of the cause in psychoanalysis function, with variations, since the cause of madness until the cause of desire, helped to clarify, at least in one aspect, the importance of magic to psychoanalysis, which is to allows the psychoanalyst to be better located both in their position in the clinic and in teaching and transmitting the psychoanalysis / A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida no âmbito da História da Ciência, a partir da hipótese de que a psicanálise não se incluiria integralmente no campo da ciência, pois haveria algo na transmissão desta área do conhecimento que teria se mantido ligada a certa tradição, mais particularmente à maneira como se daria na magia. O mote original da pesquisa partiu de um convite elaborado por Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) que convocava os psicanalistas a se interessarem pelo tema da magia. O estudo partiu da influência da linguística na noção de ciências em Lacan, buscou-se articular a esta abordagem a importância da magia para a psicanálise, a partir das considerações freudianas e da visão da antropologia estrutural. O resultado da depuração das diferenças entre a noção de ciência e a importância da magia direcionou a pesquisa para a função da causa. Pode-se dizer, então, que a pesquisa detalhada da função da causa em psicanálise, com variações, desde a causa da loucura até a causa do desejo, permitiu elucidar, ao menos em um aspecto, a importância da magia para a psicanálise, qual seja permitir ao psicanalista melhor situar-se tanto em sua posição na clínica quanto em sua postura frente ao ensino e transmissão da psicanálise

Hekate, de deusa ctônica dos atenienses do período clássico à deusa da feitiçaria no imaginário social do Ocidente / Hekate, the chthonic goddess of the Athenians of the classical period to the goddess of witchcraft in the western social imaginary

Tricia Magalhães Carnevale 12 April 2012 (has links)
Nosso eixo temático se desenvolve a partir do questionamento do epíteto de Deusa da Feitiçaria atribuído tardiamente à deidade grega Hekate. A partir do período Clássico em Atenas iniciaram-se críticas às práticas mágico-religiosas cujo objetivo era fazer mal ao inimigo; realizadas por indivíduos (mágoi - magos) os quais também sabiam utilizá-las para a cura, como o uso das phármaka (ervas). O desenvolvimento da Escola de Medicina Hipocrática, no período Clássico, e seus tratados médicos, se configuram como uma das críticas direcionadas aos mágoi e das divindades que evocavam em suas práticas mágicas. Um tratado em especial, Da Doença Sagrada, combate a divinização da epilepsia e as práticas curativas desta enfermidade através da persuasão dos deuses. Platão também teceu críticas aos que ofereciam seus serviços mágicos de porta em porta por uma pequena quantia. Acreditamos que a partir dessas críticas se desenvolveu no imaginário social ateniense a relação entre a deusa grega Hekate e a magia de fazer mal ao inimigo cuja permanência é observada nos dias atuais. Nosso arcabouço teórico constitui-se dos conceitos desenvolvidos pelo filósofo polonês Bronislaw Baczko no verbete imaginação social na Enciclopedia Einaudi. / Our main theme is developed from the questioning of the epithet "Goddess of Witchcraft" later attributed to the Greek deity Hecate. From the Classical period in Athens began criticism of magic-religious practices whose aim was to hurt the enemy, held by individuals (magoi - wizards) who also knew how to use them for healing, such as the use of phármaka (herbs). The development of the Hippocratic School of Medicine in the Classical period, and his medical treatises, are configured as one of the criticisms directed at magoi and deities that evoked in their magical practices. A treated particular, The Sacred Disease, the combating of deification of epilepsy and healing practices of this disease by the persuasion of the gods. Plato also made criticism of the magicians who offered their services door to door for a small fee. We believe that from these criticisms developed in the social relationship between the Athenian Greek goddess Hecate and magic to hurt the enemy, whose residence is observed today. Our theoretical framework is made up of the concepts developed by Polish philosopher Bronislaw Baczko social imagination in the entry in the Encyclopedia Einaudi.

Beyond-Use Dating of Lidocaine Alone and in Two “Magic Mouthwash” Preparations

Brown, Stacy 01 May 2017 (has links)
Purpose: Beyond-use dating (BUD) of lidocaine alone and in two “magic mouthwash” preparations stored in amber oral syringes at room temperature was determined. Methods:Two formulations of mouthwash containing oral topical lidocaine 2% (viscous), diphenhydramine 2.5 mg/mL, and aluminum hydroxide–magnesium hydroxide–simethicone were prepared in 1:1:1 and 1:2.5:2.5 ratios, divided into 3-mL samples, and stored in unit-dose oral amber syringes. Unit-dose single-product lidocaine samples were also prepared to serve as controls and stored in oral amber syringes. The lidocaine concentrations in these samples were measured periodically for 90 days. A stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed and validated for system suitability, accuracy, repeatability, intermediate precision, specificity, linearity, and robustness. Results: Based on the calculated percentages versus the initial concentration and the results from an analysis of variance comparing the two formulations, a BUD of 21 days is deemed appropriate for both magic mouthwash formulations. Based on the stability data, published safety concerns, and lack of efficacy in combination, packaging and dispensing lidocaine separately from other ingredients are recommended when administering magic mouthwash mixtures. Utilizing a 90-day BUD, lidocaine can be packaged separately from other magic mouthwash ingredients in individual dosage units and applied to the oral cavity using the swish-and-spit method. The delivery of the diphenhydramine and aluminum hydroxide–magnesium hydroxide–simethicone could be separated, allowing for a swish-and-swallow method of administration.Conclusion: A BUD of 21 days is recommended for lidocaine prepared with diphenhydramine and aluminum hydroxide–magnesium hydroxide–simethicone in ratios of 1:1:1 and 1:2.5:2.5 and stored at room temperature in amber oral plastic syringes.

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