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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Underrättelsebataljonen - ett mångsidigt instrument / Underrättelsebataljonen - a versatile instrument

Rosö, Kaj January 2009 (has links)
Begreppet tempo har en central roll i dagens manöverkrigföring. En av förutsättningarna för ett högt tempo är underrättelser som ger chefer erforderligt beslutsunderlag. De förband och chefer som nyttjar manöverteorin i sin krigföring strävar ständigt att utveckla sin förmåga till väpnad strid enligt manöverteorin. Denna utveckling har exemplifierats i de båda Irakkrigen av den amerikanska armén. Men vad innebär manöverkrigföringens utveckling för underrättelseförbanden? Vilka krav ställer egentligen manövertänkande på inhämtningsförmågan? Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och identifiera en del av de krav som manöverkrigföring ställer på underrättelseinhämtningen.  Detta för att kunna belysa om det finns ett utvecklingsbehov inom ramen för underrättelsebataljonen. Denna uppsats är en komparativ studie. Den bygger på kvalitativ textanalys samt en analys av underrättelsebataljonens inhämtningsförmåga följt av en komparation av dessa två analyser. Resultatet visar att det är breda och komplicerade krav som manövertänkande ställer på inhämtningsförmågan. Förmågan att bidra till den gemensamma lägesbilden och egna förbands omvärldsuppfattning utpekas som en särskilt viktig förmåga. / The concept of tempo has a central role in today's manoeuvre warfare. One of the preconditions for a high tempo is intelligence that gives leaders the necessary information for decision-making. Units and leaders that use the manoeuvre theory in their warfare strives constantly to develop their ability to conduct armed combat according to the manoeuvre theory. This development has been illustrated in the two wars in Iraq, conducted by the American army. But what does the development of manoeuvre warfare really mean for the surveillance units? Which requirements do manoeuvre thinking actually sets on the ability to collect intelligence? The overall aim of the thesis is to examine and to identify a part of the requirements that manoeuvre warfare sets on the ability to collect intelligence. In order to shed some light on whether there is a need for development within the underrättelsebataljonen. This thesis is a comparative study. It is based on qualitative text analysis and an analysis of the underrättelsebataljonens ability to collect intelligence. Finally, a komparation of these two analyses are presented. The result indicates that manoeuvre thinking sets many complicated requirements at the ability to collect intelligence. The ability to contribute to the situation picture and the surrounding world view are an important ability that stands out as vital.

Bataljonsspaning : Ett verktyg i manöverkriget

Birath, Johan January 2009 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen har initierats av en upplevd känsla att spaningsförbanden i den svenska armén på senare tid har eftersatts vad gäller antal och hur de nyttjas. Från att ha funnits i stor mängd vid flertalet förband finn nu endast vissa bataljonsspaningsförband kvar. Hur dessa nyttjas kopplat till manöverbataljonernas strävan att tillämpa manövertänkande är också svårt att finna svar på i den litteratur som är aktuell i den svenska försvarsmakten. Mitt syfte med uppsatsen är att skapa en vetenskaplig text som redogör för hur bataljonsspaningen vid den luftburna bataljonen skulle kunna utnyttjas för att stödja bataljonen i dess strävan att lyckas med manöverkrigföring. Med min uppsats gör jag en ansats för att skapa en vetenskaplig text som svarar på frågan: Hur bör bataljonsspaningsplutonen nyttjas för att stödja bataljonen i dess genomförande av manöverkrigföring? För att svara på frågan använder jag mig i uppsatsen av en kvalitativ textanalys som jag i vissa fall kompletterar med intervjuer av inom området kunniga individer. Det resultat jag kommit fram till är tätt kopplat till hur bataljonen kan använda sig av bataljonsspaningsplutonen för att stödja det dynamiska beslutsfattandet i syfte att maximera möjligheten att tillskansa sig ett ledningsöverläge gentemot motståndaren. Till exempel vikten av att använda bataljonsspaningsplutonen på djupet mot bataljonens andrahands mål och beredduppgifter i syfte att möjliggöra ett högt stridstempo. / This essay discusses how the Swedish air assault battalion could use its recon platoon to maximise their efforts to achieve manoeuvre warfare. The purpose with this essay is to clarify how to use the recon platoon in an effective way and to bring up some thoughts about the need for a manual on how to use recon platoons in light infantry battalions. I have used literature that discusses the use of similar units to the air assault recon platoon and also literature that discusses how to lead a battalion in my efforts to clarify how the platoon should be used to support the battalions’ effort to achieve manoeuvre warfare. With help of the literature I have made a discussion and finally I came to some conclusions about how to use the battalions’ recon platoon in order to support the battalions´ effort to achieve manoeuvre warfare. For example one conclusion is the importance to use the recon platoon towards the battalions´ secondary objectives in order to gain a high tempo in operations.

Sjömineringar – Offensiva och defensiva angelägenheter

Sjöberg, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
The sea mine has shown that it is an effective weapon during numerous wars and conflicts over the course of history, including operations against the Japanese Empire during World War II and during the Korean War. Yet, despite its proven potency, the sea mine is often neglected or even forgotten. In order to better comprehend this phenomenon a better understanding of mine warfare is needed. When studying previous research into naval mine warfare, an absence of theoretical perspectives can be identified. The purpose of this study is to contribute to this scientific gap by approaching mine warfare from a theoretical perspective. Raoul Castex’ theories on strategic manoeuvre and offense versus defence, are used to develop an analytical instrument. Two cases are then analysed: the offensive mine laying campaign in Japan 1942-1945 and the defensive mine laying campaign in Korea 1950-1953.  The results show that the theory of strategic manoeuvre has greater explanatory value for the offensive case, while the theory of offense versus defence has an equally high explanatory value for the two cases with their diverse actors. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that a theoretical perspective enables greater scientific understanding of mine warfare and its internal factors.

Design considerations for LEO nanosatellite propulsion technologies

Macario Rojas, Alejandro January 2018 (has links)
In recent years the space industry has seen significant growth in numbers of sub 10kg satellite platforms now known more broadly in the industry as nanosatellites. Nanosatellites potential applicability is driven by flourishing technologies miniaturisation in the consumer electronics market and commercialisation of space. Currently nanosatellite mission operations are limited in both lifetime and manoeuvrability due to limitations in on board propulsion technologies. Further enhancement of mission operations relies on more effective integration of current reaction-mass-based propulsion technologies and further development of miniaturised propulsion systems. Paradoxically, the compact spacecraft size and mass that facilitate nanosatellite access to space is presently a drawback in terms of acceptable systems performance and propulsion systems capacity. Moreover characteristic power density and vulnerability to the space environment is already high in nanosatellites in contrast to major satellites, rendering the design, inclusion, and optimisation of propulsion technologies a challenging task. This thesis focuses on techniques to support mission planning and characterisation of propulsion technologies for nanosatellites. Acknowledging the outweighing significance of solar activity modulating space environment perturbations and particularly atmospheric drag, a robust solar forecast method is proposed to support lifetime estimations. Complementing the pivotal framework information for propulsion system design and management, the vulnerability to atmospheric drag is assessed to identify the profile of the current vaguely defined drag coefficient of standard nanosatellites. Finally, addressing a crucial task on emerging propulsion technologies for nanosatellite systems, a method to improve low thrust characterisation via in-orbit manoeuvres using standard elementary attitude determination resources is devised. The robust solar activity forecast is carried out using observed historic and reconstructed Sun’s polar magnetic field, to define the initial state of an up-to-date solar magnetohydrodynamics computational model; the method successfully reproduces recent solar cycles activity, anticipating moderate-to-low activity during the next 25th cycle. The identification of the drag coefficient profile in standard nanosatellites is enabled by the statistical assessment of observed orbital decay through an iterative fitting process of propagated orbits; the profile is physically consistent and descriptive mostly in orbits below 350km during moderate-to-high solar activity. Finally, the devised thrust characterisation method exploits the regular geometry and mass distribution of standard nanosatellites to identify low thrust actuation via actuated body angular rotation rates in an intermediate axis spinner; precise computer simulations show that it is possible to improve low thrust estimations from weak and noisy sensor signals using the proposed method against typical methods using body angular acceleration.

Estudo clínico da mecânica respiratória em equinos sob ventilação com volume controlado durante cirurgia artroscópica / Clinical study of respiratory mechanic in horses undergoing volume controlled ventilation during arthroscopic surgery

Felipe Silveira Rêgo Monteiro de Andrade 30 April 2015 (has links)
Sabe-se que a anestesia geral por si só já é capaz de causar substancial depressão cardiovascular e respiratória em equinos e tal característica pode ser potencializada ainda mais pelo posicionamento do paciente em decúbito dorsal e pela a administração de elevadas pressões intratorácicas durante as manobras de recrutamento utilizadas para reverter a hipoxemia. Sendo assim, o objetivo do atual estudo foi avaliar a mecânica respiratória e hemogasometria arterial após manobra de recrutamento alveolar e aplicação de PEEP para manutenção, em equinos ASA I e II submetidos à anestesia geral inalatória para cirurgia artroscópica, bem como qual o melhor valor da PEEP para manutenção do recrutamento alveolar. Para tanto foram utilizados 30 equinos, pesando em média 454 kg, submetidos a cirurgia artroscópica em decúbito dorsal, divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos, sendo eles: Controle; PEEP 7; PEEP 12; e PEEP 17. Os animais receberam xilazina (0,6 mg/kg) como MPA, seguida de indução anestésica (quetamina 2,2 mg/kg associado ao diazepam 0,05 mg/kg e EGG 10% 50 mg/kg) e anestesia inalatória com isofluorano. Os animais foram posicionados em decúbito dorsal e submetidos a ventilação com volume controlado (14ml/kg), FR de 7 mpm, relação I:E 1:3, PEEP 7 cmH2O e FiO2 de 0,7. Após período de instrumentação foi realizada MRA por titulação da PEEP a cada 5 minutos até alcançar PEEP de 22 cmH2O, sendo que os animais do grupo Controle não receberam MRA, apenas manutenção com PEEP de 7 cmH2O. Os animais dos outros grupos passaram pela MRA seguido de manutenção com suas PEEP de tratamento (7, 12 ou 17 cmH2O). Os parâmetros de mecânica respiratória e hemogasometria arterial foram avaliados imediatamente antes da MRA; e 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60 e 80 minutos após a MRA. Foram também avaliadas a FC, PAS, PAM e PAD, porcentagem de anestésico inalatório inspirado e expirado, ETCO2 e consumo de fármaco vasoativo. Os animais que receberam MRA apresentaram aumento na complacência estática e nos parâmetros de oxigenação após a manobra, nos animais do grupo PEEP 12 e 17 foi observada manutenção do incremento oriundo da MRA por pelo menos 80 minutos. Já os animais do grupo PEEP 7 apresentaram queda do incremento após 20 minutos da manobra, assim como o grupo Controle apresentou queda nos parâmetros de oxigenação e ventilação ao longo do tempo, ambos indicando uma provável fechamento pulmonar devido a PEEP insuficiente para manutenção dos alvéolos abertos. Não foram observadas alterações cardiovasculares nos animais do estudo, apenas leve taquicardia transitória no grupo PEEP 17 logo após a MRA. Portanto as PEEP de 12 e 17 cmH2O utilizadas após a MRA foram capazes de manter os alvéolos abertos, promovendo assim melhor trocas gasosas e o incremento na oxigenação e ventilação dos pacientes. Já os animais que receberam MRA e manutenção com PEEP de 7 cmH2O, foram capazes de manutenção dos alvéolos abertos por apenas 20 minutos / It is known that general anaesthesia by it’s self is capable of causing substantial cardiovascular and respiratory depression in horses and this characteristic can be enhanced even more by patient positioned in dorsal recumbence and the administration of high intrathoracic pressures during recruitment manoeuvres used to reverse hypoxemia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the respiratory mechanics and arterial blood gas analysis after recruitment manoeuvre and PEEP for maintenance, in horses ASA I and II undergoing general isoflurane-anaesthesia for arthroscopic surgery and what is the best value PEEP to maintain alveolar recruitment. Therefore, we used 30 horses, weighing on average 454 kg, which underwent arthroscopic surgery in the dorsal recumbence, randomly allocated into one of the 4 groups, as follows: Control; PEEP 7; PEEP 12; and PEEP 17. Animals received xylazine (0,6 mg/kg) as pre anaesthetic medication followed by anaesthesia induction (ketamine 2,2 mg/kg associated to diazepam 0,05 mg/kg and EGG 10% 50 mg/kg) and maintenance with isoflurane-anaesthesia. The animals were positioned in dorsal recumbence and submitted the volume-controlled ventilation (14ml/kg), RR: 7 mpm, I:E ratio 1:3, 7 cmH2O of PEEP and FiO2 0,7. After instrumentation period was performed RM by PEEP titration every 5 minutes until reach 22 cmH2O of PEEP, and the animals of control group did not receive RM, only maintenance with PEEP 7 cmH2O. The animals of other groups went through the RM followed by maintenance with their treatment PEEP (7, 12 or 17 cmH2O). The respiratory parameters and blood gas samples were assessed immediately before the RM; and 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60 and 80 minutes after the manoeuvre. We also assessed the HR, SAP, MAP and DAP, percentage of inhaled anaesthetic: inhaled and exhaled, ETCO2 and vasoactive drug consumption. Animals receiving RM showed an increase in static compliance and oxygenation parameters after the manoeuvre, maintenance of the increase coming from the RM were observed in animals from PEEP 12 and 17 group, for at least 80 minutes. The animals in PEEP 7 group decreased the increase after 20 minutes of manoeuvre and the control group decreased the parameters of oxygenation and ventilation over time, both indicating a probable pulmonary closure due to insufficient PEEP to maintain the alveoli opened. Cardiovascular changes were observed in the study animals, only mild transient tachycardia in PEEP 17group soon after RM. Therefore, the PEEP 12 and 17 cmH2O used after RM were able to keep the lung opened, thereby performing better gas exchange and the increase in the oxygenation and ventilation of patients. The animals receiving RM and maintenance PEEP 7 cmH2O were able to maintain the alveoli open for only 20 minutes

Komunikace změny ve výrobě ve vybrané firmě / Communicating changes in production in the selected company

Štěrbová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to analyse the current condition of technical facilities in order to plan expansion of production. Next goal is to analyse the motivation of workers to accept changes. The theoretical part defines coaching, force of habit and method GROW, which is used in coaching. In the practical part there are coaching interviews with chosen employees of the chosen company. On the basis of interviews it is shown how to remove potential barriers that hinder the smooth implementation of changes, and recommendations for introduction of changes are suggested.

Měření teploty brzdového kotouče za jízdy vozidla / Brake Disc Temperature Measurement on Moving Vehicle

Mužák, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
Subject of this diploma work is to complete preliminary report of possibilities and problems with brake disks monitoring on moving vehicle. A vital condition is to choose appropriate temperature sensor as well as assembling complete measuring set and it’s fastening to the vehicle. Temperature readings from driving tests, after specific brake maneuvers, will be evaluate and according to them a sensor will be determined as appropriate or inappropriate for this kind of tests.

La marge d'appréciation de l'Etat dans l'exécution des décisions de la Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme / State's margin of appreciation in the execution of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights

Ravaloson, Mahaliana 15 March 2019 (has links)
Conformément à l’article 46 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme, les États contractants s’engagent à se conformer aux arrêts définitifs de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. Il ressort toutefois de la jurisprudence de la Cour que ses décisions sont « déclaratoires pour l’essentiel » et que, par cela, une liberté de choix des moyens à utiliser pour s’acquitter de l’obligation d’exécuter la décision, est laissée à l’État défendeur. En tout état de cause, le sens de l’exécution des arrêts de la Cour demeurerait paradoxal s’il fallait s’arrêter à accepter à la fois que l’État doive exécuter la décision européenne tout en ayant le choix libre de la manière d’y parvenir. Un tel raccourci aurait en effet pour conséquence que les décisions de la Cour soient imparfaitement ou seulement partiellement exécutées dans la mesure où, d’une part, le but consistant à l’exécution de la décision est vaguement précisé et où, d’autre part, la liberté de choix est, quant à elle, expresse. La doctrine de la marge d’appréciation de l’État apporte ainsi une flexibilité nécessaire dans la délimitation des rôles de la Cour et ceux de l’État défendeur pour une meilleure exécution des décisions européennes. A cet effet, le double effet de la décision européenne n’a de sens que s’il est admis que l’État dispose, certes, d’une marge d’appréciation dans l’exécution de la décision de la Cour, mais que les limites de cette marge sont posées par la Cour elle-même, dans sa décision. Il faut dès lors systématiquement partir de la décision de la Cour qui doit préciser ce en quoi consiste l’exécution de celle-ci, et donc ce en quoi consiste la réparation de la violation de la Convention, afin de déterminer si la marge d’appréciation de l’État, au stade de l’exécution de la décision, est plutôt large ou plutôt étroite. La liberté du choix de l’État défendeur en matière des mesures à prendre pour exécuter la décision selon les attentes de la Cour, se rapportera ainsi à une gamme de choix prédéfinie dans le cadre de la décision, et ce, dépendamment de la nature de la violation de la Convention ou encore de la gravité des conséquences de telle violation. En somme, plus la gamme de choix de mesures étatiques est précise, plus il y a de chances que la décision soit mieux exécutée. L’essentiel du travail consiste donc à essayer d’identifier les critères de détermination de l’étendue de la marge d’appréciation de l’État dans l’exécution de la décision de la Cour. Cependant, un tel exercice ne peut être mené à bien sans tout d’abord définir la notion même de « marge d’appréciation » qui, même si elle a déjà été employée par la Cour et par une partie de la doctrine, n’a pas reçu une définition convaincante, ou encore, a souvent été indistinctement associée à la notion de « marge de manœuvre », au « principe de subsidiarité », ou même à la souveraineté, alors qu’elle ne saurait s’y confondre. / In accordance with Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the Contracting Parties undertake to abide by the final judgment of the European Court of Human Rights. It is however apparent from the Court’s case-law that its decisions are “essentially declaratory” and, by that, a freedom to choose the means to be used to fulfill the obligation to execute the decision is given to the respondent State. In any event, the sense of the execution of the Court’s decisions would remain paradoxical if we were to stop at accepting at the same time that a State must execute the European decision while having the free choice in the manner to achieve so. Such a shortcut would lead to a poor execution of the decisions of the Court in so far as, on one hand, the purpose of the enforcement of the decision is vaguely specified and, on the other hand, freedom of choice is expressly precise. The doctrine of the State's margin of appreciation thus gives the flexibility needed in delimiting the roles of the Court and those of the respondent State for the purpose of a better implementation of European decisions. To that end, the dual effect of the European decision only makes sense if it is accepted that the State indeed enjoys a margin of appreciation in the execution of the Court’s decision but that the limits of such margin are laid by the Court itself, in its decision. It is therefore necessary to systematically start from the decision of the Court which must specify what the expected execution is, and therefore what the compensation for the violation of the Convention should be, in order to determine whether the margin of appreciation of a State, at the stage of implementation of the decision, is rather broad or rather narrow. The freedom of choice of the respondent State as to the measures to be taken to implement the decision according to the expectations of the Court will thus relate to a range of choices predefined in the decision, depending on the nature of the violation of the Convention or the gravity of the consequences of such violation. In short, the more precise the ranges of choices of measures are, the more likely it is that the decision will be better executed. The essence of the work is therefore to try to identify the criteria for determining the extent of the State’s margin of appreciation in the execution of the Court’s decision. However, such an exercise cannot be carried out without first defining the very notion of “margin of appreciation” which, even if it has already been used by the Court and by a part of the doctrine, has not received a convincing definition, or has often been indistinctly associated with the notion of “margin of manoeuver”, the “principle of subsidiarity”, or even sovereignty, while it cannot be confused with them.

Development and Implementation of an Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Regarding Cricoid Pressure

Carson, William H., II January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Tillitsbaserad styrning i offentlig verksamhet utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv

Löthman, Camilla, Olofsson, Fredrica January 2020 (has links)
Ett allt mer kontrollerat arbetsliv innebär sämre förhållanden för arbetande individer. Detta skapar ett behov om att undersöka nya styrsätt vilka istället bör fokusera på tillit. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad en tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning har inneburit för medarbetare i deras arbetssituation. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med 10 respondenter. De intervjuades i cirka 30 minuter var. Studiens analys utfördes genom tematisering vilket resulterade i fyra huvudteman vilka är: Förändrad styrning och ledning, kvalitet framför kvantitet, samverkan mellan professioner samt arbetsvillkor och motivation. Studiens resultat visar att en styrning och ledning baserad på tillit har förändrat både kulturen och arbetsvillkoren på arbetsplatsen. Några huvudsakliga förändringar innebär för respondenterna goda resurser, mindre arbetsgrupper med delade professioner, ökat handlingsutrymme, delaktighet, öppenhet och kontinuitet i arbetet. Studiens resultat kan användas i framtida forskning för att visa hur en tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning kan bidra till en förbättrad arbetsmiljö och ökad motivation hos medarbetare.

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