Spelling suggestions: "subject:"male violence"" "subject:"sale violence""
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Making meaning of women and violence: echoes of the past in the presentMikhailovich, Katja, Katja.Mikhailovich@canberra.edu.au January 1998 (has links)
This thesis presents a feminist genealogy of ideas concerned with male violence against
women from the late nineteenth to the late twentieth century. The thesis has two
components: the first examines feminist, psychotherapeutic and socio-legal literature,
examining how knowledge about female victims of male violence has been constituted;
the second analyses memory work conducted with two groups of women exploring
personal meanings about victims and violence.
Each chapter describes pivotal moments in the history of women and violence showing
how seemingly disparate ideas emerged to become precursors of contemporary
knowledge which have given rise to a range of institutional responses to violence. Late
nineteenth-century feminists created new ways of speaking about violence against
women, however, their ideas were incongruent with prevailing discourses of the era.
The advent of Freudian thought also brought about a new language with which to talk
about violence placing the victim of violence firmly under the therapeutic gaze. During
the 1930s and 1940s the founders of victimology utilised Freud's work as evidence for
their proposition that female victims were often complicit in their own victimisation. In
the1970s feminists challenged victim blaming ideology and redefined violence as a
social and political issue. Twentieth century psychotherapeutic discourses tended to
position victims of violence within discourses of psychopathology. However, more
recently survivors have been defined in terms of traumatisation, constituting alternative
possibilities for subjectivity following victimisation.
The memory work used in this study enabled a consideration of the relationship
between discourse and women's understandings of violence. Although remnants of all
the discourses could be found in the women's narratives, some resonating with more
authority than others, no one discourse operated deterministically to totalise
subjectivity. Rather, it is evident that identities associated with survival are complex,
dynamic and fluid.
The legacy of the discourses described in this thesis continues to be apparent in
community attitudes, institutional responses to violence and survivors' concepts of self.
This thesis considers the potential implications of these discourses for women's
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Jag var rädd för att lämna honomIssa, Chamiran, Boyaci, Ilona January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Kvinnojourer i samverkan med socialtjänsten : hur personal på kvinnojourer upplever samarbetet / Interaction between social services and organizations supporting women subjected to violence : how staff at women’s shelters experience the collaborationSvensson, Anna, Westerberg, Elisabeth January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur personal på kvinnojourer upplever att samverkan med socialtjänsten fungerar. Dessa organisationer är båda betydelsefulla aktörer i arbetet med våldsutsatta kvinnor och därför är det viktigt att de kan mötas och ta tillvara på varandras kompetenser för att uppnå en så god samverkan som möjligt. Frågeställningarna som resultatet bygger på är Hur tycker personalen på kvinnojourerna att samarbetet med socialtjänsten fungerar? Finns det något som skulle behöva förändras för att förbättra arbetet och i sådana fall hur? Hur ser ansvarsfördelningen ut mellan kvinnojour och socialtjänst - finns det tydliga roller att förhålla sig till i det gemensamma arbetet att ge stöd och hjälp till en utsatt kvinna? Informanterna i den här studien arbetar på sex olika kvinnojourer. Kvalitativ forskningsmetod, med semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att få svar på frågorna och de inspelade intervjuerna har transkriberats och sedan meningskategoriserats för att få struktur på empirin. Ur detta skapades teman som vi sedan fann kopplingar till i samverkansteori. Resultatet visar att informanterna upplever samverkan med socialtjänsten som mycket varierande, beroende på olika omständigheter. Det finns en önskan och ett behov hos informanterna om att socialtjänsten ska vara mer insatta i och förstå mäns våld mot kvinnor för att kunna samverka bättre. Brist på resurser och otydlig ansvarsfördelning nämns som orsaker till varför samverkan emellanåt inte fungerar optimalt. Med hjälp av samverkansteori analyserade vi resultatet och kan dra slutsatsen att en god samverkan förutsätter vissa faktorer, som exempelvis gemensamt mål, tillräckliga resurser, samsyn, tydlig ansvars- och rollfördelning. Vår tolkning är att informanterna upplever ett behov av att ovanstående faktorer är implementerade i samverkansarbetet. / The purpose of this study was to examine how staff at women's shelters is experiencing the collaboration with Social Services. These organizations are both significant players in working with abused women and therefore it is important that they can come together and use each other's competencies to achieve a sufficient collaboration as possible. The questions of which the results are based on are How do staff at women's shelters experience the collaboration with Social Services? Is there anything that would need to be changed to improve the work and if so how? What is the division of responsibilities between the shelter and Social Services - are there distinct roles to relate to in the joint work to provide support and assistance to a woman victim of violence? The informants in this study work at six different women's shelters. Qualitative research, with semi-structured interviews was used to obtain answers to the questions and the recorded interviews were transcribed and then categorized to be able to structure the empirics. From this, themes were created, which we then found links to in interaction theory. The results show that informants experience a good collaboration with the Social Services as highly variable, depending on various circumstances. There is a need by the informants that Social Services should be more familiar with and understand men's violence against women in order to work better together. Lack of resources and an unclear division of responsibility is mentioned as reasons why collaboration sometimes does not work optimally. With the help of interaction theory, we analyzed the results and conclude that the proper collaboration requires certain factors, such as common goals, adequate resources, common understanding, clear responsibilities and roles. Our interpretation is that the informants experience a need of the above factors to be implemented into the collaboration.
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Contribution à la connaissance des auteurs de violences conjugales et de la prévention des actes de violences : les groupes d’auteurs de violences conjugales / Contribution to knowledge of the perpetrators of domestic violence and acts of violence prevention : groups of perpetrators of domestic violenceLaporte, Jacques 25 June 2010 (has links)
Les faits de violences conjugales constituent un phénomène social d’importance. Les auteurs de ces faits ne sont la plupart du temps, ni des monstres, ni des pervers, ni même des malades mentaux. Nous avons constaté que trois sortes de facteurs sont déterminants dans la population étudiée, celle de 400 personnes mises en cause pour faits de violences conjugales. Ces trois catégories de facteurs étaient les suivants : sociaux et culturels, les attentes et les attitudes de chaque partenaire au sein du couple et enfin les facteurs intrapsychiques. Pour les facteurs sociaux et culturels, nous avons mis en évidence la notion de déprivation psychosociale. Quant aux attitudes du conjoint au sein du couple, elles s’articulent autour d’une double tendance indépendance-dépendance. Pour les conjointes, nous avons mis en évidence des attitudes de maternalité. Enfin, l’ensemble des processus psychiques des auteurs de violences conjugales rencontrés, s’ordonnent dans une polarité narcissique-identitaire. Face aux violences conjugales, la société met en œuvre un processus judiciaire obéissant à un arsenal juridique de plus en plus nourri. Depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix, sont nés des dispositifs de prise en compte de ces auteurs. Le dispositif VIRAGE, né en 2002 à Saint-Etienne (Loire) par la volonté de deux structures, une associative et l’autre hospitalière, est un de ceux-là. Quels sont les effets et limites des groupes mis en place par ce dispositif ? Si les effets de tels groupes sur la récidive ne sont pas probants, par contre ils s’avèrent pertinents sur l’expression, les représentations, la reconnaissance des faits, la compréhension de la sanction, le renouage des liens notamment avec les enfants, l’ouverture à d’autres modes de communication.Les limites sont celles d’un dispositif ayant pour intention des changements. Ce dispositif que nous avons qualifié d’encadrement social, selon un modèle psycho-éducatif, ne doit pas être assimilé à un processus judiciaire car il changerait fondamentalement de positionnement. Nous proposons à la fin de la thèse un programme de prévention tenant compte de ces acquis. / Marital violence is one really important social phenomenon. The perpetrators in these facts are most of the time, neither monsters, nor perverts, nor mental patients. We had concluded that three kinds of factor are determinative for the study population, which consists of 400 persons accused for marital violence. These three categories of factors were following: social and cultural expectations and attitudes of each partner and finally intrapsychic factors. For the social and cultural factors we have highlighted the concept of psychosocial deprivation. Regarding the attitudes of the spouse, they revolve around double tendency of independence-dependence. For the spouses, we have highlighted attitudes of “maternalité”. Finally, all psychic processes in the perpetrators of the marital violence, which we had met, are organized in a polarity narcissistic identity. The society faced with marital violence implements a judicial system which follows and give more and more resources to this legal arsenal. In the nineties, the programmes were born considering the perpetrators of the marital violence. The programme VIRAGE is among them, founded 2002 in Saint-Etienne (Loire), because of wish of two structures, one association and one hospital. What are the effects and the limits of the groups? The effects of such groups on the recidivism aren’t convincing, but it turns out that they are relevant for the expression, for the representations, for the reconnaissance of the facts, for the understanding of sanction, for the renewal of the relations with children, for the openness to the other modes of communication. Those limits are a programme with the intention of changing. This programme we have described as social support, according to a psycho-educational model, should not be comparable to a judicial system as it will change fundamentally positioning. We propose one program for prevention at the end of the thesis.
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Beyond Morality : Alternative Gay Narratives in Mark Ravenhill’s Shopping and Fucking and Dennis Cooper’s The SlutsBjuggfält, Makz January 2017 (has links)
The gay male emerged as a visible public consumer during 1990s, when the LGBTQ movement in the United Kingdom and the United States was marked by conflicting commercial and political motives, heightened by the AIDS crisis. The cultural tension surrounding the gay male subject was reflected through various literary expressions. In the United Kingdom Mark Ravenhill’s Shopping and Fucking (1996), as part of the in-yer-face theatre, exploded in the face of the bourgeoisie. In the US America Dennis Cooper’s highly publicised George Miles Cycle (1989-2000), was followed by The Sluts (2004) as part of the transgressive literature, provoking both straight and gay communities. Through an analysis of themes such as capitalism, commerce, hyperreality, internalised fear, desire, and violence in the works, an alternative image of the gay male is distinguished. This is an image of the gay male subject that is complex, multi-faceted, contradictory and polyvalent. The characters relate differently to the hegemonic hyperreal role model, but are exposed to the same social structure that dictates their living conditions and positioning them as objects possible to practice violence on. The works provide a widened and complicated image the public image of the gay male. Their countercultural narratives trace how the gay male subject have been affected by the heteronormative society. When the provided stereotype is too narrow to express the burden and the joy of the contemporary gay male subject, alternatives, like the depictions by Ravenhill and Cooper, may allow the subject to fully possess the gay experiences of pain, sorrow and anger that he has been forced to bear. This research explores how the violence within the texts holds a liberating potential.
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La représentation de la violence faite aux femmes dans 'Un dimanche à la piscine à Kigali' de Gil Courtemanche et 'Je m’appelle Bosnia' de Madeleine GagnonThach, Thida January 2014 (has links)
La violence faite aux femmes est une réalité encore très présente, surtout dans les sociétés patriarcales, même après des décennies de lutte féministe. C’est aussi un thème privilégié en littérature. La présente thèse propose justement une analyse de ce thème à travers deux romans assez récents qui mettent tous deux de l’avant des aspects particuliers de la question : Un dimanche à la piscine à Kigali de Gil Courtemanche et Je m’appelle Bosnia de Madeleine Gagnon. Nous tenterons de cerner les différentes formes de violences à l’œuvre dans les deux narrations : la violence faite aux filles, celle faite aux femmes, et enfin la violence spécifique qu’engendrent les conflits armés avec le viol comme arme de guerre. Nous proposerons une analyse intersectionnelle de ces formes de violences afin de mesurer les représentations et les répercussions des notions de classe et de race eu égard aux toiles de fond différentes des deux romans : le génocide chez Courtemanche, le nettoyage ethnique chez Gagnon. Nous aborderons aussi les narrations sous l’angle de l’agentivité. Dans des sociétés fondamentalement patriarcales, quel pouvoir peuvent espérer avoir les personnages féminins sur leur destin personnel et collectif? Y a-t-il pour ces femmes fictives des stratégies possibles pour atteindre une liberté d’action, si mince soit-elle?
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