Spelling suggestions: "subject:"banner"" "subject:"danner""
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The Syntax and Semantics of Manner Modification: Adjectives and AdverbsAlyeksyeyenko, Oleksandr 18 April 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with the syntax and semantics of manner adjectives and manner adverbs. Its aim is to develop a theory of manner modification that (i) accounts for the possibility for manner adjectives to occur with manner, event, and individual nouns (cf., e.g., careful driver/driving/way of driving), while keeping their semantics constant across these uses, and (ii) establishes the semantic relation that holds between manner adjectives and manner adverbs. In particular, it is argued that manner adjectives denote properties of manners of events, rather than of events themselves. This means that their occurrences with manner nouns present the most transparent syntax-semantics mapping, whereas their occurrences with event and individual nouns involve mismatches between overt syntax and logical form. Accordingly, it is shown (i) how the manners specified by manner adjectives are formally linked to the events introduced by event nouns, and (ii) where the events whose manners are specified by manner adjectives come from in the context of individual nouns. With respect to the latter point, it is suggested that the source of the relevant events is the semantics of overt or covert prepositional gerunds that are subcategorized by manner adjectives when they modify or are predicated of individual nouns (as, e.g., in a driver careful at driving). Finally, manner adverbs are argued to have complex semantics which incorporates a predicate of manners contributed by the base adjective, along with the manner function and a manner quantifier. Importantly, this semantics is motivated on (morpho)syntactic grounds, insofar as -ly adverbs are shown to have a complex internal structure of null-headed compound PPs containing the nominal morpheme -ly and the base adjective as its attributive modifier, and thus are not members of a separate lexical category or positional variants of a single major category of adverbs and adjectives, as is usually assumed. As a result, both the syntactic function and the semantic contribution of the morpheme -ly is accounted for.
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The Development of a Lexicon for the Communication of Action in Cooperative WorkShah, Claire Supriya January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Fil(s) de Rabelais : enquête sur les filiations modernes de l'écrivain (Nerval, Apollinaire) / Sons of Rabelais : investigation into the writer’s modern filiationsMalara, Anna-Joséphine 17 November 2012 (has links)
Pourquoi une thèse sur Rabelais, en 2012 ? Certes : en apparence on ne présente plus l’écrivain, qui s’inscrit ànotre Panthéon, sans conteste, comme l’un des « pères » de la littérature française. Pourtant, le constat quifonde notre propos, c’est qu’il y a, justement, une nécessité urgente à réintroduire Rabelais. Auprès du grandpublic – parce que les lecteurs la délaissent, souvent induits à penser qu’elle est illisible ou inactuelle. Leréintroduire, aussi, dans le discours de la critique généraliste, dont les recherches les plus stimulantes tendent àrejeter Rabelais, et son époque dans la sphère du non-littéraire. C’est aussi ce que les rares études sur laréception de l’écrivain indiquent : en suggérant qu’au-delà d’une série de reprises ponctuelles ou d’imitationsde second rang, l’auteur n’aurait pas eu de réelle postérité chez les écrivains modernes – et qu’il se serait heurtéà un « malentendu », sinon à une déconcertante « défiguration ». En somme, à l’époque moderne, l’oeuvre deRabelais s’identifie insidieusement à un objet du patrimoine : plus qu’à un objet littéraire – de rechercheslittéraires. Et en 2012, malgré soi, l’on en viendrait à reprendre les conclusions amères de Céline : que Rabelaisa « raté son coup ». Alors que faire ? Notre thèse sur les « fils de Rabelais », envisageant successivement les casde Nerval et d’Apollinaire, entend récuser ce constat accablant. En réhabilitant la notion de « fils » enlittérature, nous montrerons que Rabelais possède bel et bien une postérité dans la littérature moderne : qu’auXXIe siècle, son oeuvre réussit encore à faire parler d’elle – et à inspirer de nouveaux regards critiques. / Why present a thesis on Rabelais in 2012? Clearly, at first sight, we no longer need to showcase a writer who has undoubtedly earned his place in our Pantheon as one of the "fathers" of French literature. Yet, our whole thesis is based on the premise that there is a pressing need to revitalise Rabelais in our literary consciousness. Readers neglect his work – often led to believe that it is unintelligible or outdated – and the trend in the most stimulating of critical studies is to reject Rabelais and his era into the non-literary sphere. This is what the rare studies of how the writer was received show : they suggest that, aside from a series of one-off replications or substandard imitations, the author is not really a source of inspiration to modern writers – his legacy has come up against "misunderstanding" and has even bafflingly been "distorted". In short, in our modern age, Rabelais' work is insidiously identified as part of our heritage, rather than literary matter or a subject for literary study capable of inspiring critics and writers. If, in 2012, against our better judgment, we are tempted to concur with Céline's bitter conclusions: that Rabelais "failed in his design ". What should we do about it? The aim of our thesis on the "sons of Rabelais" is to challenge this damming conclusion, by considering successively Nerval’ and Apollinaire’ cases. Through a rehabilitation of the notion of a literary descendant or “son”, we will show that there is a clear thread between Rabelais and modern literature, and that in the 21st century, his work can still, and always still, succeed in attracting debate and discussion – inspiring fresh critical thought. Keywords : Rabelais – Nerval – Apollinaire – filiation – reception – posterity – analogy – manner.
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Vid a způsob slovesného děje v češtině a ukrajinštině / Verbal aspect and manner of verbal action in Czech and Ukrainian languageŽižková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the question of verbal aspect and manner of verbal action in Czech and Ukrainian language. The aim is to describe prefixes, which are used as means of verbal derivation and formation of aspectual pairs. The present study is divided into chapters: Introduction, Resear of verbal aspekt and Aktionsart, Verbal aspect, Manner of verbal action (Aktionsart), Competition between prefixes in the meaning of aspectual pairs formation and derivation of verbs in Czech and Ukrainian langure, Summary. There are differences in the number of verbal prefixes, which have beside derivational function also grammatical function. Czech language has sixteen of these verbal prefixes, in Ukrainian there are only seven verbal prefixes, which are used in both of these processes. This is conspicuous difference, but the results of the analysis showed, that the possibilities of applying specific prefixes are in both compared languages remarkably consistent. Many verbs of various categories of verbal action manner are derived in West and East Slavic language by the same prefixes. Consensus is also in preference of identical prefixes, which are the most commonly used during pure perfectivization (especially Czech z- and Ukrainian з-/с-). Keywords verbal aspect manner of verbal action (Aktionsart) prefix
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Montaigne e a Arte da Conversação: a conversão para a \'maneira\' / Montaige and the Art of Conversation: the conversion to \"manner\"Querubini, Edson Donizete 16 October 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise da retomada e desenvolvimento do tema clássico da conversação (sermo) por parte de Michel de Montaigne em seu ensaio III VIII, De l´art de conferer. Examina-se, por um lado, como o Ensaísta estabelece, por oposição a duas contrafações, dissimulação e erística, o regime ideal da boa conference. Por outro lado, como, por oposição à inépcia contra-exemplar do tolo (sot), expõe as três qualidades da manière du dire: a ordem, a prudência, a suffisance. Mostra-se, então, que esta reorientação para a maneira, fazendo a crítica do artifício e do pedantismo e seu saber aparente, apoiado apenas na memória , funda-se no cuidado com as concepções e matérias, assimiladas pela experiência. A compreensão da conference, rival e cooperativa, entre amigos que discutem opiniões contraditórias e se corrigem mutuamente, faz dela o modo privilegiado de freqüentação e avaliação dos homens e dos livros, e o meio mais próprio do exercício do julgamento e do pensamento. Pautam-se neste percurso questões fundamentais para o tratamento do ensaio como forma. / This dissertation presents a analysis of the Montaigne\'s own development of the classical theme of \"conversation\" in his essay III VIII, De l\'art de conferer. It is examined, on one hand, the way he sets up the ideal regime of good conversation by opposing it both to dissimulation and to eristic, both considered as counterfeits; on the other hand, how he defines, by opposing it to the counter-exemplary inneficiency of the foul (\"sot\"), the three caracteristics of the manière du dire: \"order\", \"prudence\" and \"suffisance\". Once criticized artifice and pedantry whose apparent knowledge is only supported by memory , it is shown that this reorientation to \"manner\" is founded over the diligence with the notions and subjects leaned by experience. The correct comprehension of the rival and cooperative conference, between friends discussing together conflicting opinions and correcting each other, makes of it the privileged way of frequenting and evaluating mens and books, and also the appropriate way of judgement\'s and thinking\'s exercise. Along with these, some questions involving the essay as a literary form are also treated.
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Faire ou ne pas faire? : travail et paresse dans l'activité artistique au tournant du XXIe siècle (1980-2014) / To do or not to do? : labour and laziness in artistic activity at the turn of the XXIst century (1980‑2014)Riou, Pascale 20 October 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse se propose d’étudier l'activité artistique contemporaine au tournant du XXIe siècle par le prisme de l’antagonisme entre travail et paresse. Le travail, autant que la professionnalité, la production et la monstration, par exemple, mais aussi la paresse, l’amateurisme, le dilettantisme ou encore le désœuvrement sont des notions qui questionnent l'activité artistique et que les artistes questionnent. Elles renvoient à la place de l'artiste dans la société, à la liberté et l'oisiveté créatrice que les représentations sociales et culturelles lui confèrent, à son activité comme travail non aliéné, modèle potentiel d'activité humaine. Il s’agit de comprendre l'art dans son étymologie (ars, artis : manière d'être, manière d'agir), de s’attacher aux œuvres d'art comme aux pratiques, aux gestes comme aux processus afin de pointer les enjeux de l’œuvre et de sa représentation, des images et statuts des artistes, du temps et de l'espace de la pratique, des conditions et régimes de celle-ci. / Our thesis proposes to study contemporary artistic activity at the turn of the twenty-first century by the prism of the antagonism between labour and laziness. Labour, as well as professionalism, production and demonstration, for example, but also laziness, amateurism, dilettantism or even idleness, are notions that question artistic activity and that artists question. They refer to the place of the artist in society, the freedom and creative idleness that social and cultural representations confer on him, his activity as a non-alienated work, a potential model of human activity. It is about understanding art in its etymology (ars, artis: way of being, way of acting), to attach ourselves to the works of art as to the practices, the gestures as the processes in order to point the issues of the work and its representation, the images and status of the artists, the time and space of the practice, the conditions and the regimes of this.
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The acquisition of contrast : a longitudinal investigation of initial s+plosive cluster development in Swedish childrenKarlsson, Fredrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>This Thesis explores the development of word-initial s+plosive consonant clusters in the speech of Swedish children between the ages of 1;6 and 4;6. Development in the word-initial consonant clusters is viewed as being determined by 1) the children’s ability to articulate the target sequence of consonants, 2) the level of understanding of which acoustic features in the adult model production are significant for the signalling of the intended distinction, and 3) the children’s ability to apply established production patterns only to productions where the acquired feature agrees with the adult target, to achieve a contrast between rival output forms. This Thesis employs a method where output forms are contrasted with attempted productions of potential homonym target words. Thus, development is quantified as an increase in the manifestations of phonetic features where it agrees with the adult norm, coupled by a decrease in the same feature in output forms where it is inappropriate according to the specifications of the phonological system of the ambient language. Acoustic investigations of cues of voicing, aspiration, place of articulation and syllable onset complexity, and auditory investigations of place, manner and syllable onset complexity were conducted. The Thesis has four outcomes. One, a description of the perceptual quality of the productions in terms of place, manner, voicing and syllable onset complexity is presented. Two, a developmental sequence of stable acquisition of these features is proposed; manner is shown to be acquired first, followed by syllable onset complexity and place of articulation. Evidence is provided that the voiced/aspirated distinction is still being acquired at the end of the investigated age period. Three, the developmental use of acoustic cues of place and voicing are described. Voice Onset Time and Spectral Skewness are shown to be used by children in order to increase the likeness to the adult target in terms of voicing and place of articulation. Aspiration Amplitude is shown to be used as an auxiliary cue to Voice Onset Time. The place cues Spectral Tilt Change, F2, Spectral Mean and Spectral Variance were shown to be used in order to refine already produced consonants rather than approach the adult target model. Four, the Thesis provides evidence of periods of confusions in the output of children. With the reductions of these patterns of confusion, evidence is provided of children’s re-organisation of their internal representation of the consonant to be produced.</p> / <p>Denna avhandling undersöker utvecklingen av ordinitiala konsonantkluster av formen s+klusil i talet hos svenska barn mellan åldrarna 1;6 och 4;6. Utvecklingen av de ordinitiala klustren betraktas som bestämd av 1) barnets förmåga att artikulera den konsonantsekvens som utgör målet, 2) barnets förståelse för vilka akustiska särdrag i den vuxna målproduktionen som är signifikanta för att signalera en viss distinktion och 3) barnets förmåga att tillämpa ett etablerat produktionsmönster endast på de produktioner där det tillägnade draget överensstämmer med den vuxna målproduktionen, så att en kontrast uppnås mellan konkurrerande utformer. Avhandlingen tillämpar en metod där producerade utformer kontrasteras med produktioner av målord som utgör potentiella homonymer till dessa. Utvecklingen kan då kvantifieras som en ökning av antalet förekomster av ett fonetiskt drag som överensstämmer med den vuxna normen för den relevanta kontexten, kopplad till en minskning av antalet förekomster av samma drag i kontext där draget är inkorrekt givet det fonologiska systemet i det språk som tillägnas. De drag som undersöktes var de akustiska korrelaten till stämbandston, aspiration, artikulationsställe och komplexitet i stavelseansatsen, och vidare de auditiva korrelaten till artikulationsställe, artikulationssätt och komplexitet i stavelseansatsen. Fyra resultat redovisas. För det första presenteras en beskrivning av den perceptuella kvaliteten hos barnens produktioner i termer av artikulationsställe, artikulationssätt och komplexitet. För det andra föreslås en utvecklingssekvens för stabilt tillägnande av dessa drag: artikulationssätt tillägnas först, följt av komplexitet hos stavelseansatsen och artikulationsställe. Sist tillägnas distinktionen mellan tonande och aspirerad klusil, där data visar att draget inte tillägnats till fullo vid slutet av det undersökta åldersintervallet. För det tredje ger avhandlingen en beskrivning av hur barnen utvecklar sitt bruk av akustiska korrelat till artikulationsställe och ton. Voice Onset Time och snedhet i spektrum används för att närma sig det vuxna målet gällande aspiration och artikulationsställe. Aspirationsamplitud används som ett hjälpkorrelat till VOT vad gäller fonetisk aspiration. Andra korrelat för artikulationsställe, som förändring i spektral lutning, F2, spektralt medelvärde och spektral varians, används för att förfina de egna produktionerna snarare än för att få produktionen att närma sig det vuxna målet. För det fjärde ges i avhandlingen evidens för perioder då barnens produktion uppvisar förväxlingar vad avser distributionen hos vissa fonetiska drag. Minskade förekomster av sådana förväxlingar visar på en omstrukturering av barnens underliggande representation för den konsonant som ska produceras.</p>
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The acquisition of contrast : a longitudinal investigation of initial s+plosive cluster development in Swedish childrenKarlsson, Fredrik January 2006 (has links)
This Thesis explores the development of word-initial s+plosive consonant clusters in the speech of Swedish children between the ages of 1;6 and 4;6. Development in the word-initial consonant clusters is viewed as being determined by 1) the children’s ability to articulate the target sequence of consonants, 2) the level of understanding of which acoustic features in the adult model production are significant for the signalling of the intended distinction, and 3) the children’s ability to apply established production patterns only to productions where the acquired feature agrees with the adult target, to achieve a contrast between rival output forms. This Thesis employs a method where output forms are contrasted with attempted productions of potential homonym target words. Thus, development is quantified as an increase in the manifestations of phonetic features where it agrees with the adult norm, coupled by a decrease in the same feature in output forms where it is inappropriate according to the specifications of the phonological system of the ambient language. Acoustic investigations of cues of voicing, aspiration, place of articulation and syllable onset complexity, and auditory investigations of place, manner and syllable onset complexity were conducted. The Thesis has four outcomes. One, a description of the perceptual quality of the productions in terms of place, manner, voicing and syllable onset complexity is presented. Two, a developmental sequence of stable acquisition of these features is proposed; manner is shown to be acquired first, followed by syllable onset complexity and place of articulation. Evidence is provided that the voiced/aspirated distinction is still being acquired at the end of the investigated age period. Three, the developmental use of acoustic cues of place and voicing are described. Voice Onset Time and Spectral Skewness are shown to be used by children in order to increase the likeness to the adult target in terms of voicing and place of articulation. Aspiration Amplitude is shown to be used as an auxiliary cue to Voice Onset Time. The place cues Spectral Tilt Change, F2, Spectral Mean and Spectral Variance were shown to be used in order to refine already produced consonants rather than approach the adult target model. Four, the Thesis provides evidence of periods of confusions in the output of children. With the reductions of these patterns of confusion, evidence is provided of children’s re-organisation of their internal representation of the consonant to be produced. / Denna avhandling undersöker utvecklingen av ordinitiala konsonantkluster av formen s+klusil i talet hos svenska barn mellan åldrarna 1;6 och 4;6. Utvecklingen av de ordinitiala klustren betraktas som bestämd av 1) barnets förmåga att artikulera den konsonantsekvens som utgör målet, 2) barnets förståelse för vilka akustiska särdrag i den vuxna målproduktionen som är signifikanta för att signalera en viss distinktion och 3) barnets förmåga att tillämpa ett etablerat produktionsmönster endast på de produktioner där det tillägnade draget överensstämmer med den vuxna målproduktionen, så att en kontrast uppnås mellan konkurrerande utformer. Avhandlingen tillämpar en metod där producerade utformer kontrasteras med produktioner av målord som utgör potentiella homonymer till dessa. Utvecklingen kan då kvantifieras som en ökning av antalet förekomster av ett fonetiskt drag som överensstämmer med den vuxna normen för den relevanta kontexten, kopplad till en minskning av antalet förekomster av samma drag i kontext där draget är inkorrekt givet det fonologiska systemet i det språk som tillägnas. De drag som undersöktes var de akustiska korrelaten till stämbandston, aspiration, artikulationsställe och komplexitet i stavelseansatsen, och vidare de auditiva korrelaten till artikulationsställe, artikulationssätt och komplexitet i stavelseansatsen. Fyra resultat redovisas. För det första presenteras en beskrivning av den perceptuella kvaliteten hos barnens produktioner i termer av artikulationsställe, artikulationssätt och komplexitet. För det andra föreslås en utvecklingssekvens för stabilt tillägnande av dessa drag: artikulationssätt tillägnas först, följt av komplexitet hos stavelseansatsen och artikulationsställe. Sist tillägnas distinktionen mellan tonande och aspirerad klusil, där data visar att draget inte tillägnats till fullo vid slutet av det undersökta åldersintervallet. För det tredje ger avhandlingen en beskrivning av hur barnen utvecklar sitt bruk av akustiska korrelat till artikulationsställe och ton. Voice Onset Time och snedhet i spektrum används för att närma sig det vuxna målet gällande aspiration och artikulationsställe. Aspirationsamplitud används som ett hjälpkorrelat till VOT vad gäller fonetisk aspiration. Andra korrelat för artikulationsställe, som förändring i spektral lutning, F2, spektralt medelvärde och spektral varians, används för att förfina de egna produktionerna snarare än för att få produktionen att närma sig det vuxna målet. För det fjärde ges i avhandlingen evidens för perioder då barnens produktion uppvisar förväxlingar vad avser distributionen hos vissa fonetiska drag. Minskade förekomster av sådana förväxlingar visar på en omstrukturering av barnens underliggande representation för den konsonant som ska produceras.
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From perception of spatial artefacts to metaphorical meaningJohansson Falck, Marlene January 2012 (has links)
This chapter compares spatial constructs in mental imagery to spatial constructs in non-metaphorical and metaphorical language. The study is based on a psycholinguistic survey of people’s mental imagery for paths and roads, and a previous corpus-linguistic investigation of path- and road-instances from the British National Corpus (the BNC) (see Johansson Falck 2010). The aim is to investigate if spatial path and road constructs in mental imagery focus on similar aspects as those in metaphorical language. The study shows that mental imagery and metaphorical language are more restricted than non-metaphorical language, and typically are related to the specific anticipations for bodily action that paths and roads afford. The focus is on function, which influences both direction and manner of motion. / Embodiment of Motion Metaphors
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Estudo da estrutura interna das acções da distribuição em equipas de voleibol de alto nível de rendimento-Contributo para a caracterização e prospectiva do jogador distribuidorMoutinho, Carlos Alberto de Sá e Sousa January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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