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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

So, Who Feels Pretty: Negotiating the Meaning of Femininity in a Nonheterosexual Community

Palder, Amy 16 July 2008 (has links)
In a heteronormative society where hegemonic masculinity prevails, beauty is often synonymous with, and presented as, feminine. For example, pictures of tall, thin women with perfect teeth and perfect skin gloss the covers of magazines and other forms of media as representative of some beauty ideal. This “ideal” is the barometer by which, on many levels, all women are judged. While some women may choose to ignore these messages, few women can always escape comparison. Our society constantly informs us that appearance matters. More specifically for women, a feminine physical appearance is often considered “ideal.” But what exactly does this construct, feminine, signify? Fundamentally, femininity is not static. To speak of it as a logical, simple construct is problematic for it means different things and is expressed in different ways in different environments. Furthermore, to assert one definition by which all others will be measured is difficult in that it presumes a homogenous population and/or idealizes one specific representation. In this research project I conducted in-depth interviews with 43 non-heterosexual women to discern how they constructed “femininity.” What did it look like? What meanings did it connote? When was it important and how was it negotiated? Applying a cognitive sociological lens and using grounded theory methods, I describe what femininity, or arguably femininities, look(s) like within this subpopulation. This project contributes to and extends the literature on gender, sexuality, and appearance. It does this by demonstrating the importance of analyzing non-heterosexual women’s experiences and understandings of femininity within a patriarchal society that valorizes hegemonic masculinity. Most literature contemplating appearance and related misogynistic messages emphasizes a heteronormative perspective. However, feminine and femininity uniquely impact non-heteronormative women. Non-heterosexual women must negotiate both misogynistic and heterosexist messages concurrently. By simultaneously addressing this “double” subordination or marginalization, this research endeavors to provide a more comprehensive overview of meanings and ramifications of appearance choices.

The Male Gaze som retorisktverktyg : En utredande litteraturstudie över hur the Male Gaze kan användas inom retorikvetenskapen

Wiklund, Alexis January 2013 (has links)
The thought behind this bachelor essay regarding gender and rhetorical feminist criticism developed years ago out of the fact that I read just a little too many dirty chick lit-pockets as a teen. Those chick lit-pockets were my first introduction to sex, to gender roles, to how men and women react and are supposed to react to each other and, in some sense, even to feminism. Those chick lit-pockets, later turning into hardcore Harlequin-books, became my benchmark when I started to contemplate the fact that this is a man’s world, produced and reproduced by a male gaze which influences everything from sex, porn, advertising, gender roles, jobs and payment to dirty pockets for teenage girls. The essays aims to show how the male gaze-phenomenon could be to use for the rhetoric discipline: first combined with other rhetorical theories as a way to analyze and understand gender and objectification. The main question asked; How to put the male gaze on a rhetorical leash? This bachelor essay consists of a qualitative literature study focusing on four articles and one book in which five different male gaze-perspective appears. Every article presented will be followed by an explicative chapter in which the articles, specific male gaze- perspective will be combined with relevant rhetorical theories and applied to pop cultural example cases in order to demonstrate its academic potential. The conclusion of this essay establishes that the rhetorical discipline indeed could have great use of the male gaze-perspective while analyzing different kinds of artifacts, if combined with different kinds of methods. It confirms that it is possible to put the male gaze on a rhetorical leash and explains five specific ways to do so.

Chair spectaculaire : la représentation du corps de l’artiste saltimbanque féminine dans Lulu, roman clownesque de Félicien Champsaur

Trevisan, Marion 21 January 2013 (has links)
Si la littérature et la critique se sont abondamment intéressées aux figures du clown et du saltimbanque depuis le XIXe siècle, force est de constater que les artistes féminines n’ont connu ni la même gloire ni la même légitimation. Tandis que leurs homologues masculins peuplent les romans, les femmes saltimbanques sont peu mises en scène dans les œuvres littéraires et n’ont en général qu’un rôle secondaire. À sa publication en 1901, Lulu, roman clownesque, de Félicien Champsaur, change cette donne en plaçant au centre de son récit un personnage féminin fort. Le roman relate alors l’ascension et la gloire sans précédent de Lulu la clownesse. En nous attardant plus spécifiquement au traitement du corps de l’artiste féminine dans le roman, nous dégagerons le rôle essentiel que joue l’enveloppe charnelle dans la réussite du parcours de la saltimbanque, ainsi que dans les rapports qu’entretient cette dernière avec le public. Nous verrons dans un premier temps que le corps s’impose dans l’œuvre comme un puissant outil d’agentivité. Par la suite, nous constaterons que ce travail est mis à mal dès lors que la chair du personnage féminin devient l’objet du spectateur masculin. Lulu n’est plus définie selon ses actes, mais plutôt selon les termes de celui qui l’observe. Nous montrerons que le corps féminin constitue un enjeu primordial et ambigu dans le roman de Champsaur dans la mesure où il se situe au cœur de la construction du personnage romanesque et de son parcours.

Vit, smal och rik : En kvalitativ undersökning av hur kvinnan porträtteras i reklambilden för skönhetsprodukter. / White, skinny and rich : a qualitative analysis of womens representation in advertisements for beauty products.

Uvelind, Sanne January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to shed some light on the stereotypical ways of portraying women in advertising. The thesis studies and analyses the eventual change in the perception of the woman in pictures for advertising, but also investigates the change in the business of marketing and advertising. The thesis assumes a method of a qualitative approach, with both induction and deduction applied to the study. The data used for this study’s analytical work derives from three semi structured interviews with representatives for the marketing business, and an analysis of advertisements pictures for cosmetics products from the last ten years. The study’s result has shown that the perception of the woman in advertising is stereotypical. In addition, the study has not been able to detect any change in the advertisements for women for the past ten years. However, the material shows a small change in the attitude towards a wider range of ethnicities. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda och analysera förändringar i bilden av kvinnan i reklam för skönhetsprodukter de senaste tio åren. Tre forskningsfrågor har även formulerats vilka är följande: Vilka karakteristiska inslag finns i bilden av kvinnan? Hur har bilden av kvinnan i reklam förändrats och sett ut de senaste 10 åren i skönhetsbranschen? Har bilden av kvinnan i reklam skapat en stereotypisk kvinnorepresentation? Uppsatsen utgår utifrån en kvalitativ metod samt genom ett växelspel mellan deduktion och induktion. Studien avslutas med en analys som grundar sig i empiriskt resultat från en intervjustudie i tre delar samt en bildanalys av annonsbilder. Enligt arbetets resultat är bilden av kvinnan i reklamen en stereotyp sådan. Utefter studiens resultat har ingen egentlig förändring i bilden de senaste tio åren uppmärksammats utan kvinnans karaktäristiska drag förblir de samma idag som för tio år sedan. Däremot visar resultatet indikationer mot en mer inkluderande etnisk framställning av kvinnan.

Kinky sex till salu : En semiotisk analys om hur sexualiserat våld används vid framställningen av kvinnor i sex stycken reklambilder / Kinky sex for sale : A semiotic analysis on how sexualized violence is used in the portrayal of women in six commercials

Isaksson, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Forskning visar på en lång historia av sexualisering och objektifiering av kvinnor i reklam. Vad forskning inte fokuserat på är sexualiserat våld i reklambilder. Den här studien är en sammanfogning av forskningsfälten genus och våld i reklam. Vad studien vill ta reda på är om sexualiserat våld används vid framställningen av kvinnor i reklambilderna samt den manliga blickens perspektiv. Studien använder sig av kvalitativ semiotisk analys för att undersöka om sexualiserat våld existerar i sex stycken reklambilder från tre stora modeföretag. Reklambilderna är från Calvin Klein, Diesel och Tom Ford 2016 och 2017. Det teoretiska ramverk för analysen är Hirdmans, med fleras, genusteori, Ekman och Mulveys den manliga blicken samt semiotik i form av Barthes fyra nyckelpunkter för konnotation och Goffmans kategorier om framställning av genus i reklam. Analysen visar slutsatser på att kvinnor objektifieras och sexualiseras i reklambilder och framställs som sexobjekt. Denna sexualisering och objektifiering mynnar ut i tecken på att sexualiserat våld normaliseras i samhället. / Research shows a long history of sexualization and objectification of women in advertising. What research has not focused on is sexualized violence in commercials. This study is a merger of the research fields gender and violence in advertising. The study wants to find out if sexualized violence is used in the portrayal of women in the advertising and the male gaze perspective. The study uses qualitative semiotic analysis to investigate if sexualized violence occurs in six commercials from three major fashion companies. The commercials are from Calvin Klein, Diesel and Tom Ford 2016 and 2017. The theoretical framework for the analysis is Hirdman’s, among others, gender theory, Ekman and Mulvey’s the male gaze and semiotics in the form of Barthes’ four key points for connotation and Goffman’s categories for gender advertisement. The analysis shows that women are objectified and sexualized in commercials and are illustrated as sex objects. This sexualization and objectification results in signs that sexualized violence is normalized in society.

Chair spectaculaire : la représentation du corps de l’artiste saltimbanque féminine dans Lulu, roman clownesque de Félicien Champsaur

Trevisan, Marion January 2013 (has links)
Si la littérature et la critique se sont abondamment intéressées aux figures du clown et du saltimbanque depuis le XIXe siècle, force est de constater que les artistes féminines n’ont connu ni la même gloire ni la même légitimation. Tandis que leurs homologues masculins peuplent les romans, les femmes saltimbanques sont peu mises en scène dans les œuvres littéraires et n’ont en général qu’un rôle secondaire. À sa publication en 1901, Lulu, roman clownesque, de Félicien Champsaur, change cette donne en plaçant au centre de son récit un personnage féminin fort. Le roman relate alors l’ascension et la gloire sans précédent de Lulu la clownesse. En nous attardant plus spécifiquement au traitement du corps de l’artiste féminine dans le roman, nous dégagerons le rôle essentiel que joue l’enveloppe charnelle dans la réussite du parcours de la saltimbanque, ainsi que dans les rapports qu’entretient cette dernière avec le public. Nous verrons dans un premier temps que le corps s’impose dans l’œuvre comme un puissant outil d’agentivité. Par la suite, nous constaterons que ce travail est mis à mal dès lors que la chair du personnage féminin devient l’objet du spectateur masculin. Lulu n’est plus définie selon ses actes, mais plutôt selon les termes de celui qui l’observe. Nous montrerons que le corps féminin constitue un enjeu primordial et ambigu dans le roman de Champsaur dans la mesure où il se situe au cœur de la construction du personnage romanesque et de son parcours.

Varumärket som säljer så mycket mer än smink : En kvalitativ studie om vilka framställningar av kvinnan som går att hitta i de sex mest gillade reklambilderna i CAIA Cosmetics läppstiftskampanj 2019 / The brand that sells more than makeup : A qualitative study on what kind of expressions of the woman that are found in the six most liked advertising images in CAIA Cosmetics lipstick campaign 2019

Marroquin, Alejandra, Nordén, Isabelle January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine which kind of expressions of the woman that were present in the selected advertising images and how they could affect how women are represented. A qualitative content analysis was conducted. The six most liked CAIA Cosmetics Instagram posts from their lipstick campaign in 2019 were chosen and analysed. The study used a denotative and connotative analysis of the pictures. In conclusion this study showed that the analysed pictures contained a sexualised, objectified, and stereotypic way of portraying women. We found expressions that showed that looks were more important than skills and that the woman’s place was at home being good-looking. We also found the expression of that the pictures sold the feeling of desire. The desire was built on a narcissistic notion of selfimprovement and an illusion of that acquiring a product will make you beautiful, sexy, successful, and thereby desirable.

Self-Inclusion of the Queer Body in Barbara Hammer's 'Superdyke Meets Madame X' (1975)

Plumley, Bailey 11 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Vadå, är det okej att se olika ut? : En semiotisk bildanalys av två klädföretags samarbeten med influencers i förhållande till kroppspositivism / What, is it okay to look different? : A semiotic image analysis of two clothing companies’ collaborations with influencers in relation to body positivism

Rydén, Sara, Zackrisson, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker porträtteringen av den normativa kvinnokroppen på plattformen Instagram till följd av trenden kroppspositivism. Syftet med vår studie är att genom en semiotisk bildanalys, undersöka huruvida två klädföretag följer trenden kroppspositivism i sina samarbeten med influencers på Instagram. Studien ämnar även till att undersöka huruvida de två företagen följer sina slagord om att bryta ny mark och vara tillgängliga för alla kvinnliga kroppsformer. Studiematerialet är hämtat från Instagram och influencerna som är valda för studiens analys är hämtade från Na-kd och Boohoos hemsidor. Analysen utförs med hjälp av semiotik, vilket både är en teori och metod där verktygen denotation och konnotation har använts. Med hjälp av en forskningsöversikt om olika kroppsideal och teoretiska ramverk som social jämförelse och The Male Gaze har analysen delats in i tre teman; kroppstyp, posering och digital redigering av kvinnokroppen. Studiens resultat påvisar ett smalhetsideal där de influencers som undersökts i analysen ingår i normen. Kvinnokropparna kunde till viss del skilja sig åt men kvinnorna gestaltade fortfarande ett smalhetsideal, vilket tyder på att varken företaget Na-kd eller Boohoo har anammat kroppspositivismen utifrån sina val av influencers på Instagram. Resultatet visade även att klädföretagen inte följde sina slagord om att vara normbrytande och tillgängliga för alla kvinnor. / This qualitative study examines the portrayal of the normative woman’s body on Instagram and how the trend of body positivism is followed on that platform. The purpose of our study is, through semiotic image analysis, to investigate whether two fashion companies’ follow the trend of body positivism in their collaborations with influencers on Instagram. The study also intends to investigate how the two companies follow their slogans of being norm-breaking and accessible for all female body types. The study material is collected from Instagram and the influencers selected for this study are selected from Na-kd and Boohoo’s websites. The analysis is performed using semiology, which is both a theory and a method where the tools denotation and connotation have been used. With the help of a research overview on different body ideals and theoretical frameworks such as social comparison and The Male Gaze, the analysis has been divided into three themes; body type, posing and digital editing of the female body.  The study’s results show a narrow ideal where the investigated influencers of the analysis are included in the norm. The women’s bodies could differ to some extent, but they all embodied a narrow-minded ideal, which indicates that neither Na-kd nor Boohoo has embraced body positivism based on their choice of influencers on Instagram. The results also showed that none of the fashion companies followed their slogans about being norm-breaking and accessible to all women.

Fighting Games under the Queer Gaze : An analysis on the characters of Street Fighter V

Wilund, Mio January 2022 (has links)
Critical examination on the topic of gender representation, sexualisation, video gamecharacters and their designs is not untreated ground, and has been analysed using variousmethods; qualitatively, quantitatively (Tompkins & et. al., 2020), and textually. However,these analyses are often analysed from the assumption that the consumer of video game mediais male, cis, and heterosexual. This assumption is not unfounded, but ignores the experienceof the part of the population that does not fit this description. Therefore, the research question;“How is gender represented in Street Fighter V, when analysed from different gazes?” A textual corpus analysis on Street Fighter V: Champion Edition was performed using gazetheory as a theoretical framework. It was found that although the male gaze applied in almostevery point of the study, instances where the queer gaze applied could still be found. / Kritisk examination runt könsrepresentation, sexualisation, videospelkaraktärer och derasdesign är ej otrampad mark, och har blivit analyserad under mångfaldiga metoder; kvalitativt,kvantitativt, och textuellt. Dock så är dessa analyser ofta analyserade från antagandet attkonsumenten av videospelmedia är cis, heterosexuell, och manlig. Detta antagande är inteogrundad, men ignorerar upplevelsen av elen av populationen som ej passar dennabeskrivning. Därav utforskningsfrågan; “Hur är kön representerad i Street Fighter V, näranalyserad från olika blickar?” En textuell korpusanalys som använder sig blick-teori som teoretiskt ramverk av StreetFighter V: Champion Edition var genomförd. Det var funnet att trots att den manliga blickenkunde appliceras i varje punkt i studien, exempel där den queera blicken kunde appliceraskunde fortfarande hittas.

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