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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

K užití vybraných prepozic v současné češtině z perspektivy češtiny jako cizího jazyka / To the usage of chosen prepositions in the current Czech through a prism of Czech as a foreign language

Hejlová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
v angličtině: This thesis deals with the issue of how to present prepositions in teaching Czech for foreigners. This topic has not been dealt with in detail yet, therefore its main aim is to call attention to some problematic moments in the presentation of prepositions in textbooks of Czech for foreigners. The thesis briefly describes the history of teaching methods in terms of presentation and the importance of grammar as well as the basic characteristics of the Czech prepositions are described based on their interpretation in selected studies. A sample of textbooks of Czech for foreigners ilustrates how prepositions are presented to students. The thesis also attempting to clarify the meaning of chosen prepositions of manner and formulate some general recommendations on how to effectively present Czech prepositions to foreigners.

A estrutura sintática das chamadas construções resultativas em PB / The syntactic structure of the so-called BP resultative constructions

Barbosa, Julio William Curvelo 10 July 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, retomaremos a questão sobre a existência de construções resultativas no português brasileiro (PB), conforme debatido nos trabalhos de Foltran (1999), Marcelino (2000), e Lobato (2004), inter alia, apresentando evidências teóricas e empíricas contra a afirmação de que existam em PB construções resultativas sintaticamente ou semanticamente equivalentes às construções resultativas presentes em línguas como o inglês, por exemplo. A partir de alguns trabalhos sobre as construções resultativas do inglês, como Hoekstra (1988) e Levin & Rappaport-Hovav (1995), mostraremos que as propriedades básicas dessas construções no inglês se mostram bem distintas das propriedades das construções citadas pelos trabalhos sobre o PB. Com base em um critério que leva em conta as propriedades das construções resultativas no inglês, mostraremos que existe uma diferença semântica quanto ao tipo de modificação que o predicado resultativo exerce sobre a sentença em inglês e em PB, baseados na semântica de eventos neo-Davidsoniana (PARSONS, 1990); enquanto na primeira o predicado resultativo denota o estado resultante da ação, na segunda, o predicado secundário é, na verdade, um modificador do estado resultante, já denotado pelo conteúdo semântico expresso no complexo verbo+argumento interno. Baseados na tipologia de Talmy (2000), estenderemos sua proposta de impossibilidade de amálgama (conflation) de certos elementos semânticos ao verbo em línguas românicas à impossibilidade de formação de resultativas. Incapaz de realizar amálgama de modo ao verbo, o PB realiza, ao invés do modo, a semântica de causa amalgamada ao co-evento no verbo, enquanto inglês realiza a semântica de estado resultante em um satélite, e modo e causa amalgamados ao verbo. A partir dos resultados obtidos pela nossa análise semântica, conduziremos uma análise sintática que explica tanto a restrição de amálgama de modo quanto à impossibilidade de formação de construções resultativas em PB. Baseados na teoria de estrutura argumental de Hale & Keyser (1993, 2002), iremos propor uma estrutura de predicados complexos para as resultativas do inglês a partir da estrutura de verbos deadjetivais, responsáveis pela formação de verbos inacusativos. A restrição de formação desses predicados complexos em PB é explicada pela marcação negativa do Parâmetro de Composicionalidade nessa língua, (SNYDER, 1995), impedindo a inserção de itens lexicais de classe aberta (raízes) em posições marcadas com o traço [+Afixal], condição sine qua non para a formação de predicados resultativos como os do inglês. / In this work, we take up again the discussion of whether resultative constructions exist in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), as discussed in the works of Foltran (1999), Marcelino (2000) and Lobato (2004), inter alia, presenting theoretical and empirical evidence against the claim that there are resultative constructions in BP that are syntactically or semantically equivalent to resultative constructions from languages such as English, for instance. Based on works about Englishs resultative construction such as Hoekstra (1988) and Levin & Rappaport-Hovav (1995), we show that the basic properties of these constructions in English are quite distinct from the properties of the constructions mentioned by the works about BP. With a criterion which takes on the properties of resultative constructions in English, we show that there is semantic difference as for the type of modification applied by the resultative predicate over the sentence when comparing English and BP, considering the neo- Davidsonian event semantics (PARSONS, 1990); while Englishs resultative predicate denotes the actions resultant state, in BP the secondary predicate is, in fact, the modifier of the resultant state already denoted by the semantic content expressed by the complex verb+internal argument. Based on Talmys (2000) typology, we relate his proposal of impossibility of conflation of certain semantic elements to the verb in romance languages to the impossibility of resultative construction formation in these languages. Unable to conflate manner to the verb, BP realizes, instead of manner, the cause semantics conflated to the verbs co-event, while English realizes the resultant state on a satellite, and manner and cause are conflated into the verb. From the results obtained with our semantic analysis, we conduct a syntactic analysis that explains the manner conflation restriction in BP, as well as its inability to form resultative constructions. Based on the argument structure theory from Hale & Keyser (2002), we suggest a complex predicate structure for Englishs resultatives from the deadjectival verb structures, responsible for the formation of the unaccusative verbs. The restriction over the formation of these predicates in BP is explained by the negative setting of the Compounding Parameter in this language (SNYDER, 1995), thus not allowing the insertion of open-class lexical items (roots) into positions marked with the [+Afixal] feature, a sine qua non condition for the resultative predicate formation, such as Englishs resultative predicates.

Analyse de l'efficacité de la régulation par les microARN / Analysis of microRNA gene silencing efficiency

Huang, Lue 19 December 2012 (has links)
Les microARN constituent une classe de petits ARN non codants d’une vingtaine de nucléotides, issus de transcrits cellulaires, qui inhibent l’expression de gènes cibles au niveau post-transcriptionnel. Chez les mammifères, bien qu’ils puissent agir sur une cible parfaitement complémentaire (mode parfait), les microARN ont presqu’exclusivement des cibles partiellement complémentaires (mode imparfait). Puisqu’en mode imparfait une coupure endonucléolytique de la cible est impossible, il est généralement proposé que le mode imparfait soit moins efficace que le mode parfait : conduisant à un silencing moins efficace, nécessitant plus de complexes effecteurs (miRISC) et facilement saturable par une augmentation du nombre de cible. Dans ce travail j’ai développé une approche expérimentale reposant sur l’expression de protéines fluorescentes pour mesurer précisément le silencing au niveau de chaque cellule. J’ai fait trois observations inattendues sur l’efficacité de la régulation par les microARN : i) le silencing en mode parfait et imparfait nécessite des quantités similaires de petit ARN, ii) une augmentation, même très importante, de l’expression du gène cible ne lui permet pas d’échapper à la régulation, iii) le silencing n’est pas intrinsèquement plus faible en mode imparfait (qu’en mode parfait) mais n’est pas actif dans toutes les cellules. Si les deux premiers points sont facilement explicables dans le cadre de l’induction de la dégradation de l’ARNm cible sur un mode catalytique via la déadénylation de l’ARNm, le troisième indique l’existence d’une régulation forte du silencing qui est spécifique du mode imparfait. De plus, comme dans les deux modes le silencing dépend principalement du même partenaire, Ago2, cette régulation intervient après l’assemblage du complexe minimal (Ago2/petit ARN). Ainsi, les différences entre les modes parfait et imparfait ne se situent pas au niveau proposé puisque lorsque la cellule est compétente, leurs efficacités sont comparables. Par contre, mes travaux mettent en évidence l’existence d’un contrôle de la régulation en mode imparfait dont la nature reste à préciser. / MicroRNAs are endogenous small non-coding RNAs about 21 nucleotides in length that inhibit the expression of target genes primarily at the post-transcriptional level. The target recognition of microARN is sequence-specific and requires a partial complementarity between the microRNA and target sequences that are present on the mRNA molecules. microRNAs are part of an effector complex, miRISC, containing multiple proteins which can participate to a repression of translation and/or promotes destabilization of the target mRNA. The mechanism of microRNA silencing is not completely understood to date, but it is assumed that it is globally less potent than that of siRNA acting on perfect targets. By using fluorescent proteins expressing reporter plasmids and flow cytometry, we observed an efficient silencing by microRNA which does not require more active complexes than the perfect target silencing and cannot be easily saturated. This suggests that in cells in culture, microRNA silencing works in a catalytic manner leading to mRNA degradation. In addition, our data also indicates that the efficiency of microRNA silencing is variable among cells and can be almost completely abrogated under some conditions contrary to the siRNA silencing which is active in all cells. As we observed that the protein Ago2 is the only member of Ago family that is implicated in the microRNA silencing, it follows that the regulation of microRNA silencing acts after the formation of the core complex (Ago2/small RNA). So the difference between the silencing in the perfect and imperfect mode are not what is usually proposed, but pertain to a level of cellular control, which remains to be deciphered.

Gosto ou licença? Como interpretar as Suite Sonates de Jacques Martin Hotteterre - Le Romain através da flauta doce / -

Pereira, Renata 18 March 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa para a elaboração da tese \"Gosto ou Licença? Como interpretar as suite sonates de Jacques Martin Hotteterre - Le Romain (1674-1763) através da flauta doce\" teve por finalidade investigar se a forma híbrida da música instrumental europeia - suite sonate [suitte sonate] do compositor francês setecentista - foi um exemplo precursor do gênero que conhecemos como gostos reunidos. Os objetos estudados são de fundamental importância, pois no século XVIII fomentaram a criação de um novo estilo musical nacional, o estilo alemão. Para tal contextualização, foi necessária a busca pelos significados dos termos \'gosto\', \'gênio\', \'maneira\', \'estilo\' e \'licença\', relacionados ao conceito de imitação da natureza nas artes setecentistas através da fundamentação teórica de Charles Batteux (1713-1780), apresentando neste texto uma teoria do percurso do termo \'gosto\'. Essa transformação do termo \'gosto\' está presente tanto no âmbito da criação da obra quanto no da execução - interpretação da prática musical do período barroco. Por essa razão, esse texto avalia os elementos cabíveis a uma interpretação atual de um texto musical setecentista. Dessa forma, além dos conceitos teóricos e práticos, será possível conhecer também a grande contribuição do flautista e compositor francês para a sua arte, como sua preocupação didática em seu tratado, em seu manual, além de seu cuidado não usual de prover informações de execução em suas partituras; sua expressiva e repleta de licenças música de câmara; sua inventividade na reunião de dois estilos musicais setecentistas; e sua responsabilidade nas mudanças da técnica flautística da época. / The research for writing this dissertation, titled \"Taste and Licence? How to interpret the Jacques Martin Hotteterre - Le Romain (1674-1763) sonates on the recorder\", was meant to investigate whether a hybrid European instrumental music form - suite sonate [suitte sonate] by the eighteenth century composer - was a forerunner example of the genre we know as Reunited Styles. The objects studied herein have great importance, because they promoted a new musical style created in the eighteenth century, the German style. For such context, it was necessary to investigate the meanings of terms such as \'taste\', \'genius\', \'manner\', \'style\', and \'license\', related to the seventeenth century arts\' concept of imitation of nature, as per the theoretical fundaments by Charles Batteux (1713-1780). A theory about the course of the term \'taste\' is presented in this dissertation. Such transformation of that term can be found both in the creation of the musical work and in its execution - baroque music historically informed performance. For the aforementioned reasons, this dissertation assesses the appropriate elements necessary for a contemporary interpretation of an eighteenth century musical text. Thus, besides the theoretical and practical concepts, it will be possible to know the French composer and flautist\'s greatest contribution to his art: the didactic concerns in his treatise, in his practical guide, as well as having the unusual care to provide performance information in his scores; his chamber music, so expressive and filled with licenses; his resourcefulness when uniting two eighteenth century musical styles and his part in the flute technique changes in that time

Gosto ou licença? Como interpretar as Suite Sonates de Jacques Martin Hotteterre - Le Romain através da flauta doce / -

Renata Pereira 18 March 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa para a elaboração da tese \"Gosto ou Licença? Como interpretar as suite sonates de Jacques Martin Hotteterre - Le Romain (1674-1763) através da flauta doce\" teve por finalidade investigar se a forma híbrida da música instrumental europeia - suite sonate [suitte sonate] do compositor francês setecentista - foi um exemplo precursor do gênero que conhecemos como gostos reunidos. Os objetos estudados são de fundamental importância, pois no século XVIII fomentaram a criação de um novo estilo musical nacional, o estilo alemão. Para tal contextualização, foi necessária a busca pelos significados dos termos \'gosto\', \'gênio\', \'maneira\', \'estilo\' e \'licença\', relacionados ao conceito de imitação da natureza nas artes setecentistas através da fundamentação teórica de Charles Batteux (1713-1780), apresentando neste texto uma teoria do percurso do termo \'gosto\'. Essa transformação do termo \'gosto\' está presente tanto no âmbito da criação da obra quanto no da execução - interpretação da prática musical do período barroco. Por essa razão, esse texto avalia os elementos cabíveis a uma interpretação atual de um texto musical setecentista. Dessa forma, além dos conceitos teóricos e práticos, será possível conhecer também a grande contribuição do flautista e compositor francês para a sua arte, como sua preocupação didática em seu tratado, em seu manual, além de seu cuidado não usual de prover informações de execução em suas partituras; sua expressiva e repleta de licenças música de câmara; sua inventividade na reunião de dois estilos musicais setecentistas; e sua responsabilidade nas mudanças da técnica flautística da época. / The research for writing this dissertation, titled \"Taste and Licence? How to interpret the Jacques Martin Hotteterre - Le Romain (1674-1763) sonates on the recorder\", was meant to investigate whether a hybrid European instrumental music form - suite sonate [suitte sonate] by the eighteenth century composer - was a forerunner example of the genre we know as Reunited Styles. The objects studied herein have great importance, because they promoted a new musical style created in the eighteenth century, the German style. For such context, it was necessary to investigate the meanings of terms such as \'taste\', \'genius\', \'manner\', \'style\', and \'license\', related to the seventeenth century arts\' concept of imitation of nature, as per the theoretical fundaments by Charles Batteux (1713-1780). A theory about the course of the term \'taste\' is presented in this dissertation. Such transformation of that term can be found both in the creation of the musical work and in its execution - baroque music historically informed performance. For the aforementioned reasons, this dissertation assesses the appropriate elements necessary for a contemporary interpretation of an eighteenth century musical text. Thus, besides the theoretical and practical concepts, it will be possible to know the French composer and flautist\'s greatest contribution to his art: the didactic concerns in his treatise, in his practical guide, as well as having the unusual care to provide performance information in his scores; his chamber music, so expressive and filled with licenses; his resourcefulness when uniting two eighteenth century musical styles and his part in the flute technique changes in that time

A estrutura sintática das chamadas construções resultativas em PB / The syntactic structure of the so-called BP resultative constructions

Julio William Curvelo Barbosa 10 July 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, retomaremos a questão sobre a existência de construções resultativas no português brasileiro (PB), conforme debatido nos trabalhos de Foltran (1999), Marcelino (2000), e Lobato (2004), inter alia, apresentando evidências teóricas e empíricas contra a afirmação de que existam em PB construções resultativas sintaticamente ou semanticamente equivalentes às construções resultativas presentes em línguas como o inglês, por exemplo. A partir de alguns trabalhos sobre as construções resultativas do inglês, como Hoekstra (1988) e Levin & Rappaport-Hovav (1995), mostraremos que as propriedades básicas dessas construções no inglês se mostram bem distintas das propriedades das construções citadas pelos trabalhos sobre o PB. Com base em um critério que leva em conta as propriedades das construções resultativas no inglês, mostraremos que existe uma diferença semântica quanto ao tipo de modificação que o predicado resultativo exerce sobre a sentença em inglês e em PB, baseados na semântica de eventos neo-Davidsoniana (PARSONS, 1990); enquanto na primeira o predicado resultativo denota o estado resultante da ação, na segunda, o predicado secundário é, na verdade, um modificador do estado resultante, já denotado pelo conteúdo semântico expresso no complexo verbo+argumento interno. Baseados na tipologia de Talmy (2000), estenderemos sua proposta de impossibilidade de amálgama (conflation) de certos elementos semânticos ao verbo em línguas românicas à impossibilidade de formação de resultativas. Incapaz de realizar amálgama de modo ao verbo, o PB realiza, ao invés do modo, a semântica de causa amalgamada ao co-evento no verbo, enquanto inglês realiza a semântica de estado resultante em um satélite, e modo e causa amalgamados ao verbo. A partir dos resultados obtidos pela nossa análise semântica, conduziremos uma análise sintática que explica tanto a restrição de amálgama de modo quanto à impossibilidade de formação de construções resultativas em PB. Baseados na teoria de estrutura argumental de Hale & Keyser (1993, 2002), iremos propor uma estrutura de predicados complexos para as resultativas do inglês a partir da estrutura de verbos deadjetivais, responsáveis pela formação de verbos inacusativos. A restrição de formação desses predicados complexos em PB é explicada pela marcação negativa do Parâmetro de Composicionalidade nessa língua, (SNYDER, 1995), impedindo a inserção de itens lexicais de classe aberta (raízes) em posições marcadas com o traço [+Afixal], condição sine qua non para a formação de predicados resultativos como os do inglês. / In this work, we take up again the discussion of whether resultative constructions exist in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), as discussed in the works of Foltran (1999), Marcelino (2000) and Lobato (2004), inter alia, presenting theoretical and empirical evidence against the claim that there are resultative constructions in BP that are syntactically or semantically equivalent to resultative constructions from languages such as English, for instance. Based on works about Englishs resultative construction such as Hoekstra (1988) and Levin & Rappaport-Hovav (1995), we show that the basic properties of these constructions in English are quite distinct from the properties of the constructions mentioned by the works about BP. With a criterion which takes on the properties of resultative constructions in English, we show that there is semantic difference as for the type of modification applied by the resultative predicate over the sentence when comparing English and BP, considering the neo- Davidsonian event semantics (PARSONS, 1990); while Englishs resultative predicate denotes the actions resultant state, in BP the secondary predicate is, in fact, the modifier of the resultant state already denoted by the semantic content expressed by the complex verb+internal argument. Based on Talmys (2000) typology, we relate his proposal of impossibility of conflation of certain semantic elements to the verb in romance languages to the impossibility of resultative construction formation in these languages. Unable to conflate manner to the verb, BP realizes, instead of manner, the cause semantics conflated to the verbs co-event, while English realizes the resultant state on a satellite, and manner and cause are conflated into the verb. From the results obtained with our semantic analysis, we conduct a syntactic analysis that explains the manner conflation restriction in BP, as well as its inability to form resultative constructions. Based on the argument structure theory from Hale & Keyser (2002), we suggest a complex predicate structure for Englishs resultatives from the deadjectival verb structures, responsible for the formation of the unaccusative verbs. The restriction over the formation of these predicates in BP is explained by the negative setting of the Compounding Parameter in this language (SNYDER, 1995), thus not allowing the insertion of open-class lexical items (roots) into positions marked with the [+Afixal] feature, a sine qua non condition for the resultative predicate formation, such as Englishs resultative predicates.

晚明世說體著作研究 / A Study of the Late Ming Shih-shuo Form

官廷森, Kuan, T'ing-sen Unknown Date (has links)
《世說新語》在晚明時期(嘉靖至清初)造成空前之盛況,受到士人相當的重視與喜愛。就目前所知而言,單是《世說新語》原作的刻本,便至少有十八種。而《世說新語》之續作、仿作(世說體著作),更高達三十餘部之多;其中《世說新語補》一書,又有九種以上不同的版本。此外,嘗對《世說新語》原作、續作、仿作進行注釋、評點者,亦有十三家左右。至於為其撰作序、跋的文人,更是不勝枚舉、無從計數,甚至有一人撰作兩篇者。如此之盛況,乃歷代所絕無僅有。由此可知,《世說新語》在晚明確實扮演著相當重要的角色。   所謂季世,大抵均有若干類似之時代現象與特質。惟魏晉與晚明二者,實有更多相通之處。晚明文人便已自覺此點,如王宇〈清紀序〉論季世,即獨舉漢末魏晉與晚明對映。而晚明世說體著作乃至清言小品之蔚盛,更證明魏晉與晚明之關聯。因此,若以《世說新語》與魏晉時期的部分特質,觀照晚明之文學、思想、文化等現象,當不無所得。則晚明世說體著作,實頗值得吾人注意。 然而,現今對晚明時期的探討,不論是文學理論或士人風氣,皆鮮少觸及晚明世說體著作。晚明性靈思潮之興起,固與王陽明心學(王學泰州學派)之啟發及前、後七子擬古風氣之刺激有關,然其為何以此種面貌呈現?晚明文人為何以率真任性為處世準則?他們心中的理想人物典型又是哪些?而「清言」作品何以大盛於晚明?凡此問題,皆可自晚明世說體著作獲得啟發。事實上,晚明時期大量世說體著作的出現,即意味著《世說新語》與魏晉名士對當日文人而言,確實有特殊之意義。魏晉對晚明的影響,不僅是在文學審美興趣方面,士人思想風尚方面的影響,恐怕才是更為重大的。 在研究方向上,本文著重於魏晉與晚明彼此關係之探討,透過《世說新語》與晚明世說體著作的對照、比較,呈顯出晚明世說體著作的特色,並進一步反映出晚明時期之士人風尚與文學興趣。本文第二章探討晚明世說體著作之興起背景與原因;第三章分析晚明世說體著作之形式體制;第四章則自德行、言語、政事、文學、聰慧、賢媛等向度,論述晚明思想風尚及文學現象。希冀藉由對晚明世說體著作的研究,能發掘出其於晚明文學、思想、文化史中的意義與價值,並進而對整個晚明學術思潮、士人風尚及文學理論,有更為深刻的了解與掌握。 第一章 緒言 1 第二章 晚明世說體著作之興起 7 第一節 魏晉風流之企羨 7 第二節 短文小說之好尚 10 第三節 知名文士之推動 12 第三章 晚明世說體著作之體制 17 第一節 門類篇目 20 第二節 注文、小序、按語 27 第四章 晚明世說體著作之內容 47 第一節 德行 48 一、道德教化之編撰理念 54 二、細大不捐之選材標準 58 第二節 言語 68 一、清 71 (一)清之內涵 72 1、清與汙濁 72 2、清與雅俗 76 3、清與玄虛 81 4、清與風流 83 (二)晚明之清 88 1、名士風流之清 92 2、山林隱逸之清 97 (三)晚明世說體著作與晚明清言之關係 100 1、清言名義 101 2、清言形式 102 二、韻 112 (一)以疵為美 115 (二)多情率真 119 (三)任達放誕 123 (四)嗜酒耽色 127 第三節 政事 135 一、廣任才智之士 138 二、措意民生經濟 148 三、加強國防邊政 158 第四節 文學 160 一、文學詞章 162 (一)詞義兼備、文質彬彬 162 (二)文發於意見、詩本乎性情 164 (三)嚮慕魏晉詩文風韻 167 (四)推尊白居易、蘇軾 169 二、玄學佛理 172 三、博學多識 179 第五節 智慧 185 一、智 185 二、慧 196 第六節 賢媛 202 第五章 結語 213 參考書目 225 / During the Late Ming, the New Account of Tales of the World (Shih-shuo hsin yu) reached unprecedented heights in popularity; it was held in highest esteem by the era's scholars. Based on what we know now, there were at least 18 versions of the original printed edition of New Account of Tales of the World . Supplements and imitations of it numbered more than 30; among them, Addendum to New Account of Tales of the World had more than 9 different editions. Further, in comparisons of the original, supplements, and imitations, we find there are about 13 commentators and annotators. The number of scholars who wrote prefaces and colophons is too great to cite; in fact there was even one who wrote two. Such a profusion of interest was rare in the history of Chinese literature and it is because of this fact we can see what an important role New Account of Tales of the World played in the Late Ming. This paper focuses on a study of the interrelation between the Wei Chin period and the Late Ming. By comparing and contrasting New Account of Tales of the World with the Late Ming Shih-shuo form, unique characteristics of the latter are revealed as well as the tastes and literary interests of Late Ming scholars. Chapter 2 explores the background and causes for the rise in the Late Ming Shih-shuo form. Chapter 3 analyzes the structure and style of Late Ming Shih-shuo form. Chapter 4 discusses Late Ming trends in thought and literary imagery from several points of view: moral conduct, language, politics, literature, etc. Through this research, the author hopes to flesh out the significance and value of Late Ming Shih-shuo form on the literature, thought, and culture of that era and also gain a deeper understanding of Late Ming academic trends, scholar's proclivities, and literary theory. Chapter One: Introduction p. 1 Chapter Two: The Rise of Late Ming Shih-shuo Form p. 7 Part One: Admiration of the Wei Chin Style p. 7 Part Two: Affection for Short Stories p. 10 Part Three: Promotion by Famous Scholars p. 12 Chapter Three: The Structure of the Late Ming Shih-shuo Form p. 17 Part One: Categories of Titles p. 20 Part Two: Annotations, "Little" Prefaces, and Editorial Comments p.27 Chapter Four: Content of the Late Ming Shih-shuo Form p. 47 Part One: Moral Conduct p. 48 Section One: Theory of Compositions of Ethical Instruction p. 54 Section Two: The "Nothing Too Large or Small" Standard of Selecting Material p. 58 Part Two: Language p. 68 Section One: Purity p. 71 a. The Meaning of Purity p. 72 1. The Pure and The Polluted p. 72 2. The Pure and The Refined and Vulgar p. 76 3. The Pure and The Mysterious p. 81 4. The Pure and Matters of Style p. 83 b. The Late Ming's "Purity" p. 88 1. The Purity of the Rich and Famous p. 92 2. The Purity of the Recluse p. 97 c. The Relationship Between the Late Ming Shih-shuo Form and the Pure Language of the Er p. 100 1. The Meaning of Pure Language p. 101 2. The Form of Pure Language p. 102 Section Two: Deportment p. 112 a. The Flawed As Beautiful p. 115 b. Great Emotion and Candor p. 119 c. Unrestrained and Rash p. 123 d. Indulgence in Wine and Women p. 127 Part Three: Political Matters p. 135 Section One: Broad Employment of Men of Intelligence p. 138 Section Two: Attentitiveness to the National Economy p. 148 Section Three: Strengthen National Defense in Border Adminstrations p. 158 Part Four: Literature p. 160 Section One: Literary Works p. 162 a. If the Words and Meaning are In Accord, the Literature's Quality Will Be Elegant p. 162 b. Prose Comes From Ideas, Poetry From Disposition p. 164 c. Admiration of Wei Chin Literature's Charms p.167 d. Promotion of Pai Chu-yi and Su Shih p. 169 Section Two: Metaphysics and Buddhism p. 172 Section Three: Erudition p. 179 Part Five: Perfect Wisdom p. 185 Section One: Knowledge p. 185 Section Two: Intelligence p. 196 Part Six: Talented Women p. 202 Chapter Five: Conclusion p. 213 Bibliography p.225

Preposition typology with manner of motion verbs in Spanish

Bassa Vanrell, Maria del Mar 25 March 2014 (has links)
Spanish, as a V(erb)-framed language (Talmy 1985), is expected to lexicalize the path of motion in the verb and manner in some satellite when it comes to the description of motion events. Nonetheless, it shows mixed properties (e.g. Aske 1989, Berman & Slobin 1994). All manner of motion verbs can take a path satellite introduced by the prepositions "hacia" and "hasta", and yet only some can take a path satellite introduced by the preposition "a." I claim that goal XPs introduced by "hasta" and "hacia" are adjuncts, whereas "a" is an argument marker. In order to capture the intermediacy of a verb’s ability to take a goal XP, I classify manner of motion verbs according to a three-way distinction that takes into account whether they encode path categorically, overwhelmingly, or only sometimes, and whether they lexically reject the notion of a goal. Finally, I posit verb coercion—under certain semantic and pragmatic conditions—of manner of motion verbs that strongly or categorically favor displacement in order to express a goal. These semantic/pragmatic influential factors are reduced to (i) degree of manner and (ii) degree of goal-orientedness. / text

Online visual merchandising : På e-handelssidor riktade mot den svenska marknaden / Online visual merchandising – Of web sites targeted at the Swedish market

Berggren, Matilda, Nordin, Klara January 2015 (has links)
År 2014, var kläder och skor två av de varukategorier som resulterade i flest transaktioner online, i Sverige. Till följd av att e-handeln växer, behöver företag inom modeindustrin utveckla sin visual merchandising online, så att den är lika effektiv som i fysiska butiker. De amerikanska forskarna Ha, Kwon och Lennon (2007) utvecklade i en studie en taxonomi där de undersökte visual merchandsing-element på den koreanska och amerikanska e-handelsmarknaden. Syftet med denna studie är att testa den taxonomi som Ha et al. (2007) utvecklade, på e-handelssidor riktade mot den svenska marknaden. Resultatet jämförs med den tidigare studien av Ha et al. (2007), följaktligen e-handelssidor på den koreanska och amerikanska marknaden. Detta utförs genom att undersöka om de visual merchandsing-element som Ha et al. (2007) identifierade återfinns på e-handelssidor riktade mot den svenska marknaden, samt om det finns nya visual merchandising-element som kan identifieras på e-handelssidor riktade mot den svenska marknaden. Som metod användes en innehållsanalys där online visual merchandsing-teman studerades på 50 e-handelssidor riktade mot den svenska marknaden. De teman, med underliggande element, som analyserades var navigering, e-handelsmiljön och produktpresentation. Utöver dessa teman lades ytterligare ett tema till, från en studie gjord av Park och Stoel (2002); information. Flertalet andra element observerades som inte fanns med i den tidigare taxonomin av Ha et al. (2007) och dessa adderades till studien. Resultatet visade att vissa av elementen inom online visual merchandsing på den svenska marknaden skiljde sig från de resultat Ha et al. (2007) presenterade i sin studie / In 2014, apparel and shoes was two of the product categories that resulted in most transactions online in Sweden. As a result of the growing interest in e-commerce, companies in the fashion industry needs to develop visual merchandising strategies that can function just as well online as the ones in physical stores. In a study made by the American researchers Ha, Kwon and Lennon (2007), a taxonomy was developed in order to examine visual merchandising elements of apparel retail websites in Korea and The US. The purpose of this study is to test the taxonomy created by Ha et al. (2007) on websites targeted at the Swedish market This will be done by addressing the questions at issue; to examine if the visual merchandising elements that Ha et al. (2007) identified can be found on the web sites in this study and to examine whether there are new elements to identify on the web sites targeted at the Swedish market. A content analysis was used to examine online visual merchandising-themes on 50 Swedish e-commerce sites. The themes analysed, with underlying elements, was environment, manner of presentation, path finding. In addition to these themes another one was added from a study made by Park and Stoel (2002), information. During the analysis several elements that was not included in the previous studies was discovered. These were also added to the taxonomy developed in this study. The findings of the study showed that some of the online visual merchandsing-elements differed on the Swedish market compared to previous studies. Also as mentioned, the taxonomy was further developed. This thesis will henceforth be written in Swedish.

Aspectos de la semántica de los adverbios de modo en español

Torner Castells, Sergi 02 May 2005 (has links)
En esta tesis se ahonda en el conocimiento que en la actualidad se posee sobre el significado de los adverbios en -mente del español. Se propone un análisis que explica los usos que puede tener un adverbio partiendo de sus propiedades semánticas. Con este fin, se analizan siete subclases de adverbios, de las que se seleccionan 84 unidades, con dos resultados principales: 1) se refinan las descripciones previas sobre el adverbio, que suelen basarse en extrapolaciones del comportamiento de las unidades prototípicas; y 2) se reconocen los rasgos semánticos característicos de cada grupo adverbial que explican el comportamiento de sus miembros. La principal novedad radica en que se analiza la vinculación entre la semántica adjetiva y la adverbial; en concreto, se examina la herencia por parte de los adverbios de la estructura argumental de sus bases adjetivas, así como el modo en que esta estructura argumental determina el uso adverbial. / This thesis is an in-depth study of the semantics of -mente adverbs in Spanish. With the goal of explaining the distribution of these adverbs on the basis of their semantic characteristics, 84 adverbs from seven subclasses were analysed, with two important results: 1) a refinement of the existing descriptions of these adverbs, largely thanks to the consideration of a wider array of data; and 2) a description of the semantic features that characterize each of the seven subclasses and predict their behavior. In particular, we get a clear picture of the relationship between the semantics of the base adjectives and the resulting adverbs, including aspects of meaning such as the inheritance of the argument structure of the adjectives by the corresponding adverbs, and the role argument structure plays in determining the adverbs' uses.

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